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December 1, 2016 Journal # 5

1. What instructional activities did you engage in this week? This week

I helped with blending letters together. Specifically Sh and Ch, I

helped with teaching the alphabet, I also gave some timed tests, and I

helped teach math.

2. What were the purposes of the activities? The purpose of the

activity with the blending letters together is to help the student learn

the different sounds that come when you combined a letter with the

letter h. The time tests that were given were to determine where the

child was at in his ability to recognize letters and their sounds.

3. What assessment/progress monitoring activities did you engage in

this week? I gave three different assessments to help with progress

monitoring. The first one was saying the letter sounds in one minute,

the second was saying the letter in one minute, and the last one was

giving all the sounds of a word in one minute.

4. How will your assessment/progress monitoring affect instruction?

The assessments that were given will give the teacher a better idea on

what the student is struggling with and what area of focus needs to be

given to help out the student.

5. What methods of classroom management did you try this week?

One of the little boys this week did not want to do his math. To help

him engage I created a competition where I would time him to see how
long it took him to do a math problem. This helped him become

engaged in doing the math assignment.

6. What did you learn about yourself as a teacher this week? I really

enjoyed this week and I felt like I made more of a difference. I feel like I

can finally apply what I have been taught into actual life experiences.

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