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25 Intriguing Locations

Twenty-five Places of Wonder

Introduction: Tired of the same damp dungeons, misty bogs, and wooded road? Spice up the next
encounter with some exotic ambiance. Breathe life in to stale fights with dangerous, beautiful new
settings that immerse your players and encourage more roleplaying.

by Jeromy Schulz-Arnold

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Players Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Masters Guide, D&D Adventurers League, all other
Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. All characters and their distinctive likenesses are property of Wizards of
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Twenty-five Intriguing Locations
1. An abandoned water mill covered with moss.
2. A small clearing in the forest where someone has
constructed on open air theatre.
3. A small pond with an island in the center.
4. A sea cave filled with beautiful singing.
5. A windy steppe filled with human sized burrows.
6. A small orchard in the middle of a dense forest.
7. A man-made archipelago in a swamp that is a near
perfect map of the world.
8. A room in a dungeon with the complete geneology of
a dwarven clan etched into the walls, floors, and
9. A barge run aground on a sandbar that some fey
are now using as a castle.
10. A hot spring and someone has made benches out of
11. An abandoned village in a jungle canopy that is
made of tree-houses and rope bridges.
12. A field full of oddly shaped, glowing stones that hum
melodically when touched.
13. A small idyllic park next to a wide, slow moving riv-
14. A massive gnomish statue, hollow on the inside,
filled with rooms connected by stairs, ladders, slides,
15. An oasis that tarpans frequent quite commonly.
16. A rocky outcropping that overlooks a river valley
where young centaurs play.
17. An antechamber in a dungeon full of benign, bio-
luminescent creatures.
18. A room with a domed roof that has all the constel-
lations painted on the ceiling.
19. A niche carved into a mountain side, complete with
a stone bench and a fire pit.
20. An intersection of multiple ley lines causing a phos-
phorescent light show.
21. A ferry crossing with wharfs and boat houses on ei-
ther side.
22. A rope bridge made of spider webs and bones.
23. A flooded caldera containing a submerged tableaux
of life like crystal statues.
24. A waterfall into a pool of clear water where someone
has placed an eight person stone table and chairs.
25. A watch tower overlooking a series of canal locks.

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