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The Rai Saheb Rekhchand Mohota Spg. & Wvg. Mills Ltd.

Regd. Office : Block No.l 5, Devkaran Mansion, Gate No.2, 3'd Floor, 63 Princess Street, Mumbai - 400002
CorporateOlfice: PostBoxNo.l, Hinganghat 442 301; Dist. Wardha (M.S.) Ph.:07153-2442821244039
CIN: L99999MHI946PLCOO526I; Website: wlvw.rsrmm.com ; E-Mail : !41@@4!I444q!q

Datedt 25l03l2O!7
The Manager (Listing), I The Manager (Listing),
BSE Ltd., I National Stock Exchange oflndia Ltd.,
Rotunda Building, lstFloor, I Exchange Plaza,5th Floor,
Dalal Street, Fort, I Bandra Kurla Complex,
Mumbai - 440 001 | Bandra (East),
Code:530047 I Mumbai - 440 001
Code :

Sub: Outcome of the Class Meeting of 87o Non Cumulative Redeemable Preference Shares Held on
Saturday 25th March, 2017.

Dear SirMadam,

We wish to inform that 8% Non Cumulative Redeemable Preference Share Holders of the Company in its
Class Meeting held on Saturday the 25rh March, 2017 inter-alia have approved the business specified in the
Notice convening the Meeting:

Yours faithfullv
Mohota Spg. & Wvg, Mills Ltd

Company Secretary and Compliance Officer

The Rai Saheb Rekhchand Mohota Spg. & Wvg.Mills Ltd.
Regd. Office : Block No. I 5, Devkaran Mansion, Gate No.2, 3'd Floor, 6i Princess Street, Mumbai 400002
Corporate Office: Post Box No.l, Hinganghat - 442 301; Dist. Wardha (M .5.) Ph.:\'t 153-244282/244039
CIN: L99999MH1946PLC005261 ; Website: lylgl:qgSglE ; E-Mail : !g&@$tlg&.eqg

Details ofthe voting result ofthe Class Meeting of8yo Non Cumulative redeemable Preference Shares
of the ComDany:

Date of Meeting 25rr' March, 2017

Total No of shareholders on the record date 2 (Two)
No. gf shareholders present in the meeting either in person or through proxy 2 (Two)
No. of Shareholders attended the meeting through Video Conferencing Nil
1. Variation in the Terms and Conditions of 87o Non-Cumulative Redeemable Preference Share to
I 7o Non-cumulative Preference shares:

Resolution required: (Ordinary/ Special) Special

NIode ofVoting No. of No. of 70 of Votes No. of No. oI %o ofVotes in

shrres held Polled on Votes favour on votes against on votes
polled outstanding in ag,rinst polled polled
shares favour
(l) 12) (3)=l(2)/(r)l* 100 (4) (5) (6):(4y(2)l*100 (7)=t(sy(2)l*100
E Volilrg

Poll 6000{) 60000 l00va 60000 100%

Postal Ballot (if
Total 60000 60000 100% 60000 t00yo

This is for your information and record.

Yours faithfully
Mohota Spg. & Wvg. Mills Ltd

Company Secretary and Cornpliance Officer


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