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Number Description Page

Student Ethic Code
Group Members 2
1.0 Objective of the experiment 3
2.0 Learning Outcomes 3
3.0 Introduction 3
4.0 Theory 3
5.0 Apparatus 6
6.0 Procedures 7
7.0 Result 8
8.0 Calculation 10
9.0 Discussion 20
10.0 Conclusion 22
11.0 References 23
Appendix 24
From left : Utaya, Zulkifli, Firdaus and Hafiz Anuar

1.1 Part 1 : To plot moment influence line

1.2 Part 2 : To apply the use of a moment influence on a simply supported beam


2.1 Application of engineering knowledge in practical application

2.2 To enhance the technical competency in civil engineering through laboratory
2.3 Communicate effectively in group.
2.4 To identify problem, solving and finding out appropriate solution through
laboratory application.


Moving loads on beam are common features of design. Many road bridges are
constructed from beam, and as such have to be designed to carry a knife edge load,
or a string of wheel loads, or a uniformly distributed load, or perhaps the worst
combination of all three. To find the critical moment in section, influence line is


Definition: Influence line is defined as a line representing the changes in moment,

shear force, reaction or displacement at a section of a beam when a unit load moves
on the beam.

Part 1: This experiment examines how moment varies at a cut section as a unit
load moves from one end another (see diagram 1). From the diagram,
moment influence equation can be written.
For a unit load between 0 < x < a ,

Mx = ( L x ) a - 1 (a x ).(1)

For unit load between a < x < b ,

Mx = xb / L ( x a )..(2)

1 ( unit load ) Mx


RA = (1-x/L) RB = x/L

a b

Figure 1
Part 2: If the beam is loaded as shown below, the moment at the cut can be
calculated using the influence line. (See diagram 2).

Moment at the cut section = F1y1 + F2y2 + F3y3 .(3)

( y1, y2, and y3 are coordinates derived from the influence line in terms of x 1, x2, x3, a,
b and L )

a+b = L



y1 y2 y3

Moment influence line for cut section

Figure 2

Moment Influence Line

Hanger with load

The digital forces meter


Part 1:

1. The digital forces meter reads zero with no load.

2. Hanger with any mass between 150 300 g was place at the first
grooved hanger support at the left support and the digital forces reading
were recorded in Table 1.
3. The procedure repeated to the next grooved hanger until to the last
groove hanger at the right hand support.
4. Calculation in Table 1 completed.

Part 2:
1. Three load hangers with any load between 50 400 g was placed on it
and placed it at any position between the supports. The position and the
digital forces display reading recorded in Table 2.
2. The procedure repeated with three other location.
3. The calculation in Table 2 completed.

Load = 200 g = 1.962 N

Location of
Digital Force Moment at Experimental Theoretical
load from left
Display cut section influence line Influence lines
hand support
Reading (N) (N) value (N) value (Nm)
0.04 0.2 0.025 0.013 0.013
0.06 0.3 0.038 0.019 0.019
0.08 0.4 0.050 0.025 0.026
0.10 0.5 0.063 0.032 0.032
0.12 0.6 0.075 0.038 0.038
0.14 0.7 0.088 0.045 0.045
0.16 0.8 0.100 0.051 0.051
0.18 0.9 0.113 0.057 0.057
0.20 1.0 0.125 0.064 0.064
0.22 1.1 0.138 0.070 0.07
0.24 1.2 0.150 0.076 0.076
0.26 1.3 0.163 0.083 0.083
0.30 1.4 0.175 0.089 0.096
0.32 1.2 0.150 0.076 0.082
0.34 1.0 0.125 0.064 0.07
0.36 0.8 0.100 0.051 0.055
0.40 0.4 0.050 0.025 0.027
Table 1

Notes :

1. Moment at cut section = Digital force reading x 0.125

2. Experimental Influence line values = Moment (Nm)
Load (N)
3. Calculate the theoretical value using the equation 1 for load position 40 260
mm and equation 2 for load position 320mm and 400mm.

Part 2,
Position of hanger from
left hand support (m) Digital Experimenta Theoretica
force l Moment l moment
100 200 300 reading (N) (Nm) (Nm)
gram gram gram

1 80 160 340 2.6 0.325 0.325

2 340 100 220 2.6 0.325 0.336

3 120 300 60 2.2 0.275 0.280

4 200 380 120 2.0 0.250 0.254

Table 2


1. Experimental moment = Digital force reading x 0.125

2. Theoretical moment is calculated using equation (3)



Moment at cut section= 0.2 x 0.125

= 0.025 N

Experimental Influence line values = Moment (Nm)

Load (N)
= 0.025
= 0.013 m

Theoretical Influence lines value;

Equation 1 for load position 40 to 260 mm

( Lx ) a
M x= 1(ax) .(1)

Mx = (0.44 0.04) (0.3) 1(0.3 0.04)

= 0.013 Nm

Equation 2 for load position 320mm to 400mm

M x= (xa)
L (2)

When x = 0.32 m
Mx = (0.32) (0.14) (0.32 0.3)
= 0.082 Nm

F1 = 100g
= 100 x 9.81
= 0.981N
F2 = 200g
= 200 x 9.81
= 1.962N
F3 = 300g
= 300 x 9.81
= 2.943N

0.981 N 1.962 N 2.943 N




y1 y3

Moment influence line for cut section

*For location 1,
Experimental moment at cut section (Nm) = Digital force reading x 0.125
= 2.6 x 0.125
= 0.325 Nm

Moment at cut:

For 0 x 0.3

M x =0
M x =1 ( 0.3 ) ( 0.3 ) 1(0.3x )

0.3 x
M x =0.3 0.3+ x

M x =0.318 x

For 0.3 x 0.44

M x =0
x (0.14)
M x= ( x 0.3)

0.14 x
M x= x0.3

M x =0.682 x+ 0.3

When x = 0.3
Mx = 0.318x
= 0.318 (0.3)
= 0.095 Nm
M x =0.682 x+ 0.3
= - 0.682 (0.3) + 0.3
= - 0.095 Nm
Use interpolation to get y1,y2 and y3

0.095 y
y1, = 1
0.3 0.08

0.3 y 1=0.0076

y 1=0.025 m

0.095 y
y2, = 2
0.3 0.16

y 2=0.051 m

0.095 y 3
y3, =
0.14 0.1

y 3=0.068 m

Theoretical moment at cut section (Nm)

F 1 y 1+ F 2 y 2+ F 3 y 3

= 0.981 (0.025) + 1.962 (0.051) + 2.943 (0.068)

= 0.325 Nm
1.962 N 2.943 N 0.981 N




y1 y3

Moment influence line for cut section

*For location 2,
Experimental moment (Nm) = 0.325 Nm
Moment at cut:

For 0 x 0.3

M x =0
M x =1 ( 0.3 ) ( 0.3 ) 1(0.3x )

0.3 x
M x =0.3 0.3+ x

M x =0.318 x

For 0.3 x 0.44

M x =0
x (0.14)
M x= ( x 0.3)
0.14 x
M x= x0.3

M x =0.682 x+ 0.3
When x = 0.3
Mx = 0.318x
= 0.318 (0.3)
= 0.095 Nm
M x =0.682 x+ 0.3

= - 0.682 (0.3) + 0.3

= - 0.095 Nm

Use interpolation to get y1,y2 and y3

0.095 y 1
y1, =
0.3 0.1

y 1=0.032 m

0.095 y
y2, = 2
0.3 0.22

y 2=0.070 m

0.095 y 3
y3, =
0.14 0.1

y 3=0.068 m

Theoretical moment at cut section (Nm)

F 1 y 1+ F 2 y 2+ F 3 y 3

= 1.962 (0.032) + 2.943 (0.070) + 0.981 (0.068)

= 0.336 Nm
2.941 N 0.981 N 1.962 N




y1 y3

Moment influence line for cut section

*For location 3,
Experimental moment (Nm) = 0.275 Nm
Moment at cut :

For 0 x 0.3

M x =0
M x =1 ( 0.3 ) ( 0.3 ) 1(0.3x )

0.3 x
M x =0.3 0.3+ x

M x =0.318 x

For 0.3 x 0.44

M x =0
x (0.14)
M x= ( x 0.3)

0.14 x
M x= x0.3

M x =0.682 x+ 0.3

When x = 0.3
Mx = 0.318x
= 0.318 (0.3)
= 0.095 Nm
M x =0.682 x+ 0.3

= - 0.682 (0.3) + 0.3

= - 0.095 Nm

Use interpolation to get y1,y2 and y3

0.095 y
y1, = 1
0.3 0.06

y 1=0.019 m

0.095 y
y2, = 2
0.3 0.12

y 2=0.038 m

0.095 y
y3, = 3
0.14 0.14

y 3=0.095 m
Theoretical moment at cut section (Nm)
F 1 y 1+ F 2 y 2+ F 3 y 3

= 2.943 (0.019) + 0.981 (0.038) + 1.962 (0.095)

= 0.280 Nm
2.941 N 0.981 N 1.962 N




y1 y3

Moment influence line for cut section

*For location 4,
Experimental moment (Nm) = 0.250 Nm
Moment at cut:

For 0 x 0.3

M x =0
M x =1 ( 0.3 ) ( 0.3 ) 1(0.3x )

0.3 x
M x =0.3 0.3+ x

M x =0.318 x

For 0.3 x 0.44

M x =0
x (0.14)
M x= ( x 0.3)

0.14 x
M x= x0.3

M x =0.682 x+ 0.3

When x = 0.3
Mx = 0.318x
= 0.318 (0.3)
= 0.095 Nm
M x =0.682 x+ 0.3

= - 0.682 (0.3) + 0.3

= - 0.095 Nm

Use interpolation to get y1,y2 and y3

0.095 y
y1, = 1
0.3 0.12

y 1=0.038 m

0.095 y 2
y2, =
0.3 0.2

y 2=0.063 m

0.095 y
y3, = 3
0.14 0.06

y 3=0.041 m
Theoritical moment at cut section (Nm)
F 1 y 1+ F 2 y 2+ F 3 y 3

= 2.943 (0.038) + 0.981 (0.063) + 1.962 (0.041)

= 0.254 Nm


1. Derive equation 1 and 2.


a b

RA = = L RB

F x =0
R A + R B=1

F y =R A + R B 1=0 RB =1

R A + R B=1 RB =

M x=0 0x a
Equation 1 ;
R A ( L )1 ( Lx )=0

R A L=1(Lx) M x + R A (a) 1( ax )=0

1( Lx) (1 x ) a
RA= M x= 1(ax )

( L x)a 1( ax )
M x =R B (b) 1( xa)

Equation 2 ; ax b x
(b) 1(xa)

M x RB (b)+1( xa)=0 xb
1( xa)
2. On the graph, plot the theoretical and experimental value against distance from
left and support. Comment on the shape of graph. What does it tell u about how
moment varies at the cut section as a load moved on the beam?

Graph of Theoretical Value (Nm)versus Experimental Value (Nm) versus Distance (m)
0.12 Theoretical Influence lines
value (Nm)
Moment (Nm) Experimental influence line
value (N)

Distance (m)

From the graph, a peak shaped graph can be obtained. The peak is the weakest point
of the beam where there is a hinge in the beam. As load is being moved on the
beam, the influence line which was constructed can be used to obtain the value of
the moment. As load is moved across near to it, the moment will increase. So does
the other way round when load is moving further than the hinge, the value of
moment will decrease as the load is moving towards the support at the end. As the
load is moving along towards the hinge from both side of support, it will come to a
peak where the value of moment is the same.
3. Comment on the experimental results and compare it to the theoretical results.

The experimental results that we obtained are quite accurate and compare to the
theoretical results, the experimental results are only slightly different with
theoretical results. When we were conducted the experiment, we tried to minimize
the error by ensuring the Digital Force Meter reads zero with no load before we
place the hangers.


1. Calculate the percentage difference between experimental and theoretical results in

table 2. Comment on why the results differ.

Experimental Theoretical moment Percentage Different

Moment (Nm) (Nm) (%)
0.325 0.325 0
0.325 0.336 3.27
0.275 0.280 1.79
0.250 0.254 1.57

The experimental results are slightly different from theoretical results are due to
human error and instrument sensitivity as the reading of the instrument keep
changing when we conducted the experiment.


As a conclusion, both objectives were achieved. Moment influence line could be

plot and the influence line can be use to determine the moment. We were able to
identify the reaction and behavior of a beam in terms of its moment reaction value.
This method is useful to check every cross section for a particular beam.

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Influence lines play an important part in the design of bridges, industrial crane
rails, conveyor belts, and other structures where loads move across their span.

An influence line represents the variation of the reaction, shear, moment, or deflection at a
specific point in a member as a concentrated force moves over the member. Once this line
is constructed, one can tell at a glance where the moving load should be placed on a
structure so that it creates the greatest influence at the specified point. Furthermore, the
magnitude of the associated reaction, shear, moment, or deflection at the point can than be
calculated from the ordinates of the influence line diagram.

A bending moment exists in a structural element when a moment is applied to the element
so that the element bends. Moments and torques are measured as a force multiplied by a
distance so they have as unit newton-metres (Nm) , or foot-pounds force (ftlbf). The
concept of bending moment is very important in engineering (particularly
in civil and mechanical engineering) and physics.

Tensile stresses and compressive stresses increase proportionally with bending moment, but
are also dependent on the second moment of area of the cross-section of the structural
element. Failure in bending will occur when the bending moment is sufficient to induce
tensile stresses greater than the yield stress of the material throughout the entire cross-
section. It is possible that failure of a structural element in shear may occur before failure in
bending; however the mechanics of failure in shear and in bending are different.

The bending moment at a section through a structural element may be defined as "the sum
of the moments about that section of all external forces acting to one side of that section".
The forces and moments on either side of the section must be equal in order to counteract
each other and maintain a state of equilibrium so the same bending moment will result from
summing the moments, regardless of which side of the section is selected.

Moments are calculated by multiplying the external vector forces (loads or reactions) by
the vector distance at which they are applied. When analyzing an entire element, it is
sensible to calculate moments at both ends of the element, at the beginning, centre and end
of any uniformly distributed loads, and directly underneath any point loads. Of course any
"pin-joints" within a structure allow free rotation, and so zero moment occurs at these
points as there is no way of transmitting turning forces from one side to the other.

If clockwise bending moments are taken as negative, then a negative bending moment
within an element will cause "sagging", and a positive moment will cause "hogging". It is
therefore clear that a point of zero bending moment within a beam is a point of contra
flexurethat is the point of transition from hogging to sagging or vice versa.

It is more common to use the convention that a clockwise bending moment to the left of the
point under consideration is taken as positive. This then corresponds to the second
derivative of a function which, when positive, indicates a curvature that is 'lower at the
centre' i.e. sagging. When defining moments and curvatures in this way calculus can be
more readily used to find slopes and deflections.

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