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Frrdus—vatley Civilization BHF names : i ee : Ce Hatreppon civilization Haxoppa % the Type site of civilization becouse Tein fivak site dtscoueted ($121) tn enkive civilizatin . © Bronze age civilization * Proto-Histosic civilization * shia civilization hod saipk, bub tt is not studied by ony- on pak- Sq TE called - paoto- historic these axe another 3 temp ewilizations Contemporary to the Sndus- civilization ‘a the woud . * Somesian civilization [Mesopotemie] & Land Yo tuo vivess THO vivers are Tegra 5 eupratese * eqyptian civilization [ ytle valley) + chinese cluilization [-thoarg Ho valley} aol4st Extent ¢ xe: HR vob’) jpendbAiv 2 ALanginrur(vr] Findon giver Gokot aveck ¢-ctutlization : £3 enlhon.5q “Em! | : Archaeologish, duseuered by diff ae ¢ s lat gue built as Civilzation - : * “Mongplotts © Proko- Austroloik @ Albrnoids ° ede tevrinean] Qeavidear’ . Noth - Sniion Languages — Aryan group languoges South « a — Btouidean groupg languoget Gg “Total : tbo sikes Sndia: 100 Pakistan > 600 ‘ decd * i Mohemadaro means mounig dead [sivdi] Lothak means ‘mound f daad* (qujaxati) ast cope, 7 Veh? oyortont chovesvistie 4 sve * “Bun planning Every city vs divided ints a pawl : Upper(citada] Lower vere, Ieee citadel post is protected by tthe woah { Chonhudara — only city dosnt had citadel Bholaviza, —> The aly wde divided into 3 past po Su om naps + | myonsases y= . PPG FL ap geben - 2 qaxo[nly . Li . i C wysel dG: FobT ion 5 mugs | S29 Z UNION 99 pawn, UIcLL * aq PAKE e : , (re) Ph © | ola : i Jere a . pin proeepnl® owoboyd = owysas Ssut eur spasdy i : : : - aseud vB years sopuinfow “ow, your | 5 “gs0q ayEIORS eya8 Brpoep sauaqy . ; , } : me | Te ar Stans (rou Bgoxutoqtoas 2 rurcunb. sab « |, Gob) iqpary Aromat. puro suet. Yrs : Truce ‘spoxnuas sauceq | - amosh wulary « aohurg GX rab; owprhinyow: -y are seEp09 pop wasn 209 — Unffan UapOOM 9 : eh (Sty (Novy: juDynog she: soddau ethos cfenaerns Beer OF mee | wag noses eh Aap = oh f | “Pen -oN's cthe cities butt on Sid paltern [chess board patter] chanson, only city bal on, _Grizd pattern tn todo - Every city tn ve & built on grid patter except Banovali, * Undex ground drainage 4 stem along with’ manholes © every city had this dramage System except Banavalt Socol structure ¢ SVC? | Sodety & class divided based on Wealth clacs -» mebilly ts allowed caste > mobility ts not allowed TJebn Marshall, Birectok -General ¢ AST of the time ¢ indus valley excavation . © According tb him, ondus Soriely ts Makriaschal socichy Ye Mother ahead Ff fornily. Ks Religion % the reflection 4 society Que Aodely tons highly matured . Rolitical System: Tk difficulk to study DPD, Kaushambt —. the priest class people ave rulers ie theocracy R.6. sharma wejected shia hypothesia , because there were no Feligtous symbols Cie temples) in INC - Sf priests eneve the aulers then they buidk -temples which Yefleds their religious crate - According “ta him, mexchants are rulers. . Economy of ave + Agertan econoiny “PF tonenmy “18 lehich ogricultuts ts beukbore: “slnnp -food graim: —> barley ¢ wheat : Commertial Crops —s tetion, mustard, Rice was vorely cultivated lethal, a vice gvain tons found Rengopus . rtce husk was found ” Hoe was bbed by Indus people instead of plough; * ploughrevidences wete foond in 4100 placs * Thalibangan —$ Pervowas [afte which has plough masts] ° Banaval? —» terakota replica of plough Bb RP ¥ Evidence GF Horse * Lotha# [odoublful terraketa horse wag found} . Surkotado(gyatat)_s Skeleton of horse. tas found al" Sodukries ¢ © Texttle Industry (cotton) © Brick Andustry- & Metalogical mdustry [compet + bronze] * ship building industry [ody ak Lotto!) * Jewellary endustyy (breads q shell ornasrerds) ew Ly located in 8 sites © Chanhudaro = Lothal * Bholodiia “Trade and Boxter ae int Ca) Sumesio. is imp trading poxtnex “The Indus valley Seals were fourd in Mesopatorio. Sea) — the small pieces qd stentite (10m) Seal constate the plekographs; animals 4000 Seals found , shope + veckaryle oF Square “Cegapatomian Seals were always cylendeical shoge Mohenjadaxo > 3 deals f mesapatemia were fourd. Andian cotttin sas found in UMMA : In 23008¢, Sinton (means cotton) from Meluha. Mesopatomia Accipts weve in cuneiforey Baater System —> Eachanging the. good . © Mothea geddens © Paghvpali Mahodeva in Mohenjadaro, & seal was -fourd ,consista the pashupati Mahadeva image [ uséth 3 heads, tuo hom} surroondad by animals, “hh -the opinion q gohn Marshall , gadupathi modadeva “75 Paeto- shiva 7 and most of schotars accepted é - © Evidence t hing yoni * Boll , snake ,-tree ---soxtship © cleoa evidence 4 sthuols alorg with avimal slatietig- large nog. amolety (“alismans) woe found in many sis. Canes fos the end dave: Oplolons of diff scholars: * Mostimum Wheeler —» Aryans invasion e Bilidence : 43 skeletons eve foond ot one plate (induding- toomen q children] those dié scattered q has gome knife masks. Many scholars opposed -this becouse the oryans Tome te fndia, @ 165008C. * Some scholars sotd .” flpede” cere the cause g endg ave . Mchenjadaro , charhutaro cities mere destroyed anny times by flopds and those cities were vebuilt- But there wac no eutderce ¢ floods . i Easth- quakes ¥ Diying of rivers or the direction ¢ flow ¢ sivers was changed . Today , Gndos vives. 40 kr cwoay from the Moberjadaro bat tm ancient petiod., this aby wor built on the banks of Sndes. & ‘Ecological Begradation Andesceimi nant ose gf notural resources Reh 9 Neosures 9. 2N¢ 2 : 16 % base for weighh ¢ measuTes Today, 1 Rs = 16 anos tsare: £6 chakkh

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