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Automatic Rotating Cameras

Using IOT

In this paper, we have introduced a whole new idea of video
conferencing which has become increasingly widespread in the workplace.
Currently , recording an important meeting under usual circumstances a
person is hired to record the entire process of meeting, where issues of cost,
convenience and security arises. A camera can also be installed at the edge
of the conference room in order to capture all the employees and their
conversation on the screen. Both the process force people to face in the
direction of recording, which makes communication awkward.
We have designed a system, to be placed of the center of the table and uses
microphones to locate the speaker and turns the camera to face them so
that the emphasis is on the person currently speaking.

In real life, due to high-speed rotation of the ball fast and flexible, wide
range of zoom, so the application field is very broad, they involve areas including
buildings, transportation, public security, mining, environmental protection,
administrative organs, sports venues, universities and so most need to install
a surveillance camera in place.

Keywords: video conferencing, microphone, camera , communication,

recording, IOT.

In conventional video conferencing systems, a person is hired to record
the entire process and thus all the recording is done manually by controlling
the movement of the camera. This type of arrangement may not work
effectively in a conference room where a number of persons are talking at a
given time. Secondly, in the web conferencing many cameras are mounted
at fixed points thus forcing members of a conference to awkwardly facing
towards the cameras throughout the meeting. Additionally, those sitting at
the far end of the table are poorly captured on screen and thus it is not clear
who is speaking. We aim to provide a rotating camera or voice tracing
camera that will automatically track the speaker and points itself in that
direction, allowing employees to carry on the normal meeting as if it were
not even there. Since members of a meeting should be focused on the
person speaking, our design would be valuable to companies that frequently
use web conferencing. The concept will be accomplished using microphones
and determining the delays between their respective incoming sound

IOT is expected to enable mass participation of end users (individuals) on

mission critical services (energy, mobility, legal and democratic stability).
Smart objects are not only drivers for change in terms of content, and
applications. Given their ability to potentially change in function because
they can be digitally enhanced and "upgraded" they may acquire disruptive
potentiality that could lead to serious repercussions.

3. Automatic Rotating Cameras Using
3.1 Digital Camera
A camera which produces digital images that can be stored in a
computer and displayed on screen.

Size of storage card

(8, 16, 32, 64, 128,256)
File Size (number of pixels in the picture)

3.2 Rotating Camera

For our camera we decided to use a pre-built webcam. These are designed to be
used with computers and often have wide angle lenses, making them ideal for our
product. We chose the webcam that meets all our specifications. That could be VGA
camera or 1.3 megapixels. Both works with windows operating system. Finally the
weight of the camera lies well within the range that motor can bear. The camera sits
atop of the motors rotor and is connected to the computer through USB cable. This
allows our camera output to be verified.
360 degree camera rotation is achived using stepper motar and transmit live
The camera taken it in turns to do a particular speech signal
=> X-axis:- 360*

3.3 Micro phone
There are several different types of microphone: carbon, dynamic,
crystal, capacitive (electret). Carbon microphones were one of the first to be
invented and were used mainly in telephone applications. But they are very
noisy as the carbon granules rattle when the microphone is moved and this
type is being replaced by more advanced types. Dynamic
microphones are in wide use and their quality of reproduction is superb.
They are used in the recording industry for music and speech where high
fidelity is required. Basically they are exactly the same as a speaker, the only
difference being the size. But their only limitation is the very low output. The
internal structure is shown in figure 8.2. A paper cylinder, onto which fine
copper wire is wound, is connected to a membrane which moves under the
force of sound pressure created by the sound source. This coil is in a narrow
gap with a high magnetic field created by a permanent magnet.
When the coil moves in this magnetic field, it produces a voltage identical to
the sound causing the movement. Because of the low resistance
(impedance) of a dynamic microphone, it usually needs a transformer so it
can be connected to an amplifier (called a pre-amp). This transformer is
usually built into the microphone's case, but if is absent, it is necessary to
connect the microphone to a preamplifier with low input resistance.
A microphone, colloquially nicknamed mic or mike (/make/), is an
acoustic-to-electric transducer or sensor that converts sound into an
electrical signal.
Microphones are a type of transducer - a device which converts energy
from one form to another. Microphones convert acoustical energy (sound
waves) into electrical energy (the audio signal). Different types of
microphone have different ways of converting energy but they all share
one thing in common the diaphragm.


The Internet of Things is a vision of a cosmos in which most objects are related,
sending updates about their functioning so that the masses who apply them can do
things more intelligently. This vision is being made today, with connected devices
becoming more and more frequent in our everyday lives. The basic concept behind
the Internet of Things is that virtually every physical thing in this globe can also
become a computer that is linked to the Internet.

Cloud computing is the condition used for the delivery of hosted services on the
net. Cloud computing helps us to use any resources as a utility instead of creating
and maintaining their own resources. It provides many advantages for end users.
Cloud computing enables convenient access to a shared pool of computing
resources. Cloud computing also enables storage solutions which provide many
users and businesses to log their data and resources on a network. Cloud computing
doesn't only allocate resources to share users it also reallocates the same resources
to other users as per need. This maximizes the usage of cloud. The resources
logged on the cloud can be retrieved or used using web based devices instead of
owning a direct link to the host. As long as the user owns a web connection cloud
computing allows access to all the resources in the swarm.
The connection of physical objects or things with electronics, software
programming, sensor circuits, and enabling the connectivity for exchanging data
between the manufacturer or operating personnel or connected devices is called as
Internet of Things or shortly termed as IOT. With the progress in technology, the
efficiency, accuracy, ease of practicing various methods such as remote patient
health monitoring system, home automation, the energy meter reading system
over the internet, environment monitoring and so on has been improved.

3.4.1 Introduction to IoT

Wireless communications, dominant in consumer electronics for some time now, is
quickly making its way into the industrial Internet of Things (IoT). Developers of
industrial systems, once freed from the restrictions of cables, are discovering new
ways to increase efficiencies and productivity, cut costs and better control
processes and equipment. In fact, the only limit on industrial wireless applications
appears to be the imagination of developers.
Enabled by ultra-low power sensors and wireless communications
devices, as well as highly integrated microcontrollers (MCUs), the IoT is quickly
spreading throughout traditional industrial markets like factory and building
automation, the energy infrastructure, smart lighting, as well as non-industrial

markets such as automotive, retail, health care and others. In many cases, new
wireless applications interoperate and enhance the established wired systems,
providing value-added capabilities that ride the air waves instead of the wires. For
instance, what had been a complex human/machine interface (HMI) can now run as
a convenient app on a smartphone or tablet in the wireless industrial IoT. Moreover,
tapping into powerful cloud-based analytics in real time adds another dimension to
the sophistication of industrial applications
3.4.2 Characteristics of IoT
On-Demand Self Service
which means its there when you need it. Cloud Computing resources are web-based
service that can be accessed by the user or yourself without any helping or
permission from other people, simply needs the communication within internet
because the internet is everything in the universe.
Broad Network Access
which means a lot of connectivity options. Cloud computing resources can be
accessed through a device that can access the web or cause internet connection
such as tablets, mobile devices and laptops. With the aid of IoT, cloud computing
can be access to many devices that have net access and will construct the user
easier to access to the devices that they mostly likes. Without helping of IoT, cloud
computing cant be accessed and not function, thats why a network is important
Resource Pooling
which means it can be shared for those who knows the resources address.
Resource pooling will make the people who know the address access anytime and
anywhere as they want. It can cause the user become easier to access what they
want and when they have a free time to access. In IoT context, humans could easily
assign an IP address to every "thing" on the planet as they want like computing the
IP address accessing.
Rapid Elasticity
which means that you find what you require. This cloud computing is freedom to
suit with what you need. You can be easily and quickly to edit your software features
and to add or remove user inside your cloud computing. This characteristic will
empower IoT by providing elastic computing power, storage and networking.
Measured Service,
which means that you acquire what you pay for. This cloud computing will measure
your usage about their service such as storage, processing, bandwidth and active
user accounts inside your cloud computing. The meter will increase as how much
your usage. Many times you use, the higher value of money should you compensate
for it. This system is called as Pay Per Use (PPU). In IoT context refers to the ever-
developing network of physical objects that feature an IP destination for internet
connectivity, and the communication that takes place between these objects and
other Internet-enabled devices and systems needs to be paid as we compensate to
beat the net connection.
Cloud computing, as set by the National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST) is A model for enabling convenient, on-demand network access to a shared
pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage,
applications and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with
minimal management effort or service provider interaction.
In Machine to Machine (M2M) applications, the ability to remotely monitor, gather,
store and visualize data is paramount. Clients today have the choice to build their

own backend server system and associated software elements, or look up for a
cloud-based system where much of the solution has been supplied. Which option is
best depends on many factors, including core competency, complexity, capital
investment, time to market and more.

3.4.3 Why would the cloud be a big deal beyond the IT

The cloud offers a way for companies to pursue opportunities quickly and cost
effectively. Before cloud services, software developers had to grow or buy,
configure, and preserve their own hosts and software applications. These activities
can be outside the core competency of an OEM and distract from the core work of a
companionship. The cloud offers the ability to deploy a cloud based solution easily
and quickly with slight to no capital expenditure accelerating time to market.
Description Of Cloud Computing
Cloud computing is a comparatively young discipline in large scale distributed
computing. It is found along the thought of utilizing computational resource in the
net for a certain purpose (Dikaiakos et al., 2009). Nevertheless, this concept can be
applied to other large scale computing areas such as Grid Computing. In that sense,
there is a lack of cohesiveness between the different definitions of Cloud
Computing, and what makes it dissimilar from other programs such as the Grid. For
instance, it is delineated as a dependable, customized and QoS guaranteed
dynamic computing environments provider, whereas in (Foster et al., 2008) it says
that it is based on a the delivery of a poolof abstracted, virtualized, dynamically
scalable, managed computing power, storage, platforms, and services.
The Internet of Things (IOT) is the network of physical objects
devices, vehicles, buildings and other items embedded with
electronics, software, sensors, and network connectivitythat enables
these objects to collect and exchange data.
3.4.4 The IOT Market
As of 2013, 9.1 billion IOT units
Expected to grow to 28.1 billion IOT devices by 2020
Revenue growth from $1.9 trillion in 2013 to $7.1 trillion in 2020

3.4.5 Private Cloud
Private clouds are built exclusively for a single initiative. They aspire to address
concerns on data security and offer greater control, which is typically lacking in a
public cloud.
There are two variations to a private cloud:
On-premise Private Cloud:
On-premise private clouds, too recognized as internal clouds are hosted within the
ones own data center. This example supplies a more standardized process and
security, but is limited in aspects of size and scalability. IT departments would also
need to incur the capital and operational costs for the physical resources. This is
best suited for applications which need complete control and configurability of the
infrastructure and security.
Externally hosted Private Cloud:
This type of private cloud is hosted externally with a cloud provider, where the
provider facilitates an exclusive cloud environment with full guarantee of privacy.
This is best suited for enterprises that dont prefer a public cloud due to sharing of
physical resources.
Hybrid Cloud
Hybrid Clouds combine both public and private cloud models. With a Hybrid Cloud,
service providers can use 3rd party Cloud Providers in a full or partial manner thus
increasing the flexibility of computing. The Hybrid cloud environment is capable of
offering on demand, externally provisioned scale. The ability to augment a private
cloud with the resources of a public cloud can be practiced to handle any
unexpected surges in work load.
Reduced Cost
There are a number of reasons to attribute Cloud technology with lower costs. The
billing model is pay as per usage; the base is not purchased thus lowering
maintenance. Initial expense and recurring expenses are much more down than
traditional computing.

Increased Storage
With the massive Infrastructure that is offered by Clou
d providers today, storage & maintenance of large volumes of data are a reality.
Sudden workload spikes are also managed effectively & efficiently, since the cloud
can scale dynamically.
This is an extremely important feature. With enterprises having to adapt, even more
rapidly, to changing business conditions, speed to deliver is critical. Stresses of
making applications to market very quickly, by utilizing the most appropriate
building blocks necessary for deployment.
Connectivity To The Cloud
At some point, most industrial wireless IoT networks usually interface with the cloud
and/or traditional industrial wired networks. Cloud connectivity has many
advantages, but the first issue to address is where in the local IoT will this
connectivity be implemented. Most likely, the IoT will connect to the cloud through
one of its upper levels, such as a server or gateway. The gateway or server would
aggregate cloud communications from other nodes and transmit over the cloud.
Some industrial IoT implementations will access the cloud in order to connect with
cloud-based strategic partners, like IBM, PTC or other third-party firms that offer
application-specific analytics, specialized processing and other services that are
sometimes required.
Wi-Fi is trademarked name for popular wireless technology that
uses radio waves to provide high-speed Internet and network
Made for Interoperability and Many Public Locales Support
Can reach over 50km in range and have a maximum throughput of
70 Mbps.

a device which detects or measures a physical property and
records, indicates, or otherwise responds to it.
PIR SENSOR ( passive infrared sensor )
IT is an electronic sensor that measures infrared (IR) light
radiating from objects in its field of view. They are most often used
in PIR-based motion detectors.
Sound Detection Sensor This module allows you to detect
when sound has exceeded a set point you select.
Sound is detected via a microphone and fed into Rotation

3.6 Block Diagram

3.6 A typical Video &Audio Processing sequence

A typical Video &



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