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NAME: Rustom D.

Gonzales SUBJECT: Crop Protection 2 SECTION: MN

GROUP NAME: Beat Energy Gap




Philippines is an agricultural country that rich in its natural resources. Agriculture

is the main source of countrys income locally and globally through exporting. The
increasing production of agricultural products was interrupted by pest and diseases that
lower the production of agriculture. The government made an action to resolve the
problem under Presidential Decree 1433 . An act to protect the agricultural industries of
the Philippines islands from injurious plant pests and diseases existing in foreign
countries further to regulate the domestic movement of the plant materials in order to
minimize the injury from pests and diseases already introduced.

The healthy farming concept directs farmers to focus on the farm rather than its
pests and diseases and takes into account the natural role of insects, fungi, fire and other
so called damaging agents and their interactions in farm . Under an overall policy of
farm health protection, pests and diseases are looked upon as a symptom of an unhealthy
farm rather than as the problem. This directs farmers and experienced farmers to address
the underlying causes of the pest or disease - factors such as overstocking, over-maturity,
poor site/species matching and lack of technical resources and equipments.

The LGU or local government unit has a responsibility to help the farmers and to
provide their basic needs in the farms. LGU in partnership with other government
organizations give fertilizers, insecticide and herbicides to the farmers. There are training
and seminars to apply the integrated approach management in pest control.


1. To know the regulation of pests and disease in the Philippines

2. To determine the role of LGU, BLGU, NGO and GO to control the pest and

The group used interview method with random questions to collect and gather
data. The group interviewed the Brgy. Captain Luciano O. Palma and the wife of
Kagawad Rogelio Mascardo Mrs. Rose B. Mascardo at Guadalupe Brgy. Conel General
Santos City.

The actual interview to Mrs. Rose Mascardo about regulation of pests and
diseases in Brgy. Conel.

Questions: Answer:
1. How the barangay helps the farmers 1. We provide pesticides and
about pests and diseases? insecticides from 4H club and
2. What is the role of barangay official Department of Agriculture.
to the farmers, especially here in 2. Kagawad Rogelio Mascardo
Brgy. Conel? reported the problems to DA so that
they will give immediate assistance
to farmers especially when the time
that army worm pest outbreak
happened in our barangay.


Table I. Pest control in major crops in Guadalupe Brgy. Conel

Crops Cultural/Mechanical Chemical

Corn Weeding Pesticides
Coconut Cleaning
Banana Crop Rotation
Mango Mix Cropping Streptocycline or Agrimycin-

The BLGU (Barangay Local Government Unit) provides chemicals like herbicide,
pesticide and insecticide to the farmers sponsored by Department of Agriculture. The task
was headed by Kagawad Rogelio B. Mascardo. The four main crops in Brgy. Conel
were affected by pest such as rodents, corn borer and brontispa.

Economic losses due to injury on agricultural crops brought about by plant pests
have become increasingly significant. Pest control is basically and essentially a
preventive measure, it being the actual front-line defense against the introduction or
incursion into the country of plant pests which are destructive to agricultural crops.
Government supports are very important to sustain the agriculture and to provide the
needs of farmers.

The provision of insecticides, pesticides and other agricultural assistance are

necessary action for the government. The role of local government officials in calamities,
pest outbreak and disease infestation is to report the problems to other branches of
government like Department of Agriculture just to ask immediate help and support from
them. The local government and barangay officials are the support system of the farmers
for them to increase their production and profit.

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