Anesthesia' For Awake Neurosurgery 2009 COA

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Anesthesia for awake neurosurgery

Federico Bilotta and Giovanni Rosa

Department of Anesthesiology, Critical Care and Pain Purpose of review
Medicine, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy
In this review we focus on recent findings in the anesthetic management of patients
Correspondence to Federico Bilotta, MD, PhD, via undergoing craniotomy while awake, and propose a structured approach to the clinical
Acherusio 16, Rome 00199, Italy
Tel: +39 06 339 33 708 22; e-mail: practice of anesthesia for awake neurosurgery.
Recent findings
Current Opinion in Anaesthesiology 2009,
The increasing use of functional neurosurgery and recent evidence favoring resection of
tumor involving eloquent cortex has expanded the indications for awake craniotomy, a
procedure needing a fully cooperative patient and expert intraoperative anesthetic
management. Despite the shorter hospital stay, the more recently published studies
have highlighted perioperative anesthetic complications and have proposed ways to
improve anesthesia techniques for awake procedures in adults and children.
Although anesthesia for awake craniotomy is usually a well tolerated procedure it
requires an extensive knowledge of the principles underlying neuroanesthesia and of
specific technical strategies including local anesthesia for scalp blockade, advanced
airway management, dedicated sedation protocols, and skillful management of

awake craniotomy, neuroanesthesia, scalp blockade

Curr Opin Anaesthesiol 22:560565

2009 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

are used to provide anesthesia for awake neurosurgery,

Introduction on the basis of different institutional protocols or patients
Anesthesia for awake craniotomy is a unique clinical tailored needs. These techniques range from local
setting that requires the anesthesiologist to provide anesthesia, with or without conscious sedation, to general
changing states of sedation and analgesia, to ensure anesthesia with the asleep-awake-asleep sequence, with
optimal patient comfort without interfering with electro- or without airway instrumentation [15,16].
physiologic monitoring and patient cooperation, but
also to manipulate cerebral and systemic hemodynamic The review aims to present the most recent evidence
while guaranteeing adequate ventilation and airways from the clinical literature but also to propose a struc-
safety [1,2]. Awake craniotomy is the preferred approach tured approach to the practice of anesthesia for
for functional neurosurgery (including deep-brain stimu- awake neurosurgery.
lation for the treatment of Parkinsons disease, and, more
recently, for the treatment of various other conditions
including obesity and severe obsessive compulsive dis- Local anesthesia
orders) [35]. It is also indicated for epilepsy surgery Adequate local anesthesia, aimed to block the sensory
[610], and for neurosurgical procedures requiring intra- branches of the trigeminal nerve, is essential to provide
operative monitoring of speech and motor functions to anesthesia for awake neurosurgery. Scalp block with
localize the area of surgical interest (including resection local anesthetic provides reversible regional loss of sen-
or biopsy of brain tumors in eloquent areas) since it allows sation, reduces pain perception and global energy expen-
wider tumor excision and lower perioperative morbidity diture [17]. In some cases, especially in Parkinsonian
[1114]. patients undergoing microelectrode implantation for
deep-brain stimulation, local anesthesia is the only
In these patients the anesthesiologist has to accomplish possible anesthetic approach since infusion of sedatives
various tasks including local anesthesia, airway manage- may abolish brain impulses during microelectrode record-
ment, sedation and analgesia, and management of ings in subcortical areas. These areas are highly sensitive
systemic and cerebral hemodynamics. Many techniques to GABAergic anesthetics drugs that even at small
0952-7907 2009 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins DOI:10.1097/ACO.0b013e3283302339

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Anesthesia for awake neurosurgery Bilotta and Rosa 561

Table 1 Special needs and anesthetic adjuncts in the different surgical procedures
Surgical procedure Special needs Technique Anesthetic adjuncts

Deep-brain stimulation Lack of interference Local anesthesia Avoid GABAergic drugs

with recording Dexmedetomidine infusion
Excision of epileptic focus Lack of interference with Asleep-awake-asleep Dexmedetomidine infusion
electro-corticography and sequence with LMA
functional testing
Tumor surgery next to eloquent areas or Ability to perform Asleep-awake-asleep Local anesthesia or similar to above
motor cortex and map motor cortex functional testing sequence
LMA, laryngeal mask airway.

doses can critically reduce the ability to identify the sites mone response to skull-pin fixation for craniotomies.
to be excised [18,19] [Table 1]. Also in children undergoing general anesthesia for
craniotomy, scalp nerve block with levobupivacaine
A recent review on the management of anesthesia in 0.25% (2 mg/kg) with epinephrine 2.5 mcg/ml seems a
awake craniotomy by Piccioni and Fanzio [20], and a case well tolerated and effective procedure that prevents and
series of 42 patients by Sinha et al. [2] that reports reduces postoperative pain [22]. These observations
the incidence of perioperative complications in these might extend to patients receiving local anesthesia for
patients, describe the technique for selectively blocking awake neurosurgery.
the sensory branches of the trigeminal nerve. This
approach is based on infiltration of six nerves: the aur- Although the timing, site, and optimal drug selection for
iculotemporal nerve, zygomaticotemporal nerve, supra- scalp block remain open to question, our experience and
orbital nerve, supratrochlear nerve, greater occipital published reports suggest that in most patients, a circular
nerve, and lesser occipital nerve. Both investigators also scalp block combined with infiltration of head-holder pin
recommend infiltrating the head-holder pin site and the sites and surgical incision line with either bupivacaine,
surgical skin incision line [2,20]. levobupivacaine, or ropivacaine provides adequate local
anesthesia with minimal or no risks for systemic toxicity
In a prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled study, [2,23,24] [Table 2].
Geze et al. [21] compared the effects on hemodynamic
and stress responses of local infiltration for scalp block or
selective block of the sensory trigeminal nerve branches, Airway management
in patients undergoing general anesthesia for craniot- A prerequisite for safe management of anesthesia for
omy. In this study, the investigators compared local awake neurosurgery is expertise in advanced airway
anesthesia infiltrated at the scalp pin-insertion site (with management. In managing the airways of awake non-
5 ml of 0.5% bupivacaine) added to infiltration of the intubated patients it is essential to ensure adequate
surgical skin incision line (with 20 ml of 0.5% bupiva- oxygen supply and carbon dioxide removal (to avoid the
caine) with a selective block of the sensory trigeminal dangerous effects of carbon dioxide on cerebral blood
nerve branches (with 25 ml of 0.5% bupivacaine at each flow and extracellular pH), but also to prevent aspiration.
site). The investigators concluded that the selective
trigeminal nerve block is more effective than local infil- In a retrospective review of perioperative complications
tration for scalp block in controlling hemodynamic in 258 procedures involving 250 patients undergoing
responses and in preventing the increased stress hor- awake neurosurgery for deep-brain stimulation, Khatib

Table 2 Anesthesia for awake neurosurgery (operative flow chart)

Premedication Midazolam 0.0150.03 mg/kg
Fentanyl 12 mg/kg
Local anesthesia
Selective scalp block or cranial circular scalp block Bupivacaine 0.5%, or ropivacaine 0.5%, or levobupivacaine 0.5%:
up to a total of 2040 ml
Infiltration of skin incision line and head-holder pin site Bupivacaine 0.5%, or ropivacaine 0.5%, or levobupivacaine 0.5%:
up to a total of 1015 ml
Intraoperative sedationanalgesia Propofol 13 mg/kg/h; fentanyl 13 mg/kg/h, or remifentanil
0.010.25 mg/kg/h; dexmedetomidine 0.30.7 mg/kg/h
If LMA is used (asleep-awake-asleep technique) Sevoflurane 0.51% MAC
Postoperative analgesia Paracetamol 1 g twice daily and/or morphine 0.10.3 mg/kg/die
Hemodynamic management
when hypertensive Esmolol (bolus infusion), metoprolol, labetalol, diltiazem or clonidine
when hypotensive Ephedrine bolus 0.30.5 mg/kg

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562 Neuroanaesthesia

et al. [19] showed that although airway complications sion, and is associated with a lower incidence of coughing
are rare, they described respiratory arrest or severe airway and gagging [15,29,30]. Although various techniques can
obstruction in up to 1.6% of the cases, and intraoperative be used for LMA positioning during anesthesia for
cough, moaning, or sneezing in up to 1.2%. The data from awake neurosurgery, proper positioning (even when
the case series by Sinha et al. [2] confirm the need to the approach requires lateral or semi-sitting position) is
devote adequate attention to severe adverse respiratory extremely important so that the anesthsiologist can easily
complications. In their series, hypercarbia with end-tidal maneuver the airway and the patient feels comfortable
CO2 greater than 50 mmHg complicated 9.5% of the during awake surgery [20,31]. In a case report Huncke
cases, respiratory depression with respiratory rate less et al. [32] described the successful use of an LMA along
than 8 breaths/min complicated 7.1% of the cases, and with continuous positive-pressure ventilation in a mor-
desaturation with SpO2 less than 95% was present in bidly obese patients with obstructive sleep apnea under-
4.8%. In a study describing two cases of intraoperative going awake craniotomy to remove a brain lesion adjacent
respiratory complications in patients undergoing asleep- to the language areas. Although nasopharyngeal cannulas
awake-asleep techniques [16], in one case hypercarbia have been recommended to improve intraoperative
developed with EtCO2 greater than 48 mmHg during ventilatory exchange [20,33] they carry a risk of intranasal
craniotomy while the patient was spontaneously breath- bleeding, may be difficult to position, and might interfere
ing through the laryngeal mask airway (LMA) and was with the surgical field [15].
successfully treated by gentle assisted manual venti-
lation. In the other case, slight hypercarbia with EtCO2 Our experience suggests that in most spontaneously
of 45 mmHg complicated by mild bulging of the brain breathing patients, giving 50% FiO2 via a facial mask
developed during the awake phase of surgery and guarantees adequate oxygenation and does not suppress
required prompt repositioning of the LMA. Severe oxy- ventilatory drive. The real-time EtCO2 concentration,
gen desaturation during which SpO2 values drop to 70% sampled in the upper airways, provides useful infor-
can lead to myocardial ischemia [25]. Airway instrumen- mation on ventilatory mechanics, and can prompt gentle
tation might therefore be needed at any surgical stage, as facial mask ventilatory support if hypercarbia develops.
well as on an emergency basis. Hence assessing airways Inadequate airway safety or ventilation a complication
preoperatively and keeping supraglottic airway devices that may arise during seizures or intractable cough
and flexible fiber optic bronchoscope readily available is should be treated with appropriate sedation and LMA
important. As highlighted by Conte et al. [26], to reduce positioning or fiberoptic-guided endotracheal intubation.
further the risk of perioperative complications, patients
must be carefully selected and detailed clinical com-
munication should be maintained between the anesthe- Sedation and analgesia
siological and surgical teams. In delivering anesthesia for awake neurosurgery, a
dedicated sedationanalgesia protocol is of paramount
Additional evidence underlining the importance of ade- importance because oversedation may lead to an unco-
quate PaCO2 removal during awake neurosurgery comes operative patient and cause respiratory depression to
from a clinical study by Khu and Ng [27] who showed develop, whereas undersedation makes the patient
that patients undergoing tumor removal with awake uncomfortable, agitated, and leads to unstable hemody-
anesthesia require a larger craniotomy than those receiv- namics (especially arterial hypertension and tachycardia).
ing general anesthesia, owing to increased brain swelling
and compression on the craniotomy edges possibly partly In a prospective study designed to assess prevalent
related to higher PaCO2 levels. Equally important, emotions and feelings in patients undergoing awake cra-
patients undergoing awake craniotomy cannot receive niotomy for brain tumor resection, Palese et al. [34] report
hyperventilation to control cerebral edema when a con- that at least half of the patients describe craniotomy as the
duit to mechanical ventilation in the form of an endo- worst experience during the whole operation, hence the
tracheal tube is absent. importance of adequate sedation during this early pro-
cedural stage. In a prospective observational, two-armed
In patients undergoing awake craniotomy the various study Hol et al. [35] showed that after adequate intra-
airway devices currently available range from simple operative sedationanalgesia awake craniotomy can be
nasopharyngeal cannulas to a modified tracheal tube physically and emotionally less stressful than general
allowing topical delivery of local anesthesia and reintu- anesthesia. As drugs for intraoperative sedation and
bation over a fiberoptic bronchoscope [15,28]. A major analgesia, consensus confirms the established role of propo-
technical advance that has met wide consensus is the use folfentanyl [16,2], propofolremifentanil [16,35], and
of an LMA for awake craniotomy in patients breathing dexmedetomidine. Dexmedetomidine with or without
spontaneously. This approach has the advantage of being concurrent useof propofol providessedation that resembles
accomplished without a laryngoscope and head exten- natural sleep, without respiratory depression [18,28].

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Anesthesia for awake neurosurgery Bilotta and Rosa 563

Although some evidence suggests titrating propofol infu- In a clinical study of patients who underwent craniotomy
sion with intraoperative bispectral index monitoring with propofolremifentanil-based general anesthesia our
[2,16], in patients undergoing awake neurosurgery an group [39] found that postoperative infusion of esmolol
equally important concern is to set up an adequate effectively blunts the hemodynamic changes (namely
strategy also for postoperative pain control [36,37]. Remi- arterial hypertension and tachycardia) that frequently
fentanil is a well tolerated opioid and provides good arise when remifentanil is discontinued. These benefits
intraoperative pain control but sometimes induces post- might extend also to patients undergoing remifentanil-
operative complications including hyperalgesia and based anesthesia for awake neurosurgery. Severe arterial
hypertension or tachycardia [38,39]. hypertension and tachycardia need to be prevented or
promptly treated because both events can lead to myo-
To provide a dedicated intraoperative and postoperative cardial ischemia [25].
sedationanalgesia protocol is also important because
awake craniotomy, owing to its low complication rate, is In our experience various antihypertensive medications
broadening the use of brain surgery on a day-case basis, thus including beta blockers [2,25,39], calcium-channel
considerably reducing costs and utilization of resources by antagonists [42], and a-adrenergic receptor agonists [16]
minimizing intensive care time and total hospital stay can be safely and effectively used to manipulate arterial
without compromising patient care [35,40,41]. blood pressure, whereas nitrates should be avoided
because they can induce major changes in cerebral blood
In our experience, the preoperative infusion of fentanyl volume leading to brain swelling (Table 2).
13 mg/kg in addition to intraoperative use of paraceta-
mol, a drug that also provides some transitory analgesia,
and propofol infusion titrated to the changing levels of Clinical research
sedation needed, will in most patients provide adequate Apart from the need for controlled trials aimed to improve
analgesia and sedation. In North America, most anesthe- the delivery of anesthesia for awake neurosurgery, this
siologists prefer to provide adjunctive intraoperative setting offers a unique scenario for clinical research in
analgesia with remifentanil infusion (Table 2). neurosciences and in neuroanesthesia. In a prospective
study, Pennings et al. [43] investigated brain tissue oxy-
gen pressure in awake patients undergoing deep-brain
Hemodynamic management stimulation. This study originally reported that the mean
One of the most challenging tasks of anesthesia for intraoperative partial brain tissue oxygen pressure is
awake neurosurgery is optimization of operating con- markedly lower in awake patients than in patients under-
ditions by manipulating systemic and cerebral hemo- going craniotomy for neurovascular disease or brain
dynamics. In most cases, relative hypotension or normo- tumors under general anesthesia (23 vs. 3348 mmHg).
tension is indicated to reduce bleeding and brain It also underlines that the long adaptation time renders
swelling during brain exposure, whereas normal blood partial brain tissue oxygen pressure values unreliable in
pressure is essential for surgical hemostasis; and ade- detecting ischemia early after electrode insertion and
quate hemodynamic manipulation is often required to limits its usefulness for intraoperative monitoring.
prevent arterial hypertension, thus minimizing the risk
of postoperative intracranial hemorrhage. In a prospective study Hol et al. [35] tested an innovative
approach for measuring perioperative stress by quanti-
In their clinical study, Khatib et al. [19] showed an tatively assaying plasma amino acid concentrations in
overall complication rate of 11.6% in patients undergoing patients undergoing craniotomy under awake or general
awake neurosurgery for deep-brain stimulation. The anesthesia. Their findings suggest that patients under-
most frequent complications were neurologic (3.6%) going awake neurosurgery had fewer changes in plasma
and among these, intracranial hemorrhage had the high- amino acid profile and that this quantitative approach holds
est incidence, up to 2.8% of the patients. Hence preven- promise for monitoring postoperative pain and recovery.
tion and aggressive treatment of arterial hypertension is
important. The data from the case series by Sinha et al. [2] Seeking to improve methods for monitoring postopera-
confirm and extend the importance of careful manage- tive pain and recovery in patients undergoing anesthesia
ment of systemic hemodynamics. They reported that for awake neurosurgery, Sinha et al. [2] describe the use of
arterial hypertension with systolic blood pressure rising bispectral index monitoring. Their results confirm and
by more than 30% from baseline values complicated 19% extend previous evidence in patients receiving general
of the procedures, tachycardia with heart rate of more anesthesia showing that this monitoring technique
than 140 beats/min complicated 7.1% of the cases and reduces consumption of anesthetics but unless a cost-
bradycardia with a heart rate of less than 50 beats/min effectiveness analysis proves otherwise it might increase
complicated 4.8% of the cases. total costs owing to the expensive electrodes required.

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564 Neuroanaesthesia

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