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It is muscular organ helps in speech swallowing &

It has 2 surfaces 2 borders apex & base
Base - it is attach to the oropharynx & epiglottis
Apex - it is free & lies against incisior teeth
Two lateral borders – separating two surfaces
Superior surface - divided in to two parts by
sulcus terminalis anterior 2/3rd –it is rough due to
papillae & posterior 1/3rd it shows lingual tonsil
Inferior surface - it shows mid line fold of mucus
membrane called as frenulum at the lower end on
either side there is sublingual papillae it receives
submandibular duct
Muscles of tongue – two types extrinsic & intrinsic
1. Genioglossus - originates from genial
tubercle of mandible & inserted in tip of
Nerve - hypoglossal
Action - protusion of tongue
2. Hyoglossus
Origin - from hyoid bone
Insertion - side of tongue
Nerve - hypoglossal
Action - depression of tongue
3. Styliglossus
Origin - from styloid process
Insertion - posterior part of tongue
Nerve - hypo
Action - retraction of tongue
Intrinsic muscles of tongue
1. Superior longitudinal –it lies along superior
2. Inferior longitudinal - along inferior surface
3. Verticalis
4. Transverses
These muscles are present under mucus
membrane of tongue all are supplied by
hypoglossal nerve
Action - they changes the shape of tongue
Lymphatic drainage
1. Tip of tongue drains in to submental
2. Body of tongue drains in to submandibular &
jugulo-diagastric node
3. Posterior 1/3rd drains in to retro-pharyngeal
Nerve supply - it is divided in to two parts
Anterior 2/3rd & posterior 1/3rd
Tongue Anterior 2/3rd Posterior 1/3rd
Sensory Lingual 9th
Taste fibres Chord tympani 9th
Motor supply – all muscles are supplied by
hypoglossal except palatoglossus it is supplied by
pharyngeal plexus
Palatoglossus - it is extrinsic muscle
Origin –palatine aponeurosis
Insertion - superior part of tongue
Nerve - pharyngeal plexus
Action - elevation of tongue
It forms boundary of tonsillar fossa
Histology - it is lined by stratified squamous
epithelium on
The dorsum of tongue epithelium is specilised to
form papillae there are three types of papillae
1. Filiform - these papillae are pointed
2. Fungiform – rounded
3. Vallate - large taste buds are present in the
wall of papillae
Under epithelium intrinsic muscle forms bulk of
tongue they are longitudinal ,verticalis ,transverse
Lymphoid follicles are also present they may raised
above surface forming lingual tonsil
Seromucus glands are present which keeps the
tongue moist
Development of tongue
1. The epithelium of anterior 2/3rd is formed by
endoderm of 1st & 2nd pouch
Two lingual swelling appears in 1st pouch in
the mid line
Medial tuberculum impar develops from 2nd
pouch & fuses in lingual swelling tuberculum
impar remains as a foramen caecum
2. Epithelium of posterior 1/3rd develops from
proximal part of hypobranchial eminence
3. Epithelium of root of tongue develops from
distal part hypobarnchial eminence
4. Eminence is formed fusion of 3rd 4th pouch
5. Muscles of tongue develops from occipital
myotomes ie mesoderm
Applied anatomy
1. Tongue tie –short frenulum causes difficulty
in speech
2. Micro glossia - small tongue
3. Macroglossia - tapering speech large tongue
4. Bifid tongue
5. Glossitis –oral ulcer or ulcers of mouth
6. Ca of tongue –causes excessive salivation
7. Diagnostic use of tongue

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