What Is Measles Diagram?: E-Training Session

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Measles is known for An acute and highly contagious viral disease marked by
distinct red spots. Measles diagram is used for prioritizing the area where action
needs to be taken, for all the chronic problems. This tool makes effective use of check
sheet (for data tracking) and stratification (for pinpointing the location of the defect
exactly). Distinct spots are marked on the component drawing itself.
Measles diagram is used in following manner
1. Keep the part drawing on the info center of the machine.
2. Denote most of the defects that can be found on the part by some symbol, i.e. !, @, #, $,
%, ^, &, *, , , etc. Put the index table showing all these on the info center.
3. When ever any non-conformity is observed in the part manufactured, identify the defect
and area where defect is located.
4. Mark the defect on the part drawing at appropriate location with the defect symbol, as
per the index table.
5. Perform the step number 4 till number of representative sample is completed.
6. Take the part drawing from the info center.
7. Form the appropriate MDT and identify the areas where maximum defects have been
Where we should attack for improvement
If you recall, Pareto chart and Pie chart are also drawn for the same purpose. We gain
more by working on
Tallest bar, as indicated by Pareto chart.
Maximum segment, as indicated by Pie chart.
In similar fashion, we will gain more if we start working on the cluster where maximum
defect symbols are there.

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