March 24 2017

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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam -

March 24, 2017

What is key in leading a spiritual life? Bhagawan lovingly reminds us today with a
memorable example.

Practicethat is the real thing that matters in spirituality!

Scholarship is a burden, it is very often a handicap. So long as
God is believed to be far away in temples and holy places, you will
feel religion to be a burden and a hurdle. But plant him in your
heart and you will feel light, burdenless and in fact, stronger! It is
like the food basket when you carry it on the shoulder, it feels
heavy and you feel you are too weak to even carry it during a walk.
But sit near a stream and eat it. Though the total weight has not
decreased, the consequence of eating the food makes you feel
lighter and in fact stronger! Similarly, apply this to the idea of God.
Do not carry it on your shoulder, take Him in! Let Him blossom
within you! Keep the memory of the Lord and His Glory always with

- Divine Discourse, Feb 18, 1964

All knowledge and scholarship are of no avail if there is no practice of virtue. Baba

24 mwrc,2017

sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn

pRSn: A`iDAwqimk jIvn ibqwaux leI, ikhVI cwbI hY? Bgvwn, A`j swnUM, iek Xwdgwr audwhrx dy ky Xwd
duAwauNdy hn[
au`qr: A`iDAwqimkqw pRwpq krn leI ieh zrUrI hY ik ies dw A`iBAws kIqw jwvy[auc kotI dI ividAw, iek Bwr
hY, ieh Awm qOr qy iek AVcn hy[ij`nI dyr qweIN mnu`K, ieh smJdw hY ik Bgvwn dUr mMdrW Aqy piv`qr sQwnW qy
qy rihMdy hn, Drm (mz`hb) nUM iek boJ Aqy rukwvt m`ny gy[pr, Bgvwn nUM jd qusIN Awpxy AMdr sQwn idMdy ho qW
qusIN Awpxy-Awp nUM hlkw Aqy SkqISwlI mihsUs kro gy[ieh iek, Bojn nwl BrI tokrI dI qrHW hY ijs nUM jd qusIN
Awpxy moifAW qy cuk ky lY jWdy ho qW quhwnUM ieh BwrI lgdI hY Aqy ies nUM dUr lYjwx leI qusIN Awpxy-Awp nUM
kmzor mihsUs krdy ho[pr iek ndI dy iknwry, ies Bojn nUM Kwau[BwvyN ies dw pUrw Bwr nhIN Gty gw pr Bojn Kwx
nwl qusIN hlkw Aqy SkqISwlI mihsUs kro hy[ausy qrHW ies ivcwr nUM, Bgvwn au`qy Fukw ky vyKo[aunHW nUM, Awpxy
moifAW au`qy cu`k ky, lY ky nw jwau Aqy aunHW nUM Awpxy AMdr lY ky jwau[aunHW nUM, Awpxy AMdr iKVn dau[Bgvwn dy
ismrx Aqy aunHW dI mihmw nUM,hmySw Awpxy AMdr ivrwjmwn kro[( 18 PrvrI, 1964 dy idvX pRvcn)[

quhwfy swry igAwn Aqy au`c ividAw dw koeI lwB nhIN jy aunHW nUM qusIN A`iBAws ivc lY ky nhIN AwauNdy[(bwbw)[

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