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Preliminary Investigation Format

Problem Description
This section describes the problem clearly. It should state how the proposed system will be used
by the business. You can address existing issues that this system will answer and new
capabilities that will benefit the business process.

Anticipated Business Benefits

This section should be a bullet list targeting specific benefits that the business will accrue from
this proposed system. The bullet points should be organized in priority from most important to

System Capabilities
This section can be a bullet list that states what the system must directly do or prohibit (controls).

Proposed Project Schedule

The schedule outlined in this section should be a rough plan for the proposed systems analysis,
design, and construction.

Feasibility Analysis
This section should have subsections (or, at a minimum, paragraphs) that address each of the
feasibility areas that impact the business: organizational and cultural, technological, schedule,
resource, economic feasibility. Make initial estimates of the costs associated with this proposed
system (I.e., equipment, software licensing, consultants, etc.).

Present a clear, direct recommendation that states whether to begin work on this project, conduct
more analysis, or discontinue further work on this project. Your analysis above should support
your recommendation.

Note: Use figure 3-8 on page 88 as a model for the first three sections of this report.

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