Hornby Train Set Operating Instructions

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Train Set Operating Instructions

your Hotnby Train: hrye becn d$ion0d rnd comlruclrd to givr you vctf' of rnioymcnt and to bc Vour introduction to thc magic of model
railwayr. The uniquc Hornby Track rystem has been carefully engincered to givc the maximum rope end flexibility when you extend your
layout togother with the most efficient operation ol Hornby Locomotives. lt incorporat$ 3tel railt so that the many Hornby Locomotives
fitted with Magnadhesion (see Locomotive leaflet) will haul long trains without difficllty even up inclines. lt is in your interest, when purchasing
extra parts, that you have only Hornby apgroved equipment. No other pieces of rail fully meet the specifications of the Hornby Track System'

l. Track System
lndividual rails are fitted with fishplates (rail joining clipsl. These ensure the passing of electricity from one rail to the next and also line
up the rail ends to provide smooth running. When assembling track sections be sure that all fishplates are correctly engaged with the
adjoining rail ends. Track should be laid flat and any distortion avoidql as this may cause derailments. When building inclines always
mate ttre changes of angles as smooth as possible. Fixing holes are pr6vided in track bases for fastening to a baseboard if desired. Use
Hornby Track pins {R.2O7 Pack contains approximarely 144l,. Do not fasten down tightly as the base may become distorted.

There are minor variations in the construction of track sections due to alternative methods of manufacture. The main difference is in
the positioning of side slots to accept "clip-fit" accessories. Some have slots between each sleeper (Diag-la), others have slots inpairs
(Diag. lc)- The formation of the end sleeper on
@iig. tbl. Tlieir positions are indicated on the underside of the track by small arrows
:ach track section is also slightly different.

2. Power Connecting Clips

The 12 volts D.C. electric current to power a train is fed to the
track through a Power Connecting Clip. The clip may be used
on straights orcurves and should be fitted in the most convenient
'positioalldore laying the track (Diag.2/ Sockets marked A and :
I are provided to takc the plugE on the ends of the wirec from
the 12 \olts por^rr source. On simple circuits it does not matter
which wire goes to which socket but this will become important
on layouts with multi-train operation. A separate Power
Connecting Clip will be required for each circuit of track.

For examples ol layouts and electric wiring see the Hornby

Track Plans Book {R.1661.

3. Couplings
Hornby Locomotives and Rolling Stock are fitted with tension-
lock cbuplings wh ich engage automatically when brought together
anywhere on a layout except above an uncoupling ramp. Remote
control uncoupling is carried out by means of the Uncoupling
Ramp R.617 {included in many sets). When clipping this into
the track (Diag.3il ensure that the small "ears" line up with
the "clip-fit" slots (Diag. 1il.The ramp is lightly springJoaded.
The couplings on a train travelling over an uncoupling ramp are
kept locked by the pull of the locomotive and will depress the
ramp. lf the locomotive is brought to a halt with the couplings
over a ramp and reversed momentarily, the couplings will be
released. A train being pushed over a ramp will not be affected.
As the ramp cannot be seen with a train over it a marker sign
is also supplied (Diag,3b). For efficient operation, couplings
should be kept at the correct height and not be bent or damaged.
Xarnbt El.cT ric Locomotiv.. r.quitl,
Electric Power Supply l2 voltt Oirect Cunmt (D.C.l

4. Battery Operation
Most Hornby Train Sets are supplied with the R.943 Battery Power Module. This fits to the top of two 6 volt Lantern
tvpe batteries (Ever-Ready 996, Australia 509 or 609 or similar) and provides two speed forward, two speed reverse
and "off" control. To fit batteries first remove the outer casing from the base/knob assembly by easing up the tab
(Diag. 4a). Attach the wires by sliding the "split" end connections onto the base unit (Diag. 4b). Now slide one half
of the base unit under the bottom coils of the two spring terminals on one battery (Diag. /k). Repeat with the other
half of the base under the spring terminals of the other batterV (Diq. 4d). Belore refitting the casing, plug the wires
into the Power Connecting Clip on your lavout lDiag. 4e), place the locomotive on the track and test, The movement
of the control knob handle at this stage will be unrestricted but will enable you to verify that the unit isworking
correctly, lf it is not, check again that the spring terminals are making good connections with the metal surface of the
base plate. When satisfactory refit the casing by lifting the control knob handle, passing it through the large hole in the
casing and re-engaging the casing clips which should then snap over the edges of the base plate. The control knob
handle will now be found to register at each of the sped positions. When switching off the controller after use, lift the
handle over and lock it in the "off" positipn /Orbg. 4fl to prevent any leakage from the batteries.
To ensure equal wear on both b.fteriA they should be changed around from time to timc.
Whilst Battery Operation is a convenient way to start with your model railway you will soon want to @nvert over to
Mains Operation.

5. Mains Electricity Operation

When working from normal Alternating Current (A.C.l Mains, a Power Controller MUST be used. This incorporites a
transformer wtrich reduces the voltage, a rectifier which corwerts A,C. to D.C. and a Speed/Direction control. An
artomatic cut-out (safety device) is also included.
There are two basic types of Hornby Power Controllers, The R-915 % Arnp unit/rrbg 5al is idaal for the operalioLgf
one locomotive only, giying a tull ran$:_ofjigp4d conrrolin eir,her dircctim. Tffi?trAmpunil(Diag.5bl has the
capacitv to-oF?lte uF-io-3 l6comotives (when associated with two additional R.902 Circuit Controller3 - see below)
and also has a I 5 volt A.C. output for working electric points and colour light signals. The R.900 is advantageous if it is
intended to build up a model railway system but it is, of course, perfectly satisfactory to start with an R.91 5 unit an!
later on add an R.900 or alternatively additional R.915 units.
Note that it is necessary to have a Power Controller or Circuit Controller for each circuit of track that will be opeiated
simultaneously, not one for each locomotive. Diagram 5c shows how, with the standard Hornby System of self"isolating
points, locomotives may be "stored" in sidings.
Power Controllers are supplied with instructions for the fitting of suitable plugs to the mains input cables. The R.902
Circuit Controller is NOT a Mains Electricity Unit. lt has two pins which engage in sockets in the side of R.900 Power
Controller and, wired as in Diagram 5d using an extra Power Connecting Clip, will control a second track circuit.
NOTE - lf a. short circuit occurs when running trains from a Power Controller or Circuit Controller the Automatic
Cut-out will stop the current to the track. Switch off the Controller, trace and remedy the fault. Short circuits are
usually caused by metal obiects on the track or derailed wheels. The Cut-out will reset itself after a period when normal
running may be resumed.


Train Operation
Having completed assembly of the track circuit and wired up your power supply you are now ready to start operations. Place the locomotive on the treck (it is
easier to do this on a straight section) and run it round in both directions to check that all fishplates are correctly engaged. Now place the rolling stock on the
track, couple up to the locomotive and you are away, Practice using the uncoupling ramp until you are familiar with the way it works.

Spare Parts and Service

Enquiries regarding spares and service should be addressed to:
Rovex Service Centre, Albert Street, Ramsgate, Kent, CTI 1 9HD.


R873-9400 1176 44 Printed ln ErEl.nd.r,-=

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