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Early pregnancy, also popularly known as teenage pregnancy is a very unpleasant issue
yet repeated often.

Some 16.5 million Filipino belong to the 15-24 have children of their own 30 of all births
belong to this age group; and by age of 20, 25% of the youth are already mothers.

Statistic show that every year at least 64,000 teenagers have abortion, and statistics from
a country where abortion is illegal, yet we claim we are catholic, who are preserving and valuing
life, and because of their sexual urges, they actually killing a life of an innocent child who even
not yet seen the beauty of living.

Pregnancy is a precious gift. The baby is a miracle? A great gift and treasure from God.
Pregnancy is not a sin neither a crime. As a whole, there is really nothing wrong with pregnancy,
the important is how they are giving importance to the life on their womb.

In fact, we should not judge those who had given birth at a very young age. Because they
dont need judgment, what they need is understanding and acceptance. And having the reality
that youre and lending youre hand to two lives. You can save and accept those two lives or
judge them like they had committed a crime.

We, the researchers really accepted this topic whole heartedly as we had graduated from
our own perspective schools where teenage pregnancy exists. We also live in our own society
where we also see the impact of giving birth at a very young age. And admitting the fact that we
live in our prolife country, where abortions also take place. And we also wanted to know what
the reality is.

To the readers we are posing you a challenge that behind this issue is needs also a help
from you. That its not enough that we just known that early pregnancy widely exist, what we
need is to help in changing the image that there is nothing wrong with early pregnancy. The
every forgivable and also as in is aborting the child. Its in our hands if how can we save and
accept those two lives in the society we are living now.

In the Philippines, according to the 2002 Young Adult Fertility and Sexuality Study by
the University of the Philippines Population Institute (Uppi) and the Demographic Research and
Development Foundation, 26 percent of our Filipino youth nationwide from ages 15 to 25
admitted to having a premarital sex experience. Whats worse is that 38 percent of our youth are
already in a live-in arrangement.

Teenage pregnancy is the condition of being pregnant of adolescence aged 10 to 19.

Those who are affected are the girl herself up to the national society. The victims of teenage
pregnancy are the girl herself, her child, her parents and relatives and the national society as a
whole. It will also probably make her economically vulnerable.

The national scope of the problem is alarming; the United Nation Population Fund Agency
(UNPFC) representative Ugochi Daniels claims that this could derail the countrys Millennium
Development Goals (MDGs). The Millennium Development Goals are eight international
development goals that the UN member states have agreed to achieve by the year 2015. These
MDG include eradicating extreme poverty and attaining universal primary education. In fact,
among the six ASEAN major economies, the Philippines ranked the highest rate in teenage


Teen pregnancy is a communal problem, a family problem, and a personal problem all rolled
into one. It frequently goes hand in hand with premarital sex. Problems come when the news
needs to breach each parents party. A spring of thought flash before ones eyes, and registers
only two; whether, to back the hell up abort the child or carry on with the pregnancy but sign
up for adoption - or get the hell in have the child with all its perks and consequences alike.

After which, these impressions simply serve no purpose but to put them off, and deduce to
mere nuisance to them when the truth of their situation slowly sinks in. How do they provide for
the child if their parents cut them short financially? Will they be able to go to grad school? What
will become of their future? What will become of their childs future? By this time, they would
have to contend with the pressures of parenthood. Whatll truly bother them in the long run is the
reality of whether or not they can fulfill their obligation as parents, and the security of their
childs future. Teenage pregnancy is becoming a societal problem that branches out to other


The purpose of this research is to analyze the understanding of the teenagers in different
areas in BANGUED, ABRA concerning the issue of early pregnancy, regarding their
perceptions, thoughts, and insights.

This especially seeks to answer the following questions:

1. The respondents age when they became pregnant.

2. The respondents willingness to be pregnant.

3. The things that forced them to do it.

4. It also aims to get the background of the teenagers aftermath regarding:

4.1 Reaction of the teenagers

4.2 Partners willingness to support

4.3 Reaction of the parents

4.4 Effects on the teenagers

4.5 Way of living after becoming a parent

5. The teenagers willingness to abort the child after knowing that they are pregnant.

6. The moral lesson that the teenagers had learn.


This study hopes to make the following contribution to the following:

To all students:

This study may help developed better understanding about the often repeated early
pregnancy issue. This may help them to be educated that is not easy to be a parent at a very
young age.

To all teenagers:

This study might help to get prepared to the changes and problems that will be brought of
giving birth to a child at unexpected time. In this study, their eyes might be open at a glaring
truth that there are lots of teenagers like them suffering on the effect of being a teenage mother.


The useful and relevant information acquire from the study may provide their insights on
how it effects the living of every teenager.


This study made clear to determine the perception of early pregnancy in different areas at

In the year 2011, united nations population fund association annual UNPFA report said
that there are 53 births per 1,000 women aged between 15 -19 in the Philippines. With a 70
percent risen otedinspanof10 years from 1999 to 2009 ,the Philippines has one of the highest
teenage pregnancy rate in the association of east Asian nation ASEAN .its a is that UNFPA
figure on a female adolescent pregnancies indicate the total number of annual births changed
little over the preceding 10 years.

And in the year 2000 ,one fifth of the countrys population belongs to the 15 to 24 year
old bracket that means 6.5million youngers by 2030 this number is projected to reach 30


This chapter represents the related literature and studies that have bearing on the research.
It also serves as the background of the problem.


Teen pregnancy is one of the most difficult experiences a young person might ever face
when it interrupts school or other plans. It can create an emotional crisis resulting in feelings of
shame and fear, and it may appear that you will crumble under pressures in your environment.
The stress of how one would break the news to their parents might be even greater, and finding
help may seem an impossible task. People might think that they can help others, or one might be
too embarrassed to search for help. For the most part, when one sees teenagers raising children,
we often think that the teen has been raped or is too mature for their age. For this reason, some
totally miss the issues that one must have been exposed to in their society, the society of their
home, community, school. There are many viewpoints as to why teenage females are having so
many children out of wedlock. However, the facts are obviousteenaged females are highly
influenced by many social issues, but those with the lack of strong parental guidance, sex
education, and positive mass media are more likely to have a premarital pregnancy.

The "Lack of Parental Guidance Contributes to Teen Pregnancy," states that most people evade
their children from talking about sex. In some cases, they provide false information regarding sex
and discourage their children to participate in any informative discussion about sex. In some
cases, teenage mothers are not well educated about sex before getting pregnant and thus this
leads to lack of communication between the parents and the children. Steven Black, child of
teenage parent states, I think the lack of parental guidance is a strong influence on teenage
pregnancy. The fact remains that more teenagers/adolescents are having babies, and the teenager
would not see the problem with sex at a young age since their parents had sex at a young age.
Emily, a college student at Eastern Michigan University claims that she was pressured into
having sex with her boyfriend when she was thirteen, but neither of her parents had taught her
how to deal with this pressure and to say "no". The lack of communication, supervision, and
guidance is the main result of teenagers becoming pregnant in America. There are so many cases,
such as Emilys, where young girls have not been taught about self-respect and guided to say no
to sex.

There is still work to be done because the lack of education on safe sex, whether its from
parents, schools, or otherwise, is not yet preventing teenage pregnancy. Many teenagers are not
taught about methods of birth control and how to deal with peers who pressure them into having
sex before they are ready. Some teens have said to be pressured into having sex with their
boyfriend when the teen was young and yet no one had taught these teens how to deal with this
pressure or to say "no". According to an online new article, Sex Education the Works
educating teenagers about their sexual behavior and activity create skills helps to inform them
about acting on these choices. When providing sex education it can seem daunting because it
means tackling a sensitive issue and involves a variety of people a parents, schools, community
groups and health service providers. However, because sex education comprises many individual
activities, which take place across a wide range of settings and periods of time, there are lots of
opportunities to contribute.


It is a story that may not be too pleasant, but one that is repeated all too often: teenage

Some 16.5 million Filipinos belong to the 15-24 year old age group. We are forced with a glaring
truth that at a very young age, a lot of young people today have children of their own. 30 % of all
births belong to this age group; and by the age of 20, 25% of the youth are already mothers.

Statistics show that every year at least 64,000 teenagers have abortions, and those are statistics
from a country where abortion is illegal, yet we claim we are Catholics, who are preserving and
valuing life. Abortions. Do these teens know they are killing a human? They might or they might
not, or they might just pretend they do not know. But how did abortion come into the picture?
How did abortion even become an option? Fear. Fear of being unaccepted, fear of the unknown,
and lots and lots of fear. Will no one stand up and lend an ear to just listen to what these teens are
experiencing? Just how many more girls are getting rid of their babies? How many girls die by
trying to kill their unborn child? How many babies will have to lose their life because no one

We might say that the pregnancy of these teenagers is just the mere result of the
gratification of sexual urges. Yes we might say that. That pregnancy would not occur if studies
had been prioritized instead of the relationship of the opposite sex. That if there were no
premarital sex (PMS), there would be no pregnancy. On one simple glance, we would judge
these teenagers guilty. Period. But have we even asked ourselves if we have the right to judge?
Were we there when these teens were growing up? Were we even present when these teens cried
out for love when they were still kids? Were we there to witness how their concept of love
metamorphoses into sex and there was no one to correct this wrong concept? My point is, were
not there and we do not know. What right do we have to judge?

As a whole, the situation is grim for pregnant teenage girls ands their babies. Forced with few
options with nowhere to turn to, many girls find various ways to get rid of the fetus. In a few
cases, some simply disguise their bellies and hide their pregnancy from everyone, and deal with
the baby only at the time of birth.

These things often happen because of the seeming lack option for pregnant teenagers;
because of the supposed shame that the pregnancy brings, many would rather deal with it on
their own rather than involving their family and friends. One can just imagine the impact
pregnancy would bring to a pregnant teen. Even married couples experiences fears when
pregnancy arises, how much more for the young teenagers. Questions and a lot more questions
would pop out from the minds of these young girls. What is now to happen to my studies? Who
would I tell this to? How should I tell this to my parents? What is to happen now? With all these
questions coming out, who will then try to enlighten? Friends, who might say keep the baby; or
friends, who suggest to get rid of the baby? When the parents, the supposedly right persons to tell
to, do not even know? My question is, who can help these people to make the right choice?

Pregnancy is a gift. The baby is a miracle, a great gift and treasure from God. Pregnancy
is not a sin neither a crime. It is merely a result of a consummated relationship; pregnancy may
not be planned by man but has long been laid out in the perfect plan of our Creator.

Pregnancy during the teenage years is a bombastic situation, one that comes unexpected.
For a student facing unintended pregnancy, the physical, emotional and spiritual issues can seem
overwhelming. Teenage pregnancy may have been the result of the lack of supervision from
parents, though blaming is nonetheless helpful if pregnancy presents itself. What I would like to
emphasize is that the pregnant teenagers need help. They need understanding and acceptance the
more. Who would lend a helping hand? Would you lend a hand and save not only one but two

To the readers, I would like to pose a challenge. What can you do to the commitment and
choice of life? Can you make every extra effort to provide pregnant students with caring, non-
judgmental, professional assistance and support?

It may sound so idealistic or what, and its up to all of you to decide for yourself, but I
really do believe that in our own little ways we have to do something to make the world a better
place, and not a bitter place to live in. God love us so much, and its up to us to spread that love
to the people who needs it more.. and most.

As with many developing countries, the rate of teenage pregnancy in South Africa is
high. Most people argue that this is a substantial problem for the country, and is an expression of
a failure to help young girls deal with sexuality. This failure leads to not only pregnancies and
abortions, but also to STDs and HIV and AIDS; many believe that adolescents in South Africa
are in desperate need of adequate sex education and confidential contraceptive services.

There are many factors behind teenage pregnancy in South Africa. Often, adequate
knowledge of contraception is lacking, due to negative attitudes regarding sexual activity before
marriage. Young girls are not educated about contraceptive use because many believe there is no
need to educate them; they must wait until they are married to have sex anyway.

Teenage pregnancy in South Africa is mainly a problem among women who live in rural,
poverty-stricken areas; South Africans urban female adolescents, however, are also at a high risk
of finding themselves pregnant at an early age. These urban girls have become addicted to drugs,
alcohol, and expensive lifestyles; to ensure that they have the money for their desires, they sadly
stumble onto the path of prostitution and often become pregnant and drop out of school.

Unfortunately, there are a number of myths, the most prominent being that sleeping with
a virgin will cure HIV-AIDS that actually promote the rape of young women. In many cases,
these victims are left pregnant. Education regarding these myths and other issues relating to
teenage pregnancy in South Africa are believed to be fundamental in dealing with the problem of
adolescent pregnancy. Many education programs, however, are controversial, as is the practice of
forcing a young girl who is visibly pregnant to drop out of school; furthermore, a consensus has
not been reached as to what degree tradition should play in educating young girls.
One controversial practice that may be impacting teenage pregnancy in South Africa is
that of virginity testing in rural KwaZulu-Natal, where girls on average between the ages of 7
and 26 allow a stranger to check if their hymens are intact. The girls are overjoyed when the test
confirms they are virgins. People supporting this practice say that it is an effective tool in
stopping the spread of teenage pregnancies and HIV, while opponents claim that the practice is
unconstitutional, unhygienic and a violation of human rights. Advocates of the practice also
agree that virginity testing is unhygienic at the moment, as the tester touches up to 600 girls a
day, often with bare hands and without washing hands between girls; however, advocates claim
that if the government supported the practice, there would be funding to purchase gloves, food,
and areas where girls could be tested in private. Furthermore, many supporters of the practice
argue that in a country where rape of young girls is prevalent, virginity testing is proving to be a
useful method of uncovering sexual abuse on young girls who fear speaking out about


In the Philippines, according to the 2002 Young Adult Fertility and Sexuality Study by
the University of the Philippines Population Institute (UPPI) and the Demographic Research and
Development Foundation, 26 percent of our Filipino youth nationwide from ages 15 to 25
admitted to having a premarital sex experience. Whats worse is that 38 percent of our youth are
already in a live-in arrangement.

The 1998 National Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS) reveal that 3.6 million of our
teenagers (thats a whopping 5.2 percent of our population!) got pregnant. In 92 percent of these
teens, the pregnancy was unplanned, and the majority, 78 percent, did not even use
contraceptives the first time they had sex. Many of the youth are clueless that even on a single
intercourse, they could wind up pregnant.


There are many reasons teen pregnancies should be avoided. Heres a low down on the facts:

Risk for malnutrition

Teenage mothers tend to have poor eating habits and are less likely to take recommended daily
multivitamins to maintain adequate nutrition during pregnancy. They are also more likely to
smoke, drink or take drugs during pregnancy, which can cause health problems for the baby.

Risk for inadequate prenatal care

Teenage mothers are less likely to seek regular prenatal care which is essential for monitoring the
growth of the fetus; keeping the mothers weight in check; and advising the mother on nutrition
and how she should take care of herself to ensure a healthy pregnancy. According to the
American Medical Association, babies born to women who do not have regular prenatal care are
4 times more likely to die before the age of 1 year.

Risk for abortion

Unplanned pregnancies lead to a higher rate of abortions. In the United States, nearly 4 in 10
teen pregnancies (excluding those ending in miscarriages) are terminated by abortion. There
were about 274,000 abortions among teens in 1996.

In the Philippines, although abortion is illegal, it would shock you to know that we even have a
higher abortion rate (25/1,000 women) compared to the United States where abortion is legal
(23/1,000 women). For sure, there are more abortions that happen in our country that are not
even reported. Backdoor abortions are resorted to with untrained hilots with questionable sterility
procedures, increasing the possibility for tetanus poisoning and other complications.

Risk for fetal deaths

Statistics of the Department of Health show that fetal deaths are more likely to happen to young
mothers and that babies born by them are likely to have low birth weight.

Risk for acquiring cervical cancer

The Human Papilloma virus (HPV) is a sexually-transmitted, wart-forming virus that has been
implicated in causing cancer of the cervix. This is the most common cancer in women secondary
to breast cancer. Women who are at increased risk for acquiring this are those who engage in sex
before 18, have a pregnancy at or younger than 18, or have had at least 5 sexual partners, or have
had a partner with at least 5 sexual partners.

If you start sex at an early age, you have a higher likelihood of going through several sexual
partners before you settle down, thus increasing your exposure to acquiring the virus and
acquiring cervical cancer. The men can get genital warts from this virus and can certainly pass it
on to their partners, thus increasing her risk for cervical cancer. Is that something you would
want to gift to your wife with on your honeymoon? There is a way to test women (HPV Digene
test) but no test for the man so you cant know if you have it. Using the condom does not confer
protection against acquiring this virus since the condom cannot cover the testes where the warts
can grow and proliferate.


Sexuality and desire are inherent components of the human psyche. These influence a persons
attitudes and behavior. It is also heightened during certain periods of a persons lifetime.
Adolescence is one such period.

Behavior and attitude of the youth change not because they are losing what some would loosely
refer to as moral values but because these do evolve through time as the environment and
contexts do. Their perceptions on issues may vary from that of previous generations. It is
therefore important to understand the issue of teen pregnancy in this context, probing shifts and
trends in behaviors, attitudes and perceptions of the young.

According to the National Youth Study (NYAS) of 2010 by the National Youth Commission
(NYC), the young are already exploring romantic relationships at an early age; almost 75% of
15- to 17-year-olds are already looking for romantic partners. Even their perception on early
sexual encounter is evolving: 37% of the same age group believe early sexual encounter is
acceptable to society. These perceptions shape their sexual attitudes and behavior, leading to
higher incidence of early sexual encounters among the youth and having their sexual debut at a
younger age. This explains why 37% of women already had their first sexual encounter by age
19, as reported by the 2008 National Demographic Health Survey.
If perceptions shape behavior, technology is largely responsible in escalating it. Interactions
among the youth now are further facilitated by advances in telecommunications and online
platforms in a manner never seen before. Whereas before meeting prospective partners can be a
long-drawn process, it is now happening at an unprecedented speed. Accessibility of
telecommunications and internet social networking hasten and make easy the matching process.
A young person who has single as Facebook status could be in a relationship in a matter of
days, even hours.

Social realities like labor migration also shape and influence the behavior of the youth. As one
parent or both parents leave the family home to work somewhere else, children acquire a sense
of independence early on because they receive less supervision. It is no wonder why most of the
first sexual encounters of the youth take place in the home.

What complicates the already complicated situation even more is the lack of adolescent sexual
and reproductive health education. This lack of knowledge compounds the tendency for risky
sexual behavior among the youth. The young do not have authoritative sources of information on
issues of sex and sexuality.

Parents have discomfort discussing these topics with their children and even discourage
conversations on these issues. The discomfort comes from their own social experience where
conversations on sex are generally frowned upon, leading to a sex-negative environment. Sex
and sexuality have been so demonized that some young people refuse to talk about it. Second,
the young are not getting the necessary information in school. This has always been the case
especially given the delay in implementation of the Responsible Parenthood Law that provides
for age-appropriate reproductive health (RH) education. Religious educational institutions still
refuse to teach RH education to their students, sticking to their tightly held assumption that it
will make the young curious and promiscuous.

If not at home nor in the school, where do the young get information about sexuality? They
normally get it from peers who can be as misinformed as they are. This perpetuates the many
false assumptions about sex, which range from you will not get pregnant if you urinate after
sex to if the girl stands up after sex, she is safe to withdrawal prevents pregnancy. The
youth also rely on the internet for information, but not all information online are true and
accurate. At times, online platforms even perpetuate and amplify the many existing

The changing norms, social conditions and advances in information technology, when
compounded with lack of knowledge and raging hormones, could lead to risky behavior.

Persistent and Rising

2011_hrd_81111_pepeIt is alarming when most people know of someone, a friend,

relative, classmate or neighbor, who got pregnant while in their teens. This is now the situation.

Tracking the incidence of teen pregnancy in the country reveals that there has been a
constant increase in the past decade. In the year 2000, 7% of all births were accounted to mothers
below 19 years old. By the 2010, their share increased to 12%. The Philippines may not have the
highest incidence in Southeast Asia but the country has the highest rate of increase. In 2011, the
United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) reported that it is only in the Philippines where the
rate is increasing; it is decreasing in other countries in the region.

There are areas in the country where the incidence of births below 19 years old is higher
than the national average. The region with the highest incidence is CARAGA region (15%)
followed by Davao region (13.8%) and SOCCKSKSARGEN (13.6). Other regions that have
high incidence are Northern Mindanao (12.9%) and MIMAROPA (12.8%).

Incidence is not only rising; those getting pregnant are also getting younger. Births
accounted to those under 15 years old doubled in a decade. A sampling of a number of
Department of Health retained hospitals in 2011 shows a remarkable number of deliveries by
girls 10-14 years old. In the Ilocos Region and Cordillera Administrative Region for example,
hospital records showed that there are more than a hundred deliveries by mothers below 15 years

There is also the phenomenon of teen mothers having multiple children at a young age.
Take the case of birth spacing as reported by the 2011 Family Health Survey: 27.7% of Filipino
children are born less than 2 years (24 months) after a previous birth; 66.9% of such children are
born to younger women age 15-19.
The National Statistics Office in 2010 recorded cases of young women having four to five
children before the age of 19. There are more than 3,000 young mothers who already gave birth
three times by age 19. There are also more than 300 who have four babies at the same age. More
alarming are the cases of girls having 2-3 children before the age of 15. NSO recorded incidence
of girls below 15 years old who gave birth two to three times already. These figures can be
bigger because registration rate in the country is not 100%, especially for deliveries outside of
medical facilities. 44% of the delivery by the 15-19 age group is at home (FHS 2011).

Risky and Vulnerable

Adolescence is marked by dramatic physical development. Many changes are happening

in teenagers bodies. But these physical changes are not always in synch with their mental
growth. Most of the time, the development of the body overtakes mental and emotional maturity,
making them vulnerable because of the lack of knowledge and life skills to bridge the gap.

The average age of menarche or first menstruation in the country is 13 years old.
Menarche signals the beginning of reproductive capacity. This a drastic shift in the life cycle of a

Opponents of the RH law assert that adolescent sexual and reproductive health (ASRH)
education will make the young more promiscuous because it would arouse their curiosity. This
misses out on an important factual assumption: the young are curious. It is a natural tendency for
them to explore.

ASRH education being age and development appropriate is not about teaching them how
to have sex. It is about helping them understand their bodies and the developments that are
happening. It is about helping them make the right decisions and reduce their risky behavior.
Those opposing ASRH education have an inherent mistrust of young people. They do not
recognize the evolving capacity of the youth.
The reality is that young people are constantly making decisions. It is incumbent upon
society to help them make the right decisions because they are capable of doing so. The right
decision could be abstinence or protecting themselves with modern methods.

The teen pregnancy situation in the country paints a picture that negates the best interest
of the youth, especially young girls. The lack and, most of the time, absence of education that
could reduce risky behavior is not in their best interest. Young girls have the right to know what
is happening to their bodies. Knowledge breeds responsibility and the necessary life skills to care
for ones self.


a) The issue of teenage pregnancy has several consequences. It is continually increasing the
population growth rate in the society. Many babies are being born through it, which cannot be
catered for by the available resources.

b) The issue encourages dropping out from schools. Many pregnant female children end up
dropping out from school to avoid shame thus undermining government's efforts towards
ensuring Education for All and the Millennium Development goal of Education in the nearest

c) Due to poverty, many of those involved in teenage pregnancy die off prematurely because of
lack of proper medical attention.

According to the CDC, children born to teenage mothers have an effect on society as well.
These babies are more likely to rely on public health care throughout their lives and because they
also have more chronic medical conditions, this places a higher burden on the health system.

There are no specific laws that address the growing problem of teenage pregnancy in our
country; not only in our country but worldwide. This cannot be prevented since it is the decision
of the couple. One cannot simply tell a couple to not do the deed or have sex since they
themselves are capable of voicing opinions out.

The following laws are implemented to address the social issue of teenage pregnancy in
the Philippines; not directly but is connected to that topic as well: the RH Bill which includes sex
education and the use of contraceptives--- and thats about it. This tells us several things: firstly,
there are not enough laws that address teenage pregnancy since it is really difficult to monitor it.
Secondly, this social issue cannot be prevented with the help of laws since people cannot be
controlled in their decisions. And thirdly, this is a social issue that continues everywhere and not
even government officials or politicians know how to control it.


Sexual urge is not the main reason of early pregnancy instead their feeling of being in

The researcher also concluded that even the Philippines considered as prolife country,
large number of teenagers still plan to abort their child.

And foremost they had concluded that a mistake cannot really be solved by another



Being an educated person we should learn to obey the advice that will make ourselves a
better individual.

Being in the peak of having intense emotion we should learn control our limit and
boundaries of what we only give to a person.


They should the guide of their only child on their way go to the betterment of their live
and not the one who will made them forced to pursue to the path of their life.


As the one who holds the future they should educate the future generation, realize what
their future should be so, they cannot repeat the mistakes of the present teenagers.

Sex education can reach teenagers through many different ways, one of which is through
schools. The government can make it compulsory for school students to undergo at least a certain
number of hours of sex education. Instead of focusing on the dangers and consequences of
teenage pregnancy, schools can also educate teenagers on the advantages of not having a baby
when they are unprepared so that students may be able to weigh out the pros and the cons. This
can be enforced by getting students to attend service learning trips and having them be exposed
to the real world of teenage pregnancy.

Another way that teenagers can be educated about sex is through their parents but in order for
this to work, there must be a strong relationship between the child and the parent. Also with a
strong relationship, parents can have more influence in their childs sex decisions and may be
able to direct their decisions in the right way. So in other words, having a good parent-child
relationship can help to decrease the affected population.

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