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Principles of Organizations

and Management

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Table of Contents

Introduction __________________

Organizations and Management __________________


Principles of Human Relations Approach __________________


Maslows hierarchy of needs __________________ 6

Effective Leadership __________________ 7

Conclusion __________________ 8

Reference __________________ 9

Organizational behavior is the study of human behavior in organizational
environments and interface of individuals to achieve the give objective.
As per Carely & Goldsmith(2004), in a company business management is a
way to direct resources to work to well organize its efforts to achieve a
particular goal or objective. Organization management is a series of methods
and tools that are used to plan and implement in order to perform and
control its operations. This also underlines the importance of continuous
learning and development capabilities in organizations. Also it allows teams
to work collaboratively to in defining plan, managing schedules and resource
allocation. A system to be successful all the division of system should be
working fine.

Objective of this study is to;

- Understand the system approach and effective management and
contingency approach.

- Discuss the human relation approach
- Understand Maslows hierarchy of needs with respect to organization
- Role of managers and Organization behavior

Organizations and Management

Management is application of rules and methods by a top individual or group
to get the results with effective use of resources. This is a complete system
where all resources and interconnected and need to be working effectively
for a successful system.
The conventional approach in management is Scientific Management. It is
logical and organized study of the connection between individuals and jobs
to improve the quality work for higher effectiveness. According to Frederick
(1902), Scientific Management is the task of precise analysis of knowing
what a firm or manager want individual and resource to act and making it
sure in the effective and less expensive way. This approach looks into micro
aspects of system. However it stresses on pressure on workers to get the
results. It was also observed that in this approach most of the managers and
shareholders exploit workers in order to get more profit.
Charles (2001) mentions that effective management is always contingency
or situational since it is established on the logical use of some commonly
practices and acknowledged principles of human behavior. It concentrates on
the environment which is responsible for objective and pattern or type of
organization. In contingency management things are managed depending on
conditions. In this approach different techniques are employed for different

cases. The manager analyses various situations and response of individual to
it. On the basis of this he decides strategy.
An unwanted behavior is expected to arise if this one is practiced by certain
sort of affirmative strengthening every time it happens as they are more
efficient than any penalty in changing behavior. Contingency management
teaches self-control so whenever any situation or individuals behavior seems
to be not in control.

Principles of Human Relations Approach

According to Gaurav (2011). with Hawthorne Studies conducted during 1925
to 1935 human relation approach gained importance in management. For a
management to be success it should get best out of individual by satisfying
both staff and organization needs.
The basic principles of human relations approach are :-
Motivation is the important function in human relations. An individuals good
work shold be recognize and appreciated.
Individuals should be dealt like human beings and rather than treating like
machines. Care should be taken by management for the feelings and
emotions of the workers. Management should maintain casual and strict
relations in organizations.
Working individuals seeks for job satisfaction and security. Hence
management should provide both. Individuals should be given required
degree of freedom to perform tasks.
Managers in the organization should try to avoid or stop disagreement
among workers and communicate in effective and proper way.

The main essence is human relation approach is involvement of workers in
decisions on issues affecting them.
This management method puts emphasis on the human beings and
concentrates on inter-personal attitude.

Maslows hierarchy of needs

(Source : Wikipedia)

Maslows hierarchy of needs is arranged, from the lowest

to highest level of need. He classifies needs as;
1. Physiological needs
2. Safety needs
3. Social and belonging needs
4. Esteem needs
5. Self-esteem needs
Physiological needs are primary needs of a human being like food, house and
mean for transport. Workers in an organization look for means to fulfill these
needs. Based on requirement and capacity the organization can offer free

food, house or transport to them. The organization's Safety Needs also called
security needs where a worker needs to feel safe about his job in terms of
surroundings and payment. Belonging Needs are also called social needs.
Where people like and prefer certain surroundings or culture. Company can
provide feasible surrounding to like thinking workers. Esteem Needs are
personal needs. Considering this need one needs to be distinct from others
and want some status. Making feel a worker having s distinct and different
type of car can motivate them to go for it. Self-Actualization is a
psychological or personal need in which a worker will have more personal
importance and interests. Managers have to give personal importance to
individuals to motivate them.

Effective Leadership
According to Blumberg (1994) usually in an organization the required tasks
and available people do not entirely meet the work and situation needs.
Effective managers should not only manage their department in order to
accomplish the task, but also address expectations of task and people. Such
manager are also called effective leader because they take care of both task
and people. It is required that to support, motivate and develop the
individuals in their teams and concentrate on social and belongin needs.
With such relationship with people they focus on getting the required task to
achieve the organization objective.
As per an analysis conducted in 2006 by Burke, it is been observed that
Successful managers know about the team member their abilities and
motivation needs. They study by talking rounds in office, communicating
with team members, and paying attention to their views and concerns.
Fiedler (1988) says from the perspective of task-performance the effective
leader gets involved with acts as per physical or psychological aspects in
order to get the tasks done. Apart from this he will look forward to

revolutionize the team members by offering training, developmental tasks
and motivation. Also he takes care of tasks by redesigning the managing
approach to meet both organizational and developing employee needs.
Ricky (2010) mentions that effective leaders show great concern for the
aspects that result in variance by combining activities with the way of
approach and with vision of the better organization. All these things are
achieved by training and educating, with encouraging change in the team
members in the task design. By developing suitable and proper conducts, an
effective leader encourages individuals to increase their involvements. Like
this he makes an appropriate link to make sure well organized job completion
and increases the abilities and satisfaction of individuals in the work unit.

In the light of above discussion we conclude that business management is
systematic use of resources to well organize activities to achieve a particular
goal. Various approached adopted in management like system approach,
scientific approach and contingency approach. Effective management is
always contingency, because it is based on the logical methods and
principles of human behavior.
For management to be success it should focus on human relation approach
by giving importance and motivation to workers. Also if an organization
satisfies needs of employees as per Maslow's hierarchical model it can
sustain for long time and easily achieve its objectives.
Managers are important part of organization system. They should act as
effective leader by creating a link between task and people.

1. Carely B. & Goldsmith L.(2004): A guide for the design of business
processes. US: PMP Global
2. Charles kindly Berger (2001) " A Theory of Leadership Effectiveness",
Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall,
3. Fiedler (1988) , "A Theory of Leadership Effectiveness". New York,
4. Gaurav K (2011), management and workers. International Economics
Journal USA
5. M. Blumberg (1994), "The Missing Opportunity in Organizational
Research" Academy of Management Review
6. Ricky W. (2010). " Business essentials" . Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Prentice Hall

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