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Crush word is generally used to describe
some kind of accident or damage when one
object slams into another.

However, in the maritime shipping world,

when this word is combined with the term
manoeuvring, it becomes a procedure
which is performed to avoid any kind of
collision or accident.
When we are driving the land transport
vehicles, in an emergency crash situations,
we use brakes to stop the vehicle and to
avoid the accident.
But, in a seagoing vessels, unlike land
transport vehicles, there are no brakes that
are provided to stop the ship when needed.
The stopping of the vessel is done by
reversing the rotational direction of the ships
Reversing the rotational direction of the engine
reduces the speed of the ship and finally stops
the ship.
As a general rule, when a merchant ship heading
on a maximum speed ahead, if we stop and
reverse the engine astern with midships rudder,
the ship stops at a distance not more than 13
times of the ships length.
When the ship stopping, if we use hard rudder at
the same time to turn 180 degrees either
starboard or port side, ships stopping distance
reduces to a distance not more than 3 times of
In the Simulator training;

Your ship will be passing through the stanbul

Strait from south to north at 13-14 kts. speed.
In front of the Paabahe, your ship will across a
ship which is underfire blocking the passage.
You do not have the possibility to pass that ship.
Because, there is another ship passing that ship
on your portside coming from north going south.
As a master, you are commanding your ship.
You decided to make an emergency crash turn
manoeuvring, turning your ship 180 degrees and
moving away as soon as possible. 6
As a master, What actions you are going to
First; Stop and reverse the engine at full speed
astern while at the same time turning the ship to
starboard given hard to starboard order.
When the ship speed reduces to 8 kts.; let go the
port anchor at 7 cables.
When the ship speed reduces to 4 kts.; start weigh
the anchor while controlling the ships turning
circle and not entering the shallow waters.
After turning 160 degrees, reverse the engine to
full speed ahead and move away of that dangerous
ship immediately. 7

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