Pricing of A CDO

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capital 40 THEEDGE mal aysia   |  june 7, 2010

derivatives world

Pricing of a CDO

CDO Models: Opening the Black Box, Dresdner Kleinwort, October 2008
rom the previous
article, we begin Chart 1: Copulas to generate correlated default times
to appreciate the by
complexity of the Jasvin Josen Independent uniform random numbers Transform uniform into normal numbers then impose correlation
CDO. However, its
1 12
most complex as-
pect by far would be its pricing.A CDO main reason for its wide usage is its ease
is constructed with a pool of securi- of implementation and calibration.
ties, thus, its valuation is dependent
on every asset in the pool and the CDO pricing steps
correlation between them. Numerous The focus here however is to discuss 12 12
papers have been (and still are being) the methodology in pricing a CDO and
written about the pricing of the CDO, not its model choice and pitfalls. For
primarily modelling the dependent ease of explanation, the 1-factor Gaus-
default structure. sian Copula is chosen. Readers who 12
are not interested in the nitty gritty of
Translated survival rate into default Map the correlated normals back to uniform numbers,
CDO models the pricing may skip to the paragraph probabilities using individual default curve representeing correlated survival rates
While the first CDOs were issued as titled “The Abacus Case” to catch the
1 1
early as 1987, they emerged in the se- highlights of CDO valuation.
curities market only in the late 1990s. Pricing of a CDO is explained by
As such the basic infrastructure for the following steps:
CDO pricing is at its infancy. i) Obtain the implied correlation 0.6
CDO pricing is a function of the from the market
correlation between the default risks ii) Model the dependent default
of all assets in the reference portfolio. times
Theories differ on how to estimate iii) Compute the pool Expected Loss 0 Default time
or model these correlated defaults. (EL) for Asset 1
Copula models attempt to get implied iv) Compute the Tranche EL time 0
correlation from the market to price v) Price the CDO tranche
bespoke CDO tranches. Others prefer
to dynamically model the loss of the (i) Obtain the implied correlation this model, correlation is flat, mean- will default. For example, if the CDO is loss is $62 million; this means that the
bespoke portfolio with stochastic mod- from the market ing that the correlation is constant in of 5-year maturity and most assets are equity and 10-25% tranches are fully
els using calibrated parameters. Standardised index CDOs in the mar- time and constant across assets. estimated to default only between 7 to wiped out. In simulation 3, only As-
Copulas are one of the methodolo- ket like the CDX and iTraxx have quot- 20 years,then the tranches have low risk set 1 defaults before the CDO maturity
gies that first caught the attention of ed bid and offer prices. The tranche (ii) Model the dependent default and would command low spreads. which causes the 10-25% tranche EL to
most market practitioners to model prices are put in the Gaussian Copula times The objective of the Gaussian Copula be affected partially to the tune of $4
the dependency structure in the asset Model and the model works in reverse The whole crux in valuing a CDO is es- model is to arrive at dependent default million ($14 million - $10 million equity
portfolios. Despite its drawbacks, the to back out the implied correlations.In timating when the assets in the CDO times. Dependent because correlation tranche loss)
exists between the assets in the pool, We can summarise the tranche EL
hence one asset’s default could be de- into one algorithm to capture the EL of
pendent on the other. We start with a tranche in all three situations:
generating random numbers between
0 and 1, representing survival rate of Tranche EL (i) = max [(min(A (1-rec)),
assets. Then we impose the implied det) – att), 0]
correlation obtained from the market
to obtain correlated normal random Where
numbers.The normal numbers are once i = the tranche
again transformed into uniform num- A = Pool EL
bers to represent correlated survival Rec = recovery rate
rates of the assets in the pool.Finally we Det = notional at detachment
translate these correlated survival rates point (in this case $25m)
into default times using the individual Att = notional at attachment
asset’s credit curves. The whole depic- point (in this case $10m)
tion is illustrated in Chart 1.
v) Price the CDO Tranche
iii) Compute the Pool EL A CDO tranche is priced by simply
In Chart 2,say we have a two-asset port- computing the present value (PV) of
folio example. Assume that the de- its two legs, the premium leg (paid
fault time of the assets in Column A by the protection buyer) and the con-
are already modelled. Now the EL of tingent leg (paid by the protection
each asset is calculated as [Notional* seller in the event of a default). For
(1-recovery rate)]. The EL of both as- each simulated tranche loss in Chart
sets is combined to obtain the pool 2 (column D), the PV of the fee and
EL in Column C. From the simulated contingent leg will be calculated us-
default times, many simulations of ing the formulae given:
pool EL is obtained. If we were to plot
PVcontingent leg =
all the simulated pool EL in a graph, t
we would get a typical portfolio loss
distribution discussed in my previ- 0

[df (t) ∗ (TranchEL(t)−TrancheEL(t−1))]
ous article.
PVfee leg =
iv) Compute the Tranche EL
Let us look at a CDO with a total no-
s∗ ∑df ( t)[( H − L ) − TrancheEL(t) ]
tional of 100m and its 10%-25% tranche Where
(see Chart 3). As defaults occur, there t = point in time
can be one of three consequences for H = Notional at the detachment
the tranche: point = $25m
a) No losses reaches the 10-25% L = The Notional at the attach
tranche ment point =$10m
b) Losses reaches the 10-25% tranche s = fixed coupon of
c) Losses exceed the 10-25% tranche the tranche
df = Fee Leg: discount rate for each
Back to the table in Chart 2,say we have payment period (Fee leg) / Contingent
a 10-25% tranche.For simulation (1) both Leg: discount rate(s) at the estimated
default times occurred after the 5-year default dates
maturity of the CDO, so default is zero Intuitively the PV of the premium
for both the pool and the tranche. In leg is just the premium rate multiplied
simulation 2,both asset 1 and 2 happen by the notional of the tranche for every
to default before five years. The pool payment period.For each payment pe-
THEEDGE mal aysia   |  june 7, 2010 41

Chart 2: Computation of Pool and Tranche EL Chart 3 The Abacus event was tragic but at
least it has taught us some interest-
Total Notional= $100m ing technical aspects.We acknowledge
A B C D how funded transactions are crucial in
Estimated Default Default time Pool EL ($m) 10-25% Tranche EL minimising counterparty risk.One can
Simulations time less than maturity (before discounting) (before discounting) also appreciate the significance of loss
of 5 yrs?
Asset 1 Asset 2 Note 1 ($m) distributions in figuring out how risky a
1 6 yr 10 yr NO 0 0 CDO is.We also have come to terms with
2 4.5 yr 2 yr YES (both) 62 25 pricing of a CDO to recognise how the
25% main drivers, defaults and correlation
3 3 yr 8 yr YES (Asset 1) 14 4
15m act together to impact its value.
After the financial crisis,many prac-
titioners realised how far off their pric-
ing models were,when values of CDOs
10,000 10m plunged in the market. One of the is-
0% sues was that the correlation skew,
Note 1 the difference between the modelled
Notional Recovery Loss and market correlation (just like the
$ (m) rate seller, the value of the CDO tranche volatility smile in the Black Scholes
Asset 1: 20 0.3 20 (1-0.3) = 14 in its books would be + PV (premium world) was not captured properly.
Asset 2: 80 0.4 80 (1-0.4) = 48 leg) – PV (contingent leg). The high More focus is being given to other
100 62 negative PV of the contingent leg copulas that capture better tail risk (or
pushed down the tranche’s mark-to- remote events) and dynamic models
Asset 1: 20 0.3 20 (1-0.3) = 14 market value. with dynamic correlation surface to
Asset 2: 80
It is a wonder how the 50-100% produce better models.After an event-
100 14
tranche of the same CDOs was valued ful decade of a rise and a fall, hope-
in ACA Capital’s books,considering that fully the CDO will now mature into
it willingly entered into such a deal. an instrument with robust pricing
Besides admitting to the cumber- and risk management.
riod,the notional is evaluated to see if it The Abacus case prime loans coupled with high cor- some process involved in pricing a
has decayed when defaults occurred.As If we go back to the Abacus’s case, relation led to very near default times CDO, the above points out that the Jasvin Josen is a specialist in
for the contingent leg,the PV is simply Goldman wrote down its unhedged in the model. Events have shown that main driver of CDO valuation is how developing methodologies for the
the EL of the tranche that the PS has to 45%-50% portion about a week after correlation tends to get stronger as dependent the defaults are in the valuation of various credit products.
make good to the PB upon default.The the transaction was completed. Going asset quality worsens. reference portfolios. This in turn de- She has over 10 years’ experience
calculation takes place in a continuous back to the above valuation principles, This triggered massive pool EL pends on the steepness of default in investment banking and the
time period (and not discrete) thus the it must be the case where the steep which ate through the 45-50% tranche curves (credit quality) and correlation financial industry in Europe and
use of integration in the formulae. individual default curves of the sub- very quickly.As GS was the protection among the assets. Asia. Comments:

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