15-Flavonoids in Plants

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Janiijevi, J. et all.

Flavonoids in plants

Ni (Serbia), September 01-03, 2007 9th Symposium on Flora of

Southeastern Serbia and
Proceeding, 153-156 Neighbouring Regions

Flavonoids in plants

Jelena Janiijevi1, Svetlana Toi2, Tatjana Mitrovi2

Medicinski fakultet, Univerzitet u Niu
Odsek za biologiju i ekologiju, Prirodnomatematiki fakultet, Univerzitet u Niu

Janiijevi, J., Toi, S., Mitrovi, T.: Flavonoids in plants. Proceeding of the 9th Symposium of flora of
Southeastern Serbia and Neighbouring Regions, Nis, 2007.
Flavonoids belong to large group of plants polyphenols. They have prominent role in pigmentation of plants
and their protection from different external agents. In recent years, there is a raising interest in flavonoids,
mostly because of their antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiallergenic, antimicrobal and anticancer activity.
This paper will summarize current knowledge about flavonoids in plants.
Key words: flavonoids, polyphenols, plants
Introduction Flavonoids classification
Flavonoids are polyphenolic plant secondary Over 5000 naturally occurring flavonoids have
metabolites. They are sintetized by the been characterized from various plants. They have
polypropanoid pathway with phenylalanine as been classified into six subgroups:
startup molecule. 1. Flavones (luteonin, apigenin, tangeritin),
Biological effects of these compounds are 2. Flavonols (quercetin, kaemferol, myricetin,
various. They are involved in production of isorhamnetin, pachypodol, rhamnazin),
pigmentation in flowers. For example, blue colour 3. Flavanones (hesteretin, naringenin,
results from presence of anthocyanin (delphinidin- eriodictyol),
based) in petals. Anthocyanins are, also, responsible 4. Flavan-3-ols: (catechins (catechin,
for the autumns colours in many plant species and gallocatechin, catechin 3-gallate, gallocatechin
photo-protection of leafs cells. Their ability of 3-gallate) and epicatechins (epicatechin,
acting as natural UV filters comes from their epigallocatechin, epicatechin 3-gallate,
absorption in 280-315 nm region. Different plant epigallocatechin 3-gallate)),
flavonoids have role in protection from microbes 5. Isoflavones (genistein, daidzein, glycitein) and
and insects. Some of them (isoflavones, flavons and 6. Anthocyanidins (cyanidin, delphinidin,
flavanones) are recognized as constitutive malvidin, pelargonidin, peonidin, petunidin).
antifungal plant agents. Others (flavonoids, tannins, Most of them are present in our everydays
etc) play role in plants protection from insects and life (Manach et al., 2004, Dahan et al.,2004). For
mammalian herbivory (Harborne et al., 2000). instance, flavones, such as luteolin and apigenin
Besides, many flavonoids have ability to alter glycosides, are contents of parsley and celery. The
enzymatic and chemical reactions, and thus impact richest sources of flavonols, like quercetin, are
on human health positively or negatively (Beecher, capers, lovage, apples, tea plant, onions, red grapes,
2003). citrus fruits, curly kale, leeks, broccoli, cherries,
raspberry, cranberry and blueberry. Flavanones
are abundant in high concentrations in citrus fruit

9th Symposium on Flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighbouring Regions Proceeding

only (naringenin in grapefruit, hesperetin in oranges reflexa Hornem. (2000). They found high total
and eriodictyol in lemons) and also found in flavonoid content.
tomatos. Flavan-3-ols are famous as tea-plant Sideritis montana L. from Suva Planina and
component. Isoflavones are found almost hills around Vranje was tested for flavonoids
exclusively in leguminous plants, like soya. presence by qualitative chemical tests and thin-
Anthocyanidin cyanidin is blackberries-flavonoid. layer chromatography. Preliminary characterization
in combination with spectrophotometric analysis
Flavonoids in plants in Serbia
showed that flavonoid constituents belong to the
Many studies have been focussed on group of flavons. The most abundant compound in
flavonoids content of various plant species of flavonoid fraction was isolated and identified as
Serbian origin. diosmetine.
Phytochemical analysis of Linum capitatum Antioxidant properties from Picris echoides
Kit. revealed five flavonoids: kaempferol, belongs to flavone apigenin and its glucoside
kaempferol-3-O-galactoside, rutin (quercetin-3-O- demonstrated by Milovanovi et al. (2002)
rutinosid), genistin (genistein-7-Oglucoside) and High-pressure liquid chromatography
orientin (luteolin-8-C-glucoside) in its flower (Ili screening of phenolic compounds in Satureja
et al., 2004). montana L. revealed presence of flavonols, ()-
Another study has shown that flower of catechin and (-)-epicatechin (etkovi et al., 2007).
endemic species Cephalaria pastricensis Doerfl. et Analyses of flavonoids content showed
Hay are rich in luteolin and its glycosides apigenin, its derivatives and luteolin in Salvia
(Godjevac et al., 2004). officinalis L. and apigenin, luteolin, kaempherol
Analysis of Mentha sp. flavonoids content and quercetin in Salvia glutinosa L. (Velikovi et
revealed luteolin and apigenin (Duki et al., 1996). al., 2007).
Study of fifteen maize (Zea mays L.) hybrids
performed by Maksimovi et al demonstrated Medicinal properties of flavonoids
abundance of polyphenols including flavonoids Oxidative stress is considered to be
(2005). substantial, if not crucial, in initiating and
Ethanol extracts from six Hypericum species developing of many conditions and diseases of
from Tara mountain (H. barbatum Jacq., H. modern time: inflammation, autoimmune diseases,
androsaemum L., H. richerii Vill. and H., H. cataract, cancer, Parkinsons disease,
hirsutum L., and H. perforatum L.) showed arteriosclerosis and aging. Having all that in mind,
significant anti-inflammatory effects. Further it is reasonable to believe that exogenous
analysis revealed that this activity belong to antioxidants could play important role in preventing
quercetin (avikin et al., 2007 & Smelcerovi et al., oxidative damage in cells and tissues. Flavonoids
2006). are well known for their antioxidant activity.
Thin-layer chromatography analysis of Antioxidants are compounds that protect cells
extracts from four Balkan endemic Stachys species against the damaging effects of reactive oxygen
(S. anisochila Vis. et Pani , S. beckeana Drfler species. An imbalance between antioxidants and
& Hayek, S. plumosa Griseb. and S. alpina L. ssp. reactive oxygen species results in oxidative stress,
dinarica Murb.) identified flavonoids and phenolic leading to cellular damage (Kuki et al., 2006).
acid as potent antioxidants (Kuki et al., 2006). Epidemiological studies have described the
Separation and identification of antioxidant beneficial effects of dietary polyphenols
components in Anthriscus sylvestris (flavonoids) on reduction of chronic diseases,
by thin-layer and column chromatography and including cancer (Ramos, 2007).
spectral analysis demonstrated quercetin and Luteolin is a flavone with important role as
apigenin as main flavonoid species (Milovanovic et antioxidant, free radical scavenger, anti-
al., 1996). inflammatory agent, immune system modulator and
Teucrium montanum L., widely used as cancer prevention agent.
diuretic, analgesic and antispasmodic agent with Flavonol quercetin it the most active of the
antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory and flavonoids. Many medicinal plants owe their
antioxidative activity was analyzed by activity to their high quercetin content. Several
anadanovi-Brunet et al (2006). Different studies revealed quercetins significant anti-
methods showed rutin as major flavonoid in this inflammatory activity due to direct inhibition of
plant. initial processes of inflammation. Potent
Dj. Maleni et al. were investigating the antioxidant activity of quercetin is demonstrated,
antioxidant properties of wild sage species Salvia too. Some tests showed antitumor properties of

Janiijevi, J. et all. Flavonoids in plants

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