Math Example 4

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ED d601 VERSION "tr "*I

'nn\0 +, \ao5 ' KR 201 1

Lesson 1 1: b,\ -\/ 'fll4

: math 6 Unit measurement Lesson Duration: 37 mn
PROGRAII OF th-s, ctear,and measurable)
Studeots will: ,
{Howwillyou know

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they met learning
be@ objectives?)

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(Observations, Key
u,6\t burrvr\ ]o")"\*- \',od", Products/Pe rforma nces)
Estimating the Use basic rneasure references to estimate angles Formative: class
measure of discussion,
angles using 45,
- H arr-<, ._! h.Nprr5 *rd{l \ questioning,
90 and 180 written work.
degrees as
angles b,0 Q/2)v.^-Yk*V,yru ll-*'o? , -,
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Determining Use a protractor to measure angles in degrees Formative: class
angle measures diseussion,
in degrees questioning,
written work.
* wax paper protractors
" estimate and rneasurc anols PP
lntroduction ( 2 min.):
Assessment of Prior Knowledge: Bell book: what is the nsme of the two angles in this diagram?
Acute and obtuse.
Attention Grabber: why learn this? Billisrds, indoor soccer, hackey, tennis, basketball, etc...
Adtance Organizer/Agenda: todoy we will estimate angles using common reference points, use
homemade or affieial protractors and measare angles in degrees.
Transition ta Body: first, why leqrn cbout estimating and measuring angles? Arry sport that uses
boards to bounre a ball or puck offof, or a bwrier such as billiards, etc...
Bodv { 72 min.):
What is the teacher doins? What are the
students doing?
Learning Activigt #
pass out the paper protractors: explain thut if yoa have sn affieial one,leave Students are
it in your deskfor now. Show how to use it using the white board as an uslng u,ax
Brotrilctors lo
example. -b>
Pass out theft.rst sheet @,
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estimste angks
asing common
Formative & Summative Assessments: class discussion, questioning, written reference ooints,

obt \\'
Spectfic Learner Considerations: check in ofienwith the lawer levels.
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Transition to Activity #2: Now let's talk about how angles are labeled.
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& shffi discnss how the angle labels can be studcnts are
interchangeable within each unsle. Pass out worksheet Students ean use using orotractors
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ED 360'l VERSION "B' KR 201 1

ofJicial protractors or the paper one to estimnte as best thqt can in degrees. to rruasate
Formative & Summative Assessments: closs discussion, questioning, written angles in degrees
Specific Learner Considerations: check in ofien with yonr lower levels.

Transition to closure: Greot,

Closurc (2 min.): * Connect your closure with learning obiectives*

Consolidation/Assessment of Learning: now we can estimate and measure angles in degrees!!
Feedback From Students: what angle couldyou extimate my arrns to be inright now? Wat is this type
of angle called?
FeedbackTo Students: 45 degrees, acute
Tronsition To Next Lesson: ne)ct math class wewill be drawine ansles and discassion ansles ftrund in triansles.
Lesson Reflections (After you teach):
What went well:

h^n \1.ric 5 Qf tIf I,"' * .

What can be improved upon: -* u.xr{ch dlr( kiaS Swt^dab,*" eac.J!^cr V*

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Describe how the students met your lesson objectives:

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