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SECTION A (20 marks)

Questions 1 5

Choose the best word to fill in the blanks.

1 They bring their __________ to the music room.

A shoe
B chair
C flute
D sharpener

2 Hashims hobby is collecting _________ . He keeps them in an album.

A sea shells
B clothes
C gloves
D coins

3 We had _________ for dessert after lunch.

A chicken rice
B vegetables
C ice-cream
D noodles

4 The cat is ____________ the basket.

A in
B by
C below
D above

5 He is either watching a movie ________ playing football.

A or
B so
C but

D and

Questions 5 7

Study the picture carefully and choose the best phrase to complete the
Lihat gambar dengan teliti dan pilih rangkai kata yang terbaik bagi
melengkapkan perenggan di bawah.

Mr Lim is in his workshop. He is a

_______(5)_______ .

He needs a _______(6)_____ to help

him in his job. His friend will

______(7)______ nearby damage car to his workshop. He will be


careful in doing his works.

5 A pilot
B teacher
C mechanic

6 A a pair of scissors
B a box of colours
C a set of toolbox

7 A push
B pull
C tow
D put

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Questions 8 10

Study the pictures carefully. Then choose the best answer.

Lihat gambar dengan teliti. Pilih jawapan yang terbaik.

8 A Tea grows well on the hill

B The tea plantation is on flat
C The two women are plucking
the flowers.
D The two women are carrying
bags on their backs.

9 A Ramli is painting a scene.

B Ramli is drawing flowers.
C Ramli is painting a vase
of flowers.
D Ramli is teaching on drawing
the flowers.

A My father is mowing the
B My father is repairing the
C My father is weeding the
D My father is trimming the

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Questions 11 15

Look at the pictures below carefully. Choose the best sentence to fit the
situation shown in the pictures.
Lihat gambar dengan teliti. Pilih ayat yang terbaik bagi situasi dalam

A Really?
B Please give me an astray.
C Sorry, thanks for
reminding us.

12 A Let me carry your basket.

B Your basket is heavy, isnt
C You must give me your
D Would you like to buy this

13 A Why?.
B Thank you
C Please hold on.
D Hey, dont disturb me!

14 A Can we go to the movies?

B Can I go to the movies?

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C Where is the movie

D What are you doing this

15 A Why?
B Sorry, I need it for myself.
C My book is not
D Go look for it at the


Questions 16 21

Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.

Pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk melengkapkan ayat-ayat berikut.

16 ____________ has a beard.

A My sister
B My father
C My mother
D My grandmother

17 I drank _______ water because I was thirsty.

A a lot of
B a little
C a few
D some

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18 Yesterday, Zamri visited the doctor because he _________ not feeling

A is
B are
C was
D were
19 Clouds __________ rain.
A bring
B brings
C brought
D is bringing

20 Zaitun : _________ is Maizun?

Nina : Shes the one in the pink blouse.
A Who
B When
C Where
D Which

Question 21
Choose the word that has the same meaning as the word underlined.
Pilih perkataan yang sama erti bagi perkataan yang bergaris.

The fish curry that mother cooked is very delicious .

A hot
B tasty
C spicy
D sweet

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Questions 22 23
Based on the pictures, choose the answer with the correct spelling.
Berdasarkan gambar-gambar di bawah, pilih perkataan yang mempunyai
ejaan yang betul.

22 23

A motorcycle A braid
B motocycel B bread
C motorcical C brand

Questions 24 25
Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.
Pilih ayat yang mempunyai tanda baca yang betul.

24 A Zurina is a member of the English language club.

B Zurina is a Member of the English Language club.
C Zurina is a member of the English Language Club.
D Zurina is a member of the english language club.

25 A Oranges papayas and mangoes contain a lot of Vitamin C .

B Oranges , papayas and mangoes contain a lot of vitamin C .
C Oranges , papayas , and mangoes , contain a lot of vitamin c
D Oranges , papayas , and mangoes contain a lot of Vitamin c .

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Questions 26 30

Look at the picture and read the passage carefully. Based on the picture and
the passage, choose the best answer to fill in the blanks.
Lihat gambar dengan teliti. Pilih jawapan yang terbaik berdasarkan gambar
dan teks yang diberi.

Last Friday was the Annual Sports Day . All the ___(26)____ and
students came to school early . They __(27) ___ to decorate the field . ____(28)
__ put up the tents for the guest and students . Some students put up
colourful streamers and balloons while some ____(29)_____ the chairs . They
put the prizes and trophy __(30)___ the nearest tent . At noon , they were all
ready for the Sports Day .

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26 A parents
B teachers
C audience
D spectators

27 A want
B wants
C wanted

28 A They
B Them
C Their
D Theirs

29 A put
B held
C brought
D arranged

30 A over
B under
C before
D between


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Questions 31 35
Read the notice below and answer the questions that follow.
Baca notis di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan berikut.

Attention to all Year 4 and 5 pupils

Come and join the art competition organized by the Art Club. It will be held on 21 st
June 2009. There are many prizes to be won, including tickets to Disney Wonderland.
So, dont miss it.

Remember to bring:
1. Your own paper, paints and brush
2. RM 3 entrance fee

Topics will be given at the school hall. The competition will start at 3 p.m. and end at
5 p.m. Those who are late will not be given extra time. So, please be on time.

First prize : 2 free tickets to Disney Wonderland

Second prize : 3 free tickets to The 101 Dalmatians show.
Third prize : A watch
Consolation prizes : For you to find out!

Those who wish to take part should register with Mr Lim before 15th May 2009.

Miss Aileen
Art Club Advisor

31. The Art Club is organising

A. an art exhibition
B. an art competition
C. The 101 Dalmatians show
D. free trips to Disney Wonderland

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32. Fatin wants to take part. Which of the following she has to bring?

A. scissors
B. brush
C. crayons
D. ruler

33. What will happen to those who are late? They will

A. not be given more time

B. be helped by someone
C. be given an easier topic
D. be given more time

34. The competition will last for

A. 4 hours
B. 3 hours
C. 2 hours
D. 1 hour

35. Those who are interested must register with

A. their class teacher

B. Miss Aileen
C. any teacher

Arif : I would like you to come to my house on Saturday , Edward .

Edward : I would love to . Are you celebrating your birthday ?

Arif : Yes , Ill be ten years old on 16th February .

Edward : Thats
Questions 36 great
40! Who will be at the party ?
Read the dialogue below and answer the questions that follow.
Arif Baca dialog
: I have invited Gary , Mohan , Pek Choo , Firdaus and Jeslina . My aunties , uncles
di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan berikut.
and cousins will be there too .

Edward : What should I wear ?

Arif : Casual will be fine . I will be wearing a baju melayu . Its comfortable .

Edward : Ill come in a T-shirt and jeans . That is casual enough . Should I tuck my shirt ?

Arif : Yes . You would look neater . Please come by 4.00 p.m.
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Edward : All right . There goes the bell . Lets walk to class together .

36. Where did the conversation take place ?

A in class
B in school
C in the library
D in the living room

37. What day is 16th February ?

A Thursday
B Friday
C Saturday
D Sunday
38. Arif invites Edward to his house because
A he is celebrating a festival
B he will be one year younger
C he is celebrating his birthday
D he is having a family gathering

39. How many friends has Arif invited ?

A Four
B Five

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C Six
D Seven

40. What will Arif wear on his birthday ?

A Casual clothes
B His school uniform
C A traditional costumes
D A T-shirt and trousers


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