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rdg 1'. t6
ED 3601
6*K4M'r\;\) \ t

Grade/Subtect: FSL Unit: Lesson Duration: 37 mrns

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PROGRAM OF {2-3, clear, and measurable) ASSESSMENTS 6tow
STUDIES will you knowthey met
learning objectives?) t4
Students will:
{Observations, Key Questions,
Prod ucts/Perform a nces) \$ rilJ
L.2: Students will state known neighborhood buildings Glase discussion. \
professions vocahulary in French- Observation with
neighborhood ."_"4 checklist. Feedback
buildings (un
restaurant.'/un / f-Y2l > -),^\p(-o&1*- !v,"\r s
l-.3: trades
and \
isJ:c' L*',i ''
- r ..^ i,''*'v'
..-^rS Lt'
professions of
people in the :)')** \,&t ,i

i6s),y,$i; is"i
neighborhood *'I.f) '.

1.1L singular Students will praetice using the singular form of Class discussion,
forms of the verb the verb travailler. observation with
travailler cheklist, feedback. ],sp
2.2: state orally Students will practice using phrases in which they Class discussion.
with -it
in their own do not employ an indefinite article when Observation
words, that in identifying one's profession. , I^ checklist. Feedback

French the
indefinite article -$
is not used when
identifying one's
profession {M.
Brown est
dentiste -pas de


t whife bmrd rrslcaB
lntrduction ( 3 rnin.):
Aftention Grabber: bonfoar mes amis!
Assessment of Prior Knowledge: who cqn name same professions ofpeople who might work in a neighborhood?
Connection to Curriculum: we can qpply what we know already about buildings in the neighborhood to figure out
what kinds of people might work in a neighborhood.
Advqnce Organizer/Agenda: today we will be learning some new vacabulary and then we will get a chance to practice
talking to each otlrer.
Transition to Body: {)wy va! (French for let's set soins!}
Bodv ( 32 rnin.):
KR 201
What is the teacher doins? Whot are the students doins?
Icarning Activity'#7. Firct leod o discussion obout the types ol professions
found in neighborhoods, look ot the list from yesterday to help determine who Students are oarticioatinp in
might wo* in a neighborhood. Discuss thot in French the indefinite ardicle is the discussion. answering
not used when identifying one's profession (M. Brown est dentist, NOT un/une questions and contributinE
dentist), Have students moke o list of professions found in o neighborhood tor their ideas.
their notes. Write o few examples of shoft profession sentences on the white
board. Write an example of a short convercotion one might have on the white
board while asking the students whdt the Freach words we might use auld be.
"hello, my name is _" h(\T,J-,,*-oqt-
r{f ffi-w
.u.""t-a ^4t'
"Hello, my name is
"l work at the '"5L }r...rc*\(z Zx[a eu6]c N go cl. '-+rnq sA
,w^ ".'t:+.ffi',
"oh you're o _
't D\ u0r5 Ak$i#i L,
More advanced Ex: "helloo
'-X *'qt\' effi\.F ^ .,,^rd,s zil
" 1'M fdq\,e +*'"Yf,
,rmy nome is_r,

,# "yes hello, my name is
"do you know who
wa*s otthe _?'
"Ohtha(sM._.1/Mme. Mr_/Mme
s h
Formative & Summative Assessments: abservatiow, class discussion questiofiing.
th lr.\zfr
Y$r z

Specific Learner Cowideratiow: students called upon that don't know the answer can -\e.\
phone afiendfar help. L
Transition to Activily #2: Now we will practice using these examples here by having mini
conversations with each other.
Leuains Activit1 #2 we're going to do this by tloing a ustand up, hand up, pair Stand uo. hand uB, P
upu stadents will use the while boad uamples o; well os their list of ,out#
professions to initiate converctations with peers. Stund up, put your hand up, -.. l9t')
professions in the
ftnd another person with their hand up, give them a highJive and have the
conversttion Students should tshe tarns starting the conversation so they get
*lshbrrhrrd b+g, ix**b
practice with each lype of sentence. Have sfrtdents continue until you've heard
each one speak
Formative & Summative Assessmelrts: observations with checklist, noting any common
t*, / "t\lF
\rti/' 4)
Specific Learner Consideratiow: students hoving trouble canpair up but each students | /-
./- /- {'P9" '
needs to speak Frerchfor one round ofconversation at least. U)r
Transition to Activity i: let's come back and talk about this.
u(r,/ t\e'
Students are oarticioutins in
LearrungacltwEl frJ: orscuss any comtnon mtslafres yoa neafa wIEn ,ne ctass, u the discussion, answering
none, move on to verb work ulravailler" (run down all present verb endings).
Have students repeat them back by ssying only the pronouns: o uestions and contrib uting
Je _. Etc; their ideas.

Formative & Summative Assessments: observatiora with checklist.

Speci/ic Learner Consideratioru: studznts who need help can "phone a frueld" .

Transition to Closure: I'ris bien tout le monde!

Closure {2 min.): * Connect vour closure with leamino obiectives*
Coraolidation/Assessment of Leorning: Wow, you've all done very well today having corwersations using new
vocabulary andverbs!
Feedback From Students: How did you like the stand up, hand up, pair up method?
Feedback To Students: Each time you practice speaking French, yau're moving these words into your long term
Transition To Nqct Lesson: Merci mes amis! Put vour French books qway and set ready for your next clqss-
3601 "r 2011
Lesson Reflections (After you
+o Ai; Ali- p*-\.as\ ln t \x- rcvr..,zzgctJie,r] .-1 t+e.l t*-<d*.
A\/M {o con^<- uS t*,-\n \"e,..Nth,^!uJ;,s \*r ct J rr'r/r-g (cvrV-<...{,*,,r.,_

What can be improved upon:

'Ik.-l \-Q-oA v.',\cr.c pac*,i:r- SW^k,\- \ *:.,1J
-Ea^o^n rvr
Ccx*-4- i^ anr3 .,'{iwS lu"",n c{.-... *sp*/,$
+ vrr-.

Describe how the students met your lesson objectives:

d,i;; ji
Sl-r,r"-\s <--z c{- abd- -,-= \na^.e- b*.\attv;5 ,-no\
\-egr,LrV*rcls . ^.f
Q{",VSS;D "\
ffi;; ;;";.T "*a+{ s,q,hp-
(,u^,. r-_ 'F0(.
+ \-rl
O,Oct {\^c.r(. '."-c,,/V{c;wr r''A'eurv'* }-}.- \r* t*.,c"l.eolc*a
vt c-en -\- *h*- {> J"tt ,rx- crLcr-* 'A J!\
.r, }

-) +\,c_ c crd{ktli.n ptea ne.ds *{-o k^fff^

be-t*f ;
rt .S S i*h oL ;'lrq*,go
*;o tr

;;*v-e "ryI ff[:r,

3"-fr s+*"- d.
lir+,^,,rt tr

a-,& ,x o*s\r.^.-\ rvi-1i c i5,rn U+J"

,< /c-r,ntc*[ic,ng.
"t{tr ^Av.

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