AI INTA212 W1A2 Project Packet

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INTA212 Residential

Design I

Project Description: You have been hired by a client to work on the interior design of a building that has
recently undergone an exterior faade restoration. Each building is located on the Main Street of an
urban neighborhood. The buildings are mixed-use; a small business is located at street level and
residential space occupies the upper levels. You will not be responsible for any design work associated
with the business on the first floor of the building.

A picture of the exterior faade and interior plans of the building have been provided for you to get
started. The staircases, kitchen and bathrooms have been provided and MUST remain in their original
locations. You may not move the stair cases or the kitchen and bathroom fixtures and cabinetry. You will
be responsible for locating new interior walls and doors and sufficient storage for your client. Using the
client profile you have been assigned, you will educate yourself in the historic features and context of the
building as well as the clients style preference. Throughout the course, you will work to provide a viable
design solution that integrates architectural history and historical furnishings while addressing the clients
needs. You will space plan the entire residence for your client, then work to further develop the design for
the following spaces: living room, master bedroom and either the dining area or home office. Each week
you will have new information and details that will include individual assignment expectations and
deadlines. You must incorporate changes and corrections each week in preparation for submitting
the completed final project by the end of Week 6.

Definition of Building Types:

A single family detached home is a free-standing residential building. The building is usually
occupied by just one household or family. A detached home means that the building does not
share an inside wall with any other house or dwelling.
A multi-unit dwelling is a type of housing where multiple separate housing units for residential
occupants are contained within one building or several buildings within one complex. A common
form is an apartment building.
A mixed-use building is the type of building you will be working with for this. This type of
building shares a common interior wall with an adjacent building and blends a combination of
residential, commercial, cultural, institutional, or industrial uses. Mixed-use buildings provide:
greater housing variety and density, more affordable housing (smaller units), life-cycle
housing (starter homes to larger homes to senior housing)
reduced distances between housing, workplaces, retail businesses, and other amenities
and destinations
better access to fresh, healthy foods (as food retail and farmers markets can be
accessed on foot/bike or by transit)
more compact development, land-use synergy (e.g. residents provide customers for retail
which provide amenities for residents)
stronger neighborhood character, sense of place
walkable, bike-able neighborhoods, increased accessibility via transit, both resulting
in reduced transportation costs
Neighborhood Background: The project in this course will be part of a Main Street Revitalization effort
in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Main Streets are the traditional center for social, cultural, and economic
activity for their communities. They are the core of the community. Main Streets can tell us who we are
and who we were, and how the past has shaped us. The architecture found in this Pittsburgh
neighborhood dates from 1870-1910. Many buildings have been or are in the process of being restored
or renovated to pay homage to the buildings architectural history on the exterior. Residents are drawn to
this area due to the diversity of people, abundance of retail shops and restaurants and the ability to walk
and bike to their favorite locations.

Example of mixeduse buildings on a Main Street

Building 1: 1302 Main St.

Exterior Faade: Art Studio on first floor and Residential Space above
Building 2: 1509 Main St.

Exterior Faade: Coffee shop on first floor and Residential Space above
Building 3: 1702 Main St.

Exterior Faade: Law Office on first floor and Residential Space above
Building 4: 2010 Main St.

Exterior Faade: Bistro on first floor and Residential Space above

The duration of the course will be focused on one residential project. At the end of 5
weeks you will have completed the following project deliverables:

Project Notebook:
client profile and historic style research
adjacency matrix
concept statement and color scheme
all schematic plans/process drawings
study model
codes analysis
FF&E Specifications

Construction Drawings:
floor/finish plan
furniture plan
custom cabinetry drawings

Presentation Boards:
1) 11x17 board of living room
2) 11x17 board of master bedroom
3) 11x17 board of (office or dining area)

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