Rectum: Course & Features - The Rectum Lies in The Median

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It is distal part of large gut

Situation = in the posterior part of lesser pelvic in
front of lower 3 pieces of sacrum & coccyx
It begins as a continuation of sigmoid colon at the
level o S3
It ends by becoming continuous with anal canal
Length – 12 cm
External features
Course & features – the rectum lies in the median
plane at the beginning & at the end it shows two
types of curvatures
a) Two anteroposterior curvatures
1. Sacral flexure of rectum follows the concavity
of sacrum & coccyx
2. Perineal flexure of the rectum is the
backward bend at the anorectal junction
b) Three lateral curves
1. Upper lateral curve is convex towards the Rt
2. Middle lateral curve is convex to the Lt &
more prominent
3. Lower lateral curve is convex to the Rt
1. In upper 1/3rd peritoneum covers the anterior
& lateral aspect
2. In middle it covers only anterior part
3. In lower 1/3rd there is no peritoneum
Visceral relation
1. Anterior
a) In male
In upper 1/3rd – recto-vesical pouch
In lower 1/3rd - urinary bladder
Terminal part of ureter
Seminal vesicles
Vas deference
b) In female
In upper 1/3rd - recto-uterine pouch
In lower 1/3rd - lower part of vagina
Posterior relations - they are same in male &
1. 3bones-Lower three pieces of sacrum ,coccyx
& anococcygeal ligament
2. 3 muscles - Piriformis ,coccxygeus,levator
3. 3 vessels – medial sacral ,superior rectal
,lower lateral sacral
4. Nerves – sympathetic chain , anterior
primary rami of S3 ,S4, S5, C1
5. Lymph nodes , lymphatics , fat
Blood supply - superior rectal, medial rectal,
median sacral
Venous drainage - superior rectal, medial rectal,
internal iliac
Nerve supply - superior rectal sympathetic from
L1 L2, parasympathetic from S1 S2 S3
Supports of rectum
1. Pelvic floor
2. Fascia of waldeyer’s
3. Lateral ligament of rectum
4. Recto-vesical fascia
5. Pelvic diaphragm
Applied anatomy
1. PR - per rectal examination to palpate the
structure like in male prostate, seminal
vesicles ,vas deference in female perineal
body & cervix of uterus
2. Proctoscopy & sigmoidoscopy – interior of
rectum & anal canal can be examined by
proctoscope or sigmoidoscope
3. Prolapse of rectum
4. Ca of rectum

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