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The copyright in this manual and its accompanying software are the property of Softbits
Consultants Ltd with all rights reserved. Both this manual and the software have been
provided pursuant to a License Agreement containing restrictions on use.

Softbits Consultants Ltd reserves the right to make changes to this manual or its
accompanying software without obligation to notify any person or organisation.

No part of this manual may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval

system or translated into any other language in any form or by any means, or disclosed to
third parties without the prior written consent of Softbits Consultants Ltd.

Softbits Consultants Ltd or its agents will replace any defective manual, program disks
within 90 days of purchase of the product providing that proof of purchase is evident.
Neither Softbits Consultants Ltd nor its agents or dealers make any warranty, implied or
otherwise, with respect to the software or results generated by the software.

This program is intended for use by a qualified engineer to aid the design and analysis of
flare systems. The results calculated by this program may not be reliable if the input data
has not been appropriately specified or if the program is used without regard to its
documented limitations.
It is the responsibility of the user to interpret the results generated by this program. Softbits
Consultants Ltd shall bear no liability for special, indirect, incidental, consequential,
exemplary or punitive damages arising from use of this software.

The governing law of this warranty shall be that of England.

Softbits Consultants Ltd would like to thank Mr. John F. Straitz III and the National Airoil
Company and GBA Ltd of Slough for assistance with some algorithms within the software.

Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7 are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.

Copyright Softbits Consultants Ltd, 1989, 1990, 2002, 2006, 2008, 2010
Table of Contents
1 Introduction.................................................. 1-1
1.1 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4
1.2 Program Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-7
1.3 Documentation Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-13

2 Installation.................................................... 2-1
2.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3
2.2 Installing Flaresim Standalone License With
Security Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5
2.3 Installing Flaresim - Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-22
2.4 Installing Flaresim Standalone For Trial
Or Short Term Lease . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-39
2.5 Starting Flaresim Through Batch or Script
Files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-44
2.6 Flaresim File Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-47

3 Getting Started............................................. 3-1

3.1 Simple Flare Stack Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4
3.2 Sonic Tip Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-18
3.3 Two Tip Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-23
3.4 Working With Isopleths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-26
3.5 Welltest Burner Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-36
3.6 Gas Dispersion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-47

4 Interface........................................................ 4-1
4.1 Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3
4.2 Menu Bar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-7
4.3 Multiple Case Views . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-10
4.4 Tool Bars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-11
4.5 Log Panels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-14

4.6 File Dialogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-15
4.7 About View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-20

5 General Setup .............................................. 5-1

5.1 Case Navigator View. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3
5.2 Case Summary View. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-8
5.3 Setup Wizard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-10
5.4 Preferences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-26
5.5 Component Management View . . . . . . . . . . . 5-40

6 Fluids ............................................................ 6-1

6.1 Fluid View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-4
6.2 Assist Fluid View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-11

7 Environment................................................. 7-1
7.1 Environment View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-4
7.2 Environment Summary View . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-15

8 Stacks ........................................................... 8-1

8.1 Stack View. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-4
8.2 Stack Summary View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-8

9 Tips ............................................................... 9-1

9.1 Tip View. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-4
9.2 Size Tip View. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-34
9.3 Tip Summary View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-36

10 Receptors ................................................... 10-1

10.1 Receptor Point View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-4
10.2 Receptor Point Summary View . . . . . . . . . . 10-17
10.3 Receptor Grid View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-18

11 Shields........................................................ 11-1
11.1 Shield View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-4
11.2 Rectangle Builder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-11
11.3 Polygon Builder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-13
11.4 Pit / Hut Builder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-15
11.5 Transform View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-17

12 Dispersion .................................................. 12-1

12.1 Dispersion View. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-4
12.2 Implementation Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-12

13 Overlays And Isopleths............................. 13-1

13.1 Overlay View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-4
13.2 Zoom View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-15
13.3 Isopleth Customise View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-17

14 Calculations ............................................... 14-1

14.1 Calculation Options View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-3

15 Printing ....................................................... 15-1

15.1 Report View. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-4
15.2 Output Graphic Report View . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-8
15.3 Select Graphic Report Printer . . . . . . . . . . . 15-12
15.4 Graphic Report Page Settings. . . . . . . . . . . 15-13

16 Calculation Methods ................................. 16-1

16.1 Thermal Radiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-4
16.2 Surface Temperature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-20
16.3 Noise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-21
16.4 Purge Gas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-28
16.5 Water Sprays. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-31
16.6 Gas Dispersion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-33
16.7 Nomenclature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-36
16.8 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-38

A Graphic Report Layout............................... A-1
A.1 Introduction to XML . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-4
A.2 Layout File Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-6

Introduction 1-1

1 Introduction

1.1 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

1.2 Program Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7

1.2.1 Flaresim Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.2.2 Object Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.2.3 Running a Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

1.3 Documentation Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12


Introduction 1-3

Flaresim is a computer program designed to assist professional

engineers in the design and evaluation of flare systems. The program
calculates the thermal radiation and noise generated by flares and
estimates the temperatures of exposed surfaces. It also performs
dispersion analysis of the combustion gases or relieved fluid in
flame out conditions.

Flaresim provides a user friendly interface with program actions

accessed by menu and toolbar options. Data entry is through a series
of data views controlled from an overall Case Navigator view.
Context sensitive help is available at all points to assist the user in
the use of the program and selection of appropriate design

Output from the Flaresim is highly customisable with the user

having the freedom to select summary or detailed output. The
reports also include graphical output where appropriate.

Experienced flare system engineers should read the remainder of

this chapter for an overview of the way that Flaresim performs
calculations. They may then find that they will be able to use the
program with assistance from the help system without further
reference to the manual. However we would advise study of the
manual to become familiar with the full range of options and
recommendations for using the program.

Engineers new to flare system design should work through the

examples in the Getting Started section of the manual after first
reading this chapter. The examples provide a step by step guide to
using Flaresim for flare system design and highlight some of the
critical parameters that must be determined.

1-4 Features

1.1 Features
The following features highlight the main capabilities of Flaresim.
Equally applicable to the design of flare systems for offshore
platforms, gas plants, refineries and chemical plants.

Data may be entered and reported in the users choice of units

and may be converted at any time.

Correlations are available for modelling a range of flare tips

including sonic tips, pipeflare tips and steam or air assisted tips.
For assisted flares the quantity of steam or air required for
smokeless operation can be calculated.

A number of correlations are provided to predict the fraction of

heat radiated from flames of a range of hydrocarbon fluids with
different types of flare tip.

Liquid flaring systems can be handled.

A wide range of algorithms for calculation of thermal radiation.

These include integrated multipoint methods and the Chamber-
lain (Shell) method in addition to the Hajek/Ludwig and
Brzustowski/Sommer methods which are described in the API
guidelines for flare system design.

Full three dimensional flame shape analysis with complete flexi-

bility in specification of the location and orientation of multiple

Calculation of combustion gas composition.

Calculation of purge gas flows required for tips.

Jet dispersion model to analyse flammable gas concentrations

close to flare in flame out conditions.

Introduction 1-5

Gaussian dispersion model to analyse longer distance dispersion

of the relieving fluid or combustion gases.

A range of options for defining and analysing the noise spectrum

generated by flare systems including user defined spectra.

Ability to define multiple environmental scenarios to allow rapid

evaluation of flare system performance under different wind
speeds and directions.

Multiple stacks/booms each accomodating multiple flare tips.

Calculation of radiation, noise spectrum and surface tempera-

tures at multiple receptor points.

Calculation of radiation variation with wind direction and speed

at a point and display of results on a wind rose chart.

Ability to define multiple receptor grids in multiple planes for

calculation of radiation, noise or surface temperatures.

Plotting of grid results as isopleth contours for sterile area


Receptor point characteristics for calculating surface tempera-

tures include mass, absorbtivity, emissivity, area, specific heat,
orientation and initial temperature.

Modelling of water curtains or solid shields to reduce radiation

and noise transmission.

Sizing of stack or boom length to meet radiation, noise or sur-

face temperature limits at defined receptor points.

A setup wizard to allow new users to set up an initial model

rapidly with appropriate defaults.

1-6 Features

Expert mode to control access to less commonly used options.

Import of files from Flaresim 2.0 and later.

Multiple reports can be created and compared as updates are

made to a model and the data corresponding to any report can be

Quality Assurance options are included in the reports.

Customisable HTML reports

Customisable graphic reports

Multiple Flaresim cases can be open at the same time.

The wide range of calculation options available within Flaresim may

lead to the possibility of selecting inappropriate correlations for a
particular combination of fluid type and flare system configuration.
While we have tried to prevent the use of the more obvious problems
we have also tried to allow flexibility for one off situations. As
with all engineering computer software, Flaresim is a tool which
cannot replace sound engineering judgement.

Softbits Consultants Ltd are always interested in continuing product

development to ensure that Flaresim meets the needs of our clients.
Should you wish to see any feature incorporated in Flaresim, please
feel free to contact us at If the request is
reasonable we will endeavour to include it in future releases of the

Introduction 1-7

1.2 Program Overview

The Flaresim program has been developed to provide great
flexibility in modelling by breaking down the flare system into a
number of objects such as fluids, stacks, tips etc. These individual
objects are then linked together to define the complete system.

Flaresim provides a Case Navigator view, see Figure 1-1, that shows
a tree structure of all the objects that have been defined in a given
model and provides a rapid overview of which ones are currently
complete and in use.
Case Navigator Icons Figure 1-1, Case Summary view

Required object
present and ready

Required object
missing or not ready

Optional object

Permanent object

Object ready

Object not ready

Object ignored

1-8 Program Overview

1.2.1 Flaresim Objects

The objects that can be defined are:-

Case Summary
Each model contains a single Case Summary object which defines
descriptive information.

A model can contain multiple fluid objects. Each object describes
the physical properties of a fluid to be flared such as density, lower
heating value, lower explosive limit etc. Fluids may be defined
either by entering bulk properties or by defining the composition of
the fluid to allow calculation of its properties from pure component
data. A single fluid can be flared through multiple tips.

A model can contain multiple environment objects each of which
describes a combination of wind speed, direction, humidity etc. The
variation of wind speed with direction can also be defined to support
wind rose calculations. Environment characteristics can also be
defined for use in dispersion calculations. Only one environment
object can be active for a set of calculations.

Multiple stack objects can be defined which may be active or
ignored in any set of calculations. Stack data includes length,
location and orientation. Each stack may support multiple flare tips.

Multiple tip objects can be defined and set active or ignored in a set
of calculations. Tip data includes tip type and associated calculation
methods, dimensions and stack location data and the flow and
selection of the fluid being flared. Tip objects provide access to
flame shape and other tip specific results such as combustion gas
composition and purge gas requirements.

Receptor Points
Multiple receptor point objects can be defined and then set active or
ignored in a set of calculations. Receptor point data includes

Introduction 1-9

location, characteristics for surface temperature calculation and

constraints for sizing calculations. Receptor point objects provide
access to results calculated for the point. The effect of wind speed
and direction on the radiation can also be calculated and displayed
as a wind rose plot.

Receptor Grids
Multiple receptor grid objects can be defined and then activated or
ignored in a set of calculations. Receptor grid data includes
orientation, location and coarseness data as well as characteristics
for surface temperature calculations. Receptor grid objects provide
access to their calculated results including contour plots of radiation,
noise, surface temperature and gas dispersion.

Assist Fluids
Multiple assist fluid objects may be defined and selected for one or
more flare tips. Data includes assist fluid type and calculation
method to be used.

Multiple shield objects may be defined to model the reduction in
radiation and noise through the installation of water sprays and solid
shields. The transmissivity of water sprays can be specified by the
user or calculated using an internal correlation. Shields can also be
defined to model burn pits or protective locations.

Multiple dispersion objects may be defined to model the dispersion
of combustion gases and flare fluids over long distances using a
Gaussian dispersion model. Either concentration contour plots for a
single pollutant or a downwind plot for multiple pollutants can be

Overlay objects allow simple drawings to be created to act as
background pictures for contour plots produced by the Receptor
Grid and Dispersion objects.

1-10 Program Overview

Calculation Options
A single calculation options object defines the correlations to be
used in the calculations. It also provides for control of stack sizing
options, heat transfer options to be used for temperature calculations
and default emissions data. A data fitting option is also available.

Component Management
A component library manager object allows maintenance of the pure
component database.

1.2.2 Object Definition

Flaresim objects are created by selecting the branch in the Case
Navigator view and then clicking the Add button. Alternatively the
Add dropdown menu in the Case Navigator can be used.

Creation of an object automatically opens its view to allow its data

to be entered. When all the required data has been entered the status
text at the bottom of the view will indicate Ready as shown in Figure

Some objects have more data items than will fit on a single form so
their views have been divided into multiple tabs.

For example the Tip view as shown in Figure 1-2 has tabs for
Details, Noise Input, Location & Dimensions, Fluids, Emissions,
Results, Noise Results, Flame Shape, Combustion Results and
Purge Gas. Individual tabs are selected by clicking on their name.

Existing objects can be updated by double clicking them in the Case

Navigator view or selecting them in the Case Navigator view and
clicking the View button. When the Case Navigator is closed
existing objects can be displayed by selecting them in the View
dropdown menu.

Introduction 1-11

Figure 1-2, Tip View

1.2.3 Running a Model

In order to run calculations a Flaresim model must contain at least
one of each of the following objects in an active and ready state.
Fluid object
Environment object
Stack object
Tip object

While this is sufficient to perform calculations this will not calculate

any radiation, noise or surface temperature results without addition
of at least one active Receptor Point or Receptor Grid.

Calculations are started by clicking the button at the top of the Case
Navigator. This button is also used to display the progress of

1-12 Program Overview

calculations and the status of the model. When the Case Navigator
is closed the icon can be clicked to run the model. Progress of
calculations and any problems encountered are reported in the right
hand Message window at the bottom of the Flaresim screen.

Results from the calculations may be viewed through the

appropriate tabs in the Tip view, Receptor Point view or Receptor
Grid view. Results may be viewed in tabular or graphical format
where appropriate. Alternatively results can be viewed and printed
through the Print or Print Graphic Report buttons in the
Case Navigator tool bar.

Once complete a case can be saved using the Save and Save As
buttons in the Case Navigator tool bar.

Introduction 1-13

1.3 Documentation Overview

The printed Flaresim manual contains the following chapters:-

Chapter 2 - Software Installation and License Activation.

Chapter 3 - Tutorial with detailed worked examples.

The electronic documentation in the file Flaresim.pdf contains this

material and the following additional chapters which provide a full
detailed description of the program features.

Chapter 4 - Concepts, Flaresim Interface, Menu structure, Log

Panels and File Dialogs.

Chapter 5 - General Setup including Case Navigator, Case

Summary, Preferences and Component Management.

Chapter 6 - Fluid and Assist Fluid views.

Chapter 7 - Environment view.

Chapter 8 - Stack view.

Chapter 9 - Tip view.

Chapter 10 - Receptor Point and Receptor Grid views.

Chapter 11 - Shield view.

Chapter 12 - Dispersion view.

Chapter 13 - Overlay editor view.

Chapter 14 - Calculation Options view.

Chapter 15 - Report options including Print Reports and Graphic


Chapter 16 - Calculation methods.

Appendix A - Graphic Report Layout File Definition

1-14 Documentation Overview

Installation 2-1

2 Installation

2.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.1.1 Installation Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.1.2 Package Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.1.3 System Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.1.4 System Privileges and UAC Options . . . . . 4

2.2 Installing Flaresim Standalone License

With Security Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.2.1 Starting Flaresim Software Installation . . . 5
2.2.2 Installing .Net Framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.2.3 Running Flaresim Installation. . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.2.4 Installation of Sentinel Drivers . . . . . . . . . 12
2.2.5 Security Key Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.2.6 Standalone License File Installation . . . . 16
2.2.7 Troubleshooting Standalone Installation. 18

2.3 Installing Flaresim - Network . . . . . . . . . . 22

2.3.1 Installing Server Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.3.2 Installing Server License File . . . . . . . . . . 29
2.3.3 Troubleshooting License File Installation 32
2.3.4 Installing Flaresim Clients. . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
2.3.5 Configuring Flaresim Clients . . . . . . . . . . 34
2.3.6 Troubleshooting Flaresim Client . . . . . . . 37

Installation 2-2

2.4 Installing Flaresim Standalone For Trial Or
Short Term Lease . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
2.4.1 Installing Flaresim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
2.4.2 Generating PC Lock Code. . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
2.4.3 License File Installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

2.5 Starting Flaresim Through Batch or Script

Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
2.5.1 Starting Flaresim With A Batch File . . . . . 44
2.5.2 Starting Flaresim With A VB Script File . . 45

2.6 Flaresim File Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

2.6.1 Install Locations on Windows XP . . . . . . . 47
2.6.2 Install Locations on Windows Vista . . . . . 48
2.6.3 Install Locations on Windows 7 . . . . . . . . 48
2.6.4 Install Locations on Windows 7-64bit . . . 48

Installation 2-3

2.1 Overview

2.1.1 Installation Types

Before starting your Flaresim installation you should understand
what type of installation you are doing. The options are:

1. Installing standalone licensed version with security key

2. Installing network licensed version with security key

3. Installing standalone license for a trial or short term lease

without a security key.

This installation guide has sections for each of these options.

2.1.2 Package Requirements

Before installation, check that you have the following elements of
the Flaresim package.
Program CD Rom or Flaresim Download Package
USB Security ID Key, (not required for trial or short term lease)
For network version installation, the program CD Rom or server
download package.
When you have a security key, you will also need a license file. This
will be sent to you separately by e-mail as an attachment after you
have confirmed receipt of your Flaresim package. You should save
the file to a temporary location so that it is ready when required by
the installation process.

When installing a trial version or short term license version of

Flaresim the license file must be generated for the specific PC on
which you will run Flaresim. In this case first Flaresim must be
installed and then FSWLicense utility can be run to generate the lock
code that will allow your license file to be generated.

2-4 Overview

2.1.3 System Requirements

Flaresim installation has the following system requirements..

Item Requirement

Operating system Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7

Disk space - Flaresim program ~45 MB

Disk space - .Net framework ~290 MB

Disk space - Sample files (opt) ~2MB

Computer ID key device port USB port

Flaresim install files CD Romor download package

Internet Access For 280 Mb download of .Net frame-

work if not already installed and you
do not have the Flaresim CD.

2.1.4 System Privileges and UAC Options

The installation process requires permission to write files in:-
C:\Program Files folder or C:\Program Files (x86) if you are
using a 64 bit operating system
C:\Windows\System32 folder
System registry.

Generally these permissions are available if you have Administrator

privileges on your system. In some companies the system policies in
operation will not provide all of the privileges required and you will
need IT assistance to install Flaresim.

Installing Flaresim requires that the User Account Control (UAC)

feature in Windows Vista and Windows 7 be disabled due to the
requirements of components used by Flaresim. The UAC feature can
be disabled through the Control Panel - User Accounts views and
will require a system restart before any changes take effect. Once
installed Flaresim can be run with the UAC feature enabled.

Installation 2-5

2.2 Installing Flaresim Standalone

License With Security Key
The standalone license is where usage of the program is controlled
by a license file installed on the PC on which Flaresim is running.
The license file is locked to the security key which must be plugged
in to the PC to allow Flaresim to run.

The installation of Flaresim is a two step process. First the software

must be installed. Then the security key must be plugged in and the
license file be installed to activate the software.

2.2.1 Starting Flaresim Software Installation

The installation of Flaresim is similar to the installation of other
Windows programs. The steps are:-
1. Shut down other windows programs. The Windows
Explorer program may be left open to start the Flaresim
Setup program.

2. Either: Insert the Flaresim CD Rom into your CD or DVD


If the AutoRun feature is enabled then step 3 will be per-

formed automatically and should be skipped.

Or: Extract install files from download package to a tempo-

rary location on your hard disk.

3. Through Windows Explorer or the Start - Run option, start

the setup program Setup.exe on the CD Rom or in the
temporary location used to extract the downloaded files.

The installation program will begin.

2-6 Installing Flaresim Standalone License

2.2.2 Installing .Net Framework

Starting with Flaresim version 3.0 the Microsoft .Net Framework
3.5. is required to support Flaresim. The installation program first
checks whether this set of support files is available. If it is then the
installation process will automatically skip to step 7.

If you do not have the .Net Framework already installed on your

computer the following screen will be displayed and you will be
invited to install it. If you do not install it then the Flaresim
installation program will close.

The details of the following screen will differ depending on whether

you are installing from a CD or a download package. In the former
case the .Net Framework 3.5 SP1 files are included on the CD and
the screen will appear as shown. In the case of a download package
the screen will indicate that the .Net Framework 3.5 SP1 will be
installed through download from the web.

Figure 2-1, .Net Framework Required

4. Click the Install button to start the .Net Framework

installation. If you are using a Flaresim download package
and the Web Download installation of the .Net Framework

Installation 2-7

be aware that this is a 280Mb download and can take an

appreciable time to download and install.

5. Once the .Net Framework installation process has finished

the following screen will be displayed. Click the Yes button
to restart your computer and complete the installation of the
.Net Framework.

Figure 2-2, .Net Framework Installation Finished

6. Once your system has completed rebooting please restart

the Flaresim Installer as described in section 2.2.1

2.2.3 Running Flaresim Installation

7. After verifying the availability of the .Net Framework
version 3.5 the Flaresim Installation wizard will start and
after a configuration screen for the Windows Installer the
follows screen will appear.

Click the Next button.

2-8 Installing Flaresim Standalone License

Figure 2-3, Flaresim Installation Wizard Start

Note that the setup program provides a Cancel button that

may be clicked to exit the installation procedure at any

8. The following License Agreement screen, Figure 2-4,

should then appear..

Figure 2-4, License Agreement

Installation 2-9

9. At this point you should read the License Agreement and

confirm your acceptance of its terms by clicking the accept

Once the accept option has been selected the Next button
will be activated and should be clicked to continue the
installation. The following screen, Figure 2-5, will appear.

If you do not wish to accept the license terms then click the
Cancel button to exit the setup program without installing
Flaresim. The license terms must be accepted before the
program will install.

Figure 2-5, Destination Folder

10. If you are content with the proposed installation folder in

your Program Files directory then click Next to continue.

Otherwise click the Browse button and use the standard

windows file browser to select the destination folder for the
Flaresim program. Once you are happy with your selection
click Next to continue.

The installation type screen, Figure 2-6, will appear.

2-10 Installing Flaresim Standalone License

Figure 2-6, Installation Type

11. On this screen for a full installation select the Typical

option and click Next.

The Custom option should be selected if you do not wish to

install the Flaresim sample files.

The final install screen will appear..

Figure 2-7, Ready to Install Screen

Installation 2-11

12. At this point Flaresim is ready to install. Click the Install

button to start the installation process.

If you wish to change any data entered in an earlier screen

the Back button may be used to return to earlier screens.

After clicking the Install button the installation will start.

13. The setup program will show the progress of the installation
as files are copied from the CD Rom to your install folder as
shown below.

Figure 2-8, Installation Progress

Should you need to halt the installation, the Cancel button

may be used to stop the installation. A confirmation dialog
will ask you to confirm that you wish to exit without com-
pleting the installation of the program.

2-12 Installing Flaresim Standalone License

14. Following completion of Flaresim installation the following

screen will be shown. Click the Finish button to complete
the installation process.

Figure 2-9, Completion Screen

2.2.4 Installation of Sentinel Drivers

Following completion of the Flaresim installation process an
installer for the Sentinel Drivers for use of the security key will start
as shown below..

Installation 2-13

Figure 2-10, Sentinel Drivers Installation

15. Click the Next button to start the Sentinel software


It is also possible that the drivers required to support Senti-

nel security keys are already installed on your PC to support
other applications for example, the Aspentech suite. If this
is the case you may be offered an Upgrade button in place of
the Next button. The Flaresim USB keys are compatible
with any version of the Sentinel Protection Installer greater
than 7.2.2 so if your current version is more recent you can
use the Cancel button to exit without upgrading the Sentinel

16. A screen displaying the Sentinel Protection software license

will then be displayed. This license must be accepted to
allow the installation to procede. Click the Next button.

17. The next screen, Figure 2-11, allows you to select the
installation type. Select the Complete option which installs
drivers for both the Flaresim USB security key and legacy
25-pin parallel port security keys.

2-14 Installing Flaresim Standalone License

Figure 2-11, Sentinel Driver Installation Type

18. The next screen will indicate that the Sentinel Protection
Installer is ready to begin. Click the Install button to start it..

Figure 2-12, Sentinel Driver Ready To Install

Installation 2-15

19. Once complete the following view, will be displayed. Click

the Finish button to complete the driver installation.

Figure 2-13, Sentinel Diver Installation Complete

2.2.5 Security Key Installation

20. At this point you are ready to install your security key.

If you have USB security key then plug it into a free USB
port on your computer. The first time this is done, you
should expect to see confirmation that a Sentinel Ultrapro
device has been detected and the driver installed.

If the key is a parallel port device with 25 pin connectors,

plug it into the parallel port of your computer. The parallel
port is the 25 pin female connector on the back of your com-
puter. The arrows on the Computer ID key show which end
connects to the computer. If you have a printer already con-
nected to the parallel port, disconnect it, connect the key
and then reconnect the printer to the female connector on
the key. You will not see any messages from the driver soft-
ware for this type of device.

2-16 Installing Flaresim Standalone License

2.2.6 Standalone License File Installation

Flaresim requires installation of a license file before it will run.

For a standalone Flaresim installation with a security key this license

is sent to you by email after you have confirmed receipt of the
Flaresim package and security key. Ensure this is copied to a
suitable temporary location before starting the installation process.

21. Start the Flaresim License Installer, FSWLicense from the

Flaresim 3.0 folder in the Start Programs menu. The
Flaresim License Installer program will open and display
the following view.

Figure 2-14, Flaresim License Installer

22. Click the button labeled Install Standalone or Demo

License. The view will change to allow you to select the
license file to be installed as shown below.

Installation 2-17

Figure 2-15, Select Flaresim Standalone License File

23. Click the Browse button to open a standard Windows file

browser and select the Flaresim license file from the
temporarylocation to which you have saved your license
file. Alternatively you can type the full path and license file
name into the field provided.

24. When you have entered the license file name, click the
Install button. If the license file has been correctly installed
the following message will be displayed. Click the Ok
button to finish the license installation process and close the
license installer.

Figure 2-16, Successfull License Installation

You may see the following message before the confirmation

of license installation referring to the existence of an
LSHOST or LSFORCEHOST environment variable.

2-18 Installing Flaresim Standalone License

Figure 2-17, LSFORCEHOST Warning

If you see this message it means that the configuration file

called lshost that the Flaresim License Installer creates in
the Flaresim program folder could be overriden by the
LSHOST or LSFORCEHOST environment variable. This
could prevent Flaresim using the installed license file. The
solution to this is to start Flaresim through a batch file or
script file as described in section 2.5.

If there is any problem in writing the license file or lshost

configuration file, a pop-up message will describe the prob-
lem. This problem is usually due to system administration
policies that prevent programs from writing within the
C:\Program Files folder. You will need to contact your IT
support for assistance.

25. At this point Flaresim installation is complete. You can now

start Flaresim from the shortcut in the Flaresim 3.0 folder in
the Windows - Start menu.

If you are new to Flaresim we would recommend that you

work through the examples in the Getting Started section of
the manual or help system.

2.2.7 Troubleshooting Standalone Installation

If an error message similar to that shown in Figure 2-19 below, is
seen when starting Flaresim then the likely cause is that the security
key is not correctly installed.

Installation 2-19

Figure 2-18, Unable to obtain license file

Checking Computer ID Key Installation.

A security key problem can be tested for by running the program

wechoid.exe which can be found in the support sub-folder of the
Flaresim program folder (normally C:\Program Files\Flaresim 3.0).

Running this program should give an output similar to that shown in

Figure 2-19 below. If the Computer ID entry is visible and holds a
value then the security device is correctly installed.

If the Computer ID section of the wechoid.exe output is greyed out

or no data is shown then the security device is not correctly installed.
You should check the security key connection and confirm that
security keys for other products are not also attached. Reinstalling
the driver software from the Sentinel sub-folder or your Flaresim
program folder should be tried.

If the Computer ID key still cannot be seen by wechoid.exe even

after reboot then the security device may be faulty and you should

2-20 Installing Flaresim Standalone License

Figure 2-19, Wechoid.exe Output

If Flaresim fails to obtain a license after you have confirmed that the
security key is working properly then the possible reasons are:

License File not Installed

Check for the presence of a file called lservrc in the Flaresim
program folder. If it is not there follow the instructions in section
2.2.6 to install the license file.

Wrong License File

If you have multiple license files (e.g. for versions of Flaresim prior
to version 3.0 or multiple copies) then confirm you have installed the
correct one. You can use the Flaresim License Installer mulitple
times to try different licence files.

Installation 2-21

Incorrect Code in License File

It is possible that your license file was not correctly coded. Contact for assistance.

Environment Variables Specifying Server Location

The Flaresim License Installer configures a file called lshost in the

Flaresim program folder to specify that Flaresim is using a
standalone license. If an environment variable called LSHOST or
LSFORCEHOST exists in the system it will override this file. The
Flaresim License Installer detects and warns about this problem
when installing a standalone license. The solution to this problem is
to start Flaresim through a batch file or script file as described in
section 2.5

2-22 Installing Flaresim - Network

2.3 Installing Flaresim - Network

The network version of Flaresim allows the use of Flaresim from
multiple client systems with the total number of copies in use being
controlled by a central Flaresim license server.

Installing the Flaresim network version is a 3 step process. Firstly

the server software must be installed. Then the license file must be
added to the server. Finally the Flaresim client software must be
installed on each machine that will run Flaresim.

Note the Flaresim license server is any PC on which the server

software is installed. It does not have to be an existing network file


If you already have a Sentinel LM server version 7.2 installed for a

version of Flaresim prior to 2.1 it must be uninstalled and replaced
with the new Sentinel RMS version 8.4 server that ships with
Flaresim 3.0.

If you are intending to manage Flaresim licenses through an existing

Sentinel RMS server installation that you are running to support
other products (e.g. Aspentech products) then you need to confirm
that it is version 8.4 or later. If not you should uninstall it before
installing the Sentinel RMS 8.4 server software that ships with
Flaresim. Sentinel license files created for earlier versions are
always supported by later server versions.

2.3.1 Installing Server Software

The Flaresim server software is the Sentinel RMS product from
Safenet Inc. Full details of this product are given in the online
manuals which can be found in the SysAdminHelp sub-folder of the
Server folder of the Flaresim CD.

The following instructions are provided as a quick guide to installing

your server software with a basic configuration. For more detailed

Installation 2-23

information on the management of Sentinel RMS servers consult the

online manuals.

The installation of the server software is similar to the installation of

other Windows programs. The steps are:-
1. Shut down other windows programs. The Windows
Explorer program may be left open to start the server setup
program if required.

2. Either insert the Flaresim CD Rom into your CD or DVD

drive or, if you have the server download page extract its
files to a suitable temporary location.

3. Start the Setup.exe program from the folder \Server\Setup

either through Windows Explorer or the Start - Run option.

On starting the server setup program the following view

will appear

Figure 2-20, Server Setup Opening View

4. Click the Next button to continue. The following license

agreement view will be displayed

2-24 Installing Flaresim - Network

Figure 2-21, Server Setup License Agreement

5. Click the appropriate radio button to accept the server

software license agreement and click Next to continue. You
must accept the license agreement in order to be able to run
the Flaresim server software.

The following view will then appear.

Figure 2-22, User Selection

Installation 2-25

6. This view defines whether the software will be installed for

all users of this computer or only the current user. Generally
you will want to install it for all users. Once you have made
your selection click Next to continue. The following view
will be shown.

Figure 2-23, Server Software location

7. This view defines the location to which the server software

will be installed, click Next to continue. The following
screen will be displayed.

2-26 Installing Flaresim - Network

Figure 2-24, Select Installation Options

8. This view allows selection of the Installation Options. Since

Flaresim licenses are locked to Computer ID keys you must
select the Complete option to install the device drivers for
the keys as well as the server software. Click Next button to
continue. The following view will be displayed.

Figure 2-25, Firewall Settings

Installation 2-27

9. A port must be opened through any server firewall to allow

communication between the Flaresim server and client PCs.
This screen allows you to tell the installer to do this
automatically. The standard port used by the Sentinel RMS
system is 5093.

If you are using 3rd Party firewall software you may need to
do this separately. The system administrators help system
has the information you need to do this (Server\SysAdmin-
Help folder on CD).

Select the check box and click Next. The following screen
will be displayed.

Figure 2-26, Ready to Install

10. This confirms that you are ready to begin installation of the
Sentinel RMS server software. Click the Install button.

The server software install process will then start. On

completion the following screen will be displayed.

2-28 Installing Flaresim - Network

Figure 2-27, Server Installation Complete

11. At this point the server software is installed and the server
service will have been started. Click the Finish button to
close the window.

12. You may wish to confirm that the server service has
installed correctly by checking the list of running processes
through the Task Manager. The server service is called

By default, this service will be set to start automatically

each time the computer is started.

13. Optionally copy the server utility programs to your server as


Open Windows Explorer and browse to the directory

[Drive]:\Server\\W32 where [Drive] is the drive
letter of your CD drive.

Select and copy all the files from this directory to an

appropriate place on your server. It is up to your local
policies whether to make these file available to Flaresim
users as well as server administrators.

Installation 2-29

2.3.2 Installing Server License File

The Sentinel RMS server software requires installation of a license
file before it will be able to authorise Flaresim client software to run.
This license file will normally be locked to the security key supplied
with Flaresim.

Your license file will be sent to you by email after you have
confirmed receipt of the Flaresim package and security key. Ensure
this is copied to a suitable temporary location before starting the
installation process.

The procedure to install the security key and license file is as

follows. The license file will normally be found on the Flaresim CD.

14. Locate and install your securitykey on your server system.

15. Open Windows Explorer and use it to browse to and start

the program WlmAdmin.exe from either the Flaresim CD or
the location to which you copied the server utility software.

When open, the program will display the following view.

2-30 Installing Flaresim - Network

Figure 2-28, WlmAdmin Program

16. Expand the tree of SubNet servers by clicking the

symbol next to the SubNet servers entry. If your system is
the only Sentinel server on the network then you will see
only its name in the list. If other servers are present locate
the server to which you have connected the Flaresim
security device.

17. Right click the name of your server in the SubNet server
list. From the pop-up menus select Add Feature, From a
File, To Server and its File as the options appear as shown

Installation 2-31

Figure 2-29, WlmAdmin - Adding license

18. Left click on the To Server and its File option. Select your
license file (.lic extension) in the browser and click Open.
Your license should be added to the server and displayed in
the tree below the server name.

19. You will now be able to click the Flaresim license to display
its details as shown below. Note that the WlmAdmin
program can be used to show usage details of licenses at any

2-32 Installing Flaresim - Network

Figure 2-30, WlmAdmin License details

2.3.3 Troubleshooting License File Installation

Should you get an error message when installing the license file
perhaps of the form shown below then the first thing to check is that
the Computer ID key is plugged in and accessible.

Figure 2-31, License Installation Error

Installation 2-33

This can be done by running the program wechoid.exe which can be

found in the folder Server\\W32 on your Flaresim CD.

Running this program should give an output similar to that shown

below. If the Computer ID entry is visible and holds a value then the
security device is correctly installed.

Figure 2-32, Wechid.exe Output

If the Computer ID section of the wechoid.exe output is greyed out

or no data is shown then the security device is not correctly installed.
A possible solution to this problem is to reinstall the security device
drivers from the Drivers folder on the Flaresim CD. If the security
device still cannot be seen by wechoid.exe even after reboot then the
security device may be faulty and you should contact

If the license file will not install when the wechoid.exe output shows
that the security device is visible then there may be a problem with
the license file and you should contact

2-34 Installing Flaresim - Network

2.3.4 Installing Flaresim Clients

Once the Flaresim license server is up and running you can install
the Flaresim program on as many systems as you wish. These are the
Flaresim Client systems. The number of copies of Flaresim that
can be run at a single time will be controlled by the number of
licenses available on the server.

The installation of the Flaresim software for use with a Flaresim

license server is the same as for a standalone installation as
described in section 2.2 above, steps 1 through 14.

Since there is no need for a security key on a Flaresim client in a

network installation you should click Cancel when the Sentinel
Protection Installer view is displayed, step15., Figure 2-10.

2.3.5 Configuring Flaresim Clients

Each Flaresim client installation should be configured to specify the
location of the Flaresim license server. This is done by running the
Flaresim License Installer utility on the client system.

20. Start the Flaresim License Installer, FSWLicense from the

Flaresim 3.0 folder in the Start Programs menu. The
Flaresim License Installer program will open and display
the following view.

Installation 2-35

Figure 2-33, Flaresim License Installer

21. Click the button titled Configure Network Server. The

view will change to allow you to specify the name of the
license server as shown below.

Figure 2-34, Configure Network Server

22. Enter the name of your Flaresim license server and click the
Configure button. A file called lshost will be written to
the Flaresim program folder containing the name of the
server which will help Flaresim locate on program startup.

2-36 Installing Flaresim - Network

If the lshost file has been correctly installed the following

message will be displayed. Click the Ok button to finish the
configuration process and close the license installer.

Figure 2-35, Successfull Server Configuration

You may see the following message before the confirmation

of license installation referring to the existence of an
LSHOST or LSFORCEHOST environment variable.

Figure 2-36, LSFORCEHOST Warning

If you see this message it means that the configuration file

called lshost that the Flaresim License Installer creates in
the Flaresim program folder could be overriden by the
LSHOST or LSFORCEHOST environment variable. This
could prevent Flaresim using the installed license file. The
solution to this is to start Flaresim through a batch file or
script file as described in section 2.5.

If there is any problem in writing the license file or lshost

configuration file, a pop-up message will describe the prob-
lem. This problem is usually due to system administration
policies that prevent programs from writing within the

Installation 2-37

C:\Program Files folder. You will need to contact your IT

support for assistance.

23. At this point Flaresim installation is complete. You can now

start Flaresim from the shortcut in the Flaresim 3.0 folder in
the Windows - Start menu.

If you are new to Flaresim we would recommend that you

work through the examples in the Getting Started section of
the manual or help system.

2.3.6 Troubleshooting Flaresim Client

If the Flaresim client program fails to find a server license when it
starts up the following message will be displayed.

Figure 2-37, License Error

The following check list offers possible reasons why Flaresim might
not be able to locate the license server to obtain a license.
All available licenses are in use.
Client system does not have network access to the server.
Environment variables Not Specifying Server Correctly.

Checking Available Licenses

The first step in resolving these problems is to run the WlmAdmin

program from the client system and open the list of subnet servers.
A copy of the WlmAdmin utility is installed on the Flaresim client
in the Support sub-folder within the Flaresim program folder.

2-38 Installing Flaresim - Network

If the Flaresim server can be seen, open the Flaresim license to check
whether there is a license available. If all are in use the client must
wait until a license becomes free. It can take up to 5 minutes for a
license to become free after another user has shut down Flaresim.

Checking Access To The Server

If the WlmAdmin program does not list a Flaresim server when run
on the client then the problem likely lies in the client system not
having network access to the server. You will need to check all
elements of the network routing (e.g. firewalls, routers) to ensure
that the server can be found by the client system and that
communications over port 5093 are open

Environment Variables Specifying Server Location

The Flaresim License Installer configures a file called lshost in the

Flaresim program folder to specify the Flaresim server location. If
an environment variable called LSHOST or LSFORCEHOST exists
it will override this file. The Flaresim License Installer detects and
warns about this problem when configuring the Flaresim server.

The solution is either to fix the LSHOST or LSFORCEHOST

environment variables or to start Flaresim through a batch file or
script file as described in section 2.5.

If you modify the environment variables you should note:-

A LSFORCEHOST environment variable can specify one Sen-
tinerl server only and will take precedence over a LSHOST envi-
ronment variable. e.g.
A LSHOST environment variable can specify multiple servers
that will be contacted in turn. If you are specifying multiple serv-
ers then use a ~ character to separate the name e.g.
set LSHOST =

Further help on license server setup and possible problems can be

found in the online manual in the SysAdminHelp folder on the
Flaresim CD.

Installation 2-39

2.4 Installing Flaresim Standalone

For Trial Or Short Term Lease
When Flaresim is supplied for a short term (1 month) lease or a trial
a security key is not provided. Instead a Demo license must be
generated and installed which locks the Flaresim license to a single

The installation of Flaresim for use with a Trial or Short Term

license is a multiple step process:-
Flaresim is installed.
A hard disk lock code is generated for the PC on which Flaresim
is installed.
The lock code is sent to
A Demo license file is generated for this lock code by Softbits
Consultants and emailed
The license file is installed to activate Flaresim.

2.4.1 Installing Flaresim

Installation of Flaresim for use with a trial or short term license is
exactly the same as the installation procedure described in Section
2.2 above, steps 1 - 14.
Since there is no need for a security key when installing Flaresim for
use with a trial or short term license Cancel when the Sentinel
Protection Installer view is displayed, step 15. Figure 2-10.

2.4.2 Generating PC Lock Code

A lock code must be generated that is specific to the PC on which
Flaresim is installed. This can be done through the Flaresim License
1. Start the Flaresim License Installer, FSWLicense from the
Flaresim 3.0 folder in the Start Programs menu. The
Flaresim License Installer program will open and display
the following view.

2-40 Installing Flaresim Standalone For Trial Or

Figure 2-38, Flaresim License Installer

2. Click the button labeled Generate Lock Code for Demo

License. The lock code will be generated and displayed the
the view shown below.

Figure 2-39, Lock Code Generated

3. This lock code must be sent to The

lock code has already been copied to the clipboard to help
you. Create an email addressed to
and use the Edit-Paste or Ctrl-V option to past the code into
your email.

Installation 2-41

4. Close the FSWLicense program when you have completed

your email.

2.4.3 License File Installation

When you receive your licence by email after sending in the lock
code, copy it to a suitable temporary location before starting the
installation process.

5. Start the Flaresim License Installer, FSWLicense as in Step

1 above to display the view shown in Figure 2-38.

6. Click the button labeled Install Standalone or Demo

License. The view will change to allow you to select the
license file to be installed as shown below.

Figure 2-40, Select Flaresim Standalone License File

7. Click the Browse button to open a standard Windows file

browser and select the Flaresim license file from the
temporarylocation to which you have saved it. Alternatively
you can type the full path and license file name into the field

8. When you have entered the license file name, click the
Install button. If the license file has been correctly installed
the following message will be displayed. Click the Ok

2-42 Installing Flaresim Standalone For Trial Or

button to finish the license installation process and close the

license installer.

Figure 2-41, Successfull License Installation

You may see the following message before the confirmation

of license installation referring to the existence of an
LSHOST or LSFORCEHOST environment variable.

Figure 2-42, LSFORCEHOST Warning

If you see this message it means that the configuration file

called lshost that the Flaresim License Installer creates in
the Flaresim program folder could be overriden by the
LSHOST or LSFORCEHOST environment variable. This
could prevent Flaresim using the installed license file. The
solution to this is to start Flaresim through a batch file or
script file as described in section 2.5.

If there is any problem in writing the license file or lshost

configuration file, a pop-up message will describe the prob-
lem. This problem is usually due to system administration
policies that prevent programs from writing within the
C:\Program Files folder. You will need to contact your IT
support for assistance.

Installation 2-43

9. At this point Flaresim installation is complete. You can now

start Flaresim from the shortcut in the Flaresim 3.0 folder in
the Windows - Start menu.

If you are new to Flaresim we would recommend that you

work through the examples in the Getting Started section of
the manual or help system.

2-44 Starting Flaresim Through Batch or Script

2.5 Starting Flaresim Through Batch

or Script Files
Normally Flaresim is started by the shortcut installed in the Start
menu which invokes the Flaresim.exe directly.

However as discussed in the earlier sections, there are circumstances

when an environment variable called LSHOST or
LSFORCEHOST can reference a different Sentinel server to that
required for Flaresim. This can prevent Flaresim from starting even
when the configuration for the Flaresim server or standalone
operation has been set correctly by the FlaresimLicense utility.

The solution is to start Flaresim through a batch file or a Windows

Visual Basic script file.

2.5.1 Starting Flaresim With A Batch File

For this solution you need to create a text file called
StartFlaresim.bat and locate this in the same folder as the
Flaresim.exe program (normally C:\Program Files\Flaresim 3.0).

The contents of this file should be

set LSFORCEHOST=[Your server name]
start Flaresim.exe

[Your server name] should be replaced by the name of your Flaresim

license server. So if the server is called then
the line would read:-

With this file in place in the Flaresim program folder you can then
start Flaresim by double clicking on the file StartFlaresim.bat. You
could also modify the properties of the Flaresim item in the Start
menu to reference the StartFlaresim.bat file in place of Flaresim.exe.

Using a batch file to start Flaresim can also be useful when a

Sentinel server installation for another product interferes with the

Installation 2-45

startup of Flaresim with a standalone or trial license. In this case the

contents of the StartFlaresim.bat file would be
start Flaresim.exe

Samples batch files can be found in the Support sub-folder in the

Flaresim program folder.

2.5.2 Starting Flaresim With A VB Script File

For this solution you need to create a text file called
StartFlaresim.vbs which can be located anywhere on the PC.

The contents of this file should be

Option Explicit
Dim MyShell, MyEnv, WshShell, WshEnv, WshEnv1
Dim oShell, vSysRoot

Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

Set WshEnv1 = WshShell.Environment("Process")
WshEnv1("LSFORCEHOST") = [Your server name]

Set oShell = WScript.CreateObject ("") """C:\Program Files\Softbits\Flaresim 8.0.5\Flaresim.exe""", 1, False
Set oShell = Nothing

[Your server name] should be replaced by the name of your Flaresim

license server. So if the server is called then
the line would read:-

If you are running under a 64-bit operating system the line """C:\Program Files\Softbits\Flaresim 8.0.5\Flaresim.exe""", 1, False

should be changed to """C:\Program Files (x86)\Softbits\Flaresim 8.0.5\Flaresim.exe""", 1, False

This reflects the fact that 32-bit programs such as Flaresim are
installed in C:\Program File (x86)\ rather than simply C:\Program

2-46 Starting Flaresim Through Batch or Script

Using the StartFlaresim.vbs VB script file is similar to the batch file,

simply double click the file in Windows Explorer or modify the
Flaresim Start menu item properties to reference StartFlaresim.vbs
in place of Flaresim.exe

Using a VB script file to start Flaresim can also be useful when a

Sentinel server installation for another product interferes with the
startup of Flaresim with a standalone or trial license. In this case the
WshEnv1("LSFORCEHOST") = [Your server name]

would need modifying to


Samples VB script files can be found in the Support sub-folder in the

Flaresim program folder.

Installation 2-47

2.6 Flaresim File Locations

A Flaresim client installation comprises a number of files split into
the following groups.
Program Files Program - Flaresim.exe
Support libraries - various .dll files
License installer - FSWLicense.exe
Installed license file - lservrc
Help files - FSWHelp.chm, *.HLP
Documentation folder - Flaresim.pdf

Support Files Layout files - *.lay

Default case file - Default.fsw
Default report definition - Flaresim.xsl
Units definitions - Units.xml
Component database - LibraryComponents.xml
Default preference file - Preferences.xml
Default preferences file - PrintPreference.xml
Report logo file - Logo.gif

Sample Files Examples - *.fsw

Report sub-folders

2.6.1 Install Locations on Windows XP

The default install locations for the different groups of files when
Flaresim is installed on Windows XP are as follows.
Program Files C:\Program Files\Flaresim 3.0
Support Files C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application
Data\Softbits\Flaresim 3.0
Sample Files [My Documents]\Softbits\Flaresim 3.0\Samples

2-48 Flaresim File Locations

2.6.2 Install Locations on Windows Vista

The default install locations for the different groups of files when
Flaresim is installed on Windows Vista are as follows.
Program Files C:\Program Files\Flaresim 3.0
Support Files C:\ProgramData\Softbits\Flaresim 3.0
Sample Files [My Documents]\Softbits\Flaresim 3.0\Samples

2.6.3 Install Locations on Windows 7

The default install locations for the different groups of files when
Flaresim is installed on Windows 7 are as follows.
Program Files C:\Program Files\Flaresim 3.0
Support Files C:\ProgramData\Softbits\Flaresim 3.0
Sample Files [My Documents]\Softbits\Flaresim 3.0\Samples

2.6.4 Install Locations on Windows 7-64bit

The default install locations for the different groups of files when
Flaresim is installed on Windows 7 64-bit are as follows.
Program Files C:\Program Files (x86)\Flaresim 3.0
Support Files C:\ProgramData\Softbits\Flaresim 3.0
Sample Files [My Documents]\Softbits\Flaresim 3.0\Samples

Getting Started 3-1

3 Getting Started

3.1 Simple Flare Stack Design . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
3.1.1 Objective and Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3.1.2 Initial Setup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3.1.3 Initial Calculations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3.1.4 Print Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

3.2 Sonic Tip Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

3.2.1 Objective and Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
3.2.2 Open Starting File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
3.2.3 Create Sonic Tip. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
3.2.4 Run & Review Calculations. . . . . . . . . . . . 20
3.2.5 Compare Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

3.3 Two Tip Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

3.3.1 Objective and Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
3.3.2 Open Starting File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
3.3.3 Update Tip Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
3.3.4 Run & Review Calculations. . . . . . . . . . . . 24
3.3.5 Update Pipe Tip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

3.4 Working With Isopleths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

3.4.1 Open Starting File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3.4.2 Adding a Flaresim Overlay . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.4.3 External Overlay File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

3.5 Welltest Burner Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36


3.5.1 Objective and Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36

3.5.2 Open Starting File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36
3.5.3 Add New Fluid Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36
3.5.4 Add New Stack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37
3.5.5 Add Welltest Burner Tip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39
3.5.6 Add New Receptor Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39
3.5.7 Run & Review Calculations. . . . . . . . . . . . .40
3.5.8 Add Water Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41
3.5.9 Evaluate Rate of Temperature Rise . . . . . .44
3.5.10 Check Safety Case. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45

3.6 Gas Dispersion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

3.6.1 Objective and Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47
3.6.2 Load or Create Base Case . . . . . . . . . . . . .48
3.6.3 Jet Dispersion Calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . .48
3.6.4 Gaussian Dispersion, Contour Plot . . . . . .51
3.6.5 Gaussian Dispersion, Downwind Plot . . . .53
3.6.6 Dispersion Analysis Comments . . . . . . . . .56

Getting Started 3-3

The purpose of this chapter is to provide an introduction to the use

of Flaresim. The examples show how Flaresim may be used to
calculate thermal radiation, noise and exposed surfaces temperatures
arising from flaring at one or more flare stacks. Examples of
dispersion calculations are also given. The examples begin with a
simple flare stack design which is then refined and expanded. The
examples attempt to highlight some of the critical parameters to be
considered when designing a safe flare system.

The examples build up in stages. If you wish to skip a particular

stage, the Samples sub-folder of the Flaresim program folder has
model files saved at each stage.

3-4 Simple Flare Stack Design

3.1 Simple Flare Stack Design

3.1.1 Objective and Data

The objective is to design a flare stack for an offshore platform. It is
assumed that an inclined flare boom will be used mounted on the
side of the platform which faces the prevailing wind. The design is
to be based on thermal radiation limits as follows:-
1,500 btu/hr/ft2 at the base of the flare stack.
600 btu/hr/ft2 at the helideck located 150 ft from the side of the
platform and 30 ft above the base of the flare stack.

The following design data is available

Material Hydrocarbon Vapour
Flow 100,000 lb/hr
Mol Wt. 46.1
Vapour Temp. 300 F
Heat of combustion 21,500 btu/lb
Heat Capacity ratio 1.1

Tip Diameter 18 in

Wind Velocity 20 mph

3.1.2 Initial Setup

1. Start the Flaresim program through the windows Start
button in the usual way.
New File Icon 2. We are going to build our first model through the Setup
Wizard. For a new installation of Flaresim this will open
automatically ready to build a new model. If this does not
appear then you should select the File - Preferences menu
option and select the Use Setup Wizard for New Cases
check box on the Files&Options tab. Then select File - New

Getting Started 3-5

or the New File icon on the tool bar to create a new case
with the Setup Wizard.

3. In the opening view of the Setup Wizard, set the unit set to
Default Field as shown. Then click the Next button to move
to the Fluid definition tab.

Figure 3-1, Setup Wizard Opening View

4. In the Fluid tab of the Setup Wizard enter the following data
items, using the tab key or the mouse to move from field to

Temperature = 300 F
Mole Weight = 46.1
LHV = 21500 btu/lb
Cp/Cv = 1.1

Note that some of these values (e.g Temperature or Cp/Cv)

are originally displayed in purple colour denoting a default

3-6 Simple Flare Stack Design

LEL is used only by the value. When you entered a value the colour changes to blue
Brzustowski flare radiation
method. denoting a user specified value.

The full list of colours used by Flaresim to display values

Purple for a fixed default value
Red for calculated default values
Blue for a user specified value
Grey for a fixed, unchangeable input value
Black for a calculated result

The remaining values for Ref Pressure, LEL and Saturation

can be left at their default values. The finished view is
shown below

Figure 3-2, Setup Wizard Fluid Tab

Note that Flaresim requires the lower heating value for a

fluid for its calculations. We are assuming that the value we

Getting Started 3-7

have been given is the lower, net heating value rather than
the higher, gross heating value.

Advice on the usage of each input value and the allowable

input range is displayed in the advice panel as you move
through the input fields.

When the entries are complete click the Next button.

5. In the Tip tab select the radio button to set the tip type to a
Pipe Tip. In the table for selection of F Factor method select
the check box to select the Generic Pipe method.

The F Factor, i.e. the fraction of heat radiated by the flame,

is a critical design parameter for flare system design. The
Generic Pipe correlation has been developed to predict F
Factors across a range of exit velocities and fluid molecular
weights and is generally recommended for initial calcula-
tions. For final designs, we would always recommend con-
sulting a flare system vendor for advice on the appropriate F
Factor for a specific fluid and specific flare tip.

6. Still in the Tip tab, enter the Fluid Mass Flow Rate as
100,000 lb/hr. After this entry has been completed, the Tip
Diameter field is updated to show the tip diameter required
for the default Mach number of 0.45. In our case we know
the tip diameter is 18 in so we update the calculated value to
18 in. The Mach number will be updated to 0.199 to
indicate the velocity for the new diameter.

When complete the view should be as shown in Figure 3-3.

3-8 Simple Flare Stack Design

Figure 3-3, Setup Wizard Tip Tab

Click the Next button to move to the next tab.

7. In the next tab, the Environment tab, enter the wind speed.
Since the value we have been given is 20 mph we first click
the entry displaying ft/s and select mph in the drop down
menu before entering the value. If we wish to see the value
in ft/s then click again in the units entry and select ft/s to
display the converted value of 29.33 ft/s.
The humidity value is only The remaining items can be left at their default values
used when calculating the
namely Wind Direction as 0 (i.e. North), Temperature 59 F,
Humidity 10% and the User Transmissivity 1.0 with the
Transmissivity Method set to User specified. Note this
default transmissivity method with a specified transmissiv-
ity value of 1.0 is the most conservative option.

Getting Started 3-9

The final input is to remove the tick from the check box
labelled Include Solar Radiation which means that the
specified solar radiation value will NOT be added to the cal-
culated value of flare radiation.

Including solar radiation leads to a more conservative

design and its inclusion is recommended by API 521. How-
ever some sources suggest it can be excluded. Solar radia-
tion can have a significant impact on the flare design when
low radiation values are considered. Since we considering a
low design radiation for the Helideck in this case we will
exclude solar radiation for this example.

The completed view is shown as Figure 3-4. Click the Next

button to continue.

Figure 3-4, Setup Wizard Environment Tab

3-10 Simple Flare Stack Design

8. In the Stack tab, select the radio button to set the Vertical
Orientation to 60 degrees from horizontal. Then set the
Stack Horizontal Orientation angle to 0 (i.e. North). The
Stack Length will be left unspecified to let Flaresim
calculate it.

The completed form is shown as Figure 3-5. Click the Next

button to continue.

Figure 3-5, Setup Wizard Stack Tab

9. In the Receptors tab, click on the default receptor point

RP_1 and rename it to Stack Base. Set its Distance
Downwind from Stack to 0 ft and confirm that the
Allowable Radiation for the point is 1500 btu/hr/ft2.

Now click the Add button to create an additional receptor

point for the radiation at the Helideck. Change the default
name RP_2 to Helideck and enter the location as North-

Getting Started 3-11

ing -150ft, Easting 0ft, Elevation 30ft. and the radiation

limit as 600 btu/hr/ft2.

The completed form is shown as Figure 3-6. Click the Next

button to continue.

Figure 3-6, Setup Wizard Receptors Tab

10. In the Calculations tab, select the check box to set the
Calculation Method to Mixed and set the Flame Elements to

As discussed in the Methods chapter, the Mixed method is a

compromise designed to give the best accuracy for calculat-
ing radiation both close to and further away from the flame.
As such it is a good default method. 25 flame elements is
usually sufficient to calculate the flame shape with a reason-
able degree of accuracy.

3-12 Simple Flare Stack Design

The completed view is shown as Figure 3-7. At this points

we have completed the Setup Wizard so click the Finish

Figure 3-7, Setup Wizard Calculations Tab

11. When the Finish button is clicked, the Setup Wizard takes
the data we have supplied and uses it to create the Flaresim
objects that we need for our initial model. The Case
Navigator view will be displayed to list all of these objects
as shown in Figure 3-8. Note that the icon is shown
against each object indicating it is ready to calculate and
that the icon is shown against the key object branches to
indicate that the model has the minimum information
needed to run calculations.

Getting Started 3-13

At this point you can open each objects view by double

clicking on them in the Case Navigator to see how the Setup
Wizard has initialised the values.

Figure 3-8, Case Summary

12. This is a suitable point to save the data we have entered so

far. Click the tool bar button in the tool bar at the top of
the Case Navigator or main tool bar. Since we have not yet
saved the file, a File Save Dialog window will appear to
allow us to specify the location and name of the file.

3.1.3 Initial Calculations

13. At this point we are ready to run the calculations by clicking
the large button labelled Click to Calculate at the top of
the Case Navigator. The button will change to show a
progress bar as the calculation runs. Messages will be
output to the Error/Warnings/Info log to show progress as
shown below.

3-14 Simple Flare Stack Design

Figure 3-9, Error/Warnings/Info log

Note that the scroll bars can be used to review earlier mes-
sages. Also the log window can be resized by dragging the
separator bar above it.

14. We can now review the results. Double click the Grid 1 item
in the Case Summary view and then click the Radiation tab.
Then select Plot in the Display drop down. The radiation
isopleths are displayed as shown below.

Figure 3-10, Receptor Grid Isopleth Plot

Getting Started 3-15

Click Stack 1 in the Case Navigator view and click the View
button. The view will show that the stack length has been
calculated as 247ft.

Finally open the Receptor summary view by double click-

ing the Receptor Point branch label in the Case Navigator.
As shown below, the Radiation Results line shows that our
design radiation limit of 600 btu/h/ft2 has been met for the
Helideck receptor while the radiation value at the Stack
Base receptor is lower than its allowed value limit at 767

Figure 3-11, Receptor Point Summary

15. This completes our initial design. Save the case.

3-16 Simple Flare Stack Design

3.1.4 Print Results

16. Select the Print button in the Case Navigator tool bar.
The Report Preview view shown below opens. Note that
this will open in a new window, independent of the main
Flaresim view.

Figure 3-12, Report Preview

17. Select the report elements you wish to see printed. To see
what the report will look like with the current set of
elements you will need to click the Refresh button to update

Getting Started 3-17

In order to allow us to compare these results with future

results you will need to ensure that the Stack Configuration,
Tip Results - General and Flame Shape elements and the
Receptor Point results are included. Once you have set your
preferred report options you can click the Save Options but-
ton to save your report options to a configuration file. Your
chosen options will also be saved with the case.

18. When you are happy with the options you have chosen click
the Print button to send the report to your default printer.

The standard Printer Dialog view shown below will appear

to allow the printer and other options to be selected.

Figure 3-13, Printer Dialog

3-18 Sonic Tip Design

3.2 Sonic Tip Design

3.2.1 Objective and Data

The design that we produced in Example 1 meets our design
radiation limits but requires a long 247ft stack. Since we are
designing a flare stack for an offshore platform we wish to minimise
the length and hence the weight of the flare stack as much as
possible. Therefore we will attempt to reduce the required flare stack
length by redesigning the system using a sonic flare tip.

The fluid data, environmental data and radiation limits are the same
as for Example 1.

3.2.2 Open Starting File

1. If you are continuing from Example 1 you should save your
case before continuing using the button from the tool
bar at the top of the Case Navigator. Skip to step 3.

2. Otherwise use the File - Open menu option or the icon.

In the File Open dialog that appears, browse to the Samples
folder created by your Flaresim installation. This will
usually be in the Softbits\Flaresim 3.0 folder in your
configured Documents folder. Select the file Example 1 -
Result.fsw and click the Open button.

3.2.3 Create Sonic Tip

3. Create a new tip by selecting the Tip branch in the Case
Navigator view and then clicking the Add button or by
selecting the Add - Tip drop down menu option.

Getting Started 3-19

4. On the Details tab of the Tip view that opens enter the
following data:

Name = Sonic Tip

Tip Type = Sonic
Number of Burners = 1
Seal Type = None
Fraction Heat Radiated Method = High Efficiency

5. On the Noise Input tab of the Tip view enter the following

Combustion Noise Method = Standard Reference.

6. Move to the Location & Dimensions tab and enter the

following data:

On Stack = Stack_1
Length = 3.0ft
Angle to Horizontal = 90
Angle to North = 0
Exit Diameter = 18in
Riser Diameter = 18in
Contraction Coefficient = 1.0 (default)
Exit Loss Coefficient = 1.0 (default)
Roughness = 9.843e-4in (default)
Calc Burner Opening = Selected

7. Click on the Fluids tab and enter the following:

Fluid Name = Fluid 1

Fluid Mass Flow = 100,000lb/hr

8. At this point the Status Text at the bottom of the Tip view
should indicate that the tip data is complete. Close the view.

9. In the Case Navigator, select the branch labelled Tip 1 and

then click the Ignore button. The icon beside the label
should turn to a icon to confirm that the tip will not be
included in the calculations.

3-20 Sonic Tip Design

3.2.4 Run & Review Calculations

10. We are now ready to run the calculations. Click the large
button at the top of the Case Navigator.

Once Flaresim has finished calculating, check the Errors/

Warnings/Info log panel to confirm that the expected calcu-
lations for the two Receptor Points have been completed.
Note that if earlier messages in the log panel are causing
confusion, you can click the right mouse button over the log
panel to access a pop-up menu which provides a Clear
option to remove the current log messages.

11. We are now ready to review the results. Open the Stack
view for the Main Stack. The new length calculated for the
stack is 68ft.

12. Open the Receptor Summary view. As shown below, this

indicates that the Stack Base receptor point is now the
controlling limit since the thermal radiation at this point is
calculated as 1500 btu/hr/ft2. The radiation at the Helideck
receptor point is 543 btu/hr/ft2.

Figure 3-14, Sonic Tip, Receptor Summary

Getting Started 3-21

13. Save the new design to a new case name.

14. Generate a report for this new case using the Print tool bar

3.2.5 Compare Results

Our new design with the sonic flare tip is clearly better since it leads
to a much shorter stack that will save a great amount of weight and
hence cost over our initial design using the pipe flare tip. It is worth
doing a detailed comparison to understand the difference between
the designs.

15. Reopen the original case Example 1 - Results.fsw and

click the Print tool bar button. Since reports are generated in
separate windows then you will now have two report
windows that you can compare side by side. Note that both
cases are open simultaneously in Flaresim and you can
switch between them using the Windows menu option.

Alternatively you can use your Internet browser to view the

saved report files Example 1 - Result.html in the Sam-
ples\Example 1 - Result sub-folder and Example 2 -
Result.html in the Samples\Example 2 - Result sub-
folder. (usually in [Documents]\Softbits\Flaresim 3.0).

16. Find the Tip Data - Results section in the reports. The
fraction of heat radiated value for the Pipe flare design is
0.35 while that for the Sonic design is 0.1.

The fraction of heat radiated by a flare is a critical parame-

ter in the design. Pipe flares exhibit relatively poor mixing
of air with the flared fluid and as a result the flame contains
many partially combusted luminescent carbon particles that
give it an orange colour and a relatively high fraction of
heat radiated. Sonic flare tips are designed to maximise the
mixing of air and the flared fluid and so burn with a clearer
flame with lower heat radiation.

3-22 Sonic Tip Design

By selecting the appropriate F Factor method to calculate

the fraction of heat radiated in both our designs we have
allowed the program to calculate an appropriate value for
the different tips. However since this is such an important
factor in the design, the heat radiation factor to be used
should be confirmed with your flare system vendor prior to
the final design. Should you wish to use a heat radiation fac-
tor supplied by a vendor you should set the method to User
Specified and enter the value.

17. Still in the Tip Data - Results section of the reports find the
flame length. For the Pipe flare design this is 173 ft. while
for the Sonic flare design the flame length is 88ft. Note that
the flame length calculated by the API method is the same
in both cases.

Sonic flare tips by their design and by their greater gas exit
velocities lead to a flame shape that is shorter and stiffer
compared to that of a pipe flare. As a result the flame is less
affected by wind and stays closer to the tip and thus further
from the platform. This can be seen most clearly by compar-
ing the 3D plot of the Flame Shape in the reports.

Finally in the Tip Results section of the reports find the tip
back pressure i.e. tip inlet pressure. For the Pipe flare this is
14.7 psi while for the Sonic flare it is 26.0 psi.

The fact that the sonic tip is operating at choked conditions

means that the pressure drop over this type of tip is much
higher than for the pipe tip. Thus a sonic tip can only be
used if the resulting back pressure on the flare system is not
so high as to prevent safe relief of the gas.

Getting Started 3-23

3.3 Two Tip Design

Comparison of our two designs using the pipe tip and the sonic tip
shows that the sonic tip is much the better since it produces a
shorter, stiffer and above all a flame with a lower F Factor than the
pipe flare. This means that the flare stack can be much shorter while
still meeting radiation limits. Given the advantages of the sonic tip
it might appear that we should always specify this type of tip.

However we have also seen that the sonic flare tip results in higher
back pressures on the flare system. In many cases this additional
back pressure will be too high to allow safe relief from all the
possible relief sources in the process. Therefore it is common to see
designs with both high and low pressure flare systems relieving
through different tips.

3.3.1 Objective and Data

The relieving sources in our process have been reviewed to check
that the new back pressure resulting from the sonic tip is acceptable.
The review has shown that 10,000 lb/h of the material being flared
cannot be relieved safely at the new higher back pressure. As a result
we have decided to split our design so this 10,000 lb/h is relieved
through a low pressure flare system leading to a pipe tip with the
remaining material flowing through a high pressure flare system to
a sonic tip.

3.3.2 Open Starting File

1. If you are continuing from Example 2 you should save your
case before continuing using the Save tool bar button in
the Case Navigator. Skip to step 3.

2. Otherwise use the File - Open menu option or the icon.

In the File Open dialog that appears, browse to the Samples
sub-folder of your Flaresim installation (usually [My
Documents]\Softbits\Flaresim 3.0) and click the Open

3-24 Two Tip Design

3.3.3 Update Tip Data

3. In the Case Navigator view double-click the Sonic Tip
branch to open the view for this Tip. On the Fluids tab
change the flow rate to 90,000 lb/h. Close the view.

4. Open the view for the Tip 1 by double-clicking this in the

Case Navigator view or by selecting it and then clicking the
View button. Rename the tip to Pipe Tip. On the Fluids
tab change the flow rate to 10,000 lb/h. Then clear the tick
from the Ignore check box to activate this tip again. Close
the view.

3.3.4 Run & Review Calculations

5. We are now ready to run the calculations. Click the large
button at the top of the Case Navigator.

Check the Errors/Warnings/Info log panel to confirm that

the expected calculations for the two Receptor Points have
been completed.

6. We are now ready to review the results. Open the Stack

view for the Main Stack. The new length calculated for the
stack is 96ft.

Figure 3-15, Stack View

Getting Started 3-25

7. Open the Receptor Summary view. This indicates that the

Main Stack receptor point is still the controlling limit since
the thermal radiation at this point is still calculated as 1500

3.3.5 Update Pipe Tip

In reducing the flow through the Pipe tip we have changed its

8. Open the Tip view for the Pipe tip. You will see on the
Details tab that the fraction of heat radiated from this tip has
been calculated as 0.38 whereas before it was 0.35. The
reason for this is the greatly reduced velocity, 0.02 mach,
through the tip which reduces the tips efficiency. For
efficient operation the velocity should be 0.2 mach or

9. On the Location & Dimensions tab, click the Size Me

button. Set the Mach number to 0.3 and set Use Nominal
Diam to No and the tip size will be calculated as 4.6 in.
Set Use Nominal Diam back to Yes and an nominal
diameter of 5 inch will be selected. If you wish to check the
actual Mach Number at the selected tip size, use the
Nominal Diameter drop down list and reselect 5 inch to
update the calculated Mach Number which will be 0.25
Mach. This is acceptable so click the Ok button. The tip size
and riser diameter will automatically be updated to the new
selected diameter.

10. Now recalculate the case. The new exit velocity is 0.25
mach and the fraction of heat radiated is now 0.34. The
improvement in efficiency of this flare reduces the
calculated size of the stack to 90ft.

11. Our two tip design is complete so save the case.

3-26 Working With Isopleths

3.4 Working With Isopleths

To see details of the thermal radiation around the flare Flaresim
provides the Receptor Grid objects that will calculate the radiation
for a grid of points that can be used to generate isopleth charts
showing lines of constant thermal radiation. Similar isopleth charts
can be displayed for noise and surface temperature results.

Our model already has one receptor grid called Grid 1. This was
automatically generated for us by the Setup Wizard. It shows a plan
view around our flare stack at the grade elevation i.e. 0ft. Since the
Helideck is the main area of interest we will update this grid to the
correct elevation.

3.4.1 Open Starting File

1. If you are continuing from Example 3 you should save your
case before continuing using the icon from the Case
Navigator tool bar. Skip to step 3.

2. Otherwise use the File - Open menu option or the icon.

In the File Open dialog that appears, browse to the Samples
folder in your Flaresim installation
([Documents]\Softbits\Flaresim 3.0), select the file
Example 3 - Result.fsw and click the Open button.

3. Since the Helideck is one of the main areas of interest, we

will update the receptor grid to plot the radiation at this
level. Open the Grid 1 object by double clicking on it in the
Case Navigator. Once open, change the name to Helideck
Plan and change the elevation offset to 30ft. Also update
the number of points for each axis to 41.

Note that the number of points in the grid is not critical - a

higher number will generate smoother, more accurate isop-
leths at a cost of increased calculation time.

4. In the Case Navigator view select the Receptor Grid branch

and click the Add button (alternatively select the Add -

Getting Started 3-27

Receptor Grid drop down menu option) to create and open

the view for a new Receptor Grid object.

5. Enter the following data to create a grid for the vertical

cross-section through the axis of the flare.

Name = Helideck Elevation,

Orientation = Elevation-Northing,
Easting = 0ft,
Elevation Min = -100ft,
Elevation Max = 300ft,
Elevation Points = 41,
Northing Min = -500ft,
Northing Max = 300ft,
Northing Points = 41.

The receptor point properties are left at the default values.

6. Re-run the case. When the run is complete you will be able
to inspect the isopleth plot by opening the grid view,
clicking on the Radiation tab and then selecting Plot as the
Display option. Similar plots for noise and surface
temperatures can be found on the Noise and Temperature

7. You can customise the isopleth lines displayed on the plot

by clicking the Customise button to open a plot properties
view as shown below. Select the Contour Details tab and
select the check boxes to show only the isopleth values for
600, 1500, 3000, 5000 and 10000 btu/hr/ft2 as shown in
Figure 3-16 below. Note the colours of each isopleth can be
customised by clicking on the line colour panel and
selecting the colour from the pop-up colour picker dialog.

When your updates are complete you can click the button at
the bottom of the Customise window to copy your changes
to other isopleths of the same type.

3-28 Working With Isopleths

Figure 3-16, Isopleth Customisation

8. Isopleth plots will be included automatically as part of

Flaresim standard reports. A plot may also be exported as a
standalone graphics file clicking the Export button on an
isopleth result tab when the display option is set to Plot.
This displays a standard file save dialog which allows the
type of graph to be exported to be selected from the Save as
type drop down. Allowed types are JPG, BMP and PNG
bitmap formats or WMF and EMF vector formats. Note
vector format files are more suitable for re-scaling and
inclusion in reports.

If the Export button is clicked while the isopleth results are

displayed as a Table the save dialog will provide options to
save the results table to a text file (of comma separated val-
ues) or to an Excel spreadsheet file.

9. A graphical report that displays an isopleth plot together

with a summary of the model data can be generated from
the Graphical Report tab on the Receptor Grid view. Simply
select the type of plot to be produced, the layout file and
click the View Graphic Report button. A sample of the
output produced is shown below. Note this is a modal

Getting Started 3-29

window that must be closed before you can use other parts
of Flaresim.

Figure 3-17, Graphic Report View

10. Graphic reports can be printed or exported as graphics files

using the Print Graphic Reports tool bar button . For
example to export a graphic report of the radiation isopleth
for the Helideck Plan view, select the Helideck Plan in the
list of available receptors grids, select the check box for the
radiation plot and JPEG Bitmap as the file type as shown
below. Then click the Save Graphic Reports button. A
browser window will open to allow the output folder to be
specified. The graphic reports will then be automatically
created and saved and the Log area of the Flaresim screen

3-30 Working With Isopleths

will list the output location of the saved files. Note the
layout file used will be that specified on the Graphic Report
tab for each receptor grid.

Figure 3-18, Output Graphic Report

3.4.2 Adding a Flaresim Overlay

Flaresim allows drawings to be overlaid on isopleth plots. Drawings
can either be imported or generated using the internal overlay editor.
In this example we will create a simple plan view within Flaresim.

11. In the Case Navigator, select the Overlay branch and click
the Add button. A new overlay object called Overlay 1 will
be created and displayed. Change the name to Helideck

12. In the Update Details From Grid section of the Details

tab, select the Helideck Plan grid and click Update. The
Overlay dimensions are updated with those from the
Helideck Plan Grid.

Getting Started 3-31

13. Select the Editor tab and click the zoom in and zoom
out buttons and/or resize the view until you can see the
full drawing. Check the Show Stacks check box to display
the location of the stack in the drawing to act as a guideline.
Not this will not form part of the drawing.

14. Now click the Add Rectangle button and draw a

rectangle to represent the platform outline from the top left
corner at -200,0 to the bottom right corner 50,-200. This is
done by moving to the first point using the displayed X,Y
coordinates at the left of the view as a guide, clicking and
holding the left mouse button then dragging to the second

15. Add a second rectangle to represent the helideck from the

points -50,-100 to 30, -180.

16. Click the ellipse button and draw a circle within the
helideck rectangle by moving to the point -50, -100,
clicking and holding the left mouse button and dragging to
the point 30, -180.

17. Click the text button and then click the drawing in the
middle of the helideck circle. A vertical flashing bar will
appear to indicate the text insertion point. Type the letter H
and then hit the enter key to complete the text entry.

If the text is too small, click the select button and then
select the text you have just entered. A set of selection
points will appear around it to indicate that it has been
selected. Now click the properties drop down menu
and select the Text Font option to open a standard font dia-
log to allow the text size and style to be defined. A size of
around 24 pt is probably suitable.

3-32 Working With Isopleths

If required the selected text can also be moved by clicking

and dragging with it the left mouse button - the yellow dot
will indicate the point to click for dragging the text.

The overlay picture is now complete and should look some-

thing like the view below.

Figure 3-19, Completed Overlay

18. Next open the Helideck Plan Receptor Grid and go to the
Plot Overlay tab. Select the Use Flaresim Overlay radio
button and then in the drop down menu that appears select
the overlay we have just created, Helideck Plan. Finally
tick the Show Overlay check box.

Now go to the radiation tab. The overlay is now displayed

as the background picture to the isopleth as shown below.

Getting Started 3-33

Figure 3-20, Isopleth with Overlay

19. Save the case. The overlay file we have created will be
automatically saved in the Flaresim case folder (i.e. the sub
folder created with the same name as the Flaresim case
which contains the report data) with the file extension

3.4.3 External Overlay File

The other method of displaying an overlay with your isopleth plots
is to link to an external graphics file. The best type of background
drawing to import is a scaled vector drawing i.e. a Windows metafile
(.wmf) or enhanced metafile (.emf) but bitmap files (.bmp, .png and
.jpg files) can also be used. Given that the locations of the stacks etc.
in your Flaresim model are matched to the drawing on import the

3-34 Working With Isopleths

isopleths will be correctly positioned in relation to the drawing. The

following example shows how this is done.

20. Open the Plot Overlay tab in the Helideck Elevation

Receptor Grid.

We know that the drawing we are going to import represents

dimensions of 1050 ft wide by 750 ft high. The point corre-
sponding to the base of the main stack (0,0) in the model is
located at the point 500, 350 in the drawing.

21. Ensure the Details radio button is selected in the External

File Details section and enter the following values:-

Elevation - Min = 0ft,

Elevation - Max = 750ft
Northing - Min = 0ft
Northing - Max = 1050ft.
Location of Flaresim Origin - Elevation = 350ft
Location of Flaresim Origin - Northing = 500ft

22. Click the Browse button to import the background graphics

file. The file to import is called elevation.wmf and is located
in the Samples\example 4 - result folder. You will need to
select Windows Metafiles (.wmf) in the Files of Type
drop down in the File Open view to select this. Click Ok.

You can now click the Preview radio button to see the
imported graphic file together with a blue outline rectangle
which shows the extents of the current receptor grid on the

23. Reselect the Details radio button and set the Show Overlay
check box. Move to the Radiation tab and you should see
your overlay displayed on the isopleth as shown below.

Getting Started 3-35

Figure 3-21, External Overlay File

24. Our work enhancing the isopleth plots is now complete.

Save the case.

3-36 Welltest Burner Design

3.5 Welltest Burner Design

Offshore platforms often include a facility for burning off liquids
produced during well tests. Flaresim is capable of modelling this
type of burner in addition to the conventional safety release flares.

3.5.1 Objective and Data

A welltest burner capable of burning 30,000 lb/hr of liquid is to be
added to our design. The properties of the liquid to be burned are as
Material Hydrocarbon Liquid
Flow 30,000 lb/hr
Mol Wt. 52.9
Vapour Temp. 100 F
Heat of combustion 19,550 btu/lb

Tip Diameter 12 in

3.5.2 Open Starting File

1. If you are continuing from Example 4 you should save your
case before continuing using the icon from the Case
Navigator tool bar. Skip to step 3.

2. Otherwise use the File - Open menu option or the icon.

In the File Open dialog that appears, browse to the Samples
sub-folder in the Flaresim installation folder (usually [My
Documents]\Softbits\Flaresim 3.0) select the file Example
4 - Result.fsw and click the Open button.

3.5.3 Add New Fluid Data

3. In the Case Navigator view select the Fluids branch and
then click the Add button to create a new Fluid and open its

Getting Started 3-37

4. Complete the view with the following entries;

Name = Welltest Liquid,

Temperature = 100F,
Ref Pressure = 14.7psi
Mole Weight = 52.9,
LHV = 19,550 btu/lb,
Cp/Cv = 1.2,
LEL = 1.7%,
Saturation = 100%.

The Critical Temperature and Critical Pressure fields can be

left blank.

The completed view is shown below. Close the view when

the data has been entered.

Figure 3-22, Welltest Fluid View

3.5.4 Add New Stack

5. In the Case Navigator view select the Stacks branch and
then click the Add button to create a new Stack and open its

3-38 Welltest Burner Design

6. Enter data for the new stack as follows, leaving other entries
at their default values;

Name - Welltest Boom,

Northing = -200ft,
Easting = 0ft,
Elevation = 0ft,
Dimensions section
Length = 55ft,
Angle to Horizontal = 0 deg,
Angle to North = 180 deg.

These entries define our new stack as a horizontal boom on

the opposite side of the platform to our main flare stack.

The completed view is shown as Figure 3-23. Close the

view when complete.

Figure 3-23, Welltest Boom View

Getting Started 3-39

3.5.5 Add Welltest Burner Tip

7. In the Case Navigator, select the Tips branch and click the
Add button to create and view a new Tip object.

8. On the Details tab of the Tip view enter the following data;

Name = Welltest Burner,

Tip Type = Welltest,
Number of Burners = 3,
Fraction Heat Radiated Method = User Specified
Specified Fraction Heat Radiated = 0.3
All other values should be left at their defaults.

9. On the Location & Dimensions tab enter the following,

leaving other values at their defaults;

On Stack = Welltest Boom,

Length = 0ft,
Angle to Horizontal = 0 deg,
Angle from North = 180 deg.
Exit Diameter = 12 in (Default)

Note the burner length and orientation fields serve to locate

the precise location of the flame and the initial flame direc-
tion. Even when the burner length is 0ft as here, the orienta-
tion fields must still be entered.

10. On the Fluids tab select the Fluid as Welltest Liquid and
enter the flow rate as 30,000 lb/hr. Close the view.

3.5.6 Add New Receptor Point

11. Add a new Receptor Point in the usual way. Define the
following data to locate the receptor point at the base of the
welltest burner boom;

3-40 Welltest Burner Design

Name - Base Welltest Boom,

Northing = -200ft,
Easting = 0ft,
Elevation = 0ft.
All other fields may be left at their default values. Close the

3.5.7 Run & Review Calculations

12. In the Case Navigator view, select the Stack 1 object. Clear
the Size This Stack check box. Now click the Ignore button.
This will exclude the two tips on the main flare stack from
the calculations.

13. Run the calculations by clicking the large button labelled

Click to Calculate. Check in the Errors/Warnings/Info log
panel that the case has run and calculated correctly.

14. Open the Receptor Summary view. The results, see Figure
3-24, show that the radiation limits for our original two
critical locations that we have defined are met. The
radiation at the base of the well test burner stack is 1406

Getting Started 3-41

Figure 3-24, Receptor Summary

15. Save the case.

3.5.8 Add Water Screen

The radiation calculated at the base of the welltest burner stack is
acceptable for brief exposure only. Since more extended exposure
might be required it is necessary to reduce the radiation. While this
could be achieved by extending the length of the stack this would be
an expensive option due to the added weight. It is normal to reduce
radiation from welltest burners using water screens.

The effect of these can be modelled in Flaresim through the

installation of shield objects

16. Add a Shield object either by clicking the Shield branch in

the Case Navigator view and then the Add button or by
using the Add - Shield menu option according to your

3-42 Welltest Burner Design

17. Enter data in the Details tab of the new Shield view as

Name = Water Curtain,

Radiation - Type = Water Screen
Radiation - Layer Thickness Calculation = User
Radiation - Layer Thickness = 0.5 in
Noise - Transmissivity = 1.0 [default]

18. Select the Sections tab. The first section is already created
for you. In the lower half of this view click the Add Vertex
button 4 times to create a rectangular shield section with 4
corners or vertices.

19. Enter the following data;

Name - Water Curtain

Vertex 1 = Northing -205 ft, Easting, 50 ft, Elevation 40 ft
Vertex 2 = Northing -205 ft, Easting, 50 ft, Elevation -10 ft
Vertex 3 = Northing -205 ft, Easting, -50 ft, Elevation -10 ft
Vertex 4 = Northing -205 ft, Easting, -50 ft, Elevation 40 ft

Note it is a requirement when entering the locations of the

vertices that each point is directly connected to the next
point in the list as shown below. Flaresim will attempt to
sort the points to meet this criteria if necessary.

Figure 3-25, Shield Section Input

Getting Started 3-43

The completed form is shown below.

Figure 3-26, Complete Shield Section Editor

20. The Shield view should now show that the shield data setup
is complete. Run the updated case and inspect the results.

The radiation value at the base of the welltest burner stack

has been reduced to an acceptable value of 264 btu/hr/ft2.
The radiation isopleth for the plan view clearly shows the
effect of the shield, see Figure 3-27.

Save the case..

3-44 Welltest Burner Design

Figure 3-27, Isopleth plot for Helideck Plan View

3.5.9 Evaluate Rate of Temperature Rise

Since we are relying on the water screen to reduce thermal radiation
in normal use, we should check the situation when the water screen
fails. Given data on the receiving surface, Flaresim is able to
calculate the rate of temperature rise.

21. Open the view for the Base Welltest Stack receptor point
and select the Properties tab. Update the data as follows;

Emissivity = 0.7,
Absorbtivity = 0.7,
Area Ratio = 2.0,
Mass = 10.4 lb/ft2,
Mass Cp = 0.1075 btu/lb/ft,
Initial Temperature = 60F.

Getting Started 3-45

This data represents a steel plate, 0.25in thick. The Area

Ratio of 2.0 indicates that one side of the plate is exposed to
the flare radiation.

The On Plane value at its default value of None is a con-

servative assumption that means that no credit will be taken
for radiation striking the plate at an angle. Enabling this
option to select the angle of the plate requires selection of
the Export Mode option in the Calculation Options view.

22. Select the Water Curtain shield object in the Case Navigator
and click the Ignore button. Then run the calculations.

23. In the Thermal Results tab of the Base Welltest Stack

receptor point you can inspect the rate of temperature rise
results in tabular or graphical form. The results show that
the temperature will rise to 83F after 2 mins on its way to a
final temperature of 122F.

Save the case.

3.5.10 Check Safety Case

The results with only the welltest burner in use show that the original
design radiation limit for the helideck is met. However we still have
to consider the situation when a safety release occurs while the
welltest burner is in use.

24. Select the Main Stack, Stack 1 in the Case Navigator view
and click the Activate button to restore it to the calculations.

You will probably find that the stack is not ready to run
since its length was originally being calculated we have
been running the case with the stack set to ignored. Set the
stack length to 90ft, the value calculated in Example 3.

25. Click the Calculate button to run the model.

3-46 Welltest Burner Design

Open the Receptor Point summary. The results show that

the thermal radiation at the Helideck receptor is 1145 btu/hr/
ft2, significantly exceeding our limit of 600 btu/hr/ft2.

At this point we might consider increasing the length of either the

Main Stack or the Welltest Stack in order to ensure that the radiation
limits are met again. However it may also be possible to consider the
circumstances under which the welltest burners would be used at the
same time as the main flare. Perhaps procedures could be established
to prevent helicopter operations while the welltest burner was in use
meaning that this higher radiation value is acceptable.

It is appropriate to emphasise at this point that Flaresim is a tool for

analysing the performance of flare systems. It cannot replace the
engineers judgement in selecting the appropriate conditions to
model or determining whether a particular set of results represent an
acceptable or a dangerous situation.

Getting Started 3-47

3.6 Gas Dispersion

Flaresim includes two types of gas dispersion model intended for
two different types of analysis

A jet dispersion calculation models dispersion of flared

fluid close to the tip to identify the potential for dangerous
gas concentrations in flame out conditions.

A Gaussian dispersion calculation models dispersion of

flared fluid or combustion products over longer distances.

The aim of this section is to illustrate how to use each of these


3.6.1 Objective and Data

A new case with the following data will be used.

Flared Fluid

Methane 0.9 mole frac

Ethane 0.08 mole frac
H2S 0.02 mole frac
Temperature 75 C
Ref Pressure 1.013 bar a
Flow 50000 kg/hr

Mechanical Data

Tip diameter 387.4mm (16in)

Tip length 1m
Stack location At origin, 0, 0, 0
Stack length 20m
Stack orientation Vertical

Environment Data

Temperature 15 C
Wind 10 m/s from North

3-48 Gas Dispersion

Our objective will be to analyse the gas dispersion around the flare
in normal operation and flame out conditions.

3.6.2 Load or Create Base Case

1. If you wish to build the case from scratch then either select
the File - New menu option or click the icon in the tool
bar. The Setup Wizard will appear.

Select the European units set on the opening page for easy
of entering the remaining data. Work through the Fluid, Tip,
Environment and Stack tabs entering the data defined
above. Once you have entered the Stack data you can click
the Finish button to accept the default data for Receptors
and Calculation options. Skip to step 3.

2. Otherwise use the File - Open menu option or the icon.

In the File Open dialog that appears, browse to the Samples
sub-folder in the Flaresim installation folder (usually [My
Documents]\Softbits\Flaresim 3.0) select the file Example
6 - Starter.fsw and click the Open button.

3.6.3 Jet Dispersion Calculation

In this exercise we run a jet dispersion study to study the flammable
gas concentrations around the flare in the event of a flame out.

3. Before enabling the jet dispersion calculations we will

create a new Receptor Grid to see the results more clearly.
Select the Receptor Grid branch in the Case Navigator and
click the Add button. In the new view enter the following

Name = Elevation
Grid Plane = Elevation-Northing
Grid Offset = 0m
Elevation Minimum = -100m
Elevation Maximum = 300m

Getting Started 3-49

Northing Minimum = -300m

Northing Maximum = 100m
Leave remaining values at defaults.

4. Open the Calculation Options view by selecting it in the

Case Navigator and clicking the view button. Select the
check box labelled Jet Dispersion in the Include Options
section of the General Tab.

Click the Calculate button

5. Return to the view for your Elevation receptor grid and

select the Concentrations tab. You should see a result that
looks something like that shown below.

Figure 3-28, Jet Dispersion Initial Result

The jet dispersion calculation shows the concentrations of

the flare fluid in the event of a flame out and is useful for

3-50 Gas Dispersion

establishing the regions in which a flammable gas concen-

tration may be obtained.

At first sight the result above looks unrealistic since the

concentration isopleths do not appear connected to the flare
tip. This is a function of the limited number of points calcu-
lated in the default grid.

6. In your Elevation grid view, go back to the Extent tab and

increase the number of calculated points for both Elevation
and Northing dimensions to 51. Click the Calculate button

Return to the Concentrations tab and you should see the fol-
lowing, more accurate result.

Figure 3-29, Final Jet Dispersion Result

Save the case.

Getting Started 3-51

3.6.4 Gaussian Dispersion, Contour Plot

In this exercise we will study the dispersion of H2S from the flare
tip in the event of a flame out.

7. Create a Dispersion Object by selecting the Dispersion

branch in the Case Navigator and clicking the Add button.
In the Dispersion view enter the following data on the Input
Data tab as shown below.

Name = H2S Contour

Pollutant Source = Flared Fluid
Calculation Type = Contour Plot
Contours Height = 0m
Northing Minimum = -1000m
Northing Maximum = 0m
Easting Minimum = -500m
Easting Maximum = 500m
Number of points, Northing and Easting = 41

Figure 3-30, Gaussian Dispersion Input Tab

3-52 Gas Dispersion

8. On the Pollutant Data tab select the H2S component only.

For a contour plot, only one component can be selected.

9. Open the Calculation Options view and select the Gaussian

Dispersion checkbox to enable these calculations.

Click the Calculate button

10. Select the Results tab and then the Plot option for the
display. The plot shows the ground level concentration
contours for H2S downwind of the stack as shown below

Figure 3-31, H2S Contour Plot

11. The results shown have been calculated at the default

environmental conditions with atmospheric stability
characterised as Class D with dispersion coefficients
applicable to Rural terrain around the flare. Open the
Environment view at the Dispersion Data tab and test the
effect on the dispersion results as you change the Atm.

Getting Started 3-53

Stability class from A (most turbulent) to F (most stable)

and the effect of changing the terrain from Rural to Urban.

You will see that the H2S concentrations are higher closer to
the flare when atmosphere is more turbulent and when
urban terrain classification is used. The sensitivity of the
results to these parameters shows the necessity of selecting
the appropriate environment settings for your particular
flare location.

3.6.5 Gaussian Dispersion, Downwind Plot

In this exercise we will consider the downwind concentrations of
pollutants in the combustion gases of the flare when it is operating.

12. In the Case Navigator select the Dispersion branch and click
Add to create a new dispersion object. In the Input Data tab
of its view enter the following data.

Name = Combustion Emissions

Pollutant Source = Combustion Gas
Calculation Type = Downwind Line Plot
Line through Point = Origin
Height for Calculation = 0m
Downwind Distance Minimum = 0m
Downwind Distance Maximum = 10000m
Number of points = 41

13. Select the Pollutant tab. Select the SO2, NO, CO and
Methane pollutants for calculation by checking the box
alongside these components.

Some of the components in this list, the CO2, H2O, SO2 are
calculated directly from combustion of the components in
the flared gas. The Fluid view, Combustion Results tab
shows the stoichiometric fraction of each of these compo-
nents generated by combustion of the flared gas.

The remaining components, NOx (assumed as NO), CO and

unburnt hydrocarbon (assumed as CH4) are calculated as

3-54 Gas Dispersion

typical emissions resulting from hydrocarbon combustion.

The quantities of each component generated is calculated by
default using the global basis defined on the Calculation
Option view Emissions tab. Alternatively in Expert Mode
the emissions basis for each Tip can be specified on the
Emissions tab of the Tip view.

The quantities of each component in the combustion gases

for each Tip are displayed on the Combustion Results tab of
the Tip view.

14. Since the dispersion of the combustion gases will be

dependent on the flame temperature we will now set this.
Open the Tip View and select the Fluids tab. At the bottom
of this view you may input a value for the flame
temperature or clear the specified value to allow it to be
calculated from the specified combustion air ratio.

Set the Combustion Air ratio to 3.0 and clear the specified
flame temperature.

15. Open the Environment view and set the Atm. Stability Class
to PasquillB.

Click the Calculate button.

16. Return to the Combustion Gas Results tab of the Tip view to
see the calculated flame temperature of 721 C and the
combustion gas compositions.

In the Combustion Gas dispersion view go to the results

page and select the plot result to view the results as shown
below. The peak concentration of SO2 is calculated at 68
g/m3 at a distance of approximately 1500m downwind of
the flare tip.

Getting Started 3-55

Figure 3-32, Combustion Gas Dispersion Downwind Plot Results

17. As in the previous example, open the Environment view to

the Dispersion Data tab and test the effect of changing the
Atm. Stability Class and Terrain class settings. You will find
that for stable atmospheric conditions, stability classes E, F
that the emission concentrations are still rising at the
maximum downwind distance we have defined (10,000m).

If you wish you can increase the maximum downwind dis-

tance on the Input Data tab to calculate the results further

3-56 Gas Dispersion

3.6.6 Dispersion Analysis Comments

It is worth making the following general comments on the dispersion
analysis capabilities of Flaresim.

The jet dispersion analysis for flammable gas concentrations is

based on the Cleaver & Edwards jet dispersion model which is
regarded as a reasonable model for concentrations close to the
source. However it does assume dispersion in free air and does not
consider the effect of structures which might modify dispersion
patterns and lead to higher concentrations of flammable gas than
predicted by Flaresim. A more detailed analysis with specialised
software would be required in these situations.

The Gaussian dispersion calculations for combustion gases and

flared fluid over longer distances is a simpler theoretical model that
does not include detailed terrain effects. As such it should be
considered as suitable for screening calculations to indicate a
possible need for more detailed analysis. Chapter 12 has additional
comments on the implementation of the Gaussian dispersion model
in Flaresim.

Interface 4-1

4 Interface

4.1 Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

4.2 Menu Bar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

4.3 Multiple Case Views. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

4.4 Tool Bars. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

4.4.1 Main Window Tool Bar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
4.4.2 Case View Tool Bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

4.5 Log Panels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

4.6 File Dialogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

4.6.1 File Save Dialog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
4.6.2 File Open Dialog. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
4.6.3 Recent Files Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
4.6.4 Update Messages During File Open . . . . . 19

4.7 About View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20


Interface 4-3

The Flaresim interface has been designed to give you a great deal of
flexibility in the way in which you enter, modify and view the data
and results which comprise your flare models. This chapter
describes the various components of the Flaresim interface. If you
need help with any particular task, the on-line help can give you
step-by-step instructions.

4.1 Terminology
The following view of the Flaresim screen shows most of the
interface components that you will encounter.

Figure 4-1, Flaresim Screen

Menu bar
Tool bars
button Object
button Tabs
Radio button
Drop down
Status text Tables

Value with
Popup menu

File Check box

Error /

4-4 Terminology

Menu Bar
The menu bar provides access to various program functions that are
not specific to a particular Case. The options are described in more
detail in section 4.2.

Tool Bars
The tool bar is a row of icons that provide quick access to the more
commonly used program functions. Flaresim has one tool bar for the
main program and each Case has a tool bar with options specific to
it in the Case Navigator. The options are described in more detail in
section 4.4.

Multiple Case Views

Flaresim 3.0 allows multiple individual cases to be open at once for
Throughout the manual, easier comparison and switching between different models. The
Clicking a button or other item multiple case views are managed using standard Windows
means using the Left mouse
button unless stated otherwise.
conventions. Case Views may be expanded to full screen if required.

Case Navigator
The Case Navigator provides a summary view of all of the objects
in a Flaresim Case displayed in a tree structure. It also provides a
local tool bar of program options that are specific to the case as well
as buttons to access various program functions such as adding,
deleting, copying, viewing, activating and ignoring objects as well
as starting calculations.

Active Button
Buttons appear on most forms and may be clicked with the left
mouse button to perform the action indicated. Active buttons are
those where the label type is black.

Greyed Button
Buttons which have an action that cannot be performed at a
particular time are displayed with the label type in grey.

File Management Log

This area of the Case View displays a record of file saving and
retrieval activity. See section 4.5 for more information.

Interface 4-5

Errors / Warnings / Info Log

This area of the screen displays a record of error messages, warning
messages and other information generated by Flaresim calculations.
See section 4.5 for more information.

PopUp Menu
PopUp menus are used to display additional choices in response to
clicking buttons or clicking the right mouse button.

This is the term used to describe a window containing a group of
data entry fields for a specific element of the program. Views in
Flaresim are generally non-modal which means that multiple views
can be open and used at the same time.

Views may be resized, minimised, maximised and moved within the

Flaresim Case View in the same way as standard windows.

Status Text
Many views have a status field at the bottom to indicate whether all
the necessary entries have been made. The background to this text
indicates the status, green indicates ready to calculate, red indicates
missing data, yellow indicates that the object is ignored.

Some views have more data entry items than will fit on a typical size
window. Tabs are a way of subdividing the entries into groups
within the view. Clicking a tab heading displays the group.

Input Tables
The majority of data for Flaresim cases is entered through Input
Tables. These group together related items which may either be
values with associated units, drop down selection menus, check
boxes or simple text. Generally the values entered will be checked
for validity on leaving each cell in the Table.

Value With Units

Input items with associated engineering units are entered through a
pair of Input Table cells, the first defining the unit, the second the

4-6 Terminology

The units initially displayed by an Input Table are the default units
defined through the Preferences View, see section 5.4. The current
units for an individual value can be reselected at any time to display
the value converted to that unit. The current displayed unit will be
used to convert any number input to the internal units used by
Flaresim. When an Input Table is completely refreshed e.g.
following a calculation, the default units will be displayed again.
This allows values to be entered in a mixture of units.

For example in a field expecting a wind speed value when the

default unit display is ft/s you can enter a value of 20 mph by first
changing the displayed unit to mph and then entering the value of
20. The displayed unit will be reset to ft/s and the converted value
of 29.33 ft/s will be displayed when the Input Table is next

Drop Down List Box

This type of edit box provides a downward pointing arrow to the
right which may be clicked to allow a choice to be made from a set
of options.

Check Box
A check box is used to select options that can be either on or off.
Clicking a check box once will display a tick in the box indicating
that the option is on, also known as setting the check box. Clicking
the box again will clear the tick indicating that the option is off.

Radio Buttons
Radio buttons are used to select one option from a group of mutually
exclusive options. Clicking one radio button in a group will select
that option and automatically deselect all the other options.

Scroll Bars
Where a list or a view is not large enough to display all the items
required scroll bars will appear. The up and down arrows may be
clicked to move through the view to display all the items.

Interface 4-7

4.2 Menu Bar

Figure 4-2, Menu Bar

The Menu Bar provides access to the Flaresim program actions. The
row of main menu items at the top of the main Flaresim window
provides access to drop down menus as shown in Figure 4-2.

Main menu items are selected by clicking on them or by holding

down the Alt key and first letter of the menu name. Once the sub-
menu has opened the sub-menu items can be selected by clicking
them or by using the up and down arrow keys and then hitting enter.

Menu items may also have a shortcut key combination displayed

against them which can be used to select the action without using the

Flaresim provides the following menu items.

4-8 Menu Bar

Main Menu Sub Menu Description

File New Creates a new Flaresim case

Open Loads a Flaresim case from disk

Save Save current selected case

Save As Open save file dialog to save current selected

case with a new name.

Save All Saves all open cases to disk

Page Opens a view to set page size and margins


Print Create report for current selected case

Select Display printer dialog to select the printer

Graphic that will be used to output graphic reports.
Report Selection will be remembered if appropriate
Printer option is set in Preferences.

Graphic Displays dialog to select page size and mar-

Report Page gins for graphic report output.

Print Open graphic report view for current selected

Graphic case.

Preferences Opens the Preferences view

Exit Quits the Flaresim program

Recent files List of recently opened files that can be reo-

pened directly by selecting the name.

Windows New Creates a new Flaresim case


Cascade Organises the open case views into a cascade

of overlapped windows

Tile Vertical Organises the open case views into a set of

side by side windows

Tile Organises the open case views into a set of

Horizontal stacked windows

Interface 4-9

Main Menu Sub Menu Description

Close All Close all case views

Arrange Organises icons for minimised case icons


Open List of currently open case views


Help Contents Opens Flaresim help file at contents page

Index Opens Flaresim help file at index

Search Opens Flaresim help file in search mode

About Version information about Flaresim

4-10 Multiple Case Views

4.3 Multiple Case Views

Flaresim 3.0 allows multiple cases to be open at once. Each case will
have its own view window that will be contained within the main
Flaresim window. A new case can be created at any time using the
File - New menu item or by clicking the tool bar button. A an
existing case opened by using the File - Open menu item or clicking
the tool bar button.

Once open an individual Case View can be minimised, maximised

or closed using the standard set of window control buttons display in
the top right of the window.

Clicking the button of this set minimises the case view to just
an icon at the bottom of the Flaresim view. In the icon view the left
button changes to and clicking this restores the case view to its
previous size. Clicking the button maximises the case view to
the full size of the Flaresim window, covering any other case views
that might be open. Again the button will be replaced by a
button and clicking this will restore the standard window size.
Finally the button will close the case.

The Preferences view, Files and Options tab includes an option

which controls whether new cases and freshly opened cases are
automatically display at the maximised size.

The Windows menu (see above) provides a list of the currently open
cases and allows rapid switching between them. It also provides
options for arranging the case view windows on the screen.

Interface 4-11

4.4 Tool Bars

A Tool Bar provides a row of icons that may be clicked to provide
rapid access to some commonly used actions. Flaresim has tool bars
in both the main Flaresim window and the Case Views.

4.4.1 Main Window Tool Bar

Flaresim provides the following options on the main window Tool
This icon creates a new Flaresim case.

This icon retrieves a Flaresim case from disk.

This icon saves the current selected case. If the case has an
name and has already been saved it will be overwritten. If it
is a new case a File - Save As dialog will open. A message
indicating success or failure will be written to the File
Management Log.

This icon saves the current selected case with a new name. A
File - Save As dialog will open to allow the file name to be
specified. A message indicating success or failure will be
written to the File Management Log.

This icon saves all open Flaresim cases to the disk.

This icon opens the Report View for the current selected case
and to allow printing of the case.

This icon opens the Print Graphic Report View to allows

selection, saving or printing of the graphic reports for the
current selected case.

This icon opens the Preferences view.

4-12 Tool Bars

4.4.2 Case View Tool Bar

Flaresim provides the following options on the Case View tool bar
at the top of the Case Navigator.

This large button starts the calculations for the case. Once
started, the button displays a progress bar for the
calculations. On completion the background colour shows
the status of the calculation results, green for success, red for
failure. A pale orange background indicates that data has
changed since the last calculation.

This icon opens a drop down menu offering a list of objects

that can be added to the case. It is equivalent to selecting the
object type branch in the Navigator tree view and clicking
the Add button.

This icon saves the case. If the case has an name and has
already been saved it will be overwritten. If it is a new case
a File - Save As dialog will open. A message indicating
success or failure will be written to the File Management

This icon saves the case with a new name. A File - Save As
dialog will open to allow the file name to be specified. A
message indicating success or failure will be written to the
File Management Log.

This icon opens the Report View to allow selection of the

print options for the case and to allow printing of the case.

This icon opens the Print Graphic Report View to allows

selection, saving or printing of the graphic reports for the

This icon collapses the Case Navigator into a summary view

that consists of a vertical tool bar.

Interface 4-13

Vertical tool bar buttons in the Case Navigator summary are the
same as in the standard Case Navigator with the following additions.
This icon expands the Case Navigator to its normal size.

This icon starts the calculations for the case. The colour of
the tool bar background indicates the case status, green for
calculated with results available and pale orange for not

This icon displays a pop up menu of the objects in the current

case. Selecting an object will display its view.

4-14 Log Panels

4.5 Log Panels

Figure 4-3, Log Panels

The log panels at the bottom of the Flaresim main window are used
to output messages from the program. There are two panels.

The left panel is known as the File Management Log and records
details of file creation, file retrieval and file saving actions.

The right panel is known as the Errors/Warnings/Info Log and

records messages generated by Flaresim as it calculates.

The size of the log panels can be set by moving the cursor to the top
boundary of the panels or the boundary between the panels. At the
point where the cursor changes to a pair of resizing arrows, the left
mouse button may be clicked and dragged to resize the panel.

Both panels provide a popup menu with local options that can be
opened by clicking the right mouse button. The popup menu
provides the following options:
Clear - clears all messages from the log.

Save Messages - displays a standard file dialog to allow the current

message list to be saved to an external log file.

Interface 4-15

4.6 File Dialogs

Flaresim uses standard Windows file dialogs to save and retrieve

4.6.1 File Save Dialog

The File Save Dialog appears when you select the File - Save As
menu item or the File - Save menu item or Save tool bar icon for an
unnamed case. The dialog also appears when you click the Export
button or Save button on other Flaresim views e.g. to export results
data from Receptor Grid views.

Figure 4-4, File Save Dialog

The main elements on this Dialog are:

Combo box
Allows you to enter the name of the file to save the Flaresim model
to. As you type the name, the drop down list element of the combo

4-16 File Dialogs

box allows you to select an existing file that matches the name to
overwrite if you wish.

The file name entered will be given the extension type specified in
the Save As Type field unless you enter a different file extension.

Save As Type
Drop down List of allowed file types
Allows you to select the required file type.

File Description Allowed Types

Model Files Flaresim for Windows files .FSW

XML data files .XML

Table Export Comma separated value files .CSV

Excel files .XLS

Graphics Export JPEG files .JPG

Portable network graphic files .PNG

Windows bitmap files .BMP

Windows meta files .WMF

Enhance windows meta files .EMF

Save In
Drop down List of available storage locations
Allows you to select from the list of available storage locations
configured for your computer system.

File List
List Box
Shows the files and folders in the current folder. The list may be
used to navigate the folder tree or to select files.
Folders can be opened and made the new current folder by double
clicking on them. You can move up the folder tree by clicking the
Previous Folder icon. New folders can be created by clicking the
New Folder icon and entering the new folder name in the File List.

Interface 4-17

Files can be selected for overwriting by clicking on them.

Saves the file once you have entered the name or selected a file to
overwrite. If the file selected already exists you will be asked to
confirm that it should be overwritten.

Cancels the file save.

New Folder -
Creates a new sub-folder in the current folder. The folder will be
created with the default name New Folder and you will then be
able to rename as required.

4.6.2 File Open Dialog

The File Open Dialog appears when you select the File - Open menu
item or click the Open icon on the tool bar.

4-18 File Dialogs

Figure 4-5, File Open Dialog

The elements of this dialog are essentially the same as the File Save
Dialog with the exception that the Save button is replaced by an
Open button.

4.6.3 Recent Files Menu

The File Menu displays a list of recently used files which can be
used to re-open one of these files directly by selecting it from the

Interface 4-19

Figure 4-6, Recent Files Menu

4.6.4 Update Messages During File Open

When opening a file from earlier versions of Flaresim it is possible
that the program will detect parameters that have changed in the
current version or detect results that will be changed as a result of
changes in the program. When this happens a dialog will be
displayed and the user will be asked to acknowledge the information
or possibly make a decision between a number of choices.

Further information on these dialogs can usually be found in the help

system by pressing F1.

4-20 About View

4.7 About View

The About View is opened using the Help - About menu option.

Figure 4-7, About View

The purpose of this view is to provide information on the version of

the program that may be required when seeking Technical support.

Closes the About view.

General Setup 5-1

5 General Setup

5.1 Case Navigator View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
5.1.1 Command Buttons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
5.1.2 Tool Bar Buttons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
5.1.3 Tree Icons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

5.2 Case Summary View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

5.3 Setup Wizard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

5.3.1 Setup Wizard - Common Items . . . . . . . . . 10
5.3.2 Setup Wizard - Opening View . . . . . . . . . . 12
5.3.3 Setup Wizard - Fluid Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
5.3.4 Setup Wizard - Tip Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
5.3.5 Setup Wizard - Environment Page . . . . . . 19
5.3.6 Setup Wizard - Stack Page . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
5.3.7 Setup Wizard - Receptors Page . . . . . . . . 23
5.3.8 Setup Wizard - Calculations Page . . . . . . 25

5.4 Preferences. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
5.4.1 Units Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
5.4.2 Files & Options Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
5.4.3 Plots Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

5.5 Component Management View . . . . . . . . . 40


General Setup 5-3

5.1 Case Navigator View

The Case Navigator view, shown in Figure 5-1, provides a summary
view of the Flaresim model, showing the objects that have been
added to the model and their status. It also provides quick access to
any of the object views and enables objects to be added to and
deleted from the model.

Figure 5-1, Case Navigator View

The Case Navigator view shows the Flaresim model as a tree with
the branches showing the different types of object that make up the

The Case Navigator is used by clicking a branch of the tree to select

it and then clicking one of the command buttons to perform that
action on the selected object. For example to open the Pipe Tip in
navigator view displayed above, click Pipe Tip then click the View
button. A branch can also be double-clicked which will act the same
way as the View action.

5-4 Case Navigator View

If a branch with sub branches is double-clicked or Viewed it will

open a summary view for that object type if it is available. Summary
views are available for Environments, Stacks, Tips and Receptor

5.1.1 Command Buttons

The Case Navigator command buttons have the following

This button at the top of the Case Navigator view may be labelled
Click to Calculate, Rating Complete or Sizing Complete
depending on the current state of the case. It may be clicked at any
time to start calculations.

While the case is calculating the surface of the button changes to

show a progress bar indicating progress of the calculations.
Messages will also be output to the Error/Warnings Log as
calculations proceed.

Opens the view for the selected object to allow its data to be viewed
or updated.
Creates a new object of the selected type and opens its view ready
for data input. If an existing object is selected in the tree rather than
the parent branch, a new object of the same type is created.

Clears the ignored status for the selected object which restores it to
the calculations. Not all objects can be ignored and restored and this
button will be greyed out if the action cannot be applied to the
selected object.

Sets the ignored status for the selected object which means that it
will not be included in the calculations. Not all objects can be

General Setup 5-5

ignored and restored and this button will be greyed out if the action
cannot be applied to the selected object.

A new object of the same type as the selected object will be created
and its contents set to the same values as the selected object. Not all
objects can be copied and this button will be greyed out if the action
cannot be applied to the selected object.

Deletes the selected object. No confirmation is required. Not all
objects can be deleted and this button will be greyed out if the
selected object is a permanent part of the case e.g. the Case

5.1.2 Tool Bar Buttons

The following buttons appear on the Case Navigator tool bar.
This icon opens a drop down menu offering a list of objects
that can be added to the case. It is equivalent to selecting the
object type branch in the Navigator tree view and clicking
the Add button.

This icon saves the case. If the case has an name and has
already been saved it will be overwritten. If it is a new case
a File - Save As dialog will open. A message indicating
success or failure will be written to the File Management

This icon saves the case with a new name. A File - Save As
dialog will open to allow the file name to be specified. A
message indicating success or failure will be written to the
File Management Log.

This icon opens the Report View to allow selection of the

print options for the case and to allow printing of the case.

5-6 Case Navigator View

This icon opens the Print Graphic Report View to allows

selection, saving or printing of the graphic reports for the

This icon collapses the Case Navigator into a summary view

that consists of a vertical tool bar.

Vertical tool bar buttons in the Case Navigator summary are the
same as in the standard Case Navigator with the following additions.
This icon expands the Case Navigator to its normal size.

This icon starts the calculations for the case. The colour of
the tool bar background is

This icon displays a pop up menu of the objects in the current

case. Selecting an object will display its view.

5.1.3 Tree Icons

The icons displayed against each branch and object in the Case
Navigator view have the following meanings.
This icon identifies a branch of the model tree that contains
a single object that is a permanent part of the model and
cannot be added or deleted. Examples of this type of object
are the Case Description and Calculation Options object.
When a branch of this type is selected the Add, Delete, Copy
Activate and Ignore buttons are greyed out since they are not

This icon identifies branches of the model that contain

objects that are not essential to the running of the model.
Examples of this type of object are the Receptor Point and
Assist Fluid objects.

This icon indicates a branch of the model that contains

objects that are essential to the calculation of the model
where the required objects are either missing or have

General Setup 5-7

incomplete data. Examples of this type of object are the Tip

and Stack objects.

This icon indicates a branch of the model that contains

objects that are essential to the calculation of the model
where the required objects are complete and ready for
calculation. Examples of this type of object are the Tip and
Stack objects.

This icon indicates an object that has been set to an ignored

status. Ignored objects are not included in the calculations.
Normally where multiple objects may be defined e.g. Tips
and Stacks, multiple objects may be ignored as long as there
is at least one left active for calculations. The exception is the
Environment object where only one can be active; all the
others being set to ignored.

This icon indicates an object whose data is incomplete or in

error in some way.

This icon indicates an object whose data is complete and

ready to calculate.

This icon indicates a branch that has sub-branch objects

defined that are not currently displayed. Clicking this icon
will expand the tree to show the sub-branch objects.

This icon appears against a branch with displayed sub-

branch objects. Clicking it will collapse the branch and hide
the sub-branch objects.

5-8 Case Summary View

5.2 Case Summary View

The Case Summary view (see Figure 5-2) allows the user to enter
information to describe the Flaresim model. The Case Summary
view is opened by selecting it in the Case Navigator view and
clicking the View button or by double clicking on it in the Case

Figure 5-2, Case Description View

Case Data - Title

Text entered in this field will be printed as the model title on reports.

Case Data - Author

Identifies the author of this Flaresim file.

Case Data - Revision

Identifies the revision of the Flaresim file.

General Setup 5-9

Case Data - Checked By

Identifies the person responsible for checking the model.

Descriptive information relevant to the model. For example it is
good practice to note sources of environmental data and the
contingencies represented by the fluid data.

File Details - Last Calculated

Calculated Text
Tracks the date and time that the model was last calculated. It is
automatically updated each time the model is calculated and cannot
be manually updated.

File Details - Last Saved

Calculated Text
Tracks the date that the model was last saved. It is automatically
updated each time the model is saved and cannot be manually

File Details - File Version

Calculated Text
Tracks version of Flaresim that was used when the file was last

File Details - Last Saved As

Calculated Text
Tracks the name that was used when the file was last saved.

5-10 Setup Wizard

5.3 Setup Wizard

The Setup Wizard view provides a step by step guide to setting up a
basic Flaresim model. It is intended for use by new users to provide
the simplest possible interface for defining a new model.

The Setup Wizard provides pages or tabs that allow the user to
define in turn the fluid to be flared, details of the flare tip,
environment details, details of the flare stack, location of critical
receptor points and the calculation options to be used. Each page
must be completed before the user can move to the next page. Where
possible default data values and options are provided to allow the
setup of a new case to be made as simple as possible. When the final
page is completed and the Finish button is selected the wizard will
automatically create the Flaresim objects required to define the case.

By default, the Setup Wizard will be automatically displayed when

starting Flaresim or when creating a new case. If the user does not
want to use the Setup Wizard then its view can be simply closed.
Experienced users who do not wish to use the Setup Wizard at all
can select this option on the Files&Options tab of the Preferences
view, see section 5.4.2

5.3.1 Setup Wizard - Common Items

Figure 5-3 below shows the Fluid page of the Setup Wizard and
indicates the main areas of the view as follows.

Summary Panel
This provides a summary of the data input provided so far.

Data Entry Panel

This region will change to provide the data entry fields required for
the current item.

Help Panel
This region provides additional information about the selected data
entry field and will change as different fields are selected. The

General Setup 5-11

information provided may explain why the data item is required and
indicate the range of values allowed as well as typical values.

Command buttons
These allow the user to move from page to page of the Setup Wizard.
The Finish button is only available when all of the required
information has been entered

Figure 5-3, Setup Wizard View

Page Tabs

Data Entry


Help Panel

Page Tabs
These display the status of each section of the Setup Wizard. The
icons used, and have the same meanings as in the Case
Navigator view, section 5.1. The Page Tabs also allow the user to
move between completed pages of the Setup Wizard.

5-12 Setup Wizard

5.3.2 Setup Wizard - Opening View

The opening view of the Setup Wizard is shown below.

Figure 5-4, Setup Wizard - Opening View

Unit set to use

Drop down list
This field selects the units that will be used by Flaresim.

The drop down list only allows selection from existing unit sets. To
create and customise the contents of units sets the File - Preferences
menu option can be used, see section 5.4

General Setup 5-13

5.3.3 Setup Wizard - Fluid Page

The second page of the Setup Wizard is the Fluid page shown below.

Figure 5-5, Setup Wizard - Fluid Page

Fluid Conditions - Temperature

Range 0 to 1000 K
This field defines the temperature of the fluid going to the flare.

Fluid Conditions - Ref. Pressure

Range 0.001 to 100 bar a
This field defines the reference pressure at which the temperature of
the fluid is specified. Where the operating pressure of the flare
differs from the reference pressure, the fluid temperature will be
corrected for the change assuming adiabatic conditions. The user
can choose not to apply this correction through the Calculation
Options view, see chapter 14.

5-14 Setup Wizard

Property Calculation
Radio Buttons
These buttons control how the fluid properties are to be obtained. If
the Specified Properties option is selected then the bulk properties of
the fluid must be input using the Fluid Properties table as shown in
Figure 5-5. Otherwise if the Compositional option is selected the
view will change to allow the fluid composition to be specified from
which the fluid properties will be calculated.

Fluid Properties - Molecular Weight

Range 2 to 1000
The molecular weight of the fluid. It is a required entry.

Fluid Properties - LHV

Range 0 to 100 MJ/kg
This defines the Lower Heating Value of the fluid, also known as the
net heating value. It is a required entry.

Fluid Properties - Cp/Cv

Range 1 to 5
This defines the ratio of the specific heat capacities of the fluid. A
default value of 1.2 is provided which may be used where this value
is unknown.

Fluid Properties - LEL

Range 0 to 100%
This defines the Lower Explosive Limit of the fluid. A default value
of 2% is provided which may be used where this value is unknown.
The LEL is only used by the Brzustowski radiation method so the
value can safely be left at the default value when other calculation
methods are used.

Fluid Properties - Saturation

Range 0 to 100%
This defines the degree of saturation of the hydrocarbons in the
fluid. The default value of 100% assumes that all the fluid is
paraffinic hydrocarbon. The saturation is only used by the High
Efficiency F Factor method and may safely be left at the default
value when other F Factor methods are used.

General Setup 5-15

Fluid Properties - Pc
Range 0.001 to 1000 bar a
This defines the critical pressure of the fluid. It is used in the
calculation of fluid temperatures and densities. Entry of this value is
optional as an internal correlation will be used to estimate the fluids
Pc if this value is not provided.

Fluid Properties - Tc
Range 2 to 1000 K
This defines the critical temperature of the fluid. It is used in the
calculation of fluid temperatures and densities. Entry of this value is
optional as an internal correlation will be used to estimate the fluids
Tc if this value is not provided.

When the Compositional radio button is selected the fluid page is

updated to so the Fluid composition table as shown below.

Figure 5-6, Setup Wizard - Fluid Page Compositions

5-16 Setup Wizard

Composition Basis
Radio Buttons
These buttons select the composition input basis either Mole
fraction or Mass fraction

Normalise Composition
Clicking this button will normalise the current composition.
Unspecified component fractions will be set to 0.0 and the remainder
normalised so to give a total fraction of 1.0.

Fluid Composition - Fraction

Range 0 to 1.0
The component composition.

General Setup 5-17

5.3.4 Setup Wizard - Tip Page

The Tip page of the Setup Wizard is shown below.

Figure 5-7, Setup Wizard - Tip Page

Tip Type
Radio Buttons
This allows selection of the tip type to be used either a Pipe Tip or
Sonic tip. If unknown the default Pipe tip will provide the most
conservative option.

Tip Sizing - Fluid Mass Flow Rate

Range 0 to 10000 kg/s
Defines the mass flow rate of the fluid to be flared.

5-18 Setup Wizard

Tip Sizing - Tip Diameter

Range 0.0 to 10 m
Defines the diameter of the tip. When the mass flow rate is defined
the tip diameter will be automatically updated to show the tip
diameter required for the current Mach number. Updating the tip
diameter with a specified value will automatically update the Mach
number value.

Tip Sizing - Mach Number

Range 0 to 1
Defines the tip exit Mach number i.e. the tip exit velocity as a
fraction of the sonic velocity. This is defaulted to 0.45 Mach which
is a reasonable default for an efficient pipe flare. Updating the Mach
number will recalculate the required tip diameter as long as the fluid
mass flow rate is known. Alternatively, updating the tip diameter
with a specified value will automatically update the Mach number

F Factor Method
Check box
Selects the method that will be used to calculate the fraction of
combustion heat that will be radiated from the flame. The F Factor
is sometimes known as the emissivity of the flame. The default
Generic Pipe method is a conservative general purpose method. The
High Efficiency method should only be used for high efficiency tips
in good condition burning low molecular weight fluids.

General Setup 5-19

5.3.5 Setup Wizard - Environment Page

The Environment page which is the fourth page of the Setup Wizard
is shown below.

Figure 5-8, Setup Wizard - Environment Page

Environment - Wind Speed

Range 0 to 100 m/s
The wind speed to be used for the calculations. A default wind speed
of 20 m/s is defined.

Environment - Wind Direction

Range 0 to 360
The angle from which the wind is blowing. 0 degrees is North, 90
East, 180 South and 270 West. It is common to do calculations
relative to a wind from the North so 0 degrees is the default.

5-20 Setup Wizard

Environment - Temperature
Range 10 to 500 K
The environmental temperature. The value is used in surface
temperature calculations and gas dispersion calculations.

Environment - Humidity
Range 04 to 100%
The environmental humidity. The humidity value is used in
calculations of the attenuation in radiation due to the atmosphere i.e.
the transmissivity calculation. It is only used when the
Transmissivity is set to Calculated. The default value of 10% is
reasonably conservative.

Environment - Transmissivity Spec

Range 0 to 1
The value for atmospheric transmissivity to be used if the
Transmissivity method is set to User Defined. The default value of
1.0 is conservative and does not allow for any attenuation of
radiation when passing through the atmosphere.

Environment - Transmissivity Method

Drop down: UserSpecified / Calculated / CalcNoLimits / Wayne
The method to be used for the calculation of the factor for correcting
the transmissivity of radiation through the atmosphere. The Default
method selects the UserSpecified method which with a specified
transmissivity value of 1 is the most conservative. The Calculated
and CalcNoLimits methods calculate the transmissivity as a function
of the distance travelled by the radiation through the atmosphere and
the atmospheric humidity, the difference between them being
whether the distance limits applicable to the Hottel derived equation
are used (see Methods chapter). The Wayne method calculates
transmissivity as a function of both atmospheric temperature and

General Setup 5-21

5.3.6 Setup Wizard - Stack Page

The Stack page of the Setup Wizard is shown below

Figure 5-9, Setup Wizard - Environment Page

Stack Angle To Vertical

Check box
This set of check boxes allows rapid selection of some standard
angles for the stack which will be updated in the Vertical Angle
entry. In general onshore flare stacks are vertical while flare stacks
on offshore platforms are often angled at 45 or 60 degrees to
Horizontal. If your stack is not a standard angle then select the User
check box to input the angle in the table below.

Angle To Vertical
Range 0 to 90 degrees
The angle of the stack to the horizontal. Use this field if your stack
is not at one of the standard angles.

5-22 Setup Wizard

Angle from North

Range 0 to 360 degrees
The direction in which the stack points. This field is important for
non-vertical stacks and should be set with regard to the specified
wind direction. It is normal for stacks to be oriented to point into the
prevailing wind so if the wind is from the East (90degrees) then it
would be normal to set the stack horizontal orientation to 90 degrees
as well.

Stack Length
Range 0 to 1000m
The length of the stack. Leaving the value empty will cause the
Setup Wizard to create a Sizing case where the stack length will be
calculated to meet a defined limiting value for the radiation.

General Setup 5-23

5.3.7 Setup Wizard - Receptors Page

The Receptors page of the Setup Wizard is shown below

Figure 5-10, Setup Wizard - Receptors Page

Receptor ID
Descriptive Name
The default name provided e.g. RP_1 can be updated with a more
descriptive name e.g. Stack Base.

Range -1000 to 1000m
The location of the receptor point in the Northing direction.

In general the points of maximum radiation are found directly

downwind of the stack. So if the wind is from the North you will
generally be entering Northing locations with a negative value. For
example a Northing value of -10m will be a point 10m down wind.

5-24 Setup Wizard

Range -1000 to 1000m
The location of the receptor point Easting direction.

Range -500 to 500m
The height of the receptor point. Cases defined through the Setup
Wizard define the 0 elevation point as the base of the stack so this is
the height of the receptor point above or below the stack base.

Allowable Radiation
Range 0 to 31560 W/m2
The radiation that is allowed at the receptor point. The table of
typical design values shown on this page provides a general guide to
the selection of appropriate values.

Add Button
Clicking this button adds a new receptor point to the model.

Delete Button
Clicking this button deletes the current selected receptor point.

General Setup 5-25

5.3.8 Setup Wizard - Calculations Page

The Calculations page of the Setup Wizard is shown below.

Figure 5-11, Setup Wizard - Calculations Page

Calculation Method
Check box
This allows selection of the calculation method to be used. The
default Flaresim API method should generally give a conservative
result using industry standard methods. The Mixed method with 25
Flame elements is recommended as a good general alternative.

5-26 Preferences

5.4 Preferences
The File - Preferences menu item provides access to the Preferences
View to allow setup of the preferred units, file locations and
graphical plot elements.

Figure 5-12, Units Tab

Read Preference File

Reads a preference file. A File Open dialog will be opened to allow
the location of the preference file to be specified.

Save Preference File

Saves the current preferences. A File Save dialog will be opened to
allow the location of the preferences file to be specified. Preference
files are saved as files of type XML.

On startup, Flaresim first searches for a file called Preferences.xml

in the folder User Documents\Softbits\Flaresim X.Y where X.Y is

General Setup 5-27

the version number. If not found the default Preferences.xml file is

read from the SharedProgramData folder.

The SharedProgramData folder referred to above is typically the

folder C:\Documents and Settings\All User\Application Data\
Softbits\Flaresim X.Y on a Windows XP system or the folder
C:\ProgramData\Softbits\Flaresim X.Y on a Vista or Windows 7

5.4.1 Units Tab

The Units tab of the Preferences view (see Figure 5-12) is used to
define the units of measure used to display and interpret values on
the data entry views.

Flaresim uses the concept of a Unit Set which defines all of the units
to be used for a single case. Two Unit Sets, the Default SI and
Default Field sets are provided as basic sets that cannot be changed.
A third European unit set is provided which can be modified. New
Unit Sets can be created by copying an existing Unit Set and then
customising it.

A default range of units is provided for each type of unit used by

Flaresim. The Units tab also allows new units to be defined by
defining their name and conversion to the internal unit used by

Unit Sets - List

List box
Shows the Unit Sets that have already been defined in the
Preferences file. A Unit Set may be activated by selecting it in this
list. On activation all open data views are immediately updated to
display values in the new units.

Unit Sets - Rename Unit Set

Text entry
Allows the name of a user defined Unit Set to be updated. The names
of the default Unit Sets cannot be changed.

5-28 Preferences

Unit Sets - Copy Unit Set

Copies the selected Unit Set to create a new one. The new Unit set
will be given a default name that can then be updated to describe it.

Unit Sets - Delete Unit Set

Deletes the selected Unit Set. The default internal Unit Sets cannot
be deleted and this button will be inactive when these are selected.

Unit Select - Table

Shows a list of the unit types used in Flaresim with the current unit
defined for the selected Unit Set and the current format specifier. To
update the unit or format used for a particular unit type e.g.
Temperature, move to the appropriate row and then select the
required unit in the Selected Unit column and update the format
specifier in the Format column.

Unit Select Table - Selected Unit Column

Drop down List
Allows selection of the unit to be used for the currently selected unit
type. As the selection is changed the conversion factors for the unit
are displayed in the Unit Definition fields at the bottom of the view.

Unit Select Table - Format

Format specifier
Allows the output format of the selected unit type to be specified.
Format specifiers should be of the form:-
where the # symbol denotes the space allowed for leading digits and
the 0.000 section denotes the number of decimal places that will be
used for output.

Unit Select - Add

Allows new units to be defined for a particular unit type. Clicking
the button displays a pop up window to allow the new unit name to
be defined as shown below.

General Setup 5-29

Figure 5-13, New Unit Name Window

Clicking the OK button on this window activates the Unit Definition

fields and the Accept button.

Unit Select - Delete

Allows units to be deleted. Clicking the button will delete the
currently selected unit. A confirmation dialog will be displayed to
confirm the action. Only user added units can be deleted and the
button will be greyed out if the selected unit is not a user added unit.

Unit Select - Accept

Accepts the updated unit information.

Unit Definition - Multiplier

Numeric entry
Defines the multiplication constant required to convert the new unit
to the internal default unit which is displayed.

Unit Definition - Offset

Numeric entry
Defines the offset to be added to convert the new unit to the internal
default unit which is displayed. Note the offset is added after

5-30 Preferences

5.4.2 Files & Options Tab

The Files&Options tab of the Preferences view allows the location
of the units and components files to be specified along with other

Figure 5-14, Files Tab

Default Files - Units

File name entry
Defines the name of the unit conversion factors file, normally
Units.xml. If no folder path is specified Flaresim will expect to find
this in the SharedProgramData folder. The Browse button allows
the file to be located using a standard File Dialog.

Default Files - Component Library

File name entry
Defines the name of the component library file, normally
Librarycomponents.xml. If no folder path is specified Flaresim will
expect to find this in the SharedProgramData folder. The Browse
button allows the file to be located using a standard File Dialog.

General Setup 5-31

This allows the user to create dedicated component files to be

created and used for specialised applications.

Default Files - Report Layout File

File name entry
Defines the name of the style sheet file (XSL file) that will be used
to layout printed reports. By default this will be Flaresim.xsl. If no
folder path is specified Flaresim will expect to find this in the
SharedProgramData folder. Clients are able to create customised
report style sheets using standard XSL language to change the layout
of Flaresim reports.

Default Files - Graphic Report Layout

File name entry
Defines the name of the graphic report layout file to be used by
default. Standard graphic report layout files have a .lay extension
and are defined for A4 and US Letter paper sizes and for systems
with one or more stacks and one or more tips. If no folder path is
specified Flaresim will expect to find the file in the
SharedProgramData folder.

The default layout file selected here can be reset for individual
receptor grids or dispersion objects on the Graphic Report tab of the
relevant view.

The contents of the .lay files describe the location and formatting of
isopleth charts and accompanying data items and descriptive text
using XML syntax. The XML elements recognised in these files are
described in Appendix A of this manual.

Default Files - Wizard Help File

File name entry
Defines the name of the file containing the help information
displayed on the Setup Wizard. By default this file is called
WizardHelp.xml. Flaresim will expect to find this file in the
SharedProgramData folder.

5-32 Preferences

Default Files - Error Log File

File name entry
Defines the name of the file which will be used to record any errors
generated as you run Flaresim. By default the file will be saved in
the SharedProgramData folder. Error messages will only be
recorded if the Use Error Log option is selected.

Option Settings - Use Setup Wizard

Check box
When selected, Flaresim will display the Setup Wizard whenever
Flaresim is opened without specifying a file to load or when a new
Flaresim case is created. The Setup Wizard provides a step by step
guide to creating a basic Flaresim model. Use of the Setup Wizard is
described in section 5.3.

Option Settings - Use Specified Formats

Check box
When selected, Flaresim will use the defined Format values for each
unit when displaying values in the Input Tables on the various
views. Otherwise values will be displayed to 3 significant figures.

Option Settings - Use US Number Formats

When selected, Flaresim will display and accept values using US
number formats i.e. 123.1234. When cleared, numbers will be
displayed and accepted using the number format defined by the
current Windows language settings.

Option Settings - Log Errors to File

Check box
When selected, Flaresim will record all the exception errors
displayed to the log file defined in the Files section.

Option Settings - Maximise View

Check box
When selected, Flaresim will display all newly opened or created
cases in a maximise Case View, overlaying the previously visible

General Setup 5-33

Option Settings - Remember Graphic Printer Selection

Check box
When selected, Flaresim will store the name of the printer selected
for output of graphic reports and will automatically reselect it next
time Flaresim is run. Page settings are always remembered.

5.4.3 Plots Tab

The Plots tab of the Preferences view is used to customise the
appearance of the isopleth plots in the Receptor Grid view and the
plots in the Graphical Reports.

Figure 5-15, Plots Tab

Plot Type
Drop Down List: Radiation Isopleth / Noise Isopleth / Temperature
Isopleth / Concentration Isopleth / Dispersion Plot / Wind Rose Plot
This drop down list selects the type of plot that the customisation
options displayed will be applied to.

5-34 Preferences

Update Existing Grids, Points and Dispersion Objects

Command Button
Clicking this button applies the current plot preference settings to all
existing receptor grid isopleth plots, Gaussian dispersion isopleth
plots and receptor point windrose plots. The update applies in all
open cases.

A typical use for this button would be to apply settings from a

preference file to an open case i.e. read the preference file and then
click this button.

The customisation options are viewed and updated through three sub
tabs, for Plot Details, Contour Details and Text Details.

On the Plot Details tab, see Figure 5-15, it is possible to set the
following options.

Plot Options - Display Grid

Check box
When selected plots will show a background grid.

Plot Options - Display Flame

Check box
When selected isopleth plots will show a line representing the shape
of the flames from any active flare tips.

Plot Options - Display Stack

Check box
When selected isopleth plots will show lines representing the size
and orientation of active flare stacks.

Plot Options - Display Tip

Check box
When selected isopleth plots will show lines representing the size
and orientation of active flare tips.

Plot Options - Display Shield

Check box
When selected isopleth plots will show lines representing the
intersection of active shield sections with the plane of the isopleth.

General Setup 5-35

Note that it is the intersection that is displayed not the projection of

the shield on the isopleth. If plan view isopleth is at ground level i.e.
0m then the shields will require at least one point with an elevation
dimension < 0m in order to intersect with the isopleth plane.

Plot Parameter - Number of lines

Integer value 1 to 9
This value determines the number of grid lines that will be displayed
for each axis of the isopleth plots.

Plot Parameter - Flame Thickness

Integer value 1 to 50
This values defines the width in pixels of the line that will be drawn
to represent the flame shape.

Plot Parameter - Stack Thickness

Integer value 1 to 50
This values defines the width in pixels of the line that will be drawn
to represent each active stack on the isopleth plots.

Plot Parameter - Tip Thickness

Integer value 1 to 50
This values defines the width in pixels of the line that will be drawn
to represent the each active tip on the isopleth plots.

Plot Parameter - Shield Thickness

Integer value 1 to 50
This values defines the width in pixels of the line that will be drawn
to represent the shield sections on the isopleth plots.

Plot Colour - Grid Colour

Colour Dialog
This shows the colour that will be used for the background of the
isopleth plots. The colour may be selected by double-clicking the
sample panel to display the Flaresim colour dialog.

5-36 Preferences

Figure 5-16, Colour Dialog

Colours are selected in the dialog by clicking on the colour required

and then clicking the Ok button. To close the dialog without
changing the colour click the Cancel button.

Plot Options - Flame Colour

Colour Dialog
This shows the colour that will be used to draw the line representing
the flame shape on the isopleth plots. The colour may be selected by
double-clicking the sample panel to display the Flaresim colour

Plot Options - Stack Colour

Colour Dialog
This shows the colour that will be used to draw the line representing
the flare stacks on the isopleth plots. The colour may be selected by
double-clicking the sample panel to display the Flaresim colour

Plot Options - Tip Colour

Colour Dialog
This shows the colour that will be used to draw the line representing
the flame shape on the isopleth plots. The colour may be selected by
double-clicking the sample panel to display the Flaresim colour

General Setup 5-37

Plot Options - Colour

Colour Dialog
This shows the colour that will be used to draw the line representing
the shield sections on the isopleth plots. The colour may be selected
by double-clicking the sample panel to display the Flaresim colour

On the Contour Details tab, see Figure 5-17, it is possible to select

the following options for the 10 contour lines that are available for
each type of plot.

Figure 5-17, Contour Details

Contour Details - Value

Data Input
This column defines the value for the selected isopleth contour in the
units defined at the head of the column.

Contour Details - Display

Check box
This column specifies whether the selected isopleth contour will be
displayed. Set the check box to display the contour, clear it to hide
the contour. Contours

5-38 Preferences

Contour Details - Colour

Colour Dialog
This column defines the colour to be used for the selected isopleth
contour. Double click the sample panel to open the Flaresim colour
dialog to change the colour.

Contour Details - Width

Data Input
This column defines the line width used to draw the selected isopleth

Contour Details - Value

Drop Down List: Solid / Dash / Dot / DashDot / DashDotDot
This column selects the line style used to draw the selected isopleth

The Text Details tab, see Figure 5-18, allows the following settings
to be defined.

Figure 5-18, Isopleth Text Details

Text Options - Select Text Item

Select Row
The rows of this table describe the different text elements that can
appear on an isopleth plot. The display properties of each different
text element can be set by selecting the row and then using the fields
below to modify the properties.

General Setup 5-39

Not all of the defined properties may be supported for all of the text
elements. Where a property cannot be set it will be grayed out while
that text element is selected.

Text Options - Display Item

Check box
This controls whether the selected text element will be displayed.
Set the check box to display the item, clear it to hide it.

Text Options - Sample

Font Dialog
The Sample column displays a sample of the font style that is
currently defined for the selected text item. Double clicking the
sample text opens a standard windows font dialog to allow the
family, size and style of the font to be set for the selected text item.

Figure 5-19, Font Dialog

Text Options - Spacing

Integer value 1 to 20
This determines the spacing between the selected text element and
the item it describes e.g the spacing between the X-Axis of the
isopleth plot and the X-Axis of the graph. The value is expressed as
a percentage of the dimensions of the isopleth plot.

5-40 Component Management View

5.5 Component Management View

The Component Management view (see Figure 5-20) is used to
maintain and update the library of component data that may be used
to allow fluid properties to be calculated from their component
composition. The Component Management view is opened by
selecting it in the Case Navigator view and clicking the View button.

Figure 5-20, Component Management View

The list of components defined for the model is shown in the

Available Components list. Selecting a component in this list will
display its properties in the three tabbed pages at the bottom of the
view. If the component selected is a user added component the
Remove Selected Component and Edit Selected component
command buttons will be activated.

General Setup 5-41

New components can be added to the component library by clicking

the Add New Component button. This displays a pop-up window
(see Figure 5-21) to allow the entry of the new components name.
When this has been entered click the OK button and the component
will be added to the list in the Component Manager view. and its
properties will be displayed ready for entry.

Figure 5-21, Component Name Popup

Data for a new component or existing data for a user added

component is updated through the three tabbed views, Properties,
Structure and Enthalpy coefficients as described below. While data
is being updated an Edit Component information panel will be
displayed below the command buttons.

The options on the Properties tab are shown in Figure 5-20 above.

Mole Weight
Range: 2 to 1000
The molecular weight of the component.

Range: 0 to 200MJ/kg
The net, or lower heating value of the component. It is a common
error in the design of flare systems to use the gross heating value.

For most hydrocarbon components this value will be of the order of

46 MJ/kg

Cp / Cv
Range: 1.01 to 5.0
The ratio of the specific heat capacities of the component. If the
value is unknown we would recommend using a value of 1.2.

5-42 Component Management View

Range: 0 to 100%
The percentage saturation of the component.

Range: 0.0 to 100.0%
The lower flammability limit of the component as a volume

Critical Temperature
Range: 10 to 10,000 K
The critical temperature of the component.

Critical Pressure
Range: 0.01 to 1,000 bara
The critical pressure of the component.

On the Structure tab of the component data entry view the number
of atoms of each listed atom in the component should be entered, an
example for Methane is shown below.

Figure 5-22, Component Structure Input

This number is used in the calculation of combustion products. The

list of atoms cannot be updated. If other atoms are needed they must
be defined in the LibraryComponents.xml file along with details of
their combustion products.

The final tab of the Component data entry is the enthalpy

coefficients tab as shown below.

General Setup 5-43

Figure 5-23, Enthalpy Coefficients Data Entry

Flaresim calculates the enthalpy of fluids and combustion gases by

summing the contributions made by each component. The
individual component enthalpy contributions are calculated using
the following polynomial equation.
2 3 4 5
E is the enthalpy in J/kg
T is the temperature in K
A, B, C, D, E, F are constants

The data entry table for the enthalpy coefficients allows the enthalpy
unit for each constant to be selected but the values entered will
always be based on a temperature in K.

Once the component property data has been defined click the Accept
Edit button to complete definition of the new component. If for any
reason you wish to abandon creation of a new component at the
property data entry stage then click the Cancel Edit button.

Components that have been added by the user may be updated by

selecting it in the list and clicking the Edit Component Data button.
This option is not available for components from the Flaresim

To remove a component from the library, select it in the list and click
the Remove Selected Component button.

5-44 Component Management View

Fluids 6-1

6 Fluids

6.1 Fluid View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
6.1.1 Common Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
6.1.2 Properties Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
6.1.3 Composition Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
6.1.4 Combustion Results Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

6.2 Assist Fluid View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11


Fluids 6-3

The Fluid object defines the properties of the fluids to be flared

through a flare tip. The fluid properties may either be entered
directly or calculated from a defined composition. A single set of
fluid properties can be assigned to one or more flare tips.

Fluid objects may be created using the Fluid option from the Add
drop down menu or by selecting the Fluid branch in the Case
Navigator view and clicking the Add button.

An existing Fluid object may be viewed by double clicking it in the

Case Navigator view or by selecting it in the Case Navigator view
and clicking the View button.

Fluid objects will be included in the calculations when they are

assigned to a flare tip through the Tip view. A Fluid may be assigned
to more than one flare tip. Unassigned fluids take no part in the

A Fluid object can be deleted either by clicking the Delete button on

its view or by selecting it in the Case Navigator view and clicking
the Delete button on this view.

The Assist Fluid object both identifies the additional fluids that may
be fed to a flare tip to improve combustion and also defines the
information needed to calculate the flow of the assist fluid required.
Like Fluid objects, Assist Fluids are included in the calculations
only when assigned to a flare tip.

Assist Fluid objects may be created using the Assist Fluid menu
option from the Add drop down menu or by selecting the Assist
Fluid branch in the Case Navigator view and clicking the Add

An existing Assist Fluid object may be viewed by double clicking it

in the Case Navigator view or by selecting it in the Case Navigator
view and clicking the View button. Assist Fluid objects may be
deleted either through the Case Navigator view or by using the
Delete button on the Assist Fluid view.

6-4 Fluid View

6.1 Fluid View

The following figure shows the Fluid view for entering and updating
fluid data.

Figure 6-1, Fluid View

6.1.1 Common Fields

Enter text to identify this Fluid object.

Status Text
Status message
The message displayed in this field and its colour indicates whether
the data for this fluid object is complete and ready for calculation.

6.1.2 Properties Tab

The Properties tab of the Fluid view, see Figure 6-1, has the
following data entry fields. Note that all of these fields except the

Fluids 6-5

temperature and reference pressure will be calculated from the fluid

composition if this is entered.

Conditions - Temperature
Range: 10 to 1000K
The temperature of the fluid at the tip exit. Note that this is the
temperature of the fluid at the defined reference pressure.

If either a Steam or Air assisted flare tip is being used this

temperature is the fluid temperature before mixing with the steam or
air flow.

Conditions - Ref. Pressure

Range: 100 to 2000000 Pa
The reference pressure at which the fluid temperature is defined.

The fluid temperature can be corrected from this pressure to other

pressures assuming adiabatic isentropic compression/expansion if
the temperature correction calculation option is set.

Properties - Mole Weight

Range: 2 to 1000
The molecular weight of the fluid being flared.

Properties - Mass Energy or LHV

Range: 0 to 200MJ/kg
The net or lower heating value of the fluid. It is a common error in
the design of flare systems to use the gross heating value of the fluid.
We are interested in the net heat released by the flame.

For most hydrocarbon fluids without inerts this value will be of the
order of 46 MJ/kg.

Properties - Cp / Cv
Range: 1.0 to 5.0
This field defines the ratio of the specific heat capacities of the fluid.
It is only required and used when the fluid is a vapour.

If the value is unknown we would recommend using a value of 1.2.

6-6 Fluid View

Properties - LEL
Range: 0.0 to 100.0%
The lower flammability limit of the fluid as a volume percentage.

This property is used by the Brzustowski method for calculation of

flame shape. It is not used by any of the other methods, in which case
any value may be entered.

Properties - Saturation
Range: 0 to 100%
The percentage of saturated hydrocarbon molecules in the fluid on a
mole basis. This is used by the Flaresim method for estimation of the
fraction of heat radiated by a flame (emissivity). It is not used by any
of the other methods in which case any value may be entered.

For inert or non-hydrocarbon fluids and components assume 100%

saturation since this leads to combustion with a flame of lower

Critical Properties - Critical Temperature

Range: 10 to 1000K
The critical temperature of the fluid. It is used in the calculation of
the compressibility factor which in turn is used in the calculation of
the fluid density. If a value is not supplied, the fluids critical
temperature will be estimated using an internal correlation based on
mole weight.

Critical Properties - Critical Pressure

Range: 0.01 to 1000 bara
The critical pressure of the fluid. It is used in the calculation of the
compressibility factor which in turn is used in the calculation of the
fluid density. If a value is not supplied, the fluids critical pressure
will be estimated using an internal correlation based on mole weight.

Fluids 6-7

6.1.3 Composition Tab

Figure 6-2, Composition Tab

Table - Component Name

Selected components
Shows the list of components selected for use in the model.

Components are added to the list by clicking the Add Component

button to open the Component List view; see Figure 6-3. Highlight
one or more components in the list that you wish to add and click the
OK button. The required components will be added to the
component list and the Component List view will close.

Components are removed from the list by clicking the Remove

Component button to open the Component List view; see Figure 6-
3. Then select one or more components that you wish to remove and
click the OK button. The selected components will be removed from
the current component list and the Component List view will close.

6-8 Fluid View

Figure 6-3, Component List view

Table - Composition Values

Range: 0 to 1.0
Specifies the fraction of each component in fluid on either a mole or
a mass basis as determined by the radio button selection to the right
of the table.

Composition Basis
Radio Button: Mass/Mole
This radio button selects the basis for the composition data. Note
that changing it does not convert any existing component fraction
data to the new basis.

As component fractions are updated, the running total of the

fractions is updated. A composition can be completed by clicking
either the Normalise button to set remaining fractions to 0.0 and
normalise current totals to add to 1.0 or by clicking the Calculate
Last Fraction button to set a single unspecified component fraction
to the value required to make the overall fraction equal to 1.0.

6.1.4 Combustion Results Tab

The following figure shows the Combustion Results tab. This view
displays the combustion results calculated for the fluid.

Fluids 6-9

Figure 6-4, Fluid View, Combustion Results

These results are calculated directly from the specified composition

when this is available. When the composition has not been specified,
a composition is calculated for the Fluid using the defined mole
weight as the basis. Essentially the composition is assumed by
selecting the two straight chain hydrocarbon components, C1
through C10 from the data base that have mole weights immediately
lower than and higher than the specified mole weight. The
proportion of these two components is then calculated to provide the
same mole weight.

Fluid Ideal Enthalpies - At Fluid Temp

Calculated Result, J/kg
The ideal enthalpy of the fluid at the specified temperature.

Fluid Ideal Enthalpies - At 25C

Calculated Result, J/kg
The ideal enthalpy of the fluid at 25C.

Flue Gas Results - Flue Gas Flow

Calculated result, mole/mole
The flow of flue gas generated by complete combustion of 1 mole of
the fluid with the stoichiometric quantity of oxygen.

6-10 Fluid View

Flue Gas Results - O2 Required

Calculated result, mole/mole
The stoichiometric quantity of oxygen required for combustion of 1
mole of the fluid.

Stoichiometric Flue Gas Composition

Calculated result, mole fraction
The composition of the flue gas resulting from stoichiometric
combustion of the fluid.

Fluids 6-11

6.2 Assist Fluid View

The following figure shows the Assist Fluid view for entering and
updating assist fluid data.

Figure 6-5, Assist Fluid View

Enter a name to identify this assist fluid.

Status Text
Status message
The message displayed in this field and its colour indicates whether
the data for this Assist Fluid object is complete and ready for

Drop down list: Air / Steam/Water
Selects the type of assist fluid to be used. Steam/Water indicates that
Steam will be used with vapour flares and Water with liquid flares.

Flow Calculations
Drop down list: User / Smokeless
If this is set to User then a specific flow rate for the Assist Fluid will
need to be specified when the Assist Fluid is assigned to a Tip. If set
to Smokeless then the flow rate of the Assist Fluid will be calculated
according to the following settings as shown in Figure 6-6.

6-12 Assist Fluid View

Figure 6-6, Assist Fluid View for Smokeless Operation

Smokeless Method
Drop down list: Flaresim/API/UserRatio
Selects the method to be used by Flaresim to calculate the flow of
assist fluid required for smokeless operation. The Flaresim method
is a propriatory correlation supplied by National Air Oil. The API
method is the method described in API RP521. The UserRatio
allows the user to specify the flow ratio of assist fluid required for
smokeless operation.

The validity of these options varies with the type of assist fluid
Air The allowed methods are Flaresim and UserRatio. If
the API method is selected an error message will
displayed when the model is calculated.
Steam/Water Any of the allowed methods may be used.

Smokeless Flow Ratio

Range: 0.001 to 10.0 but see description
Specifies the ratio of the mass flow of the assist fluid to the mass
flow of the fluid being flared. This field is displayed when the
UserRatio smokeless method is selected.

When Air is the assist fluid, high ratios of 5.0 or more may be used.
When Steam/Water is the assist fluid the mass ratio should not

Fluids 6-13

exceed 0.5 since this would lead to flame instability and a potential

Apply Correction to Fraction Heat Radiated

Check box
If selected, Flaresim will calculate a correction to the flame length
resulting from the assist fluid.

Apply Correction to Flame Length

Check box
If selected, Flaresim will calculate a correction to the flame length
resulting from the assist fluid.

6-14 Assist Fluid View

Environment 7-1

7 Environment

7.1 Environment View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
7.1.1 Common Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
7.1.2 Overall Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
7.1.3 Wind Rose Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
7.1.4 Dispersion Data Tab. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

7.2 Environment Summary View. . . . . . . . . . . 15


Environment 7-3

The Environment object allows the definition of the data needed to

model flares in different environmental conditions. The data allows
characterisation of different geographical locations ranging from
desert conditions to Arctic conditions or characterisation of different
weather conditions at a single location.

An individual Flaresim run is always carried out for a single set of

environmental data. A Flaresim model file can contain multiple
Environment objects to allow rapid recalculation of the model with
a different set of environmental data.

Environment objects may be created using the Environment option

in the Add Item drop down menu or by selecting the Environment
branch in the Case Navigator and clicking the Add button.

An existing Environment object may be viewed by selecting it in the

View drop down menu option, by double clicking it in the Case
Navigator or by selecting it in the Case Navigator and clicking the
View button.

The Environment object to be used for calculations is set by

selecting it in the Case Navigator and clicking the Activate button.
Since only one set of environmental data can be active at a time, all
other Environment objects will be set to Ignored. An Environment
object can also be Ignored by selecting the check box on its view.
One Environment object must be active and complete to allow
calculations to proceed.

An Environment object can be deleted either by clicking the Delete

button on its view or by selecting it in the Case Navigator and
clicking the Delete button on this view.

A summary view showing the main details of all of the Environment

objects in a case can be displayed by double-clicking the
Environment branch header in the Case Navigator or by selecting
the Environment branch and clicking the View button.

7-4 Environment View

7.1 Environment View

The figure below shows the Environment view for defining and
updating environmental data.

Figure 7-1, Environment view

7.1.1 Common Fields

A descriptive name to identify this Environment object. The name
supplied will be processed to remove illegal characters.

Check box
Clear to select this Environment object for calculations or set it to
ignore this Environment object. Only one Environment can be active

Environment 7-5

for calculations so activating an Environment object by clearing the

ignored check box will automatically set all the other Environments
in the model to ignored.

Status Text
Status message
The message displayed in this field and its colour indicates whether
the data for this Environment object is complete and ready for

7.1.2 Overall Tab

The data items in the Overall tab of the Environment view are shown
in Figure 7-1 above.

Wind - Speed
Range: 0 to 100 m/s
A constant wind speed is assumed.

In theory the windspeed varies with elevation. This variation is

ignored in the calculation of the flame profile since it is not generally
included in published flame shape calculation methods. The
variation in wind speed with elevation is included in gas dispersion
calculations - see Dispersion Data tab.

The following table gives standard wind speed conversions. Note

the Beaufort scale wind speed cannot be entered directly since there
is no continuous or linear conversion to other windspeed

knots mph ft/s m/s

0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0

2 2.3 3.3 1.0 1

4 4.6 6.6 2.0 2

8 9.2 13.5 4.1 3

7-6 Environment View

knots mph ft/s m/s

12 13.8 20.3 6.2 4

18 20.7 30.5 9.3 5

24 27.6 40.7 12.4 6

28 32.2 47.2 14.4 7

34 39.1 57.4 17.5 8

40 46.0 67.6 20.6 9

Wind - Direction
Range: 0 to 360 from North
The direction from which the wind blows. Generally the worst or
most prevalent wind direction can be determined by examination of
the wind rose for the site in question.

Atmosphere - Temperature
Range: 10 to 500K
The ambient temperature of the atmosphere is used in the calculation
of the equilibrium surface temperatures of metallic surfaces exposed
to the flares thermal radiation. It is also used in gas dispersion
Atmosphere - Humidity
Range: 4 to 100%
The relative humidity defines the water content of the atmosphere in
terms of the partial pressure of water vapour in the air relative to the
vapour pressure of water at the same temperature. Standard charts
are available relating the wet and dry bulb temperature
measurements to the relative humidity, an example of which can be
found in The Chemical Engineers Handbook. The humidity value
is used in calculation of Transmissivity as described below.

Atmosphere - Pressure
Range: 0.01 to 10.0 bar a
The atmospheric pressure is used to calculate the exit density of the
flared gas and hence its exit velocity.

Environment 7-7

Background - Solar Radiation

Range: 0 to 100,000 W/m2
The incident solar radiation for the site. Typical values for different
geographical locations are given in the following table.

Solar Radiation

North Sea 475-630

Middle East 945-1050

UK Land 630-800

Background - Noise
Range: 0 to 150 dB
The background noise is used as a reference noise level to which the
noise from the flare system is added.
The following table gives typical noise levels for everyday

Intensity (dB) Situation

0 Threshold of hearing

10 Virtual silence

20 Quiet room

30 Watch ticking at 1m

40 Quiet street

50 Quiet conversation

60 Quiet motor at 1m

70 Loud conversation

80 Door slamming

90 Busy typing room

100 Near loud motor horn

7-8 Environment View

Intensity (dB) Situation

110 Pneumatic drill

120 Near aeroplane engine

130 Threshold of pain

Include Solar Radiation

Check box
Select this check box to include solar radiation in the calculation of
radiation received at a point.

The decision on whether to include solar radiation when designing

flare systems is one for the user. API 521 recommends that this be
considered on a case by case basis. Some consider it more realistic
to exclude solar radiation in calculations.

In deciding whether to include solar radiation consideration should

be given to the frequency and duration of the flaring event, the
probability of personnel being present in the exposed location, the
possibility of sun and flare radiation impinging from the same
general direction, the likelihood of protective clothing being worn
and the ease or difficulty of escape from the exposed location.

Including solar radiation leads to more conservative designs and its

impact can be significant if the flare system design is controlled by
low total radiation limits at longer distances from the flare.
Determining whether solar radiation has been included or excluded
is important when comparing flare system designs.

Include Background Noise

Check box
Select this check box to include background noise in the calculation
of total noise received at a point.

Transmissivity - Method
Options: User/Calculated/CalcNoLimits/Wayne
The value for the atmospheric transmissivity may be either specified
by the user or calculated. The calculation method used is described
in section 14.1.5 and estimates transmissivity as a function of the

Environment 7-9

relative humidity at the site and the distance of the receptor from the
flame. The correlation is strictly valid for distances between 30-164
m (100-500 ft) and for relative humidities greater than 10%. Outside
of these ranges the correlation may still give acceptable results.

If User is selected the value for the atmospheric transmissivity must

be entered.

If Calculated is selected the value for the relative humidity at the site
must be entered. The transmissivity will be calculated, enforcing the
distance limits of the correlation i.e. distances less than 30m will be
set to 30m (100ft) and distances greater than 164m (500 ft) set to
164m. The minimum and maximum values of transmissivity used
during the calculations will be displayed.

If CalcNoLimits is selected the value for the relative humidity at the

site must be entered. The calculation will be done without enforcing
the distance limits of the correlation. The mi nu mum and maximum
values of transmissivity used during the calculations will be
displayed after calculations are complete.

If Wayne is selected the transmissivity is calculated using a method

that includes the effect of both relative humidity and ambient
temperature - see section 14.

Note a single value of calculated transmissivity cannot be displayed

since in a typical Flaresim run multiple distances between individual
flame elements and multiple receptor points will be considered.
Tracking of each transmissivity value used would be of limited use
so the compromise is to show the minimum and maximum value

Calculated atmospheric transmissivities should not be selected if

you are modelling hydrogen or hydrogen sulphide flares which burn
with little or no luminous radiation.

Transmissivity - Value
Range: 0 to 1.0
Atmospheric transmissivity defines the degree of attenuation of the
thermal radiation due to atmospheric conditions. It is expressed as

7-10 Environment View

the fraction of the radiation which is received at the receptor point.

It must be specified if the Transmissivity Method is set to User.

A value of 1.0 should normally be taken unless exceptional

circumstances are deemed applicable. A specified value of 1.0 for
the transmissivity will mean no attenuation of radiation in the
atmosphere and lead to a more conservative design.

Transmissivity - Min Value

Calculated Result
The minimum value of transmissivity calculated when the
Transmissivity Method is not set to User.

Transmissivity - Max Value

Calculated Result
The maximum value of transmissivity calculated when the
Transmissivity method is not set to User.

7.1.3 Wind Rose Tab

The Wind Rose tab of the environment view allows a range of wind
speeds from different directions to be modelled and the results
plotted on a single graph for a each receptor point.

There are two methods of setting up the matrix of wind speeds

against direction, either for all directions at a range of wind speeds
or for a specific wind speed for each direction. It is also possible to
enable sizing calculations based on the Wind Rose data to calculate
the sizing for each defined wind speed and direction to find the worst

No wind rose calculations

Radio button
Selecting this button disables wind rose calculations.

Run calculations on all wind directions for specified speeds

Radio button
Selecting this option activates Wind Rose calculations for all wind
directions for the specified range of wind speeds. The view will

Environment 7-11

change to display a table to enter the wind speeds to be used as

shown below.

Figure 7-2, Wind Rose Tab, Range of speeds for all directions

When this option is selected, multiple lines, one for each wind speed
will appear on the Wind Rose plots for each Receptor point.

Wind Speed Table

Range 0 to 100 m/s
Define the wind speeds for which wind rose calculations are
required. At least one value must be defined.

Run each wind direction with a specific speed

Radio button
When this option is selected Wind Rose calculations will be
activated for a specific wind speed for each wind direction. The view
will change to allow the matrix of wind speeds to be defined as
shown below.

7-12 Environment View

When this option is selected, a single line will appear on the Wind
Rose plots for each Receptor point.

Figure 7-3, Wind Rose Tab, Specified speed for each direction

Wind Speed Table

Range 0 to 100 m/s
Define the wind speed for each wind rose direction. A value must be
defined for each direction to complete the data input.

Use wind rose data for stack sizing

Check box
This option is available when wind rose calculations are enabled.
Selecting this option will use the selected wind rose data and method
during sizing calculations. Instead of the stack being sized solely to
meet the wind speed and direction defined on the Overall tab of the
Environment view, multiple sizing calculations will be done for
each of the wind rose data points defined. The wind direction and

Environment 7-13

speed used for the final sizing can be viewed on the Sizing tab of the
Calculation Options view.

Note this option will slow the calculations significantly.

7.1.4 Dispersion Data Tab

The entries on the Dispersion Data tab are shown below.

Figure 7-4, Dispersion Data Tab

Dispersion Data - Atm. Stability Class

Drop down List: PasquillA through PasquillF
This defines the atmospheric stability class to be used to characterise
the atmospheric turbulence for both gaussian and jet dispersion

7-14 Environment View

Flaresim uses the widely used Pasquill stability class designation

from A to F where A is the most turbulent or most unstable
atmosphere and F the least turbulent or most stable.

Dispersion Data - Terrain Class

Drop down List: Rural / Urban
This parameter characterises the terrain roughness to be used in the
gaussian dispersion calculations.

Dispersion Data - Surface Roughness

Range 0.0001 to 0.3 m/s
This defines the surface roughness used in jet dispersion

Dispersion Data - Wind Reference Height

Range 0.1 to 200 m
The reference height at which the wind speed is specified. This will
be used together with the atmosphere and terrain characterisation
information to calculate the wind speed at the stack height in
dispersion calculations. At present this correction is not used in the
flame shape calculations.

Environment 7-15

7.2 Environment Summary View

The Environment Summary view is shown below. It may be opened
by selecting Environment collection branch in the Case Navigator
and clicking the View button or by double-clicking the Environment
collection branch.

Figure 7-5, Environment Summary View

The view provides a summary of the basic information for all the
Environment Objects in the case and can be used to update input
data items as well as review results.

Export Table
Clicking this button opens a File Save dialog to allow the
Environments summary table to be saved as a comma separated
value (CSV) file, an Excel format file (XLS) or tab separated text

7-16 Environment Summary View

Stacks 8-1

8 Stacks

8.1 Stack View. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4

8.2 Stack Summary View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8


Stacks 8-3

The Stack object allows definition of data to describe each flare

Stack. A flare Stack or boom acts as the support for one or more flare
tips and its length and orientation is a critical part of the design of a
safe flare system. Flaresim offers a sizing calculation option where
the length of a single flare stack can be calculated to meet a defined
thermal radiation limit at a point in the site.

A Flaresim model may contain multiple Stack objects allowing the

modelling of sites containing multiple flares.

Stack objects may be created selecting the Stack menu option in the
Add Items drop down menu or by selecting the Stack branch in the
Case Navigator and clicking the Add button.

An existing Stack object may be viewed by selecting it in the View

drop down menu option; by double clicking it in the Case Navigator
or by selecting it in the Case Navigator and clicking the View button.

All defined Stack objects will be included in the calculations unless

they have been set to Ignored. A Stack may be set to ignored by
selecting it in the Case Navigator and clicking the Ignore button. An
Ignored Stack object can be restored to the calculations by selecting
it in the Case Navigator and clicking the Activate button.
Alternatively a Stack object can be ignored and restored by setting
or clearing the Ignored check box on its view. Ignoring a stack will
exclude all the tips located on it from Flaresims calculations.

A Stack object can be deleted either by clicking the Delete button on

its view or by selecting it in the Case Navigator and clicking the
Case Navigator Delete button.

A Stack Summary view showing the main details of all of the Stack
objects in a case can be displayed by double-clicking the Stack
collection branch in the Case Navigator or by selecting the Stack
collection branch and clicking the Case Navigator View button.

8-4 Stack View

8.1 Stack View

The following figure shows the Stack view for entering and updating
stack data.

Figure 8-1, Stack View

Enter a name to identify this stack object. The entry will be
automatically processed to remove any characters that are not
allowed in file names.

Check box
Clear to include this stack in the calculations or set to ignore this
stack when calculating. The effect of setting this check box will be
to exclude the stack and all of the tips that are located on it from the

Stacks 8-5

Status Text
Status message
The message displayed in this field and its colour indicates whether
the data for this stack object is complete and ready for calculation.

Location - Relative To
Drop down list of existing locations
Allows the location of the stack base to be defined relative to another
object in the model, for example another stack. If left blank the
location is relative to the base point of the model at 0,0,0.

The following fields then define the location of the stack base
relative to this location in either Cartesian or polar coordinates.

Location - Northing
Range: -100,000 to 100,000m
The distance of the base of the stack North of the selected reference
location. Updates made to this value will automatically update the
polar coordinate values.

Location - Easting
Range: -100,000 to 100,000m
The distance of the base of the stack East of the selected reference
location. Updates made to this value will automatically update the
polar coordinate values.

Location - Elevation
Range: -100,000 to 100,000m
The height of the base of the stack above or below the selected
reference location. Updates made to this value will automatically
update the polar coordinate values.

Location - Radius
Range: 0 to 100,000m
The distance to the base of the stack from the selected reference
location. Updates made to this value will automatically update the
Cartesian coordinate values.

8-6 Stack View

Location - Angle to Horizontal

Range: 0 to 90
The angle to the horizontal of a line from the base of the stack to the
selected reference location. Updates made to this value will
automatically update the Cartesian coordinate values.

Location - Angle from North

Range: -0 to 360
The angle from North of a line from the base of the stack to the
selected reference location. Updates made to this value will
automatically update the Cartesian coordinate values.

Dimensions - Length
Range: 0 to 500m
The centre line length of the stack from the base to the tip support
platform. If the stack is selected for sizing this value will be ignored.

Dimensions - Angle to Horizontal

Range: 0 to 90
The orientation of the stack relative to the horizontal.

Horizontal stacks (0 ) are usually used for liquid flares on offshore

platforms. Angled booms (30 , 45 , 60 ) stacks are commonly
used for gas flares on offshore platforms. Vertical stacks (90 ) will
be used for most onshore installations.

Dimensions - Angle from North

Range: 0 to 360
The orientation of the stack relative to North. Flaresim works on a
360 compass base thus 90 corresponds to a stack or boom
pointing due East, 180 to due South etc.

It is important to set the direction of the stack correctly relative to the

wind direction since this will have a significant impact on the
results. For most design purposes, specifying both the stack angle
from North as 0 and wind direction as 0 will give a flame blowing
back along the stack axis which will generally give the worst case
radiation values for design of the installation.

Stacks 8-7

Size Me
Check box
Setting this check box automatically selects this stack for a sizing
calculation. Note that only one stack can be selected for sizing at a
time so this check box will be cleared on all other stacks when it is
set. The stack that is currently being sized can be viewed on the
Sizing tab of the Calculation Options view.

8-8 Stack Summary View

8.2 Stack Summary View

The Stack Summary view is shown below. It may be opened by
selecting Stack collection branch in the Case Navigator view and
clicking the View button or by double-clicking the Stack collection

Figure 8-2, Stack Summary View

The Stack Summary view shows the input data and results for all of
the stacks in the case. Data input values can be updated through the
summary view if required.

Export Table
Clicking this button opens a File Save dialog to allow the Stacks
summary table to be saved as a comma separated value (CSV) file,
an Excel format file (XLS) or tab separated text file(TXT).

Tips 9-1

9 Tips

9.1 Tip View. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
9.1.1 Common Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
9.1.2 Details Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
9.1.3 Noise Input Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
9.1.4 Location & Dimensions Tab . . . . . . . . . . . 16
9.1.5 Fluids Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
9.1.6 Emissions Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
9.1.7 Results Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
9.1.8 Noise Results Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
9.1.9 Flame Shape Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
9.1.10 Combustion Results Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
9.1.11 Purge Gas Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

9.2 Size Tip View. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

9.3 Tip Summary View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36


Tips 9-3

The Tip object allows definition of data to describe each flare tip. A
flare tip acts as the disposal point for a single fluid. Multiple flare
tips on one or more stacks may be present in a flare system to dispose
separately of fluids due to incompatible properties e.g. warm and
cold fluids, high and low pressure fluids, dry and wet fluids.

Tip objects may be created using the Add-Tip drop down menu
option or by selecting the Tip branch in the Case Navigator view and
clicking the Add button.

An existing Tip object may be viewed by double clicking it in the

Case Navigator view or by selecting it in the Case Navigator view
and clicking the View button.

All defined Tip objects will be included in the calculations unless

they have been set to Ignored. A Tip may be set to ignored by
selecting it in the Case Navigator view and clicking the Ignore
button. An Ignored Tip object can be restored to the calculations by
selecting it in the Case Navigator view and clicking the Activate
button. Alternatively a Tip object can be ignored and restored by
setting or clearing the check box on its view.

A Tip object can be deleted either by clicking the Delete button on

its view or by selecting it in the Case Navigator view and clicking
the Delete button on this view.

A Tip Summary view showing the main details of all of the Tip
objects in a case can be displayed by double-clicking the Tip
collection branch in the Case Navigator or by selecting the Tip
collection branch and clicking the Case Navigator View button.

9-4 Tip View

9.1 Tip View

The following figure shows the Tip view for entering and updating
tip data.

Figure 9-1, Tip Details View

9.1.1 Common Fields

Enter text to identify this Tip object.

Status Text
Status message
The message displayed in this field and its colour indicates whether
the data for this tip object is complete and ready for calculation.

Tips 9-5

Check box
Clear to include this tip in the calculations or set to ignore this tip
when calculating.

9.1.2 Details Tab

The Details tab of the Tip view, Figure 9-1, has the following data
entry fields.

Details - Tip Type

Drop down list: Pipe / Sonic / Welltest / Combined HP/LP
Selects the type of flare tip required. The nature of the fluid being
flared through the tip will generally determine the type of tip

For gases, either the pipe or sonic tip types may be selected. Pipe
flares are the simplest type of tip and may be specified for both high
and low pressure gases. If the pressure available is greater than 2 bar
(30 psi) at the tip then a sonic tip can be utilised. Sonic flare tips have
the advantage of low flame emissivities due to more efficient
combustion of the flare gas. For lower pressures a pipe flare is
generally used possibly with steam or air assistance (see 6.2).

Where a combined HP/LP tips is selected the HP tip is assumed to

be a sonic tip and the LP a sub-sonic one. The flow ratio of HP to LP
fluids should be 3 or greater.

For liquids a Welltest tip type should be selected.

Details - Number of Burners

Range: 1 to 1000 for certain sonic flares otherwise 1
The number of individual burners which make up the tip assembly.
This should be set to 1 for all tips unless the tip being used produces
distinct, separate flames for each burner e.g. the Mardair sonic flare
tip or some types of welltest burners.

9-6 Tip View

Details - Seal Type

Drop down list: None / Fluidic1 / Fluidic2 / Fluidic3 / Molec.1 /
Defines the type of seal. The riser diameter (see Location and
Dimensions tab) and seal type are used solely for calculation of the
pressure at the base of the stack. The values calculated are to be used
for preliminary review purposes only. The seal pressure drop
calculations are based on proprietary data obtained from a flare

There are two basic types of seal, Fluidic or Molecular:-

Figure 9-2 shows the general design concept for the fluidic seal. The
type selection is a function of the opening as defined below
Fluidic1: 50% of total area
Fluidic2: 40% of total area
Fluidic3: 35% of total area.

Figure 9-2, Fluidic Seal



Tips 9-7

Figure 9-3 shows the general design concept for the molecular seal.
The type selection is a function of the diameter as defined below:-
Molec.1: Traditional design. Maximum diameter is 1.7 times
the tip diameter. The pressure drop correlation is
based on a design which gives a body length of 5.5m
(18ft) regardless of the tip diameter.
Molec.2: Low pressure drop design. Maximum diameter is 2
times the tip diameter. The pressure drop correlation
is based on a design which gives a body length which
is a function of the tip diameter.

Figure 9-3, Molecular Seal


The fluidic seal has a number of advantages over the traditional

molecular seal:-
Lower purge gas requirements and consequent operating costs.
The seal still operates with a high efficiency even if rain water or
chunks of refractory material drop into the baffles. In fact the
water is quickly dissipated because the fluidic seal is located at a
high temperature section of the flare stack.
Lower cost due to the simple construction and light weight. A
48" fluidic seal will typically weigh less than half the weight of a
6" molecular seal.

9-8 Tip View

Radiation Method - Method

Drop down list: Global / Flaresim API / Point / Diffuse / Mixed /
Brzustowski / M.Point Brzustowski / Strict API / Chamberlain
Defines the methods to be used to calculate the radiation flux at a
point for this flare tip. This option is only available for use if the
Expert Mode option has been enabled in the Calculation Options

It is normal to use the same radiation calculation method for all of

the flares in a single model. However there may be occasions when
it is desirable to use a particular radiation calculation method for a
specific tip. Since the radiation flux from flare tip to a receptor point
is always calculated tip by tip and then summed there is no
theoretical barrier to using a different radiation method for each tip.

Radiation Method - No. Flame Elements

Range: 1 to 100
Defines the number of flame elements to be used to calculate the
flame shape for this flare tip. This option is only available for use if
the Expert Mode option has been enabled in the Calculation Options

Some radiation methods have a requirement for a fixed number of

flame elements so this input is not available for all methods.

Radiation Method - Element Position

Range: 0 to 100%
Defines the position within a flame element to be used as the source
of the radiation flux. This option is only available for use if the
Expert Mode option has been enabled in the Calculation Options

This input is not available for all radiation methods. Even where it is
possible to update it, this entry should normally be left at its default
value of 50%.

F Factor Details - Method

Drop down list: User specified / Natural Gas / Kent / Tan / High
Efficiency / Cook / Generic Pipe / Modified Chamberlain

Tips 9-9

Defines the method used to calculate the fraction of the total net heat
release from the flame which is radiated. This was labelled
emissivity in Flaresim prior to version 1.1. It is also known as the F

The User specified option allows specification of the value by the

user. Otherwise it is calculated by the selected correlation as
Natural gas: Correlation based on tip exit velocity assuming a
natural gas fluid of molecular weight 19.

Tan: Correlation based on mole weight

Kent: Correlation based on mole weight

High Efficiency:Proprietary correlation between tip type, exit

velocity, fluid molecular weight and degree of
hydrocarbon saturation. Formally known as the
Flaresim method in versions prior to 1.2.

Cook: Correlation based on exit velocity.

Generic Pipe: Correlation based on refitting Kent, Tan, Natural gas

and Cook methods across a range of exit velocities
and molecular weights.

Modified. Chamberlain
Correlation based on mole weight and exit velocity.

Where flare vendor data is available it should be used in

preference to a correlation. In the absence of vendor data, the
Generic Pipe method is recommended for a conservative design. For
clean burning, smokeless flares from well designed flare tips in good
condition the High Efficiency method can be used. In practice this
means flares burning paraffinic hydrocarbons of low molecular
weight fluid (<60) at reasonable exit velocities (> 0.2 mach). For
fluids other than paraffinic hydrocarbons vendor advice should be

9-10 Tip View

sought. In the absence of advice, user specified F Factors of 0.3 to

0.4 are generally reasonable.

Fraction Heat Radiated - Specified/Calculated Value

Range 0.01 to 1.0
If the Fraction Heat Radiated Method is set to User Specified then
the required value for the fraction of heat radiated must be entered
here. Otherwise the calculated result for the selected calculation
method will be displayed after the model has been run.

Typical values for different types of flare tip are given in the
following table.

Tip Type Fraction Heat Radiated

Pipe flare 0.25 to 0.4

Single Burner Sonic 0.10

Multiple Burner Sonic 0.05 to 0.1

Unsaturated hydrocarbons burn with higher quantities of

luminescent carbon particles leading to values typically 10-20%
greater than for saturated hydrocarbons.

Correct User F Factor

Drop down list: Yes / No
This entry determines whether a User Specified F Factor should be
corrected by the internal correlations for HP/LP tips or when an
Assist Fluid is defined with the F Factor correction option enabled.
This entry is only visible when a User Specfied F Factor is selected
and is only active when the Expert Mode option is selected in the
Calculation Options view.

The application of corrections to User Specified F Factors was

always enabled in Flaresim version 2.1 and earlier but this changed
to always disabled in Flaresim 3.0 and 3.0.1. This option is new in
Flaresim 3.0.2 to provide user control of the correction. The option
is always automatically set to Yes and the user informed as required
when a version 2.1 case is loaded.

Tips 9-11

Fraction Heat Radiated - Max Value

Range 0.01 to 1.0
Defines the maximum value of the heat radiation fraction to be used
for a combined flame and overrides any higher value calculated by
a correlation. This field is only visible when the flare tip is a
Combined HP/LP type.

Flame Length Method

Drop down list: API / Flaresim / Brzustowski / User Specified A/
User Specified B/Integrated
This field selects the method to be used for calculating the length of
the flame. This field is only activated when the Expert Mode option
is enabled in the Calculation Options view. Otherwise the flame
length method will be automatically selected when the Calculation
Method is selected in the Calculation Options view.

The allowed options are:-

API Flame length is calculated from heat released
according to equation presented in API 521.

Flaresim Flame length is calculated from heat released using

following equation.
L = I 1 ----
L is flame length in m
Q is heat release in J/s
N is number of tips
The constants I1 and I2 take the following values for
different tip types.

Tip Type I1 I2

Pipe flare 0.00331 0.4776

Single Burner Sonic 0.00241 0.4600

Multiple Burner Sonic 0.00129 0.5000

9-12 Tip View

Brzustowski Flame length is calculated from flammability limits

using Brzustowski & Sommer method.

User Specified A
User Specified B
User defined constants can be supplied for use with
Flaresim equation given above. The difference
between the A and the B method lies in the internal
method used to calculate the flame shape. Both
methods use the Flaresim vector method where the
flames axial velocity reduces along the length of the
flame based on a reference flame length.

In the User Specified A method the API flame length

is used as the reference when the flame length
calculated from the user defined constants is shorter
than the API flame length. In effect the axial velocity
at the end of the flame will be greater than 0. The
calculated flame is used as the reference when it is
longer than the API length.

In the User Specified B method the flame length

calculated by the user defined constants is always
used as the reference in the calculation. In effect the
axial velocity at the end of the flame is always
assumed to be 0.

Flame shapes calculated using User Specified A

method will be less deflected than those calculated
using the User Specified B method when the
calculated flame length is less than the API flame
length. When the calculated flame length is longer
than the API flame length both methods will give the
same flame shape.

Integrated Where the flame length calculation is integrated with

the radiation method and it is not appropriate to
select an alternative e.g. Chamberlain method.

Tips 9-13

User Multiplier
Range 0 to 2
User defined value of constant I1 for flame length equation given
above. This entry is only accessible when a User Specified flame
length method is selected.

User Power
Range 0 to 2
User defined value of constant I2 for flame length equation given
above. This entry is only accessible when a User Specified flame
length method is selected.

9.1.3 Noise Input Tab

The Noise Input tab of the Tip view is shown below.

Figure 9-4, Noise Input Tab

9-14 Tip View

Combustion Noise - Method

Drop down list: Acoustic Efficiency / Low Noise Reference /
Standard Reference / User Reference
Selects the noise calculation method to be used. The Acoustic
efficiency method is described in section 11.3. The other methods
are based on a reference spectrum of noise at a known heat release.

When the Acoustic Efficiency method is selected the following

additional fields are displayed.

Figure 9-5, Acoustic Efficiency Data

Peak Frequency
Drop down list: 62.5, 125, 250, 500, 1000, 2000 Hz
This defines the sound frequency band at which the peak noise is
generated. The total sound power calculated at this frequency will be
distributed across the other sound frequency bands.

Range 1.0e-10 to 1.0%
The efficiency at which combustion energy is converted to sound

Jet Noise Method

Drop down list: Flaresim
The method used to calculate the jet noise contribution. This is
provided for future expansion.

If the Combustion Noise method is set to Standard Reference or Low

Noise Reference or User Reference the combustion sound power
generated in each frequency band is calculated from a reference
value at a reference combustion duty. The Standard Reference and

Tips 9-15

Low Noise Reference data used in the calculation are proprietary

data supplied by a flare system vendor.

Selecting a User Reference method displays the Reference Duty and

Sound Power Table fields shown in Figure 9-4 above and described
below to allow this data to be entered

Reference. Duty
Range: 1 to 1,000 MW
Defines the reference heat release corresponding to the sound power
data defined in the Sound Power Table.

User Reference Spectrum

Range: 1 to 200 dB
Allows the user to define the sound power level at each frequency
band corresponding to the heat release specified in the Reference
Duty field.

9-16 Tip View

9.1.4 Location & Dimensions Tab

Figure 9-6, Location & Dimensions Tab

Tip Location - On Stack

Drop down list: Defined stack names
Defines which stack the tip is located on. The drop down list shows
the currently defined stacks.

Tip Dimensions - Length

Range: 0 to 100m
The physical length of the burner tip. The value is used in calculating
the true gas exit point for flame length calculations and gas
dispersion calculations.

Note if the length is set to 0m the defined tip angles to horizontal and
vertical will still be used to calculate the vector for the fluid jet
leaving the tip, not the stack angles.

Tips 9-17

Tip Dimensions - Angle to Horizontal

Range: 0 to 90
The orientation of the tip relative to the horizontal.
Vertical installation of flare tips prevents burn back on the tip and
consequent reduction in tip life. The use of inclined tips on inclined
booms does have the advantage of directing both the flame and any
liquid carryover away from the main platform structure.

Tip Dimensions - Angle from North

Range: 0 to 360
The orientation of the tip relative to the North.

It is not unusual in offshore flares for the tip to be oriented along a

different axis to the boom.

Tip Dimensions - Diameter

Range: 0.001 to 10m
The internal diameter of the burner assembly.

For sonic flares the equivalent diameter is calculated for resolution

of the fluid jet vectors when calculating the flame shape.

Tip Dimensions - Effective Area

Range: 0.0001 to 100%
The actual percentage of the area calculated from the tip diameter
which is available for flow of the gas or liquid.

A value of 100% is generally used for pipe flares. For sonic flares
the value should be adjusted to ensure that the exit velocity is just
sonic at the design flare rate. For liquid burners the value should be
adjusted to calculate the correct exit velocity.

Tip Dimensions - Riser Diameter

Range: 0.001 to 10m
The internal diameter of the pipe from the base of the stack to the tip.

Tip Dimensions - Roughness

Range: 0 to 0.001m
The roughness of the riser to this tip to be used in calculating the
riser pressure drop.

9-18 Tip View

Tip Exit Settings - Contraction Coefficient

Range: 0.01 to 1.0
The ratio of the diameter of the vena contractor to the diameter of the
discharge orifice (tip). If not specified this will be calculated and the
result displayed on the Results tab.

Tip Exit Settings - Exit Loss Coefficient

Range: 1 to 1000
The number of velocity heads which defines the exit loss for the tip.
For a sonic tip the value should always be 1.0. Note that if the exit
loss coefficient is specified the outlet pressure field cannot also be

Tip Exit Settings - Outlet Pressure

Range: 10 to 10,000kPa
The static pressure at the outlet of the tip, i.e at the point where the
fluid emerges from the tip. Normally this will be calculated and
displayed on the results tab. If specified the exit loss coefficient must
be left unspecified and will be calculated.

The tip exit pressure is used to calculate the properties of the gas at
the exit and hence the velocity of the fluid.

Calculate Burner Opening

Check box
Selection of the Calculate Burner Opening check box causes will
result in the burner opening of a sonic tip being adjusted until the tip
exit velocity is just sonic.

Size Me
The Size Me button opens a pop up window to allow the diameter of
the tip to be sized for a specific exit velocity, optionally using
standard pipe sizes. See section 9.2 for details.

Tips 9-19

9.1.5 Fluids Tab

Figure 9-7, Fluids Tab

Primary Fluid - Name

Drop down list: Defined Fluids
Allows one of the defined fluids in your model to be assigned to the
flare tip

Primary Fluid - Mass Flow

Range: 0 to 10,000 kg/s
The mass flow rate of the fluid fed to this tip. The molar flow entry
will be updated automatically.

Primary Fluid - Mole Flow

Range: 0 to 10,000 kgmole/s
The molar flow rate of the fluid fed to this tip. The mass flow entry
will be updated automatically.

9-20 Tip View

The following Secondary Fluid entries will be visible if the selected

Tip type is set to Combined HP/LP.

Secondary Fluid - Name

Drop down list: Defined Fluids
Allows one of the defined fluids in your model to be assigned to LP
flare tip of a Combined HP/LP tip.

Secondary Fluid - Mass Flow

Range: 0 to 10,000 kg/s
The mass flow rate of the fluid fed to the LP tip of a Combined HP/
LP tip. The molar flow entry will be updated automatically.

Secondary Fluid - Mole Flow

Range: 0 to 10,000 kgmole/s
The molar flow rate of the fluid fed to the LP tip of a Combined HP/
LP tip. The mass flow entry will be updated automatically.

Assist Fluid - Name

Drop down list: Defined Assist Fluids
Allows one of the defined assist fluids in your model to be assigned
to this flare tip.

Assist Fluid - Mass Flow

Range: 0 to 10,000 kg/s or Calculated
Defines the flow of assist fluid to the tip. When the assist fluid has
been set to Smokeless Operation then this value will be calculated.
Otherwise either this value or the ratio must be specified.

Assist Fluid - Flow Ratio

Range: 0 to 100 or Calculated
The ratio of assist fluid to fluid being flared. When the assist fluid
has been set to Smokeless Operation then this value will be
calculated. Otherwise either this value or the flow must be specified.

Combustion Input - Air Ratio

Range: 1 to 10
This is the ratio of combustion air drawn into the flame to the
stoichiometric quantity of air required for complete combustion. It

Tips 9-21

should not include any air added as an assist fluid. Typical values
might be 2.0 to 3.0.

The value is used in the calculation of the flame temperature.

Combustion Gases - Flame Temperature

Range 0 to 5000 K or Calculated
This is the temperature of the flame that will be used to calculate the
transmission of radiation through water shields and in gas dispersion
calculations for the combustion gases. If the value is left blank it will
be calculated from the heat of combustion and the specified
combustion air ratio.

9.1.6 Emissions Tab

Figure 9-8, Emissions Tab Default

The view above shows the default view of the Emissions tab of the
Tip Object. By default the emissions data for a case is defined for all
tips on the Emissions page of the Calculation Options view.

9-22 Tip View

If the Expert Mode option is set on the General tab of the Calculation
Options view then the emissions input data can be updated on a tip
by tip basis and the view will change to the one shown below.

Figure 9-9, Emissions Tab Data Input

NOx Emission - Basis

Drop down list: Mass/Heat Release / Mass/Mass Flared Fluid /
Mass/Moles Flared Fluid / Sintef Method
This field defines the basis used to calculate the NOx emission rate.
This is either as a ratio to the heat released by the flare, the mass of
flared fluid or the moles (volume) of flared fluid. Alternatively it can
be calculated by the Sintef method as a function of exit velocity and
tip diameter as described in the Methods chapter.

NOx Emission - Rate

Range depends on basis
The generation rate for NOx emissions for the defined basis.

Tips 9-23

CO Emission - Basis
Drop down list: Mass/Heat Release / Mass/Mass Flared Fluid /
Mass/Moles Flared Fluid
This field defines the basis used to calculate the CO emission rate.
This is either as a ratio to the heat released by the flare, the mass of
flared fluid or the moles (volume) of flared fluid.

CO Emission - Rate
Range depends on basis
The generation rate for CO emissions for the defined basis.

Unburnt HC Emission - Basis

Drop down list: Mass/Heat Release / Mass/Mass Flared Fluid /
Mass/Moles Flared Fluid
This field defines the basis used to calculate the unburnt
hydrocarbon emission rate. This is either as a ratio to the heat
released by the flare, the mass of flared fluid or the moles (volume)
of flared fluid.

Unburnt HC Emission - Rate

Range depends on basis
The generation rate for unburnt hydrocarbon emissions for the
defined basis.

9-24 Tip View

9.1.7 Results Tab

Figure 9-10, Results Tab

Exit Properties - Velocity

Calculated Value
The calculated exit velocity from this flare tip.

Exit Properties - Mach Number

Calculated Value
The calculated exit velocity from this flare tip expressed as a Mach

Exit Properties - Volume Flow

Calculated Value
The volume flow rate of the fluid leaving the tip at the tip conditions.

Exit Properties - Calculated F Factor

Calculated Value
The final corrected F Factor used in calculations.

Tips 9-25

Exit Properties - Contraction Coefficient

Calculated Value
The calculated contraction coefficient.

Exit Properties - Exit Temperature

Calculated Value
The calculated fluid exit temperature.

Flame Results - Heat Release

Calculated Value
The total heat released by the flame from this flare tip.

Flame Results - Flame Length

Calculated Value
The flame length calculated for the tip and used to determine the
flames position for the radiation calculations. For a Pipe flare this
will be the same as the API Flame Length. For Sonic flares the flame
length will normally be significantly less than the API value.

Flame Results - API Length

Calculated Value
The length of the flame calculated using the method outlined in API
RP521. The method assumes a pipe flare.

Pressure Profile - Table

Calculated Values
The pressure profile results table shows the calculated static and
total pressures from the tip exit through to the base of the stack. The
table also includes the pressure drop across the tip, seal and stack.

The Total pressure reported is the static pressure plus the pressure
resulting from the fluids momentum.

The seal pressure drop includes any pressure drop or recovery

resulting from the change in diameter between stack and tip.

9-26 Tip View

9.1.8 Noise Results Tab

Figure 9-11, Noise Results Tab

Total Noise - SPL

Calculated Value
The sound pressure level calculated summing the individual
contributions at the different frequencies.

Total Noise - Ref Distance

Calculated Value
Displays the reference distance at which the sound pressure level is
calculated. It is a fixed value and cannot be changed.

Drop down list: Table / Plot
Selects whether the noise spectrum results are displayed as a table or
as a graph.

Tips 9-27

Noise Spectrum
Calculated Values
This table or graph shows the noise generated as a function of the
sound frequency. The results show the contribution from
combustion noise and jet noise as well as the total noise at each
defined frequency.

Allows the noise spectrum data to be saved. If the noise spectrum is
currently displayed as a table, a standard file dialog box will be
displayed to allow the data to be saved as an Excel XLS file or a
comma separated CSV file. If the data is displayed as a plot it may
be saved as a graphics file. A standard file dialog box will appear to
allow the name and file type to be entered. The allowed file types are

9-28 Tip View

9.1.9 Flame Shape Tab

Figure 9-12, Flame Shape Tab

End of Tip - Northing

Calculated Value
The distance north of the end of this tip from the origin.

End of Tip - Easting

Calculated Value
The distance east of the end of this tip from the origin.

End of Tip - Elevation

Calculated Value
The height of the end of this tip relative to the origin.

Tips 9-29

Drop down list: Table / 3D Plot / 2D Plot - North vs. East / 2D Plot
- North vs. Elevation / 2D Plot - East vs. Elevation
Allows selection of the display method for the flame shape results.

The flame shape is calculated using the calculation method and

number of elements specified by the user in the Calculation Options

Allows the flame shape data to be saved to an external file. If the
data is displayed as a table it may be saved to an Excel XLS file or
a comma separated CSV file. If it is displayed as a plot, the data may
be saved to a JPG, PNG, BMP, WMF or EMF graphics file. In either
case a standard file dialog box will appear to allow the name and file
type to be entered.

9-30 Tip View

9.1.10 Combustion Results Tab

Figure 9-13, Combustion Results Tab

Flame Temperatures - Adiabatic Flame Temp

Calculated Value
The flame temperature calculated by combustion of the fluid at the
combustion air ratio defined on the fluids tab. Any air assist fluid
flow is in addition to the combustion air. The adiabatic temperature
calculation assumes no radiant heat losses from the flame.

Flame Temperatures - Calculated Flame Temp

Calculated Value
The flame temperature calculated by combustion of the fluid after
allowing for heat loss from the flame due to radiation. The F Factor
calculated or defined on the Details tab is used to calculate the heat
loss due to radiation. The calculation is based on the combustion air
ratio defined on the fluids tab with any air assist fluid flow being an
addition to the combustion air.

Tips 9-31

Combustion Gases - Mass Flow

Calculated Values
This table presents the calculated combustion gas mass flows. There
are three types of combustion gas result presented.

The basic combustion gases, CO2, H2O and others such as SO2 are
calculated directly from the defined fluid composition. The number
of each type of atom in each component is defined in their structure
in the component database. The combustion products for each atom
type are in the component library and this is used to determine the
quantity of combustion gases generated. Any additional steam assist
fluid is added to the quantity of H2O present.

In the event that a flared fluid is defined by bulk properties data, a

composition is derived from the defined mole weight. Essentially
the composition is assumed by selecting the two straight chain
hydrocarbon components, C1 through C10 from the data base that
have mole weights immediately lower than and higher than the
specified mole weight. The proportion of these two components is
then calculated to provide a fluid with the same mole weight.

The air components O2 and N2 are calculated based on the

combustion air ratio and assist air if any.

Finally the emissions components NO, CO and unburnt

hydrocarbon which is expressed as CH4 are calculated according to
the emissions data provided on the Emissions tab of the Tip object
or the global emissions data provided on the Emissions tab of the
Calculation Options object.

Combustion Gases - Mole Flow

Calculated Values
This table presents the calculated combustion gas molar flows.
These are derived from the mass flows using a simple mole weight

9-32 Tip View

9.1.11 Purge Gas Tab

Figure 9-14, Purge Gas Tab

Purge Input Data - Purge Fluid

Drop down list of allowed purge fluids
This selects the purge fluid that is to be used. The list displays all of
the fluids defined in the case together with Nitrogen and Methane.

Purge Input Data - Fixed Velocity

Range 0 to 10 m/s
This defines a fixed purge velocity that is to be maintained. The flow
of purge gas required to give this velocity will be calculated.

Purge Input Data - Fixed Flow

Range 0 to 10 m3/s
This defines a fixed volumetric purge flow rate that is to be
maintained. The purge gas velocity and mass flow rate required to
meet this target will be calculated.

Purge Input Data - HUSA O2

Range 0 to 100%
This defines the percentage of oxygen that is to be used in the full
HUSA method calculation for purge gas flow see methods chapter.

Tips 9-33

The default value of 6% is suggested in HUSAs papers as being

generally appropriate for hydrocarbon flare gas fluids with
molecular weights of methane and above.

Purge Input Data - HUSA Height

Range 0 to 500 m
This defines the distance from the top of the stack in the full HUSA
method calculation for purge gas flow. The default value of 25 ft is
suggested in HUSAs papers (see methods chapter for references) as
an acceptable value that will reduce the quantity of purge gas
required without leading to an unsafe condition. Note that this
default does assume that it is acceptable to have a potentially
explosive mixture in the top 25ft of the flare stack.

Purge Results - Table

Calculated Results
This table shows the purge gas velocities and mass flows calculated
by the different purge gas methods.

Note that all calculations are based on the stack diameter not the tip
diameter using purge gas properties calculated at the temperature
and pressure defined for the currently selected environment.

Update Purge Calcs

Clicking this button causes the purge gas calculations to be updated
for the current tip without recalculating the entire Flaresim case.

9-34 Size Tip View

9.2 Size Tip View

The Size Tip view appears when the Size Me button on the Location
& Dimensions tab of the Tip view is selected. The Size Tip view is
modal and must be closed before you can interact with other
Flaresim views.

Figure 9-15

Fluid Data - Mass Flow

Range 0 to 10,000 kg/s
This field defines the mass flow that the tip is to be sized for. The
value specified here will default to the value entered on the Fluids
tab of the Tip view. If changed and the Ok button is used to exit the
Size Tip view the mass flow on the Fluids tab will be updated.

Fluid Data - Mole Flow

Range 0 to 10,000 kgmole/s
This field defines the molar flow that the tip is to be sized for. The
value specified here will default to the value entered on the Fluids
tab of the Tip view. If changed and the Ok button is used to exit the
Size Tip view the molar flow on the Fluids tab will be updated.

Fluid Data - Design Mach Number

Range 0 to 1
This field defines the Mach Number that the tip is to be sized for.
The value is stored with the case. The tip diameter will be
recalculated each time this value is updated.

Tips 9-35

Diameter Data - Use Nominal Diameters

Drop down list: Yes / No
Set this to Yes to constrain the tip diameters selected to those
appropriate for nominal pipe diameters.

Diameter Data - Tip Diameter

Range 0.001 to 10m
The diameter of the tip. If Mach Number is specified then the
calculated tip diameter is displayed here. Otherwise the tip diameter
can be specified to calculate the Mach Number.

Note this field will be inactive when the Use Nominal Diameter
setting is Yes.

Diameter Data - Nominal Diameter

List box: Nominal pipe diameters for STD schedule pipes
This list box can be used to select the nominal diameter for the Tip
assuming that it is a STD schedule pipe. The actual diameter will
then be set by look up from the nominal diameter.

Note selection of Nominal Diameter will only be active when the

Use Nominal Diameter setting is Yes.

Diameter Data - Calc. Mach No

Calculated value
The tip Mach number calculated at the current tip diameter. Note
that when a nominal diameter is selected the calculated Mach
number will differ from the design Mach number.

9-36 Tip Summary View

9.3 Tip Summary View

The Tip Summary view is shown below. It may be opened by
selecting Tip collection branch in the Case Navigator and clicking
the View button or by double-clicking the Tip collection branch.

The Tip Summary view provides a view of the main input data items
and results for all of the Tips in a case. Input data items can be
updated through the summary view.

Export Table
Clicking this button opens a File Save dialog to allow the
Environments summary table to be saved as a comma separated
value (CSV) file, an Excel file (XLS) or tab separated text file

Receptors 10-1

10 Receptors

10.1 Receptor Point View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
10.1.1 Common Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
10.1.2 Point Definition Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
10.1.3 Point Properties Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
10.1.4 Point Results Tab. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
10.1.5 Noise Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
10.1.6 Wind Rose Results. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

10.2 Receptor Point Summary View . . . . . . . . . 17

10.3 Receptor Grid View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

10.3.1 Common Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
10.3.2 Grid Extent Tab. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
10.3.3 Grid Radiation Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
10.3.4 Grid Noise Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
10.3.5 Grid Temperature Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
10.3.6 Grid Concentration Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
10.3.7 Grid Maximum Radiation Tab . . . . . . . . . . 26
10.3.8 Grid Plot Overlay Tab. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
10.3.9 Grid Graphic Report Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Receptors 10-2


Receptors 10-3

Receptors are the points at which Flaresim will calculate the thermal
radiation, noise and surface temperatures resulting from the
operation of one or more flare tips. Flaresim provides the ability to
define Receptor Point objects which define a single point for the
calculations and Receptor Grid objects which define a rectangular
set of points in a plane.

Receptor Point objects may be created using the Add-Receptor Point

drop down menu option or by selecting the Receptor Points branch
in the Case Navigator view and clicking the Add button.

An existing Receptor Point object may be viewed by double clicking

it in the Case Navigator view or by selecting it in the Case Navigator
view and clicking the View button.

Receptor Point objects will be calculated unless they have been set
to Ignored. A Receptor Point may be set to ignored by selecting it in
the Case Navigator view and clicking the Ignore button.or restored
to the calculations clicking the Activate button. Alternatively a
Receptor Point object can be ignored and restored by setting or
clearing the check box on its view.

A Receptor Point object can be deleted either by clicking the Delete

button on its view or by selecting it in the Case Navigator view and
clicking the Delete button on this view.

A Receptor Point Summary view provides a summary of all the

Receptor Points in a model. It can be opened by double clicking the
Receptor Points branch in the Case Navigator.

Receptor Grid objects may be created using the Add-Receptor Grid

drop down menu option. A Receptor Grid can be deleted using the
Delete button on its view. Alternatively a Receptor Grid can be
created, viewed or deleted using the Case Navigator view in the
usual way.

Like receptor points, Receptor Grid objects will be calculated unless

they have been set to Ignored. Receptor Grid objects can be ignored
and restored though the check box on the Receptor Grid view or
through the Case Navigator view.

10-4 Receptor Point View

10.1 Receptor Point View

The following figure show the Receptor Point view for entering
and updating stack data.

Figure 10-1, Receptor Point View

10.1.1 Common Fields

Enter text to identify this Receptor Point object.

Status Text
Status message
The message displayed in this field and its colour indicates whether
the data for this Receptor Point object is complete and ready for

Receptors 10-5

Check box
Clear to calculate the results for this Receptor Point or set to ignore
this point when calculating.

10.1.2 Point Definition Tab

The Definition tab of the Receptor Point view, see Figure 10-1, has
the following data entry fields.

Location - Relative To
Drop down list of existing locations
Allows the location of the receptor point to be defined relative to
another object in the model, for example the base of a stack. If left
blank the location is relative to the origin point of the model at 0,0,0.

The following fields then define the location of the stack base
relative to this location in either cartesian or polar coordinates.

Cartesian Coordinates - Northing

Range: -100,000 to 100,000m
The distance of the receptor point North of the selected reference
location. Updates made to this value will automatically update the
polar coordinate values.

Cartesian Coordinates - Easting

Range: -100,000 to 100,000m
The distance of the receptor point East of the selected reference
location. Updates made to this value will automatically update the
polar coordinate values.

Cartesian Coordinates - Elevation

Range: -100,000 to 100,000m
The distance of the receptor point above or below the selected
reference location. Updates made to this value will automatically
update the polar coordinate values.

10-6 Receptor Point View

Polar Coordinates - Radius

Range: 0 to 100,000m
The distance to the receptor point from the selected reference
location. Updates made to this value will automatically update the
cartesian coordinate values.

Polar Coordinates - Angle to Horizontal

Range: 0 to 90
The angle to the horizontal of a line from the receptor point to the
selected reference location. Updates made to this value will
automatically update the polar coordinate values.

Polar Coordinates - Angle from North

Range: 0 to 360
The angle from North of a line from the receptor point to the selected
reference location. Updates made to this value will automatically
update the polar coordinate values.

Sizing Constraints - Radiation

Range: 0 to 100,000 W/m2
The maximum thermal radiation to be allowed at this point when
performing sizing calculations.

The following table provides typical values for design levels of

radiation at different locations.

Radiation Conditions

15,780 On structures and in areas where operators are not likely to

be performing duties and where shelter from radiant heat is
available e.g. behind equipment.

9,470 At design flare release at any location to which personnel

have access e.g. at grade below the flare or on a service plat-
form of a nearby tower. Exposure must be limited to a few
seconds, sufficient for escape only.

6,310 In areas where emergency actions lasting up to 1 minute

may be required by personnel without shielding but with
appropriate clothing.

Receptors 10-7

Radiation Conditions

4,730 In areas where emergency actions lasting several minutes

may be require by personnel without shielding but with
appropriate clothing.

1,890 At design flare release on the helideck of an offshore plat-

form. This value is suggested by the Civil Aviation Author-
ity where the helicopter rotors are stationary. If the rotors
remain turning then a limit of 4,730 W/m2 can apply.

1,580 At design flare release at any location where personnel with

appropriate clothing are continuously exposed.

Sizing Constraints - SPL

Range: 60 to 200 dB
The maximum sound pressure level to be allowed at this point when
performing sizing calculations.

Sizing Constraints - SPLA

Range: 60 to 200 dBA
The maximum A-weighted sound pressure level to be allowed at this
point when performing sizing calculations.

Sizing Constraints - Average SPL

Range: 60 to 200 dB
The maximum average sound pressure level to be allowed at this
point when performing sizing calculations.

Sizing Constraints - Max Temperature

Range: 100 to 600 K
The maximum temperature to be allowed at this point when
performing sizing calculations.

Observed Values - Radiation

Range: 0 to 100,000 W/m2
This field allows observed values of radiation at this receptor point
to be defined so that they can be used by the F Factor fitting process.
See Calculations chapter.

10-8 Receptor Point View

10.1.3 Point Properties Tab

Figure 10-2, Receptor Point Properties Tab

Point Properties - Emissivity

Range: 0.0001 to 1.0
The emissivity of the point which will be used in the heat balance
calculations to determine surface temperature. The emissivity is
used to calculate the radiative heat loss from the receptor point.

A typical value for steel is 0.7.

Point Properties - Absorbtivity

Range: 0.0001 to 1.0
The absorbtivity of the point which will be used in the heat balance
calculations to determine surface temperature. It is the fraction of the
radiation incident on the point that will be absorbed. A typical value
for steel is 0.7.

Receptors 10-9

Point Properties - Area Ratio

Range: 0.0001 to 10,000
The ratio of the area available to allow the receptor to lose heat to
Incident radiation the area of the receptor exposed to the thermal radiation.

A plate with one face exposed to a flare would have an Area Ratio
of 2.0.
Heat Loss
Point Properties - Mass
E.g. A plate would have an
arearatio of 2.0. Range: 0 to 1,000,000 kg
The mass at the point to be used in the calculation of the rate of
surface temperature rise.

Properties - Mass Cp
Range: 0.1 to 10,000 J/kg/K
The mass specific heat capacity of the material at the point to be used
in the calculation of the rate of surface temperature rise.

Properties - Initial Temperature

Range: 10 to 1000 K
The initial temperature of the receptor point.

On Plane
Drop down list: None / Northing-Easting / Northing-Elevation /
Easting-Elevation / Maximum / User Defined
This entry sets the orientation of the receptor point and it is used to
calculate the angle of incidence of the thermal radiation on the

The default setting is None which means that no correction for angle
of incidence will be applied and the full radiation falling on the point
at any angle will be calculated. This is the most conservative option.

The other options are only active when the Expert Mode option is set
in the Calculation Options view.

Setting On Plane to Northing-Easting, Northing-Elevation or

Easting-Elevation sets the point to lie in that plane. Setting the On
Plane entry to Maximum will cause Flaresim to iterate on the
receptor plane angle to find the angle of maximum radiation. This is
not the same as None since with a multiple element flame or

10-10 Receptor Point View

multiple tips radiation will strike the receptor at varying angles

leading to a reduced total radiation. This option can require
significant calculation time.

Selecting the final option, User Defined, will display the following
table to allow the angle of the receptor point plane to be defined.

Figure 10-3, Receptor Point Plane Angle

Receptor Plane - Rotation about North - South Axis

Range: -90 to 90
The angle of the receptor point plane to the North - South axis.

Receptor Plane - Rotation about East - West

Range: -90 to 90
The angle of the receptor point plane to the East - West axis.

Changing the setting of the receptor point plane angle can

significantly reduce the radiation result for a point when compared
to the default setting of None. Whether it is appropriate to change
this setting will depend on the nature of the point and the radiation
constraint being considered.

For example if the radiation constraint is for personnel exposure it

would be less appropriate to change the setting since people are
mobile and rounded and so effectively receive radiation from
multiple directions. If the constraint is for a fixed structure in a
known orientation however it would be more appropriate to set the
receptor plane orientation.

As always it is the engineers judgement to make the appropriate


Receptors 10-11

10.1.4 Point Results Tab.

Figure 10-4, Point Results Tab

Thermal Results - Radiation

Calculated Value
The calculated thermal radiation received at the point from all of the
flares in operation.

Thermal Results - Temperature

Calculated Value
The equilibrium surface temperature reached during prolonged

Thermal Results - Concentration

Calculated Value
The concentration of gas at this point due to jet dispersion of
relieving fluid in flame out conditions. Note that the jet dispersion
calculations have a lower concentration cut off defined on the

10-12 Receptor Point View

Emissions tab of the Calculation Option view and that

concentrations below this cut off will be reported as 0.

Temperature Profile - Display

Radio buttons: Table / Plot
Selects whether the calculated change in temperature of the receptor
point with time is displayed as a table or as a graph.

Allows the calculated curve of time vs. point temperature to be
exported to a file. If the data is displayed as a table it may be
exported to an Excel XLS file or a comma separated CSV file. If
displayed as a graph it may be exported to a JPG, PNG, BMP, WMF
or EMF graphics file. In either case a standard file dialog box will
appear to allow the name and file type to be entered.

10.1.5 Noise Results

Figure 10-5, Noise Results

Receptors 10-13

Calculated Value
The total sound pressure level at the receptor point. It is calculated
by summing the sound pressure contributions at each frequency.

Calculated Value
The A-weighted sound pressure level calculated at the receptor
point. It is calculated by summing the A-weighted sound pressure
levels at each frequency.

Average SPL
Calculated Value
The sound pressure level averaged across all the frequencies.

Radio Buttons Table / Plot
Selects whether the sound pressure levels vs. frequency results are
displayed as a table or as a graph.

Allows the calculated sound pressure vs. frequency results to be
exported to a file. If the data is displayed as a table it may be
exported to an Excel XLS file or a comma separated CSV file. If
displayed as a graph it may be exported to a JPG, PNG, BMP, WMF
or EMF graphics file. In either case a standard file dialog box will
appear to allow the name and file type to be entered.

10.1.6 Wind Rose Results

The Wind Rose Results tab shown below displays the results of wind
rose calculations. Wind Rose calculations show the radiation
received at a receptor point for a range of wind directions and speeds
as defined on the Wind Rose tab of the active Environment. If no
wind rose results are available a message stating this will be

10-14 Receptor Point View

Figure 10-6, Wind Rose Results

Drop down list: Table / Plot
This controls whether the results from the wind rose calculations are
displayed as a plot or as a table of results. The view will update to
show the results in the format requested.

Allows the calculated wind rose results to be exported to a file. If the
data is displayed as a table it may be exported to an Excel XLS file
or a comma separated CSV file. If displayed as a graph it may be
exported to a JPG, PNG, BMP, WMF or EMF graphics file. In either
case a standard file dialog box will appear to allow the name and file
type to be entered.

Receptors 10-15

This opens a standard file open dialog to allow selection of the
layout file for the graphical report of the wind rose plot.

Layout file for graphical report

This defines the name of the graphic report layout file that will be
used to generate the graphic report for this receptor point wind rose.
The default value set when the Receptor Point is created is defined
in the Files tab of the Preferences view.

Layout files describe the background text, data items and graphics
formatting instructions required to define a graphics report in an
XML formatted file with the extension .LAY.

Standard layout files are shipped with Flaresim to provide graphic

report definitions for 1 and 2 stack systems with 1 or 2 tips on A4
and Letter paper sizes. Appendix A describes the structure and the
elements that make up a layout file.

Generate Graphic Report

This creates a new graphical report window to display the wind rose
results in a graphical report alongside selected data items for the
model. The layout of this report is controlled by the layout file
selected. The graphic report is displayed in its own window and by
default is displayed as a maximised view. The graphic report
window can be minimised, resized and closed using standard
windows methods. A sample is shown below.

10-16 Receptor Point View

Figure 10-7, Wind Rose Graphic report

Wind rose graphic reports can be printed using the File - Print
Graphic Report menu item.

Receptors 10-17

10.2 Receptor Point Summary View

The Receptor Point Summary view is shown below. It may be
opened by clicking the Receptor Point branch of the Case Navigator
view and then clicking the View button.

Figure 10-8, Receptor Point Summary View

This summary view for the defined Receptor Points allows easy
comparison and update of the data input values and review of the
results across all the points.

Export Table
Clicking this button opens a File Save dialog to allow the Receptor
Points summary table to be saved as a comma separated value (CSV)
file. Files of this data type can be opened easily using Excel or other

10-18 Receptor Grid View

10.3 Receptor Grid View

The Receptor Grid view is shown below.

Figure 10-9, Receptor Grid View

10.3.1 Common Fields

Enter text to identify this Receptor Grid object.

Status Text
Status message
The message displayed in this field and its colour indicates whether
the data for this Receptor Grid object is complete and ready for

Receptors 10-19

Check box
Clear to calculate the results for this Receptor Grid or set to ignore
this grid when calculating.

10.3.2 Grid Extent Tab

The Grid Details tab of the Receptor Grid view, see Figure 10-9. has
the following data entry fields.

Grid Extent - Grid Plane

Drop down list: Northing-Easting / Northing - Elevation /
Easting - Elevation
This set of radio buttons selects the orientation plane of the receptor
grid. Receptor grids are set up for one of the three orthogonal planes.
In Flaresim terminology, the X-Y plane is Northing-Easting, the X-
Z plane is Northing-Elevation and the Y-Z plane is Easting-

Once selected the other fields are used to define the receptor grids
location and extent and the fineness or coarseness of the grid. The
names of these fields will be updated appropriately. For example
when the orientation is set to Northing-Elevation, the offset field
will be titled Easting Offset, the next group of fields will be titled
Northing and the next block Elevation.
Grid Extent - Offset
Range: -10,000 to 10,000 m
The offset of the receptor grid plane from the model origin.

Range: -10,000 to 10,000 m
The minimum extent of the grid in the labelled direction.

Range: -10,000 to 10,000 m
The maximum extent of the grid in the labelled direction.

10-20 Receptor Grid View

Number of Points
Range: 1 to 1001
The number of increments that the distance between the minimum
and maximum extents will be divided into.

Properties - On Plane
Drop down list: None / Northing-Easting / Northing-Elevation /
Easting-Elevation / Maximum
The orientation of the receptor and is used to determine the
correction to be applied due to the angle of incidence of the receptor
to the flare. This option is only active when the Expert Options
check box is set in the Calculation Options view.
With the default setting of receptor point orientation to None no
correction for angle of incidence will be applied. This is the most
conservative option.

Setting the receptor point orientation to Maximum will reduce the

speed of calculations significantly.

Receptor Properties - Emissivity

Range: 0.0001 to 1
The emissivity of each point in the grid which will be used in the
heat balance calculations to determine surface temperature.

Typical value for steel is 0.7

Receptor Properties - Absorbtivity

Range: 0.0001 to 1.0
The absorbtivity of each point in the grid which will be used in the
heat balance calculations to determine surface temperature. This is
defined as the fraction of thermal radiation striking a surface that
will be absorbed.

Typical value for steel is 0.7.

Receptor Properties - Area Ratio

Range: 0.0001 to 10,000
The ratio of the area of the receptor available for losing heat to the
area of the receptor exposed to the flare. For a flat plate with one face
exposed to the flare the Area Ratio would be 2.0.

Receptors 10-21

Options - Noise Basis

Drop down list: Noise / NoiseA / AverageNoise
This entry defines whether the noise results calculated for the
Receptor Grid are the Noise sound power level, the A-weighted
sound power level or the Average sound power level.

Receptor Grids in versions of Flaresim prior to 3.0 automatically

calculated Noise sound power.

Find Maximum Radiation

Check box
When set Flaresim will perform a calculation to find the point of
maximum radiation within the plane defined by for this Receptor
Grid. The search is carried out using a Nelder & Mead type
algorithm and the calculated results will be displayed in the Max
Radiation Tab.

10.3.3 Grid Radiation Tab

The Radiation tab of the Receptor Grid view displays a table or a
plot of the calculated thermal radiation at each point in the grid as
shown in Figure 10-10 below.

Drop down list: Table / Plot
Selects whether the thermal radiation results are displayed as a table
or as a graph.

When a new Receptor Grid is created the graph display settings are
set to the defaults defined in the Preferences View, see section 5.4.
They may then be modified by using the Zoom and Customise
buttons as described in chapter 13.

Allows the calculated thermal radiation results to be exported to a
file. If the data is displayed as a table it may be exported to an Excel
XLS file or a comma separated CSV file. If displayed as a graph it
may be exported to a JPG, PNG, BMP, WMF or EMF graphics file.

10-22 Receptor Grid View

In either case a standard file dialog box will appear to allow the
name and file type to be entered.

Figure 10-10, Grid Radiation Tab

10.3.4 Grid Noise Tab

The Noise tab of the Receptor Grid view displays a table or a graph
of the sound pressure at each point in the grid. The value displayed
will be the Noise, A-weighted Noise or Average Noise as specified
on the Extent tab.

Receptors 10-23

Figure 10-11, Grid Noise Tab

Drop down: Table / Plot
Selects whether the sound pressure results are displayed as a table or
as a graph.

When a new Receptor Grid is created the graph display settings are
set to the defaults defined in the Preferences View, see section 5.4.
They may then be modified by using the Zoom and Customise
buttons as described in chapter 13.

Allows the calculated sound pressure results to be exported to a file.
If the data is displayed as a table it may be exported to an Excel XLS
or comma separated CSV file. If displayed as a graph it may be
exported to a JPG, PNG, BMP, WMF or EMF graphics file. In either

10-24 Receptor Grid View

case a standard file dialog box will appear to allow the name and file
type to be entered.

10.3.5 Grid Temperature Tab

The Temperature tab of the Receptor Grid view displays a table or a
graph of the calculated final surface temperatures at each point in the

Figure 10-12, Grid Temperature Tab

Drop down list: Table / Plot
Selects whether the temperature results are displayed as a table or as
a graph.

When a new Receptor Grid is created the graph display settings are
set to the defaults defined in the Preferences View, see section 5.4.

Receptors 10-25

They may then be modified by using the Zoom and Customise

buttons as described in chapter 13.

Allows the calculated temperature results to be exported to a file. If
the data is displayed as a table it may be exported to an Excel XLS
file or a comma separated CSV file. If displayed as a graph it may
be exported to a JPG, PNG, BMP, WMF or EMF graphics file. In
either case a standard file dialog box will appear to allow the name
and file type to be entered.

10.3.6 Grid Concentration Tab

The Receptor Grid, Concentration tab shows the results of the jet
dispersion calculations as shown below.

Figure 10-13, Grid Concentration Tab

10-26 Receptor Grid View

The jet dispersion results are only available when the jet dispersion
calculations are enabled in the Calculation Options view.

Drop down list: Table / Plot
Selects whether the concentration results are displayed as a table or
as a graph.

When a new Receptor Grid is created the graph display settings are
set to the defaults defined in the Preferences View, see section 5.4.
They may then be modified by using the Zoom and Customise
buttons as described in chapter 13.

Allows the calculated concentration results to be exported to a file.
If the data is displayed as a table it may be exported to an Excel XLS
file or a comma separated CSV file. If displayed as a graph it may
be exported to a JPG, PNG, BMP, WMF or EMF graphics file. In
either case a standard file dialog box will appear to allow the name
and file type to be entered.

10.3.7 Grid Maximum Radiation Tab

The Maximum Radiation tab shows the results of the search for the
point of maximum radiation within the grid.

Figure 10-14, Grid Maximum Radiation Tab

Receptors 10-27

Maximum Radiation Results - Radiation

Calculated Result
The maximum value of radiation found within the Receptor Grid.

Maximum Radiation Results - Location 1

Calculated Result
The location of the point of maximum radiation within the Receptor
Grid, Axis 1.

Maximum Radiation Results - Location 2

Calculated Result
The location of the point of maximum radiation within the Receptor
Grid, Axis 2.

10.3.8 Grid Plot Overlay Tab

The Plot Overlay tab of the Receptor Grid view allows the user to
select and define an overlay drawing that will appear as the
background picture in the various isopleth plots.

File Type
Radio buttons: Use External Overlay File / Use Flaresim Overlay
Two types of overlay file may be used.

An external file can be selected. In this case the extents or

dimensions of the drawing must be specified together with the
location of the Flaresim coordinate origin within the drawing.

Alternatively a background overlay picture can be created as an

Overlay object within Flaresim.

In both cases there is a limit to the complexity of drawings that can

be managed by the graphics component that Flaresim uses to
generate isopleth plots. If isopleth results must be integrated with
detailed plot drawings it is suggested that the isopleth results are
exported as a DXF script through the File - Print Graphic Reports
view, see chapter 15. This script will allow accurate integration of
the isopleth results with a plot plan using external software.

10-28 Receptor Grid View

External File Type

When the File Type is set to Use External Overlay file the options
are as shown below.

Figure 10-15, Plot Overlay, Use External File

File Type - Name

File name string
This entry defines the external graphics file that will be used as a
background picture for this Receptor Grids isopleth plots. Only a
reference to the file is stored within the Flaresim case so the
specified file must be copied separately when moving or
transmitting Flaresim case files.

Clicking this button opens a File Open dialog to allow the external
graphics file to be selected.

Receptors 10-29

External File - Details / Preview

Radio Buttons
Setting the radio button to Details allows the information about the
drawing dimensions and Flaresim origin to be defined. Setting it to
Preview displays the contents of the external file with an overlay
showing the Receptor Grid dimensions overlaid on the drawing.

The first two sets of values define the plot dimensions covered by
the external file. The names of the axes displayed are updated as
appropriate to the setting of the Receptor Grid orientation on the
Extent tab.

File Dimension - Minimum

Range -10,000m to 10,000m
The minimum value for the plot dimension in the external file.

File Dimension - Maximum

Range -10,000m to 10,000m
The maximum value for the plot dimension in the external file.

The two Flaresim Location of Origin fields define where the

Flaresim 0, 0 point is located within the drawing file using the
drawing files dimensions. Again the names of the coordinates are
updated to match the grid orientation setting.

Location of Flaresim Origin

Range -10,000m to 10,000m
The coordinates of the Flaresim origin point within the drawing.

Show Overlay
Check box
Set this to include the overlay drawing on the isopleth plots for this
Receptor Grid.

Reset Extent
Clicking this button resets the external plot file dimensions to match
those of the Receptor Grid.

10-30 Receptor Grid View

External Plot File Example

As an example of how these values should be set, consider the

following. An external plot plan drawing is available which covers
master plot plan coordinates from 1000m to 3000m in the X
dimension and from 0m to 2000m in the Y dimension. In the master
coordinates the flare stack is located at 2600, 1200.

Assuming our Flaresim model has been run with the stack located at
0, 0 within the model and we have a Receptor Grid defined for the
Northing - Easting plane. The settings required to use the plot
overlay would be

Northing Min = 0m
Northing Max = 2000m
Easting Min = 1000m
Easting Max = 3000m
Flaresim Origin Northing = 1200m
Flaresim Origin Easting = 2600m

Generally the dimensions of the plot plan should exceed those

covered by the receptor grid or results can be unpredictable. In our
example this would imply following dimensions for the receptor

Northing Minimum = -1200m

Northing Maximum = 800m
Easting Minimum = -1600m
Easting Maximum = 400m

Receptors 10-31

Flaresim Overlay File Type

When the File Type is set to Use Flaresim Overlay the options are as
shown below.

Figure 10-16, Plot Overlay Tab, Flaresim Overlay

Overlay Name
Drop down list: Available Overlay objects
This selects which of the Overlay objects defined in this case is to be
used as the background drawings for the isopleth plots in this
Receptor Grid. No check is made that the Overlay has the correct

Show Overlay
Check box
Set this to include the overlay drawing on the isopleth plots for this
Receptor Grid.

Chapter 13 describes how to create and edit Flaresim Overlay


10.3.9 Grid Graphic Report Tab

The Graphic Report tab of the Receptor Grid view allows the user to
display a graphical report of isopleth results or export the data points
for an isopleth curve. Printing or saving of graphic reports is handled
by the File - Print Graphic Reports menu option.

10-32 Receptor Grid View

Figure 10-17, Graphic Report Tab

This opens a standard file open dialog to allow selection of the
layout file for the graphical report.

Layout File
This defines the name of the graphic report layout file that will be
used to generate graphic reports for this receptor grid. The default
value set when the Receptor Point is created is defined in the Files
tab of the Preferences view.

Layout files describe the background text, data items and graphics
formatting instructions required to define a graphics report in an
XML formatted file with the extension .LAY.

Standard layout files are shipped with Flaresim to provide graphic

report definitions for 1 and 2 stack systems with 1 or 2 tips on A4
and Letter paper sizes. Appendix A describes the structure and the
elements that make up a layout file.

Receptors 10-33

Graphic Report Data - Variable

Drop down List: Radiation / Noise / Temperature / Concentration
Selects the type of isopleth to be viewed on the graphic report -
Radiation, Noise, Temperature or Concentration.

For rapid output of all types of Graphic Report use the Print -
Graphic Reports menu option.

Graphic Report Data - Contour Interpolation

Drop down List: Linear / Cubic / BSpline
Selects the method used to generate the isopleth curves from the
receptor grid data points.

The Linear option uses the least interpolation and as a result the
points generated will be in closest agreement to the data values in the
grid. However this may result in more jagged looking isopleth
curves if a coarse receptor grid is used i.e. fewer points are
calculated. The BSpline method offers the smoothest curves if a
coarse grid is used but individual points on the curves may not show
such good agreement with the original grid results. The Cubic
method offers an alternative smoothing method.

Graphic Report Options - Label Isopleth Curves

Check box
Set this to generate single letter labels for each of the isopleth curves.
This allows individual curves to be more easily distinguished on
black and white printed output. It is not normally required for colour

Graphic Report Options - Use Layout File Isopleth Options

Check box
Set this to force the isopleth values, colour, line style and thickness
to use the settings from the layout file rather than those specified
within the case for this grid.

Export Isopleth Points

Clicking this button opens a File Save dialog that allows the
calculated isopleth coordinates for the selected isopleth type to be

10-34 Receptor Grid View

exported. The options for saving are as a XML file, a comma

separated CSV file or as an Autocad compatible script file SCR.

For rapid output of all types of Graphic Report use the Print -
Graphic Reports menu option.

View Graphic Report

Clicking this button generates and displays on the screen a graphic
report from the selected layout file for the selected variable. The
graphic report is displayed in its own window and by default is
displayed as a maximised view as shown below. The graphic report
window can be minimised, resized and closed using standard
windows methods.

Figure 10-18, Sample Graphic Report

Shields 11-1

11 Shields

11.1 Shield View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
11.1.1 Common Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
11.1.2 Definition Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
11.1.3 Definition Tab - User Water Screen Method 5
11.1.4 Definition Tab - Long Water Screen Method6
11.1.5 Sections Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

11.2 Rectangle Builder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

11.3 Polygon Builder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

11.4 Pit / Hut Builder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

11.5 Transform View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17


Shields 11-3

The Shield object models the use of water sprays or solid shields to
reduce the transmission of radiation and noise. Each shield object is
composed of one or more polygonal shapes or sections. Multiple
sections may be defined to describe complex shield structures such
as a burn pit.

The transmission of radiation through a shield can be modelled

either by user specified transmissivity factors or for water screens by
transmissivity factors calculated from details of the screen thickness
and the flame temperature. A method is also provided to calculate
the effective thickness of a water screen given details of the water
flow rate and other details of the water spray. The transmission of
noise through a shield is defined by a user specified transmission

Shield objects may be created using the Add-Shield drop down

menu option or by selecting the Shield branch in the Case Navigator
view and clicking the Add button.

An existing Shield object may be viewed by double clicking it in the

Case Navigator view or by selecting it in the Case Navigator view
and clicking the View button.

All defined Shield objects will be included in the calculations unless

they have been set to Ignored. A Shield may be set to ignored by
selecting it in the Case Navigator view and clicking the Ignore
button. An Ignored Shield object can be restored to the calculations
by selecting it in the Case Navigator view and clicking the Activate
button. Alternatively a Shield object can be ignored and restored by
setting or clearing the check box on its view.

A Shield object can be deleted either by clicking the Delete button

on its view or by selecting it in the Case Navigator view and clicking
the Delete button on this view.

11-4 Shield View

11.1 Shield View

The following figure shows the tip view as it would appear for a
newly created Shield object.

Figure 11-1, Shield Details View

11.1.1 Common Fields

Enter text to identify this Shield object.

Status Text
Status message
The message displayed in this field and its colour indicates whether
the data for this shield object is complete and ready for calculation.

Shields 11-5

Check box
Clear to include this shield in the calculations or set to ignore this
shield when calculating.

11.1.2 Definition Tab

The Definition tab of the Shield view, Figure 11-1, has the following

Details Radiation - Screen Type

Drop down List - User / Water Screen
This drop down list selects the type of shield. The User option is
used for solid shields or water screens when it is desired to specify
the transmissivity of the screen directly. The Water Screen option is
used when it is desired the calculate the transmissivity for a known
thickness of a water screen.

When this field is set to User the view changes to display the
Transmissivity field to allow the transmissivity to be defined. When
the field is set to Water Screen the view changes to that shown in
Figure 11-2 below.

Details Radiation - Transmissivity

Range 0 to 1
This defines the fraction of radiation transmitted by the shield. This
field is only displayed when the Type field is set to User.

Details Noise - Transmissivity

Range 0 to 1
This defines the fraction of noise transmitted by the shield. The
factor is applied to the noise power.

11.1.3 Definition Tab - User Water Screen Method

When the Type field on the Details tab is set to Water Screen the
view changes to that shown below in Figure 11-2.

11-6 Shield View

Figure 11-2, Details Tab, User Water Screen Method

Layer Thickness Method

Drop down list: User / Long
This drop down list specifies the method that will be used to
determine the thickness of the water screen. If the User method is
selected the Layer Thickness field is displayed to allow the thickness
to be specified. If the Long method is selected the fields described in
section 11.1.4 will be displayed to allow details of the water screen
to be provided to allow the water screen thickness to be calculated.

Layer Thickness
Range 0.001 to 1000 mm
This field defines the thickness of the water screen. The thickness
will be used to calculate the transmissivity of the water screen as a
function of the thickness and the flame temperature of the flare.

This field is only displayed when the Layer Thickness Calculation

option is set to User.

11.1.4 Definition Tab - Long Water Screen

When the Shield type is set to Water Screen and the Layer Thickness
Calculation is set to Long then the following fields will be displayed.

Shields 11-7

Figure 11-3, Details Tab, Long Water Screen Method

Water Flow
Range 0 to 1000 m3/s
This field defines the water flow rate for the calculation of the water
screen layer thickness using the Long method.

Nozzle Diameter
Range 0 to 1000 mm
This field defines the nozzle diameter for the calculation of the water
screen layer thickness using the Long method.

Number of Nozzles
Range 1 to 100
The number of water spray nozzles used.

Droplet Velocity
Range 1 to 20 m/s
This field defines the droplet velocity to be used in the calculation of
the water screen layer thickness using the Long method.

Calc. Layer Thickness

Calculated result
This field displays the thickness of the water screen layer calculated
using the Long method.

11-8 Shield View

11.1.5 Sections Tab

The sections tab of the Shield view is shown below. This view lists
the individual sections or panels that make up the complete shield.
Each section is defined as a polygon with 3 or more points or
vertices to define its extremities. The shield sections may be updated
by selecting the line describing the section and then updating values
in the Section Details region below and / or clicking one of the action

Figure 11-4, Sections Tab

Section List
List box: All defined shield sections
The Section List displays all of the shield sections defined for this
shield. Selecting a section in the list updates the Section Details
region with the corresponding information.

Shields 11-9

Section List - Add Section

Creates a new shield section. The new section will be selected
automatically in the Section List box.

Section List - Delete Section

Deletes the selected shield section.

Section List - Make Pit / Hut

Opens the Pit / Hut Builder view ready to define a new shield. See

Section List - Transform Shield

Opens the Transform view to rotate or move the shield. See 11.3.

Section Details - Section Name

This field allows the shield section to be given a descriptive name.

Section Details - Add Vertex

This button adds a new vertex to the bottom of the list of vertices for
the current shield section.

Section Details - Delete Vertex

This button deletes the selected vertex from the list.

Section Details - Sort Vertices

This button sorts the list of vertices for the shield section.

When using the shield section editor it is important that the list of
vertices that define the section are entered in a way that each vertex
is directly connected to the preceding vertex in the list in a
continuous clockwise or anti-clockwise direction.

11-10 Shield View

For example if entering the vertices to define a rectangular shield

section, the four vertices, A, B, C and D must be entered as shown

Correct Correct Incorrect

If vertices are not entered in the correct order their correct extent
cannot be calculated and the radiation and noise reduction results
will be misleading and inaccurate. This can usually be seen as very
irregular isopleths in the Receptor Grid view.

The Sort Vertices button will sort a list of vertices into the correct
order in most cases.

Section Details - Make Rectangle

Clicking this button opens the Rectangle Builder view, see section
11.2. This allows rapid definition of a rectangular shield section.

Section Details - Make Polygon

Clicking this button opens the Polygon Builder view, see section
11.3. This allows rapid definition of a polygonal shield section.

Vertex List - Northing

Range -10,000 to 10,000 m
The northing coordinate of the vertex.

Vertex List - Easting

Range -10,000 to 10,000 m
The easting coordinate of the vertex.

Vertex List - Elevation

Range -10,000 to 10,000 m
The elevation coordinate of the vertex.

Shields 11-11

11.2 Rectangle Builder

The Rectangle Builder view is shown below. Its purpose is to allow
rapid creation of rectangular shield sections.This view is modal and
must be completed and closed before other Flaresim views can be

Figure 11-5, Rectangle Builder

Rectangle - Height
Range 0 to 1000m
The height of the shield section.

Rectangle - Width
Range 0 to 1000m
The width of the shield section.

Centre Point Location - Northing

Range -10,000 to 10,000m
The northing coordinate of the centre of the rectangle.

Centre Point Location - Easting

Range -10,000 to 10,000m
The easting coordinate of the centre of the rectangle.

11-12 Rectangle Builder

Centre Point Location - Elevation

Range -10,000 to 10,000m
The elevation coordinate of the centre of the rectangle.

Orientation - Angle to North

Range 0 to 360 degrees
The angle from North of the rectangle.

Orientation - Angle to Horizontal

Range -90 to 90 degrees
The angle from horizontal of the rectangle. The default value of 90
degrees implies a vertical rectangle.

Closes the Rectangle Builder view, accepting the input data. Note
any existing section vertices will be replaced by the new rectangular

Closes the Rectangle Builder view, discarding the input data.

Shields 11-13

11.3 Polygon Builder

The Polygon Builder view is shown below. Its purpose is to allow
rapid creation of polygonal shield sections. The most common use
of this view will be to create polygonal sections of 12 or more
vertices to approximate circular water sprays. This view is modal
and must be completed and closed before other Flaresim views can
be used.

Figure 11-6, Polygon Builder

Number of Vertices
Range 3 to 100
The number of vertices that will define the extents of the shield
section. The default number of 12 will approximate a circular spray
shield to a reasonable accuracy though a greater number can be used
if required.

Range 0.1 to 1,000m
The radius of the polygonal shield section i.e. the distance from the
centre of the polygon to each vertex.

11-14 Polygon Builder

Rectangle Centre - Northing

Range -10,000 to 10,000m
The northing coordinate of the centre of the polygon.

Rectangle Centre - Easting

Range -10,000 to 10,000m
The easting coordinate of the centre of the polygon.

Rectangle Centre - Elevation

Range -10,000 to 10,000m
The elevation coordinate of the centre of the polygon.

Orientation - Angle to North

Range 0 to 360 degrees
The angle from North of the polygon.

Orientation - Angle to Horizontal

Range -90 to 90 degrees
The angle from horizontal of the polygon. The default value of 90
degrees implies a vertical polygon.

Closes the Polygon Builder view, accepting the input data. Note any
existing section vertices will be replaced by the new polygon data.

Closes the Polygon Builder view, discarding the input data.

Shields 11-15

11.4 Pit / Hut Builder

The Pit / Hut Builder view is shown below. The function of this view
is to create the multiple shield sections that make up a burn pit or
alternatively a protective hut. It will automatically create 4
rectangular wall sections and a rectangular base or roof section. This
view is modal and must be closed before other Flaresim views can
be used.

Figure 11-7, Pit / Hut Builder

Radio button: Pit / Hut
Selects whether the view will define data for a pit or a hut.

In both cases 4 vertical rectangular walls and a horizontal

rectangular section will be created from the data supplied. In the
case of a Pit the horizontal section will form the base of the burn pit
while for a Hut the horizontal section will form the roof.

Length (Northing Dimension)

Range 0.1 to 1,000m
The length of the burn pit/hut. The length is assumed to be the
dimension in the north-south direction.

11-16 Pit / Hut Builder

Width (Easting Dimension)

Range 0.1 to 1,000m
The width of the burn pit/hut.The width is assumed to be the
dimension in the east-west direction.

Depth / Height
Range 0.1 to 1,000m
The depth of the burn pit or the height of the hut.

Rectangle Centre - Northing

Range -10,000 to 10,000m
The northing coordinate of the centre of the burn pit or hut base.

Rectangle Centre - Easting

Range -10,000 to 10,000m
The easting coordinate of the centre of the burn pit or hut base.

Rectangle Centre - Elevation

Range -10,000 to 10,000m
The elevation coordinate of the centre of the burn pit or hut base.

Closes the Pit/Hut Builder view, accepting the input data. Note any
existing shield section data will be replaced by the new pit/hut data.

Closes the Pit Builder view, discarding the input data.

Shields 11-17

11.5 Transform View

The Transform view is shown below. The purpose of this view is to
relocate or rotate an existing shield section. It is used by entering the
data required to define the move or rotation and then clicking the
Apply button

Figure 11-8, Transform View

Move Section - North

Range -10,000 to 10,000 m
This defines the distance the shield sections are to be moved in the
north-south direction.

Move Section - East

Range -10,000 to 10,000 m
This defines the distance the shield sections are to be moved in the
east-west direction.

Move Section - Elevation

Range -10,000 to 10,000 m
This defines the distance the shield sections are to be moved up or

11-18 Transform View

Rotate Section - Angle to North

Range -360 to 360 degrees
This defines the amount the shield sections are to be rotated from
North i.e. around a vertical axis.

Rotate Section - Angle to Horizontal

Range -360 to 360 degrees
This defines the amount the shield sections are to be rotated from the
vertical i.e. around a horizontal axis.

Rotation Centre Point - Northing

Range -10,000 to 10,000 m
This defines the north coordinate for the centre of rotation to be used
when rotating the shield sections.

Rotation Centre East

Range -10,000 to 10,000 m
This defines the east coordinate for the centre of rotation to be used
when rotating the shield sections.

Rotation - Centre Elevation

Range -10,000 to 10,000 m
This defines the elevation coordinate for the centre of rotation to be
used when rotating the shield sections.

Apply Transform To All Sections

Check box
If this check box is set then the transform will be applied to all of the
sections of the shield. If not it will only be applied to the section that
was selected when the Transform button was clicked.

This closes the Transform view and applies the specified movement
or rotation to the shield section.

Close the Transform view, discarding any defined transformation

Shields 11-19

In applying a transform for simultaneous movement and rotation the

order in which these are applied is firstly movement, secondly
rotation from North around the vertical axis and finally rotation from
horizontal around the horizontal axis.

The effect of a given transform is not always obvious and it is

suggested that more complex movements be done in single steps to
avoid possible confusion.

11-20 Transform View

Dispersion 12-1

12 Dispersion

12.1 Dispersion View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
12.1.1 Common Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
12.1.2 Input Data Tab. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
12.1.3 Pollutants Tab. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
12.1.4 Results Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
12.1.5 Plot Overlay Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
12.1.6 Graphic Report Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11

12.2 Implementation Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12


Dispersion 12-3

The Dispersion object provides a Gaussian dispersion calculation to

model the dispersion of combustion gases from burning flares and
dispersion of relieved fluid in the event of a flame out condition.
Gaussian dispersion is a simple model of gas dispersion appropriate
for a first pass screening of emissions from a flare system. In its
current implementation in Flaresim it is suitable for buoyant fluids
only and does not include modelling of terrain or structure effects,
both of which can have a significant impact on dispersion results.

The Dispersion object allows generation of contour isopleth results

for a single pollutant or a simple downwind plot for multiple
pollutants. The source of pollutants is either the calculated
combustion gas or the components in the relieved fluid. Multiple
Dispersion objects can be defined to carry out different calculations.

Dispersion objects may be created selecting the Add-Dispersion

drop down menu option or by selecting the Dispersion branch in the
Case Navigator and clicking the Add button.

An existing Dispersion object may be viewed by double clicking it

in the Case Navigator or by selecting it in the Case Navigator and
clicking the View button.

Dispersion objects will be included in the calculations providing that

the appropriate option has been selected in the Calculation Options
view unless they have been set to Ignored. A Dispersion may be set
to ignored by selecting it in the Case Navigator and clicking the
Ignore button. An Ignored Dispersion object can be restored to the
calculations by selecting it in the Case Navigator and clicking the
Activate button. Alternatively a Dispersion object can be ignored
and restored by setting or clearing the Ignored check box on its view.

A Dispersion object can be deleted either by clicking the Delete

button on its view or by selecting it in the Case Navigator and
clicking the Case Navigator Delete button.

12-4 Dispersion View

12.1 Dispersion View

The following figure shows the Dispersion view for entering and
updating Dispersion data.

Figure 12-1, Dispersion View

12.1.1 Common Fields

Enter a name to identify this Dispersion object. The entry will be
automatically processed to remove any characters that are not
allowed in file names.

Status Text
Status message
The message displayed in this field and its colour indicates whether
the data for this Dispersion object is complete and ready for

Dispersion 12-5

Check box
Clear to include this Dispersion in the calculations or set to ignore
this Dispersion when calculating. The effect of setting this check
box will be to exclude the Dispersion object from the calculations.

Dispersion objects will only be considered for calculation if the

appropriate option is set in the General tab of the Calculations
Options view.

12.1.2 Input Data Tab

The Input Data tab of a newly created Dispersion object is as shown
in Figure 12-1 above. The following fields determine the type of
Dispersion calculation that will be performed.

Pollutant Source
Radio buttons: Combustion Product / Unburnt Flared Fluid
If the combustion product option is selected the list of pollutant
components will be loaded from the combustion gas compositions
calculated for the flare tips in the model. If the Unburnt Flared Fluid
option is selected the list of pollutant components will be loaded
from the component lists of the fluids in the model.

If the flared fluids are defined by bulk properties then no dispersion

modelling can be performed for the flared fluid. Combustion gas
modelling can still be done in this case since the combustion gas
composition can be calculated using an assumed composition.

Calculation Type
Radio buttons: Contour Plot / Downwind Line Plot
The dispersion calculations can be performed to generate either a
composition isopleth contour plot for a single pollutant or a plot of
muliple pollutant compositions along a single line downwind of a
selected origin.

12-6 Dispersion View

Contour Plot Data Entry

The data entry items for a contour plot dispersion calculation are
shown below.

Figure 12-2, Contour Plot Data Entry

Contour Plot Extent - Contours Height

Range: 0m to 1,000 m
The height of the contours plane. All contours are generated for a
horizontal plane i.e. a Northing-Easting orientation.

Northing - Minimum
Range: -50,000 to 50,000 m
The minimum extent of the contour plot in the northing direction.

Northing - Maximum
Range: -50,000 to 50,000 m
The maximum extent of the contour plot in the northing direction.

Northing - Number of Points

Range: 1 to 1001
The number of increments that the distance between the minimum
and maximum extents will be divided into.

Dispersion 12-7

Easting - Minimum
Range: -50,000 to 50,000 m
The minimum extent of the contour plot in the easting direction.

Easting - Maximum
Range: -50,000 to 50,000 m
The maximum extent of the contour plot in the easting direction.

Easting - Number of Points

Range: 1 to 1001
The number of increments that the distance between the minimum
and maximum extents will be divided into.

Downwind Line Plot Data Entry

The data entry items for a contour plot dispersion calculation are
shown below.

Figure 12-3, Downwind Line Plot Data Entry

Line Plot Details - Line Through Point

Drop down list: Origin and defined tip exit locations
This entry defines the point on which the downwind line calculation
is based. The downwind distances specified are calculated from this
selected point.

12-8 Dispersion View

Line Plot Details - Height For Calculation

Range: 0m to 1,000 m
The height at which the pollutant concentrations are to be calculated.

Downwind Distance - Minimum

Range: 0 to 50,000 m
The minimum downwind distance for the line plot.

Downwind Distance - Maximum

Range: 0 to 50,000 m
The maximum downwind distance for the line plot.

Downwind Distance - Number of Points

Range: 1 to 1001
The number of increments that the distance between the minimum
and maximum extents will be divided into.

12.1.3 Pollutants Tab

Figure 12-4, Pollutants Tab

Dispersion 12-9

The Pollutants tab view shows a list of the pollutant components

found in the selected Pollutant source.

If this is set to combustion gases all of the combustion results for

each active tip are scanned to complete the list of pollutants though
the O2 and N2 components are not added to the list. If the source is
set to Flared Fluid all of the active fluid compositions in the case are
scanned. If all of the active fluids are defined by bulk properties then
the pollutant list will be empty.

Check box
Set the check box for the pollutants that should be included in the
dispersion calculations. For a contour calculation only one
component may be selected. Multiple components can be selected
for a downwind line plot.

12.1.4 Results Tab

Figure 12-5, Results Tab, Downwind Line Results

12-10 Dispersion View

The view above shows the results obtained for a downwind line plot
dispersion calculations. The view below shows the results for a
contour calculation. In both cases the Display and Export options
available are the same.

Figure 12-6, Results Tab, Contour Results

Drop down list: Table / Plot
Selects whether the dispersion results are displayed as a table or as
a graph.

When a new Dispersion object is created the graph display settings

are set to the defaults defined in the Preferences View, see section

Allows the calculated thermal radiation results to be exported to a
file. If the data is displayed as a table it may be exported to an Excel
XLS file or a comma separated CSV file. If displayed as a graph it

Dispersion 12-11

may be exported to a JPG, PNG, BMP, WMF or EMF graphics file.

In either case a standard file dialog box will appear to allow the
name and file type to be entered.

The contour plot view may be customised using the Zoom and
Customise options as described in Chapter 13.

12.1.5 Plot Overlay Tab

The options in the Plot Overlay tab of the Dispersion object apply to
the contour plot calculation type only. Their operation is identical to
that described for the Plot Overlay tab of the Receptor Grid object,
see section 10.3.8.

12.1.6 Graphic Report Tab

The options in the Graphic Report tab of the Dispersion object apply
to the contour plot calculation type only. Their operation is identical
to that described for the Graphic Report tab of the Receptor Grid
object, see section 10.3.9.

Graphic Reports are not available for the downwind line plot
dispersion option.

12-12 Implementation Details

12.2 Implementation Details

The Flaresim Gaussian dispersion calculations make the following
key assumptions in their implementation.

A. The gas is assumed to be buoyant.

In the case of the combustion gases this is a reasonable assumption

at normal flame temperatures. In the case of the uncombusted flared
fluid, a check is made to confirm that the temperature/mole weight
of the fluid leads to a gas density that is lighter than air at 120C as a
precondition for running the calculations.

B. The combustion gas source is assumed to be the end of the flame.

The Flame Shape tab of the Tip view can be used to see the location
of the end of the flame.

C. Multiple sources are summed to provide a final result

If multiple sources are specified in a model i.e. there are multiple

tips then the dispersion results are calculated for each individual tip
and then summed to give the final result.

D. Minimum Distance is 100m

The dispersions coefficients used are calculated from correlations

that were validated for a minimum distance of 100m downwind of
the source. While Flaresim may calculate Gaussian dispersion
results at closer distances they should be regarded as extrapolations
and of low reliability.

Overlays And Isopleths 13-1

13 Overlays And Isopleths

13.1 Overlay View. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
13.1.1 Common Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
13.1.2 Details Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
13.1.3 Editor Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
13.1.4 Overlay Editor Tool bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
13.1.5 Overlay Editor - Object Properties . . . . . . 10
13.1.6 Overlay Editor - Edit Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

13.2 Zoom View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

13.3 Isopleth Customise View. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

13.3.1 Plot Details Tab. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
13.3.2 Contour Details Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
13.3.3 Text Details Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Overlays And Isopleths 13-2


Overlays And Isopleths 13-3

Overlays are drawings such as plot plans created in Flaresim to add

as background pictures to isopleth plots to show graphically the
extent of the isopleths. The overlay editor provided allows creation
of simple drawings but is not a a substitute for a full graphics
program. Externally created files can also be used as background
pictures - see the Plot Overlay tab of Receptor Grid and Dispersion

Overlay objects may be created using the Add-Overlay drop down

menu option or by selecting the Overlay branch in the Case
Navigator view and clicking the Add button.

An existing Overlay object may be viewed by double clicking it in

the Case Navigator view or by selecting it in the Case Navigator
view and clicking the View button.

Overlay objects can be used by one or more Receptor Grid or

Dispersion objects (client objects). Overlays are selected and their
display is controlled through the Plot Overlay tab of the client object

Overlay objects can be deleted by selecting them in the Case

Navigator and clicking the Delete button or by using the Delete
button on their view.

Isopleth Zoom and Isopleth Customisation views are accessible

from all isopleth display tabs. These include the Radiation, Noise,
Temperature and Concentration tabs of the Receptor Grid views and
the Results tab of the Dispersion object view when used for
dispersion contour calculations. The Zoom and Customisation views
allow the appearance of individual isopleths to be manipulated.

Isopleth Zoom and Isopleth Customisation views pop up alongside

a particular isopleth display and will close automatically when that
display is closed.

13-4 Overlay View

13.1 Overlay View

The following figure show the Overlay view for creating and
modifying overlay pictures.

Figure 13-1, Overlay View

13.1.1 Common Fields

Enter text to identify this Receptor Point object.

13.1.2 Details Tab

The Details tab of the Overlay view, see Figure 13-1, has the
following data entry fields.

Overlays And Isopleths 13-5

Overlay Type -Overlay Plane

Drop down list: Northing-Easting / Elevation-Northing /
Defines the plane of the Overlay drawing. Selection of the plane
automatically updates the labels for the remaining entries in the this

File Dimension - Minimum

Range: -50,000 to 50,000 m
The minimum extent of the overlay drawing in the labelled

File Dimension - Maximum

Range: -50,000 to 50,000 m
The maximum extent of the overlay drawing in the labelled

Update Details From Grid / Dispersion - Select

Drop down list: All Grids and Dispersions in Case
This drop down provides a list of all of the Receptor Grid and
Dispersion objects in the case so that it can be used as the basis for
setting the Overlay dimensions.

Update Details From Grid / Dispersion - Update

Clicking this copies the orientation and each axis minimum and
maximum dimensions from the selected Receptor Grid or
Dispersion object. This is a one-off copy and no link is made
between the Overlay and the selected source object.

13.1.3 Editor Tab

The Overlay Editor tab allows the creation and modification of
background graphics from scratch. The view shown below has three
main sections, the tool bar, the information and setting region and
the drawing display.

13-6 Overlay View

Figure 13-2, Editor Tab

Current Location - X Loc

Cursor location in selected units
This updates as the mouse is moved around the drawing to show the
X location of the cursor.

Current Location - Y Loc

Cursor location in selected units
This updates as the mouse is moved around the drawing to show the
Y location of the cursor.

Show Stacks
Check box
If this check box is set the stacks will be added to the displayed
overlay drawing to act as guides for other drawing actions. Clearing
the check box clears the stack and tip elements. The stack drawing
elements will not form part of the saved Overlay. The setting is not

Overlays And Isopleths 13-7

The stack elements shown are the projection of the stack onto the
Overlay plane i.e. vertical stacks will appear as a point on an
Overlay with a Northing-Easting orientation.

Clicking this button updates any open Receptor Grid or Dispersion
isopleth plot views that are using the current Overlay so that they
display the latest version of the Overlay. Newly opened isopleth
views and report graphics always display the latest Overlay version.

13.1.4 Overlay Editor Tool bar

Figure 13-3, Overlay Editor Tool bar

The icons on this tool bar may be clicked to perform the following
actions or select a drawing mode. A blue box is shown around the
current active icon.

Opens a file to import into the current Overlay. A standard

windows File Open Dialog will be displayed to allow the file
to be selected. Allowed types of input file are JPG, PNG,
BMP, WMF or EMF standard Windows file types, Flaresim
version 2 overlays FSG and Flaresim version 3 overlays

The imported file will replace the current drawing. If you

want to add an external file to an existing Overlay use the
Add Picture option .

Exports the current Overlay picture. A standard windows

File Save Dialog will be displayed to allow the export file to
be selected. The file may be saved as a JPG, PNG, BMP,
WMF or EMF file.

13-8 Overlay View

Puts the drawing in selection and edit mode. When this icon
is selected, clicking objects in the drawing selects them for
editing, as described in section below.

Puts the drawing in Add Line mode.selection When this icon

is selected, clicking and dragging in the drawing will create
a new line.

Puts the drawing in Add Rectangle mode. When this icon is

selected, clicking and dragging in the drawing will create a
new rectangle.

Puts the drawing in Add Rounded Rectangle mode. When

this icon is selected, clicking and dragging in the drawing
will create a new rounded rectangle.

Puts the drawing in Add Ellipse mode. When this icon is

selected, clicking and dragging in the drawing will create a
new ellipse or circle.

Puts the drawing in Add Polyline mode. When this icon is

selected, the first click will start a multiple segment line and
each subsequent click adds a new segment. Double clicking
or the Esc key indicate completion of the Polyline.

Puts the drawing in Add Polygon mode. When this icon is

selected, the first click will start a drawing a polygon and
each subsequent click adds a new side to the polygon.
Double clicking or the Esc key indicate completion and
closure of the Polygon.

Puts the drawing in Add Text mode. Click the left mouse
button at the point where the text is to start - a vertical
blinking line will be displayed. Type the text and finish by
hitting the enter key.

Overlays And Isopleths 13-9

Puts the drawing in Add Picture mode. Using the Add

Picture mode is a two step process.

First as soon as the icon is clicked a File Open dialog will

appear to allow selection of the picture to be added. A JPG,
PNG, BMP, WMF or EMF file can be selected.

After file selection, clicking and dragging in the drawing will

define a box within which the picture from the file will be
drawn. A single picture can be added to the drawing multiple
times. To change the picture being added, click the icon

Displays a drop down list to allow selection of the properties

for new objects or to change the style of an existing object.
The options in the list are shown below and their usage is
covered below.

Figure 13-4, Object Properties Drop Down

Displays a drop down list to allow the rearrangement of the

relative positioning, orientation or grouping of the selected

13-10 Overlay View

object in Edit Mode. The options in the list are shown below
and their usage is covered below.

Figure 13-5, Object Arrange Drop Down

Zooms in on the overlay drawing i.e. displays the drawing at

a larger scale. Scroll bars will appear if required and can be
used to scroll around the drawing.

Zooms out on the overlay drawing i.e. displays the drawing

at a smaller scale.

Displays the currently selected zoom size of the

drawing as a percentage of the full size. Drop down button
can be used to select pre-defined zoom percentages.

13.1.5 Overlay Editor - Object Properties

The Overlay Editor is object based and the colour and drawing style
of each object are set using the drop down list. This drop down
sets the object properties for new objects added in Draw Mode or
changes the properties of objects selected in Edit Mode.

The properties in the drop down list that can be set are.

Line Colour
This displays a standard windows Colour Selection Dialog as shown
below. Click the colour required and then the Ok button. The

Overlays And Isopleths 13-11

selected colour applies to individual line objects, polyline objects

and the outside lines for rectangle, rounded rectangle, ellipse and
polygon objects.

Figure 13-6, Colour Selection Dialog

Line Style
This displays the following dialog to allow the line width and line
style to be selected. Enter the line width required and select the line
style from the drop down list then click Ok. The selected style
applies to individual line objects, polyline objects and the outside
lines for rectangle, rounded rectangle, ellipse and polygon objects.

Figure 13-7, Line Style Selection

Fill Colour
This displays the standard windows Colour Selection Dialog as
shown above. The selected colour applies to the interior of rectangle,
rounded rectangle, ellipse and polygon objects.

13-12 Overlay View

Fill Style
This displays the following dialog. Select the Fill style from the drop
down list and click Ok. The selected fill style applies to the interior
of rectangle, rounded rectangle, ellipse and polygon objects.

Figure 13-8, Fill Style Selection

Background Colour
This displays the standard windows Colour Selection Dialog as
shown above. The selected colour applies background colour of the

Text Colour
This displays the standard windows Colour Selection Dialog as
shown above. The selected colour applies to the text objects.

Text Font
This displays a standard windows Font Properties Dialog as shown
below. Select the font name, size and style and click Ok. Note that
the font size selected has to be scaled for use on the overlay and so
a given point size may not display with the exact height requested.

Overlays And Isopleths 13-13

Figure 13-9, Font Properties Dialog

13.1.6 Overlay Editor - Edit Mode

In Edit mode it is possible to modify existing objects in the plot
overlay. Edit mode is selected by clicking the button in the tool
bar. Once the editor is in edit mode the cursor will change to show a
simple arrow.

Edit mode can be used to move, resize, change the properties or

change the arrangement of the objects that make up a plot overlay.

Selecting Objects
A single object can be selected by clicking on it with the left mouse
button. Once selected the object will display white boxes at the
corners and sides of its bounding rectangle as shown below.

Figure 13-10, Selected Object

13-14 Overlay View

Multiple objects can be selecting by clicking and holding the left

mouse button to draw a rectangle around multiple objects. In this
case grey boxes are displayed at the corners and sides of the
rectangles bounding each selected object. Alternatively hold down
the Shift key and click to select multiple objects.

Resizing Objects
A selected object can be resized by moving the cursor over one of
the white boxes in the bounding rectangle. When the cursor changes
to a two headed arrow, click and hold the left mouse button then drag
to resize the object.

Moving Objects
An object can be moved by clicking and holding the left mouse
button on the object and dragging the object to the new position. The
cursor will show a four arrowed icon. To move multiple objects first
select them then click and drag one of the them.

Changing Object Properties

The properties of an object can be changed by selecting it then using
the drop down to select the property to be changed.

Rotating and Flipping Objects

Objects can be rotated or flipped by selecting it then using the
drop down to select the angle of rotation or horizontal or vertical

Changing Object Stacking Order

The stacking order of objects, i.e. whether one object is displayed in
front or behind another object, is set by selecting it then using the
drop down to bring the object forward or in front of other
objects or send it backwards or behind other objects.

Grouping or Ungrouping Objects

Multiple objects may be grouped together by selecting them and
then using the group option from the drop down. The group of
objects can then be treated as a single object for other
transformations. A grouped object can be broken into individual
objects again by selecting it and using the ungroup from the same
drop down menu.

Overlays And Isopleths 13-15

13.2 Zoom View

The Zoom view shown below will appear on clicking the Zoom
button on a Receptor Grid isopleth or a Dispersion object contour
plot. The view will appear beside the parent object view and will
remain open until closed or until a different tab is selected in the
parent object. More than one Zoom view can be open at a time.

Figure 13-11, Zoom View

The zoom view allows the isopleth to be rescaled to zoom in on a

particular section of the isopleth and view its contents in more detail.
This is done without recalculating the results, all isopleths drawn
will be calculated by interpolation from the original results.

There are two ways of establishing the new scale for the isopleth plot

Firstly, when the Zoom view is open, moving the cursor over
isopleth shows a cursor. When this is displayed you can click
and drag in the isopleth to select the new zoom region. The updated
scale values will be displayed in the Zoom view.
Alternatively the Zoom extents can be set through the zoom view.

Zoom Extents - Min

Range: Constrained by isopleth extents
Enter the minimum scale value for the axis.

13-16 Zoom View

Zoom Extents - Max

Range: Constrained by isopleth extents
Enter the minimum scale value for the axis.

Note the labels for the Min and Max entries will be updated
according to the orientation of the parent object isopleth.

Clicking this button redraws the isopleths with the current zoom

Clicking this button sets the zoom extents back to the original
Receptor Grid or Dispersion extents and redraws the isopleths.

Update Extents From Zoom

Clicking this button copies the current zoom extents to the input
extents of the parent Receptor Grid or Dispersion object. Since this
effectively changes the input data for the grid the current results will
be cleared. The case must be recalculated before any new isopleth
results can be viewed.

Update All Isopleths in this Grid

Clicking this button copies the zoom extents for the current isopleth
to the other isopleths of the same Receptor Grid. For example
updated zoom extents on the Radiation isopleth can be copied to the
Noise, Temperature and Concentration isopleths.

It should be emphasised again that the number and range of points

calculated are specified on the Extent tab of a Receptor Grid or the
Input Data tab of a Dispersion object. Expanding the scale of the
plots using the zoom feature does not add any detail to the
calculations. To do this you must update the Grid or Dispersion
extents and recalculate.

Overlays And Isopleths 13-17

13.3 Isopleth Customise View

The Isopleth Customise view shown below will appear on clicking
the Customise button on a Receptor Grid isopleth or a Dispersion
object contour plot. The view will appear beside the parent object
view and will remain open until closed or until a different tab is
selected in the parent object. More than one Isopleth Customise view
can be open at a time.

Figure 13-12, Isopleth Customise View

There is one button on this view.

Update All Isopleths of This Type

Clicking this button copies the settings for this isopleth to all other
isopleths of the same type in the case. For example if you click the
button when updating a Radiation isopleth, the Radiation isopleths
of all other Receptor Grids in the case will be updated.

The detailed customisation settings are split across three tabs.

13-18 Isopleth Customise View

13.3.1 Plot Details Tab

The Plot Details tab of the Isopleth Customisation view is shown as
Figure 13-12.

Plot Details - Display Grid

Check box
When selected plots will show a background grid.

Plot Details - Display Flame

Check box
When selected isopleth plots will show a line representing the shape
of the flames from any active flare tips.

Plot Details - Display Stack

Check box
When selected isopleth plots will show lines representing the size
and orientation of active flare stacks.

Plot Details - Display Tip

Check box
When selected isopleth plots will show lines representing the size
and orientation of active flare tips.

Plot Details - Display Shield

Check box
When selected isopleth plots will show lines representing the
intersection of active shield sections with the plane of the isopleth.

Note that it is the intersection that is displayed not the projection of

the shield on the isopleth. If plan view isopleth is at ground level i.e.
0m then the shields will require at least one point with an elevation
dimension < 0m in order to intersect with the isopleth plane.

Plot Parameter - Number of lines

Integer value 1 to 9
This value determines the number of grid lines that will be displayed
for each axis of the isopleth plots.

Overlays And Isopleths 13-19

Plot Parameter - Flame Thickness

Integer value 1 to 50
This values defines the width in pixels of the line that will be drawn
to represent the flame shape.

Plot Parameter - Stack Thickness

Integer value 1 to 50
This values defines the width in pixels of the line that will be drawn
to represent each active stack on the isopleth plots.

Plot Parameter - Tip Thickness

Integer value 1 to 50
This values defines the width in pixels of the line that will be drawn
to represent the each active tip on the isopleth plots.

Plot Parameter - Shield Thickness

Integer value 1 to 50
This values defines the width in pixels of the line that will be drawn
to represent the shield sections on the isopleth plots.

Plot Colour - Grid Colour

Colour Dialog
This shows the colour that will be used for the background of the
isopleth plots. The colour may be selected by double-clicking the
sample panel to display the Flaresim colour dialog.

Figure 13-13, Colour Dialog

13-20 Isopleth Customise View

Colours are selected in the dialog by clicking on the colour required

and then clicking the Ok button. To close the dialog without
changing the colour click the Cancel button.

Plot Details - Flame Colour

Colour Dialog
This shows the colour that will be used to draw the line representing
the flame shape on the isopleth plots. The colour may be selected by
double-clicking the sample panel to display the Flaresim colour

Plot Details - Stack Colour

Colour Dialog
This shows the colour that will be used to draw the line representing
the flare stacks on the isopleth plots. The colour may be selected by
double-clicking the sample panel to display the Flaresim colour

Plot Details - Tip Colour

Colour Dialog
This shows the colour that will be used to draw the line representing
the flame shape on the isopleth plots. The colour may be selected by
double-clicking the sample panel to display the Flaresim colour

Plot Details - Colour

Colour Dialog
This shows the colour that will be used to draw the line representing
the shield sections on the isopleth plots. The colour may be selected
by double-clicking the sample panel to display the Flaresim colour

Overlays And Isopleths 13-21

13.3.2 Contour Details Tab

On the Contour Details tab, see below, it is possible to select the
following options for the 10 contour lines that are available for each

Figure 13-14, Contour Details

Contour Details - Value

Data Input
This column defines the value for the selected isopleth contour in the
units defined at the head of the column.

Contour Details - Display

Check box
This column specifies whether the selected isopleth contour will be
displayed. Set the check box to display the contour, clear it to hide
the contour. Contours

Contour Details - Colour

Colour Dialog
This column defines the colour to be used for the selected isopleth
contour. Double click the sample panel to open the Flaresim colour
dialog to change the colour.

13-22 Isopleth Customise View

Contour Details - Width

Data Input
This column defines the line width used to draw the selected isopleth

Contour Details - Value

Drop Down List: Solid / Dash / Dot / DashDot / DashDotDot
This column selects the line style used to draw the selected isopleth

13.3.3 Text Details Tab

The Text Details tab, see below, allows the following settings to be

Figure 13-15, Isopleth Text Details

Text Options - Select Text Item

Select Row
The rows of this table describe the different text elements that can
appear on an isopleth plot. The display properties of each different
text element can be set by selecting the row and then using the fields
below to modify the properties.

Overlays And Isopleths 13-23

Not all of the defined properties may be supported for all of the text
elements. Where a property cannot be set it will be greyed out while
that text element is selected.

Text Options - Display Item

Check box
This controls whether the selected text element will be displayed.
Set the check box to display the item, clear it to hide it.

Text Options - Sample

Font Dialog
The Sample column displays a sample of the font style that is
currently defined for the selected text item. Double clicking the
sample text opens a standard windows font dialog to allow the
family, size and style of the font to be set for the selected text item.

Figure 13-16, Font Dialog

Text Options - Spacing

Integer value 1 to 20
This determines the spacing between the selected text element and
the item it describes e.g the spacing between the X-Axis of the
isopleth plot and the X-Axis of the graph. The value is expressed as
a percentage of the dimensions of the isopleth plot.

13-24 Isopleth Customise View

Calculations 14-1

14 Calculations

14.1 Calculation Options View . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
14.1.1 General Tab. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
14.1.2 Sizing Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
14.1.3 Heat Transfer Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
14.1.4 Emissions Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
14.1.5 Fitting Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15


Calculations 14-3

Flaresim calculations are started by clicking the Calculate button in

Calculate Buttons the Case View tool bar. Once started Flaresim will calculate the
active objects using the settings defined in the Calculation Options

The Calculation Options view is accessed by selecting the

Calculation Options branch in the Case Navigator view and clicking
the View button. Alternatively you can double click the Calculation
Options branch.

14.1 Calculation Options View

The Calculation Options view is shown below.

Figure 14-1, Calculation Options View

14-4 Calculation Options View

Status Text
Status message
The message displayed in this field and its colour indicates whether
the calculation options are complete and the model is ready for

14.1.1 General Tab

The following data entry fields are found on the General tab of the
Calculation Options view (see Figure 14-1).

Calculation Methods - Radiation Method

Drop down list: Flaresim API / Strict API / Point / Diffuse / Mixed /
Brzustowski / M.Point Brz / Chamberlain
Selects the method to be used to model the thermal radiation from
the flame.

The Flaresim API and Strict API methods model the single point
source method of Hajek and Ludwig given in API RP-521. The
difference between the methods is in the method of calculating the
flame shape before finding the centre point to act as the source. The
Flaresim API method uses the vector based flame shape method and
allows multiple flame elements to be used to model the shape more
accurately even though a single, centre point will be used as the
source. The Strict API method uses the graphical method presented
in API 521 through a curve fit to the data presented there. The API
method in DOS versions of Flaresim and Flaresim for Windows
versions prior to version 2.0 was the Flaresim API method. Either
API method may be generally applied to most flare systems.

The Point source method is a multiple point extension of the API

method in which the flame is assumed to be completely transparent
such that radiation from one point does not either interfere with or
occlude another. The flame is divided into a series of smaller point
source elements whose contributions are summed to derive the total
radiation from the flame. In practice this method generally gives
more realistic and less conservative values than the API method. It
does however tend to over predict thermal radiation in the near field.

Calculations 14-5

The Diffuse source method assumes that the flame is completely

opaque such that radiation is emitted entirely from the surface of the
flame envelope. This method tends to under predict the thermal
radiation in the near field.

The Mixed source method is an empirical combination of both the

Point and Diffuse source methods. This has been found to give more
realistic results in both the near and far fields.

The Brzustowski method is a single point method in which the flame

centre is determined from jet dispersion theory. The method as
described in API RP-521 is subject to a number of limitations in its
implementation in Flaresim:-
Only vertical tips may be modelled.
Air assisted flares may not be modelled.
Liquid burners may not be modelled.

The M.Point Brz method is a Flaresim extension to the standard

Brzustowski method to allow the number of flame elements and the
element position to be specified by the user. In versions of Flaresim
prior to 1.2 these options could be set for the Brzustowski method. In
Flaresim 1.2 the Brzustowski method is forced to be a single flame
element with fixed element position. Old cases that specify the
Brzustowski method will be updated automatically to M.Point Brz if
they have more than one flame element or the element position is not

The Chamberlain method, also known in the industry as the Shell

Thornton method is based on a modelling the flame as a conical
frustum radiating from its surface with a uniform emissive power.
The method was developed to provide more accurate predictions of
flame shape and radiation in the near field.

Calculation Methods - No of Elements

Range: 1 to 50
The number of elements that the flame is divided into for calculation
of flame shape and the sources for the Point, Diffuse and Mixed
methods. Larger values will generally give more realistic values for
the thermal radiation at the expense of calculation time.

14-6 Calculation Options View

Unless you are modelling a system with a highly distorted flame

shape, 25 elements should be more than adequate. The combination
of a high flaring rate and an inclined tip flaring into a high wind may
require 50 elements to adequately model the flame shape.

Calculation Methods - Element Position

Range: 0 to 100%
The element position indicates the source point within a flame
element that is used for calculations. Typically this is 50% i.e. the
middle of the flame element is taken to be the point source. 0%
indicates the source is the start of the element, 100% is the end.

Calculation Methods - Noise Method

Drop down list: API/Spectrum
Selects the method to be used for the noise calculations. The API
method taken from RP521 is a simple single value method and
considers jet noise only. The Spectrum method uses multiple
frequency values and includes combustion noise. Generally the
Spectrum method is recommended.

Options - Expert Mode

Check box
When set this option allows the user to select additional options that
have been classified as being for expert use only. These options
1. Allowing the flame length method to be set independently
of the calculation method for each Tip - See Tip view.

2. Allowing the plane of orientation to be set for Receptor

Points - See Receptor Point view.

3. Allowing the plane of orientation to be set for Receptor

Grids - See Receptor Grid view.

4. Allowing the radiation from each tip to be modelled with a

different radiation method.

5. Allowing the emissions data for each Tip to be set


Calculations 14-7

6. Allowing user specified F Factors to be corrected by

internal correlations for use of HP/LP tips and Assist Fluids.

Options - Windchill
Check box
When set an empirical correlation is used to correct the incident
thermal radiation at any receptor point by taking into account the
heat losses due to passage of wind over the point. Use of this option
will generally be a matter of individual judgement or your company

It is recommended that you do not use this option if you are

interested in the surface temperature calculations. Note that
effective of wind on convective heat transfer in the surface
temperature calculations is independent of the setting of this option.

Options - Atm. Noise Attenuation

Check box
When set a correction will be applied to the noise calculations to
allow for the attenuation in noise due to atmospheric absorption.
This option should normally be set on.

Options - Temp. Corr.

Check box
When set the temperature of the fluid in the tip or stack riser will be
corrected for the calculated pressure at each point. The correction
will assume isentropic adiabatic compression or expansion from the
defined fluid reference pressure to the calculation pressure.

The true nature of the expansion of gas across a PSV is between

isentropic and isenthalpic. The use of an isentropic expansion
correction in will give a worst case temperature correction. The
default value is off.

Include Options - R-K Z Factor

Check box
When set the fluid compressibility factor or Z factor is calculated
using the Redlich Kwong method. If cleared the method used is the
Berthelot equation.

14-8 Calculation Options View

The results of the two methods will be similar at low pressures (< 5
bar). At higher pressures the Redlich-Kwong method is more
accurate so it is set to be the default method for all new cases from
Version 1.1 onwards.

Include Options - Jet Dispersion

Check box
Selecting this enables the jet dispersion calculations and will
calculate concentrations of flare fluid at receptor points and for
receptor grids under flame out conditions.

Include Options - Gaussian Dispersion

Check box
Selecting this enables the calculations for all Gaussian Dispersion
objects defined in the model.


For all methods except the Brzustowski and Chamberlain methods,

the flame shape is calculated by resolving the velocity vectors in
three dimensions. The main components are the tip exit velocity and
the wind velocity. There is however an additional velocity
component which is due to the density differences between the hot
combustion gases and the surrounding air. This is referred to as the
flame buoyancy term.

Buoyancy - Pipe
Range: 0 to 30 m/s
The flame buoyancy which should be used for Pipe flares. A value
of 3.0 m/s is recommended unless specific vendor information
suggests otherwise.

Buoyancy - Sonic
Range: 0 to 30 m/s
The flame buoyancy to be used for Sonic flare tips. A value of 4.6
m/s is suggested unless specific vendor information suggests

Calculations 14-9

Buoyancy - Welltest
Range: 0 to 30 m/s
The flame buoyancy to be used for Liquid flare tips. A value of 0.03
m/s is suggested unless specific vendor information suggests

Environment - Active Environment

Drop down list: All defined environments
Allows selection of the set of environmental data to be used for the
calculations. This can also be set through activating a specific
Environment object.

14.1.2 Sizing Tab

The following figure shows the Sizing tab of the Calculation
Options view.

Figure 14-2, Sizing Tab

14-10 Calculation Options View

Stack Sizing - Select Stack

Drop down list of defined stacks
Allows one of the existing stacks to selected for sizing calculations
i.e. calculation of the stack length to meet the sizing constraints
defined on the active receptor points. To stop the sizing calculations
i.e. to do a rating calculation this should be set to None.

Stack Sizing - Minimum Length

Range: 0 to 500 m
The minimum length allowed for the stack being sized.

Stack Sizing - Maximum Length

Range: 0 to 500 m
The maximum length allowed for the stack being sized.

Sizing Result - Calculated Length

Calculated value, m
The calculated length of the stack required to meet the sizing
constraints. If the sizing calculations fail the value will be blank.

Sizing Result - Wind Speed Used

Calculated value, m/s
The wind speed used to calculate the final stack size. If Wind Rose
data has been considered in the sizing calculations, see Environment
View then the value may not be the same as the wind speed used to
calculate and display the final results.

Sizing Result - Wind Direction Used

Calculated value, angle
The wind direction used to calculate the final stack size. If Wind
Rose data has been considered in the sizing calculations, see
Environment View then the value may not be the same as the wind
direction used to calculate and display the final results.

14.1.3 Heat Transfer Tab

The following figure shows the Heat Transfer tab of the Calculation
Options view.

Calculations 14-11

Figure 14-3, Heat Transfer Tab

This view allows definition of coefficients for calculating the heat

transfer coefficient as a function of wind speed. Two sets of
parameters may be defined to apply above and below a limiting wind
speed. The equation is:-

HTC = A Windspeed + C (1)

Wind Speed Units

Drop down List: Speed Units
This drop down selects the wind speed units that are appropriate for
the A and C constants entered.

14-12 Calculation Options View

Transition Wind Speed

Range: 0.01 to 100 m/s
The transition wind speed at which the heat transfer coefficient
calculation switches from the first set of defined constants to the

There are then two groups of equation parameters, the first apply for
wind speeds below the defined transition wind speed, the second
when the wind speed is higher than the transition value.

Equation Parameter A
Range: 0.01 to 100
The constant factor to be multiplied by the wind speed.

Equation Parameter B
Range: 0 to 10
The power to which the wind speed is raised.

Equation Parameter C
Range: 0.01 to 100
The constant factor to be added to the heat transfer coefficient.

Temperature Rise Calculation - Exposure Time

Range: 1 to 1,000,000 s
The time over which the rise in surface temperatures is to be

Time Steps
Range: 1 to 1,000
The number of calculations to be made between the starting point
and the final exposure time. A higher number will track the rise in
surface temperature more accurately but it will not normally be
necessary to use more than 10 points.

14.1.4 Emissions Tab

The Emission tab defines the default calculation basis and
corresponding rate of emissions of NOx, CO and unburnt
hydrocarbons to be used for all tip. These values will be used unless

Calculations 14-13

the Expert Mode option is in use in which case they can be set
individually for each Tip on the Emissions Tab of the Tip View.

Figure 14-4, Emissions Tab

NOx Emission Rate - Basis

Drop down list: Mass/Heat Release / Mass/Mass Flare Fluid / Mass/
Mole Flare Fluid / Sintef Method
This entry defines the basis used to calculate the NOx emission rate
for each tip. The NOx emission can be set to a fixed proportion
based on the heat release, mass flow or mole (volume) flow of the
flared fluid or calculated using a method published by Sintef, see
Methods chapter.

NOx Emission Rate - Rate

Range: 0 to 100, units depend on selected Basis
This entry defines the fixed proportion used to calculate the total
emissions of NOx according to the defined Basis. Leave blank if the
Sintef calculation basis is selected.

14-14 Calculation Options View

CO Emission Rate - Basis

Drop down list: Mass/Heat Release / Mass/Mass Flare Fluid / Mass/
Mole Flare Fluid
This entry defines the basis used to calculate the CO emission rate
for each tip. The CO emission can be set to a fixed proportion based
on the heat release, mass flow or mole (volume) flow of the flared

CO Emission Rate - Rate

Range: 0 to 100, units depend on selected Basis
This entry defines the fixed proportion used to calculate the total
emissions of CO according to the defined Basis.

Unburnt HC Emission Rate - Basis

Drop down list: Mass/Heat Release / Mass/Mass Flare Fluid / Mass/
Mole Flare Fluid
This entry defines the basis used to calculate the emission rate of
unburnt hydrocarbons for each tip. The unburnt HC emission can be
set to a fixed proportion based on the heat release, mass flow or mole
(volume) flow of the flared fluid. Note that unburnt hydrocarbons
are assumed to be Methane.

Unburnt HC Emission Rate - Rate

Range: 0 to 100, units depend on selected Basis
This entry defines the fixed proportion used to calculate the total
emissions of unburnt according to the defined Basis.

Reset Defaults
Clicking this button will reset the Emission Bases and rates to their
default values.

Dispersion Options - Averaging Time

Dropdown list: Short/Long
The averaging time used in the Jet Dispersion calculations.
Generally this should be set to Short for typical short duration flaring

Calculations 14-15

Dispersion Options - Stopping Concentration

Range: 1.0e-5 to 1.0
The minimum concentration calculated by the Jet Dispersion

14.1.5 Fitting Tab

The Fitting tab provides access to a data fitting process in Flaresim
that allows the F Factor for a selected tip to be adjusted to achieve a
best fit between the calculated and observed radiation levels at one
or more receptor points.

The data fields that control the fitting process are shown below.

Figure 14-5, Fitting Tab

14-16 Calculation Options View

Fitting Parameters - Target Tip

Drop down List
This selects the Tip whose F Factor value is to be adjusted to try to
match the calculated and observed values of radiation. The list
shows all of the tips configured in the model. The tip that is selected
must have its F Factor method set to User Defined. It does not matter
what starting value of F Factor is defined on the tip.

Fitting Parameters - Target Receptor Point

Drop down List
This selects the Receptor Points which are to be included in the
fitting calculation. Either a single point can be selected or the All
Active option can be selected in which case all Receptor points that
are not set to Ignored will be included in the calculation.

All of the points included in the calculation must have a value

defined for the Observed Radiation field.

Fitting Parameters - Result

Calculated value
This displays the value for the F Factor that was calculated by the
fitting process.

Fitting Parameters - Error

Calculated value
This displays the square root of the sum of the square of the relative
errors between the calculated and observed radiation values for the
selected Receptor points.

Run Fitting
Clicking this starts the fitting process. The fitting process first
reconfigures the model to solve for Receptor points only. It will then
set the selected Tip to a low F Factor and run the model to calculate
the radiation at each selected Receptor point. The sum of the square
of the relative errors between the calculated and observed radiation
values will then be calculated. The F Factor is then raised by a step
and the process repeated until the calculated error begins to rise. At
this point a bisection search for the F Factor that gives the minimum
value for the error is obtained.

Calculations 14-17

When the value of the F Factor that gives the minimum error has
been found the whole model will be reinstated and re-run at the
resulting F Factor.

Note if the fitting process is run for a single Receptor Point the final
error should always be 0 as long as there is a feasible value for the F
Factor which cannot be greater than 1.

14-18 Calculation Options View

Printing 15-1

15 Printing

15.1 Report View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
15.1.1 Report File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

15.2 Output Graphic Report View . . . . . . . . . . . .8

15.3 Select Graphic Report Printer. . . . . . . . . . 12

15.4 Graphic Report Page Settings . . . . . . . . . 13


Printing 15-3

Output of Flaresim results is through the tool bar Print and

Graphic Report buttons or the File-Print and File-Print Graphic
Report menu options.

Selecting the Print option creates a Report view which contains a

report of the current input data and results for the case. The Report
view allows the contents to be customised by selecting different
sections of data input and output. Multiple Report views can be
created from the same case as data is changed and the case
recalculated to allow for side by side comparison of results. Report
views can then be output to a printer or saved as a case.

Selection of the Graphic Reports option opens the Output Graphic

Report view which offers selection of the graphic reports to be
output and the output method to be used. These views are described

Flaresim produces its standard reports through an HTML file which

is created by using a style sheet file, by default Flaresim.xsl, to
format the contents of the Flaresim model file. The Preferences view
allows the user to specify the name of the style sheet file to be used.

Both the Flaresim XML data files and the XSL style sheet file
comply with the appropriate standards. This provides the
capability to reformat the output of Flaresim through definition of an
alternate style sheet file. Third party documentation on the use of
XSL files should be consulted since this is beyond the scope of this

Flaresims graphic reports are produced through a layout file which

is an XML formatted file that describes the text, data and graphical
elements to be included in the report and their layout. The default
layout file to be used may be selected in the Preferences view or for
each receptor grid individually.

15-4 Report View

15.1 Report View

When the Print button on File-Print menu option is selected a
Report view is opened. This requires that the case is saved to a
temporary file and there can be a short delay before the report

Figure 15-1, Report View

The Report view is a separate window from the main Flaresim

program allowing multiple Report views to be compared side by
side as the case is recalculated with different input data. To aid
identification of different Reports, the Report view title bar shows
the time that the Report was generated and the name of the case that
generated it.

Printing 15-5

Note that the Report view being displayed is of the HTML report file
generated by Flaresim. Some elements of this report file will float
and be reformatted to try and fit into the area available for display.
It may be necessary to expand the view to see the report as it will be

Report Item
Tree View
This section of the view lists the items that can be included in a
report as a tree structure in a similar way to the Case Navigator view.
As in the case summary, the and icons can be used to expand
and collapse branches of the tree as required. The complete Report
Items panel can be collapsed using the button and expanded
again using the button.

Include Item
Check box
Each item available for the report has a check box against it. The
check box should be set to include the topic or cleared to exclude it.

Reset Options
Resets the include item check boxes for each item to the defaults
contained in the PrintPreferences.xml file.

Clear All
Clears the include item check boxes for all items.

Save Options
Opens a File Save dialog to allow the current report item selection
to be saved to a dedicated configuration file. This option can be used
to update the default settings in the PrintPreferences.xml file.

Read Options
Opens a File Open dialog to allow a configuration file contain report
item selection to be read and applied to the current case.

15-6 Report View

Note that whenever a case is saved the current report settings are
saved with it. The Save Options and Read Options buttons provide
a way for settings copied from one case to another without the need
to update the main PrintPreferences file.

Save Report As Case

Since the Report view is independent of a case and because multiple
Reports can be generated with different input data, the Save Report
As Case allows the information associated with a particular report to
be saved as a Flaresim case. Note that all of the case data and results
will be saved, not just the current selected items.

Updates the report preview to reflect any changes that have been
made to the included or excluded topics. The report cannot be
refreshed if any data has changed since it was generated.

Prints the report using the current selection of included and excluded
items. Clicking this button starts the printing process by displaying
the standard Windows Printer dialog view below to allow the user to
select the printer to be used and to control the setup of the print

Printing 15-7

Figure 15-2, Print Dialog

Once the printer options have been set the Print button on this view
should be clicked to send the output to the printer.

15.1.1 Report File

When a case is saved, the HTML report file and the associated
graphic files will be automatically saved at the same time. These
files will be saved to a sub-folder in the folder to which the case is
being saved. The sub-folder name will be the same as the saved file

This HTML file can be viewed at any time using an internet browser,
independently of Flaresim.

15-8 Output Graphic Report View

15.2 Output Graphic Report View

When the button or File-Print Graphic Reports menu option is
selected displays the Output Graphic Report view to allow selection
of the graphic reports to be output and whether these are to be output
to printer or to a file. The Output Graphic Report view is shown
below. This is a modal view that does not allow use of other parts of
the Flaresim program until it is closed.

Figure 15-3, Output Graphic Report View

List Box: Receptor Grids, Receptor Points, Dispersions
This displays as list of the Receptor Grids, Receptor Points and
Dispersion objects for which a graphic report is available. Receptor
Points only appear in the list if a wind rose graphic report is
available. Dispersion objects only appear in the list when a contour
plot report is available.

Printing 15-9

Objects are selected in the list by clicking on the name in the list.
Multiple items may be selected using Shift-Click and Ctrl-Click in
the usual way.

For convenience an All option is provided at the top of the list which
can be selected to output graphic reports for all the receptor grids
and receptor points in the model.

Select Plots
Check boxes
Each receptor grid can generate four separate graphic reports, one
for each of the radiation, noise, temperature isopleths and
concentrations (as long as jet dispersion calculations are enabled).
These check boxes allow selection of which reports will be output.
Set a check box to output the associated report and clear a check box
to suppress the report.

Save File Type

Drop down list: JPG / PNG / BMP / WMF / EMF
This allows selection of the graphic file type that will be generated
if the reports are output to file using the Save Graphic Reports
button. The options are JPG, PNG or BMP bitmap files and WMF or
EMF vector meta files.

Save Graphic Reports

This creates the selected graphic reports and saves them as files of
the type selected by the Save File Type item. A pop-up window will
be displayed to select the output folder. Each file will be
automatically named with the type of the isopleth and the name of
the receptor grid e.g. Radiation-Helideck. Confirmation of each file
saved is output to the information log.

Isopleths To CSV
This saves a list of the isopleth data points for each selected report
to a text file in Comma Separated Value or CSV format. This allows
the isopleths to be plotted using third party applications such as
Excel. A pop-up window will be displayed to select the output

15-10 Output Graphic Report View

folder. Confirmation of each file saved is output to the information


Isopleths To XML
This saves a list of the isopleth data points for each selected report
to a text file in XML format. A pop-up window will be displayed to
select the output folder. Confirmation of each file saved is output to
the information log.

Isopleths To DXF Script

This creates and saves an Autocad script that will allow the isopleth
data for each selected report to be imported into a plot plan or other
drawing using Autocad or compatible software such as Intellicad. A
pop-up window will be displayed to select the output folder. The
files will be stored with a .scr extension in the selected folder.
Confirmation of each file generated is output to the information log.

The script generated will create one new layer in the target drawing
file for each isopleth value defined. Each layer will be named
according to the isopleth value and the isopleth value will also be
displayed on a text label within the added layer. An additional layer
will be created to draw the flame location. Note that the generated
script requires that the Snap to guides features of Autocad are
turned off before playing the script.

Print Graphic Reports

This button prints the selected graphic reports to the currently
selected graphic report printer.

Printing 15-11

Preview Graphic Reports

This button generates a preview of the selected graphic reports and
displays it in the Preview Graphic Reports view shown below.

Figure 15-4, Preview Graphic Reports View

This view allows output pages to be reviewed and page settings

adjusted. The Print button in the view can then be clicked to
send the output to the printer or the Save button can be used to
save the output to a PDF file.

This button closes the Output Graphic Report view and returns to the
main Flaresim views.

15-12 Select Graphic Report Printer

15.3 Select Graphic Report Printer

The Select Graphic Report Printer option on the File Menu can be
used to select the printer that will be used for output of graphic
reports. It opens a standard Printer Selection Dialog as shown below.

Figure 15-5 Printer Selection Dialog

In addition to the printer, the paper size and orientation can also be
selected through the Properties button of the view.

The selection of graphic report printer will be remembered and

reselected next time Flaresim is used if the appropriate option is set
on the Files tab of the Preferences view.

Printing 15-13

15.4 Graphic Report Page Settings

The Graphic Report Page Settings menu option on the File Menu can
be used to set the page size, orientation and margin for output of
Graphic Reports. The view is shown below.

Figure 15-6, Page Settings Dialog

The allowed paper sizes and paper source are those for the currently
selected printer. The paper size, orientation and margins will be
saved as Flaresim is closed and reloaded next time Flaresim is used.

Graphic reports will override the default page size specified in the
selected layout file if required to fit within the page size defined in
this dialog.

15-14 Graphic Report Page Settings

Calculation Methods 16-1

16 Calculation Methods

16.1 Thermal Radiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
16.1.1 API Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
16.1.2 Integrated Point Source Method. . . . . . . . . 6
16.1.3 Integrated Diffuse Source Method . . . . . . . 7
16.1.4 Integrated Mixed Source Method . . . . . . . . 8
16.1.5 Brzustowski and Sommer Method . . . . . . . 8
16.1.6 Chamberlain Method (Thornton Method). . 9
16.1.7 F Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
16.1.8 Atmospheric Attenuation . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
16.1.9 Windchill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
16.1.10 Flame Shape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

16.2 Surface Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

16.3 Noise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
16.3.1 Combustion Noise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
16.3.2 Jet Noise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
16.3.3 Atmospheric Attenuation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

16.4 Purge Gas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

16.4.1 HUSA Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
16.4.2 Reduced HUSA Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

16.5 Water Sprays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

16.5.1 Thickness of Water Curtain . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Calculation Methods 16-2

16.6 Gas Dispersion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
16.6.1 Jet Dispersion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
16.6.2 Gaussian Dispersion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
16.6.3 Emission Rates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

16.7 Nomenclature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
16.7.1 Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
16.7.2 Subscripts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

16.8 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

Calculation Methods 16-3

This chapter contains a summary of the mathematical models used

for the calculation of incident thermal radiation, noise and surface
temperatures. It is not intended to be a detailed treatise on
combustion theory, but rather a summary of the models available in
the program to assist the engineer in making his own judgement as
to the applicability of the models to his particular system.

16-4 Thermal Radiation

16.1 Thermal Radiation

6 options are available for calculating the incident thermal radiation
at a point receptor. These are:-
API Method
Integrated Point Source
Integrated Diffuse Source
Integrated Mixed Source
Brzustowski and Sommer
Chamberlain (Thornton)

These methods primarily differ in the approach to the calculation of

the contributions of individual elements within the flame to the total
incident heat flux and the method for calculation of the flame shape.

Each of these methods can be used for most applications either as

preferred by the program user or as required by client preference and

A key parameter in calculation of thermal radiation is the fraction of

the combustion heat radiated by the flame, known as the F Factor.
Flaresim includes a number of different correlations for predicting F

Predicted thermal radiation values may be corrected for a range of

environmental conditions. These corrections are available for:
Atmospheric attenuation

The inclusion of the attenuation effects due to windchill or

atmospheric attenuation must be either a matter of sound
engineering judgement or as required by client specifications.

All thermal radiation values calculated by any of these methods are

to point receptors and do not take account the relative orientation of
the receptor to the flame.

Calculation Methods 16-5

16.1.1 API Method

This is based upon the simple heat release method outlined in API
RP-521, "Guide For Pressure Relieving and Depressuring Systems",
1997 [1]. This method uses Equation (1) proposed by Hajek and
Ludwig [2] to evaluate the flux at a given distance from the flame.

K = -------------- (1)

It is assumed that the flame can be treated as a single point source

located at the centre of the flame which radiates in all directions
from this centre.

There are two variants of the API method implemented in Flaresim.

In the Flaresim API method the flame shape is calculated from the
resolution of the velocity vectors for the flared fluid, wind and flame
buoyancy. Multiple flame elements can be defined to model the
flame shape more accurately but the source is still modelled as a
single point at the centre. In the Strict API method, the flame shape
is calculated using the graphical method described in the API RP-
521 implemented using a data fit to the curves presented in the

16.1.2 Integrated Point Source Method.

The integrated point source method is an extension to the API
method in which the flame is divided into a series of smaller point
source elements whose contributions are summed to derive the total
thermal radiation from the flame. The centre of each of the elements
is used for the calculation of the distance between the flame element
and the target receptor.

Two major assumptions are made:

The flame radiates uniformly along its entire length.
The flame is long in comparison to its width. As such it may be
considered to be a line source.

16-6 Thermal Radiation

In making these assumptions, it is accepted that the flame itself is

completely transparent to thermal radiation and that one point
source does not either interfere with or occlude another. This
occlusion effect would generally be negligible to the side of the
flame but could be significant at locations directly below the flame
where there is a shallower angle of view.

These assumptions lead to Equation (2) proposed by McMurray[4].

FQ L 1
4L 0 D 2
K ips = ---------- ------- dl (2)

The distance between the point source and the receptor is calculated
from a flame shape derived from the resolution of the velocity
vectors for the flared fluid, wind and flame buoyancy.

16.1.3 Integrated Diffuse Source Method

The diffuse source model assumes that the flame itself is completely
opaque such that the thermal radiation is emitted entirely from the
surface of the flame.

This model is represented by Equation (3).

FQ L sin
K ids = --------
L 0 D

- ----------- dl

The distance between the point source and the receptor is calculated
from a flame shape derived from the resolution of the velocity
vectors for the flared fluid, wind and flame buoyancy.

Calculation Methods 16-7

16.1.4 Integrated Mixed Source Method

The mixed source model is basically a combination of the point and
diffuse source models. This was developed as a result of
observations during field tests [4] that showed:
The Integrated Point Source (IPS) model tends to over predict
the thermal radiation close to the flare.
The Integrated Diffuse Source (IDS) model tends to under pre-
dict the thermal radiation close to the flare.
Both models predict similar values for thermal radiation in the
far field.

The mixed source model is given by Equation (4) which is a linear

combination of the IPS and IDS models.

K ims = aK ips + ( 1 a )K ids (4)

16.1.5 Brzustowski and Sommer Method

The equation for the calculation of the heat flux at a given distance
is identical to that given for the API method as Equation 1. Both this
method and the API method are based upon the flame being
considered as a single point heat source.

The distance between the point source and the receptor is calculation
from a flame shape which is based upon the diffusion of a turbulent
jet to the to the lean flammability concentration limit [3].

Flaresim allows an extension to the standard Brzustowski method by

allowing the user to specify multiple flame elements or an element
position that is not 50%. In versions of Flaresim prior to 1.2 these
options could be set for the Brzustowski method. In Flaresim 1.2 and
following these options can only be set if the extended M.Point
Brzustowski method is selected.

16-8 Thermal Radiation

16.1.6 Chamberlain Method (Thornton Method)

The Chamberlain method, also known as the Shell Thornton
method, for modelling thermal radiation is based on modelling a
flame as an inverted conical frustum emitting radiation from its
surface. The method is explained in detail in references [14] and

16.1.7 F Factors
The F Factor or fraction of combustion heat radiated from a flame is
the most important single parameter in the calculation of thermal
radiation calculation. The following is a summary of the correlations
available in Flaresim, see reference [13] except where otherwise
indicated. Note that some of these correlations are explicitly for Fs.
or fraction of heat radiated from surface of the flame whereas in
others F is for fraction of total heat radiated.

Natural gas (Chamberlain)

Correlation based on tip exit velocity assuming a natural gas fluid of

molecular weight 19.

0.00323u j
F s = 0.11 + 0.21e (5)


Correlation based on mole weight

F = 0.048 MW (6)

Calculation Methods 16-9


Correlation based on mole weight.

50 MW + 100
F = 0.2 ------------------------------------ (7)

High Efficiency

Proprietary correlation between tip type, exit velocity, fluid

molecular weight and degree of hydrocarbon saturation. Formally
known as the Flaresim method in versions prior to 1.2.


Correlation based on exit velocity.

F = 0.321 0.000418u j (8)

Generic Pipe

Proprietary correlation based on refitting Kent, Tan, Natural gas and

Cook methods across a range of exit velocities and molecular

Mod. Chamberlain Method

This correlation corrects the basic Natural Gas (Chamberlain)

method for mole weight [14].

0.00323u j
F s = [ 0.11 + 0.21e ] f ( MW ) (9)

16-10 Thermal Radiation


f ( MW ) = 1, MW < 21
f ( MW ) = ( MW 21 ) , 21 < MW < 60

f ( MW ) = 1.69, 60 < MW

16.1.8 Atmospheric Attenuation

Brzustowski and Sommer[3] recommend the use of the atmospheric
transmissivity, as the fraction of the heat intensity which is
transmitted to a point, in order to correct the calculated values for
thermal radiation.

This correction is given by Equation (10).

K = K (10)

In all cases, atmospheric absorption attenuates the incipient

radiation at a point. This will typically be 10 to 20% over distances
of up to 500 ft. The empirical Equation (11) given below was
obtained by cross plotting absorptivities calculated from Hottel
charts. It is strictly applicable only under the following conditions
A luminous hydrocarbon flame radiating at 2240 F
Dry bulb temperature of 80 F
Relative humidity greater than 10%
Distances from flame between 100 and 500 ft

It is generally used to estimate the order of magnitude of the

atmospheric transmissivity under a wider range of conditions.

100 0.0625 100 0.0625

= 0.79 --------- --------- (11)

Calculation Methods 16-11

Equation(11) should prove adequate for most situations. However,

for cases in which the design conditions are significantly different
from those under which the equation was derived, the designer
should revert to the Hottel charts.

Equation (11) is implemented in Flaresim with 2 options, selected in

the Environment view, see Chapter 7.

If the Calculated method is selected, equation 6 is used after limiting

the distance values to the minimum of 100ft and maximum of 500ft
as per the strict applicability limits of the equation.

If the CalcNoLimits method is selected, equation (11) is used

without regard to the distance limits.

Wayne Transmissivity

Wayne [12] presented a method of calculating transmissivity as a

function of distance that is effectively a function of both
atmospheric temperature and humidity. The equation is.

= 1.006 0.01171 ( Log 10 X ( H 2 O ) )

0.02368 ( Log 10 X ( H 2 O ) )
0.03188 ( Log 10 X ( CO 2 ) )
+ 0.001164 ( Log 10 X ( CO 2 ) )

X ( H 2 O ) = ( 288.651R H DS mm ) T

X ( CO 2 ) = 273.0D T

RH = Fractional humidity
Smm = Saturated water vapour pressure in mmHg at T
T = Atmospheric temperature K
D = Distance between receptor and emittor m

16-12 Thermal Radiation

16.1.9 Windchill
The design of offshore flare systems often takes into account the
effect of heat loss from the target surface due to windchill. Equation
(13) gives the simple correction to the calculated value for thermal

Kw = K Kf (13)

The correction K f is taken from Figure 16-1 below..

Figure 16-1, Windchill Correction

For conditions beyond the range of this figure, the following

constraints are applied:-
If the wind speed is greater than 35 knots, the 35 knot value is

Calculation Methods 16-13

If the ambient temperature is less that 30 F, the 30 F value is


If the ambient temperature is greater than 80 F, the correction is

taken to be zero regardless of the wind speed

16.1.10 Flame Shape

The calculation of the distance between any point on the flame and
the target receptor requires a knowledge of the flame length and
shape. This is a function of:
Flare exit velocity
Wind speed and direction
Orientation of the tip

The flare exit velocity is calculated by simply dividing the

volumetric flare rate by the cross sectional area of the flare tip
according to Equation 8.

u j = ------------------- (14)

The gas mach number is calculated from the sonic velocity which is
calculated from Equation (15).

us = ------------- (15)

The pressure used in equation (14) for a tip operating at sub-sonic

velocity is either the specified tip exit pressure or the pressure
specified for the active environment. Where the tip operates at sonic
velocities an iterative calculation is made to find the pressure at
which the tip can pass the specified mass flow at the sonic velocity
calculated at that pressure.

16-14 Thermal Radiation

The temperature used in these equations is either the specified fluid

temperature or, when the temperature correction option is selected
the fluid temperature corrected for adiabatic isentropic expansion/
contraction from the specified fluid reference pressure.

API & Integrated Methods

The method for calculation of the flame length and deflection is

dependent upon the method selected for calculation of the thermal
radiation. If the API, IPS, IDS or IMS method is selected then the
flame length is calculated from the heat released by the flame, then
the deflection is calculated by resolving the vectors for the jet, flame
buoyancy and wind.

The flame length is calculated from an empirical equation (16)

relating the flame length to the heat release. The heat release is the
total heat produced by the combustion of the fluid.

Q = W LHV (16)

The flame length is calculated from Equation (17). The constants l1

and l2 are a function of the type of tip

Q I2
L = I 1 ---- (17)

Tip Type l1 l2

Pipe flare 0.00331 0.4776

Single Burner Sonic 0.00241 0.4600

Multiple Burner Sonic 0.00129 0.5000

Steam and air assisted flares will generally have shorter flames than
those calculated by these equations. The program contains
proprietary algorithms for prediction of the shortening of the flame

Calculation Methods 16-15

as a function of the rate of injection of the assist fluid. Due to the

proprietary nature of these algorithms, they are not presented here.

In windy conditions the flame will be distorted from the straight

vertical. This distortion may be calculated by the resolution of the
velocity vectors for the exit jet, wind and flame buoyancy.

The jet velocity as a function of the curvilinear distance along the

flame is modelled according to the formula proposed by

1 1
u l = 5.0u j d --- --- (18)
l A

Equations (19), (20) and (21) are resolved according to the Cartesian
coordinate system shown by Figure 16-2.

------ = u l sin cos + u cos (19)

------ = u l sin cos + u sin (20)

----- = u l cos + u b (21)

16-16 Thermal Radiation

Figure 16-2, Coordinate System


If the Brzustowski method [3] is selected then the flame length and
deflection are calculated from a method based upon the distance
required for the dilution of the flared gas to the lean flammability
limit concentration.
Dimensionless parameters are defined which relate the lean
flammability limit concentration and the following parameters to the
deflection of the end point of the flame:
Tip exit velocity
Wind velocity
Gas molecular weight
Air molecular weight
Tip diameter

Calculation Methods 16-17

The following dimensionless parameters are defined:

uj Mj
c l = c l ------ -------- (22)
u M

x l = --------------------------
dj uj (23)
--------- ------j-

z l = --------------------------
dj uj (24)
--------- ------j-

Figure 16-3 gives the values for the horizontal and vertical distance
factors for a range of values for the dimensionless concentration

16-18 Thermal Radiation

Figure 16-3, Dimensionless Distance Parameters

This procedure cannot strictly be used for calculation of the flame

deflection in cases where there is no wind. The limiting case is a
ratio of gas exit velocity to wind velocity of 110. This value
corresponds to a sonic discharge of methane at 400 F into a 10 mph
wind. When analysing any calculation results this ratio should be
checked if you are evaluating the effect of low wind speeds.

Chamberlain (Thornton)

The Chamberlain method models the flame as an inverted conical

frustum as shown in Figure 16-4 below. See reference [15] for the
methods used to calculate the characterising dimensions.

Calculation Methods 16-19

Figure 16-4, Chamberlain Flame Model



Flare Stack

16-20 Surface Temperature

16.2 Surface Temperature

The equilibrium surface temperature of metal surfaces exposed to
the thermal radiation is calculated from a heat balance between the
thermal radiation from the flame incident at the specified point and
the heat losses from the same point.

K = ( h c + h r ) ( T m T ) (25)

This heat balance equation assumes that heat losses by convection

and radiation occur only from the surface exposed to the radiation.

The overall heat loss from the point is the sum of the radiation from
the point and the forced/free convection from the point. The
radiative heat transfer coefficient is given by:

4 4
( Tm T )
h r = E ------------------------------ (26)
( Tm T )

Convective heat transfer coefficients are calculated from a series of

empirical correlations that are a function of air velocity.

0 u 15

h c = 0.80 + 0.22u (27)

u > 15

h c = 0.56u (28)

A value of 0.70 is used for both the absorbtivity and emissivity of

the surface. This is a typical value for steels.

Calculation Methods 16-21

16.3 Noise
The noise generated by a flare may be broken down into 3 basic
Combustion noise
Jet noise

Although the noise may be expressed in terms of an average value,

it is frequency dependant. The shape of this noise spectrum is
dependant upon whether the major contribution is due to
combustion noise as in the case of pipe flares, or jet noise as in the
case of sonic flares. The noise spectrum is generally given in 7
octave bands from 63 Hz to 8000 Hz.

Attenuation of the noise occurs due to atmospheric absorption. This

absorption is a function of the frequency of the noise with higher
frequencies being more readily absorbed.

Noise is expressed either in terms of the Sound Power Level (PWL)

or the Sound Pressure Level (SPL) where these terms are defined by
Equations 23 and 24.

PWL = 10 log -------

W (29)

SPL = 10 log --------- (30)
P 2

The international standard reference conditions are 10-12 Watts

(W0) and 2 x 10-6 N/m2 (P0).
In the case of a flare stack where the acoustic source may be
considered to be in a free field with directivity factor of unity then

16-22 Noise

the Sound Pressure Level is related to the Sound Power Level by

Equation 25.

SPL = PWL 20 log D 0.49 SPL A (31)

Noise data predicted by the program refer to the Sound Pressure

Level in all cases.

16.3.1 Combustion Noise

Combustion noise is a function of the heat release from the flame
and the design of the flare tip. The calculation of the noise spectrum
due to combustion is based upon a typical characteristic curve for the
type of tip under consideration (pipe, sonic etc). An example of the
shape is given by Figure 16-5 which gives the noise levels at a
distance of 20 ft from a combustion source of power 81 MM btu/hr.

The noise level at each frequency is then corrected for the actual
combustion duty and distance from Equation 26.

SPL = SPL 20 + 10 log --------------------- +

81 10 (32)
20log ------ SPL A

Calculation Methods 16-23

Figure 16-5, Typical Noise Combustion Spectrum

16.3.2 Jet Noise

The expansion of an unchoked gas stream will produce noise whose
sound power at the peak frequency is determined from the kinetic
energy and acoustic efficiency of the expanded jet according to
Equation 27 [6].

j uj (33)
PWL = V -----------

The acoustic efficiency of the expanded jet is related to the jet

velocity and whether or not the flow is choked.

16-24 Noise

If the flow is not choked, then the acoustic efficiency may be

obtained from Figure 16-6. In this figure the dimensionless factor B
is given by the equation:

j Tj 2
B = ------- ------- (34)

Figure 16-6, Acoustic Efficiency For Normal Flow

If the flow is choked, then the acoustic efficiency may be obtained

from Figure 16-7.

Calculation Methods 16-25

Figure 16-7, Acoustic Efficiency For Choked Flow

The expansion of a gas stream will produce noise which has a

spectrum which peaks with a frequency calculated by a method due
to MacKinnon [6].

0.2mu s
f max = ----------------- (35)

At frequencies other than the peak frequency the noise is calculated

using Equation 30.

16-26 Noise

SPL i = SPL tot 10

f i 2 f max 4
log 1 + -------------- 1 + ----------- 5.3
2f max 2f i

16.3.3 Atmospheric Attenuation

At distances greater than approximately 100 ft, the noise becomes
attenuated due to absorption by the atmosphere. The attenuation is a
function of the frequency of the noise, with higher frequencies being
more readily attenuated than lower ones.

Figure 16-8 gives the attenuation of noise for a range of frequencies.

This figure is strictly applicable only to still air at a temperature of
70 F and a relative humidity greater than 60%. Extension to
temperatures in the range 40 F to 100 F may be made by
increasing the attenuation by 10% for each 10 F below 70 F.

Calculation Methods 16-27

Figure 16-8, Atmospheric Attenuation Of Noise

16-28 Purge Gas

16.4 Purge Gas

This section details the different methods used to calculate purge gas

16.4.1 HUSA Method

The full HUSA method is based on the following equation 31[8].

3.46 1 20.9 (37)

Q p = 0.07068d --- ln ---------
- F
y O2 b

Qp Purge rate (ft3/h)
d Stack diameter (in)
O2 % oxygen
y Depth into stack (ft)
Fb Gas buoyancy factor

The gas buoyancy factor F b is calculated using either equation 32

or 33.

Where composition of purge gas is known, equation 32 is used[8].

Fb = exp [ 0.065 ( 29 M i ) ] (38)

Ci Volume fraction of ith component
Mi Molecular weight of ith component

Calculation Methods 16-29

Where only the molecular weight of the purge gas is known,

equation 33 is used[9].

F b = 6.25 [ 1 0.75 ( M 28.96 ) ] (39)

M Molecular weight of purge gas.
If the purge gas buoyancy factor calculated using either method is
less than the buoyancy factor of nitrogen then the buoyancy factor
for nitrogen is used.

16.4.2 Reduced HUSA Method

The reduced HUSA method is based on the following equation

3.46 0.65
Q p = 0.003528d Ki (40)

Qp Purge rate (ft3/h)
d Stack diameter (in)
Ci Volume fraction of ith component
Ki Constant for ith component from following table

16-30 Purge Gas

Component K

Hydrogen 5.783

Helium 5.078

Methane 2.328

Nitrogen 1.067 (no wind)

1.707 (wind)

Ethane -1.067

Propane -2.651

Carbon Dioxide -2.651

Butane and heavier -6.586

If the sum of the C i K i terms is less than the K value for nitrogen
then the value for nitrogen is used.

Calculation Methods 16-31

16.5 Water Sprays

The modelling of water sprays used for shields is based on the
method presented by Long and Rogers [10].

The transmissivity of the water curtain is given by the ratio

= ------ (41)

E Total transmitted flux
Eb Total black body radiated flux

The total transmitted flux is calculated by integration over the range

of radiation wavelengths emitted by the flame.

E = ( min )
E b exp ( s ) (42)

E b Black body radiation at wavelength , W/m2
Radiation wavelength, m
Absorption coefficient at wavelength m-1
s Thickness of water curtain layer m

The black body radiation at wavelength is given by the Planck


2 5
E b = ( 2Hc ) ( exp ( ( Hc ) ( KT ) 1 ) ) (43)

16-32 Water Sprays

H Planck constant J/s
c Speed of light m/s2
Wavelength of radiation m
K Boltzman constant J/K
T Temperature K

The absorption coefficient for water is calculated by interpolation

from graphical data presented in the paper [10].

16.5.1 Thickness of Water Curtain

The effective thickness of a water curtain is calculated for a given
water flow and nozzle characteristics using an equation presented by
Long, [11].

6u noz
s = ( ( 0.5D noz ) ) -------------
- (44)
u drop

s Layer thickness m
D noz Nozzle diameter m
u noz Nozzle exit velocity m/s
u drop Droplet velocity m/s

Calculation Methods 16-33

16.6 Gas Dispersion

Flaresim includes two separate gas dispersion models. The first is a
jet dispersion model intended to calculate flammable gas
concentrations close to the flare tip in the event of a flame out
condition. The second is a Gaussian dispersion model intended to
model the dispersion over longer distances of combustion gases or
flared gas components in the event a flame out.

16.6.1 Jet Dispersion

The jet dispersion model provided by Flaresim is that proposed by
Cleaver and Edwards [16]. This is an integral model for predicting
dispersion of a turbulent jet into a cross flow in the absence of any
obstructions. The implementation in Flaresim generalises this model
into the 3 dimensional coordinate system used by Flaresim.

The model is limited to wind speeds of less than 20 m/s. The model
cannot be used for horizontal tips projecting directly into the wind.

16.6.2 Gaussian Dispersion

The Gaussian Dispersion calculations are based on the widely used
generalised gaussian dispersion equation for a continuous point-
source plume.

2 2
Q y ( 2 y )
C = ---------------------- e
u z y 2
2 2 2 2
( zf He ) 2 z ( zf + He ) 2 z
e +e

16-34 Gas Dispersion

C = Emissions concentration g/m3 at receptor located at
x m downwind
y m crosswind from centre line
z m above ground
Q = Source emission rate, g/s
u = Horizontal wind velocity m/s
He = plume centre line above ground, m
z = vertical standard deviation of emissions distribution m
y = horizontal standard deviation of emissions distribution m

This equation is valid subject to the following constraints

Vertical and crosswind diffusion follow Gaussian distribution
Downwind diffusion is negligible
Emissions rate is constant and continuous
All emissions are conserved in plume
No barriers to diffusion other than ground
Emissions are reflected from ground as if generated from imagi-
nary plume beneath the ground and are additive to primary
Turbulence within x, y, z dimensions of plume is homogenous.

The dispersion coefficients used by Flaresim z and y in

equation (45) in rural terrain are calculated using McMullens
equation fit to the Pasquill dispersion coefficients published by
Turner[17], page 53. In urban terrain the equation developed by
Gifford to fit the dispersion coefficients published by Briggs are
used [17], page 56. In both cases the data to which equations apply
is for distances greater than 100 m downwind of the source.

The Gaussian Dispersion equation (45) requires the effective height

of the plume He. This is calculated using the Briggs equations for a
bent-over buoyant plume in their 1972 version [17], pages 72, 73.
The Briggs buoyancy parameter required by these equations is
calculated using the fully generalised method given in [17], page
184. The effective release height for dispersion of combustion gases

Calculation Methods 16-35

is taken to be the end of the flame calculated using Flaresims

standard methods.

Where multiple tips are in operation the final emission

concentrations are calculated by simple addition of the contributions
from the individual tips.

16.6.3 Emission Rates

The default NOx, CO and unburnt hydrocarbon emission rates
calculated by Flaresim are based on the heat released and are taken
from the John Zink Combustion Handbook [18].

The Sintef method for NOx emission prediction is based on the

following equation, given in reference [19].

u0 35
EI NOx ------------ = 3.5 Fr (46)
d 0.55


EINOx = NOx emissions rate in gNOx / kg fuel

Fr = Froude number = u 0 g d 0
u 0 = Nozzle outlet velocity m/s at ambient conditions (298K, 1.013
d 0 = Nozzle outlet diameter, m

16-36 Nomenclature

16.7 Nomenclature
The following nomenclature is used in this chapter unless otherwise
specified in the body of the text.

16.7.1 Symbols

A API flame length (ft)

a Empirical constant used in IMS method
B Dimensionless scaling parameter
c Flammability lean limit concentration
D Distance from flame midpoint to receptor (ft)
d Tip diameter (ft)
E Metal surface emissivity
F Fraction of heat radiated
Fs Fraction of heat radiated from surface of flame
f Frequency (Hz)
H Relative humidity (%)
h Heat transfer coefficient (btu/hr/ft2/(R)
L Flame length (ft)
LHV Lower heating value (btu/lb)
l Curvilinear flame length (ft)
l1 Constant in flame length equation
l2 Constant in flame length equation
M Molecular weight
m Mach number
N Number of burners in tip assembly
K Thermal radiation at receptor (btu/hr/ft2)
k Heat capacity ratio
P Pressure (psia)
PWL Sound Power Level (W)
Q Heat release based upon LHV (btu/hr)
R Universal gas constant
SPL Sound Pressure Level (dB)
T Temperature ((R)
u Velocity (ft/s)
V Volumetric flow (ft3/s)

Calculation Methods 16-37

W Flow rate (lb/hr)

x Distance north of tip (ft)
x' Horizontal plume distance factor
y Distance east of tip (ft)
Z Compressibility factor (-)
z' Vertical plume distance factor
z Distance above tip (ft)
Metal surface absorbtivity
Angle between flame tangent and line of sight to receptor
Rotation of flare from x axis (degrees)
Angle of tip from vertical (degrees)
Rotation of wind from x axis (degrees)
Fluid density (lb/ft3)
Stephan Boltzman constant (0.171 x 10-8 btu/hr/ft2/(R4)

16.7.2 Subscripts
A Atmospheric attenuation
b Buoyancy
c Convective
f Correction
i Frequency band
ids Integrated diffuse source
ims Integrated mixed source
ips Integrated point source
j Jet exit
l Curvilinear length
m Metal
r Radiative
s Sonic
w Corrected for windchill
Corrected for transmissivity
0 Reference condition
20 At 20 ft from source

16-38 References

16.8 References
1. API RP521, Guide For Pressure-Relieving and
Depressuring Systems, 4th ed, American Petroleum
Institute, Washington DC, 1997.

2. Hajek, J.D. and Ludwig, E.E., How To Design Safe Flare

Stacks, Part 1, Petro/Chem Engineer, 1960, Vol 32, No. 6,
pp.C31-C38; Part2, Petro/Chem Engineer, 1960, Vol 32,
No. 7, pp.C44-C51.

3. Bruztowski, T.A. and Sommer, E.C. Jr., Predicting Radiant

Heating From Flares, Proceedings - Division of Refining,
Vol. 53, pp. 865-893, American Petroleum Institute,
Washington DC, 1973.

4. McMurray, R., Flare Radiation Estimated, Hydrocarbon

Processing, Nov. 1982, pp. 175-181.

5. Narasimhan, N.D., Predict Flare Noise, Hydrocarbon

Processing, April 1986, pp. 133-136.

6. MacKinnon, J.G., Recent Advances in Standardizing Valve

Noise Prediction, Society of Instrument & Control
Engineers, Tokyo, Sept. 1984.

7. Husa, H.W., How to Compute Safe Purge Rates,

Hydrocarbon Processing, 1964, 43, No. 5.

8. Husa, H.W., Purging Requirements of Large Diameter

Stacks, American Petroleum Institute, Fall Meeting 1977.

9. Shore, D, Making the Flare Safe, Journal of Loss

Prevention Process Industry, 1996, Vol 9, No 6, 363-381

10. Long, C.A and Rogers M.C, Temperature Prediction for

Surfaces Exposed to Flare Radiation and Attenuation of
Radiative Fluxes by Water Curtain, 5th International
Conference - Offshore Structures - Hazard & Integrity
Management 4-5th December 1996.

Calculation Methods 16-39

11. Long C.A. Attenuation of Thermal Radiative Heat Fluxes

by Water Curtain, 1995, School of Engineering, University
of Sussex, Report No 95/TFMRC/181.

12. Wayne F.D. An Economical Formula for Calculating

Atmospheric Infrared Transmissivities, Journal of Loss
Prevention Process Industry, 1991, Vol 4, January, 86-92

13. Guidard, S.E., W.B. Kindzierski and N. Harper, 2000. Heat

Radiation from Flares. Report prepared for Science and
Technology Branch, Alberta Environment, ISBN 0-7785-
1188-X, Edmonton, Alberta
14. Cook J., Bahrami Z, Whitehouse R.J. A Comprehensive
Program for Calculation of Flame Radiation Levels,
Journal of Loss Prevention Process Industry, 1990, Vol 3,
January, 150-155

15. Chamberlain G.A. Developments in Design Methods for

Predicting Thermal Radiation from Flares, Chem Eng Res
Des, Vol 65, July 1987, 299-309

16. Cleaver R.P, Edwards P.D., "Comparison of an integral

model for predicting the dispersion of a turbulent jet in a
cross flow with experimental data", Journal of Loss
Prevention Process Industry, 1990, Vol3, January 91-96

17. Beychok M.R. Fundamentals of Stack Gas Dispersion,

2005 Edn. ISBN 0-9644588-0-2, Milton R. Beychok, 1102
Colony Plaza, Newport Beach, CA 92660.

18. Baukal jr. C.E. (Editor), John Zink Combustion

Handbook, 2001 Edn, ISBN 0-8493-2337-1, John Zink
Company LLC, Tulsa, Oklahoma.

19. Bakken J., Langrgen , Improving Accuracy in

Calculating NOx Emissions from Gas Flaring, Society of
Petroleum Engineers International Conference on Health,
Safety and Environment in Oil and Gas Exploration and
Production, Nice, April 2009, SPE 111561.

16-40 References

Graphic Report Layout A-1

A Graphic Report Layout

A.1 Introduction to XML . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
A.1.1 Tags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
A.1.2 Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
A.1.3 Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

A.2 Layout File Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6

A.2.1 Allowed Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
A.2.2 PageSize Element . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
A.2.3 Text Element . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
A.2.4 Unit Element . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
A.2.5 Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
A.2.6 Logo Element . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
A.2.7 CaseData Element . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
A.2.8 Line Element. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
A.2.9 PlotArea Element . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
A.2.10 LegendArea Element . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
A.2.11 ContourSet Element. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22


Graphic Report Layout A-3

The appearance of graphic reports produced by Flaresim is

controlled by layout files. These files contain a list of instructions in
a XML format that describe how data items, graphic items,
background text, background lines and background graphics will
appear on the report. This appendix describes the format of the
layout files.

A-4 Introduction to XML

A.1 Introduction to XML

XML is a standardised markup language for describing structured
data. The following description of the language is intended to
introduce the terms used in this appendix. For a full description of
the XML standard see

The figure below shows a fragment of the XML language taken from
one of the Flaresim layout files.

Figure A-1, XML File Fragment

The basic building block of a XML file is the element. An element

is a data fragment that has a tag, attributes and data.

A.1.1 Tags
An elements tag can be thought of as its name. A tag enclosed in a
pair of < > brackets starts the description of an element and the
same tag preceded by a / character and enclosed in a pair of < >
brackets ends the description of the element. For example, an
element containing text data might be given the tag Description and
would appear as follows

<Description>The descriptive text</Description>.

A XML file can contain more than one element with the same tag
describing repeating data items. Tags are case sensitive, i.e.
<description> is different to <Description>.

Taking the XML fragment shown in Figure A-1 as an example, there

are six elements in total with four unique tags namely <Text>,
<Logo>, <CaseData> and <Var>. There are three <Text> elements.

Graphic Report Layout A-5

A.1.2 Attributes
The attributes of an element can be thought of as data parameters
or additional descriptions of the element. Attributes are defined
within the < > brackets of the elements opening tag. A single
attribute is introduced by a name followed by an = sign followed
by the value of the attribute enclosed in quotes. For example our
Description tag might be extended to have an attribute called Font to
define the typeface to be used to print it thus.

<Description Font=Arial>The descriptive text</Description>

An element may have no attributes or multiple attributes. Attribute

names are case sensitive i.e. Font is different to font.

Taking the XML fragment shown in Figure A-1 as a further

example, the <Text> elements there each have four attributes name
X, Y, Font and Size.

A.1.3 Data
The data part of an element is contained between the opening tag
and the closing tag. The data can be either text or another element.
In our <Description> element example the data is the text The
descriptive text.

The data part of an element does not have to contain data, it can be
empty if for example all of the data contained in an element is
described through attributes. When the data part of an element is
empty the closing / character can be included in the opening tag
and the closing tag omitted thus.

<Description Font=Arial/>

Looking at our example XML fragment shown in Figure A-1 again,

we can see that the data sections of the <Text> elements contain
descriptive text, the data section of the <Logo> element contains a
file name and the data section of the <CaseData> element contains
another element introduced by the <Var> tag.

A-6 Layout File Structure

A.2 Layout File Structure

A Flaresim graphic report layout file must contain the following top
level data elements in order to be recognised as a valid graphic
report layout file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>

This defines the version of the XML standard used to encode the file
and the unicode character set used. This is a standard element that
must appear as the first element in the file.


This element is the top level data element that contains all other
elements that define the layout of the graphic report.

A.2.1 Allowed Elements

The following element tags are recognised within the main
<FlaresimLayout> element within the layout file. Each of these
elements is described in more detail below.

Element Tag Description Number

PageSize Defines the overall dimensions Single

Text Defines background text Multiple

Unit Defines units of measurement Multiple

Data Defines data items Multiple

Logo Defines background graphics items Multiple

CaseData Defines case description items Multiple

Line Defines background lines Multiple

PlotArea Defines plot area and style Single

LegendArea Defines plot legend area and style Single

ContourSet Defines contour list and styles Single

Graphic Report Layout A-7

A.2.2 PageSize Element

Defines the overall size of the plot to be produced.

X Size of plot in X dimension in mm.
Y Size of plot in Y dimension in mm.

Data Value

A.2.3 Text Element

Defines individual items of background text to appear on the plot
such as titles and headings.

X Required - X position in mm of the left edge of the
Y Required - Y position in mm of the centre line of the
Font Required - Integer denoting font to be used -
0 = Arial
1 = Courier
2 = Times Roman
Size Required - Value defining text height as % of plot
page height
Style Optional - Text describing style of text -

Data Value
The background text to be added to the plot.

A-8 Layout File Structure

A.2.4 Unit Element

Defines individual items of unit of measurement text to appear on
the plot.

X Required - X position in mm of the left edge of the
unit text
Y Required - Y position in mm of the centre line of the
unit text
Font Required - Integer denoting font to be used -
0 = Arial
1 = Courier
2 = Times Roman
Size Required - Value defining unit text height as % of
plot page height
Style Optional - Text describing style of unit text -

Data Value
The name of the unit of measurement type to be output e.g. length,
temperature. The full list of recognised type names is the same as the
list of quantity names defined in the units.xml file as follows-
time, length, mass, temperature, sound, frequency,
surface_area, volume, force, small_length, energy, pressure,
velocity, plane_angle, fraction, percentage, power,
mass_flow, mass_heat_capacity, mass_energy,
heat_flux_density, heat_transfer_coefficient,
mass_per_area, mass_density, volume_flow.

A.2.5 Data
Defines individual data items that will appear on the plot.

Graphic Report Layout A-9

X Required - X position in mm of the left edge of the
data value
Y Required - Y position in mm of the centre line of the
Font Required - Integer denoting font to be used -
0 = Arial
1 = Courier
2 = Times Roman
Size Required - Value defining data value height as % of
plot page height
Style Optional - Text describing style of data value -

Data Value
A <Var> data element defining the data item to be output as follows.

A.2.5.1 Var Element

Identifies individual data item.

Stack Optional - index of stack which variable is associated
Tip Optional - index of tip which variable is associated
with. Note this is the index of the tip on the specified
stack i.e. a Tip index value of 1 denotes the first tip
on the specified stack regardless of whether the tip is
the first listed in the model.

A-10 Layout File Structure

Data Value

A text string identifying the data item to be output. The list of data
identifiers recognised is as follows.

Identifier Stack Id Tip Id

WindSpeed Not specified Not specified

WindDirection Not specified Not specified

SolarRadiation Not specified Not specified

Transmissivity Not specified Not specified

Humidity Not specified Not specified

BackgroundNoise Not specified Not specified

TransmissivityMin Not specified Not specified

TransmissivityMax Not specified Not specified

AtmTemperature Not specified Not specified

AtmPressure Not specified Not specified

CalculationMethod Not specified Not specified

NumberOfElements Not specified Not specified

BuoyancyPipe Not specified Not specified

BuoyancySonic Not specified Not specified

BuoyancyWellTest Not specified Not specified

OptSolarRadiation Not specified Not specified

OptWindchill Not specified Not specified

OptBackgroundNoise Not specified Not specified

OptAtmNoiseAttenuation Not specified Not specified

OptAdiabaticTempCorr Not specified Not specified

OptRKZFactor Not specified Not specified

NoiseCalcMethod Not specified Not specified

Graphic Report Layout A-11

Identifier Stack Id Tip Id

Name Required Not specified

Length Required Not specified

AngleToHorizontal Required Not specified

AngleToNorth Required Not specified

Name Required Required

Type Required Required

NbrOfBurners Required Required

Length Required Required

Diameter Required Required

BurnerOpening Required Required

ContractionCoefficient Required Required

ExitLossCoefficient Required Required

Roughness Required Required

OutletPressureSpec Required Required

SealType Required Required

AngleToHorizontal Required Required

AngleToNorth Required Required

Fluid Required Required

MassFlow Required Required

LHV Required Required

MW Required Required

CpCv Required Required

EmissivityMethod Required Required

Emissivity Required Required

Temperature Required Required

A-12 Layout File Structure

Identifier Stack Id Tip Id

RiserDiameter Required Required

NoiseMethod Required Required

NoiseSPL Required Required

PeakFrequency Required Required

CombustionEfficiency Required Required

ExitVelocity Required Required

MachNumber Required Required

VolumeFlow Required Required

HeatRelease Required Required

FlameLength Required Required

APIFlameLength Required Required

TipExitPressure Required Required

TipInletPressure Required Required

TipDP Required Required

SealInletPressure Required Required

SealDP Required Required

StackInletPressure Required Required

StackDP Required Required

TotalTipExitPressure Required Required

TotalTipInletPressure Required Required

TotapTipDP Required Required

TotalSealInletPressure Required Required

TotalSealDP Required Required

TotalStackInletPressure Required Required

TotalStackDP Required Required

Graphic Report Layout A-13

Identifier Stack Id Tip Id

PurgeFluid Required Required

PurgeFixVolFlow Required Required

PurgeHUSAO2 Required Required

PurgeHUSAHeight Required Required

PurgeFixedVel Required Required

PurgeFixVelCalcFlow Required Required

PurgeFixVolFlowCalcVel Required Required

PurgeFixVolFlowCalcFlow Required Required

PurgeHUSACalcVel Required Required

PurgeHUSACalcFlow Required Required

PurgeRedHUSACalcVel Required Required

PurgeRedHUSACalcFlow Required Required

Fluid2 Required Required

MassFlow2 Required Required

LHV2 Required Required

MW2 Required Required

CpCv2 Required Required

Temperature2 Required Required

AssistFluid Required Required

AssistFluidMassFlow Required Required

AssistFluidFlowRatio Required Required

A-14 Layout File Structure

A.2.6 Logo Element

Defines individual graphic files to be output on the plot. This is
usually used to include company logos etc in the plot.

X1 Required - X position in mm of the top left corner of
the graphic item.
Y1 Required - Y position in mm of the top left corner of
the graphic item.
X2 Required - X position in mm of the bottom right
corner of the graphic item.
Y2 Required - Y position in mm of the bottom right
corner of the graphic item.

Data Value
A text string naming the graphic file to be included.

A.2.7 CaseData Element

Defines items of case description data that will appear on the plot.

X1 Required - X position in mm of the top left corner of
the area for output of the data item.
Y1 Required - Y position in mm of the top left corner of
the area for output of the data item.
X2 Required - X position in mm of the bottom right
corner of the area for output of the data item.
Y2 Required - Y position in mm of the bottom right
corner of the area for output of the data item.
Font Required - Integer denoting font to be used -
0 = Arial
1 = Courier
2 = Times Roman
Size Required - Value defining data item text height as %
of plot height

Graphic Report Layout A-15

Style Optional - Text describing style of data value -


Data Value
A text string defining the data item to be output. Recognised values

A.2.8 Line Element

Defines background lines to be drawn on the plot. Typically these
are used to frame areas of the report.

X1 Required - X position in mm of the first end of the
Y1 Required - Y position in mm of the first end of the
X2 Required - X position in mm of the second end of the
Y2 Required - Y position in mm of the second end of the
LineWidth Required - Line width in pixels.

Data Value

A-16 Layout File Structure

A.2.9 PlotArea Element

Defines the area used to output the isopleth graph on the plot and sets
the options used when drawing it.

X1 Required - X position in mm of the top left corner of
the graph area.
Y1 Required - Y position in mm of the top left corner of
the graph area.
X2 Required - X position in mm of the bottom right
corner of the graph area.
Y2 Required - Y position in mm of the bottom right
corner of the graph area.

Data Value
Elements defining the options used to draw the isopleth graph as
follows. Note one instance of each of these elements is required in
the <PlotArea> data. None of these elements has any data value, all
the required information is contained as attributes.

A.2.9.2 Grid Element

Describes how the background grid for the isopleth graph is to be

Display Required - defines whether grid is drawn. Allowed
values are Yes or No.
Lines Required - defines number of grid lines within graph
on each axid. Integer
BackColour Required - defines colour of graph background.
Value can be Transparent or one of the colours from
Table A.1 below.

Graphic Report Layout A-17

Table A.1, Allowed Colours

Other colours may be defined
using a hex code to define the
RGB contributions as follows
0xRRGGBB where RR is red
value, GG is green value and BB
blue value in hex.
For example 0xFF0000 is pure

A.2.9.3 Title Element

Defines how the isopleth graph title will be output. The title is the
name of the receptor grid that the isopleth applies to.

Display Required - defines whether title is included. Allowed
values are Yes or No.
Space Required - Vertical spacing allowed for title as a
percentage of the Y range of the graph.
Font Required - Integer denoting font to be used -
0 = Arial
1 = Courier
2 = Times Roman

A-18 Layout File Structure

Size Required - Value defining title text height as % of

graph height.
Style Optional - Text describing style of title text -

A.2.9.4 Desc Element

Defines how the graph description will be output. The description
identifies whether the graph is a radiation, noise or temperature
isopleth and the current units of measurement.

Display Required - defines whether description is included.
Allowed values are Yes or No.
Space Required - Vertical spacing allowed for description
as a percentage of the Y range of the graph.
Font Required - Integer denoting font to be used -
0 = Arial
1 = Courier
2 = Times Roman
Size Required - Value defining description text height as
% of graph height.
Style Optional - Text describing style of description text -

A.2.9.5 XAxis Element

Defines how the isopleth X axis label will be output.

Display Required - defines whether X axis label is included.
Allowed values are Yes or No.

Graphic Report Layout A-19

Space Required - Vertical spacing allowed for X axis label

as a percentage of the Y range of the graph.
Font Required - Integer denoting font to be used -
0 = Arial
1 = Courier
2 = Times Roman
Size Required - Value defining title X axis label height as
% of graph height.
Style Optional - Text describing style of X axis label text -

A.2.9.6 YAxis Element

Defines how the isopleth Y axis label will be output.

Display Required - defines whether Y axis label is included.
Allowed values are Yes or No.
Space Required - Horizontal spacing allowed for Y axis
label as a percentage of the X range of the graph.
Font Required - Integer denoting font to be used -
0 = Arial
1 = Courier
2 = Times Roman
Size Required - Value defining Y axis label height as % of
graph height.
Style Optional - Text describing style of Y axis label text -

A.2.9.7 Scale Element

Defines how the scale labels will be output.

A-20 Layout File Structure

Font Required - Integer denoting font to be used -
0 = Arial
1 = Courier
2 = Times Roman
Size Required - Value defining scale label height as % of
graph height.

A.2.9.8 Flare Element

Defines how the stack, tip and flare will be drawn on the isopleth

Display Required - defines whether the flare will be drawn.
Allowed values are Yes or No.
FlameThick Required - defines thickness of line used to draw
flame in pixels.
FlameColour Required - defines colour of line used to draw flame.
Allowed values are given in Table A.1.
StackThick Required - defines thickness of line used to draw
stack in pixels.
StackColour Required - defines colour of line used to draw stack.
Allowed values are given in Table A.1.
TipThick Required - defines thickness of line used to draw tip
in pixels.
TipColour Required - defines colour of line used to draw tip.
Allowed values are given in Table A.1.

A.2.10 LegendArea Element

Defines the area used to output the legend for the isopleth graph on
the plot and sets the options used when drawing it.

Graphic Report Layout A-21

X1 Required - X position in mm of the top left corner of
the legend data area.
Y1 Required - Y position in mm of the top left corner of
the legend data area.
X2 Required - X position in mm of the bottom right
corner of the legend data area.
Y2 Required - Y position in mm of the bottom right
corner of the legend data area.

Data Value
Elements defining the options used to draw the legend data on the
isopleth graph as follows. Note one instance of each of these
elements is required in the <LegendArea> data. None of these
elements has any data value, all the required information is
contained as attributes.

A.2.10.9 Layout Element

This defines the number of columns used to output the legend and
the characteristics of the text part of the legend.

NumCols Required - Integer defining number of colums to be
used for drawing the legend.
Font Required - Integer denoting font to be used for
legend label -
0 = Arial
1 = Courier
2 = Times Roman
Size Required - Value defining legend label height as %
of legend data area height.

A-22 Layout File Structure

A.2.10.10 Desc Element

Defines how the legend description will be output. The description
identifies whether the graph is a radiation, noise or temperature
isopleth as well as the units used.

Display Required - defines whether description is included.
Allowed values are Yes or No.
Font Required - Integer denoting font to be used -
0 = Arial
1 = Courier
2 = Times Roman
Size Required - Value defining description text height as
% of legend data area height.
Style Optional - Text describing style of description text -

A.2.11 ContourSet Element

Defines the details of the contours to be output on the isopleth graph.

UseLayout Required - Specifies whether the contour data from
the layout file is to be used. Allowed values Yes or
No. If set to Yes the contour data will be taken from
the layout file. If not, the contour data will be taken
from the current isopleth definition for the receptor

Data Value
Multiple elements defining the individual contour lines to be output.
Up to 10 instances of <RadiationContour>, <NoiseContour> and
<TemperatureContour> can be specified.

Graphic Report Layout A-23

A.2.11.11 RadiationContour Element

Defines the details of a single radiation contour to be output on the
isopleth graph.

IsoValue Required - Specifies the radiation value of the
isopleth contour in internal program units of W/m2.
Colour Required - Specifies the colour used to draw the
contour. Allowed values are given in Table A.1.
LineWidth Required - Integer specifying the width of the line
used to draw the contour in pixels.
Style Required - Specifies the style of the line used to draw
the contour. Allow values are.

A.2.11.12 NoiseContour Element

Defines the details of a single noise contour to be output on the
isopleth graph.

IsoValue Required - Specifies the noise value of the isopleth
contour in internal program units of dB.
Colour Required - Specifies the colour used to draw the
contour. Allowed values are given in Table A.1.
LineWidth Required - Integer specifying the width of the line
used to draw the contour in pixels.
Style Required - Specifies the style of the line used to draw
the contour. Allow values are.

A-24 Layout File Structure


A.2.11.13 TemperatureContour Element

Defines the details of a single temperature contour to be output on
the isopleth graph.

IsoValue Required - Specifies the temperature value of the
isopleth contour in internal program units of K.
Colour Required - Specifies the colour used to draw the
contour. Allowed values are given in Table A.1.
LineWidth Required - Integer specifying the width of the line
used to draw the contour in pixels.
Style Required - Specifies the style of the line used to draw
the contour. Allow values are.


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