March 21 2017

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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam -

March 21, 2017

Why should we be very careful when our intellect begins leading us on the Godward
path? Bhagawan lovingly points out to us today.

Intellect revels in discussion and disputation. Once you yield to the temptation
of dialectics, it will take a very long time for you to escape from its shackles and
enjoy the bliss. Hence be aware of the limitation of reason. Logic must give way
to love and devotion. Intellect can help you for a little distance along the
Godward path, the rest is inspired and illuminated by intuition. And often,
egoism tends to encourage and justify the wildness, for a person is led along
the wrong path by their very reason, if that is the path they like! You very often
come to the conclusion you want to reach! Reason can be tamed only by
discipline, by systematic application of the yoke of compassion, calmness,
forbearance and endurance (Dhaya, Shantham, Kshama, Sahana). Train it to
quietly walk along small stretches of road and after you are confident of its
docility, you can take it along the tortuous road of six-fold temptations lust,
anger, greed, delusion, pride and jealousy.

- Divine Discourse, Apr 12, 1959.

Realise that all sweetness is within you. Turn your intelligence inwards and discover that
sweetness by filling your intellect with selfless love. Baba

21 mwrc,2017

sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn

pRSn: jd swfI bu`DI, Bgvwn dy rsqy qy clxI SurU ho jwvy qW swnUM ikauN bhuq swvDwn rihxw cwhIdw hY? Bgvwn,
A`j swnUM, ipAwr nwl dsdy hn[
au`qr: bu`DImwn, vwrqwlwp Aqy ivvwd ivc KuSI mnwauNdy hn[iek bwr jy qusIN, qrk ivdAw dy cuMgl ivc Ps gey qW
quhwnUM ies qoN Cutkwry leI, Aqy AwnMd pRwpq krn leI bhuq smW l`gy gw[ies leI, kwrxW dI aUnqweIAW qoN
swvDwn rho[ipAwr Aqy BgqI dy rwh qy clo[ bu`DImqw quhwnUM, Bgvwn dy rsqy qy clx leI QoVI mdd kr skdI hY
pr bwkI rsqw pUrw krn leI quhwfI AMqr-Awqmw hI quhwnUM, pRyirq kry gI[Awm qOr qy, hMkwr hI gMvwrpn nUM
bVHwvw idMdw hY Aqy mnu`K,AwpxI ie`Cw nwl hI auh rsqw ApxwauNdw hY[qusIN keI bwr, AwpxI mMjl qy pu`jx leI,
Awp hI Pyslw lY lYNdy ho[kwrxW nUM, AnuSwSn, dieAw, SWqI, iKmw Aqy sihnSkqI nwl hI byAsr kIqw jw skdw
hY[Awpxy kwrxW nUM tRyn kro Aqy hOly- hOly, QoVw-QoVw kr ky rsqw pUrw kro[jd quhwnUM, ies rsqy nUM pUrw krn dw
XkIn ho jwvy qW kwm, kRoD, loB, moh, hMkwr Aqy eIrKw vrgy duSmxW dy Kwqmy leI, AOKw rsqw Apnwau[(12 ApRYl,
1959 dy idvX pRvcn)[

ies cIz dw iehsws kro ik imTws quhwfy AMdr hY[ AwpxI bu`DImqw nwl, Awpxy AMdr JWko Aqy AwpxI bu`DImqw nUM,
insvwrQ ipAwr nwl Br ky , aus imTws nUM Kojo [(bwbw)[

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