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A Passive Voice [be + past participle]

The passive voice is used when the focus is on the action, not the person or thing that does
the action (the doer).

e.g. My secretary sent the letter. [Active = the focus is on the doer]
e.g. The letter was sent (by the secretary). [Passive = the focus is on the action]

We usually use the passive when:
(i) the doer is not known
e.g. My car was stolen (= we dont know who stole the car)
e.g. The window was broken (= we dont know who broke the window)

(ii) the doer is not important
e.g. The letter was sent yesterday (= the action is important, not the doer)
e.g. He was given an award for his work. (= we are interested in the action, not the doer)

(iii) the doer is obvious
e.g. The thief was arrested last night. (= only the police can arrest people)
e.g. He was sentenced to 10 years in prison (= only a judge can give prison sentences)

* In the above three cases, we do not usually mention the doer.
e.g. My car was stolen by someone.
e.g. The thief was arrested last night by the police.

(+) This car is made in Japan.
(-) This car isnt made in Japan.
(?) Is this car made in Japan?

(+) The letter was sent yesterday.
(-) The letter wasnt sent yesterday.
(?) Was the letter sent yesterday?

Leyla Ozmenekse

be + past participle

Present Simple Passive Past Simple Passive

am/is/are + past participle was/were + past participle

e.g. Emiratis drink a lot of coffee. [active] e.g. My mother made the cake. [active]

A lot of coffee is drunk by Emiratis. [passive] The cake was made by my mother. [passive]

To change an active sentence into a passive sentence:
1. Take the object of the active sentence and place it in subject position.
2. Apply the passive rule [be + p.p.] to the verb.
3. Place the subject of the active sentence at the end of the passive sentence using by

If the active sentence has no object, you cannot change it to a passive sentence.

e.g. The old man died in hospital (= no object)
subject verb preposition phrase

e.g. My grandmother fell down yesterday. (= no object)
subject verb time expression

* The verbs die and fall down are intransitive verbs. Intransitive verbs do not have objects.

D Change the active sentences below into passive sentences.

1. My father painted the living room yesterday.


2. A car hit him while he was crossing the road.


Leyla Ozmenekse
3. They sent a letter to the manager.


4. The old man died in hospital.


5. They rescued the cat from the tree.


6. The police caught the thieves.


7. They print one million newspapers every day.


8. The company pays them every week.


9. Nasser feeds the camels every morning.


10. They sent the invitations last week.


Now change these passive statements into passive questions.
1. This book was written by John Steinbeck.

Who ________________________________________________________________?

2. He was caught by the police yesterday.

When ________________________________________________________________?

Leyla Ozmenekse
3. John was dismissed from the university.

Why ________________________________________________________________?

4. The cat was rescued by the window cleaner.

Who _________________________________________________________________?

5. The injured man was taken to Sheikh Khalifa Hospital.

Where _______________________________________________________________?

Complete the sentences with the active or passive form of the verbs in brackets. Some are
F present and some are past.

1) One million newspapers __________________ (print) every day.

2) The house __________________ (clean) yesterday.

3) This bridge __________________ (build) in 1989.

4) Ahmed __________________ (speak) five languages.

5) My sister __________________ (eat) the last piece of cake last night.

6) My mobile phone __________________ (steal) a few days ago.

7) Sultan loves tennis. He __________________ (play) three times a week.

8) I __________________ (not/invite) to Mariams party last week.

9) Machboos __________________ (make) from rice and meat.

10) We __________________ (invite) a lot of people to our wedding last year.

Leyla Ozmenekse

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