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Lesson Title: Models and Design- Go Carts

Curriculum Materials Used Foss Models and Designs Kit

Grade Level: 5th


Driving Question: What are some things you need to consider when designing a
go cart and why?

Ideal Response: A go cart needs to have weight to travel down the ramp and
what resistance factors might cause the cart to slow.

Connections to Standards
NGSS Performance Expectation:

3-5- Plan and carry out fair tests in which variables are controlled and failure points are
ETS1-3. considered to identify aspects of a model or prototype that can be improved.

Cross-Cutting Concept:

1. Patterns
3. Structure and Function
4. Cause and effect

NGSS Practices:

1. Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions

Constructing explanations and designing solutions in 35 builds on K2 experiences
and progresses to the use of evidence in constructing explanations that specify
variables that describe and predict phenomena and in designing multiple solutions
to design problems.
Generate and compare multiple solutions to a problem based on
how well they meet the criteria and constraints of the design problem. (3-

2. Planning and Carrying Out Investigations

Planning and carrying out investigations to answer questions or test solutions to
problems in 35 builds on K2 experiences and progresses to include investigations
that control variables and provide evidence to support explanations or design
Plan and conduct an investigation collaboratively to produce
data to serve as the basis for evidence, using fair tests in which variables
are controlled and the number of trials considered. (3-5-ETS1-3)

3.Asking Questions and Defining Problems

Define a simple design problem that can be solved through the

development of an object, tool, process, or system and includes several
criteria for success and constraints on materials, time, or cost. (3-5-ETS1-

Arizona State Standard:

Grade 5, Strand 1:

PO 3. Conduct simple investigations (e.g., related to forces and motion, Earth

processes) based on student developed questions in life, physical, and Earth and
space sciences.

Learning Goals

Students will know that:

1. Using a design-and-test approach will solve a problem
2. The structure and weight of the cart related to its function. Weight distribution can
affect the distance and function of the cart.
3. The impact that different materials has on the resistance or motion of the cart,
whether it slows or assists in speeding up.

Students will be able to:
1. Use a design-and-test approach to solve a problem
2. Combine and arrange materials in such a way that weight and resistance
(something that holds it back from keeping it rolling smoothly) can affect the
motion of the model of the go cart.

Language Goals
1. Students will record observations in science notebook.
2. Students will participate in small group discussion (listening, speaking, presenting
3. Students will share their successes and challenges of investigation though
summative assessment.
Considerations for English Language Learners:
1. Students will work closely with a language buddy
2. Pictures and models will be provided (materials, examples of go karts)

EPE Table
Experiences (with Patterns Explanations (ideal
phenomena) answer)

Have you built anything The relationship of Students describe scientific

before? Constructed any sort resistance and weight in knowledge to explain how
of models? how far or fast the go kart changes in the design and the
(skateboards, hot wheels) can travel. go kart improved its
Students build, test and make The go cart will travel faster performance in relation to
improvements to their go and farther depending on the resistance and weight.
cart. weight of the go cart. The design process requires
Resistance will slow the cart decisions at each step,
down and prevent it from combining scientific
going as far. knowledge with trial and
Weight distribution can error.
affect how it comes off the


Summative Assessment

The finalized go kart will tell of the students level of success in student hand/eye
Students will reflect on their experiences throughout their investigation though
writing, being sure to include previous and learned vocabulary(resistance and
weight) , an explanation of their design, their improvements, and the importance of
resistance and weight.
Responses graded using a rubric: 4- covers area of the design process- design,
construct, test, evaluate, and redesign- includes an example in the answer, includes
the need for decisions along the way, states that the process requires testing,
evaluating and redesigning. 3- covers 5 areas of design process but does not
include an example, says the process requires testing, evaluating and redesigning.
2- covers at least 3 areas of the design process, says that redesigning may be
necessary. 1- attempts to describe some of the design process, but includes major

Reflection / Contributions (done separately if working with a partner)

a. What did you learn about learning goals from working on this assignment?
Cassie- I learned the importance of connecting and basing the lesson on the
learning goals so that the investigation, activities and assessment all align. This
ensures that the teacher and students are reaching the learning goals of the lesson.
Tyler- I learned that they are necessary because goals are what the students and
teachers wish to accomplish.
Christina- I learned they need to be the base of the lesson and different points
throughout the lesson need to be related or build on the learning goals.
b. Why are learning goals important?
Cassie- Learning goals are important because they provide a foundation for learning
and assessing student understanding, which connect to the purpose and driving
question of the lesson.
Tyler- Learning goals are important because they structure the lesson and guide the
focus so the teacher and students stay on track.
Christina- They are important because the provide the base for the lesson and
allows the teacher and student to know the goal so the outcome can be easy to
understand and to stay on track with the lesson. The teacher should be able to
assess the learning goal so that she/he can monitor students progress and can be
related through the lesson.
Time Needed: 40 minutes
Lesson Overview
This lesson is about go-carts and students should pay attention to resistance and
weight distribution when designing and testing their go-cart. They will then test
them and come together as a class to discuss what ideas and considerations whe
had when building these and why. It almost fits into the lesson the mentor
teacher is teaching but we will have skipped a lesson. The lesson that will be
skipped is Lesson 2 on Hum-Dingers. We elected that it was okay to skip
this lesson and still proceed with the go-carts, because the Hum-Dinger
lesson does not really add anything essential to the preparation of the
go-cart lesson. And they will have started the black box lesson. The
students will be in pairs of two, in 12 groups but will come together as a class to
discuss ideas and challenges.
Materials I need: 1 lesson plan, 1 assessment sheet, early autos story.
Materials each group of students need:1 bag of materials for 1 car(2 short
sticks, 2 medium sticks, 2 long sticks, 4 wooden hubs,10 rubber bands, 2
binder clips, 2 paper fasteners, 4 large paper clips, 2 clothespins) for a
group of 2, 1 inventory sheet, 2 pairs of scissors, 1 piece of cardboard. Class
materials will be pliers, wires, string, and tape. The ramps will also stay with class
There will be a material station and desks will stay in the same place but students
may move to carpet or floor. At the material station students can pick up their bag
and use class materials. Students will be in groups of two. One getter will get
materials from me and return them and one starter will inventory materials
before and after lesson. Partners will be responsible for cleaning up.
Basic things like do not break or throw materials.

1 Title: I-AIM Stage & Function

Discuss carts Question-Establish a question
and Elicit student ideas about
the question.

Step-by-step directions for teaching. Include what students do and

what the teacher says/does.
1. Teacher will ask students to describe a car and discuss some attributes and
the number of ways it can be constructed.
2. Students should mention that carts need wheels and a body, but that the
number, size, and position of the wheels can vary like the body. This
conversation should lead into weight distribution and resistance, this
can depend on body, wheels, and weight.

In student talk I will be looking for ideas about shape and size of body and
wheels along with the weight of them. Hopefully they will mention resistance
and weight distribution and how all these thing affect the cart. Should these
points NOT be brought up, there will be a moment towards the end of
the activity, when assessing go-carts, that we will introduce these
ideas and have a science talk based around them.

Student with learning disability and ELLs- Write question on board and have
written instruction, provide language buddy or pair ELL student with another
student who may be helpful, provide cards with pictures with names of each

2 Title: I-AIM Stage & Function

Pose the go-cart problem and explain
teams and materials.

Step-by-step directions for teaching. Include what students do and

what the teacher says/does.
1. Tell students that unlike previous lessons where there were unknowns like
black boxes, they will be able to design and test go-carts that can roll down a
ramp and possibly some distance across the floor.
2. I will then explain design and how people who design things are considered
engineers and design means two things. It is a product or plan to make
something and it can be a drawing, picture, or description. And it is also the
process of figuring out how to construct something, which involves thinking,
imagining, trying things out, and using materials wisely.
3. Allow students to contribute to this idea.
4. I will then assign partners and explain materials and how to inventory.
5. Then allow students to form teams and one student will get materials and the
other will make sure everything is there.
6. Then begin designing. On a sheet of paper or in journals if they have

I will be looking to see if students are listening and can repeat what I have said
back to me. They will then get materials and make sure everything is accounted
for so I will be checking that one person from each group gets materials and the
other checks them. Then watch them begin.

Have someone hand out materials if they cannot or for visual impairments i
could have one students check materials and make sure the correct ones and
amount are in bag.

3 Title: I-AIM Stage & Function

Mini-convention and testing Explore/Investigate-explore
phenomena for patterns

Step-by-step directions for teaching. Include what students do and

what the teacher says/does.
1. I will be walking around to observe students and offer encouragement and if
groups are struggling I will have them walk around and observe other groups
for ideas.
2. I will let students know that engineers may be visiting to get ideas and that
they are to explain their model to them. Or whole class will do a mini-
convention to share ideas if many students are struggling.
3. When the first few groups are finished I will have them share one design idea
incorporated into their go-cart and one problem they had, this allows other
groups to share solutions.
4. I will then give the groups who are ready to test a ramp so they can test and

I will be looking to see if students are using a design and test approach by
observing and will be looking to see how the use materials to see if they are
noticing distribution of weight and resistance has an effect of motion of the cart.

Accommodations/Adaptations: help students that struggle with assembling,

and show students how to put the ramp together. Wider ramps for larger cars,
discussing ideas verbally or written on board.
What accommodations are necessary for students with special needs? How will
you support students who are second language learners? Use the 9
accommodations reference sheet for suggestions.
4 Title: I-AIM Stage & Function
Testing and Comparing Explore/Investigate- identify

Step-by-step directions for teaching. Include what students do and

what the teacher says/does.
1. Students will se if cart successfully rolls down ramp and across floor
2. We will compare designs and groups will discuss them and difficulties they
had. Create groups based on car designs and distances they traveled or
other variables like whether or not they tipped over. So we can narrow
down the differences. I will facilitate this by mentioning how we could
group or organize the cars based on looks or how they operated and
allow them to decide then see why.
3. Then I will asks teams to inventory their materials and place carts and
everything in bag. They will then bring bags to material station.

I will be looking to see if students are sharing ideas and their understanding of
the discussion topics. I could also do a exit ticket that would be to write down
some things you need to consider when designing a go cart and why? I want
to see that they have written something down about the differences in
the carts like what did or did not work and why.

Allow students to verbalize responses.

5 Title: I-AIM Stage & Function

Discussion and read aloud Reflect- reflect on changes in

Step-by-step directions for teaching. Include what students do and

what the teacher says/does.
1. Students will do this then sit on the rug so we can discuss vocabulary like
weight distribution, resistance, design, and engineer. And discuss which aspects
of these carts that works best. We will discuss what we changed and what
we thought would happen.
2. I will then read a story called Early Autos.

Students will write ideas and observations in their science notebooks which will
later be collected by teacher. I will be writing down definitions on the board as
they discuss them and share ideas of what they mean, I will then collect their
science notebooks to see what they wrote about the investigation.

Allow students to verbalize responses.

Student Science Toolkits

Presenting a driving question will allow students to share ideas and elicit
the ideas of their peers. I think initial ideas students will have will be that go-
carts need wheels, a body, axles, and something to keep these parts together.
They may also know that it should be balanced or symmetrical vertically.
Teacher will connect to student funds of knowledge getting them to think about things
that move similar to the way a go-kart moves (cars, hot wheels, wagon, etc.) the funds of
knowledge categories could be pop culture(cars in movies, tv, magazines, news), peer
activities like games, talents like collecting hot wheels or making things like go carts, biking
or family and community like riding in a car, bus, or bike rides with the family.
Lesson Artifacts
Go cart inventory sheets with materials.
FOSS models and designs investigation 3: Go-Carts. Yes i built upon the districts
lesson from the gray boxes.

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