Acct Talk Data For Instructional Management 1

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Before Accountable Talk - Student Talk

Spring 2016: Teacher talk/Student Talk data

What is Accountable Talk?
NOT IRE: Initiation, Response, Evaluation
Emphasizes correctness over reasoning
Conversation shuts down after initial response and
Reveals answers but does not reveal or build
students knowledge
What is Accountable Talk?
NOT Personal Sharing: Collecting student
evaluative opinions or personal experiences
related to a topic.
Helps connect prior knowledge & promotes students
understanding of one anothers
Not academically productive: no academic way to
challenge, support or build on each others
What is Accountable Talk?
1. Accountability to Accurate Knowledge:
a. What students discuss
b. Students make claims and try to be as specific and accurate as
possible. Students ask each other challenging questions.
2. Accountability to Rigorous Thinking:
a. What students discuss
b. Students use accurate knowledge to build a logical and coherent line of
argument. Students use sound reasoning, as well as evidence, to back
up their claims.
3. Accountability to the Learning Community:
a. How students talk to and with each other
b. Students focus on classmates contributions so they can understand,
challenge, build upon, and refine one anothers thinking
Routines & Norms
1. Equitable & Respectful Participation
Turn Taking Routines
CLR Appendix A
2. Wait Time
"when teachers wait for three seconds or more,
especially after a student response, there are
pronounced changes in student use of language and
logic as well as in student and teacher attitudes and
expectations," (quoted in Cazden, 2001, p. 94).
1. Create a high quality question or problem.
2. Select a talk format that best
is she this color?
question/problem and the needs of the
3. Generate possible student responses and
corresponding teacher moves.
What color is the lioness?
Talk Formats
1. Teacher-Guided Whole Group Discussion
2. Teacher-Guided Small Group Discussion
3. Teacher-Student Conferences
4. Student-Led Small Group Work and Peer
5. Stop & Talk (Partner Talk)
6. Fishbowl
7. Student Presentation

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