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World War I Webercise

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history , which will lead you to the website to begin your quest.
How did World War I begin?

What countries entered the war?

1. 5.

2. 6.

3. 7.

4. 8.

What were the name of two alliances forged?


How long did the war last?

What was the total of deaths and wounded in the war?

By watching the video in the main page, what technology did WWI introduce?

Look through the leader gallery and find out what significance did they play in

Franz Ferdinand-

Welhelm II-


George V-

Nicholas II-


Woodrow Wilson-

Go to the technology gallery and define each object and its significance in the

1. Air balloons-

2. Aircraft Carrier-

3. Battleships-

4. U-Boats-

5. Tanks-

6. Machine guns-

Under Speech, what was the speech about from Samuel Gompers?

List of battles below, explain the battle.

1. First Battle of the Marne-

2. Battle of Verdun-

3. Battle of Tannenburg-

4. Gallipoli Campaign-
5. Battle of Juteland-

What was the Schlieffen Plan?

Summarize the Armistice

On the main page, scroll down to World War Is Legacy. Summarize the

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