Obturator Nerve

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Obturator nerve

It is the nerve which supplies muscles of medial

side of thigh
Origin - it arises from lumbar plexus
Root value – ventral division of L2 3 4
Course - it passes deep to medial margin of psoas
major & then lies deep to external iliac vessels
In pelvis
1. It passes on the medial border of psoas
2. It lies behind common iliac vessels
3. It runs lateral to internal iliac vessels
4. It passes along the lateral wall of pelvis
5. It lies on obturator internus with obturator
6. Then it enters through obturator canal &
divides in to anterior & posterior division
In the thigh
1. In thigh anterior division lies on the
obturator externus above & adductor brevis
2. Posterior division lies behind adductor brevis
& runs vertically downwards
Particulars Anterior Posterior
a)muscular Pectineus Adductor brevis
Gracilis Adductor
Adductor longus Magnus
Adductor brevis Obturator
b)vascular Femoral artery Popliteal artery
c)articular Hip joint Knee joint
d) Sub sartorial Capsule of knee
miscellaneous plexus joint
Fascia lata
Skin of medial
side of thigh
Division Anterior Posterior
Anterior Adductor longus Adductor brevis
Posterior Adductor longus Adductor
Adductor brevis Magnus
Applied anatomy
1. The obturator nerve supplies both hip & knee
so disease of one joint gives referred pain to
other joint
2. Injury to obturator nerve is uncommon a
penetrating wound may be injured to
obturator nerve causing weakness of
adduction of hip joint

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