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Lesson 2
lence 6 Unit airir and aerod Lesson Duration: 2x37 mln
(2_3, ctear, ano measuffiuory,.: ASSESSMENTS 6tow
will you know they met
learning obfectives?)
Sttrdents will: - ,, -Z- 1ql' (Observations, Key Questions,
Al\u*u \u*k rt'' rtr
Prod u cts/Pe rfo rm ances)
1. Provide Students will describe properties of air. Formative:
evidence that air Observation, feedback
takes up space
and exerts frd"A{ lvI .r,

pressure, and
identify examples
of these
properties in
fr{' w ".;qI-

Student willexplain using evidence that air takes Formative : Observation

up space. with checklist, class


'small [gm ball to toss salety
*"How do we know alr ls really thor" handout
plasticbottle -\ .-L-
*lood colorlng
) .
,.,,^i, *i1vr1\-'1(
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*playdough 1
lntrcduction ( 7 min.):
AttentionGrsbber: encourage students as they come into review last clqsses
notes. Let's play ball toss and see how
remembers somefacts about last class..-
Assessment of Prior Knowledge: toss the ball to a student to get it going, thq) mast state one thingthey bnw about air
and then choose who to pass the ball to, that students must answer and so oL no one can throw to someone who
already qnswered.
Connection to Curricalum: get a student to pass you the ball: great today we ore going to aplore more properties of
Advance Organizer/Agenda: by looking at an experiment demonstration!
Transition to Body: let's get started...
Bodv (65 min.):
*lthat is the teacher doins? What are the students doins?

LeandagAeittvlt#|.#tr,: Fint, review the uperimental proeess with them

(question, prediction/hypothesis, obsewation and diagrams, Students are tillins oul their
infermce/*planation). Now explain thal today I will be performing the exoertment infor matio n,
demonstration, sometimcs lhe whole class will get to do il, butfor today it will
watching the demo and
be done by me. Set up the moterials infront of you Ask lhe class uHow do we
know thol ab is really there?" write the qaestion on the board (sudm* write it
answering questi.ons.
on their sheet of loose leafl. Now set up the qrcriment:
Put thefunnel in the bottle and sarroand the spoul with ploydough to
make an air tisht setl
ED 360r KR 201
. Ask studm* lo now predicl vhut will happen when the eolored wder
is poured into thefunnel Thelt now need to write down their
hyytoth*k on their loase leuf,
. Pour the water in thefunnel
. Recordobservadons

Formative & Swmmative Asseslmeflts: observation, demanstrotiaa quzstioning

Specific Learner Consideratiow: students who can't see can come closer during the

Transitian ta Aetivity #2: Now write observatiow on the white baard, stadents to do the
same in their loose leaf:
Students arc recording.
lubel it (funnel, wate4 phsticine, air) on the lefi side of their page, leave the
drawinq and labelins
spfice on the rightfor another diagrum" Give the handout, thsy need to observutions, filling oilt the
individually ft.ll these out, but can do it in pahx Tell lhe groups to discuss what worksheet, and ansh,efing
happened und why it happened Fill out the hand.out" questi.0ns.
Formalive & Summative Assessmenls : abservatiou qaestioning
Specific Learner Consideratiora: students wlto can't come up with ideas can team up with r,,iq&-y
bt/ CL \

another pair.

Transition to Activity 3: alright, let's see what happens whenwe poke a hole in
IU ,*
the plasticine...
LeaffiW 46ffi##it call sludents nice cnd close, poke lhe hole with a pencil.
Have stude*ts go baek to desh a*d druw a diagmm af the exp*iment with hole Students are drawins the
poked in the plasticine (lahelfunnel, water, air, plasticine) now draw your own second oart ofthe demo,
diagram on the white boad of this second version. Ask students: writing inferences and
. Why wfrs wnter not able to tlow into the jar when the seal was light? answertng quesliens.
. What is happening when yaa poke the holes in the plasticine?
. Bssed or these two ac:tivities, whd do you know aboat air?
.!-- Druw rn anow in the disgrum going up out of the hole shawing theflow af
displaced air when the wstet came ircto the bottlc and pashed it oal Hwe
sluden$ add this to their own diagratrc. Have studentsfilt out their inferenee
portion of their eqednteatsheel
Infermce: u jw that loo*s empty is in faA full of air, tnd thot oir hs$ the
power to hold things up.

Formative & Sumwative Assessments : observatiou qwestioning, demonstration

SpeciJic l.ewner Consideratiotx: students who can't see can com.e closer to watch the
')\ ' crt*^A
Transition to Clasure: wow vott savs 6re realht eatchins on!
Closure (2 min.): * Gonnect vour closure with lmminq obiectives*
Coraalidatiory'Assessrnent of Learning: great job predicting and inferring during today's demanstratioq I can see
you've all got a good grasp on the properties of ain
Feedback From Students: Whd doyou fuiow about air? {Lookirugfor iwisible, takes up space, and has the pawer to
holdthings up)
Feedback To Studmts: fantastic! Yes, that's right!
Transition To Netct Lesson: naet sciense lessonwe will do more a.periments with air! Now put your science awuy and
set readv for math...
Lesson Reflections (After you ,r , t ,
w#;; ;* )ac,L oy,7' LJ/+ strncx;lttli -r-.25* J''"^< ,tz -Tttti c'-^V

r*J"ts tt?4 '-r+ b*'"n

a... .+ ^.i\- hu',,3 'Y <'.*r^' fl' H
What can be improved upon:
lusalC,lrf g\c,-,r +\\6*4. !aae,r-e- Ckjt4"q , eS pz.c,lc,r\a +{-- tnai

ry.^ ron''i+ .ltr +$I'L a+*i^--d**\

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Describe how the students rnet your lesson objectives:

bth^Clraat'i-fB \- hjp5,l
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f^ffi",.a 4\r"* a\r- l"rltJ +t^tyL uF c)'tl +"YeJ

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