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Why Adidas
I like the caption I see when we open Adidas careers site Raise your digital future I
am interested in digital marketing and I also did specialization in the e-business
technologies during my masters, so choosing Adidas as career help me work for my
passion and be part of your success and the tag line we wont wear suits to work
states friendly work environment in company which motivates an individual to work.
2. What you know about Adidas?

Adidas is a german based global leader in sporting goods with brands built on passion for sports and
sporting lifestyle.

with a principle to support every kind of athelete to perform better and to make them live up to full

The group is into the manufacturing of various sporting equipment coupled with its innovative
techiques and strategies, through its numerous brands of reebok, taylormade, ashworth five ten,
adidas golf etcc

equipments related to various sports, mainly golf, hockey, football, running, training etc among others
are manufactured.

In one word, the group is a One stop solution for the players of all needs like performance, fitness and

Its goal to become true fast company by 2020 is being achieved through digitisation, urbanisation and
individualisation models. True fast company in the sense, faster delivery of products, increased
opportunities to react to short term and in season trends and to eliminate the risk of under or over
stock building by supplying products in shorter period of time.

To become a true fast compnay and to expnd its business from todays limited active markets of
north america, greater china and russia, digitisation plays a prominent role.
through ecommerce and emarketing
3.What do you consider to be your best skill, and how do you believe that will
help you succeed at Adidas?
My Strengths are being adaptable to any technology at work, resilient and innovative
At my current work place AVEVA, Ive joined as a fresher and got trained in .NET
technologies. But when shuffling teams, I am into design application team which
develops core applications of companys tag line product Everything3D. The work there
demanded me to learn PML, Avivas own technology on my own without much support.
Though a fresher Ive managed to release project within 5 months span where I
handled the project from a fragile state to no priority issue state. Challenges included
learning new technology. Now in my present team am taking up new challenge learning
AWS and hosting Avivas products onto cloud.
I believe having these characteristics help me leading a successful career at Adidas,
which always steps for innovation and challenges.
4.whos been your greatest inspiration

5.Give me a specific example of a time when you used good

judgement and logic in solving a problem
During the project release of SLH, Ive noticed code refactoring and change
in the code flow can improve performance of product.
But project is already into release lock, where only priority fixes will be
included. But I convinced the team and to raise this enhancement as
priority. With team support, I quickly completed the task before the
deadline. This fix made the product more stable for the release and got
good appreciation to team from product owners.
6. Describe for me a time when you failed at something and how you
Ive been assigned an issue to solve, Ive just concentrated on the
scenarios given in issue description and fixed the issue. But during sales
team test my fix failed the other scenario, so issue didnt pass the release
board on time denied by the sales team. At the end it gave bad impression,
as not properly understanding the requirements and considering all
scenarios during fix. This drive me to extensively learn product and started
playing with that after any fix I do an extensive test before handing to test
team. Started learning more product knowledge in customers perspective
for better development of product and fixes.

7.Give me an example of when you had to work with someone who

was difficult to get along with.
I felt frustrated when one of my senior members in team who is PML expert
denied sharing knowledge to me, supporting me to complete tasks as I am
fresher when joined. Instead of ignoring and complaining, Ive spoken to
him softly and make him understand, with support of me and guiding me
properly reduces his burden of work and took initiative of conducting team
building activities to strengthen team bonding.
This helped me in getting proper training session from him to learn work
and complete my tasks properly.
8.Tell me about when you came up with Innovative solution to a
challenge your company / class is facing
I noticed a trend of calling outside trainers to train the employees based on
companys requirement. Though they are professional trainers they bluntly
go with the topic/ requirement given. Rather person having knowledge on
companys perspective in using the technology can better make employees
to perform better after the training. After analyzing the suggestion, Senior
Management called for employees who are interested to give training
sessions on companys requirement voluntarily. This saved the budget and
time of company.
9.Tell me about an accomplishment in your career that you are very
proud of
Being novice to both technology and in handling project, I am able to
release SLH project which bought me star of the year award. I am able to
overcome challenges learning new technology PML and understanding Oil
and Gas Industry domain to design the application better and exceeded the
expectations of my managers by releasing the project on time.
10.In Five years where do you see yourself in Adidas.
In present company I ve started exploring new zones like cloud and digital
marketing products like AVEVANET. By attaining the position at Adidas, I
will be taking steps towards my next goals like learning, mastering new
technologies to broaden my knowledge and moving towards leadership
roles by knowing more about Adidas with time which help me to grow and
contribute to organization better.
11. Describe a situation when you or a group that you were a part of
were in danger of missing a deadline. What did you do?
When I joined design applications team, they were handling two projects
pipe fabrication and SLH with very short deadlines of release and fragile
products at that time. We as a team decided to conduct multiple meetings
with product owners to prioritize features to be delivered within the release
time given and followed the agile process of dividing work into sprints,
regular feedback from sales and standups to know each others work in
team and avoided duplication of work. This process helped us to release
projects on time, though we had fear of missing deadline in earlier days
12. Tell me about a time when you worked on a team and a member
was not doing their share of the work
When one team member is not pulling their weight it puts extra pressure on
the others and may lead to conflict. Our team faced problem with one such
guy who is very casual at work and contributing minimum. I had a friendly talk
with him and helped him to prioritize the tasks and work in an organized way
and reminding him on time for meetings. This help on time which hes looking
for exactly made him good contributor in team.
13.Why did you choose Adidas, when applying for your career?

Adidas is growing fastly in digitization to expand it horizons in business, E-

Commerce is my passion, choosing career in Adidas will help me reach my
next set of goals and help me grow better. When I got to know Adidas
receiving continuous awards for its innovation and sustainably confirmed
my belief of attaining position in the organization will shape me as better
competitive individual.
14. Give me a specific example of a time when you had to handle an
irate customer or coworker. How did you handle the situation?
I cant expect where all situations or persons will be favorable to me. The
key I follow when I am in negative situation is to calm myself first, I will
convey sorry for the inconvenience caused and explain the situation to the
customer or coworker, make him stay calm and showing concern towards
the problem hes facing and listening it carefully. I believe effective listening
is most important aspect in customer service. Then I will explain the steps
which will be taken to solve the problem and see that I make him agreeable
to solution given.


making, creative problem solving and opportunities for spontaneous

collaboration are becoming the norm.
And we dont wear suits to work.

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