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Gongyo (Goin' gee yo) Members with computer skills

are urged to help their fellow

Prayer Pronunciation members to make copies of the AMERICAN 5. Ju san-mai
Ju saan my.
Guide of Japanese
Text and the CD (Mp3) Audio
Tutorial of American Gongyo.
GONGYO tm “saan” rhymes with con
6. An-jo ni ki.
If you find American Gongyo An unofficial pronunciation
guide for the standard Aan Joe knee key.
"Nichiren Daishonin" useful, please tell others.
7. Go shari-hotsu.
Knee chee wren Dye show neen Spanish Guide is on the website. SGI-USA Gongyo Go sha ri hoat Sue.
"Dai Gohonzon" “shari” rhymes with sorry
Dye Go hone zone Thanks, Bob Hasegawa,
Download American Gongyo tm “hoat” rhymes with “oat”
"Nikko" Las Vegas
and the complete matching CD 8. Sho-but chi-e.
Neek co (Neek rhymes with (Mp3) Audio Tutorial FREE at Show boot chee A.
"peek") Get the FREE downloads www.AmericanGongyo.Org 9. Jin-jin mu-ryo.
"Nichimoku" American Gongyo Book, Gene gene moo rio.
Knee chee mow coo International English and By Robert Hasegawa, J.D. As in “gene” therapy/”rio” as in
"Soka Gakkai" Copyright © 2007 by
So kaa Gaak ky (Gaak rhymes
the matching CD (Mp3) Robert Hasegawa
”Rio” Bravo
AUDIO Tutorial at: 10. Go chi-e mon.
with "rock"; “ky” rhymes with All rights reserved.
Go chee eh moan.
“by”) www. 11. Nan-ge nan-nyu.
"Kosen Rufu" Shaded words are often
Co sen Rue foo (Rue, a French
AmericanGongyo.Org mispronounced during Gongyo. Non ge(t) non knew.
street) UNDERLINED words are said As in “non” fat
"Tsunesaburo Makiguchi" NOTE: This American in ONE BEAT. 12. Is-sai sho-mon.
TSue nay saa boo row Es sigh show moan.
Gongyo text is best used “Es” plural “e”
Ma key goo chee (as in 1. Nam myo ho ren-ge kyo
with the MATCHING Nam me yo ho wren ge(t) key yo 13. Hyaku-shi-butsu.
"Josei Toda" AUDIO Tutorial. As in “wren” a bird, twirl the “r” He yaa coo she boot Sue.
Joe say Toe daa “ge(t)” is get without “t” 3 sounds in 1 beat
"Daisaku Ikeda" Please send comments to: 14. Sho fu no chi.
Dye saa coo E K daa Expedient Means Show foo no chee.
"shoten zenjin" Bob Hasegawa PART A 15. Sho-I sha ga.
show ten zen gene Bob@AmericanGongyo.Org 2. Myo-ho ren-ge kyo Show E sha gaa.
8624 Sierra Cima Lane Me yo ho wren ge(t) key yo 16. Butsu zo shin-gon.
Dear Friends: Both the Text and Las Vegas, NV 89128 Boot Sue zo sheen goin'.
Audio American Gongyo are 3. Ho-ben-pon. Dai ni.
702-243-8775 As in "goin' home"
intended to be a free and freely Ho Ben pone. Dye knee.
17. Hyaku sen man noku.
available service to English As in corn “pone”
He yaa coo sen maan no coo.
speaking SGI members in 4. Ni-ji se-son. “maan” rhymes with con
America and the world. Knee G se(t) sewn. 18. Mu-shu sho butsu.
Commercial sale is prohibited. “G” is the letter “g”
Moo shoo show boot Sue.
19. Jin gyo sho-butsu. 35. Sho-I sha ga. FORMAT OF GONGYO I pray that the great desire for
Gene gee yo Show boot Sue. Show E sha gaa. Morning: kosen-rufu be fulfilled and that
20. Mu-ryo do-ho. 36. Nyo-rai ho-ben. (1) Ring the bell; the Soka Gakkai International
(2) Chant 3 Daimoku;
Moo rio doe ho. Knee yo rye ho Ben. develop in this endeavor for
(3) Chant 3 Daimoku;
21. Yu-myo sho-jin. 37. Chi-ken hara-mitsu. (4) Offer 1st Silent Prayer: countless generations to come.
U me yo show gene. Chee Ken ha rah meet Sue. I offer appreciation to the I acknowledge my debt of
22. Myo-sho fu mon. As in “Ken” and Barbie functions in life and the gratitude and offer
Me yo show foo moan. 38. Kai I gu-soku. environment (shoten zenjin) appreciation to the three
As in “Foo” Fighters Ky E goo so coo. that serve to protect us and founding presidents--
23. Jo-ju jin-jin. “Ky” rhymes with “by”. pray that these protective Tsunesaburo Makiguchi, Josei
Joe ju gene gene. 39. Shari-hotsu. Toda and Daisaku Ikeda--as
forces be further strengthened
24. Mi-zo-u ho. Sha ri hoat Sue. and enhanced through my eternal models of selfless
Me zo ooo ho. As in “Sha na na” not sherry dedication to the propagation
practice of the law.
“ooo” as in ooo aah 40. Nyo-rai chi-ken (5) Chant 3 Daimoku, of the Law.
25. Zui gi sho setsu. Knee yo rye chee Ken. (6) Ring the bell, (16) Chant 3 Daimoku,
Zoo E gee show set Sue. 41. Ko-dai jin-non. (7) Recite Part A, (17) Offer 4th Prayer:
“gee” rhymes with “see” Co dye gene known. (8) Ring the bell, I pray to bring forth
26. I-shu nan-ge. 42. Mu-ryo mu-ge. (9) Recite Part C, Buddhahood from within my
(10 ) Chant continuous Daimoku and
E shoo non ge(t). Moo rio moo ge(t). life, and accomplish my own
ring the bell at start of Daimoku,
27. Shari-hotsu. The cow goes “moo” (11) Ring the bell to end Daimoku, human revolution, change my
Sha ri hoat Sue. 43. Riki. (12 ) Chant 3 Daimoku, destiny and fulfill my wishes in
28. Go ju jo-butsu i-rai. Reek E. (13 ) Offer 2nd Prayer: the present and the future.
Go ju Joe boot Sue E rye. “Reek” as in stink I acknowledge my debt of (Offer additional prayers here.)
As in “rye” bread, twirl “r” 44. Mu-sho-i. gratitude and offer profound I pray for my deceased
29. Shu-ju in-nen. Moo show E. appreciation to the Dai- relatives and for all those who
Shoo ju een nen. 45. Zen-jo. Gohonzon of the Three Great have passed away, particularly
“een” rhymes with “keen” Zen Joe. Secret Laws, which was for these individuals: (Sound
30. Shu-ju hi-yu. 46. Ge-das. bestowed upon the entire the bell continuously while
Shoo ju he U. Ge(t) das. world; to Nichiren Daishonin, offering prayers. Chant 3
31. Ko en gon-kyo. "s" is nearly silent in “das” the Buddha of the Latter Day Daimoku)
Co N goin’ key yo. 47. San-mai. of the Law; and to Nikko I pray for peace throughout
As in “co-ed” Saan my. Shonin. I acknowledge my the world and the happiness of
32. Mu shu ho-ben. 48. Jin nyu mu-sai. debt of gratitude and offer all humanity.
Moo shoo ho Ben. Gene knew moo sigh. appreciation to Nichimoku (18) Ring the bell,
(19) Cha nt 3 slo w Daimoku.
33. In-do shu-jo. 49. Jo-ju is-sai. Shonin.
Een doe shoo Joe. Joe ju Es sigh. (14 ) Chant 3 Daimoku,
(15 ) Offer 3rd Prayer:
Evening: Same as Morning,
34. Ryo ri sho jaku. 50. Mi-zo-u ho. except, SKIP 3, 4, and 5.
Rio ri show jaa coo. Me zo ooo ho.
74. Waku-ji i shi shu. 92. I bon-bu ten-do. 51. Shari-hotsu. 69. Nai no ku-jin.
Waa coo G E she shoo. E bone boo ten doe. Sha ri hoat Sue. Nye no coo gene.
75. Setsu butsu-ju mu-ryo. 93. Jitsu zai ni gon metsu. 52. Nyo-rai no. 70. Sho-ho jis-so.
Set Sue boot Sue ju moo rio. Jeet Sue zye knee goin' Knee yo rye no. Show ho Gs so.
76. Ku nai ken bus-sha. met Sue. 53. Shu-ju fun-betsu Plural “G”
Coo nye Ken boos sha. 94. I jo-ken ga ko. Shoo ju foon bet Sue.
“nye” rhymes with “bye” E Joe Ken gaa co. “foon” rhymes with “moon” Repeat Three Times
77. I setsu butsu nan chi. 95. Ni sho kyo-shi shin. 54. Gyo ses sho ho. 71. Sho-I sho-ho.
E set Sue boot Sue non chee. Knee show key yo she sheen. Gee yo sez show ho. Show E show ho.
78. Ga chi-riki nyo ze. 96. Ho-itsu jaku go-yoku. As in “sez” who? 72. Nyo ze so.
Gaa chee reek E knee yo ze. Ho eat Sue jaa coo go yo coo. 55. Gon-ji nyu-nan. Knee yo ze so.
79. E-ko sho mu-ryo. 97. Da o aku-do chu. Goin’ G knee U non. 73. Nyo ze sho.
Eh co show moo rio. Daa O ah coo doe chew. 56. Ek-ka shu-shin. Knee yo ze show.
80. Ju-myo mu-shu ko. 98. Ga jo chi shu-jo. Eck kaa shoo sheen. 74. Nyo ze tai.
Ju me yo moo shoo co. Gaa Joe chee shoo Joe. 57. Shari-hotsu Knee yo ze tie.
81. Ku shu-go sho toku. 99. Gyo do fu gyo do. Sha ri hoat Sue. 75. Nyo ze riki.
Coo shoo go show toe coo. Gee yo doe foo gee yo doe. 58. Shu yo gon shi. Knee yo ze reek E.
82. Nyo-to u chi sha. 100. Zui o sho ka do. Shoo yo goin’ she. 76. Nyo ze sa.
Knee yo toe ooo chee sha. Zoo E O show kaa doe. 59. Mu-ryo mu-hen. Knee yo ze saa.
83. Mot to shi sho gi. 101. I ses shu-ju ho. Moo rio moo hen. 77. Nyo ze in.
Moat toe she show gee. E sez shoo ju ho. 60. Mi-zo-u ho. Knee yo ze een.
84. To dan ryo yo jin. 102. Mai ji sa ze nen. Me zo ooo ho. “een” rhymes with ”keen”
Toe Don rio yo gene. My G saa ze nen. 61. Bus shitsu jo-ju. 78. Nyo ze en.
85. Butsu-go jip pu-ko. 103. I ga ryo shu-jo. Boos sheet Sue Joe ju. Knee yo ze N.
Boot Sue go Jeep poo co. E gaa rio shoo Joe. 62. Shi shari-hotsu. 79. Nyo ze ka.
86. Nyo i zen ho-ben. 104. Toku nyu mu-jo do. She sha ri hoat Sue. Knee yo ze kaa.
Knee yo E zen ho Ben. Toe coo knew moo Joe doe. 63. Fu shu bu setsu 80. Nyo ze ho.
87. I ji o shi ko. 105. Soku jo-ju bus-shin. Foo shoo boo sets. Knee yo ze ho.
E G O she co. So coo Joe ju boos sheen. 64. Sho-I sha ga. 81. Nyo ze hon-mak ku-kyo to.
88. Jitsu zai ni gon shi. Show E sha gaa. Knee yo ze hone mock
Jeet Sue zye knee goin' she. 65. Bus sho jo-ju. coo key yo toe.
89. Mu no sek ko-mo. Boos show Joe ju.
Moo no sec co mow. 66. Dai I-chi ke-u.
As in wait a “sec” Dye E chee K ooo.
90. Ga yaku i se bu. 67. Nan-ge shi ho.
Gaa yaa coo E say boo. Non ge(t) she ho.
91. Ku sho ku-gen sha. 5/08/08 68. Yui butsu yo butsu.
Coo show coo gen sha. U E boot Sue yo boot Sue.
Life Span PART C 18. Ryo ten-do shu-jo. 37. I setsu mu-jo ho. 55. Shu-ju ho sho-gon.
Rio ten doe shoo Joe. E set Sue moo Joe ho. Shoo ju ho show goin’.
19. Sui gon ni fu ken. 38. Nyo-to fu mon shi. 56. Ho-ju ta ke-ka.
1. Myo ho ren ge kyo Sue E goin’ knee foo Ken. Knee yo toe foo moan she. Ho ju taa K kaa.
Me yo ho wren ge(t) key yo.
20. Shu ken ga metsu-do. 39. Tan ni ga metsu-do. 57. Shu-jo sho yu-raku.
2. Nyo-rai ju-ryo-hon. Shoo Ken gaa met Sue doe. Taan knee gaa met Sue doe. Shoo Joe show U rah coo.
Knee yo rye ju rio hone. 21. Ko ku-yo sha-ri. 40. Ga ken sho shu-jo. 58. Sho-ten gyaku ten-ku.
3. Dai ju-roku. Co coo yo sha ri. Gaa Ken show shoo Joe. Show ten gee yaa coo ten coo.
Dye ju row coo. 22. Gen kai e ren-bo. 41. Motsu-zai o ku-kai. 59. Jo sas shu gi-gaku.
Gen ky eh wren bow. Moat Sue zye O coo ky. Joe saas shoo gee gaa coo.
4. Ji ga toku bur rai. 23. Ni sho katsu-go shin. “zai” rhymes with “bye” 60. U man-da-ra ke.
G gaa toe coo boor rye. Knee show cot Sue go sheen. 42. Ko fu i gen shin. Ooo maan daa rah K.
5. Sho kyo sho kos-shu. 24. Shu-jo ki shin-buku. Co foo E gen sheen. 61. San butsu gyu daishu.
Show key yo show co’s shoo. Shoo Joe key sheen boo coo. 43. Ryo go sho katsu-go. Saan boot Sue gee U dye shoo.
6. Mu-ryo hyaku sen man. 25. Shichi-jiki I nyu-nan. Rio go show cot Sue go. 62. Ga jo-do fu ki.
Moo rio he yaa coo sen maan. She chee G key E knee U non. 44. In go shin ren-bo. Gaa Joe doe foo key.
7. Oku sai A-so-gi. 26. Is-shin yok ken butsu. Een go sheen wren bow. 63. Ni shu ken sho jin.
O coo sigh ah so gee. Es sheen yoke Ken boot Sue. 45. Nai shutsu i sep-po. Knee shoo Ken show gene.
8. Jo sep-po kyo-ke. 27. Fu ji shaku shin-myo. Nye shoot Sue E sep Poe. 64. U-fu sho ku-no.
Joe sep Poe key yo K. Foo G sha coo sheen me yo. 46. Jin-zu-riki nyo ze. Ooo foo show coo no.
9. Mu-shu oku shu-jo. 28. Ji ga gyu shu-so. Gene zoo reek E knee yo ze. 65. Nyo ze shitsu ju-man.
Moo shoo O coo shoo Joe. G gaa gee U shoo so. 47. O A-so-gi ko. Knee yo ze sheet Sue ju maan.
10. Ryo nyu o butsu-do. 29. Ku shutsu ryo-ju-sen. O ah so gee co. 66. Ze sho zai shu-jo.
Rio knew O boot Sue doe. Coo shoot Sue rio ju sen. 48. Jo zai ryo-ju-sen. Ze show zye shoo Joe.
11. Ni-rai mu-ryo ko. 30. Ga ji go shu-jo. Joe zye rio ju sen. 67. I aku-go in-nen.
Knee rye moo rio co. Gaa G go shoo Joe. 49. Gyu yo sho ju-sho. E ah coo go een nen.
12. I do shu-jo ko. 31. Jo zai shi fu-metsu. Gee U yo show ju show. 68. Ka A-so-gi ko.
E doe shoo Joe co. Joe zye she foo met Sue. 50. Shu-jo ken ko jin. Kaa ah so gee co.
13. Ho-ben gen ne-han. 32. I ho-ben-rik ko. Shoo Joe Ken co gene. 69. Fu mon san-bo myo.
Ho Ben gen nay Han. E ho Ben reek co. 51. Dai ka sho sho ji. Foo moan saan bow me yo.
14. Ni jitsu fu metsu-do. 33. Gen u metsu fu-metsu. Dye kaa show show G. 70. Sho u shu ku-doku.
Knee jeet Sue foo met Sue doe. Gen ooo met Sue foo met Sue. 52. Ga shi do an-non. Show ooo shoo coo doe coo.
15. Jo ju shi sep-po. 34. Yo-koku u shu-jo. Gaa she doe aan known. 71. Nyu-wa shichi-jiki sha.
Joe ju she sep Poe. Yo co coo ooo shoo Joe. 53. Ten-nin jo ju-man. Knew waa she chee G key sha.
16. Ga jo ju o shi. 35. Ku-gyo shin-gyo sha. Ten neen Joe ju maan. 72. Sok-kai ken ga-shin.
Gaa Joe ju O she. Coo gee yo sheen gee yo sha. 54. On-rin sho do-kaku. Soak Ky Ken gaa sheen.
17. I sho jin-zu-riki. 36. Ga bu o hi chu. Own reen show doe kaa coo. 73. Zai shi ni sep-po.
E show gene zoo reek E. Gaa boo O he chew. “reen” rhymes with “keen” Zye she knee sep Poe.

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