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If you want to be a successful and well paid ESL (English
Second Language) teacher... then you will have to put forth a
little bit of effort in learning ESL Classroom Games; then
from those ESL classroom games you will need to do some
trial and error testing, to figure out which games are most
suited for your students.
Some classes prefer ESL conversation games, while other
classes prefer ESL board games or printable games. Whatever
the case may be... you will need to experiment with a wide
variety of different games to see which your students react the
most positively too.
If you are new to Teaching English Overseas... let me tell you
this. Teaching English abroad is a business. There is a special
term that has been given to teachers that teach English in
Asia; that term is, "EDUTAINMENT." Edutainment is half
teaching and half entertainment.
If your students are not being entertained... they will leave
your class / school for someone who is a more fun ESL
teacher. Don't let this happen to you. You must be able to
make the student's parents happy, by teaching him/her
English. And you must also keep that student happy by
playing ESL classroom games and ESL activities.
When your class is over you should regularly give homework
and ESL printable games to be completed at home. This way
your students will enjoy learning English. If your students
aren't enjoying your class... you will be out of a job soon. ESL
Games are the new way of teaching English overseas!

Teaching English overseas can be the chance of a life time
and an entire new chapter in your life. The rewards far
outweigh the risks; which are very minimal, if at all.
Whether you decide to find a teach English job before or after
you arrive in Asia is up to you. In my experience it is best to
fly to the country that you want to work in first. Travel around
and find a place that fits you well. Next, you would want to
start to search for a place to teach English as your job. And
don't be scared about finding an English teaching job. They
are everywhere. Most streets will have at least one ESL
school where you will be able to find work; and the reason
why is because everybody wants to learn English.
And if you are having a hard time finding a job and are in
need of some quick money; you could always teach English
online. However, I find this way of teaching not nearly as fun.
And why did you come to a new country? To work at home
on your computer? Probably not. I for one love to experience
the different cultures and help classrooms of ESL students
learn English.
However, if you really want to be a success while you are
teaching English you will need to do some training / studying
to improve your teaching skills.
Most schools offer a few hours of training and they will
let you watch another ESL teacher's class for a few
hours; some schools will even arrange for you to go to
some kind of "How to Teach English Seminar."
The most effective way that I have learned to encourage ESL
students to learn quickly is to incorporate fun ESL Games
into my lessons. This will keep your students happy and at the
same time will teach them English. And if your students aren't
having fun ~ HOW CAN YOU HAVE A GOOD
REMEMBER: When your students are having fun in class;
you are having fun in class!
It can open doors that you never knew existed. You can meet
new people, experience different cultures, figure out what
kind of person you truly are and make enough money to buy
what ever you like.
Or Teaching English Overseas can be a nightmare. Maybe
you will have Visa problems, maybe you won't be able to find
a job, maybe teaching English isn't for you... whatever the
case may be; some negative people will always find negative
things to put their attention on. If you are one of these people
stop reading this article.
This Ezine Article is for new and experienced ESL (English
Second Language) teachers who enjoy their work. And they
must also enjoy to work with the students. If this is you...
then I know a few ways to improve your class starting with
your next lesson.
Did you know that most ESL School Owners make their ESL
teachers teach the "OLD SCHOOL WAY" of teaching.
However... as more and more ESL businesses go out of
business due to the students having no fun; more and more
ESL business owners are being more open to allowing their
teachers teach the class in their own style.

However, if the ESL teacher teaches in his/her own style and
their are complaints; the owner will then tell you how to
However, if you teach the class in a way that is fun and also
engages the students in conversations, discussions and
encourages the students to learn faster; the owner of the
school will allow you to teach using your own style.
First you need to know how to play the original Gun, Heart,
If you know how to play it already... just scroll down past the
next paragraph. If you don't know how to play it; I will
quickly explain how to now.
You will need to draw a big grid on the blackboard. On the
top of the grid you will need to write the letters A - J. Have
the A in the first box on the far left. Have the letter B in the
box to the right of the A. Then the C, and so on.
You will need to write the numbers 1 - 10 in the far left boxes.
Have the number one in the top box. Write the number 2 in
the box below. The number 3 under the 2 and so on.
Now you should have a large grid on the blackboard. Your
ESL students should easily be able to pick a box: A - 6, F - 2,
7 - G, etc.
During your preparation time you should decide which ESL
games you will play. If you decide to play this game... then
you will need to draw this same grid on a piece of paper.
On your grid you will have to fill in all of the boxes. These
are the items that you can put into each box.
Gun, Heart, Bomb - Original Version Items:
A gun means that you can shoot an opposing team members
hit point.
A heart means that you can give one extra hit point to one of
your teammates.
A bomb will explode and blow up whoever picked that box
and minus one of their hit points.
Gun, Heart, Bomb - Version 2.0 Items:
The gun, the heart and the bomb are items that your students
can find in this version of the game.
Also included in this game are:
A tank - A tank can shoot one person on the other team 3
A helicopter - A helicopter can shoot three other people one
A flame thrower - A flame thrower can shoot two people two
And of course, use your creativity to make up even new
When you start the game you will need to divide the class
into equal teams. Give every student an equal amount of hit
And because this is an ESL game to be played during your
English class... you will need to practice English before and
during the game.
What I usually do is have all of the students stand up. I will
ask them a question. After they answer the question correctly
they can sit down. When all of the students are sitting down ~
I will let one person from each team have a turn.
If it is Jimmy's turn and he picks box 8 - C... the ESL Teacher
will have to look at his answer sheet which he/she wrote
during his/her preparation time to see what is in that box.
Keep playing the game until one team destroys all of the other
team's hit points.
If you want to become the best ESL teacher in your school;
then learn from the best ESL teachers in the world. This is
one of the best ESL Games and there is no reason why you
shouldn't be playing it in your classroom! This ESL Game is
called, "The Crocodile ESL Game." I wish that I could show
a picture of this Crocodile, but I can't. But if you have ever
been to Toys R Us or any other toy store then you would have
seen the Big Green Crocodile that has his mouth wide open.
The way that you play this game is you can push down one of its teeth at a time. There
are about 12 teeth, and if you push down the wrong tooth ~ the crocodile's mouth will
close on your hand. If the crocodile bites you...that would mean that you lose. This is a
fun game and the crocodile toy is cheap to buy... so do yourself a favor and pick one up.
The way to play this ESL game while teaching English at the same time is to have the
ESL students practice their English before they play the game.

I like to have every student stand up. I will usually ask them a
question with regards to some subject which we are studying/
reviewing. After all of the students have answered a
question... I will divide the class into two teams. The two
teams will make two lines. Line Team 1 and Line Team 2.
The first student in line from team 1 will get to push down
one tooth. After his/her turn, he/she will go to the end of the
line. Then it will be the other teams turn. Keep having the
student who just had a turn go to the end of the line. When
the crocodile bites one of the student's hands ~ the other team
is awarded a point on the blackboard. The team with the most
points at the end of the class is the winner!
Living in Asia and working as an English Teacher has been
one of the most amazing life changing life experiences of my
life. I want to help out up and coming, new and experienced
ESL teachers reach the same level of success as I have now. I
was lucky enough to have the experience of meeting some of
the highest paid and best ESL teachers while traveling
throughout Asia. This is one of those ESL Games that I had
the luck to learn:
This game is called "Pictionary." You probably already know
this game, but do you use this game in your ESL class? And
do you know ways to keep the game fresh through out the
school year?
To play this ESL Game:
1. Divide the class into two teams.
2. Write 10 - 20 words that your students know and / or
are trying to learn.
3. Cut the paper so that each word is on a small piece
of paper; and put those words in a hat.
4. Have the students play, "Paper, Scissor, Stone," to
see which team will go first.
5. The winner of the "Paper, Scissor, Stone," will go
first... have one student from that team come up to the
blackboard. Have him/her pull one piece of paper out of
the hat.
6. Whichever word they pick ~ they will have two
minutes to draw it on the board; and the students must
say the correct word within the time limit.
7. If the team guesses right ~ they are awarded one
point and then it would be the other teams turn.
8. If the one team does not guess the right answer in
the two minute time limit... then the other team gets one
guess to try to steal the point.
9. Keep playing this ESL game until you decide that
time is up. Have fun teaching English and your students
will have fun, too!

This is another one of those "very easy to learn" ESL Games.
This game is similiar to the "Mixed Up Words" ESL
Game...but this game is more geared towards more advanced
students. When I first started teaching English in Asia... I
often found myself in the classroom with 10 - 20 students
sitting in their seats; and waiting for me to teach them
something fun.
In the beginning...I failed horribly!
But I didn't give up and when you are standing in front of the
class and you have nothing else to teach them... you will
quickly make a mental note to: Find some ESL Games that
you can play in case you have extra time near the end of
This is one of those ESL conversation games:
First you need to think of a sentence. This sentence should be
some what related to something that you have been studying
and / or reviewing during class time.
So let's say that the sentence that you came up with is:
The boy walked to school.
You / the teacher would then scramble up each word AND
mix up the order of the words.
dkwlae ot oyb eht olohcs
Let the students work do the first few Mixed Up Sentences on
the board. Once they get the idea of how the game
works...Write more mixed up sentences on the board.
This ESL Game is one of my most popular games of all time!
All of the students love to compete against one another to see
who the best is... and this game always awards the best! This
ESL Game is basically just a spelling race. When I say,
"Spelling Race," I mean two students will come up to the
board; the teacher will say a word and the two students will
try to write the word. Which ever student writes the word
correctly first wins.
Write every students name on the board like so:
1. Bill
2. Sally
3. Tom
4. Jerry
5. Susan
6. Jim
7. Candy
8. Jack
9. Toby
10. Mitch
11. Pat
12. Mary Jo
Call up the first two students. Say a word for them to write.
Which ever student loses the spelling race ~ erase their name
Round 1
1. Bill
2. X
3. Tom
4. X
5. X
6. Jim
7. Candy
8. X
9. X
10. Mitch
11. X
12. Mary Jo
( The X means that they are out of the game. )
In round 2 the ESL students that won the first round of the
spelling race will battle each other in another spelling race.
Round 2
1. Bill
3. X
6. X
7. Candy
10. Mitch
12. X
Depending on the amount of ESL students that are in your
class ~ you may have three students in the finals. For the final
round... I usually get the students to write three words. The
winner of the spelling race is the student that is student which
wins the final round:
Final Round
1. X
7. X
10 Mitch ( Mitch is the winner and the best speller in the
Good luck teaching English! Try this game in your class the
next time that you are doing spelling; the students will
absolutely love it!
This ESL Game is entitled, "The Christmas Tree."
How to play:
1. Draw a big Christmas tree on the board.
2. Draw one big Christmas ornament on the end of each tree
branch. (You should atleast have 6 ornaments on the tree. 3 on
each side and one big star on the top of the tree.)
3. Divide the ESL students into two teams. One team can be
the "Red" team and the other team can be the "Blue" team.
4. Have each team line up in two straight lines a few feet
away from the whiteboard.
5. Ask the two students in the front of the line an English
question. Which ever student answers it first correctly ~ will
get to throw a stickyball at the Christmas tree.
Each Christmas Ornament is worth 3 points, the big star on
the top of the tree is worth 5 points and if they hit the tree
they are awarded one point.
6. After the two students in the front of the line have had their
chance... they move to the end of the line. And you continue
to play this way until all of the ornaments and star have been
The above is a description on how to play this game a certain
way. Of course, if you wish to make up some different rules
or modify the game in anyway ~ modify the game to fit the
needs of the students. Have fun and always do your best to
help teach all of the ESL students.
Living in Asia for the past five years of my life... I have
learned many things. One of those things that would never
work in Canada, but works surprising well in Asia is this ESL
The Pop Up Pirate Barrel Game
Teaching English in Asia can and is meant to be very
rewarding. It can change your life and open yourself up to
new cultures. There is no better way to meet new people and
be introduced to new people than by having fun with people.
One fun way to get students/friends in a good mood is to play
a fun game.
This ESL game is called the Pop Up Pirate Barrel Game.
Any ESL teacher can use this game to liven up a class; or they
can use it as an end to a long hard class. In this game you
have a plastic barrel with 48 slots cut out of the barrel and a
pirate in the hole of the middle on the top of the barrel.
There are four different color plastic swords: Red, green, blue
and yellow swords. This game is designed to have 4 teams.
So the teacher will divide the class into four different teams.
The teacher will eventually give the red team the red swords;
the blue team the blue swords; the yellow team the yellow
swords and the green team the green swords.
But before you give out the swords it is recommended that
you ask every student some English questions before you give
them the swords.
After the ESL teacher has asked all the students questions,
and the students have all answered them correctly you can
begin to play the game.
One ESL student per team gets to put one sword into one slot.
The red team goes, then the blue team, then the yellow team
and the green team goes last.
If the student chooses the slot that makes the Pirate jump out
of the barrel -that team wins the game.
You can also play ~ every time that one team makes the Pirate
jump out of the Barrel; that team gets one point.
Be creative with this game. Do whatever works best for class!
Have fun and Teach English!

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