Insights 5 U4 Test Basic

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4 Insights 5

Unit 4 Basic Test

VOCABULARY Ian: Good job! Id like to read it.

Katia: Can I (4) _____________ (try
1 Choose the correct words. / work) out your new laptop?
Amy: Sure. Ill make us some coffee.
1 A psychic / haunted person can
Katia: Great. Should I (5)
predict what will happen in the future.
_____________ (put / take)
2 If you hit yourself, you will get a
out this memory stick?
purple-colored terror / bruise.
Amy: Yes, thats fine. Heres your
3 When something is odd or unusual,
its strange / scared.
Katia: Oh, (6) _____________ (look
4 We say a house is ghost / haunted
/ go) out! You spilled it.
when we think it might have ghosts.
Amy: Dont worry, Ill clean it up.
5 During World War II, many secret
messages used a code / knock. /6
6 You can use video / expert
equipment to record things.
7 When you listen to something, you 3 Complete the sentences with
follow / hear it. these words.
8 Police officers investigate / watch
crimes. cell phone compass first-aid kit
9 When something is scary, it makes
flashlight insect spray map
you feel very frightened / fright.
10 When the bell claps / rings, its pocket knife sunscreen
time for lunch.
1 Take some _____________ because
/10 therell be a lot of flies and
2 Complete the dialogues with 2 Who can read this _____________ to
the correct word in parentheses. see where we are? I think were lost.
3 A _____________ will show you where
Ian: How did you enjoy your school north is.
project on the paranormal? 4 If I got lost in the forest, Id call
Cait: It was really interesting. I someone on my _____________.
(1) _____________ (found / took) 5 A _____________ is really useful if
out lots of strange things that I you need to cut something.
didnt know before. I got the 6 You can use _____________ so that
best grade in the class. your skin doesn't burn in the hot sun.
Ian: Wow! Thats great. 7 Its really dark, and I cant see
Cait: Well, I spent hours researching anything! Does anyone have a
different websites and it took _____________?
ages to 8 Take a _____________ with medicine
(2) _____________ (figure / take) and bandages, in case you cut
out what to write. It was a lot of yourself.
work. I didnt (3) _____________
(go / stay) out all week. /8
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Insights Level 5 Tests Unit 4 Basic Test

4 Look at the underlined letters
and put the words in the correct (GRAMMAR)
column of the chart.
5 Choose the correct option, A or
chair cheer dare dear ear B.
wear When I came home last night, I
thought I
hair hear (1) ____________ hear someone in the
kitchen. I closed the door quietly and
waited in the hall. I could (2)
____________ my heart beating in my
chest. As I waited, I thought I
(3) ____________ someone whispering.
The noise was coming from the
kitchen. I walked slowly along the
hallway, and tried not to
(4) ____________ scared. The kitchen
door was half-open, but I (5)
___________ see anyone or anything
(6) ____________. I was certain I (7)
____________ another presence in the
house. Then I noticed the door
(8) ____________ slowly. I was terrified,
but I didnt know what to do. Just as I
was about to run out of the house in
terror, I
(9) ____________ our new kitten
(10) ____________ up at me from
behind the kitchen door. I couldnt
believe I had been so silly!

1 A could B must
2 A see B feel
3 A saw B heard
4 A feel B felt
5 A could B couldnt
6 A moved B moving
7 A felt B saw
8 A opened B opening
9 A noticed B noticing
10 A looking B to look

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6 Choose the correct words. 7 Complete the second

conditional sentences with the
1 I wont / shall tell anyone your
correct form of the verbs in
2 He is going / will to meet his new
teacher tomorrow. 1 If I had enough money, I
3 Will / Shall I get you a drink? You __________________ (buy) a car.
look thirsty. 2 I __________________ (be) in great
4 The phones ringing and I dont shape if I was a survival expert.
want to talk to anyone. I dont think I 3 If my team didnt practice, they
shall / will answer it. __________________ (not win) games.
5 I think she will / isnt going to love 4 I would run away if I
the gift I bought for her because she __________________ (see) a bear.
adores chocolate. 5 I __________________ (use) my cell
6 I am going / will to start a new job phone if I had an accident.
next week. I had the interview a 6 If I __________________ (get) lost in
month ago. the mountains, I would follow the sun.
7 Im sure he shall / isnt going to 7 If something bad happened to me, I
come tonight. Hes late, and I know __________________ (not panic).
he doesnt like parties. 8 I would take a survival pack if I
8 I promise I am not going to / will be __________________ (go) on an
there by eight oclock. adventure vacation.
9 He never eats regularly. He is going 9 I would tell the emergency services
to / isnt going to make himself sick. if my friends __________________ (be) in
10 Did you lose your phone? Shall I / trouble.
Am I going to lend you mine? 10 They __________________ (be) happy
if they won a million dollars.

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Psychic Pets
8 Read the text. Then read the I have a small dog named Molly, and
sentences and choose True or Im sure shes psychic. She loves my
False. dad very much and he travels a lot,
1 The writers dad is psychic. so he spends a lot of time away from
True / False home. Molly always seems to know in
advance when my dad is about to go
2 The dog knows when the writers away. She gets upset and she stops
dad goes away. eating her food. She can also tell
True / False when hes coming back. Ive noticed
Molly jumping up at the door, waiting
3 The writer's dog knows when her for my dad to return. And when he
dad calls from the airport. calls us from the airport, its as if she
True / False knows, because she gets very excited
and starts jumping around and
4 They need a new doorbell because wagging her tail.
it isnt loud enough. Some of the things Molly does are
True / False very unusual. For example, if she
barks, you know that someone will
5 The writer usually takes her dog for arrive at the house very soon. A few
a walk by the river. minutes before anyone knocks on the
True / False door, you can hear her banging on
the door. We dont need a doorbell
6 One day, Molly took the writer to because she always warns us when
her moms friends house. someone is coming to the house.
True / False This isnt the only strange thing
that she does. One day, when my
7 The writer thinks Molly smelled the mom was visiting a friend, I took
way to her friends house. Molly for her usual walk in the park.
True / False For some reason she wanted to go in
a completely different direction from
8 The writer sometimes finds her dog the park. So, I followed her and we
standing in front of the TV when the went on a different walk. She took me
TV is turned off. to my moms friends house! When
True / False my mom saw us arrive at her friends
house, she was amazed. Maybe Molly
9 When they turn on the TV, there is smelled her way there. Or maybe she
usually a show about dogs. heard my mom tell me where she was
True / False going! I dont know, but Ive never
heard of anyone elses dog doing this.
10 Molly loves watching TV all the Finally, sometimes in the evening I
time. notice Molly standing in front of the
True / False TV when its turned off. It can be
different days and different times, but
/10 she stands there looking at the TV. Its
very strange. Then when I turn it on,
theres usually a wildlife show on
about big cats lions and tigers. Its

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Insights Level 5 Tests Unit 4 Basic Test

really funny, but it seems that she

knows when these TV shows are on. 10 You need to find a balance
She isnt interested in watching TV at between ___ and relaxation.
any other time! Living with Molly is A work B exams
great fun. Shes a very unusual,
psychic dog! /10

9 Track 6: Listen to some tips on
how to study. Choose the correct
option, A or B.
1 If your handwriting is bad, you
wont be able to ___.
A read the exam B read your notes

2 If you dont get enough sleep, it

will be impossible to ___.
A learn new things B do

3 ___ is an excellent way to relax.

A Playing computer games
B Doing sports

4 Do regular exercise while ___.

A studying B reading your

5 Youll find it easier to learn new

information if you give yourself ___.
A an example B clues

6 Dont ___.
A get stressed B relax too much

7 It will be impossible to feel calm ___

if you worry all the time.
A when you relaxB during an exam

8 Watch a movie with some friends

or ___.
A go out for a pizza B make time

9 If you ___ and dont study at all,

this wont help.
A sleep all the time B go out all
the time

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Insights Level 5 Tests Unit 4 Basic Test

10 Write an e-mail to a friend
talking about your plans for the
summer. Talk about these things:
your definite plans, e.g. Were going
to / were not going to
hypothetical situations, e.g. If we
, well
your predictions, e.g. It will , I



















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