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Books Articles and Papers
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Gulati, I.S. and Mody, A. (1983). Remittances of Indian Migrants totheMiddle East: an
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I. Description of Identification of DML in Trivandrum
1. Name
2. Gender
3. Age
4. Education Qualification a. Literate b. primary c. UP d. HS
e. matriculation and above
5. Do you have an ID card? a. Yes b. No
6. If yes want type a card
7. State of origin:
8. Religion:
II. Life, Work environment and Place of residence of DML
9. Name of place where you reside
City/ Town/ Panchayat:
10. Residing since
(Month/ Year):
11. Nature of dwelling place a. House b. Room
12. Are you residing in the work site? a. Yes b.No
Toilet facility: a. Common b. Individual
13. No. persons per room / house
14. Cooking arrangement a. Common b. Individual
15. If common, only with same a. Yes b. No
language groups:
16. What fuel is used for cooking? a. Kerosene b. Gas
c. Others- specify
17. Rent per month:
18. Advanced if any: a. Yes b. No
19. Have you stayed in Kerala earlier? a. Yes b. No
III. Family of DML
20. No. of members in family (back
No of males:
No of Female:

21. Have you stayed away from home

If Yes when:
How long:

22. Did you borrow money for travel? a. Yes b. No

If Yes, from whom? : a. Relative b. friend

c.contractor d. other Specify
How much?
23. Did you repay the loan? a. Yes b. No
24. How did you repay the loan a. Cut form wages b. Repay on the
next visit c. Others- specify
25. How many are with you in a. Adult male:
Trivandrum / kerala? b. Adult female:
c. Children; d. NR:
26. How many family members works a.Adult male: b. Adult female:
in your current place of work? c.Children; d. NR:
27. How many have migrated for a.Adult male: b.Adult female:
employment? c.Children; d. NR:
IV. Employment and Wages DML
28. From whom did you come to know a. Relatives b. Friend c. Contractor d.
of the possible employment in Others (specify)
29. Industry of employment promised a. Construction b. Trade c.
Manufacturing d. Agriculture e.
hotel and Restaurant f. Others-
30. Sector of employment a. Construction b. Trade c.
Manufacturing d. Agriculture e.
hotel and Restaurant f. Others-
31. Are you working under a contractor
or casual employers?

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