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Part 1. Solve for the problems shown below.

Determine the required data for each of the following items. Show all pertinent solutions in the space provided here. Place
final answers inside the box beside each required answer. Each item receives three points. If you got all three, you get an
extra 1 point.

1. pOH = 13.4; [H+] = ?

2. [OH-] = 2.5 x 10-4; pH =?

3. [H+] = 6.70 x 10-5; [OH-] =?

Part 2. (Show your solutions at the back of this paper.)

In an Erlenmeyer flask, you were tasked to combine 10mL of 3.5M CH 3COOH and deionized water, diluted into 250mL in
a volumetric flask. Assuming the solution was prepared at STP, answer the following questions.
Note: (MW Acetic acid = 60.05 g/mol, Ka = 1.74 x 10 -5); Acetic acid is a weak acid.

1. Write the equation for the Ka of the equation.

2. What is the pH of the solution?

3. You were asked to adjust the pH of the prepared solution to 3.50. Q 1: What titrant will you use: 0.50N NaOH or
0.50N HCl? Q2: How many mL of your titrant will you use to adjust the pH?
Q1 : Q2 :

4. At what molar concentration of CH3COO- will the pH be equal to the pKa of the resulting solution in 3?

5. What structural effect is responsible for the acidity of CH3COOH?

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