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ED 3601 VERSION "8" KB 201 1

Lesson 4
math 6 Unft ratlos and Lesson Duratron: J'l mtn
(2-3, clear, and measurable)
will you knowthey met
learning oblectives?)
Students will: (Observations, Key Questions,
6. Demonstrated Explain that percent is a ratio out of 100 Observation,
an questioning
of percent
(limited to
whole numbers)
pictorially and
Use pictorial representations to illustrate a given Observation, written
percent- Record the percent in a given concrete worksheet, questioning
or oictorial reoresentation-
Express a given percent as a fraction and a Written worksheet,
decimal. ouestionino
* c-tiA n
lntroduction ( 2 min.):
Attention Grabber: last class we started taking a closer look at percents.
Assessment of Prior Knowledge: Can someone explain to me what a percent is?
Connection to Currieulum: that's right, it is a part b whole ratio out of 100.
Advance Orgonizer/Agenda: todaywewill continue to look at more examples of percmts as well as different ways we
cqn express them inwriting.
Transition to Bodv: ftrst let's discuss the differmt wc$ we can acDress a Dercent in writins-
Bodv ( min.):
What is the teacher dnine? Whal are the students doins?

Iasrttirrg AdW.:fi-i Hand out the grid sheetfor today: thelirst thing on the
page is yout nflme song.
-J1rst review: draw random shapa on the white bosrd and ask them to write
these unswers on their worksheets:
. l{rite 3 part to part ratios about the shapes I drew on the white board
Students are answerins
and make sure yoa label what is in your ratio!
. llrile 3 part to whole ratios aboat the shapes yoa see on the bourd
q uestions and recording

. Write 3 ratios that are equivilent to I:2 answers on their gri.d oaoer.
. Write 3 ratios that are equivalmt to 16:4
-since percenfi ure ratios that compare a number to 7A0, every percmt can be
written as afraction wilh the percent numher in the numcralor, and 100 ln the
denominator. Ex: 45% is 15/Iln, and g% is 9/100.
Ask students: what percmt do thefollowingfraaions represent? Write them
down in the top right corner under your name on the grid sheel 34/100,
12/100, l/100, 97/100. good
-Now let's look at another wcy we can ercprcss percen s.'cs c decimsl Wfite
68% on the board druw an equal sign and write 6A100: because a percmt like
68% is equal to 68/100, it is also eqaal to 68 hundredths which is A.68.
Remember pluce value of decimrls: 0.1 (one tenth) 0.01 (one hundredth)
So ander the four Dercents vou iust wrote on vout Dase. I'd like vou tu wrtte the
VERSION "B" KR 201 1
dec imtl numb e rs that rcprcs ent th e fo llow ing fractions : 2/ I 00, 2 3/I 0 0, 9 9/I 00,
F ormat iv e & Sum mat iv e As s e s s me nt s : o bs e rv ati on, w ri t te n w orle, fe e db ac k
Specific Learner Consideratiorx: this is a review for the class, but certain stufunts missed
the first lesson so this will catch everybody u"p.

Transition to Activity #2: now lets put our new knowledge to the test!
Learning Activity #2 on your graph pspq, I want you to outline a l0 by 10
Students are answering
questions ilnd recording
- How mony blocks are in your square: 100
Now looking at this grid, what does each square reprcsent as a percent? A answers on their grid pa0er.
fraction? A decimal? 1%, Ul00,0.01
-e study token in 2004 said Canadians recycled about 27?/o of ,heir waste
-in yoar hundred block, I want yoa to neatly peneil in 27 squares.
-answer thefollowing questions under your sqaffe on your grid puper.
1. whatfraction represmts the part of the grid that k colored?
2. whst decimal reprcsents the part of the grid that is colored?
3. what percent oflrosh was not recycled?
4. what portion of the trash might Canadians be recycling now? Express thk - ,r
value us a fraction and us a decimnl. lAhy did you choose this value? rd"
Formatiye & Summative Assessments: observation, written work, feedback ,,'
Specific Learner Considerations: I am pushing for individual efforts on this, watch,Ethat
he is on task: often does nothing during worksheet time. /' I

Transition to Activity 3:
Learning AAivify #: if time-ilQws, pat the "t-
on the white bourd ond discuss as-'aclass; ave volunteefi come
tesch the class how to solve the qaesti
ratio and Dercenl

Formative & Summative Assessments :

Specific Learner Considerations: onlyvolunteers will be picked to come up and show the
class how to do it.

Closure (3 min.): Connect closurc with
Consolidation/Assessment of Learning: so what is the decimal that represents 670%
Feedback From Students: 0.67 (sixty-seven hundredtlx)
Feedback To Students: great work expressing percents as fractions, decimals, ond pictorially!
Transition To Next Lesson: giye me your worksheet and show vou're
Lesson Reflections (After you teach):
Whatwentwell: 'S+.-"1-\ -\S y1J-]\-r\,(.J
f\t- Jr-ph Fpel SO
'\*a cc/\r,ig,,-.^\i1q {rt"- B-"vc\o\ewr! / f"{irrS. 1to1 ,\tS5 \,rJ\(
.,-L\Y v,rlVq,i"6,\t.\-r.rzv\,qu^e.a\ 6,i-e- ft;\ (-^ t ^A {V,\ ,^,r<^{vNJ
What can be improveA oporri
vwiv.5\a-?,\q l" Ao cr,\r,n16.Ur.-&- I"o ad.,v,)y
tln,') vur\\ a\ar *A

a"-t 1rit +"_lrry.r6.V$-.,\
.d.+ i<- ,^nc6)s .

Describe how the students met your lesson objectives:

)\o.Irn\ u,tr-kSv.e\s'oaee-rV^c\ir""[J. cA atQr' *'\elr*

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