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Teacher Interview Questions T.J.


Planning Questions:

How do you write a typical lesson plan?

Start at beginning of the year. The teachers for the grade make year-long scope and

sequence, then quarterly. Quarterly: three common assessments. Start with

common assessment and work backwards to get them where they need to be.

Should see same kinds of questions. Standards dominate. Before each unit (math),

there is a pretest. A color group system is used to organize the students into how

well they are with the topic. They get to the exit ticket when they have mastered

the topic or the teacher knows how much to work with them then they get the exit

ticket when they are ready.

What types of materials do you need available when you plan lessons?

Resources at the school, other teachers, internet, teachers pay teachers (be safe

because it could not be enough, but it can be built on to work for some groups), and

a Math Weebly.

In what ways do you plan to accommodate individual differences in the


As the teacher is making the lesson plan, it starts generic then you add to what to

do with the struggling students and then the higher ups. A template is used. The

teacher thinks about intervening for each type of student for every subject. It works

from the standard, objective, each part, and the materials.

Instructional Questions:

What are some of your instructional challenges as a teacher?

Teacher Interview Questions T.J. Rendino

Keeping track of paperwork and time, number of students (28), no help, numbers of

different levels, intervening, individual needs, adapting instruction (think about each

one), and parents.

What have been some of your instructional successes as a teacher?

When a struggling student finally gets it.

What do you consider essential characteristics for successful teaching?

Have a good planner/agenda, PLAN, OVERPLAN, set routines, MODEL, model

expectations, be flexible, have a sense of humor, be able to multitask, be organized,

laugh with the students, know you are not their friend but you do care about them,

and tell personal stories but not too personal.

How often do your students receive social studies/science instruction?

Social Studies: Two days a week for 45 minutes each.

Science: One day a week for 45 minutes. Health is done another day.

These subjects can be integrated into others.

Are you satisfied with the amount of time that you currently allot for social

studies/science instruction? Explain.

No because it is not enough. If you want to give a thorough lesson on it, it is not


What are possible goals/objectives I could address for my social

studies/science lessons? Do you have any instructional resources that would

support these goals/objectives?

Teacher Interview Questions T.J. Rendino

Social Studies: 4.C.1.1, 4.C.1.2; teacher textbook for social studies.

Science: 4.NPA.3 (Health), 4.L.2.2; health textbook.

What does reading instruction look like in your classroom (e.g. readers

workshop, basals, etc.)?

Readers workshop and mini-lessons.

What are possible goals/objectives I could address for my reading lessons? Do

you have any instructional resources that would support these


4.RL.4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.6 and 4.RL.4.5, 4.7; a couple of the teachers ideas.

What are possible goals/objectives I could address for my math lessons? Do

you have any instructional resources that would support these


4.OA.3, 4.OA.5, 4.NBT.5, 4.NBT.6, and 4.MD.2; none.

Classroom Management Questions:

What motivation tactics do you use to ensure a desire to learn?

Dojo points to reward for good and bad behavior in order to get a prize at a certain

point, praise, incentives, promote intrinsic motivation (this is your name so you

should be proud of your work, sometimes is not), and praising positive behavior.

Tell me about the classroom community. What are the class rules? How is

student behavior monitored? In what ways is positive behavior reinforced? In

Teacher Interview Questions T.J. Rendino

what ways are negative behaviors prevented. Tell me about the

consequences for negative behavior.

Promote positive morning meeting, take risks, practice routines over and over,

weekly/prepared with knowing whole student (homework can have limitations), get

to know the families, and professionally try to help.

Positive: Blue Cougar Paws if on really good behavior, gain dojo point.

Negative: One non-verbal warning, verbal warning and loss of one dojo point, if

three or more dojo points are lost in a day a White Cougar Paw will need to be

signed and returned, and then in extreme cases the child will be referred to the

principals office.

Tell me about the pacing of lessons and interaction in the classroom- use of

time- and other aspects of time, wait time, and time using teacher talk and

student talk. What works well with your students?

Fifteen-minute mini-lessons (teacher talks) then guided and independent (student)

(self-teaching). The students enjoy being positive, creating, warm and trusting

environment, respect, and caring.

What are important things to know in regards to classroom management?

What are some common misconceptions and what are the better methods of

approaching these misconceptions?

You need to have routines, everything needs a place, adhere to routine, have a

routine for everything and expect it to be done, follow steps, parent communication,
Teacher Interview Questions T.J. Rendino

be a team with the parents, and meet with them if there is an issue so you can get


How do you make yourself be an approachable teacher while also

maintaining that students respect you?

Be calm, have expectations, respect going both ways, earn respect (dont demand

it), take risks, let them know you care, and make personal connections.

In what ways are common distractions solved (e.g. pencil sharpening,

unwarranted talking, etc.)?

When the teaching is going on, there is no sharpening of pencils (only after the

teacher is done can they can do that). Minimize distractions and move on as you

can. Students also are told to sharpen their pencils at the beginning of the day.

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