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Proceedings of the 17th World Congress

The International Federation of Automatic Control

Seoul, Korea, July 6-11, 2008

A Note on Unknown Input Fault Detection

Filter Design
S. X. Ding A. Q. Khan Y. Q. Wang M. Abid

Institute of Automatic Control and Complex Systems, University of
Duisburg-Essen, 47057-Duisburg Germany

Department of Automation, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 100084

Abstract: This note addresses the problems related to the design of fault detection filters
which are perfectly decoupled from unknown inputs. The major focuses are on the study of
existence conditions, the design of reduced order and minimum order fault detection filters. For
the design purpose, different algorithms are provided. The achieved results are finally illustrated
by an example.

Keywords: Fault detection filter, residual generator, perfect unknown input decoupling,
geometric approach, inverted pendulum model

1. INTRODUCTION AND PROBLEM An FDF satisfying (7) is known as unknown input FDF
FORMULATION (UIFDF) and the design issue as P erfect U nknown I nput
Decoupling P roblem (PUIDP), which has been intensively
Consider a linear time invariant (LTI) system given by studied in the past two decades, see for instance Chen
and Patton [1999], Gertler [1998] and Blanke [2003].
x = Ax + Bu + Ed d + Ef f (1) The major objective of this note is to provide a practical
UIFDF solution to the PUIDP.
y = Cx + Du + Fd d + Ff f (2)
n m ku
In the past two decades, a number of significant UIFDF
where x < , y < and u < are the system state schemes have been reported. In the pioneer work by Mas-
vector, input and output vectors respectively. d <kd soumnia [1986], geometric approach was used for the de-
represents the unknown input vector and f <kf is the sign of UIFDF. In Ding and Frank [1990], factorization
vector of the faults to be detected. It is well known that approach aided UIFDF design was proposed. Wuenenburg
the first step to a successful model based fault detection [1990] and Patton and Hou [1998] reported successful
(FD) is the so-called residual generation. To this end, the UIFDF design using different forms of the matrix pencil
fault detection filter (FDF) scheme is widely used (Frank method. In addition, Chen and Patton [1999] have applied
[1997], Chen and Patton [1999], Kinnaert [2003]). Given the well-established unknown input observer (UIO) tech-
system (1)-(2), an FDF is a dynamic system of the form nique for the UIFDF design.

= A
x x + Bu + L(y C x
Du) (3) Recently, during the attempt to integrate the UIFDF
design into a MATLAB based FDI toolbox developed in
r = V (y C x
Du) (4) our institute (Ding et al. [2006]), we notice that (a) by
where r is the so-called residual vector and L, V are the different design schemes the existence conditions are given
observer gain and the post-filter which should be selected in different ways and in terms of different system structural
such that r is independent of u and x(0) for t . The properties (b) these conditions may differ from (in fact
dynamics of FDF (3)-(4) is governed by stronger than) the well recognized conditions
rank (Grd (s)) < m (9)
e = (A LC) e + (Ed LFd )d + (Ef LFf )f (5) for FDF satisfying (7) as well as
r = V (Ce + Fd d + Ff f ) , e = x x
. (6) rank (Grd (s)) < rank [ Grd (s) Grf (s) ] (10)
For a reliable FD, it is desirable that the residual vector for FDF satisfying (7) and (8), as given in Ding and Frank
would only be influenced by the fault. For this purpose, L [1990] or recently in Frisk [2001] and Varga [2002] (c)
and V should be so designed that the FDF is stable and the implementation of those algorithms may be involved
Grd (s) = V (C(sI A + LC)1 (Ed LFd ) + Fd ) = 0 and requires in particular special knowledge of linear
(7) control theory like, for instance, the geometric approach
Grf (s) = V C(sI A + LC)1 (Ef LFf ) + Ff 6= 0.
 or matrix pencil method. This observation motivated our
study reported in this note. Using some results well known
in linear system theory, we shall present an existence
? This work is in part supported by Higher Education Commission condition for the UIFDF and then give a modified form
(HEC) Pakistan and German Academic Exchange Program (DAAD) of UIFDF whose existence condition is identical with (10).

978-1-1234-7890-2/08/$20.00 2008 IFAC 5523 10.3182/20080706-5-KR-1001.2345

17th IFAC World Congress (IFAC'08)
Seoul, Korea, July 6-11, 2008

This modified UIFDF is a reduced order one. Based on and L11 , L22 ensuring the stability of A11 L11 C1 and
this result, we shall also give an algorithm for designing A22 L22 C2 . Introducing
minimum order UIFDF which is of considerable practical    
z1 e
interests. z= ,e = Tx z = 1
z2 e2
Throughout this note, the standard notation, for instance,
the one adopted in Kailath [1980], will be used. This
A11 L11 C1 A12 L12 C2 d1
note is organized as follows. In Section 2, UIFDF design e 1 e1 E
= + d
is addressed. Section 3 is devoted to the design of a e 2 0 A22 L22 C2 e2 0
reduced order UIFDF whose existence condition is given (16)
by (10). In Section 4, an algorithm is provided for the 
C1 0


design of minimum order UIFDF. Section 5 is dedicated r = [ 0 v2 ] = v2 C2 e2 . (17)
0 C2 e2
to the extension of the results. And finally in Section 6, an
example is given to illustrate the achieved results. It is evident that residual signal r is perfectly decoupled
from d. Thus, (13)-(14) is an UIFDF. For our purpose, we
2. ON THE UIFDF DESIGN now study the existence condition for UIFDF (13)-(14).
Lemma 2 Kailath [1980] : Under the same conditions as
For the sake of simplicity, let us first assume that Fd = 0. given in Lemma 1, we have
Later on, in Section 5, we will generalize our results for
Fd 6= 0. C2 6= 0 if and only if rank (C) > rank (Ed )
(A22 , C2 ) is equivalent to
For our purpose, we first introduce a well known result on
A221 0
the design of L such that for given (A22 , C2 ) 21 0
, C
A222 A223
x = (A LC)x + Ed d, y = Cx (11)
the pair ((ALC), Ed ) becomes maximally uncontrollable where (A221 , C21 ) is perfectly observable, the eigen-
by d, which is equivalently to the fact that the pair ((A values of matrix A223 are the invariant zeros of
LC)T , EdT ) is maximally unobservable. The terminologies (A, Ed , C) and they are unobservable.
maximally uncontrollable and maximally unobservable are Following Lemma 2, we know that A22 L22 C2 becomes
used to express the uncontrollable and unobservable sub- stable only if (A, Ed , C) has no unstable invariant zero.
spaces with the maximal dimensions (Kailath [1980], Won- Moreover, the PUIDP is solvable if and only if
ham [1979]).
rank (C) > rank (Ed )
Lemma 1 Kailath [1980] : Suppose L makes (ALC, Ed )
which leads to
maximally uncontrollable by d, i.e. ((A LC)T , EdT ) is  
maximally unobservable. Then by a suitable choice of A sI Ed
rank < n + m. (18)
output and state bases, V and T , the resulting realization C 0
can be described by As a result, the following theorem and corollary are proven.
A11 A12 d1 Theorem 1: Given system (5)-(6) with Fd = 0, then there
T (A LC) T 1 = , T E = (12) exists an FDF that solves the PUIDP if and only if
0 A22 d

C1 0
 A sI Ed
C = V CT 1 = rank <n+m
0 C2 C 0

where the realization (A11 , E

d1 , C1 ) is perfectly control- and (A, Ed , C) has no unstable invariant zero.
lable. Corollary 1: Given system (5)-(6) with Fd = 0, then
Remark: A system (A, B, C) is called perfectly control- there exists an FDF that satisfies (7)-(8) if
lable if A sI Ed A sI Ef Ed
  rank < rank n+m
A I B C 0 C Ff 0
, has full row rank.
C 0 (19)
Now, we apply Lemma 1 for our UIFDF study. and the invariant zeros of (A, Ed , C) are stable.

Let Lmax be the observer gain that makes (ALmax C, Ed ) Comparing the existence conditions given in Theorem 1
maximally uncontrollable by d. When C2 6= 0, we con- and Corollary 1 with the ones given in (9) and (10), we
struct, according to Lemma 1, the following FDF can clearly see that the existence conditions (18) as well as
(19) are stronger than (9) and (10) due to the additional
A11 L11 C1 A12 L12 C2
z1 z1 requirement on the invariant zeros of (A, Ed , C). This
z2 0 A22 L22 C2 z2 motivates our further study described in the next section.

+T Bu + T Lmax + L0 V y (13)
1 0
r = [ 0 v2 ] V y 1
, v2 6= 0 (14)
0 C2 z2
with   The basic idea behind our effort is to construct the
L11 L12 residual generator only using those state variables which
T L0 = (15)
0 L22 are decoupled from d and stable. For this purpose, we

17th IFAC World Congress (IFAC'08)
Seoul, Korea, July 6-11, 2008

consider FDF in (13). Instead of constructing a full order Algorithm 1: Computation of observer gain Lmax for
observer, we now define the sub-system related to z2 , i.e. generating maximally uncontrollable subspace
z2 = A22 L22 C2 z2 + T2 Bu + T2 Lmax + L0 V y
Step 0: Setting initial condition: find a maximal solution
(20) of
r = v2 V2 y C2 z2 EdT V0 = 0

with for V0
T1 Step 1: find a maximal solution of
T := , V := 1 .
T2 V2
Wi C T Vi1 = 0,
It is evident that (20) is a reduced order UIFDF which is
decoupled from d. In order to solve the problem with un- for Wi
stable invariant zeros, suppose, without loss of generality, Step 2: find a maximal solution of
that (A22 , C2 ) is of the form EdT
Vi = 0,
A22 = 221 , C2 = C21 0
A222 A223 for Vi
as described in Lemma 2, i.e. Step 3: check
A11 A121 A122

rank (Vi ) = rank (Vi1 )
T (A LC) T 1 = 0 A221 0 (23) If no, increase i = i + 1 and go to Step 1, otherwise set
0 A222 A223 V = Vi ,

E Step 4: find a solution of

C1 0 0
C = V CT 1 = , T Ed = 0 . (24)
0 C21 0 AT V = C T V

0 P
Corresponding to the decomposition given in (24), we now for (K, P )
further split z2 , L22 and T2 into Step 5: solve
z21 L221 T21 K = LTmax V
z2 = , L22 = , T2 =
z22 L222 T22
for the observer gain Lmax .
and construct the following residual generator
z21 = A221 L221 C21 z21 + T21 Bu + T21 Lmax + L0 V y
  Remark: The term maximal solution is used to denote
the maximally dimensional solution X of an equation
M X = 0 (or XM = 0 for a given M ). Step 0 to Step 3

r = v2 V2 y C21 z21 . are the algebraic version of the algorithm proposed by Bhat-
It is straightforward to prove that for e21 = T21 x z21 tacharyya [1978], Wonham [1979] for the computation of
e 21 = A221 L221 C21 e21 , r = v2 C21 e21 . the supremal (AT , C T )-invariant subspace contained in the

null-space of EdT . As a result, the dual representation of
That means residual generator (25) is stable and perfectly
system (11) becomes maximally unobservable.
decoupled from d.
Algorithm 2: Computation of reduced order UIFDF
Theorem 2: Given system (5)-(6) with Fd = 0, and
suppose that Step 1: Determine Lmax that makes (A Lmax C, Ed , C)
maximally uncontrollable by using Algorithm 1
A sI Ed
rank < n + m. (26) Step 2: Transform (A Lmax C, Ed , C) into (12) by a
C 0
state and an output transformation (controllability and
Then residual generator (25) delivers a residual signal observability decomposition)
decoupled from d. Step 3: Transform (A22 , C2 ) into (22) by a state trans-
In this way, we have removed the requirement on the formation (observability decomposition)
invariable zeros of (A, Ed , C) . As a result, the following Step 4 Select L221 ensuring the stability of A221 L221 C21
corollary is evident. Step 5: Construct residual generator (25)
Corollary 2: Given system (5)-(6) with Fd = 0, then
there exists a reduced order FDF that satisfies (7)-(8) if 4. DESIGN OF MINIMUM ORDER UIFDF
A sI Ed A sI Ef Ed
rank < rank n+m Construction of minimum order residual generators is of
C 0 C 0 0
strong practical interest for the real time application.
In this section, we shall propose a design procedure for
Remark: Note that residual generator (25) is in fact a constructing minimum order UIFDF based on the results
so-called fault diagnosis observer Chen and Patton [1999]. achieved in the last two sections.
To be consistent with the term FDF used in the last section
and considering the basic idea behind the design scheme, Assume that the existence condition (26) for a PUIDP
is satisfied. Then, applying Algorithm 2 leads to an ob-
we call it reduced order FDF.
servable pair C21 , A221 , see (22). In Ding et al. [1998,

Below, we summarize the major results for the reduced 1999] and Ding [2007], it has been proven that for a given
order UIFDF design into two algorithms, which can be observable system (C, A) the minimum order of any LTI
easily programed. residual generator is the minimum observability index.

17th IFAC World Congress (IFAC'08)
Seoul, Korea, July 6-11, 2008

Moreover, an algorithm has been proposed for the con-

the subspace spanned by A11 , E d1 , C11 includes the
struction of the minimum order residual generator, which
is summarized in the following algorithm. perfect controllable subspace (A11 , E d1 , C1 ) given in
Lemma 1
Algorithm 3: Computation of minimum order LTI
by a suitable selection of a pair L 1 , V1 ,
residual generator
Given a system A11 L 1 C11 , Ed1 , V1 C11
x = Ax + Bu, y = Cx
A11,11 A11,12 d1,1 C11,11 C11,12
where C R mn
, A Rnn , x Rn and y Rm denote , ,
0 A11,22 0 0 C11,22
the minimum observability index by min
Step 1: Solve where A11,11 , E
d1,1 , C11,11 is perfect controllable.
C Due to the special form of

A11,22 X C11,22 X
vs .. =0
. , (29)
0 A22 0 C22

for vs R1mmin , vs = [ vmin ,0 vmin ,1 vmin ,min ] with X denoting some block of no interest, it is evi-
Step 2: Form dent that the minimum order of the residual generator
for the pair (29) is not larger than the 
0 0 0 of the residual generator for the pair A22 , C22

1 0 0
. . . . min (min 1) the pair (29) is equivalent to the pair (A22 , C2 ) given
.. . . . . .. R
G = [ Go g ] , G o = in Lemma 2.

0 1 0
0 0 1 Based on these facts, the following theorem becomes clear.

Theorem 3: Given system (5)-(6) with Fd = 0. Using Al-
.. gorithms 1 - 3, L, V can be found that delivers a minimum
g = . Rmin , order UIFDF.
vmin ,0

vmin ,1
L= .. gvmin ,min 5. AN EXTENSION
vmin ,min1
Remember that the results achieved in the last three
vmin ,1 vmin ,2 vmin ,min C

sections are on the assumption Fd = 0. In this section,
vmin ,2 0 CA we extend these results to the case when Fd 6= 0. To this
H = .. .. .. B
. . . end, we rewrite system model (1)-(2) into
min 1
vmin ,min 0 0 CA
w = [ 0 0 1 ] Rmin , v = vmin ,min "
x A E d Ef x B
#" # " #
" #
" #
where g is so selected that G is stable d = 0 0 0 d + 0 u + I d + 0 f

Step 3: Construct residual generator f 0 0 0 f 0 0 I
z = Gz + Hu + Ly, r = vy wz. (28) (30)
" #
Remark: The dynamics of residual generator (28) is y = [ C Fd Ff ] d + Du. (31)
governed by Ding [2007] f
= G, r = w.
Noting that
Now, applying the above result and Algorithm 3 to the
A sI Ed Ef 0 0

observable pair C21 , A221 delivers a residual generator 0 sI 0 I 0
of the order 2,min with 2,min denoting rank =
 the minimum 0 0 sI 0 I
observability index of the pair C21 , A221 . To show that C F d Ff 0 0
2,min is also the minimum order of (reduced order)  
A sI Ed Ef
UIFDF, we call the readers attention to the following rank + kd + kf
C F d Ff
facts: given system model (11)
any pair (L, V ) that solves the PUIDP leads to
A sI Ed 0
" #  
(A LC, Ed , V C) A sI Ed
rank 0 sI I = rank + kd
C Fd
A11 A12 d1 C11 C12 C Fd 0
, ,
0 A22 0 0 C22 it holds

17th IFAC World Congress (IFAC'08)
Seoul, Korea, July 6-11, 2008

A sI Ed Ef 0 0

Response of the Residual Generator to the Faults
0 sI 0 I 0

different time instants [ V ]

rank n + m + kd + kf

Appearance of Faults in
0 0 sI 0 I 1.5 f
C F d Ff 0 0 1 rd
A sI Ed Ef 0.5

rank n+m
C Fd Ff 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30

A sI Ed 0
" #
rank 0 sI I < n + kd + m

on Residual signal
C Fd 0

Effect of faults
A sI Ed 0
rank < n + m.
C Fd
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Recalling the definition of invariant zeros, the results given Time [s]

in Theorem 1 and Corollary 1 can be extended to the

following corollary.
Fig. 1. Response of Full order Residual Generator to
Corollary 3: Given system (1)-(2), then the PUIDP is simultaneous faults
solvable if and only if Full order UIFDF: The parameters for Full order
A sI Ed UIFDF (13) are computed as follows
rank < n + m.
C Fd
0 0.0000 1.9500

Moreover, there exists a (reduced order) UIFDF that sat- 0 0.0000 13.7429
Lmax =
isfies (7)-(8) if 0 0.7131 0.2470
    0 0.0519 0.0180
A sI Ed A sI Ed Ef
rank < rank n + m. Similarly the state and output transformations are
C Fd C Fd Ff

0 0 0.1630 0

Using system model (30)-(31), we can also apply Algo-  
rithms 1-3 to design UIFDF for system (1)-(2). T1 0.0055 0.9473 0.3193 0.0232
T2 0.0676 0.3191 0.9428 0.0686
6. DESIGN EXAMPLE 0.9977 0.0269 0.0621 0.0045

In this section we apply the proposed Algorithms 1 - 3 "

0 0 1
to design full order, reduced order as well as minimum = 0 1 0
order UIFDF for inverted pendulum model. We consider V2 1 0 0
the linear model of the system which is linearized at = 0.
= 0 is the upright position of the pendulum. There are where
three sensors measuring the cart position r, cart velocity
r and the pendulum position and the corresponding T1 <14 , T2 <34
faults are fr , frd and f . Similarly perfect measurements V1 <13 , V2 <23
are assumed, that means no measurements noises are
1.0000 0.5000 0.5000

considered. The state variable vector is (r, , r, The
system matrices given blow are taken from Ding [2006]. 0 11.0500 11.8438
T L0 =

0 0.8796 5.1779
0 0.1223 7.0497
0 0 1.95 0 0

V = [ 0 v2 ] = [ 0 0.500 1.000 ]
0 0 0 1.0 0
A= , B=

0 0.12864 1.9148 0.0082 6.1343 Reduced order UIFDF: The parameters of Reduced
0 21.4745 26.31 0.1362 84.303 order UIFDF (20) are given as follows
1 0 0 0
" #
C = 0 1 0 0 , D = 031 , Ed = B Fd = D 0.9473 0.3191 0.0269
C2 =
0 0 1 0 0.0055 0.0676 0.9977

" #
11.0500 11.8438
" #
Ef = [B 043 ] , Ff = 0 0 1 0
0001 L11 = 1.000, L22 = 0.8796 5.1779
0.1223 7.0497
It is also noticed that the system and v2 , V2 , T2 in equation (20) is given above.
A sI Ed
C Fd Minimum order UIFDF: The parameters of minimum
order UIFDF (28) are obtained as follows
has no transmission zeros. The existence conditions for the
solution of PUIDP given in Corollary 1 are satisfied. The L = [0 0 1.000] G = 1, H = 0
parameters computed for full, reduced and minimum order
UIFDF are given as follows. w = 1, v = [0 0 1];

17th IFAC World Congress (IFAC'08)
Seoul, Korea, July 6-11, 2008

Response of the Residual Generator to the Faults

different time instants [ V ]

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decoupling is the actuator fault is not detected. However R. J. Patton and M. Hou, Design of Fault detection
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W. Murray Wonham, Linear Multivariable Control -
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fectly decoupled from unknown inputs. The major focus
has been on the study of existence conditions for the
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using reduced order UIFDF. The algorithms for reduced
order unknown input fault detection filter and minimum
order UIFDF are provided. The simulation results show
the effectiveness of the proposed approaches.


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