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2 Statement of objectives

1.2.1 General objective

The main objective of this study is to design and develop a computerized

enrolment system for Chanceteam Christian Academy in order to lessen the
workload of the registrar, cashier personnel and to make enrolment procedure
faster. Since enrolment is the first procedure of which a student enters school, it is
very critical for the student and also the school. Moreover, the computerized
enrolment system will provide the school a competitive advantage from other

Hence, the computer-based systems main purpose is to produce important

reports that the school, as an academic institution, needs and to assist the
administration in facilitating the enrolment procedure. The system will make the
enrolment process shorter, faster, and error-free. Although, errors are still possible,
such as misspelled words and typographical errors, this is minimal compared to the
errors the manual process of enrolling incurs.

1.2.2 Specific objective

Specifically, the study aims:

1. To register and manage the students information

Upon enrolment, registration of each new students personal information will be

added and old students information can be updated. These are possible through
add, edit and delete commands that the system will provide.

2. To facilitate the assessment of fees and payment procedure

Using the developed system, assessment of fees and the payment of each student
will be done accurately. Mathematical computations of fees will be error-free. Also,
the system will automatically update all the deduction on each students fees after
settlement of their accounts.

3. To generate all the necessary reports regarding enrolment

The system will generate reports quickly. Reports such as registration form of the
students, the computation of fees, and the receipt of the student upon settlement of
the fees are produced.

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