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Clasa a XII-a Seciunea A
18 martie 2017


SUBJECT I (50 p)

Travelling and visiting countries is a thrilling experience. Write a 400-word essay expressing
your opinion on this matter.


On behalf of your college you have conducted a survey on the study habits of students. Write a
report for the college authorities, mentioning such factors as where students study, what time they
choose to study, whether they study alone, their use of computers, and any other factors you
consider relevant. Write between 280-300 words.


1. For questions 1-10, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each
space. Use only one word in each space. (10 p)

As a professional photographer and environmental psychologist, Wayne Hill knows (1) ............ needs to
be (2) ......... with bland-coloured offices and windowless conference rooms: hang art on the walls.
It (3) .down on stress and raises productivity and creative thinking. 'Our vivid experience of a place
(4) . ..usually be a wonderful memory, a magic moment at (5) of the sweet spots of the
world. Realistic landscape photographs help us reconnect with (6) . places.' When questioned, most
employees say good original art is more (7) .. to 'stimulate and inspire' them than an endless supply
of the finest coffee. Fully 98 per cent of workers want (8) form of art at work. More surprisingly,
perhaps, nearly two-thirds of office workers say they have never been consulted about the dcor in (9)
Peter Harris, (10) .....has been taking art into workplaces for more than 20 years, has seen a great
change in company attitudes: 'The kind of image companies try to project through art is no longer
just aimed at visitors and customers.

2. Find one word which is appropriate for all three gaps in each set of three sentences (5p)

A. There is a great deal of trouble in for them if they persist in their ways.
With this economic recession and all, we should be careful and grain for the winter.
We need bread and milk from the .

B. Working at the hospital was a between medical school and private practice.
The of my glasses got broken in the fight, so I had to order new ones.
What these books do is to actually the gap between centuries.

C. If this had happened to me and I were in your , I would definitely complain!

The detective was sure the lawyer was there to some incriminating evidence with the
district attorney.
Ive heard her talk time and again and still I am not able to her accent.

D. The lake has reached a rather..............level this winter we need more rain.
The critics seem to have a pretty..............opinion of his acting skills.
The managers personal assistent came in to the meeting and spoke to him in a .......voice.

E. In the future we will be obtaining an increasing amount of........from the wind and water.
He did everything in find us somewhere to live.
Leaders are often unwilling to give up..............., even when they are very old.

3. Rephrase each sentence so that the meaning stays the same, using the word in capitals. You
must use between 3 and 8 words including the word given (10 points)

1. The mistake in the accounts was not noticed until the figures were re-checked. LIGHT
The mistake in the accounts only ........................................ the figures were re-checked.

2. I had no problems at all during my trip to France. PLAN

Everything ........................................ during my trip to France.

3. The heavy downpour brought their picnic to an abrupt end. CUT

They had to ........................................ because of the heavy downpour.

4. The reforms will not succeed unless they are carefully planned. CRUCIAL
Careful ........................................ of the reforms.

5. They think that Helen's brother stole the money. SUSPECTED

Helen's brother ....................................... the money.

6. I feel completely exhausted when I've listened to Marion for half-an-hour. LEAVES
Half-an-hour ........................................ completely exhausted.

7. I have a lot of respect for his writing style although I do not agree with the opinions he expresses.
................ his writing style, I do not agree with his opinions.

8. Purchases may be refunded within seven days. MIND
Should ................ your purchase you have up to seven days to bring it back for a refund.

9. Without your assistance I could never have done this job so well. ASSISTED
Had........................................................., I could never have done this job so well.

10. John persuaded the others to agree with her point of view. ROUND
John brought . her point of view.

Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii.
Timp de lucru: 3 ore.

Clasa a XII-a Seciunea A
18 martie 2017


SUBIECT I 50 points

Se vor consulta baremul si marking scheme.

SUBIECT II 25points

Se vor consulta baremul si marking scheme.

SUBIECT III 25 points

1. 1x10=10 points

1 what, 2 done, 3 cuts, 4 will/can, 5 one, 6 those/these/such, 7 likely, 8 some, 9 their/the, 10


2. 5 points

A. store; B. bridge; C. place ; D. low; E. power

3. 1x10 = 10 points (0,5 pentru fiecare jumatate corecta)

1. came to light // when/ after/ once

2. went // according to plan
3. cut //their picnic short/ cut //short their picnic
4. planning is/ plans are crucial // to/for the success
5. is suspected of // having stolen/ stealing
6. (of) listening to Marion // leaves me (feeling)
7. Much as I agree // with
8. you change your mind // regarding
9. you not // assisted me
10. the others round // to

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