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Group 405

Maria Jose Arguello A01194415

Nayar Duarte A01194220
Manuel Flores A01194236

For this activity, we have to analyze the weight of a product, and compare it to
what they are actually selling us. This is to enforce our knowledge about the normal
distribution and the hypothesis test.
The experiment requires to gather at least 30 samples of a product and test,
in this case, their actual weight, versus what the product actually weights. For this,
the package of the product must be removed so that it does not infer with the weight
of the product.

The objective of the activity is to put in practice what we have learned during our
second partial in the class of Mr. Ziad. The
concepts we will apply are:
- Normal distribution
- Hypothesis test
-Null Hypothesis- Ho: =, ,
-Alternative Hypothesis- , <,>
- Proportions, means and standard
- Region of acceptance and rejection.
- Confidence level
- Significance level
- Critical value
- T-test

The product we chose was MAMUTS because they come in packages of 1 and we
could test 1 by one without wasting as much food. Mamuts consist of 2 cookies with
marshmallows in the middle and chocolate covering the whole thing, this product is
of the GAMESA family. We bought 4 packages of 8 mamuts individually packed to

1 28.484
2 32.374
3 31.119
4 32.193
5 30.526
6 28.232
7 30.167
8 30.077
9 29.492
10 31.691
11 29.048
12 29.301
13 31.275
14 30.101
15 29.761
16 30.466
17 30.755
18 30.295
19 28.393
20 31.243
21 28.918
22 30.083
23 31.781
24 29.675
25 30.406
26 29.569
27 29.186
28 28.894
29 28.838
30 28.691

=30 grams

To find the standard Deviation

Process of hypothesis
We have insufficient to conclude that the grams of the mamut differ from 30.


Every mamut may vary but very slightly in weight. The companys packaging
information regarding the Mamut's weight is correct because the average of the
samples we tested was 30.0344 and the packaging of the product says each
individual mamut weights 30 grams. They may have rounded down a few decimals
but may still count as 30g. Though, the result does affect consumers because our
sample of 30 mamuts varied from 28.232 to 32.374. It might not affect the consumer
gravely but they are still expecting a certain amount of product, calories, etc and they
are given a slightly different amount of those. Maybe it wont affect as much but in an
extreme example that a person eats 1,400 mamuts, the exactitude of how much
product they would have consumed would not be certain.
But, in small scale, a difference of grams does not matter to most. So we conclude
that GAMESA does not lie when they say their mamuts weight 30g.


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