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Shoulder joint - it is an articulation bet humerus &

scapula & also known as glenohumeral articulation

Type - synovial
Subtype - ball & socket i.e. multi axial
Bones taking part -
1. Head of humerus
2. Glenoid cavity of scapula
Articular surfaces
1. In humerus- head of humerus forming ball
2. Glenoid cavity - forming shallow cavity it is
small as compare to head but deepened by
glenoid labrum attached to peripheral margin
Articular capsule - it consist of two parts
1. Fibrous capsule
2. Synovial membrane
Fibrous capsule – it is fibrous envelop of joint
Attachment -
1. At the scapula - margins of glenoid cavity &
encloses the origin of long head of biceps
2. At the humerus - anatomical neck of
Texture - 3 L lean lax loose
Characteristics -
1. Weakest part - its lower & medial part due
to long head of triceps
2. Deficiencies - above at intertubercular
sulcus due to long head of biceps
3. Factor gives strength to capsule
Accessory ligament
1. Coracohumeral lig – it is thick band coracoids
process to neck of humerus it prevent lateral
rotation & abduction
2. Transverse humeral- bridges bet greater &
lesser tuberosity
3. Glenoidal labrum – it is fibrocartilagenous
rim it deepens the glenoid cavity
4. Glenohumeral lig
Muscles surrounding joint
1. Above - supraspinatus
2. Behind - infraspinatus & teres minor
3. In front - subscapularis
4. Below - long head of triceps
All muscles except triceps are closely attached to
capsule forming musculotendenous cuff
Synovial membrane -It lines inner surface of
fibrous capsule
1. Glenohumeral lig - it is thick band it has
three parts
Superior band attached to upper end of lesser
Middle band is attached to lower end of lesser
Inferior band is attached to lower part of
anatomical neck
Relation -
Superiorly – coracoacromial arch
Subacromial bursa
Inferiorly – long head of triceps
Anteriorly – subscapularis
Short head of biceps
Posteriorly – deltoid
Teres minor
Long head of biceps
Movements –
Flexion - anterior fibers of deltoid
clavicular fibers of pect
Extension - posterior fibers of deltoid
Latissimus dorsi
Abduction - 1- 15 supraspinatus
15- 90 middle fibers of deltoid
90- 120 serratus anterior
Adduction - sternal fibers of pect major
Latissimus dorsi
Medial rotation - lady soldiers & majors
Latissimus dorsi
Anterior fibers of deltoid
Two majors
Lateral rotation - tip
Teres minor
Post fibers of deltoid
Blood supply - anterior circumflex humeral artery
Posterior circumflex humeral artery
Sub scapular
All Branches of axillary artery
Suprascapular artery –thyrocervical
trunk – 1st part
subclavian artery
Nerve supply - axillary musculocuteneous &
Applied anatomy
1. Dislocation is common due to
disproportionate articular surfaces
2. Laxity of capsule
3. It is usually occurred when arm is forcefully
4. Frozen shoulder - due to adhesion between
rotator cuff & head of humerus
5. Shoulder tip pain - irritation of diaphragm
causes referred pain to the shoulder tip since
the root value of phrenic nerve supplying
diaphragm & suprascapular are same i.e. C3

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