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6. FOR or SINCE 17
I. Multiple Choice 25
II. Correct Form 36
I. Turn into passive 41
II. Turn into active 44
III. Fill in 45
IV. Error correction 45
V. Multiple choice 46
I. Turn into indirect speech 48
II. Turn into direct speech 52
III. a. Correct form / b. Turn into direct speech 53
IV. REVISION of Tenses and Verb Forms 54

I. Give the three possible variants using the correct verb forms 66
II. Match the sentence halves to form conditional clauses 67
III. Conditionals type 1. Give the correct form of the verbs 68
IV. Rephrase with UNLESS and AS / SO LONG AS 70
V. Conditionals type 2. Give the correct form of the verbs 71
VI. Rephrase with IF and IF IT WERENT FOR/ BUT FOR 73
VII. Conditionals type 3. Give the correct form of the verbs 74
VIII. Rephrase with IF and IF IT HADNT BEEN FOR/ BUT FOR 76
IX. Rephrase with mixed type conditionals 77
X. Rephrase with inversion: SHOULD / WERE / HAD 77
XI. Correct the mistakes 78
XII. Rearrange the word order 78
XIII. Choose the correct answer 79
XIV. Spot the incorrect variant 84
I., II. Match the prompts with the suitable answer 85
III. Rephrase according to modality 89
IV. Choose the correct answer 95
V. Spot the incorrect variant 100
KEY to I. TENSES 105
6. FOR or SINCE 111

I. Multiple Choice 116
II. Correct Form 120
I. Turn into passive 122
II. Turn into active 125
III. Fill in 126
IV. Error correction 126
V. Multiple choice 126
I. Turn into indirect speech 127
II. Turn into direct speech 132
III. a. Correct form 133
III. b. Turn into direct speech 134
KEY to IV. REVISION of Tenses and Verb Forms 135
I. Give the three possible variants using the correct verb forms 137
II. Match the sentence halves to form conditional clauses 137
III. Conditionals type 1. Give the correct form of the verbs 138
IV. Rephrase with UNLESS and AS / SO LONG AS 139
V. Conditionals type 2. Give the correct form of the verbs 140
VI. Rephrase with IF and IF IT WERENT FOR/ BUT FOR 141
VII. Conditionals type 3. Give the correct form of the verbs 142

VIII. Rephrase with IF and IF IT HADNT BEEN FOR/ BUT FOR 144
IX. Rephrase with mixed type conditionals 145
X. Rephrase with inversion: SHOULD / WERE / HAD 145
XI. Correct the mistakes 146
XII. Rearrange the word order 146
XIII. Choose the correct variant 147
XIV. Spot the incorrect variant 147
I., II. Match the prompts with the suitable answer 148
III. Rephrase according to modality 154
IV. Choose the correct answer 158
V. Spot the incorrect variant 159



I. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets:


1. What (you/ do) at the moment? I (watch) an interesting documentary on TV.

(you/ always watch) TV in the afternoon? No, only when I (have) time,
and that (not happen) very often.
2. Tom generally (catch) the 8.30 train, but tomorrow he (go) in Jacks car, so we
(have) breakfast later than usual.
3. The Blacks (live) next door. Mr Black (go) to the theatre frequently, but his
wife (not go) very often. He (like) all sorts of plays. She, however,
(prefer) comedies. Tonight they (watch) a very modern comedy by a
contemporary author on TV. They (enjoy) it, but they (not understand)
some of the jokes.
4. Cuckoos (not build) nests. They (use) the nests of other birds.
5. He (need) new glasses. Thats because he (always/ read) in bad light.
6. He usually (speak) so quickly that I (not understand) a word he (say).
7. (you/ write) to him tonight? Yes, I (always/ send) him a card for his birthday.
(you/ wish) to send a message? Just say I (still/ think) of him.
8. (you/ enjoy) yourself or you (want) to leave now? I (have) a great time and I
(want) to stay to the end.
9. (you/ like) this necklace? I (give) it to my daughter for her birthday tomorrow.
(you/ always/ give) her jewellery as a present?
10. Why (you/ put) on your coat? I (go) for walk. (you/ want) to come with
me? I would love to. (you/ mind) if I (bring) my dog? No. I (like) dogs.
11. She (not work), she (swim) in the river. She (come) for a swim every day.
12. What (she/ do) at the moment? She (lie) on the floor, (play) with the cat.

13. (you/ dream) at night? Yes, I (always/ dream) and if I (eat) too much supper
I (have) nightmares. I (never/ remember) my dreams in the morning.
14. You cant see Tom now, he (have) a bath. He (have) a bath every other day.
15. The children (be) very quiet. I (not like) it. Go and see what they (do). They
(cut) up some 5 notes.
16. (you/ do) anything this evening? Well, I (not go) out, because it (rain) and I
(not have) an umbrella.
17. I (hate) autumn. It (rain) a lot in these parts. Why (you/ not go) south?
18. What (you/ do) in the evenings? We (usually/ play) cards or scrabble with
the kids, but tonight we (go) to the theatre and they (stay) with friends.
19. She (always/ ring) up late at night and (ask) stupid questions.
20. (you/ belong) to the local library? Yes, I do. (you/ read) a lot? Yes,
quite a lot. How often (you/ change) you books? I (change) one every
week. What (you/ read) now? I (read) a crime story by Agatha Christie.
21. You can cross the street when you (see) the green light.
22. (he/ always write) with his left hand? No, but he (use) his left hand today
because his right thumb (hurt).
23. The milk (smell) sour. (you/ keep) milk a long time?
24. I (see) that he (shout) something but I cant hear what he (say), the traffic
(make) too much noise.
25. How much (it/ cost)? That (depend) on whether you (pay) the whole sum
now. (you/ intend) to buy it?
26. People seldom (trust) their own judgement in such cases.
27. I (not cook), I (make) a cake. (someone/ come) to tea this afternoon?
28. Why (Ann/ not wear) her new dress? She (not like) to wear dark to parties.
29. Although his mother (say) she (feel) better, he (think) she (still/ lose) weight.
30. He (not believe) what the newspapers (say). Then why (he/ read) so many?
31. Now that the rice (cook) nicely in a slow oven, you (chop) up the carrots and
tomatoes and you (put) them in a dish.


1. It was just before the Second World War. Tom (be) only 20 at the time and
(live) with his mother. He (work) in a bank and (travel) to London every
day. One morning, he (receive) a mysterious letter. It (be addressed) to
Mr Thomas Parker.
2. The letter, which (be signed), A Friend, (ask) Tom to go to The Crown Inn
during his lunch hour.
3. All morning, as he (deal) with customers, Tom (wonder) whether he should
do this. At lunch time he (decide) to go to the inn. It was full of people
and Tom (not recognise) anyone.
4. He (just/ wonder) if he should leave, when a stranger (introduce) himself and
(say) he had known Toms father, who had died when Tom (be) a baby.
The stranger (explain) that Toms father, Bill, had been a secret agent in
the First World War.
5. Through this meeting, Tom (be recruited) to be a secret agent, too, and
(already/ work) in France when the war (begin).
6. The children (be) afraid because it (get) dark.
7. When he (awake) she (sit) by the window. She (look) at something in the
street, but when he (call) her name she (turn) and (smile) at him.
8. He said he (think) about starting his own business he (not know) whether to
take a partner, and (look) at me hopefully.
9. Why (you/ interrupt) me just now? I (have) a very interesting conversation
with Mr Prim. Im sorry, I (not realise) you (still/ talk) with him.
10. The murderer (carry) the corpse down the stairs when he (hear) a knock on
the door. He immediately (put) the body down and (try) to hide.
11. When I (look) through your books I (notice) that you have a copy of Jaws.
12. As they (walk) along the road they (hear) a car coming from behind them.
Tom (turn) round and (hold) up his hand. The car (stop).

13. When I (arrive) at the station Mary (wait) for me. She (wear) a blue dress and
(look) very pretty. As soon as she (see) me she (wave) and (run) to me.
14. As soon as I (get) into the cottage I (notice) that water (drip) from the ceiling.
I (look) for the ladder to fix it when I (remember) I had lent it to Tom.
15. The prisoner (escape) by climbing the wall of the garden where he (work). He
(wear) blue overalls and black shoes.
16. She (say) that the car (travel) at 40 k.p.h. when it (begin) to skid.
17. While he (make) his speech the minister suddenly (feel) faint. But someone
(bring) him a glass of water and after that he (be able) to continue.
18. I (take) my friend to a murder trial the other day. Who (be) tried? A man
called Bill Sykes. Was he eventually acquitted? I dont know. They
(still/ listen) to the evidence when we (leave).
19. He (say) he (not like) his present flat and (try) to find another.
20. I (be) sorry that I (have to) leave the party early, because I (enjoy) myself.
21. As we (come) here a policeman (stop) us. He (say) that he (look) for some
stolen property and (ask) if he could search the car.
22. I (see) you yesterday. Why (you/ use) a stick? I (use) a stick as I had hurt
my leg that morning falling off a horse. Whose horse (you/ ride)?
23. When I (hear) his knock I (go) to the door and (open) it, but I (not recognise)
him at first because I (not wear) my glasses.
24. When he (tell) me he (need) another 100 loan, I (advise) him to consult a
lawyer. He (assure) me he (see) a financial expert the next day.
25. The news of her stupid accident (come) as a nasty surprise yesterday. I (look)
forward to our trip to the seaside at the weekend.
26. He (play) the guitar outside her house when someone (open) the window and
(throw) out a bucket of water.
27. I (just/ open) the letter when the wind (blow) it out of my hand.
28. Why (you/ lend) him that book? I (still/ read) it. I (not know) you (still/
read) it, I (reckon) you had already finished by now.


1. (you/ wear) your hair long when you were a little girl? Yes, my mother
(insist) on it. But I (hate) it and when I (leave) school I (cut) my hair and
(wear) it short ever since.
2. Shakespeare (write) a lot of plays.
3. My brother (write) several plays. He (just/ finish) his second tragedy.
4. I (fly) over Loch Ness last week. (you/ see) the Loch Ness monster?
5. This is the first time I (fly). I (often/ travel) by plane but I (never/ like) it.
6. He (not smoke) for two weeks. The last time I (try) to give up smoking was
last year, but I (not succeed). I (not try) again since then.
7. (the guests/ arrive)? No, nobody (come) yet.
8. When (he/ arrive)? He (leave) at four and (get) here two hours later.
9. (you/ lock) the door when you (leave) the house this morning?
10. I (read) his books when I was at school. I (enjoy) them very much.
11. (you/ read) his new book? No, in fact I (not read) anything much lately.
12. I cant go out because I (not finish) my work. I (only/ start) half an hour ago.
13. The guests are due in half an hour. The girls (already/ sample) three kinds of
champagne but they (even/ not start) making the sandwiches.
14. I (never/ drink) vodka. Well, have some now. I (just/ bring) it from Russia.
15. I (write) the letter but I cant find a stamp. (you/ buy) any yesterday?
16. She (write) three letters since she (leave) but I (not answer) them yet.
17. The clock is slow. It isnt slow, it (stop). When (you/ notice)?
18. Here are your shoes; I (just/ clean) them. I (also/ iron) you shirt.
19. (you/ have) breakfast yet? Yes, I (have) it at 8.00.
20. You cant speak to him, he (just/ go) out.
21. He should be back by now. He (go) out twenty minutes ago.
22. (you/ see) the moon last night? No. I (sleep) peacefully through the night.
23. (anyone/ see) my keys? I dont know where I (put) them when I (get) home.

24. This is my house. How long (you/ live) here? I (live) here since 1980.
25. Its quite a while since I (be) in this part of the town. We (live) here for
twelve years when I was a kid. It (not change) much.
26. I just (finish) Psycho. (you/ read) it? No. Is it like the film? I (not see) the
film. I (see) it when I (be) on holiday and it (scare) me to death.
27. (the newspaper/ come)? Yes, Ann is reading it.
28. I (not know) you (be) fond of dogs. Im not. I (get) it last year as a present
and I (not be) able to get rid of it since. It (already/ bite) the postman twice.
29. I (cut) my hand rather badly. Have you a bandage? Ill get you one. How
(it/ happen)? I was cutting bread and (look) away for a moment.
30. How (you/ get) that scar? I (have) a car accident a year ago.
31. (you/ meet) my brother at the lecture yesterday? Yes. We (have) coffee
together afterwards. (he/ tell) you anything about what we (decide) to do?
32. He (lose) his job last month and since then he (be) out of work. Why (he/
lose) his job? He (be) very rude to Mr Prim.
33. How long (you/ be) out of work? Im not out of work now. I (just/ start) a
new job. How (you/ find) it? I (answer) an advertisement in the paper.
34. That is Mr Minus, who teaches me mathematics, but he (not have) time to
teach me much so far. I (only/ be) in his class for a week.
35. I (not know) that you (be) here. (you/ be) here long? Yes, I (be) here for
two weeks. I (arrive) at the end of April. (you/ visit) the Cathedral yet?
Yes, we (go) there last Sunday, but I (see) the castle or the museum yet.
36. (the plumber/ be) here yet? Yes, but he (only/ stay) for an hour. What (he/
do) in that time? He (turn) off the water and (empty) the tank.
37. Where (you/ be)? I (be) out on a yacht. What (you/ do)? We (take) part
in a race. (you/ win)? No, we (come) in last but I (enjoy) it all the
same. I (never/ ride) the waves at such speed before.
38. Since she (buy) herself that loom at the fair she (weave) three carpets. The
first (look) rather horrible but her style (improve) a lot.


1. We (walk) ten kilometres. We (cover) half the distance so far.

2. We (walk) for three hours and I (still/ not see) any sign of the cottage.
3. You (walk) too fast. Thats why you are tired.
4. I (make) sandwiches for the party all the morning. How many (you/ make)?
I (finish) 200 so far.
5. That boy (eat) seven ice-creams. He (not stop) eating since he arrived.
6. The driver (drink). I think somebody else ought to drive.
7. Would you like a cup of tea? No, thanks, I (already/ drink) two cups.
8. I (pull) up dandelions all day. I (pull) up 100 so far.
9. What (you/ do)? We (pick) apples. How many (you/ pick)? We (already/
pick) ten basketfuls. We (never/ have) so many apples before.
10. I (sleep) on every bed in this house and I dont like any of them.
11. He (sleep) since ten oclock. Its time he woke up.
12. He (ride); thats why he is wearing those trousers.
13. I (ride) all the horses in this stable and I think they all are reliable.
14. This is the first time I (ever/ ride) a horse. I hope it wont throw me.
15. What a lovely smell! Mary (make) jam. She (already/ make) three kinds of
jam this autumn. I (never/ taste) black currant jam before.
16. You (work) very well this term. Keep up the good job.
17. The students (work) very well this term. They really deserve the holidays.
18. She (teach) in this school for five years.
19. I (teach) hundreds of kids but I (never/ meet) such a hopeless class as this.
20. Why (you/ be) so long in the garage? The tyres were flat; I (pump) them up.
I (pump) up three tyres. Would you like to do the fourth?
21. Its almost midnight. We (play) cards for three hours. Its time we stopped.
22. You had better start with the rules. I (never/ play) this kind of game before.
23. We (look) for mushrooms for two hours but we (not find) any.

24. I (look) in the garage, I (search) the car, but I still cant find my bag. I guess I
(leave) it at the office.
25. He (cough) a lot lately. He should see a doctor.
26. (you/ hear) the news? Tom and Ann are engaged! Thats not new. I (know)
it for ages. Well, I (just/ find) out about it.
27. I (try) to finish this letter for half an hour. I wish you would stop talking.
But I (hardly/ say) anything!
28. It (rain) for two hours. The ground is so wet that the match (be) postponed.
29. He (study) English for two years but he doesnt know the tenses yet. I
(learn) six so far. We (practise) tenses for a month.
30. Look at your hands! You (bite) your nails again.
31. Nobody (ever/ call) me a liar before. I (never/ be) so offended in my life.
32. You (call) the same number for ten minutes.
33. He (speak) for half an hour but he (still/ not mention) anything important.
34. I (not speak) to Jack lately. He (avoid) me since the meeting.
35. Someone (use) my bicycle. The chain (fall) off.
36. Ever since he came to us that man (try) to make trouble.
37. (you/ ever/ try) vodka with tomato juice?
38. I (swim). Thats why my hair is wet. (you/ ever/ swim) in this river? No, I
(hear) that it is rather polluted.
39. You (drive) for five hours. Let me take over now. But (you/ ever drive) this
kind of car before? No, but I (drive) since I was sixteen so I (learn) a few
things about cars in general.
40. Why are your boots so muddy? Please wipe them, I (just/ have) the carpets
cleaned. I (work) in the garden. Here, I (pick) you some roses.
41. Im on a diet. I (eat) nothing but bananas for the last month.
42. Why (you/ shout) at the dog for the past ten minutes? He (steal) my left
slipper I (try) to get it back from him. You (waste) your time. Im sure he
(chew) it to rag by now anyway.


1. He (give) me back the book, (thank) me for lending it to him and (say) that he
(enjoy) it very much; but I (know) that he (not read) it because most of the
pages (be) still uncut.
2. I (find) them in the tennis court and (ask) how long they (play). They (say)
they (start) an hour before.
3. For years we (talk) about buying new carpets, and last weekend we finally
(go) out and (order) some. My wife (say) she (not enjoy) a shopping
expedition as much for a long time.
4. He (park) his car under a No Parking sign and (rush) into the shop. When he
(come) out of the shop ten minutes later the car (be) no longer there. He
(wonder) if someone (steal) it or if the police (drive) it away.
5. She (only/ answer) my question when I (repeat) it three times.
6. Next day he (realise) what a fearful mistake he (make).
7. I (only/ wait) five minutes when he (turn) up with two large ice creams.
8. She (look) vaguely familiar but I (not remember) where I (see) her before.
9. He (try) to sound as if he was merely glad I (find) such a good substitute.
10. Yesterday she (leave) in a hurry but she (not get) far before it (start) raining
and she (discover) she (forget) to take her umbrella. So she (go) back for it,
but her mother (tell) her that her brother (take) it a few minutes before.
11. He (experiment) for more than a year when he (think) of this solution.
12. When we (notice) him he (already/ pick) up his hat from the ground. He (say)
the wind (blow) it off and he (chase) after it for five minutes.
13. Through the window he (see) the bench where they (sit) all afternoon the
previous day. He (suddenly/ remember) what she (ask) him to do that day.
14. Mary, who (knit) and (count) stitches, (stop) abruptly and (look) around at us.
15. By the time I (phone) they (already/ sell) the car.
16. He (sell) cars for two years before he (eventually/ get) a promotion.

17. After he (see) his wife off at the station, he (return) home. He (not have) to
pack, for his wife (already/ do) that and his case (be) ready in the hall.
18. He (not have) to check the doors and windows either, for his wife (always/
do) that before she (leave) the house. All he (have) to do (be) to decide
whether or not to take his overcoat with him. In the end he (decide) not to.
19. At 8.30 he (pick) up his case, (go) out of the house and (slam) the door
behind him. Then he (feel) in his pockets for the key, for his wife (remind)
him to double-lock the front door.
20. When he (search) all his pockets and (find) no key he (remember) where it
(be). He (leave) it in his overcoat pocket.
21. Then he (remember) something else; his passport and tickets (be) in his
overcoat pocket as well.
22. When the old lady (return) to her flat she (know) at once that burglars (break)
in during her absence, because the door (be) open, and everything in the
flat (be) turned upside down.
23. The burglars themselves probably (only just/ leave) because a cigarette was
still burning in an ashtray on the table.
24. She (feel) sure they (hear) the lift coming up and (run) down the fire escape.
25. They (help) themselves to her whisky, too, but apparently they (not have)
time to finish it off, so she (pour) herself out a drink to help her recover
from the first shock. She (wonder) if they (find) her jewellery and,
strangely enough, she rather (hope) that they had.
26. The jewellery (be) given her by her husband, who (die) some years before.
27. Since his death, she (not have) the heart to wear it but she (not like) the idea
of selling them, either. In fact, she (wonder) what to do with them for quite
some time, although she (not get) as far as having them appraised.
28. Now it (seem) that fate (take) the matter out of her hands; and if the burglars
(really/ make) away with the jewellery, the insurance money would
certainly come in handy.


1. That man has been standing there six oclock.

2. He has been very ill the last month.
3. It was very cold in the whole house because the heating had not been turned
on half a year.
4. They have been quarrelling ever they got married.
5. He had been Minister of Education three years when he retired last year.
6. The police have been looking for me they found her body.
7. Weve had terrible weather the last week.
8. I havent seen him last week.
9. Nobody has come to see us we bought these bloodhounds.
10. We were getting worried because he had been missing classes two weeks.
11. Ive earned my own living I left school.
12. He has been swimming under water ten minutes.
13. When he was young, he was in prison a year.
14. Things have changed I was a child.
15. He said modern equipment was no good. He had been using his old machine
twelve years.
16. It has been very foggy early morning.
17. She had been trying on dresses hours before she finally made up her mind.
18. He worked here as a guide a month last summer.
19. We have been arguing hours over this subject.
20. Last summer we stayed at this hotel two weeks.
21. They havent visited us they got back from Spain last month.
22. I used to enjoy driving but the accident I cant stand the thought.
23. They will be paying the instalments two years.
24. He had been waiting ten minutes when they eventually asked him in.


1. We (fish) for two hours but we (not catch) anything yet.

2. The kettle (boil) for ten minutes when she finally (make) the tea.
3. She said she had a driving licence but she (not drive) a car since 1997.
4. I (work) here for a month, but I (not get) to know all my colleagues yet.
5. I (study) German at my old school for five years.
6. She (study) Spanish intensely since she (decide) to marry Pedro.
7. They (study) three chapters since they (start) school.
8. What (you/ do)? I (look) for you for ages. I (build) a barbecue in the garden
but I need some help to finish it.
9. They (live) in France for two years when I first (visit) them.
10. Frank (live) in France since 1980.
11. We (live) in this house for seven years when I (be) a child.
12. He said he (not live) in such a nice village since his childhood.
13. When I (hear) about the accident Mr Prim (be) in hospital for three days.
14. He (try) to open it for ten minutes before he (realise) it was the wrong door.
15. I (already/ try) three keys since you (phone) but none of them fits.
16. I (try) to phone him for half an hour but I (not get) through yet.
17. I suggested she should use some sweetener but she (say) she already (try)
three different types since she (start) her diet.
18. He wrinkled his nose and asked for how long I (stew) the vegetables.
19. I (know) him for seven years when he (get) married and (move) to Leeds.
20. By the time we (reach) the cottage he (chop) wood for half an hour and (be)
glad to see us.
21. They (breed) these dogs since he (bring) the first puppies from Japan.
22. He said rather angrily that he (wait) for twenty minutes and that he (not be)
kept waiting for so long by anyone since his divorce.
23. Life (not be) the same since you (leave) me.


1. My uncle (make) a speech at the conference on Friday.

2. The President is standing up. He (make) a speech.
3. I (catch) the early train tomorrow. Where (you/ leave) the car? I (not take)
the car, I (walk) to the station.
4. She looks very pale. Im afraid she (faint).
5. You (knock) that flowerpot over if youre not more careful.
6. I (go) to the dentist on Monday. Mrs Prim (take) my class.
7. Ive been coughing a lot lately. I think I (see) the doctor some time this week.
8. I have something important to tell Tom. (you/ see) him tonight?
9. Her parents (send) him to Spain next year.
10. Jane has made up her mind: she (move) back to France.
11. Our neighbours have inherited a house and they (move) out next week.
12. There was very little blossom this spring. Apples (be) scarce.
13. Ive lent you my car once. I (not do) it again.
14. (you/ do) anything tonight? Yes, we (have) the Browns over for drinks.
15. When (you/ pay) me back?
16. I cant make it to the performance. Pity. The children (be) disappointed.
17. Where (you/ take) your French friends this weekend? We (go) to see
Stonehenge on Saturday.
18. He (have) an operation next week.
19. If you give that bone to the dog, he (bury) it.
20. Now that I have seen the film, I (read) the book.
21. The inspector (ask) you a few questions.
22. I (pick) you up at 7.30., dont forget to take the tickets.
23. That phone has been ringing for five minutes. (you/ not pick) it up?
24. He (have) his hair cut this afternoon.
25. Ive ordered three crates of champagne. They (be) delivered this afternoon.


1. I wonder how many of us (be) here this time next year.

2. Why dont you come over this afternoon? The kids (enjoy) seeing you again.
3. The game (start) at two. I hope you can be there.
4. Im sure you (recognise) her at once.
5. I (collect) my new dress tomorrow.
6. She (not write) to you unless you write first.
7. We (know) the final results this afternoon.
8. What (your brother/ say) when he sees the damage? He (not say) much but
he never (invite) them again to his house.
9. Where (you/ meet) them? I (meet) them at midnight in the middle of the
wood. Are you sure they (come)?
10. They (get) married next month.
11. The Prime Minister (fly) to Africa tomorrow.
12. The cat (scratch) you if you pull its tail.
13. He (play) in a tennis match on Friday.
14. The plumber (come) at eight tomorrow morning.
15. I (believe) it when I see it.
16. If you put any more polish on that floor someone (slip) on it.
17. They (lay) the foundations next week.
18. I (wait) here until he comes back.
19. I hope that you (have) a good time on the trip.
20. I am sure you (like) our new flat.
21. Helen (give) a garden party next week. (you/ go)? I (not go) anywhere next
week. We (have) the house redecorated. The workers (start) on Thursday.
22. You (understand) when you are older.
23. If I drop this it (explode).
24. My grandparents (celebrate) their golden wedding next week.


1. I imagine the theatre (be) full for this performance.

2. When you retire, you (have) more time for gardening.
3. Get out of the building! It sounds like the generator (explode).
4. If you decide to contact Jane, I (give) you her address.
5. I read in the paper that they (increase) the price of gas again.
6. The fire has gone out. I (go) and get some more wood.
7. (you/ paint) the whole room by yourself?
8. (you/ have) a cup of tea? Yes, please.
9. When (you/ wash) the car? It looks awfully dirty.
10. Tom has just returned from America. Oh good, we (ask) him to the party.
11. The last train has just left. Never mind, I (walk).
12. (you/ open) the door for me, please? Yes, certainly.
13. Ive come out without any money. Never mind, I (lend) you some.
14. If you want to leave right away, I (drive) you to the station.
15. Im not feeling very well. In fact, I think I (be) sick!
16. I wouldnt walk on that plank if I were you. It looks like it (break).
17. Do you like my new food mixer? Here, I (show) you how it works.
18. (you / answer) my question or not?
19. Before I apply for the job, I (get) more information about it.
20. Unless aid arrives soon, thousands (starve).
21. (you/ buy) the morning papers? Yes, I am. (you/ buy) one for me, too?
22. How do I get to the station? I dont know, but I (ask) that policeman there.
23. (you/ eat) any more of this or shall I ask the waiter to take it away?
24. (you/ really ride) that horse? He looks very bad-tempered to me.
25. Why are you peeling that clove of garlic? I (put) it in the stew.
26. (you/ buy) some meat? No, I (not buy) meat any more. I (eat) vegetables.
27. (you/ bath) you dog? Yes, (you/ help) me? I hope it (not bite) me.


1. I (ring) you tomorrow at six. Dont ring at six, I (watch) my favourite show.
2. I cant go to the station to meet him. I (meet) him for you. But how (I/
recognise) him? Hes small and fair, and he (wear) a blue and white cap.
3. Come on deck; we (enter) harbour in a few minutes.
4. You can have my climbing boots. Now that Ive broken my leg I (not use)
them much this summer, will I?
5. She (work) for Mr Prim nest week as his own secretary (translate) at the
meetings for the foreign partners.
6. Give me that bottle, I (open) it for you.
7. You can see him on TV tomorrow at five. He (open) a photo exhibition.
8. Im afraid I (not go) to the party, I have to be in Birmingham that week.
9. He (not drive) anywhere without first looking at a road map.
10. Imagine! This time tomorrow we (drive) to the seaside!
11. Theres no need to call a cab. My son (drive) you home.
12. Ive got a job at the pub for the summer. Then you (work) with my sister.
13. Ive got rats in my basement. I (bring) my dog around whenever you like.
He (catch) them for you.
14. Its Guy Fawkes Day. People (let) off fireworks and (make) bonfires in the
streets all night.
15. When we reach England it (very likely/ rain).
16. I (come) at three oclock. Good, I (expect) you.
17. This time next month we (lie) on a beach under the tropical sun.
18. You (have) something to drink, wont you?
19. In a few years time we all (live) in houses heated by solar energy.
20. (you/ use) the computer for much longer? Id like to send an e-mail.
21. Im afraid I have broken your goldfish bowl. Never mind, I (put) the
goldfish in the bath. Mary (have) a shock when she sees them there.


1. Next year I (work) in the company for thirty years.

2. When I retire next month I (work) for seventeen different companies.
3. When he is forty, he (learn) Chinese for fifteen years.
4. By tomorrow I (learn) one hundred Chinese words.
5. By next winter they (build) four houses in that field.
6. By next winter the (build) houses for fifteen years.
7. When we reach that island we (sail) for five months.
8. When we reach Port Suez we (sail) around the world.
9. By the time we get to the party everything (be) eaten.
10. By Sunday I (eat) nothing but fruit and vegetables for a week.
11. By the time the Zoo attendant gets here this elephant (eat) all my tomatoes.
12. When we get to the top we (climb) for twelve hours.
13. By next summer he (climb) seven peaks above 5000 meters high.
14. In a few minutes she (play) the same record for half an hour.
15. After this performance he (play) Hamlet twenty-four times.
16. By seven I (write) twenty invitations.
17. By seven he (sign) invitations for half an hour.
18. I will still be here next August but James (leave).
19. At this rate you (break) all the wine glasses by the end of the month.
20. The police (hear) of the theft by this time.
21. I (drink) this special tea for three months next Monday.
22. Next month he (write) that book for two years.
23. By the time the fire brigade gets here the house (burn) down completely.
24. By noon tomorrow they (dance) non-stop for five days.
25. We (visit) museums for two weeks by Saturday.
26. I (finish) this book by tomorrow evening.
27. At this rate, by the time he is thirty he (spend) all his money.


1. She will be delighted when she (hear) this.

2. He (wake) up when we turn the lights on.
3. When I (be) here for a year I will ask for a rise.
4. The car (not move) till you take the brakes off.
5. The train will have left before we (reach) the station.
6. You can go when you (type) these letters.
7. Turn the lights out when you (leave).
8. Before you (know) it, your children will have grown up.
9. We (stay) in the cottage until the fog clears.
10. Unfortunately, your eyesight will gradually worsen as you (get) older.
11. When the Queen (arrive) the audience (stand) up.
12. You (see) my house on the right as you (cross) the bridge.
13. After I (paint) the kitchen I (change) the wallpaper in the bedroom.
14. I (not give) up before I (finish) what I want to do.
15. He (wash) up before he (go) to bed.
16. You (get) a shock when you (open) that box.
17. When we (see) the cathedral we (go) to the museum.
18. You (feel) better when you (have) something to eat.
19 When you (look) at the photo you (see) what I mean.
20. I (wait) here until you (be) ready.
21. The lift (not start) unless you (press) that button.
22. When it (get) cold I (light) the fire.
23. As soon as everybody (go) to bed mice (come) out of their holes.
24. (he/ ring) us when he (arrive) in England?
25. When winter (begin) the swallows (fly) away to a warmer country.
26. I (bolt) all the doors before I (go) to bed.
27. When the boa constrictor (eat) the goat it (become) very lethargic.

I. Choose the correct variant to complete the sentences:

A) What (1-you/ stare) at? This abstract picture. I (2-look) at it for half an
hour but I still (3-not understand) what it is supposed to be. Well, that often
(4-happen) when you (5-admire) modern art.
1. A. do you stare B. are you staring C. you stare
2. A. have been looking B. am looking C. have looked
3. A. havent understood B. do not understand C. understand not
4. A. is happening B. has happened C. happens
5. A. are admire B. will admire C. admire

B) (1-Mary/ feed) the cat? Yes, she (2-feed) him immediately after lunch.
What (3-she/ give) him? I think she (4-give) him some fish. That poor cat
(5-have) nothing but fish for days.
1. A. Did Mary feed B. Was Mary fed C. Has Mary fed
2. A. fed B. was feed C. has fed
3. A. she gave B. did she give C. has she given
4. A. gave B. had given C. has given
5. A. had B. is having C. has had

C) Two weeks (1-pass) since we (2-arrive) here, but we (3-not have) at least
one really fine day yet. True, the rain (4-stop) from time to time, but the sky
(5-never/ clear).
1. A. passed B. are passing C. have passed
2. A. arrived B. have arrived C. were arriving
3. A. didnt have B. arent having C. have not had
4. A. was stopped B. is stopping C. has stopped
5. A. has never cleared B. was never cleared C. never cleared

D) I (1-glance) out of the window before I (2-go) to bed and (3-notice) a
man standing on the opposite pavement. I had the impression he (4-watch)
the house. When I (5-get) up the following morning he (6-be) still there and I
(7-wonder) whether he (8-stay) there throughout the night or if he (9-go)
away and (10-come) back.
1. A. was glancing B. have glanced C. glanced
2. A. was going B. had gone C. went
3. A. was noticing B. have noticed C. noticed
4. A. was watching B. had watched C. watched
5. A. was getting B. have got C. got
6. A. has been B. had been C. was
7. A. was wondered B. had wondered C. wondered
8. A. was staying B. had stayed C. stayed
9. A. was going B. had gone C. went
10. A. has come B. had come C. came

E) As I (1-cross) the road yesterday I (2-step) on a banana skin and (3-fall)

heavily. I (4-still/ lie) on the road when I (5-see) a huge lorry approaching.
Luckily the driver (6-notice) me and (7-stop) the lorry in time. Frankly, I still
(8-not recover) from the shock.
1. A. crossed B. was crossing C. had crossed
2. A. stepped B. was stepping C. have stepped
3. A. fell B. felled C. felt
4. A. still lay B. was still lying C. was still laying
5. A. saw B. was seeing C. had seen
6. A. noticed B. was noticing C. has noticed
7. A. stopped B. has stopped C. had stopped
8. A. didnt recover B. am not recovered C. have not recovered

F) The rain (1-stop) now but an icy wind (2-still/ blow). I (3-not feel) like
going out. But you (4-not be) out of the house all week. Really, its high
time you (5-get) some fresh air. Im sure it (6-do) you good.
1. A. is stopped B. has stopped C. stopped
2. A. still blows B. is still blowing C. has still blown
3. A. am not feeling B. wouldnt feel C. do not feel
4. A. have not been B. werent C. didnt be
5. A. have got B. got C. had got
6. A. is doing B. has done C. will do

G) Why are you so angry? Because I (1-quarrel) with my brother. You two
(2-quarrel) this time yesterday, too. Of course we (3-be). We (4-do) that
every evening when we (5-try) to decide which channel to watch.
1. A. have been quarrelling B. were quarrelling C. had quarrelled
2. A. have been quarrelling B. were quarrelling C. had quarrelled
3. A. have been B. had been C. were
4. A. have been doing B. were doing C. do
5. A. have tried B. have been trying C. try

H) What on earth (1-those people/ look) at? There (2-be) an accident.

(3-you/ see) what exactly happened? A motorcycle (4-run) into a huge
lorry. (5-the police/ arrive) yet? I (6-hear) a siren. I guess they (7-come).
1. A. are those people looking B. do those people look C. those people look
2. A. is B. was C. has been
3. A. Have you seen B. Did you see C. Can you see
4. A. has run B. ran C. was running
5. A. Have the police arrived B. Did the police arrive C. Arrived the police
6. A. am hearing B. heard C. can hear
7. A. are coming B. came C. come

I) Why (1-you/ smoke) a cigar, Mrs Prim? You (2-not smoke) cigars as a rule.
I (3-smoke) it because I (4-want) the ash. This book (5-say) that cigar ash
mixed with oil (6-remove) heat stains from wooden surfaces. I (7-strive) to
clean the stains from this table for ages. I (8-already/ try) removing them with
chemicals, but no luck. (9-you/ know) about any other methods? No, but I
(10-speak) my mother tonight and I can ask her if you (11-like).
1. A. do you smoke B. are you smoking C. would you smoke
2. A. do not smoke B. arent smoking C. havent smoked
3. A. smoke B. am smoking C. smoked
4. A. want B. am wanting C. wanted
5. A. says B. is saying C. has said
6. A. removes B. is removing C. has removed
7. A. strive B. am striving C. have been striving
8. A. already tried B. am already trying C. have already tried
9. A. Do you know B. Are you knowing C. You know
10. A. speak B. am to speak C. am going to speak
11. A. like B. are liking C. will like

J) It was now 6 p.m. and Jack (1-be) tired because he (2-work) hard all day
and he (3-have) nothing to eat since breakfast that morning. His wife usually
(4-bring) him sandwiches at lunch but for some reason she (5-not come) that
day. Jack (6-wonder) what (7-happen).
1. A. is B. was C. had been
2. A. is working B. was working C. had been working
3. A. has had B. had C. had had
4. A. brings B. brought C. had brought
5. A. comes B. is coming C. had not come
6. A. wonders B. wondered C. had wondered
7. A. happened B. has happened C. had happened

K) I (1-smell) something burning! I (2-think) it (3-come) from the kitchen.
Ann probably (4-iron). She usually (5-iron) and (6-watch) TV at the same
time and if she (7-get) very interested in a programme she (8-forget) that she
(9-press) a hot iron on to somebodys shirt. Mother (10-think) of moving the
TV set from the kitchen.
1. A. have smelled B. can smell C. am smelling
2. A. am thinking B. think C. have thought
3. A. is coming B. comes C. has come
4. A. is probably ironing B. probably irons C. probably ironed
5. A. is ironing B. irons C. has ironed
6. A. is watching B. watches C. has watched
7. A. is getting B. gets C. has got
8. A. is forgetting B. forgets C. has forgotten
9. A. is pressing B. pressed C. has pressed
10. A. is thinking B. thinks C. has thought

L) I (1-not know) you (2-be) left handed. Im not left handed, but I (3-cut) my
right hand yesterday. How (4-it/ happen)? I (5-chop) some wood and the
axe (6-slip). (7-you/ chop) the wood yourself as a rule? No, it is usually
the gardener who (8-do) it for me, but yesterday his car (9-break) down.
1. A. dont know B. havent known C. did not know
2. A. are B. have been C. were
3. A. have cut B. cut C. cutted
4. A. did it happen B. has it happened C. it happened
5. A. hopped B. have been chopping C. was chopping
6. A. slipped B. was slipping C. has slipped
7. A. Did you chop B. Are you chopping C. Do you chop
8. A. did B. is doing C. does
9. A. has broken B. broke C. had breaken

M) I (1-lose) my black gloves. You (2-see) them anywhere? Im afraid not.
When (3-you/ last/ wear) them? I (4-take) them with me to the theatre last
night. Maybe you (5-leave) them at the theatre.
1. A. lost B. have lost C. has lost
2. A. Did you see B. Have you seen C. Had you seen
3. A. did you last wear B. have you last worn C. had you last worn
4. A. took B. have taken C. had taken
5. A. left B. have left C. had left

N) (1-you/ know) that boy who (2-just/ dial) a number in that phone box?
Yes, hes a friend of mine. He (3-phone) his girl friend from here every day.
Where (4-he/ come) from? From Japan. Hes a clever boy, he (5-speak)
five languages. He (6-speak) hardly any English when he (7-arrive) three
months ago, but he (8-learn) to speak it fluently since then. I (9-wonder)
what language (10-he/ speak) at the moment. Well, since the girl (11-be)
from Japan, too, I (12-guess) they (13-chat) in Japanese.
1. A. Did you know B. Have you known C. Do you know
2. A. just dials B. is just dialling C. just has dialled
3. A. has phoned B. is phoning C. phones
4. A. has he come B. is he coming C. does he come
5. A. has spoken B. is speaking C. speaks
6. A. could speak B. was speaking C. has spoken
7. A. has arrived B. had arrived C. arrived
8. A. has learnt B. was learning C. is learning
9. A. wonder B. am wondering C. have wondered
10. A. he spoke B. he is speaking C. has he spoken
11. A. has been B. is being C. is
12. A. have guessed B. am guessing C. guess
13. A. have chatted B. are chatting C. chat

O) While the guests (1-dance) thieves (2-sneak) into the house and (3-steal) a lot
of fur coats. The next day, as they knew that the police (4-look) for them,
they (5-hide) the fur coats and (6-go) off in different directions. Since then,
the police (7-find) the coats, but they (8-search) in vain for the thieves.
1. A. had danced B. were dancing C. danced
2. A. had sneaked B. snook C. sneaked
3. A. stole B. were stealing C. had stolen
4. A. looked B. would looking C. were looking
5. A. hid B. have hidden C. had hidden
6. A. went B. have gone C. were going
7. A. found B. founded C. have found
8. A. search B. have been searching C. are searching

P) A man (1-kill) at the bus stop last night. The police (2-not find) the murderer
yet, but the dead mans two brothers (3-still/ question) at the station. The
police (4-say) that they (5-help) with the enquiries. (6-they/ be) with him
last night? No, they (7-wait) for him in a restaurant round the corner and
when he (8-not show) up for their meeting, they (9-go) to look for him. They
found him (10-lie) in a pool of blood.
1. A. was killed B. had been killed C. killed
2. A. had not found B. have not found C. did not find
3. A. still question B. are still being questioned C. are still questioned
4. A. is saying B. has said C. say
5. A. are helping B. had been helping C. were helping
6. A. Have they been B. Had they been C. Were they
7. A. have waited B. were waiting C. waited
8. A. hadnt shown B. wasnt showing C. did not show
9. A. had gone B. were going C. went
10. A. laying B. lying C. lain

Q) What (1-you/ do) when the doorbell (2-ring)? I (3-make) a cake. And what
(4-you/ do) when you (5-hear) the bell? I (6-go) to answer it of course. But
when I (7-open) the door there was nobody there. A few minutes later the bell
(8-ring) again and this time it was a man with a questionnaire who (9-say) he
(10-make) a survey. (11-you/ ring) this bell a minute ago?, I asked him.
No, but while I (12-talk) to your neighbour I (13-see) a boy who (14-stand)
in front of your door.
1. A. had you done B. were you doing C. did you do
2. A. had rang B. was ringing C. rang
3. A. had made B. was making C. made
4. A. had you done B. were you doing C. did you do
5. A. heard B. were hearing C. have heard
6. A. went B. was going C. have gone
7. A. opened B. was opening C. have opened
8. A. had rung B. was ringing C. rang
9. A. had said B. was saying C. said
10. A. had made B. was making C. made
11. A. Had you rung B. Were you ringing C. Did you ring
12. A. talked B. was talking C. have talked
13. A. saw B. was seeing C. have seen
14. A. had stood B. was standing C. stood

R) I (1-think) my train (2-leave) at 12.30, and I was rather disappointed when I

(3-get) there at 12.25 and (4-learn) that it (5-just/ pull) out of the station. I
asked a friendly guard whether the timetable (6-change). Indeed, sir, he
said, the new timetable (7-come) into operation two weeks ago. The
announcement of the change (8-repeat) several times for weeks before that,
but people (9-not seem) to have paid much attention. Youre not the only one
who (10-missed) his train these two weeks.

1. A. was thinking B. have thought C. thought
2. A. was leaving B. left C. would leave
3. A. had got B. got C. gotten
4. A. was learning B. had learnt C. learnt
5. A. was just pulling B. had just pulled C. just pulled
6. A. was changed B. had been changed C. changed
7. A. had come B. come C. came
8. A. was repeated B. had been repeated C. had repeated
9. A. do not seem B. havent seemed C. did not seem
10. A. is missing B. has missed C. missed

S) This fire (1-smoke) horribly. I cant see across the room. It (2-start) the
moment I (3-light) the fire this morning. I (4-expect) that birds (5-build)
another nest in the chimney. They (6-try) to do that ever since we (7-move) in
a month ago. Why (8-you/ not put) wire across the tops of your chimneys?
Tom (9-do) that sometimes but it (10-not seem) to make any difference. So
far they (11-always/ tear) it off somehow.
1. A. has smoked B. is smoking C. smokes
2. A. has started B. was starting C. started
3. A. have lit B. was lighting C. lit
4. A. expect B. am expecting C. will expect
5. A. build B. are building C. have builded
6. A. try B. are trying C. have been trying
7. A. moved B. had moved C. have moved
8. A. dont you put B. are you not putting C. you not put
9. A. had done B. is doing C. does
10. A. seems not B. does not seem C. has not seemed
11. A. always tored B. have always tore C. have always torn

T) All the guides here (1-speak) at least three foreign languages, because a lot of
foreign visitors (2-come) every summer. Paul (3-just/ take) a party of French
tourists round now and tomorrow two German groups (4-come). And how
(5-Paul/ learn) to speak French so well? I guess he (6-start) it at school and
also (7-take) an intensive course during his last year. And since he (8-come)
to work here he (9-spend) a month in our Paris agency each year.
1. A. speak B. have been speaking C. are speaking
2. A. come B. have come C. are coming
3. A. just took B. have just taken C. is just taking
4. A. come B. will be coming C. are coming
5. A. Paul learned B. did Paul learn C. is Paul learning
6. A. started B. has started C. was started
7. A. took B. has taken C. was taking
8. A. came B. has come C. is coming
9. A. spent B. has spent C. is spending

U) I (1-just/ hear) that Tessa is in Spain. (2- you/ not know)? She (3-fly) two
weeks ago. (4-you/ hear) from her? (5-she/ like) the life? Yes, I (6-get)
two letters so far. In the first she (7-describe) the place, but she (8-not tell)
me yet about the life in either. Well, she (9-only/ spend) two weeks there.
1. A. just heard B. have just heard C. was just hearing
2. A. You dont know B. You havent known C. Did you not know
3. A. flew B. have flown C. was flying
4. A. Do you hear B. Have you heard C. Are you hearing
5. A. Does she like B. Has she liked C. Is she liking
6. A. get B. have got C. got
7. A. describes B. has described C. described
8. A. doesnt tell B. hasnt told C. didnt tell
9. A. only spent B. has only spent C. is only spending

V) I (1-swim) since I was five years old. (2-you/ swim) since you (3-come) to
England? Oh yes. I (4-find) a good sports club the day after I (5-arrive).
They (6-finish) building a huge pool recently. (7-You/ take) part in
competitions? Yes, and I (8-win) all of them so far. I really (9-not deserve)
to win the last one, though. I (10-not train) properly, but I was lucky.
1. A. am swimming B. have been swimming C. swim
2. A. Do you swim B. Have you swum C. Did you swim
3. A. came B. had come C. have come
4. A. found B. founded C. have found
5. A. arrived B. had arrive C. have arrived
6. A. finished B. had finished C. have finished
7. A. Did you take B. Had you taken C. Have you taken
8. A. won B. have been winning C. have won
9. A. deserved not B. did not deserve C. have not deserved
10. A. did not train B. had not trained C. wasnt training

W) I (1-go) home late last night and realized when I (2-want) to open the door
that I (3-forget) to take my keys from my desk. So I (4-try) to wake my wife
by throwing pebbles at her window. Suddenly it opened and a neighbour
asked what on earth (5-I/ do), so I told him what (6-happen). You (7-throw)
stones at the wrong window for ten minutes. You (8-live) next door.
1. A. went B. was gone C. was going
2. A. was wanting B. wanted C. had wanted
3. A. forgot B. have forgotten C. had forgotten
4. A. tried B. was trying C. had tried
5. A. I did B. have I done C. I was doing
6. A. was happen B. had happened C. has happened
7. A. are throwing B. were throwing C. have been throwing
8. A. live B. are leaving C. have been living

II. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets:

1. I (listen) carefully but I couldnt follow what they (say).

2. Who (make) this horrible noise? Its my son. He (have) a bad cold and thats
what it (sound) like when he (blow) his nose, poor chap.
3. (you/ please/ turn) down the sound? Otherwise you (wake) the children.
4. While we (fish) somebody (come) to the house and (leave) this note.
5. When I last (see) him he (just/ get) into a taxi on Piccadilly.
6. Who (Jane/ talk) to on the phone yesterday while her husband (do) the
washing-up? I (guess) it was her sister. They (always/ talk) for hours.
7. Can I come by at ten tomorrow? Yes, but you (probably/ have to) ring
several times because I (mow) the lawn in the back garden.
8. The moment I (have) enough money, I (buy) that new model they (advertise)
on TV lately.
9. Someone (knock) at the door. I (come) in a minute. I (just/ wash) my hands.
10. We (not meet) for twenty years. I dont think he (recognise) me tomorrow.
11. (you/ be) here before? Yes, I (spend) my holidays here last year. And
(you/ have) a good time? No, it (never/ stop) raining.
12. The group (leave) Paris tomorrow. I hope we (see) everything important by
then. Dont worry. If not, we (come) back next year.
13. Stop! (you/ not see) the notice? I cant read it. I (not wear) my glasses.
What (it/ say)? It (say) These premises (be) patrolled by guard dogs.
14. I (put) the 5 note into one of my books; but next day it (take) me ages to find
it because I (forget) which book I (put) it into.
15. A convicted murderer (escape) from the prison further up the road. This
whole neighbourhood (not be) safe until the police (recapture) him.
16. (you/ go) to Rome this weekend? I (think) you (go) to Milan.
17. She (trust) you. She (believe) anything you tell her when you (return).
18. They (sit) at the table for half an hour when eventually a waiter (appear).

19. (you/ speak) to Tom today? No, he (go) away at 8.00 as usual. Where
(he/ go)? I (not see) where he (go), I still (sleep).
20. The plane you (look) at now (just/ take) off for Paris. (you/ ever/ be) to Paris?
21. Yesterday as he (climb) the ladder it (slip) sideways and he (fall) off it.
22. On the 3rd of next month we (travel) for half a year.
23. Why (Mrs Prim/ look) so angry? Mr Prims guest (smoke) a cigarette and
(drop) the ash on her favourite carpet.
24. This time next week I (fly) my new plane over the Great Lakes.
25. He (demand) to know how long the affair (go) on, but she (refuse) to answer
him. She (accuse) him that he (never/ trust) her anyway.
26. This is our itinerary. We (leave) home on the 8th, (arrive) in Rome on the 9th,
(spend) the day visiting the city, and (set) out that night for Venice. That
(sound) most interesting. You must tell me about it when you (get) back.
27. I (not want) to meet Paul yesterday at the party, so when he (enter) the room I
28. When I (arrive) Ann just (leave) so we (only/ have) time for a few words.
29. By next August I (translate) this volume of poems.
30. I (see) you (not make) much progress yet. What (you/ do) all morning?
31. They (build) that bridge when I (drive) past last year. They (not finish) it yet.
I guess they (still/ work) on it this time next year, too.
32. He (ring) up just while we (have) dinner. I (call) him back after we (finish).
He (want) to know whether we (go) to the theatre that night.
33. When I (get) off the bus I (see) that two men (fight) at the corner and a
policeman (try) to stop them, without much success. What (they/ fight)
about? Nobody (seem) to know.
34. I (not see) Charles for some time. He (be) ill for a while, poor chap. He
(collapse) at work two weeks ago and (take) to hospital. They (send) him
home after two days but he (not come) back to work yet. I and some of his
colleagues (visit) him tomorrow.

35. (It/ save) time if you (take) the path through the wood? No, it (not matter)
which way you (go), but people usually (prefer) the one by the lake.
36. (Tom/ tell) you about the meeting? No, not yet. He just (come) in at ten as
usual, but he (not stay) for long. Where (he/ go) from here? I (not see)
where he (go), I (try) to finish some letters.
37. By the smears on their faces I (know) at once that the children (eat)
chocolate. I (ask) them if they (find) my hidden supplies in the pantry, but
they (deny) it. They said they (play) in the garden all morning.
38. My neighbour (drop) in that evening to say that he (leave) the district the next
week. I (go) to Yorkshire to a new job, he said. I was sorry to hear that
because I (come) to like him very much. I knew that you (look) for
another job, but this is so sudden I asked him to write and tell me how
he (get) on. He said he (visit) me when he (come) to London.
39. I (look) for Tom for an hour yesterday afternoon when I finally (see) him
sitting on a bench. He (hold) a newspaper, but he (not read). He (watch)
the children on the beach. When I (call) his name he (turn) and (wave).
40. How (you/ break) your leg? I (fall) off the ladder when I (put) up curtains.
Worst of all, it (be) just before the holidays and I (plan) a trip for weeks.
So you (not go) away? Of course not. I (spend) my holidays hopping
about at home. I (never/ feel) so frustrated in my life.
41. How long (you/ know) your new assistant? I (meet) him at the Centre a
year ago and (discover) he (be) interested in my line of research. He
(work) for me ever since. What (he/ do) before he (come) here?
He (never/ tell) me, but I (think) he (spend) a few years in prison.
42. At 4 p.m. my neighbour (ring) me up and (ask) whether Tom (be) with us.
By the way, Tom, her son, usually (spend) his weekends in my garden
playing with my children, so whenever she cant find him she (ring) me.
Im afraid I (not see) him today, I said. But all my children (go) to the
beach this morning and (not come) back yet. Im sure he is with them.

43. In the evenings I often (play) chess with my neighbour. We (play) chess
ever since I (come) here. (he/ live) here all his life? Well, I think he
(inherit) the house when his father (die). (you/ ever play) chess with the
father? No, he (already/ get) rather old when I (meet) him.
44. I wish we (have) something different for Sunday dinner once in a while.
But I (prepare) roast beef for Sunday dinner ever since we (get) married.
Your mother (tell) me even before we (move) in together that you (be)
particularly fond of roast beef. But my mother (be) dead for five years
now and my tastes (change) since then. I (think) it wouldnt be a bad idea
if we (go) out for dinner next Sunday for a change.
45. I (arrive) in England in the middle of July. England is shrouded in thick fog
all year round, my friends (tell) me very great conviction before I (leave),
so I was rather disappointed to see that it (merely/ rain). I (ask) another
passenger, an Englishman, about the fog. Well, there (not be) any since
February, Im afraid. If you (want) fog, you (come) at quite the wrong
time. However, you can buy tinned fog in some of the London shops. I
(never/ buy) any myself, he confessed, but (assure) me it (be) usually of
good quality and not too expensive. I suppose he (joke).
46. Dear Jeremy,
(you/ know) by any chance where Bob is? I (just/ hear) of a very good job
that would suit him, but if he (not apply) within three weeks of course he
(not get) it. I last (see) him about a month ago, when he (just/ leave) his
job with the company. He (say) he (go) to France for a holiday and
(promise) to send me a postcard with his address as soon as he (find) a
place to stay. But I (hear) nothing from him since then and I (even/ not
know) whether he actually (go) to France or not. If you (happen) to know
his address or number I (be) very grateful if you (phone) me. I (try) to
phone you several times but your phone (not seem) to work properly.

47. I (just/ finish) David Copperfield. (you/ read) it? No. I (read) most of
Dickenss books at school, but not this one and I (not have) time since. I
(even/ not see) the British movie film they (make) a few years ago. (you/
find) any other interesting books lately? Yes, I (discover) a few good
novels since I (become) a member of the local library. And how often
(you/ change) your books as a rule? About once a week. But I (go) to
the library now for a dictionary. My husband (try) to do a difficult cross-
word puzzle for days now and I (decide) to help him.
48. My dog (attack) the new postman as he (put) the letters into the letter box.
The man (get) angry because he (already/ bit) twice the previous week, and
(thrust) a large envelope into the dogs mouth. Of course he (tear) it.
Unfortunately the letter (contain) my diploma. I (patch) it up with
Sellotape but it (still/ look) a bit odd.
49. Dear Mr Jones,
My family (suffer) a good deal lately from the noise made by your guests
when they (leave) your house on Saturday nights. They (stand) in the
street, laughing loudly and calling goodbyes. Then they (get) into their
cars, (bang) the doors loudly, and finally they (reverse) their cars on to the
road. This (sound) a fairly simple manoeuvre, but there is always at least
one guest who (find) it almost beyond him or her whether because they
(have) too much to drink or (still/ learn) to drive I (not know) but what I
(know) is that it (take) them ages to get out, and all the time we (hear) the
engine roaring and their friends shouting advice.
By the time all your guests (go) and it is quiet once again, all my family
(wake) up, and the children often (find) it very hard to get to sleep again.
I (trust) that you (ask) your guests to leave more quietly in the future, and
perhaps the learner drivers (come) by taxi next time.
Yours sincerely
Andrew Brown


I. Turn the following sentences into passive:

1. The school bus picks up the children every morning at 8.30.

2. The milkman leaves the bottles at the door.
3. We only use this room when we have guests.
4. They make these artificial flowers of silk.
5. In some regions of France farmers use pigs to find truffles.
6. Someone switched on the lights on the upper floor.
7. Lightning struck the old oak.
8. The howling of wolves kept him awake all night.
9. The storm tore off the roof of the cottage.
10. He wrote the message on the back of an old envelope.
11. The boys are carrying the chairs into the garden.
12. They are pulling down the old theatre.
13. The dockers are unloading the cargo.
14. People are spending far too much money on food.
15. They are widening the street where I live.
16. They were ringing the church bells as a flood warning.
17. The children were hammering nails into an old stool.
18. They were handing out leaflets in the street.
19. He was developing a new variant of his invention.
20. They were releasing political prisoners at the time.
21. Somebody has made the beds.
22. They have already announced the official date.
23. The burglars have slashed the picture with a knife.
24. Someone has already informed the police about the theft.
25. That dog has already bitten me twice.

26. Previous climbers had cut steps in the ice.
27. He had already returned the book before the warning came.
28. They had not noticed the change before morning.
29. They had broken three windows by the time I arrived.
30. He had not finished the painting before the exhibition.
31. You mustnt wash this pullover in hot water.
32. She should replant these flowers in larger pots.
33. We couldnt lift the lid off the well.
34. The waiters will soon serve refreshments.
35. You must dissolve this medicine in some fluid.
36. They should have repaired the roof before it fell in.
37. He will have posted the answer by now.
38. They must have copied the solutions from the book.
39. She neednt have carried the child, it can walk.
40. The thunder might have scared the horses.
41. Who wrote Hamlet?
42. How often do they feed the seals at the Zoo?
43. Will they admit children under sixteen?
44. Has anyone ironed my shirt?
45. When are they going to introduce the speed limit?
46. Where did they discover the stolen car?
47. Why were they sending those signals?
48. How long should I boil the eggs?
49. Where will the organisers exhibit the statues?
50. Could children have done all this damage?
51. Have they found anyone to take her place?
52. Why are they lighting these fires in the gardens?
53. Had they warned anybody about the possible risks?
54. Who was following him yesterday night?

55. The pupils soon started to respect the new teacher.
56. They appear to forget the nastier details.
57. They came to consider him a member of the family.
58. People seem to overcome this difficulty easily.
59. They tend to neglect safety measures.
60. They expect us to invite them personally.
61. Parents did not allow children to go out unaccompanied.
62. They asked us to sit down for a few minutes.
63. His doctor advised him to get more exercise.
64. His boss told him to hold all calls during the meeting.
65. People saw the creatures flying above the building.
66. The headmistress noticed her coming into class late.
67. The farmer caught them stealing apples from the orchard.
68. The neighbours heard him shouting at his wife.
69. They kept us waiting for twenty minutes.
70. Jim found them playing with matches in the garage.
71. He made us do the homework all over again.
72. They did not see him run into the building.
73. Nobody has ever heard him swear.
74. They noticed him hide the chocolate in his pocket.
75. People watched the balloon land safely in the field.
76. They say he writes poems.
77. They believe she is expecting a baby.
78. People think he inherited a fortune.
79. People say they were hiding in the woods.
80. They said she ate only raw vegetables.
81. People thought they were living on smuggling.
82. Everybody believed their ancestors had arrived with William of Normandy.
83. They said her doctor had been treating her with his own special tonic.

II. Turn the following sentences into active:

1. Most of the work is being done by students.

2. Bicycles must not be left in the hall by people.
3. What is meat usually spiced with in Greece?
4. This theory has been proved to be false by scientists.
5. He complained that books were not being returned in time by students.
6. This champagne should have been iced longer by the waiter.
7. Why are the dogs being trained in the park by him?
8. A better solution has not yet been found by them.
9. What was this part of the fence destroyed by?
10. These books can only be taken home for two days by you.
11. The fence was being painted green when I came.
12. My letters have been opened by somebody.
13. These two shouldnt have been invited by us for the same weekend.
14. The heating had not been turned on before the frost came.
15. His suitcases were already being packed by the maid.
16. The witness was accused by the judge of misleading the jury.
17. The footprints must have been found by the police by now.
18. My suggestion has not been taken seriously by the board.
19. By whom was this delicious birthday cake baked?
20. More evidence is being gathered by the investigators every day.
21. Several rare species were captured during the expedition.
22. The strange creature has not been seen for weeks.
23. The children are just being brought home from school by my husband.
24. The cars have been washed and polished by somebody today.
25. Where is the new theatre being built?
26. Pupils should never be beaten at school by teachers.
27. Five rats have been caught by the dog in the cellar this week.

III. Give the ONE suitable word to fill in each gap:

Biologists in the south of France reported (1) hundreds of tiny turtles

bought (2) childrens pets are turning into monsters. Having been flushed down
toilets (3) thrown into lakes, the little green terrapins only a few centimetres
long (4) now growing into creatures weighing up to five kilos and over 30 cm
(5) length.
They are appearing in waters all over (6) South of France, eating fish
and threatening swimmers. One holidaymaker has already (7) bitten while
bathing in a lake near Cannes.
The situation is (8) bad that the lake, which supplies the Riviera with its
drinking water, may have to (9) emptied and cleared of the turtles. According
(10) experts, the hot climate and lack of natural enemies explain (11) the turtles
are mutating.
A biologist at Marineland, a tourist attraction at Antibes, said: They are
ferocious, very aggressive (12) dangerous. An adult turtle (13) cut off a childs
foot with one bite. Now the real problem is that (14) are beginning to breed.
Sales of turtles in France are estimated to be (15) 200,000 and 300,000
(16) year. Most are miniature green terrapins imported from Florida, but some
shops (17) been selling a Canadian variety (18) as the Serpentine turtle. In adult
form, it can weigh (19) much as 34 kilos. Now that can (20) be called a monster!

IV. Error correction. Which lines are correct ( ) and what unnecessary extra
word do the others have?

1. Martin Spark had just been left his car in a car

2. park near his office when he was approached by a
3. mugger with a knife who demanded of his wallet. Martin

4. gave to him his wallet and the man ran off. Martin
5. had decided to go to the nearest police station and
6. report the crime, but just as he was walking towards
7. it he was being stopped by a second man. This man
8. also wanted his wallet, but Martin tried to explain
9. him that it had already been stolen. The second
10. mugger told him to hand him over his shoes and
11. socks. Martin did it as he was told and then, when the
12. man had been gone, walked into the police station. The
13. police were absolute surprised to see him without
14. any shoes and socks and was questioned him about what
15. had happened. After having giving descriptions of
16. the two men, Martin was driven back to his car. But,
17. to his horror, when they got to the place at where
18. he had left it, he had discovered that it had been stolen.

V. Choose the correct variant:

In a museum in Washington, in a case (1) made of unbreakable glass, (2)

what is probably the most famous jewel on earth, the Hope Diamond. It came to
Europe when it (3) brought to France and sold to King Louis XIV. The original
stone, which was much larger, (4) discovered in India. After the French king (5)
it cut and (6), it became (7) as the Blue Diamond of the Crown. But there was
soon a revolution in France, and during this period the diamond (8) disappeared.
The next time it (9) was in 1830, in the collection of Henry Hope, a
wealthy Irishman who (10) the diamond its present name. It (11) bought and sold
many times during the following hundred years. It (12) through the hands of a
prince, a jeweller, a banker and a newspaper editor before its last private owner

(13) that this magnificent stone (14) only bad luck, unhappiness, ill-health,
accidents and even death to its owners and their families. So, finally in 1958 the
Hope Diamond (15) to the Smithsonian Institute, Washington, where it (16) to
this day, (17) by thousands of visitors every day. Now it (18) displayed in a
collection with other jewels, but it (19) to be by far the most beautiful of them all
and the Museums greatest attraction obviously it no longer (20) any harm to

1. A. being B. is C. - D. was
2. A. is lain B. is lied C. is lying D. lies
3. A. had been B. has been C. was D. was being
4. A. had been B. had had C. was D. was being
5. A. had B. had had C. has D. was having
6. A. being polished B. having polished C. polished D. polishing
7. A. being known B. knew C. knowing D. known
8. A. - B. had C. has D. was
9. A. being seen B. had seen C. saw D. was seen
10. A. gave B. had given C. was given D. was giving
11. A. had been B. had C. was D. -
12. A. been passed B. had passed C. was passed D. was passing
13. A. had realised B. realised C. realising D. was realised
14. A. brought B. had brought C. was bringing D. was brought
15. A. being given B. had given C. gave D. was given
16. A. has remained B. is remaining C. remained D. was remained
17. A. admiring B. being admired C. having admired D. was admired
18. A. being B. has been C. is being D. is
19. A. considered B. was considered C. is considering D. is considered
20. A. brings B. has brought C. is bringing D. is brought


I. Turn the following sentences into indirect speech using the reporting verbs
suggested at the end of each sentence:


1. Nothing grows in my garden. It never gets any sun. (complain, explain)

2. Im going away tomorrow and wont be back until Sunday. (tell, warn)
3. It isnt so foggy today as it was yesterday. (remark)
4. I am going to move from this flat next month. (say)
5. My neighbours are always having noisy parties. (complain)
6. Your problem is being dealt with by our specialist now. (assure)
7. The race has to be postponed because of the weather. (announce)
8. This is the first time I have ever travelled abroad alone. (confide)
9. There is a crack in the back wall of your house. (inform)
10. If prices continue to rise at this rate, I will make a nice profit. (speculate)
11. We are getting married next year. (announce)
12. Someone is coming. Get into the cupboard, quick! (say, urge)
13. Everybody is smiling rather sourly. (notice)
14. I am very concerned about him. (admit)
15. If you listen carefully, you can hear the sound of water. (say)
16. There is no quick and painless cure for this disease. (comment)
17. The sunshine doesnt seem to do them any good. (complain)
18. I need these ingredients for the cake I want to make. (explain)
19. You will scorch your dress if you let the iron get too hot. (warn)
20. I have no plans to leave the team before the end of this season. (reassure)
21. The number of food poisonings doubles during this period. (estimate)
22. The demand for our latest product is increasing rapidly. (report)

23. I know exactly what they said. I bugged their phone. (assure, explain)
24. They used to tell me everything about their day at school. (remember)
25. I did not hide Aunt Marges glasses! (deny)
26. Im very sorry Im late. The bus broke down. (apologise, explain)
27. I dropped a box on my toe this morning. (explain)
28. I saw your brother at the cinema yesterday. (mention)
29. They were driving along the river at six yesterday. (tell)
30. You spent too much on that holiday last year. (remark)
31. We saw bright flashing lights in the clear sky last night. (report)
32. I last smoked a cigar five years ago. (say)
33. I got used to driving on the left side when I was in England. (confess)
34. I knew nothing about the drugs they had hidden in my bag. (protest)
35. I didnt see him climb into the garden. (deny)
36. I have been spending a lot more time with gardening this year. (mention)
37. You have again boiled the vegetables to a mush. (grumble)
38. We have found a much easier way to deal with this problem. (claim)
39. He hasnt answered any of the reporters questions directly. (point out)
40. I will pick you up on my way to the office. (promise)
41. They will want to discuss the advantages in the smallest detail. (expect)
42. They will get suspicious if you stop too often. (warn)
43. I wont tell your secret to anybody. (promise)
44. These flowers will die unless you put them into water. (point out)
45. The new washing machine will be delivered tomorrow. (assure)
46. We will consider the offer carefully next week. (promise)
47. You must get there before the concert begins. (warn)
48. It would be cheaper to go to the coast than to London. (agree)
49. I cant find the chocolate I bought yesterday. (complain)
50. This shelf may collapse if you sit on it. (warn)
51. I couldnt get into the house. I had lost my key. (complain, confess)


1. When does the 5.15 train arrive in York? (want to know)

2. Where does she get these horrible hats? (wonder)
3. Why does he take so many kinds of medicine? (inquire)
4. Who wants a lift home in my new car? (ask)
5. Why dont they serve coffee during the brakes? (wonder)
6. How do they always break so many glasses? (want to know)
7. Where do all these flies come from? (wonder)
8. Where does your aunt keep the salt? (want to know)
9. Where does your sister go at weekends? (ask)
10. How much sugar do you take in your coffee? (ask)
11. Which teams are playing next week? (inquire)
12. What are you watching on TV right now? (ask)
13. Why didnt you come to my party last Saturday? (want to know)
14. Who sent these beautiful flowers yesterday? (want to know)
15. Where did the dog bury that stinking bone? (want to know)
16. Why didnt you bring your friends yesterday? (ask)
17. When was the timetable changed? (inquire)
18. What was she wearing when she left home yesterday? (inquire)
19. Who is going to live in the big house from next month? (ask)
20. What shall I do with all this heavy luggage? (wonder)
21. How can I get from the station to the airport? (ask)
22. Does he always take his dog to the hairdresser? (wonder)
23. Have they finished repairing the road? (ask)
24. Can I bring my dog into the restaurant with me? (ask)
25. Have you already signed up for the race? (ask)
26. Is the weather drier there in winter? (want to know)
27. Did they hold a press conference last week? (inquire)

Advice, requests, commands, offers, invitations, suggestions, etc.

1. Dont forget to take out the garbage. (remind)

2. Would you like to have dinner with me tonight? (invite)
3. Do not open the door to anybody. (advise)
4. Will you please shut the door as you go out? (ask)
5. Shall I open that tin for you? (offer)
6. I would not drink that green stuff if I were you. (advise)
7. I will lock you up in your room! (threaten)
8. You should take the job, it will suit you perfectly. (encourage, assure)
9. I will throw the TV set out of the window! (threaten)
10. Wear a wig if you dont want to be recognised. (advise)
11. Give me some wire, Ill hang that picture for you. (ask for, offer)
12. Ill punish you if you ever play with matches again! (threaten)
13. Would you mind not opening that window? (ask)
14. Lets go to the new Chinese restaurant tonight. (suggest)
15. Could I have another cup of tea, please? (ask for)
16. Would you like to see the wild-park? (offer)
17. Dont believe everything you hear. (warn)
18. Go and get me a paper, but come straight back. (order, instruct)
19. Were going for a walk. Would you like to join us? (say, invite)
20. I will cook a special dinner tonight. (volunteer)
21. Leave young Tommy here, Ill keep an eye on him. (suggest, promise)
22. Dont forget to post these letters today. (remind)
23. Please, please dont gesticulate while youre driving! (beg)
24. I wont answer any questions. (refuse)
25. Youve been leaking information to the press! You traitor! (accuse, call)
26. You should read the books on the list before your exam. (recommend)
27. The results will be a pleasant surprise for everybody. (guarantee)

II. Turn the following sentences into direct speech:

1. They wanted to know why we hadnt phoned the previous day.

2. They suggested taking a trip to the lake the following week.
3. He demanded to have his own key to the building.
4. She denied having listened through the keyhole.
5. She offered to lend me the money I needed.
6. She said she was looking for his slippers.
7. The policeman inquired whether I had seen her that week.
8. She wanted to know where he bought those extravagant ties.
9. They inquired whether I had bought any books recently.
10. She inquired why he always carried that old umbrella.
11. She promised to buy him a new one for Christmas.
12. The doctor inquired whether I had noticed any change lately.
13. The captain threatened to drop him from the team if he didnt train harder.
14. Tom invited Ann to come for a drive the following day.
15. They suggested visiting the country that afternoon.
16. He said he was reading an interesting novel.
17. She refused to do the washing up that night.
18. His friend asked whether they should begin training for the race that day.
19. Mother reminded them to buy bread on their way home.
20. She suggested he put an advertisement in the paper.
21. They warned me not to walk in those streets after dark.
22. She accused him of having ruined her life.
23. The teacher recommended listening to cassettes to improve our English.
24. They suggested we should have a party the following weekend.
25. She asked where we were thinking of going that day.
26. They warned us not to go near the edge as it wasnt safe.
27. She reminded him to get a bone for the dog when he was at the butchers.

III. a) Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets;
b) Turn the bits of text into direct speech wherever possible:

I had a most strange experience a few weeks ago. I (1-sit) at home, when
about nine oclock there was a knock on the door. I (2-not expect) anyone, so I
wondered who it (3-be). I (4-open) the front door, and there was this man in an
old raincoat. I asked him what he (5-want) but he (6-not tell) me at first. He
asked me whether I was alone in the house, which I (7-think) was an odd
question. Anyway, I said I was, because everyone else (8-go) out for the
evening. Then he asked if he (9-come) in so I said I (10-want) to know who he
was before I (11-let) him into the house, which (12-be) only natural, after all.
Anyway, he pretended that he (13-not hear), but looked up and down the street.
By this time, however, I (14-get) a bit worried, and I started to wonder whether I
(15-call) the police because this chap (16-seem) a bit suspicious. But then he
eventually told me who he was: a policeman, and he (17-show) me his card.
He said the police (18-watch) for some time the people who (19-live) in a
house a few doors away. He asked me if I (20-know) them. I said I didnt.
Indeed, I (21-see) them a few times, but I (22-never/ speak) to them. Then he
wanted to know how long (23-they/ live) there. I said that I (24-see) their
furniture van on the day they (25-move) in, a few weeks before. He asked me if
he (26-stay) in my room to watch the street for a while, so I showed him in.
However, I (27-not help) asking him why he (28-watch) them.
He hesitated a bit but explained that they (29-suspect) of being drug
smugglers. I couldnt believe it. After he (30-observe) the street for three hours,
it seemed he (31-finish) and apologised for (32-intrude) upon my privacy but I
assured him I (33-not mind) helping the authorities. He said he (34-wish) all
citizens (35-be) like that, then the police (36-catch) more criminals.
Anyway, a few days later, I (37-read) in the paper that our dubious
neighbours (38-eventually/ arrest) by the police.

IV. REVISION of Tenses and Verb Forms

I. Choose the correct variant:

1. Where born?
A. did you B. had you C. have you D. were you

2. We here since 1994.

A. are living B. have lived C. live D. lived

3. I couldnt remember where I her before.

A. have seen B. saw C. had seen D. had been seeing

4. The eyewitnesses said the lorry at 60 m/h when it hit the lamp post.
A. travelled B. had travelled C. was travelling D. has been travelling

5. I English for seven years at my old school.

A. had studied B. studied C. have studied D. have been studying

6. We for hours now. Im getting tired.

A. are climbing B. have climbed C. climbed D. have been climbing

7. This meat fresh. You should have kept it in the fridge.

A. isnt looking B. dont look C. doesnt look D. dont seem

8. Why his glasses for reading?

A. he nor wear B. doesnt he wear
C. is not he wearing D. he isnt wearing

9. When we got home, we found that the house broken into.
A. had B. had been C. has been D. was

10. Ill wait in the car until you ready, but hurry, please.
A. are B. will be C. got D. are going to be

11. Youll be amazed at the results when you this new face cream.
A. are trying B. tried C. try D. will try

12. The children were afraid because it dark.

A. were getting B. got C. was getting D. had been got

13. a good time?

A. Have you got B. Do you have C. Have you D. Are you having

14. By the end of the month she seven driving lessons.

A. has had B. will be had C. will have D. will have had

15. He Chinese for seven years now.

A. is studying B. studied C. studies D. has been studying

16. Whenever I that song, I will think of my holiday in Greece.

A. am hearing B. have heard C. hear D. will hear

17. I expect this exercise to be so easy, really.

A. cant B. didnt C. shouldnt D. dont

18. No one saw the man ... in the window.

A. climb B. has climbed C. is climbing D. to climb

19. She has been out of town ... week.
A. for B. for last C. for the last D. last

20. The horse the emblem of Iron Age coins.

A. became B. become C. has become D. was become

21. We translated fifty pages of the book.

A. already have B. have already C. yet have D. have yet not

22. Early peoples also the temple as a calendar.

A. used B. have used C. were using D. would using

23. He some medicine when I entered.

A. has prepared B. prepared C. was preparing D. was being prepared

24. His future wife was a nurse at the hospital where he then.
A. was treating B. was treated C. got treated D. was being treated

25. I almost when I first rode my new bicycle.

A. falled B. fell C. felt D. felled

26. Everything is white, it for three days now.

A. snows B. has snowed C. is snowing D. has been snowing

27. The Roman system of roads to this day.

A. has survived B. is survive C. survived D. is surviving

28. Why join us yesterday for the trip?

A. did not you B. did you not C. you did not D. you not did

29. They want a new hospital here next year.
A. building B. have built C. to build D. built

30. Dont look down, we over a deep valley.

A. are flying B. fly C. have flown D. flew

31. He collecting rocks for years before that exhibition.

A. had been B. has been C. was D. is

32. My grandmother with this doll eighty years ago.

A. had played B. played C. was playing D. plaid

33. Our hotel ideal conditions for businessmen.

A. has offer B. is offering C. is offered D. offers

34. After the Roman invasion the Britons continued .

A. fight B. fought C. to fighting D. fighting

35. We have to wait, he the statues and the pigeons.

A. admires B. has admired C. is admired D. is admiring

36. Remember the labels and the boxes.

A. keeping B. the keeping C. to keep D. to have kept

37. He in a Hippie community when we met.

A. was living B. lived C. has lived D. had lived

38. He always modern music with live performances.

A. was combined B. combining C. is combining D. combines

39. He said that those flowers the previous day.
A. got sent B. were sent C. had been sent D. have been sent

40. The champagne by the waiters at the moment.

A. is served B. is serving C. is being served D. are to serve

41. They growing tulips since he returned from Holland.

A. are B. have been C. have being D. have

42. They wanted to know when the bus at Markham station.

A. arrived B. did arrive C. will arrive D. arrives

43. A little girl the ducks on the lake that afternoon.

A. was feeding B. was being fed C. was fed D. had been feeding

44. Father accused me that I the car the day before.

A. damaged B. had damaged C. was damaging D. having damaged

45. I the letter but I cant find a stamp.

A. finished B. have finished C. had finished D. finish

46. He promised say anything if I gave back the money then.

A. never to B. that he wont C. to not ever D. he will not

47. He in the same workshop from boyhood until retirement.

A. worked B. was working C. had worked D. had been working

48. The top of the shed off by the wind last night.
A. was blowen B. got blowed C. was blown D. had been blowne

49. Harry had an uncomfortable feeling that he followed.
A. is B. was C. is being D. was being

50. Tony hasnt written to us since he back from India.

A. got B. had got C. has got D. was getting

51. I cant drive the car, somebody my driving license.

A. has stolen B. stealed C. stole D. was stolen

52. At the moment she on the floor playing with the cat.
A. has lied B. is laying C. is lying D. lies

53. Supper will be ready by the time you home.

A. get B. got C. have got D. will get

54. Its at least ten years since I a cigarette.

A. dont smoke B. have smoked C. smoked D. was smoking

55. He in a restaurant when I last saw him.

A. has sat B. sat C. had set D. was sitting

56. They working hard all day and are tired now.
A. are B. were C. have been D. had been

57. Do you know who Nostromo?

A. has written B. did write C. had written D. wrote

58. Look! Somebody a message on the door.

A. has sticked B. has stuck C. sticked D. was sticking

59. Ill see you when I back from Italy next month.
A. shall come B. will come C. come D. came

60. She asked the policeman where park her car.

A. could she B. can she C. she could D. she can

61. Have you ever been to France? Yes. I there last August.
A. were B. went C. have been D. have gone

62. He let me in after I for about ten minutes.

A. have waited B. had waited C. was waiting D. had waiting

63. My hostess asked me if well the night before.

A. I had slept B. I did sleep C. I slept D. did I sleep

64. leave the door open? Yes, please.

A. Shall I B. Will you C. Will I D. Can you

65. The light in the hall.

A. turned on B. was turned on C. has turned on D. has been turn on

66. He as a prisoner here from 1985 to 1990.

A. was kept B. was being kept C. was keeping D. has been kept

67. The children were up by the nose in the street.

A. awoke B. woken C. woke D. waked

68. I German since I was at school.

A. didnt speak B. dont speak C. forgot D. havent spoken

69. I didnt know you for me.
A. were waiting B. are waiting C. have waited D. have been waiting

70. Last year I to school every day.

A. had walked B. have walked C. was walking D. had to walk

71. Dont ask for another book until you this one.
A. finished B. dont finish C. have finished D. havent finished

72. What do you do? .

A. Im a nurse B. Im all right C. I read a paper D. Im reading

73. Is this the first time you London?

A. are in B. come to C. have been to D. are visiting

74. Dont open this parcel until you home

A. get B. dont get C. had got D. will get

75. Its a long time since he last a letter to me.

A. has written B. hasnt written C. wrote D. didnt write

76. By the time the guests arrived, everything ready.

A. had been B. has been C. was D. will have been

77. As soon as they enough, theyll buy a sailing boat.

A. can save B. have saved C. are saved D. will save

78. Every time I see pink carnations, I of my fifteenth birthday.

A. remember B. am reminded C. recall D. am remembered

79. The dogs will have woken the neighbourhood by the time you down.
A. get B. had got C. will get D. would get

80. The interviewer asked the author how many novels so far.
A. did he write B. has he written C. he had written D. he wrote

81. Why are you so tired? I ... jam all day.

A. am making B. have made C. made D. have been making

82. Im not sure where .

A. the boys did go B. did the boys go
C. the boys have gone D. have the boys gone

83. We had hoped you able to meet us at the airport.

A. are B. were C. will be D. would be

84. I asked him why his sunglasses, since the sun had set long before.
A. was he still wearing B. he still was wearing
C. he was still wearing D. was he wearing still

85. If no one to the radio, why dont you turn it off?

A. is listening B. listens C. will listen D. has listened

86. When we get there, well five thousand kilometres.

A. drive B. be driving
C. have driven D. have been driving

87. It turned out that his lost hat in the back of the car all the time.
A. is B. was C. has been D. had been

88. It was a lucky thing. They the thiefs fingerprints at the scene before.
A. never found B. had never found
C. had never been found D. were never found

89. Up to now five passengers of the upturned boat pulled out of the water.
A. are B. are to be C. have been D. were

90. Will you taste the bouillabaisse in France when you there next month?
A. go B. are going C. will go D. will be going

91. The policeman came over and asked what for.

A. we waited B. did we wait
C. we were waiting D. were we waiting

92. Is your sister at home? No, she to the market.

A. is gone B. has gone C. has been D. is out

93. Has that tomcat ever run away before? Yes, once he for a week.
A. was missing B. missed C. was missed D. had missed

94. My brother jobs five times in the last three years.

A. changed B. has changed C. was changing D. has been changing

95. Uncle Alfred is getting rather absent-minded; he things these days.

A. forgets often B. is always forgetting
C. has often forgot D. often forgot

96. When he took the headphones off, he realised that the doorbell .
A. is ringing B. was rung C. was ringing D. had rung

II. Choose the INCORRECT variant:

1. He the violin when he was younger, but after his accident he gave it up.
A. could play B. played C. liked playing D. was playing

2. We for a month.
A. did no meeting B. didnt meet C. havent met D. wont be meeting

3. Dont forget to turn off the gas, will you? .

A. I wont B. I dont C. I never do D. Ill see to it

4. I was hoping that you help me.

A. could B. might C. should D. would

5. My aunt, who in Texas, has moved to California.

A. had lived B. once lived C. grew up D. was born

6. They for New York on Thursday.

A. are leaving B. have left C. leave D. were to leave

7. Have you been to London ?

A. before B. ever C. lately D. recently

8. Martin dinner very early.

A. usually has B. use to have C. is having D. had

9. George was in Japan .

A. in 1995 B. for two years C. since 1995 D. two years ago

10. I lunch at home today.
A. have B. shall have C. am having D. am going to have

11. I havent been to Scotland .

A. last year B. since 2001 C. before D. yet

12. this work done Ill have a rest.

A. When I shall get B. As soon as Ive got
C. Soon after I get D. When I have got

13. His young wife hasnt very well lately

A. been B. been feeling C. felt herself D. been looking

14. The bank robber who got away is to be carrying a gun.

A. thought B. considered C. said D. believed

15. Although the child seemed , Im sure it was listening to the conversation.
A. sleeping B. to be asleep C. asleep D. to be sleeping

16. We generally before 6 a.m. on weekdays.

A. rise B. are rising C. get up D. got up

17. Do you remember last night?

A. whether you dreamed B. what you dreamed
C. to have dreamed D. having any dreams

18. We for about twenty minutes before being allowed in.

A. were made to wait B. were waiting
C. had queued D. hung about


I. Give the three possible variants using the correct verb forms:
Example: If the weather (be) nice, we (go) on a trip.
If the weather is nice, we will go on a trip.
If the weather were nice, we would go on a trip.
If the weather had been nice, we would have gone on a trip.

1. If he (come) on time, we (find) good seats.

2. The pain (not return) if you (take) these pills.
3. The cat (eat) the fish if she (not put) it in the fridge.
4. If they (pay) more attention, they (not make) so many mistakes.
5. He (be) sick if he (eat) all that.
6. If it (stop) raining, we (can go) for a walk.
7. She (help) him if he (ask) her.
8. If they (be) at home, they (answer) the phone.
9. If he (not work) hard, he (not pass) his exams.
10. I (can give) you a lift if Jack (bring) back the car.
11. Your pronunciation (get) better if you (practise) more.
12. If he (drive) more slowly, he (not have) any accidents.
13. If you (read) the newspapers, you (understand) the process.
14. His parents (punish) him if he (come) home late.
15. It (get) stifling hot if I (not leave) the window open.
16. If I (do) no effort, my back (not hurt) so badly.
17. The view (be) spectacular if we (reach) the top before sunrise.
18. You (get) into trouble if you (forget) the password.
19. If I (win) the lottery, we (can travel) around the world.
20. The alarm (go) off if you (touch) the statue.
21. They (not need) vitamins if they (eat) enough fruit.

II. Match the sentence halves to form conditional clauses:

1. He will see beautiful castles

2. He would see beautiful castles
3. He would have seen beautiful castles
4. If you tell this story to your friends,
5. If you told this story to your friends,
6. If you had told this story to your friends,
7. They can finish the job in two hours
8. They could finish the job in two hours
9. They could have finished the job in two hours
10. If he doesnt feel better,
11. If he didnt feel better,
12. If he hadnt felt better,

A. they wouldnt have believed you.

B. if he drove along the river.
C. he would stay in bed.
D. if he drives along the river.
E. if they had worked hard.
F. if they work hard.
G. they wont believe you.
H. he would have stayed in bed.
I. if they worked hard.
J. he will stay in bed.
K. they wouldnt believe you.
L. if he had driven along the river.

III. Conditionals type 1. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets:
1. Nobody (trust) you if you go on telling lies.
2. You can wait in the room, providing that you (not smoke).
3. If he (join) the club, he will get invitations to lectures for free.
4. You cant see the difference unless you (look) through a magnifying glass.
5. As long as you keep quiet, they (not send) you out.
6. The room will be brighter if they (cut) that shrubbery.
7. You never (find) out unless you read the book.
8. He (refuse) the offer even if you double the price.
9. The effect will be visible if you (apply) the treatment regularly.
10. If she (not come) by plane, it will take half a day.
11. You (find) your way more easily if I draw you a map?
12. In case it (rain), you neednt water the flowers in the garden.
13. I will go mad if he (play) that tune once more.
14. She wont listen to him unless he (apologise) first.
15. Supposing that a storm breaks out, where they (take) refuge?
16. If he doesnt climb higher, the dogs (reach) his feet.
17. On condition that the results (be) good, you can leave the hospital
18. Father will be angry if he (find) out about this.
19. What you (do) if you dont pass the driving test?
20. I (not talk) to anyone unless he is the bank manager himself.
21. If you hang the sign so high, nobody (notice) it.
22. The colours (not fade) as long as you dont wash it in hot water.
23. We will make a nice profit, providing the trend (continue).
24. They (not catch) the train unless they leave now.
25. In case all the answers are correct, you (get) top marks.
26. What (happen) if we run out of petrol here?
27. As long as she (keep) her promise, we are safe.


1. If you (climb) that tree, you (be able) to see over the fence.
2. She (take) a day off if she (not feel) better tomorrow.
3. As long as the snow (melt) slowly, there (not be) a flood.
4. If I (notice) any change, I (phone) you immediately.
5. They (not hire) him unless he (have) a recommendation.
6. We (be) there on time provided we (not have) another puncture.
7. I (prepare) something for dinner in case he (come) home early.
8. If you (care) to read the manuscript, I (leave) it on your table.
9. You (have to) fill in both forms if you (want) to apply.
10. Your cough only (get) worse unless you (give) up smoking.
11. She says if it (be) a boy, they (call) him James.
12. He eventually (go) to the dentist if the pain (not stop).
13. As long as the print (not be) too small, I (not need) my glasses.
14. If I (tell) the truth, nobody (believe) me.
15. I (not be able) to start the business unless they (lend) me some money.
16. Supposing that she (refuse), who you (ask) to the party?
17. She (recognise) you even if you (wear) a false beard.
18. We (have) tea in the garden provided the weather (stay) nice.
19. In case the storm (get) worse, we (have to) find the harbour.
20. If you (start) cleaning now, you (annoy) the neighbours.
21. This plant (need) a larger pot soon if it (keep) growing at this rate.
22. You (lose) all your inheritance unless you (stop) gambling.
23. If the police (find) his other passports, he (be) in trouble.
24. Unless the fog (clear) up, the plane (not take) off.
25. Provided that you (be) invited, what you (wear)?
26. I probably (fall) asleep even if I (have) two more cups of coffee.
27. The secretary (take) the messages in case anybody (call).

IV. Rephrase with UNLESS (1-13) and AS / SO LONG AS (14-26):

1. The dog will only stop barking if you feed him.

2. He will only let you in if you knock on the back door.
3. Provided you agree to work overtime, you will get a bonus.
4. They will only survive the winter if you give them vitamins.
5. They will only help you provided you solve the riddle.
6. If you buy a ticket, they wont stop you at the entrance.
7. If he doesnt change immediately, he will catch a severe cold.
8. You can only enter the system if you give the password.
9. If the weather improves, the garden party will not be cancelled.
10. Your joints will only function properly if you take up cycling.
11. You can only borrow books if you are a member.
12. If the hens get into the garden, the flowerbeds will be ruined.
13. You can only see the yacht if you go into the harbour.

14. The kids will start fighting if you dont watch them.
15. I will eat anything you cook unless you use chilly pepper.
16. She will sue for a divorce if you stop sending the money.
17. The dog will run off if you dont keep it on a leash.
18. These flowers wont grow well if you plant them too closely.
19. He will wake the baby unless they keep their voices down.
20. They will only attack you if you dont keep out of their way.
21. We cant go on unless we know more details.
22. They will obey you unless you give contradictory orders.
23. You can only get into trouble if you break the rules.
24. She will get suspicious unless they keep a straight face.
25. She wont lose the key unless she carries it in her pocket.
26. He can only win the trial if he uses this evidence against them.

V. Conditionals type 2. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets:
1. They (can play) tennis if it werent raining.
2. If he could ride, he (not fall) off so often.
3. I would buy one of these shirts if they (have) my size.
4. If you (not carry) so much luggage travelling would be easier.
5. They could disperse the crowd if they (use) tear gas.
6. If you brought some wood, we (can light) a fire.
7. I wouldnt drink that stuff if I (be) you.
8. She (not look) so old if she wore her hair differently.
9. They (enjoy) the lessons if you taught something practical.
10. If I (know) her number, I could phone her.
11. The police would arrest him if he (try) to leave the country.
12. I (buy) a new car if I could afford it.
13. They could sleep better if it (not be) so hot in the room.
14. Her flowers (look) healthier if she watered them regularly.
15. He would have more friends if he (go) out more often.
16. If they moved out some of the furniture, the room (be) more spacious.
17. She would lose weight easier if she (not eat) so much bread.
18. I (not have to) mend clothes all the time if you stopped climbing trees.
19. If you (gather) the leaves the garden wouldnt look so untidy.
20. He could sell more of his products if he (pack) them in boxes.
21. You (not have) so many complaints if you were more careful.
22. They would be very lonely if you (not visit) them.
23. If he kept taking his medicine, he (not have) these problems.
24. They (laugh) at you if you went there dressed like this.
25. They (not oppose) the plan so fiercely if they knew more about it.
26. If he really (want) to please her, he wouldnt use such language.
27. If the river (be) frozen over, we could attempt crossing.


1. The hotel (have) more guests if it (be) closer to the beach.

2. If I (find) a cheaper flat I (move) immediately.
3. If he (can speak) languages he (get) a better job.
4. What you (say) if they (offer) you a free choice?
5. There (not be) such disastrous flood if they (build) proper dams.
6. He (look) quite nice if he (shave) more often.
7. If I (give) her any money she (spend) it on more clothes.
8. If he (know) what this means for him, he (not laugh).
9. Where they (go) if they (can travel) wherever they wanted?
10. The matter (can be) cleared if you (write) a letter of apology.
11. We (visit) them more often if they (not live) so far.
12. I (not object) to your plan if I (see) the point.
13. If they (pay) their staff better, the whole atmosphere (be) different.
14. If you (can sell) your old car, what you (buy) instead?
15. You (not get) fatter by the day if you (take) some exercise.
16. If I (can afford) it, I (keep) a horse.
17. She (invite) more people if her flat (be) larger.
18. If I (have) a longer ladder, I (can clean) the upper windows.
19. They (advertise) it in the paper if they (print) any ads.
20. If the roof (not leak), I probably (not mind) the rain.
21. I (not keep) my books in piles if I (have) a bookshelf.
22. How you (deal) with this situation if you (be) in my place?
23. You (can walk) faster if you (not wear) high-heeled shoes.
24. If you (paint) the walls yellow, the room (look) brighter.
25. He (not need) so much space if he (fold) his clothes.
26. She (can write) better compositions if she (organise) her ideas first.
27. If he (show) up unexpectedly one day, what you (tell) him?

VI. Rephrase with IF (1-13) and IF IT WERENT FOR/ BUT FOR (14-26):

1. Youve got a headache because you always go to bed very late.

2. I cant reach the top shelf because Im not tall enough.
3. He doesnt have a pet to look after, so he gets rather bored.
4. I cant send this parcel by post because I dont know the address.
5. Im not thin enough to squeeze through the bathroom window.
6. I am in a hurry, so I have to take a cab.
7. I read his books because I enjoy his subtle irony.
8. You are talking so loudly that I cant concentrate.
9. We dont have a spare bedroom, so we cant put you up.
10. I dont tell him about my anxieties because he is so impatient.
11. You never ask for advice, thats why you blunder so often.
12. They dont invite him to parties because he gets drunk and nasty.
13. I get seasick on a ship, so I have to go by train.

14. She doesnt drive herself because of the weekend traffic.

15. This fog prevents us from seeing the coastline.
16. I am banging on the wall because of the noise.
17. We cant play badminton because of this strong wind.
18. We only go to that movie because of the children.
19. The thick snow prevents him from advancing faster.
20. It is because of the constant stress that he is losing his hair.
21. People still remember the name because of the old riddle.
22. Its only his good looks that make him so popular.
23. She will not marry him because he is so violently jealous.
24. They only believe it because of the photos.
25. Its only because of his grandchildren he goes there at all.
26. I cant go out for lunch because of the new programme.

VII. Conditionals type 3. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets:
1. I (not take) back the book if I had known you were still reading it.
2. If you had been here last week, you (go) to the concert?
3. They might have won the game if the crowd (cheer) them on.
4. You (not catch) a cold if you had been wearing something warm.
5. If he (not wander) off so often, the story would have been interesting.
6. He (stay) until the end if he hadnt been expecting a phone call.
7. If he (have) the proper tools, could he have fixed it himself?
8. Tom could have suggested a better solution if he (be) there.
9. He would have continued shouting if she (not throw) water over him.
10. She (give) me a lift if I had been ready to go then.
11. You would have noticed the mistakes if you (read) through it again.
12. If the pool had been covered up, the leaves (not fall) into it.
13. I (climb) the stairs if the elevator hadnt been out of order.
14. If he (give) up smoking, he might have put on weight.
15. If you had paid the bill in time, we (not be) disconnected.
16. This scandal could have been avoided if she (tell) the truth.
17. If it had been someone else, none of the newspapers (be) interested.
18. The flowers wouldnt have withered if you (put) them in water.
19. They (find) their way more easily if it hadnt got dark?
20. If you (speak) in French, she might have understood you.
21. The bone (mend) nicely of you hadnt put weight on it so soon.
22. If you hadnt forgotten to lock the cabinet, the file (not disappear).
23. If the mouse (not appear), would she have climbed on the table?
24. Mike could have become a doctor if he (not leave) college.
25. Those stairs (collapse) if the two of you had tried to run up together.
26. If the snow hadnt been so dirty, the street (look) like a Christmas card.
27. Would the guard have heard the noise if someone (try) to enter this way?


1. He (not take) the wrong turn if he (listen) to my instructions.

2. If you (check) the tires before you left, you (not have) a puncture.
3. If you (not drink) coffee after dinner, you (sleep) better?
4. They (not cancel) their departure if they (get) their visas on time.
5. The plane (crash) over the building if the pilot (lose) his head.
6. I (not smoke) in this room if I (know) you slept in here.
7. If he (not mess) with my things, he (not blow) up the laboratory.
8. What you (do) if you (hear) about the imminent disaster earlier?
9. He (not stop) seeing that woman even if I (tell) him about her past.
10. If you (not threaten) it with the stick, the dog (not jump) at you.
11. They (die) of thirst if they (not reach) the oasis that day?
12. If he (not drive) like crazy, he (avoid) the collision.
13. I (buy) more grapes if I (know) you liked them so much.
14. If you (warn) me the journey was so long, I (packed) sandwiches.
15. He (notice) the smoke earlier if he (not work) in the garden.
16. If the paint on the bench (not be) wet, he (not ruin) his suit.
17. She (take) her umbrella if she (listen) to the weather forecast.
18. If he (have) a torch, he (go) into the cave with the others?
19. If you (wipe) you feet, you (not leave) mud marks all over the carpet.
20. You (not lose) such a large sum if you (stop) playing at midnight.
21. You (answer) the question if I (phrase) it more politely?
22. He (not listen) at the keyhole if they (not be) so secretive.
23. If you (bar) the door as I told you, the burglars (not get) in.
24. He (retire) years ago if they (find) someone to replace him.
25. If she (begin) the treatment earlier, she (recovered) sooner.
26. The show (be) more successful if they (invite) fewer celebrities?
27. I (read) the small print if I (have) my glasses with me.

VIII. Rephrase with IF (1-13); IF IT HADNT BEEN FOR/ BUT FOR (14-26):

1. The glasses broke because someone sat on them.

2. You didnt see him off, so he got on the wrong train.
3. The dog stole the meat because you left it on the table.
4. You wrote your name on it, so they could send it back.
5. They lost their way in the city because they didnt bring a map.
6. The driver fell asleep, thats why the car hit the lamp-post.
7. I couldnt buy any more wine because the shops had closed.
8. He forgot to lock the door because the phone rang.
9. He wasnt wearing sandals because it was raining.
10. They went fishing because they didnt know it was illegal.
11. You didnt pull out the weeds, so they have overgrown the grass.
12. I couldnt finish the letter yesterday because I ran out of paper.
13. He tried to jump on a moving bus, thats how he broke his arm.

14. We didnt go out because of the rain.

15. We didnt reach our destination because of the fog.
16. They didnt hear the bell on account of the loud music.
17. Because of the heavy curtains, we couldnt see the light.
18. The soft ground prevented us from playing football.
19. Because the surface of the road was wet, the car skidded.
20. She didnt become an actress because of her mother.
21. We didnt climb higher because the ice was slippery.
22. The storm prevented us from sailing out.
23. We werent captured because he was so vigilant.
24. He had left fingerprints on the glass, so the police caught him.
25. The crash of the waterfall prevented me from hearing your call.
26. Mike had lit a fire in the camp, so we didnt get lost.

IX. Rephrase with mixed type conditionals past cause, present result:

1. We are lost now because you forgot to take the map.

2. Im feeling a bit dizzy now because I havent had breakfast.
3. We cant afford a holiday because you have spent the money.
4. He broke his leg in a skiing accident, thats why he is not dancing.
5. The wood hasnt dried yet, so we cant start building.
6. You cant answer the questions because you havent read the book.
7. We turned off the central heating, so the rooms are rather cold.
8. I am doing the washing by hand because the washing machine broke down.
9. The scars look bad because you have scratched them so much.
10. We are stranded here because you didnt check the petrol before we started.
11. You dont fit into the new dress because you didnt lose enough weight.
12. The photos arent perfect because you opened the door of the dark-room.

X. Rephrase with inversion: SHOULD / WERE / HAD

1. Please let me know if he needs more details.

2. She wasnt here last night, so I couldnt speak to her.
3. You dont know him well because you dont see much of him.
4. I didnt slap him across the face because I didnt realise then what he meant.
5. Suppose another war broke out, what would you do?
6. Please phone the firm if he requires any assistance.
7. Announce the receptionist if she finishes the packing earlier.
8. I cannot change the rules because it is not up to me.
9. The weather stayed warm, so we could sleep in tents.
10. Deny all knowledge in case the reporter asks any questions.
11. We didnt have to move upstairs because the water didnt rise higher.
12. I dont protest because the road isnt to be built across my land.

XI. Correct the mistakes in the following conditionals:

1. If I will come to the theatre, will you be giving me a lift home?

2. I had followed the doctors orders if I was you.
3. I wouldnt had cooked any meat if I had knew he was vegetarian.
4. If you stepped closer, the door opens automatically.
5. He might has helped if you hadnt have shouted at him.
6. If he didnt stole that car, he wouldnt have been in prison now.
7. You will found the cottage easily unless you took a map.
8. We can buy it unless your parents wouldnt lend us some money.
9. I lend you my car tomorrow provided if you will take good care of it.
10. You only apply for this kind of job unless you are speaking English.
11. Supposing Peter arrive earlier, if you ask him to wait for me.
12. But for the dog barked, we would notice the thieves last night.

XII. Rearrange the word order to get correct conditionals:

1. not/ stays/ as/ need/ long/ as/ the/ weather/ jacket/ will/ warm/ I/ the
2. on/ what/ you/ do / you/ deserted/ island/ would/ a/ supposing/ landed?
3. mother/ I/ have/ had/ married/ listened/ to/ would/ if/ you/ my/ I/ not!
4. he/ him/ to/ want/ by/ should/ him/ drop/ I/ see/ tell
5. you/ let/ happen/ know/ from/ hear/ please/ if/ him/ to/ will/ you/ me?
6. mind/ not/ for/ he/ would/ new/ but/ changed/ have/ the/ his/ proposal
7. then/ have/ had/ him/ they/ talking/ shot/ they/ heard/ him/ would
8. if/ would/ they/ have/ cheated/ him/ had/ punished/ he/ not?
9. suitable/ would/ for/ dark/ building/ but/ the/ corridors/ these/ be
10. fire/ the/ would/ window/ break/ out/ I/ a/ were/ climb/ of/ to/ out
11. you/ just/ manage/ on/ if/ message/ own/ your/ me/ cannot/ a/ send
12. quiet/ will/ panic/ nobody/ providing/ keep/ you

XIII. Choose the correct answer to complete the following conditionals:

1. Ive brought my umbrella it rains.

A. if B. in the case C. because D. in case

2. If the phone while Im in the bath, dont answer it.

A. is ringing B. rings C. will ring D. would ring

3. Unless you me what you owe me, Ill report it to your employer.
A. will pay B pay C. paid D. dont pay

4. I cant help you you tell me whats wrong.

A. providing B. as long as C. unless D. before

5. If you smoking, your unborn baby will suffer.

A. dont stop B. havent stopped
C. arent stopping D. hadnt stopped

6. If we a weekend cottage, we could invite friends for the weekend.

A. have B. had C. had had D. would have

7. you see Jocelyn, give her my regards.

A. Will B. Would C. Should D. Could

8. Unless you to every rehearsal, you cant take part in the concert.
A. come B. dont come C. will come D. wont come

9. If I down, I feel a sharp pain in my back.

A. am bent B. have bent C. bent D. bend

10. If the train had been five minutes later, we our connection.
A. missed B. would miss
C. had missed D. would have missed

11. We to take on extra staff if we want to cope with the increase in business.
A. will have B. had C. would have D. should have

12. If Fred hadnt stopped for petrol, he noticed that a tyre was a bit soft.
A. would havent B. would never have
C. shouldnt never have D. would never had

13. Unless Marge some weight, shell have to buy a lot of new clothes.
A. will lose B. looses C. doesnt lose D. loses

14. If you up the brim of your hat at the back, it would look much nicer.
A. turn B. would turn C. turned D. dont turn

15. He said he would lend me the money as long as I it back by next month.
A. pay B. will pay C. paid D. would pay

16. Suppose we out of cash, what shall we do then?

A. run B. ran C. are running D. will run

17. Heres my card, in case you to get in contact with us again some time.
A. would want B. should want C. will want D. are wanting

18. Gladys an opera singer if she had had her voice trained.
A. would become B. was becoming
C. may have become D. might have become

19. Youll be fined if the police you exceeding the speed limit.
A. catch B. catches C. caught D. will catch

20. I would go and make a phone call if you the baby till I get back.
A. would mind B. were minding C. did mind D. should mind

21. Ill come with you to the beach expect me to go swimming.

A. unless you will B. as long as you dont
C. if you wont D. provided you not to

22. If Garret had been any later, we to leave him behind.

A. had B. have had C. may have had D. would have had

23. If the bill by the 25th, the electricity supply will be cut off.
A. doesnt pay B. wont pay C. isnt paid D. wont be paid

24. If you had run faster, you the train.

A. will have caught B. would had caught
C. might have caught D. would have catch

25. I could finish the shopping if my wallet stolen.

A. hadnt been B. wasnt C. wouldnt be D. didnt get

26. I promise not to be angry you tell me the whole truth.

A. as long as B. unless C. as soon as D. as far as

27. I to be in you shoes if your father hears about this.

A. didnt like B. shouldnt have liked
C. wont like D. wouldnt like

28. If the missing document turn up, it will mean starting again from scratch.
A. dont B. doesnt C. wont D. wouldnt

29. If I were you, I all about this embarrassing incident.

A. forget B. ll forget C. d forget D. d forgotten

30. the white rhino is carefully protected, it will soon become extinct.
A. Unless B. As long as C. Until D. Provided that

31. If your car a puncture, would you be able to change the wheel?
A. had B. will have C. had had D. would have

32. You can borrow my camera, you take good care of it during the trip.
A. in the case B. supposed C. as soon a D. provided

33. Unless you your socks up, youll be bottom of the class.
A. dont pull B. wont pull C. will pull D. pull

34. had a plane to catch, she wouldnt have left so early.

A. Had she not B. If she didnt C. Unless she D. If she hasnt

35. In case anyone else might read it, Samuel up the letter then and there.
A. tore B. torn C. had torn D. has torn

36. Even if you to be a hundred, youd never know everything about it.
A. live B. lived C. might live D. will live

37. Unless Colin soon. well have to start without him.

A. will come B. is coming C. doesnt come D. comes

38. She would certainly have bought the shoes if she a pair to fit her.
A. would have found B. would find
C. had found D. might have found

39. I wonder what if they find all those bottles in his bag.
A. will he say B. would he say C. he will say D. he would say

40. She seven years for him if she hadnt loved him.
A. wouldnt have waited B. shouldnt have waited
C. hadnt waited D. hadnt been waiting

41. You will not get any supper your hands first.
A. if you wont wash B. unless you wash
C. unless you dont wash D. unless you havent washed

42. But for the moisture in the hothouse, these plants survive here.
A. dont B. cant C. wont D. wouldnt

43. I the oil changed if I had known you wanted to go by car.

A. would have B. would have had
C. have had D. would had have

44. You so tired now if you hadnt watched that late night movie yesterday.
A. wouldnt have been B. couldnt have been
C. wouldnt be D. couldnt be

45. They will get the fire under control reach the oil barrels.
A. unless it doesnt B. if it wont
C. provided it doesnt D. as long as it wont

XIV. Three variants are correct. Which one is incorrect?

1. If you lose this card, you must inform the bank immediately.
A. happen to B. may lose C. should D.

2. we want to save up for a holiday, well have cut down our expenditure.
A. Provided B. If C. Unless D. In case that

3. , he would have been seriously injured.

A. Unless it had been for B. If it hadnt been for
C. Had it not been for D. But for the safety belt

4. I will try to repair it, you help me carry it inside first.

A. if B. provided that C. unless D. on condition that

5. We will have to light the torches other sources of illumination .

A. in case there are no B. supposing no
C. if there arent any D. unless there are

6. If you wait for just a moment, I will see whether he is available right now.
A. will B. would C. - D. were to

7. I would be much happier if he back so soon.

A. didnt have to come B. wouldnt have come
C. werent coming D. hadnt come

8. But for the kind hostess, he such a boring party.

A. wouldnt have left B. wouldnt stay at
C. would have left D. wouldnt have stayed at


I. Match the prompts (1-20) with the suitable answer (A-T) and identify the
modality that is expressed in each sentence

1. Where could they have put the keys? Tom said we should look under the
2. You had better not tell your sister where youre going. You know she
cant keep a secret.
3. You havent done the washing-up. And the kitchen should have been swept.
4. I mustnt bend. Would you please pick up my walking-stick?
5. I hate travelling. I wish I didnt always get confused with all those things and
formalities at the customs.
6. Would you like to be my companion at my brothers dinner-party?
7. Shall I try to call Headquarters again, Sir?
8. Lets invite Jonathan to the new Italian restaurant, shall we?
9. Could you by any means lend me 10 until next week?
10. Dont you dare ask my daughter out again without my permission!
11. I have finally managed to repair that old umbrella of yours.
12. Has Jack left already? I wish I had sent some cakes for his mother.
13. Do I really have to put on a dinner-jacket tonight?
14. Did you manage to convince her not to leave the firm?
15. This film really had terrific special effects.
16. May I have one more piece of cake? Its delicious.
17. Im awful sorry to have offended Aunt Theresa.
18. I wonder what could be wrong. The engine wont start.
19. Did your famous uncle really use to live in this country house before he got
20. She must be very upset about Dan leaving her.

A) Yes, they must have spent a fortune on tomato juice.
B) Unfortunately I cant, Im flat broke myself.
C) I would rather starve to death than eat in public with that guy.
D) Why should you think that? If he hadnt taken himself off. she would have
kicked him out anyway.
E) You really ought not to have called her cat a bloodthirsty beast.
F) I think you should rise to your feet. The neighbours are watching us
somewhat suspiciously.
G) Yeah, hes gone. Try as I might, I couldnt convince him to stay any longer.
H) Shes hopeless. You might as well talk to a brick wall.
I) Dont even think of it. I wouldnt have given you any if I had known you had
to keep a diet.
J) But somebody has to know about my whereabouts. Anything might happen
on such a hiking tour.
K) You neednt have bothered. I have already bought a new one.
L) Im afraid so, darling. Otherwise they wont even notice you.
M) Yes, he did. And he would sooner have stayed here all his life, but my aunt
wouldnt hear of it.
N) But you neednt worry about that. It wouldnt be a real holiday if you had to
do all that. Ill take care of everything.
O) You shouldnt have left the car lights on. The battery must have gone flat
during the night.
P) Oh, grandpa, I wish you would sit down and take a rest.
Q) Yes. They will have mended the lines by now.
R) How on earth should I do all this housework? Its high time you hired a
cleaning woman.
S) I cant believe my ears. Is she your personal property or what?
T) I would greatly enjoy that if I had a decent evening dress to put on.

II. Instructions as before:

1. If it werent so foggy, we could see the whole coast from here.

2. Oh, my! I cant type because I cut my finger this morning.
3. May I make a suggestion referring to your new hair-style?
4. Need I really learn to play cricket just because it is the new managers
favourite pastime?
5. I thought they wouldnt allow me to leave town during the trial.
6. I would rather shut myself up in a tower than marry that creep.
7. I heard your niece playing the piano at yesterdays concert.
8. How about a second helping from this chicken soup?
9. Could you please show me the other files? I have finished these.
10. You really neednt have bothered with low-fat food for me, Im not on a diet
any more.
11. You had better stop drinking, pal. Otherwise you wont resist to the end of
the play.
12. I wish I knew the story of this medieval castle.
13. Could he still be at the office at the moment?
14. He shouldnt pour her any more champagne, shes rather dizzy already.
15. You shouldnt have thrown that teapot out of the window, no matter how
angry you are.
16. I wish you would stop using my perfume.
17. Im going to Spain next week. Would you like to come with me?
18. She knows how much I hate the idea of killing animals and she was showing
off her fur-coat!
19. How could you take such an important decision without asking me?
20. The book says she waited twenty years for her lover to return.

A) You could have mentioned this in your letter. I wouldnt have made
provisions of yoghurt and vegetables for a century.
B) No way, all the staff ought to have left by four.
C) Yes, please. I must say you can cook, even if you cant do anything else.
D) Believe me I would, if I had enough money to buy myself a bottle. I dont
even like the scent of yours.
E) You had better not interfere. He might want her tipsy for his own reasons.
F) Maybe she was. But you shouldnt have brought your pet snake into the room
in response. She might have had a heart attack.
G) Rubbish! Only a woman could have written such a sloppy romance.
H) That cant have been her. She broke her arm at skiing last week.
I) Oh shut up! If you dont stop arguing, Ill send your precious teacups after it!
J) But I cant remember my lines at all if Im stone-cold sober.
K) I sure would, but Im afraid I cant. Its my mothers birthday and I wouldnt
dare miss the traditional family reunion.
L) Shall I help you with those letters? I dont have to go to the office today, so I
might as well type them for you.
M) Oh, but you really neednt have worried about that. The judge is a good old
friend of mine.
N) What on earth was I supposed to do? You had gone off to the South Pole
without leaving any address, remember?
O) You really might have listened to the weather forecast yesterday.
P) I would rather you kept your opinion to yourself! It has cost me 15!
Q) I could have brought a guide-book if I had known you were so much
interested in local history.
R) Oh, you might get to like him if you spend some time together.
S) On the second shelf. But you dont have to read them all today.
T) Well, he will never invite you for the weekend if you have no idea about the
game, thats for sure.

III. Rephrase either with the suggested beginning or with a different structure
containing the word in capitals unchanged:


1. It is likely that he is making plans for the holidays right now.

2. Take care! That car almost ran you over!
Take care! You
3. I expect the weather will be fine tomorrow, for the sky is clearing.
The weather
4. Perhaps they are still at the airport.
5. Is it considered possible that the play will have success?
the play ?
6. There is a possibility that they were hiding under the bridge.
7. One would expect them to have arrived by now if they left at two.
8. Do you think he is still staying at the Royal Hotel after the incident?
he ?
9. Theres a chance that I will find out if you cheat on me.
10. Is it possible that the fire was started on purpose?
the fire ?
11. There is a slight chance that they survived without water for so long.
12. I expect him to fail, considering his laziness and negligence.

1. I am absolutely sure that she is out of her mind.
2. It is clear that they went to the river for a swim.
3. Im sure he is studying the map in the car.
4. You did obviously drink more than two beers last night.
5. Its clear that the kids have found your hidden chocolate-supplies.
The kids
6. Its evident that he meant quite the opposite of that.
7. I am convinced that she was lying all the time.

1. It is impossible that you saw her at Toms party last night.
2. I am certain that he is not working in the garden at the moment.
3. I very much doubt that they know the correct answer.
4. I simply refuse to believe that he typed five chapters in two hours.
5. They have certainly not taken the bus to Victoria station.
6. I dont think they have finished painting the room yet.

1. I didnt succeed in recalling his face. / RECALL
2. She is incapable of understanding mathematics at this level. / TO
3. It is impossible for her to work under such pressure.
4. Pronouncing these words correctly is beyond their capacity.
5. It was impossible for them to cover the distance in two days.

1. Am I allowed to remain alone with him for a few minutes?
2. I was allowed to read what I liked when I was a child.
3. Students are not permitted to use the staff car park.
4. I wonder if I am permitted to have another cup of tea.
I wonder if I

1. You are definitely forbidden to remind him of the accident.
2. It is not allowed to feed the animals in the Zoo.
3. We were not permitted to stay out after nine.
4. You are not to talk about anything else besides the weather.

1. You had the possibility to visit me when you were in town.
2. It was rather rude to leave the guests alone for half an hour.
The guests
3. How stupid of you to invite both these women for the same weekend!
4. There was a possibility for them to prevent the disaster, but they didnt.
5. It is rather careless of him not to watch his language.
6. How foolish of you not to warn him that the ice was so thin!
7. It was inconsiderate of him to disregard his wifes wish.
8. How stupid of her to spend so much money on trifles!

1. They were forced to adapt to extremely low temperature.
2. It was obligatory for me to keep the whole operation in secret.
3. It is compulsory for all the members to memorise the motto.
All the members
4. It was his moral obligation to encourage her, but he didnt.
5. It was compulsory for us to learn the poem by heart.

1. It was unnecessary for them to have moved to another planet after all.
2. It was unnecessary to carry the child, it can walk alone.
3. We took more warm clothes than was necessary, the weather was fine.
4. Is it really necessary to read the newspaper at the dinner table?
you really
5. You rang the bell twice more but I was already coming to open the door.
6. It is not necessary for them to pay for this service.


1. I would like you to stop staring at the wall all day.
I wish
2. I would like to be able to tell you what I feel.
If only
3. Its a pity we didnt bring the surfboards.
I wish
4. I would like the children to stop shouting.
I wish
5. I regret having told her about the plan.
I wish
6. Im sorry to have caused you so much trouble.
I regret
7. Im sorry I havent taken my binoculars.
If only

1. Too bad they dont forbid newspapers to publish such lies.
2. Its strongly advisable that you dont get involved in that venture.
3. If I were you, I would tell the police about this.
I think you
4. I strongly advise you to get rid of that gangster.
5. I warn you to put on warmer clothes; its cold outside.

1. He prefers keeping racehorses to farming the field.
He would
2. She prefers visiting people to entertaining them at home.
She would
3. Please dont tell my sister about this affair.
I would
4. They would sooner climb mountains than visit cities.
They prefer
5. He prefers sweeping the floor to washing dishes.
He would
6. Wouldnt you come for a walk rather than sit here?
Dont you
7. I would sooner ride than jog in the morning.
I prefer
8. I prefer him to entertain his guests himself. ENTERTAINED
9. I would prefer the children to stay in the yard. RATHER

IV. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentences:

1. The notice says NO PARKING. We park here.

A. are to not B. havent to C. mustnt D. shouldnt

2. He promised he tell anyone.

A. didnt B. shouldnt C. wont D. wouldnt

3. You touch that wire: its dangerous.

A. dont have to B. mustnt
C. havent got to D. neednt

4. Lets have a game of bridge, we?

A. shall B. shant C. should D. shouldnt

5. It was very kind of you, but you really have sent all those flowers.
A. mustnt B. oughtnt C. shouldnt D. wouldnt

6. Skiing be a dangerous sport.

A. can B. has to C. might D. need

7. If youre very good, I just take you to the zoo tomorrow.

A. could B. might C. should D. will

8. My wife has walked out on me. Perhaps I have treated her better.
A. could B. might C. should D. would

9. We have worried about him, he can manage on his own.

A. couldnt B. mustnt C. neednt D. shouldnt

10. This milk be fresh it has a most peculiar smell.
A. cant B. couldnt C. mustnt D. wouldnt

11. you see Robin, give him my regards.

A. Do B. Should C. Will D. Would

12. There is only one set of footprints, the kidnapper have carried his victim.
A. must B. should C. could D. may

13. He have done it during the day, or someone would have seen him.
A. mustnt B. couldnt C. shant D. oughtnt to

14. I dont want to go sailing, I swim instead.

A. would prefer B. would rather go for a
C. will be going to D. had better

15. I was afraid we be too late for the train, but we got there on time.
A. can B. will C. might D. could

16. This address is very old. they have moved since then?
A. May B. Could C. Shall D. Should

17. Foreigners enter the country without a passport and a valid visa.
A. cant B. wouldnt C. oughtnt D. mightnt

18. so much noise?

A. Must you to make B. Need you to make
C. Do you need to make D. Need you making

19. He live in the country than in the city.
A. prefers to B. likes better to C. has better D. would rather

20. Did you answer the invitation? No, I but I forgot.

A. had to B. should had C. must have D. ought to have

21. We were told when we got there that we after all.

A. mustnt have gone B. didnt need go
C. neednt have gone D. hadnt to go

22. He here yesterday, but we didnt see him.

A. might be B. maybe was C. could be D. might have been

23. He wishes he to the theatre last night.

A. had gone B. went C. could go D. would have gone

24. You come tomorrow if you have something else to do.

A. neednt to B. dont need C. mustnt D. neednt

25. we buy a new car?

A. Do you want that B. Shall
C. Would you like that D. Ought to

26. The Joneses have gone on holiday since all their windows are open.
A. mustnt B. shouldnt C. cant D. are not able to

27. He said he solve the problem.

A. can B. has been able to
C. had been able to D. will be able to

28. This work cant wait until tomorrow, you do it today.
A. need B. must C. would better D. had rather

29. I wish I worked much harder.

A. have B. should have C. had D. would have

30. He said I go to the cinema.

A. might B. am allowed to C. may D. will be allowed to

31. I do it if you helped me.

A. could B. am able to C. can D. will be able to

32. You ought the road when the lights were red.
A. not to cross B. not to have crossed
C. to not have crossed D. not to be crossing

33. They have blamed her, it was not her fault.

A. shouldnt B. couldnt C. wouldnt D. mustnt

34. They for a walk than stay at home.

A. rather would go B. would go rather
C. would rather go D. would go sooner

35. She her husband, she was in hospital at the time.

A. couldnt murdered B. cant have murdered
C. was unable of murdering D. mustnt have murdered

36. It was almost midnight, he really have called for such a stupid thing.
A. couldnt B. mustnt C. ought not D. shouldnt

37. If you are planning to use the car park, you get a permit from our office.
A. will have B. will need to C. would D. need

38. He said he open the door.

A. couldnt B. hasnt been able to
C. cant D. wont be able to

39. Theres an English saying that you have your cake and eat it.
A. wont B. dont C. cant D. mustnt

40. They have changed for dinner, it was not supposed to be a formal one.
A. mustnt B. shouldnt C. neednt D. oughtnt to

41. If I had the money to study in Italy, Im sure I become a famous artist.
A. can B. could C. should D. might

42. I would at a hotel during the weekend.

A. prefer you stay B. prefer you stayed
C. rather you stay D. rather you stayed

43. She be a doctor. She doesnt look old enough.

A. mustnt B. cant C. shouldnt D. wouldnt

44. Marvin have been rich, but he certainly wasnt happy.

A. might B. could C. can D. will

45. You put the car in the garage, Im going out in it later
A. neednt B. havent C. mustnt D. cant

V. Three of the variants are correct. Which one is incorrect?

1. Henry have gone in for politics if he hadnt joined the police.

A. would B. might C. must D. could

2. Lets take the short cut they have repaired the road by now.
A. will B. ought to C. must D. would

3. I wish you away on Friday.

A. wont be going B. wouldnt go C. werent going D. hadnt gone

4. You come here now.

A. didnt have to B. neednt have C. shouldnt have D. didnt need

5. They have got married.

A. cant B. mustnt C. might D. should

6. She have been ill. She looks rather pale.

A. must B. might C. would D. may

7. You really have done it long ago.

A. might B. could C. should D. must

8. tell anyone where were going.

A. Id prefer you not to B. I wish you wont
C. Please dont D. Id rather you didnt

9. You have phoned first, instead of arriving unexpectedly like this.

A. should B. could C. must D. might


with the given beginnings / with a structure including the word in capitals:

1. A little girl feeds the ducks on the lake twice a week. / The ducks
2. You have this backache because of your uncomfortable chair. / If
3. There was a risk that the plane would crash on some building. / The plane
4. The girl cant reach shelf because it is too high. FOR
5. I would rather stay in the garden than sit in the library. STAYING
6. I advise you to have your blood pressure checked regularly. / You
7. He only noticed the change when he switched on the light. / Not until
8. The hairdresser cut her hair once a month. / She
9. They said they had been driving home at six the previous day. / We
10. The last time you took me out was two weeks ago. FOR
11. The storm broke out the moment they set sail. THAN
12. He shouted even louder, but they couldnt hear him. / In vain
13. If you always eat so many cakes, you will get fatter and fatter. MORE
14. The Romans realised the danger only because the geese cackled. / If
15. Perhaps they are having a holiday at the cottage. / They
16. Im not in the mood for doing the shopping this afternoon. / I cant ...
17. This is my first visit to the National Museum. EVER
18. They will finish redecorating the house before we return. TIME
19. Nobody corrects her spelling, so her writing doesnt improve. / Were
20. Everybody believes they died of exposure. / They
21. I didnt push the other player! he said. / He denied
22. I strongly advise you not to conceal the truth. / You
23. I havent seen such decorations anywhere else. / Nowhere
24. If he speaks very fast, I understand little of what he says. LESS
25. It was evident that he had hated them beyond all reason. / He

26. The doctor was just removing Tims tonsils./ Tim
27. I recommend this method because I have tried it myself before. / If
28. Although the heat was unbearable, he was wearing a jacket. / Despite
29. She couldnt learn the poem by heart because it was too long. FOR
30. He started growing these flowers when he returned from Asia. SINCE
31. Who drew this picture of the old house? BY
32. He couldnt swim ashore because of the huge waves. / But
33. Please drive slower and gesticulate less. RATHER
34. She hasnt prepared a decent meal for a week. / Its
35. Our describing everything in minute detail was a waste of time. / We
36. He only recognised her when she smiled at him. / Only when
37. You will give your evidence before the reporters arrive. / By the time
38. Run away immediately in case you see a snake. / Should
39. They believe the gates are guarded by angels. / The gates
40. I regret having promised such a thing. / If ...
41. How many sandwiches did you make? / He asked
42. They havent written to us since Christmas. LAST
43. It started raining the moment we got off the train. WHEN
44. It seems unbelievable that they got there in three days. / They
45. The workmen are paving her garden path. / She
46. The child couldnt carry the bag because it was too heavy. SO
47. You can only see the deer if you climb higher on that tree. UNLESS
48. I strongly advise you not to provoke a quarrel at dinner. / You
49. As they travelled further, it became difficult to follow the path. MORE
50. The bell rang the moment he lowered himself into the bath. THAN
51. He started planning the expedition two years ago. FOR
52. He wont get annoyed unless the dogs bark loudly. AS
53. Dont spend all the money at once! / They advised
54. You always catch a cold because you go out without a coat. / If

55. That was their first flight on the new aeroplane. NEVER
56. He wont change his mind unless he gets a better offer. / Were
57. We will get into their camp before they realise the danger. TIME
58. I would prefer them to weave brighter colours in the carpet. RATHER
59. It proved unnecessary for you to have grated so much cheese. / You
60. They only heard the noise when they got closer. / Not until
61. We couldnt see butterflies because the wind was blowing. / Had
62. You should have addressed the letter to the publisher. / The letter
63. I would have liked my son to take after his grandfather. ONLY
64. We cant see the sunrise because of the clouds. FOR
65. Although he was seriously injured, he didnt give up. SPITE
66. It was stupid of you to allow the children to play with hairpins. / You
67. They say he was paid to provide inside information. / He
68. Lets take the boat today! / He suggested
69. The police are after me because they discovered the hidden gun. / If
70. The dentist will have to fill your tooth. / You
71. He tries hard to withhold the sneezing, but he cant. AS
72. You got sick because you didnt boil the water first. / Had
73. Why do they always steal the decorations? / He wondered
74. The high snow prevented them from advancing faster. / But
75. He began looking for sponsors when he got the authorisation. SINCE
76. Its impossible that she was trying to get it on microfilm. / She
77. Im not in the mood for doing the washing-up just now. / I dont
78. Where does you brother usually buy his shoes? / She asked me
79. He must announce the police in case he hears anything new. / Should
80. The carpenters have widened his terrace. / He
81. They couldnt take the city because the strong walls resisted. / If
82. I advise you not to lend him more money. / You
83. She started calling her friends an hour ago. FOR

84. The car broke down the moment they reached the main road. / Hardly
85. You can only eat the meat if you cook it first. UNLESS
86. Although she had suffered long, she remained cheerful. DESPITE
87. He cant marry her unless he has a permanent job. AS
88. You spent the last weekend with your secretary! / She accused him
89. That was my first ride on a horse. EVER
90. He cant be bothered to repair that umbrella. MOOD
91. The garden doesnt look nice because of the weeds. / But
92. He would rather act on stage than play in films. ACTING
93. The hidden treasure has never been found. / Nobody
94. This is the first time I have ever eaten seafood. NEVER
95. However fast he ran, he couldnt catch up with the others. MIGHT
96. Your mark depends on how many questions you answer. / The
97. I couldnt climb over the wall because the rope broke. / Had
98. People thought that they had been using the old tunnel. / They
99. Dont forget to water the flowers tomorrow. / She reminded
100. It is obvious that they were watching his every movement. / They
101. He couldnt wash out the stains before he got home. / Only when
102. They started repairing this road two years ago. PASSED
103. They will only reply if you address them respectfully. UNLESS
104. Why do they always light these fires at night? / She wanted to know
105. Squeeze as hard as he might, he couldnt turn the handle. / In vain
106. The lorry couldnt cross the bridge because it was too narrow. THAT
107. Where are they treating him? HE
108. They will sell the car before I announce the police. TIME
109. As they climbed higher, it became difficult to breathe. MORE
110. The last time they saw a platypus here was twenty years ago. / Nobody
111. Its really inconsiderate of you to turn your back on a friend. / You
112. We wont have good seats unless you buy the tickets now. / Were

KEY to I. TENSES (p.7)


1. are you doing; am watching; Do you always watch; have; does not happen
2. catches; is going; are having
3. live; goes; does not go; likes; prefers; are watching; are enjoying; do not
4. do not build; use
5. needs; is always reading
6. speaks; do / can not understand; says
7. Are you writing; send; Do you wish; am thinking
8. Are you enjoying; do you want; am having; want
9. Do you like; am giving; Do you always give
10. are you putting; am going; Do you want; Do you mind; bring; like
11. is not working; is swimming; comes
12. is she doing; is lying; playing
13. Do you dream; dream; eat; have; remember
14. is having; has
15. are; do not like; are doing; are cutting
16. Are you doing; am not going; is raining; do not have
17. hate; rains; do you not go / dont you go
18. do you do; play; are going; are staying
19. is always ringing; asking
20. Do you belong; Do you read; do you change; change; are you reading; am
21. see
22. Does he always write; is using; hurts

23. smells; Do you keep
24. (can) see; is shouting; is saying; is making
25. does it cost; depends; pay; Do you intend
26. trust
27. am not cooking; am making; Is someone coming
28. is Ann not / isnt Ann wearing; does not like
29. says; is feeling; thinks; is still losing
30. does not believe; say; does he read
31. is cooking; chop; put


1. was; was living; was working; (was) travelling; received; was addressed
2. was signed; asked
3. was dealing; was wondering; decided; didnt recognise
4. was just wondering; introduced; said; was; explained
5. was recruited; was already working; began
6. were; was getting
7. awoke; was sitting; was looking; called; turned; smiled
8. was thinking; did not know; looked
9. did you interrupt; was having; did not realise; were still talking
10. was carrying; heard; put; tried
11. was looking; noticed
12. were walking; heard; turned; held; stopped
13. arrived; was waiting; was wearing; looked; saw; waved; ran
14. got; noticed; was dripping; was looking; remembered
15. escaped; was working; was wearing
16. said; was travelling; began

17. was making; felt; brought; was able
18. took; was being; were still listening; left
19. said; did not like; was trying
20. was; had to; was enjoying
21. were coming; stopped; said; was looking; asked
22. saw; were you using; was using; were you riding
23. heard; went; opened; did not recognise; was not wearing
24. told; needed; advised; assured; was seeing
25. came; was looking
26. was playing; opened; threw
27. was just opening; blew
28. did you lend; was still reading; did not know; were still reading; reckoned


1. Did you wear; insisted; hated; left; cut; have worn / have been wearing
2. wrote
3. has written; has just finished
4. flew; Did you see
5. have flown; have often travelled; have never liked
6. has not smoked; tried; did not succeed; have not tried
7. Have the guests arrived; has come
8. did he arrive; left; got
9. Did you lock; left
10. read; enjoyed
11. Have you read; have not read
12. have not finished; started
13. have already sampled; have not even started

14. have never drunk; have just brought
15. have written; Did you buy
16. has written; left; have not answered
17. has stopped; did you notice
18. have just cleaned; have also ironed
19. Have you had; had
20. has just gone
21. went
22. Did you see; slept
23. Has anyone seen; put; got
24. have you lived; have live
25. was; lived; has not changed
26. have just finished; Have you read; have not seen; saw; was; scared
27. Has the newspaper come
28. did not know; were; got; have not been; has already bitten
29. have cut; did it happen; looked
30. did you get; had
31. Did you meet; had; has he told; decided
32. lost; has been; did he lose; was
33. have you been; have just started; did you find; answered
34. has not had; have only been
35. did not know; were; Have you been; have been; arrived; Have you visited;
went; have not seen
36. Has the plumber been; stayed; did he do; turned; emptied
37. have you been; have been; did you do; took; did you win; came; enjoyed;
have never ridden
38. bought; has woven; looked; has improved


1. have walked; have covered

2. have been walking; have not seen
3. have been walking
4. have been making; have you made; have finished
5. has eaten; has not stopped
6. has been drinking
7. have already drunk
8. have been pulling; have pulled
9. have you been doing; have been picking; have you picked; have already
picked; have never had
10. have slept
11. has been sleeping
12. has been riding
13. have ridden
14. have ever ridden
15. has been making; has already made; have never tasted
16. have been working
17. have worked
18. has been teaching
19. have taught; have never met
20. have you been; have been pumping; have pumped
21. have been playing
22. have never played
23. have been looking; have not found
24. have looked; have searched; have left
25. has been coughing
26. Have you heard; have known; have just found

27. have been trying; have hardly said
28. has been raining; has been postponed
29. has been studying; have learnt; have been practising
30. have been biting
31. has ever called; have never been
32. have been calling
33. has been speaking; has not mentioned
34. have not spoken; has been avoiding
35. has been using; has fallen
36. has been trying
37. Have you ever tried
38. have been swimming; Have you ever swum; have heard
39. have been driving; have you ever driven; have been driving; have learnt
40. have just had; have been working; have picked
41. have been eating
42. have you been shouting; has stolen; have been trying; have been wasting; has


1. gave; thanked; said; had enjoyed; knew; had not read; were
2. found; asked; had been playing; had started
3. had been talking; went; ordered; said; had not enjoyed
4. parked; rushed; came; was; wondered; had stolen; had driven
5. answered; had repeated
6. realised; had made
7. had only waited; turned
8. looked; did / could not remember; had seen

9. tried; had found
10. left; had not got; started; discovered; had forgotten; went; told; had taken
11. had been experimenting; thought
12. noticed; had already picked; said; had blown; had been chasing
13. could see / saw; had sat / had been sitting; remembered; had asked
14. had been knitting; counting; stopped; looked
15. phoned; had already sold
16. had been selling; got
17. had seen; returned; did not have; had already done; was
18. did not have; did; left; had; was; decided
19. picked; went; slammed; felt; had reminded
20. had searched; had found; remembered; was; had left
21. remembered; were
22. returned; knew; had broken; was; had been
23. had only just left
24. felt; had heard; had run
25. had helped; had not had; poured; wondered; had found; hoped
26. had been; had died
27. had not had; had not liked; had been wondering; had not got
28. seemed; had taken; had really made

6. FOR or SINCE (p.17)

1. since 7. for 13. for 19. for

2. for 8. since 14. since 20. for
3. for 9. since 15. for 21. since
4. since 10. for 16. since 22. since
5. for 11. since 17. for 23. for
6. since 12. for 18. for 24. for


1. have been fishing; have not caught 12. had not lived
2. had been boiling; made 13. heard; had been
3. had not driven 14. had been trying; realised
4. have been working; have not got 15. have already tried; phoned
5. studied 16. have been trying; have not got
6. has been studying; decided 17. said; had already tried; had started
7. have studied; started 18. had stewed
8. have you been doing; have been 19. had known; got; moved
looking; have been building 20. reached; had been chopping; was
9. had been living; visited 21. have been breeding; brought
10. has lived / has been living 22. had been waiting; had not been
11. lived; was 23. has not been; left


1. is making 13. not going to do

2. is going to make 14. Are you doing; are having
3. am catching; are you leaving; 15. are you going to pay
am not taking; am walking 16. are going to be
4. is going to faint 17 are you taking; are going
5. are going to knock 18. is having
6. am going; is taking 19. s going to bury
7. am going to see 20. am going to read
8. Are you seeing 21. is going to ask
9. are sending 22. am picking
10. is going to move 23. Are you not going to pick
11. are moving 24. is having
12. are going to be 25. are being


1. will be 9. are you meeting; am 18. will wait

2. will enjoy meeting; will come 19. will have
3. is starting 10. are getting 20. will like
4. will recognise 11. is flying 21. is giving; Are you
5. am collecting 12. will scratch going; am not going;
6. will not write 13. is playing are having; starting
7. will know 14. is coming 22. will understand
8. will your brother 15. will believe 23. will explode
say; will not say; 16. will slip 24. are celebrating
will never invite 17. are laying


1. will be 16. is going to break

2. will have 17. will show
3. is going to explode 18. Are you going to answer
4. will give 19. am going to get
5. are going to increase 20. are going to starve
6. will go 21. Are you going to buy; Will you buy
7. Are you going to paint 22. will ask
8. Will you have 23. Are you going to eat
9. are you going to wash 24. Are you really going to ride
10. will ask 25. am going to put
11. will walk 26. Are you going to buy; am not going
12. Will you open to buy; am going to eat
13. will lend 27. Are you going to bath; will you help;
14. will drive will not bite
15. am going to be


1. will ring; will be watching

2. will meet; will I recognise; will be wearing
3. will be entering
4. will not be using
5. will be working; will be translating
6. will open
7. will be opening
8. will not be going
9. will not drive
10. will be driving
11. will drive
12. will be working
13. will bring; will catch
14. will be letting; will be making
15. will very likely be raining
16. will come; will be expecting
17. will be lying
18. will have
19. will all be living
20. Will you be using
21. will put; will have


1. will have been working 15. will have played

2. will have worked 16. will have written
3. will have been learning 17. will have been signing
4. will have learnt 18. will have left
5. will have built 19. will have broken
6. will have been building 20. will have heard
7. will have been sailing 21. will have been drinking
8. will have sailed 22. will have been writing
9. will have been 23. will have burnt
10. will have been eating 24. will have been dancing
11. will have eaten 25. will have been visiting
12. will have been climbing 26. will have finished
13. will have climbed 27. will have spent
14. will have been playing


1. hears 10. get 19. look; will see

2. will wake 11. arrives; will stand 20. will wait; are
3. have been 12. will see; cross 21. will not start; press
4. will not move 13. have painted; will change 22. gets; will light
5. reach 14. will not give; have finished 23. has gone; will come
6. have typed 15. will wash; goes 24. Will he ring; arrives
7. leave 16. will get; open 25. begins; will fly
8. know 17. have seen; will go 26. will bolt; go
9. will stay 18. will feel; have had 27. has eat; will become


I. Choose the correct variant to complete the sentences (p.25):

A) 1. B. are you staring 7. C. wondered

2. A. have been looking 8. B. had stayed
3. B. do not understand 9. B. had gone
4. C. happens 10. B. had come
5. C. admire
E) 1. B. was crossing
B) 1. C. Has Mary fed 2. A. stepped
2. A. fed 3. A. fell
3. B. did she give 4. B. was still lying
4. A. gave 5. A. saw
5. C. has had 6. A. noticed
7. A. stopped
C) 1. C. have passed 8. C. have not recovered
2. A. arrived
3. C. have not had F) 1. B. has stopped
4. C. has stopped 2. B. is still blowing
5. A. has never cleared 3. C. do not feel
4. A. have not been
D) 1. C. glanced 5. B. got
2. C. went 6. C. will do
3. C. noticed
4. A. was watching G) 1. A. have been quarrelling
5. C. got 2. B. were quarrelling
6. C. was 3. C. were

4. C. do 6. B. wondered
5. C. try 7. C. had happened

K) 1. B. can smell
H) 1. A. are those people looking
2. B. think
2. C. has been
3. A. is coming
3. B. Did you see
4. A. is probably ironing
4. B. ran
5. B. irons
5. A. Have the police arrived
6. B. watches
6. C. can hear
7. B. gets
7. A. are coming
8. B. forgets
9. A. is pressing
I) 1. B. are you smoking
10. A. is thinking
2. A. do not smoke
3. B. am smoking L) 1. C. did not know
4. A. want 2. C. were
5. A. says 3. B. cut
6. A. removes 4. A. did it happen
7. C. have been striving 5. C. was chopping
8. C. have already tried 6. A. slipped
9. A. Do you know 7. C. Do you chop
10. C. am going to speak 8. C. does
11. A. like 9. B. broke

M) 1. B. have lost
J) 1. B. was
2. B. Have you seen
2. C. had been working
3. A. did you last wear
3. C. had had
4. A. took
4. B. brought
5. A. left
5. C. had not come

N) 1. C. Do you know 6. C. Were they
2. B. is just dialling 7. B. were waiting
3. C. phones 8. C. did not show
4. C. does he come 9. C. went
5. C. speaks 10. B. lying
6. A. could speak
7. C. arrived Q) 1. B. were you doing
8. A. has learnt 2. C. rang
9. A. wonder 3. B. was making
10. B. he is speaking 4. C. did you do
11. C. is 5. A. heard
12. C. guess 6. A. went
13. B. are chatting 7. A. opened
8. C. rang
O) 1. B. were dancing 9. C. said
2. C. sneaked 10. B. was making
3. A. stole 11. C. Did you ring
4. C. were looking 12. B. was talking
5. A. hid 13. A. saw
6. A. went 14. B. was standing
7. C. have found
8. B. have been searching R) 1. C. thought
2. B. left
P) 1. A. was killed 3. B. got
2. B. have not found 4. C. learnt
3. B. are still being questioned 5. B. had just pulled
4. C. say 6. B. had been changed
5. A. are helping 7. C. came

8. B. had been repeated 3. A. flew
9. A. do not seem 4. B. Have you heard
10. B. has missed 5. A. Does she like
6. B. have got
S) 1. B. is smoking 7. C. described
2. C. started 8. B. hasnt told
3. C. lit 9. B. has only spent
4. A. expect
5. B. are building V) 1. B. have been swimming
6. C. have been trying 2. B. Have you swum
7. A. moved 3. A. came
8. A. dont you put 4. A. found
9. C. does 5. A. arrived
10. B. does not seem 6. C. have finished
11. C. have always torn 7. C. Have you taken
8. C. have won
T) 1. A. speak 9. B. did not deserve
2. A. come 10. B. had not trained
3. C. is just taking
4. C. are coming W) 1. A. went
5. B. did Paul learn 2. B. wanted
6. A. started 3. C. had forgotten
7. A. took 4. A. tried
8. A. came 5. C. I was doing
9. B. has spent 6. B. had happened
7. C. have been throwing
U) 1. B. have just heard 8. A. live
2. C. Did you not know

II. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets (p.36):

1. listened / was listening; were saying

2. is making; has; sounds; blows / is blowing
3. Will you turn; will wake
4. were fishing; came; left
5. saw; was just getting
6. was Jane talking; was doing; guess; talk
7. will have to; will be mowing
8. have; will buy; have been advertising
9. is knocking; am coming; am just washing
10. have not met; will recognise
11. Have you been; spent; did you have; stopped
12. is leaving; will have seen; will come
13. Do you not / Dont you see; am not wearing; does it say; says; are
14. put; took; had forgotten; had put
15. has escaped; will not be; have recaptured
16. Are you going; thought; were going
17. trusts; will believe; return
18. had been sitting; appeared
19. Have you spoken; went; did he go; did not see; went; was still sleeping
20. are looking; is just taking; Have you ever been
21. was climbing; slipped; fell
22. will have travelled
23. does Mrs Prim look; is smoking; (is) dropping
24. will be flying
25. demanded; had been going; refused; accused; had never trusted
26. leave; arrive; spend; set; sounds; get/ have got
27. did not want; entered; left

28. arrived; was just leaving; had
29. will have translated
30. (can) see; have not made; have you been doing
31. were building; drove; have not finished; will still be working
32. rang; were having; called; had finished; (had) wanted; were going
33. got; saw; were fighting; was trying; were they fighting; seemed
34. have not seen; has been; collapsed; was taken; sent; has not come; are visiting
35. Does it save; take; does not matter; go; prefer
36. has Tom told; came; did not stay; did he go; did not see; went; was trying
37. knew; had been eating; asked; had found; denied; had been playing
38. dropped; was leaving; am going; had come; were looking; was getting; would
visit; came
39. had been looking; saw; was holding; was not reading; was watching; called;
turned; waved
40. did you break; fell; was putting; was; had been planning; did not go; spent;
had never felt
41. Have you known; met; discovered; was; has been working; did he do (/ had
he done); came; has never told; think; spent (/ had spent)
42. rang; asked; was; spends; rings; have not seen; went; have not come
43. play; have been playing; came; Has he lived; inherited; died; Did you ever
play; was already getting; met
44. had; have been preparing; got; had told; moved; were; has been; have
changed; think; went
45. arrived; had told; left; was merely raining; asked; has not been; want; have
come; have never bought; assured; was; was joking
46. do you know; have just heard; does not apply; will / can not get; saw; had just
left; said; was going; promised; (had) found; have heard; do not even
know; went; happen; will be; phone; have tried; doesnt seem
47. have just finished; Have you read; read; have not had; have not even seen;

made; Have you found; have discovered; became; do you change; am
going; has been trying; have decided
48. attacked; was putting; got; had already been bitten; thrust; tore; contained;
have patched; still looks
49. have suffered / have been suffering; leave/ are leaving; stand; get; bang;
reverse; sounds; finds; have had; are still learning; do not know; (do)
know; takes; (can) hear; have gone; have woken; find; trust; will ask; will/
could come


I. Turn the following sentences into passive (p.41)

1. The children are picked up by the school bus every morning at 8.30.
2. The bottles are left at the door by the milkman.
3. This room is only used (by us) when we have guests.
4 .These artificial flowers are made of silk.
5. In some regions of France pigs are used by farmers to find truffles.
6. The lights on the upper floor were switched on.
7. The old oak was struck by lightning.
8. He was kept awake all night by the howling of wolves.
9. The roof of the cottage was torn off by the storm.
10. The message was written (by him) on the back of an old envelope.
11. The chairs are being carried into the garden by the boys.
12. The old theatre is being pulled down.
13. The cargo is being unloaded by the dockers.
14. Far too much money is being spent on food.
15. The street where I live is being widened.
16. The church bells were being rung as a flood warning.
17. Nails were being hammered (by the children) into an old stool.

18. Leaflets were being handed out in the street.
19. A new variant of his invention was being developed by him.
20. Political prisoners were being released at the time.
21. The beds have been made.
22. The official date has already been announced.
23. The picture has been slashed with a knife by the burglars.
24. The police have already been informed about the theft.
25. I have already been bitten twice by that dog.
26. Steps had been cut in the ice by previous climbers.
27. The book had already been returned before the warning came.
28. The change had not been noticed before morning.
29. Three windows had been broken by the time I arrived.
30. The painting had not been finished by him before the exhibition.
31. This pullover mustnt be washed in hot water.
32. These flowers should be replanted in larger pots.
33. The lid couldnt be lifted off the well.
34. Refreshments will soon be served by the waiters.
35. This medicine must be dissolved in some fluid.
36. The roof should have been repaired before it fell in.
37. The answer will have been posted by now.
38. The solutions must have been copied from the book.
39. The child neednt have been carried by her, it can walk.
40. The horses might have been scared by the thunder.
41. Who was Hamlet written by? / By whom ?
42. How often are the seals fed at the Zoo?
43. Will children under sixteen be admitted?
44. Has my shirt been ironed by anyone?
45. When is the speed limit going to be introduced?
46. Where was the stolen car discovered?

47. Why were those signals being sent (by them)?
48. How long should the eggs be boiled?
49. Where will the statues be exhibited by the organisers?
50. Could all this damage have been done by children?
51. Has anyone been found to take her place?
52. Why are these fires being lit in the gardens?
53. Had anybody been warned about the possible risks?
54. Who was he being followed by yesterday night? / By whom ?
55. The new teacher soon started to be respected by the pupils.
56. The nastier details appear to be forgotten (by them).
57. He came to be considered (by them) a member of the family.
58. This difficulty seems to be overcome easily (by people).
59. Safety measures tend to be neglected (by them).
60. We are expected to invite them personally.
61. Children were not allowed (by parents) to go out unaccompanied.
62. We were asked (by them) to sit down for a few minutes.
63. He was advised by his doctor to get more exercise.
64. He was told by his boss to hold all calls during the meeting.
65. The creatures were seen flying above the building.
66. She was noticed (by the headmistress) coming into class late.
67. They were caught (by the farmer) stealing apples from the orchard.
68. He was heard (by the neighbours) shouting at his wife.
69. We were kept waiting for twenty minutes.
70. They were found (by Jim) playing with matches in the garage.
71. We were made to do the homework all over again.
72. He was not seen to run into the building.
73. He has never been heard to swear (by anybody).
74. He was noticed to hide the chocolate in his pocket.
75. The balloon was watched to land safely in the field.

76. He is said to write poems.
77. She is believed to be expecting a baby.
78. He is thought to have inherited a fortune.
79. They are said to have been hiding in the woods.
80. She was said to eat only raw vegetables.
81. They were thought to be living on smuggling.
82. Their ancestors were believed to have arrived with William of Normandy.
83. Her doctor was said to have been treating her with his own special tonic.

II. Turn the following sentences into active (p.44)

1. Most of the work is being done by students.

2. People must not leave bicycles in the hall.
3. What do they usually spice meat with in Greece?
4. Scientists have proved this theory to be false.
5. He complained that students were not returning books in time.
6. The waiter should have iced this champagne longer.
7. Why is he training the dogs in the park?
8. They have not yet found a better solution.
9. What destroyed this part of the fence?
10. You can only take these books home for two days.
11. They were painting the fence green when I came.
12. Somebody has opened my letters.
13. We shouldnt have invited these two for the same weekend.
14. They had not turned on the heating before the frost came.
15. The maid was already packing his suitcases.
16. The judge accused the witness of misleading the jury.
17. The police must have found the footprints by now.
18. The board have not taken my suggestion seriously.
19. Who baked this delicious birthday cake?

20. The investigators are gathering more evidence every day.
21. They captured several rare species during the expedition.
22. They havent seen the strange creature for weeks.
23. He is just bringing the children from school.
24. Somebody has washed and polished the cars today.
25. Where are they building the new theatre?
26. Teachers should never beat pupils at school.
27. The dog has caught five rats in the cellar this week.

III. Give the ONE suitable word to fill in each gap (p.45)

1. that 5. in 9. be 13. can / could 17. have

2. as 6. the 10. to 14. they 18. known
3. or 7. been 11. why 15. between 19. as
4. are 8. so 12. and 16. a 20. really

IV. Error correction (p.45)

1. been 7. being 13. absolute

2. 8. 14. was
3. of 9. him 15. having
4. to 10. him 16.
5. had 11. it 17. at
6. 12. been 18. had

V. Choose the correct variant (p.46)

1. C. 5. B. 9. D. 13. B. 17. B.
2. D. 6. C. 10. A. 14. B. 18. D.
3. C. 7. D. 11. C. 15. D. 19. D.
4. A. 8. A. 12. B. 16. A. 20. A.

I. Turn into indirect speech

Statements (p.48)

1. He complained that nothing grew in his garden and explained (that) it never
got any sun.
2. She told me (that) she was going away the next day and warned me (that) she
wouldnt be back until (the following) Sunday.
3. They remarked (that) it wasnt so foggy that day as it had been the day before
/ the previous day.
4. She said (that) she was going to move from the / that flat the next month.
5. He complained that his neighbours were always having noisy parties.
6. They assured me that my prob. was being dealt with by their specialist then.
7. They announced that the race had to be postponed because of the weather.
8. She confided that it was the first time she had ever travelled abroad alone.
9. They informed me that there was a crack in the back wall of my house.
10. He speculated that if prices continued to rise at that rate, he would make a
11. They announced that they were getting married the next / following year.
12. She said (that) someone was coming and urged him to get into the cupboard.
13. He noticed that everybody was smiling rather sourly.
14. She admitted that she was very concerned about him.
15. He said (that) if one listened carefully, one could hear the sound of water.
16. They commented that there was no quick and painless cure for that disease.
17. She complained that the sunshine didnt seem to do them any good.
18. He explained that he needed those for the cake he wanted to make.
19. She warned me (that) I would scorch my dress if I let the iron get too hot.
20. He reassure us that he had no plans to leave the team before the end of the /
that season.

21. They estimated that the nr of food poisonings doubled during that period.
22. They reported that the demand for their product was increasing rapidly.
23. He assured her (that) he knew exactly what they had said and explained that
he had bugged their phone.
24. She remembered that they used to tell her everything about their day
25. He denied having hidden / that he had hidden Aunt Marges glasses.
26. He apologised for being late and explained that the bus had broken down.
27. He explained that he had dropped a box on his toe that morning.
28. He mentioned having seen / that he had seen my brother at the cinema the
previous day / the day before.
29. She told me (that) they had been driving along the river at six the day before
/ the previous day.
30. He remarked (that) I had spent too much on that holiday the previous year /
the year before.
31. They reported having seen / that they had seen bright flashing lights in the
clear sky the previous night.
32. He said (that) he had last smoked a cigar five years before.
33. She confessed (that) she had got used to driving on the left side when she
had been in England.
34. He protested that he had known nothing about the drugs they had hidden in
his bag.
35. She denied having seen / that she had seen him climb into the garden.
36. He mentioned that he had been spending more time with gardening that year.
37. He grumbled that she had again boiled the vegetables to a mush.
38. They claimed (that) they had found a much easier way to deal with the / that
39. She pointed out that he hadnt answered any of the reporters questions
40. He promised to pick / (that) he would will pick me up on his way to the ...
41. He expected (that) they would want to discuss the advantages in the

42. She warned us (that) they would get suspicious if we stopped too often.
43. He promised not to tell / (that) he wouldnt tell my secret to anybody.
44. She pointed out that those flowers would die unless I put them into water.
45. They assured us that the new washing machine would be delivered the next /
the following day.
46. They promised to consider / (that) they would consider the offer carefully
the next / the following week.
47. They warned me (that) I must / had to get there before the concert began.
48. He agreed that it would be cheaper to go to the coast than to London.
49. She complained that she couldnt find the chocolate she had bought the
previous day / the day before.
50. He warned me (that) the / that shelf might collapse if I sat on it.
51. He complained that he couldnt get into the house and confessed (that) he
had lost his key.

Questions (p.50)

1. He wanted to know when the 5.15 train arrived in York.

2. They wondered where she got those horrible hats.
3. She inquired why he took so many kinds of medicine.
4. He asked who wanted a lift home in his new car.
5. She wondered why they didnt serve coffee during the brakes.
6. He wanted to know how they always broke so many glasses.
7. We wondered where all the / those flies came from.
8. He wanted to know where my aunt kept the salt.
9 They asked where my sister went at weekends.
10. She asked how much sugar he took in his coffee.
11. They inquired which teams were playing the next / the following week.

12. He asked what I was watching on TV right then.
13. She wanted to know why he hadnt come / gone to her party the previous
14. He wanted to know who had sent those beautiful flowers the previous day /
the day before.
15. She wanted to know where the dog had buried that stinking bone.
16. They asked me why I hadnt brought my friends the previous day.
17. He inquired when the timetable had been changed.
18. They inquired what she had been wearing when she had left home the
previous day / the day before.
19. She asked who was going to live in the big house from the next / the
following month.
20. She wondered what she should do with all that heavy luggage.
21. He asked how he could get from the station to the airport.
22. She wondered if / whether he always took his dog to the hairdresser.
23. He asked if / whether they had finished repairing the road.
24. She asked if / whether she could bring her dog into the restaurant with her.
25. They asked if / whether I had already signed up for the race.
26. She wanted to know if / whether the weather was drier there in winter.
27. He inquired if / whether they had held a press conference the previous week /
the week before.

Advice, requests, commands, offers, invitations, suggestions, etc. (p.51)

1. She reminded me to take out the garbage.

2. He invited her to (have) dinner (with him) that night.
3. They advised not to open the door to anybody.
4. She asked me to shut the door as I went out.

5. He offered to open the / that tin for me.
6. He advised me not to drink that green stuff.
7. She threatened to lock / (that) she would lock him up in his room.
8. They encouraged me to take / that I should take the job and assured me (that)
it would suit me perfectly.
9. He threatened to throw / that he would throw the TV set out of the window.
10. They advised her to wear a wig if she didnt want to be recognised.
11. He asked for some wire and offered to hang the / that picture for me.
12. He threatened to punish / that he would punish us if we ever played with
matches again.
13. She asked him not to open the / that window.
14. He suggested going to the new Chinese restaurant that night.
15. She asked for another cup of tea.
16. He offered to show us wild-park.
17. They warned us not to believe everything we heard.
18. He ordered me to go and get him a paper, but instructed me to come / go
straight back.
19. He said they were going for a walk and invited me to join them.
20. She volunteered to cook a special dinner that night.
21. She suggested (that)I should leave / I left young Tommy there and promised
to keep / (that) she would keep an eye on him.
22. He reminded me to post those letters that day.
23. She begged him not to gesticulate while he was driving.
24. He refused to answer any questions.
25. They accused him of having leaked / that he had been leaking information to
the press and called him a traitor.
26. She recommended reading / that we (should) read the books on the list before
our exam.
27. They guaranteed that the results would be a pleasant surprise for everybody.

II. Turn the following sentences into direct speech (p.52)

1. Why didnt you phone yesterday?

2. Lets take ! / How about a trip to the lake next week?
3. I want to have my own key to the building.
4. I didnt listen / havent listened through the keyhole!
5. I will / can lend you the money you need.
6. I am looking for your / his slippers.
7. Have you seen her this week?
8. Where do you buy these extravagant ties?
9. Have you bought any books recently?
10. Why do you always carry this / that old umbrella?
11. I will buy you a new one for Christmas.
12. Have you noticed any change lately?
13. I will drop him from the team if you dont train harder!
14. Would you like to come for a drive tomorrow?.
15. Lets visit the country this afternoon!
16. I am reading an interesting novel.
17. I will not do the washing up tonight!
18. Shall / Should we begin training for the race today?
19. Dont forget to buy bread on your way home!
20. You should put an advertisement in the paper./ Why dont you ?
21. Dont walk in these streets after dark!
22. You have ruined my life!
23. You should listen to cassettes to improve your English.
24. We / You should have a party next weekend. / Lets have !
25. Where are you thinking of going today?
26. Dont go near the edge, it isnt safe.
27. Dont forget to get a bone for the dog when you are at the butchers.

III. a) Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets (p.53)

1-was sitting 20-knew

2-was not expecting 21-had seen
3-could be 22-had never spoken
4-opened 23-they had been living
5-wanted 24-had seen / saw
6-did not tell 25-had moved / moved
7-thought 26-might stay
8-had gone 27-could not help
9-might come 28-was watching
10-wanted 29-were suspected
11-let 30-had observed
12-was 31-had finished
13-had not heard 32-intruding / having intruded
14-was getting 33-did not mind
15-should call 34-wished
16-seemed 35-were
17-showed 36-would catch
18-had been watching 37-read
19-lived / were living 38-had eventually been arrested

b) Turn the bits of text into direct speech wherever possible (p.53)

I had a most strange experience a few weeks ago. I was sitting at home,
when about nine oclock there was a knock on the door. I was not expecting
anyone. Who can it be? I wondered. I opened the front door, and there was
this man in an old raincoat. What do you want? I asked him, but he did not
tell me at first. Are you alone in the house? he asked me. That is an odd
question, I thought. I am, because everyone else has gone out for the
evening, I said anyway. May I come in? he said then. I want to know
who you are before I let you into the house, I said, which was only natural,
after all. Anyway, he pretended that he had not heard, but looked up and down
the street. By this time, however, I was getting a bit worried. Shall I call the
police? I started to wonder, because this chap seems a bit suspicious. But
then he eventually said I am a policeman. Heres my card.
The police have been watching for some time the people who live /
are living in a house a few doors away. Do you know them? he asked. No,
I dont. I have seen them a few times, but I have never spoken to them, I
said. How long have they been living here? he wanted to know. I saw
their furniture van on the day they moved in, a few weeks ago, I said.
May I stay in your room to watch the street for a while? he asked, so I
showed him in. Why are you watching them? I couldnt help asking.
They are suspected of being drug smugglers, he explained after some
hesitation. I cant believe I, I said. After he had observed the street for three
hours, it seemed had finished. Im sorry to have intruded upon your
privacy, he said. But I dont mind helping the authorities, I assured him.
I wish all citizens were like this, then the police would catch more
criminals, he commented.
Anyway, a few days later, I read in the paper the headlines DUBIOUS
NEIGHBOUR ARRESTED BY POLICE and it was about them.

KEY to IV. REVISION of Tenses and Verb Forms (p.54)
I. Choose the correct variant (p.54)
1. D. were you 28. B. did you not
2. B. have lived 29. C. to build
3. C. had seen 30. A. are flying
4. C. was travelling 31. A. had been
5. B. studied 32. B. played
6. D. have been climbing 33. D. offers
7. C. doesnt look 34. D. fighting
8. B. doesnt he wear 35. D. is admiring
9. B. had been 36. C. to keep
10. A. are 37. A. was living
11. C. try 38. D. combines
12. C. was getting 39. C. had been sent
13. D. Are you having 40. C. is being served
14. D. will have had 41. B. have been
15. D. has been studying 42. A. arrived
16. C. hear 43. A. was feeding
17. B. didnt 44. B. had damaged
18. A. climb 45. B. have finished
19. C. for the last 46. A. never to
20. A. became 47. A. worked
21. B. have already 48. C. was blown
22. A. used 49. D. was being
23. C. was preparing 50. A. got
24. D. was being treated 51. A. has stolen
25. B. fell 52. C. is lying
26. D. has been snowing 53. A. get
27. A. has survived 54. C. smoked

55. D. was sitting 76. C. was
56. C. have been 77. B. have saved
57. D. wrote 78. B. am reminded
58. B. has stuck 79. A. get
59. C. come 80. C. he had written
60. C. she could 81. D. have been making
61. B. went 82. C. the boys have gone
62. B. had waited 83. D. would be
63. A. I had slept 84. C. he was still wearing
64. A. Shall I 85. A. is listening
65. B. was turned on 86. C. have driven
66. A. was kept 87. D. had been
67. B. woken 88. B. had never found
68. D. havent spoken 89. C. have been
69. A. were waiting 90. A. go
70. D. had to walk 91. C. we were waiting
71. C. have finished 92. B. has gone
72. A. Im a nurse 93. A. was missing
73. C. have been to 94. B. has changed
74. A. get 95. B. is always forgetting
75. C. wrote 96. C. was ringing

II. Choose the INCORRECT variant (p.64)

1. D. 7. B. 13. C.
2. A. 8. B. 14. B.
3. B. 9. C. 15. A.
4. C. 10. A. 16. B.
5. A. 11. A. 17. C.
6. B. 12. A. 18. B.


I. Give the three possible variants using the correct verb forms: (p.66)
1. comes/ will find; came/ would find; had come/ would have found
2. wont return/ take; wouldnt return/ took; wouldnt have returned/ had taken
3. will eat/ doesnt put; would eat/ didnt put; would have eaten/ hadnt put
4. pay/ wont make; paid/ wouldnt make; had paid/ wouldnt have made
5. will be/ eats; would be/ ate; would have been/ had eaten
6. stops/ can go; stopped/ could go; had stopped/ could have gone
7. will help/ asks; would help/ asked; would have helped/ had asked
8. are/ will answer; were/ would answer; had been/ would have answered
9. doesnt work/ wont pass; didnt work/ wouldnt pass; hadnt worked/
wouldnt have passed
10. can give/ brings; could give/ brought; could have given/ had brought
11. will get/ practise; would get/ practised; would have got/ had practised
12. drives/ wont have; drove/ wouldnt have; had driven/ wouldnt have had
13. read/ will understand; read/ would understand; had read/ would have
14. will punish/ comes; would punish/ came; would have punished/ had come
15. will get/ dont leave; would get/ didnt leave; would have got/ hadnt left
16. do/ wont hurt; did/ wouldnt hurt; had done/ wouldnt have hurt
17. will be/ reach; would be/ reached; would have been/ had reached
18. will get/ forget; would get/ forgot; would have got/ had forgotten
19. win/ can travel; won/ could travel; had won/ could have travelled
20. will go/ touch; would/ touched; would have gone/ had touched
21. wont need/ eat; wouldnt need/ ate; wouldnt have needed/ had eaten

II. Match the sentence halves to form conditional clauses: (p.67)

1) D; 2) B; 3) L; 4) G; 5) K; 6) A; 7) F; 8) I; 9) E; 10) J; 11) C; 12) H.

III. Conditionals type 1. (p.68)
A. (p.68) B. (p.69)
1. will trust 1. climb; will be able / can
2. do not smoke 2. will/ may/ can take; does not feel
3. joins 3. melts; will not be
4. look 4. notice; will phone
5. will not send 5. will not hire; has
6. cut 6. will be; do not have
7. will never find 7. will prepare; comes
8. will refuse 8. care; will/ can leave
9. apply 9. will have to; want
10. does not come 10. will only get; give
11. Will you find 11. is; will call
12. rains 12. will eventually go; does not stop
13. plays 13. is not; will not need
14. apologises 14. tell; will believe
15. will they take 15. will not be able; lend
16. will reach 16. refuses; will you ask
17. are 17. will recognise; wear
18. finds 18. will have; stays
19. will you do 19. gets; will have to
20. will not talk 20. start; will / may / might annoy
21. will notice 21. will need; keeps
22. will not fade 22. will lose; stop
23. continues 23. find; will be
24. will not catch 24. clears; will not take
25. will get 25. are; will you wear
26. will happen 26. will probably fall; have
27. keeps 27. will take; calls

IV. Rephrase with the suggested beginning: (p.70)
1. Unless you feed him, he dog will not stop barking.
2. He will not let you in unless you knock on the back door.
3. You will not get a bonus unless you agree to work overtime.
4. Unless you give them vitamins, they will not survive the winter.
5. They will not help you unless you solve the riddle.
6. Unless you buy a ticket, they will stop you at the entrance.
7. Unless he changes immediately, he will catch a severe cold.
8. You can not enter the system unless you give the password.
9. Unless the weather improves, the garden party will be cancelled.
10. Your joints will not function properly unless you take up cycling.
11. Unless you are a member, you can not borrow books.
12. The flowerbeds wont be ruined unless the hens get into the garden.
13. You can not see the yacht unless you go into the harbour.

14. As long as you watch them, the kids wont start fighting.
15. I will eat anything you cook so long as you dont use chilly pepper.
16. As long as you keep / dont stop sending the money she will not sue for a
17. The dog will not run off as long as you keep it on a leash.
18. These flowers wont grow well so long as you plant them too closely.
19. He wont wake the baby as long as they keep their voices down.
20. So long as you keep out of their way they will not attack you.
21. As long as we dont know more details we cant go on.
22. They will obey you as long as you dont give contradictory orders.
23. As long as you dont break the rules you can not get into trouble.
24. As long as they keep a straight face she will not get suspicious.
25. She wont lose the key as long as she doesnt carry it in her pocket.
26. As long as he doesnt use this evidence against them he cant win the trial.

V. Conditionals type 2. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets:
A. (p.71) B. (p.72)
1. could play 1. would have; were
2. wouldnt fall 2. found; would move
3. had 3. could speak; would get
4. didnt carry 4. would you say; offered
5. used 5. wouldnt be; build
6. could light 6. would look; shaved
7. were 7. gave; would spend
8. would not look 8. knew; would not laugh / be laughing
9. would enjoy 9. would they go; could travel
10. knew 10. could be; wrote
11. tried 11. would visit; did not live
12. would buy 12. would not object; saw
13. were not 13. paid; would be
14. would look 14. could sell; would you buy
15. went 15. would not get / be getting ; took
16. would be 16. could afford; would keep
17. didnt eat 17. would invite; were
18. would not have to 18. had; could clean
19. gathered 19. would advertise; printed
20. packed 20. didnt leak /werent leaking; would pr not mind
21. would not have 21. would not keep; had
22. didnt visit 22. would you deal; were
23. would not have 23. could walk; didnt wear / werent wearing
24. would laugh 24. painted; would look
25. wouldnt oppose 25. would not need; folded
26. wanted 26. could write; organised
27. were 27. showed; would you tell

VI. IF (1-13) and IF IT WERENT FOR/ BUT FOR (14-26): (p.73)
1. You wouldnt have a headache if you didnt always go to bed so late / went
to bed earlier.
2. I could reach the top shelf if I were tall enough.
3. If he had a pet to look after, he wouldnt get so bored.
4. I could send this parcel by post if I knew the address.
5. If I were thin enough I could squeeze through the bathroom window.
6. If I werent in a hurry, I wouldnt have to take a cab.
7. I wouldnt read his books if I didnt enjoy his subtle irony.
8. If you werent talking so loudly I could concentrate.
9. If we had a spare bedroom, we could put you up.
10. I would tell him about my anxieties if he werent so impatient.
11. If you sometimes asked for advice, you wouldnt blunder so often.
12. They would invite him to parties if he didnt get drunk and nasty.
13. If I didnt get seasick on a ship, I wouldnt have to go by train.

14. She would drive herself if it werent for the weekend traffic.
15. But for this fog, we could / would see the coastline.
16. I wouldnt be banging on the wall if it werent for the noise.
17. We could play badminton if it werent for this strong wind.
18. We wouldnt go to that movie if it werent for the children.
19. But for the thick snow, he would / could advance faster.
20. But for the constant stress, he wouldnt be losing his hair.
21. People wouldnt still remember the name if it werent for the old riddle.
22. But for his good looks, he wouldnt be so popular.
23. She would marry him if he werent so violently jealous.
24. They wouldnt believe it if it werent for the photos.
25. But for his grandchildren, he wouldnt go there at all.
26. I could go out for lunch if it werent for the new programme.

VII. Conditionals type 3. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets:
A. (p.74)
1. wouldnt have taken
2. would you have gone
3. had cheered
4. wouldnt have caught
5. had not wandered
6. would have stayed
7. had had
8. had been
9. hadnt thrown
10. would have given
11. had read
12. wouldnt have fallen
13. would I have climbed
14. hadnt drunk
15. wouldnt have been
16. had told
17. would have been
18. had put
19. would they have found
20. had spoken
21. would have mended
22. wouldnt have disappeared
23. hadnt appeared
24. hadnt left
25. would have collapsed
26. would have looked
27. had tried

B. (p.75)

1. would not have taken; had listened

2. had checked; would not have had
3. had not drunk; would you have slept
4. would not have cancelled; had got
5. would have crashed; had lost
6. would not have smoked; had known
7. had not messed; would not have blown
8. would / could you have done; had heard
9. would not have stopped; had told
10. had not threatened; would not have jumped
11. would they had died; had not reached
12. had not driven; would / could / might have avoided
13. would have bought; had known
14. had warned; would / could have packed
15. would / might have noticed; had not been working
16. had not been; would not have ruined
17. would have taken; had listened
18. had had; would / could he have gone
19. had wiped; would not have left
20. would not have lost; had stopped
21. would you have answered; had phrased
22. would not have listened; had not been
23. had barred; would / could not have got
24. would / could have retired; had found
25. had begun; would have recovered
26. would the show have been; had invited
27. would / could have read; had had

VIII. IF (1-13); IF IT HADNT BEEN FOR/ BUT FOR (14-26): (p.76)

1. The glasses wouldnt have broken if someone hadnt sat on them.

2. If you had seen him off, he wouldnt have got on the wrong train.
3. The dog wouldnt have stolen the meat if you hadnt left it on the table.
4. If you hadnt written your name on it, they couldnt have sent it back.
5. They wouldnt have lost their way in the city if they had brought a map.
6. If the driver hadnt fallen asleep, the car wouldnt have hit the lamp-post.
7. I could have bought some more wine if the shops hadnt closed.
8. He wouldnt have forgotten to lock the door if the phone hadnt rung.
9. He would have been wearing sandals if it hadnt been raining.
10. They wouldnt have gone fishing if they had known it was illegal.
11. If you had pulled out the weeds, they wouldnt have overgrown the grass.
12. I could have finished the letter yesterday if I hadnt run out of paper.
13. If he hadnt tried to jump on a bus, he wouldnt have broken his arm.
14. We would have gone out if it hadnt been for the rain.
15. We would have reached our destination if it hadnt been for the fog.
16. They would have heard the bell if it hadnt been for the loud music.
17. But for the heavy curtains, we could have seen the light.
18. But for the soft ground, we could have played football.
19. But for the wet surface of the road, the car wouldnt have skidded.
20. She would have become an actress if it hadnt been for her mother.
21. We would have climbed higher if it hadnt been for the slippery ice.
22. But for the storm, we could have sailed out.
23. We would have been captured if it hadnt been for his vigilance.
24. But for the fingerprints he had left on the glass, the police wouldnt have
caught him.
25. But for the crash of the waterfall, I could have heard your call.
26. But for the fire Mike had lit in the camp, we would have got lost.

IX. Rephrase with mixed type conditionals past cause, present result: (p.77)
1. We wouldnt be lost now if you hadnt forgotten to take the map.
2. I wouldnt be feeling a bit dizzy now I had had breakfast.
3. We could afford a holiday if you hadnt spent the money.
4. If he hadnt broken his leg in a skiing accident, he would be dancing.
5. If the wood had dried, we could start building.
6. You could answer the questions if you had read the book.
7. If we hadnt turned off the central heating, the rooms wouldnt be so cold.
8. I wouldnt be doing the washing by hand if the washing machine hadnt
broken down.
9. The scars wouldnt so look bad if you hadnt scratched them so much.
10. We wouldnt be stranded here if you had checked the petrol
11. You would fit into the new dress if you had lost enough weight.
12. The photos would be perfect if you hadnt opened the door of the dark-room.

X. Rephrase with inversion: SHOULD / WERE / HAD (p.77)

1. Should he need more details, please let me know.

2. Had she been here last night, I could have spoken to her.
3. Were you to see more of him, you would know him better.
4. Had I realised then what he meant, I would have slapped him across the face.
5. Were another war to break out, what would you do?
6. Should he require any assistance, please phone the firm.
7. Should she finish the packing earlier, announce the receptionist.
8. Were it up to me, I would change the rules.
9. Had the weather not stayed warm, we couldnt have slept in tents.
10. Should the reporter ask any questions, deny all knowledge.
11. Had the water risen higher, we would have had to move upstairs.
12. Were the road to be built across my land, I would protest.

XI. Correct the mistakes in the following conditionals: (p.78)

1. If I # come to the theatre, will you give me a lift home?

2. I would follow the doctors orders if I were you.
3. I wouldnt have cooked any meat if I had known he was vegetarian.
4. If you step closer, the door opens / will open automatically.
5. He might have helped if you hadnt # shouted at him.
6. If he hadnt stolen that car, he wouldnt # be in prison now.
7. You will find the cottage if you take a map. /wont find, unless you take
8. We can buy it if your parents # lend us money. / cant; unless they # lend
9. I will lend you my car tomorrow provided # you # take good care of it.
10. You cannot apply for this kind of job unless you speak English.
11. Supposing Peter arrives earlier, # # ask him to wait for me. / Should P. arrive
12. But for the barking dog, we would not have noticed the thieves last night.

XII. Rearrange the word order to get correct conditionals: (p.78)

1. As long as the weather stays warm, I will not need the jacket.
2. Supposing you landed on a deserted island, what would you do?
3. If I had listened to my mother, I would not have married you!
4. Should he drop by, tell him I want to see him.
5. If you happen to hear from him, will you please let me know?
6. But for the new proposal, he would not have changed his mind.
7. Had they heard him talking then, they would have shot him.
8. Would they have punished him if he had not cheated?
9. But for these dark corridors, the building would be suitable.
10. Were a fire to break out, I would climb out of the window.
11. If you cannot manage on your own, just send me a message.
12. Nobody will panic, providing you keep quiet.

XIII. Choose the correct variant to complete the following conditionals: (p.79)

1. D. in case
2. B. rings 24. C. might have caught
3. B. pay 25. A. hadnt been
4. C. unless 26. A. as long as
5. A. dont stop 27. D. wouldnt like
6. B. had 28. B. dont
7. C. Should 29. C. d forget
8. A. come 30. A. Unless
9. D. bend 31. A. had
10. D. would have missed 32. D. provided
11. A. will have 33. D. pull
12. B. would never have 34. A. Had she not
13. D. loses 35. A. tore
14. C. turned 36. B. lived
15. C. paid 37. D. comes
16. A. run 38. C. had found
17. B. should want 39. C. he will say
18. D. might have become 40. A. wouldnt have waited
19. A. catch 41. B. unless you wash
20. A. would mind 42. D. wouldnt
21. B. as long as you dont 43. B. would have had
22. D. would have had 44. C. wouldnt be
23. C. isnt paid 45. C. provided it doesnt

XIV. Three variants are correct. Which one is incorrect? (p.84)

1. B. 3. A 5. B. 7. B.
2. C. 4. C. 6. D. 8. A.


I. Match the prompts (1-20) with the suitable answer (A-T) and identify the
modality that is expressed in each sentence (p.85)

1. Where could they have put the keys? possibility

Tom said we should look under the doormat. advisability
F. I think you should rise to your feet. advisability

2. You had better not tell your sister where youre going. warning
You know she cant keep a secret. lack of ability
J. But somebody has to know about my whereabouts. necessity
Anything might happen on such a hiking tour. possibility

3. You havent done the washing-up. And the kitchen should have been swept.
reproach, admonition
R. How on earth should I do all this housework? indignation
Its high time you hired a cleaning woman. reproach

4. I mustnt bend. prohibition

Would you please pick up my walking-stick? request
P. Oh, grandpa, I wish you would sit down and take a rest. wish

5. I hate travelling. I wish I didnt always get confused with all those things and
formalities at the customs. wish
N. But you neednt worry about that. lack of necessity
It wouldnt be a real holiday if you had to do all that. cond. 2; obligation
Ill take care of everything. promise

6. Would you like to be my companion at my brothers dinner-party?
T. I would greatly enjoy that if I had a decent evening dress to put on. cond. 2

7. Shall I try to call Headquarters again, Sir? offer

Q. Yes. They will have mended the lines by now. probability / assumption

8. Lets invite Jonathan to the new Italian restaurant, shall we? suggestion
C. I would rather starve to death than eat in public with that guy. preference

9. Could you by any means lend me 10 until next week? request / possibility
B. Unfortunately I cant, Im flat broke myself. refusal / lack of ability

10. Dont you dare ask my daughter out again without my permission!
prohibition / warning
S. I cant believe my ears. Is she your personal property or what? indignation

11. I have finally managed to repair that old umbrella of yours. ability
K. You neednt have bothered. I have already bought a new one. lack of

12. Has Jack left already? I wish I had sent some cakes for his mother. wish
G. Yeah, hes gone. Try as I might, I couldnt convince him to stay any longer.

13. Do I really have to put on a dinner-jacket tonight? obligation

L. Im afraid so, darling. Otherwise (if you dont) they wont even notice you.
cond. 1

14. Did you manage to convince her not to leave the firm? ability
H. Shes hopeless. You might as well talk to a brick wall. indifference

15. This film really had terrific special effects.

A. Yes, they must have spent a fortune on tomato juice. certainty

16. May I have one more piece of cake? Its delicious. asking for permission
I. Dont even think of it. refusal / denying permission
I wouldnt have given you any if I had known you had to keep a diet.
cond. 3

17. Im awful sorry to have offended Aunt Theresa. apology / regret

E. You really ought not to have called her cat a bloodthirsty beast. admonition
/ reproach

18. I wonder what could be wrong. possibility

The engine wont start. refusal
O. You shouldnt have left the car lights on. admonition / reproach
The battery must have gone flat during the night. deduction / certainty

19. Did your famous uncle really use to live in this country house before he got
married? past habit
M. Yes, he did. And he would sooner have stayed here all his life, preference
but my aunt wouldnt hear of it. refusal

20. She must be very upset about Dan leaving her. strong probability
D. Why should you think that? surprise
If he hadnt taken himself off, she would have kicked him out anyway.
cond. 3

II. Instructions as before: (p.87)

1. If it werent so foggy, we could see the whole coast from here. cond. 2
O. You really might have listened to the weather forecast yesterday. reproach

2. Oh, my! I cant type because I cut my finger this morning. lack of ability
L. Shall I help you with those letters? offer / asking for somebodys wish
I dont have to go to the office today, lack of obligation
so I might as well type them for you. indifference

3. May I make a suggestion referring to your new hair-style? asking for

P. I would rather you kept your opinion to yourself! preference

4. Need I really learn to play cricket just because it is the new managers
favourite pastime? necessity
T. Well, he will never invite you for the weekend if you have no idea about the
game, thats for sure. cond. 1

5. I thought they wouldnt allow me to leave town during the trial. prohibition
M. Oh, but you really neednt have worried about that. lack of necessity

6. I would rather shut myself up in a tower than marry that creep. preference
R. Oh, you might get to like him if you spend some time together. possibility
/ cond. 1

7. I heard your niece playing the piano at yesterdays concert.

H. That cant have been her. impossibility
She broke her arm at skiing last week.

8. How about a second helping from this chicken soup? offer / suggestion
C. Yes, please. I must say you can cook, even if you cant do anything else.
ability; lack of ability

9. Could you please show me the other files? request

I have finished these.
S. On the second shelf. But you dont have to read them all today. lack of

10. You really neednt have bothered with low-fat food for me, Im not on a diet
any more. lack of necessity
A. You could have mentioned this in your letter. reproach
I wouldnt have made provisions for a century. cond. 3

11. You had better stop drinking, pal. warning / strong advisability
Otherwise you wont resist to the end of the play. cond. 1
J. But I cant remember my lines at all if Im stone-cold sober. lack of ability

12. I wish I knew the story of this medieval castle. wish

Q. I could have brought a guide-book if I had known you were so much
interested in local history. cond. 3

13. Could he still be at the office at the moment? asking about possibility
B. No way, all the staff ought to have left by four. assumption / likelihood

14. He shouldnt pour her any more champagne, advisability

shes rather dizzy already.
E. You had better not interfere. warning / strong advice
He might want her tipsy for his own reasons. possibility

15. You shouldnt have thrown that teapot out of the window, reproach
no matter how angry you are. concession
I. Oh shut up! If you dont stop arguing, Ill send your precious teacups after it!
threat / cond. 1

16. I wish you would stop using my perfume. wish

D. Believe me I would, if I had enough money to buy myself a bottle. cond. 2
I dont even like the scent of yours.

17. Im going to Spain next week. Would you like to come with me? invitation
K. I sure would, willingness
but Im afraid I cant. impossibility / lack of ability
Its my mothers birthday and I wouldnt dare miss the traditional family
reunion. lack of courage

18. She knows how much I hate the idea of killing animals and she was showing
off her fur-coat! indignation
F. Maybe she was. possibility
But you shouldnt have brought your pet snake into the room in response.
She might have had a heart attack. possibility (did not happen so)

19. How could you take such an important decision without asking me?
indignation / reproach
N. What on earth was I supposed to do? indignation
You had gone off to the S. Pole without leaving any address, remember?

20. The book says she waited twenty years for her lover to return.
G. Only a woman could have written such a sloppy romance. possibility

III. Rephrase (p.89)


1. He could / may / might be making plans for the holidays right now
2. Take care! You might have been run over by that car!
3. The weather should / ought to be fine tomorrow, for the sky is clearing.
4. They could / may / might be still at the airport.
5. Could the play have success?
6. They could / may / might have been hiding under the bridge.
7. They should / ought to have arrived by now if they left at two.
8. Could he be still staying at the Royal Hotel after the incident?
9. I might find out if you cheat on me.
10. Could the fire have been started on purpose?
11. They might have survived without water for so long.
12. He should / ought to fail, considering his laziness and negligence.


1. She must be out of her mind.

2. They must have gone to the river for a swim.
3. He must be studying the map in the car.
4. You must have drunk more than two beers last night.
5. The kids must have found your hidden chocolate-supplies.
6. He must have meant quite the opposite of that.
7. She must have been lying all the time.


1. You cant / cannot / couldnt have seen her at Toms party last night.
2. He cant / cannot be working in the garden at the moment.
3. They cant / cannot know the correct answer.
4. He cant / cannot / couldnt have typed five chapters in two hours.
5. They cant / cannot / couldnt have taken the bus to Victoria station.
6. They wont have finished painting the room yet.


1. I couldnt / was unable to RECALL his face.

2. She is unable TO understand mathematics at this level.
3. She cant / cannot work under such pressure.
4. They cant / cannot pronounce these words correctly.
5. They couldnt / were unable / didnt manage to cover the distance
/ They didnt succeed in covering the distance in two days.

5. PERMISSION (p.91)

1. May I remain alone with him for a few minutes?

2. I could read what I liked when I was a child.
3. Students may not use the staff car park.
4. I wonder if I may / might / could have another cup of tea.


1. You mustnt / are not to remind him of the accident.

2. You mustnt / are not (allowed) to feed the animals in the Zoo.
3. We were not (allowed) to stay out after nine.
4. You mustnt talk about anything else besides the weather.


1. You could / might have visited me when you were in town.

2. The guests shouldnt have been left alone for half an hour.
3. You shouldnt have invited both these women for the same weekend!
4. They could have prevented the disaster, but they didnt.
5. He (really) should watch his language.
6. You should / ought to have warned him that the ice was so thin!
7. He shouldnt have disregarded his wifes wish.
8. She shouldnt spend so much money on trifles!

8. OBLIGATION (p.92)

1. They had to adapt to extremely low temperature.

2. I had to keep the whole operation in secret.
3. All the members have to / must memorise the motto.
4. He ought to have encouraged her, but he didnt.
5. We had to learn the poem by heart.

9. NECESSITY (p.93)

1. They neednt have moved to another planet after all.

2. You neednt have carried the child, it can walk alone.
3. We neednt have taken so many warm clothes, the weather was fine.
4. Do you really need to / Need you really read the newspaper ?
5. You neednt have rung the bell twice more, I was already coming to
6. They dont need to / neednt pay for this service.

10. WISH / REGRET (p.93)

1. I wish you stopped / would stop staring at the wall all day.
2. If only I were able to / could tell you what I feel.
3. I wish we had brought the surfboards.
4. I wish the children stopped / would stop shouting.
5. I wish I hadnt told her about the plan.
6. I regret having caused you so much trouble.
7. If only I had taken my binoculars.

11. ADVICE / WARNING (p.94)

1. They should forbid newspapers to publish such lies.

2. You had better not get involved in that venture.
3. I think you ought to / should tell the police about this.
4. You had better get rid of that gangster.
5. You had better put on warmer clothes; its cold outside.

12. PREFERENCE (p.94)

1. He would rather / sooner keep racehorses than farm the field.

2. She would rather / sooner visit people than entertain them at home.
3. I would rather you didnt tell my sister about this affair.
4. They prefer climbing mountains to visiting cities.
5 He would rather / sooner sweep the floor than wash dishes.
6. Dont you prefer coming for a walk to sitting here?
7. I prefer riding to jogging in the morning
8. I would rather he ENTERTAINED his guests himself.
9. I would RATHER the children stayed in the yard.

IV. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentences: (p.95)

1. C. mustnt 16. B. Could

2. D. wouldnt 17. A. cant
3. B. mustnt 18. C. Do you need to make
4. A. shall 19. D. would rather
5. C. shouldnt 20. D. ought to have
6. A. can 21. C. neednt have gone
7. B. might 22. D. might have been
8. C. should 23. A. had gone
9. C. neednt 24. D. neednt
10. A. cant 25. B. Shall
11. B. Should 26. C. cant
12. A. must 27. C. had been able to
13. B. couldnt 28. B. must
14. B. would rather go for a 29. C. had
15. C. might 30. A. might

31. A. could 39. C. cant
32. B. not to have crossed 40. C. neednt
33. A. shouldnt 41. B. could
34. C. would rather go 42. D. rather you stayed
35. B. cant have murdered 43. B. cant
36. D. shouldnt 44. A. might
37. B. will need to 45. A. neednt
38. A. couldnt

V. Three of the answers are correct. Which one is not? (p.100)

1. C. 4. D. 7. D.
2. D. 5. B. 8. B.
3. A. 6. C. 9. C.

KEY to VII. REPHRASE (p.101)

1. The ducks on the lake are fed by a little girl twice a week.
2. If your chair werent so uncomfortable, you wouldnt have this backache.
3. The plane might have crashed on some building.
4. The shelf is too high FOR the girl to reach.
5. I (would) prefer STAYING in the garden to sitting in the library.
6. You should have your blood pressure checked regularly.
7. Not until he switched on the light did he notice the change.
8. She has her hair cut once a month (by the hairdresser).
9. We were driving home at six yesterday.
10. You havent taken me out FOR two weeks.
11. No sooner had they set sail THAN the storm broke out. / They had no
sooner set sail THAN the storm broke out.

12. In vain did he shout even louder, they couldnt hear him.
13. The MORE cakes you eat, the fatter you will get.
14. If the geese hadnt cackled, the Romans wouldnt have realised the
15. They may / might be having a holiday at the cottage.
16. I cant be bothered with doing / I cant be bothered to do the shopping
this afternoon.
17. This is the first time I have EVER visited the National Museum.
18. By the TIME we return they will have finished redecorating the house.
19. Were somebody to correct her spelling, her writing would improve.
20. They are believed to have died of exposure.
21. He denied having pushed the other player.
22. You had better not conceal the truth.
23. Nowhere else have I seen such decorations.
24. The faster he speaks, the LESS I understand of what he says.
25. He must have hated them beyond all reason.
26. Tim was just having his tonsils removed (by the doctor).
27. If I hadnt tried it myself before, I wouldnt recommend this method.
28. Despite the unbearable heat, he was wearing a jacket.
29. The poem was too long FOR her to learn by heart.
30. He has been growing these flowers SINCE he returned from Asia.
31. Who was this picture of the old house drawn BY?
32. But for (=If it hadnt been for) the huge waves, he could have swum
33. I would RATHER you drove slower and gesticulated less.
34. Its (been) a week since she last prepared a decent meal.
35. We neednt have described everything in minute detail.
36. Only when she smiled at him did he recognise her.
37. By the time the reporters arrive, you will have given your evidence.

38. Should you see a snake, run away immediately.
39. The gates are believed to be guarded by angels.
40. If only I hadnt promised such a thing!
41. He asked me how many sandwiches I had made.
42. The LAST time they wrote to us was at Christmas. / They LAST wrote to
us at Christmas.
43. Hardly / Barely / Scarcely had we got off the train WHEN it started
raining. / We had hardly / barely / scarcely got off the train WHEN
44. They cant have got / couldnt have got there in three days.
45. She is having her garden path paved (by the workmen).
46. The bag was SO heavy that the child couldnt carry it.
47. You can not / cannot / cant see the deer UNLESS you climb higher on
that tree.
48. You had better not provoke a quarrel at dinner.
49. The further they travelled, the MORE difficult it became to follow the
50. He had no sooner lowered himself into the bath, THAN the bell rang. / No
sooner had he lowered himself into the bath, THAN
51. He has been planning the expedition FOR two years.
52. As / So long AS the dogs dont bark loudly, he wont get annoyed.
53. They advised me not to spend / They advised me against spending all the
money at once.
54. If you didnt go out without a coat, you wouldnt always catch a cold.
55. They had NEVER flown on the new aeroplane before.
56. Were he to get a better offer, he would change his mind.
57. By the TIME they realise the danger, we will have got into their camp.
58. I would RATHER they wove brighter colours in the carpet.
59. You neednt have grated so much cheese.
60. Not until they got closer did they hear the noise.

61. Had the wind not been blowing, we could have seen butterflies.
62. The letter should have been addressed to the publisher.
63. If ONLY my son had taken after his grandfather!
64. If it werent FOR / But FOR the clouds, we could see the sunrise.
65. In SPITE of his injuries / In SPITE of the fact that he was seriously
injured, he didnt give up.
66. You shouldnt have allowed the children to play with hairpins.
67. He is said to have been paid to provide inside information.
68. He suggested taking / that they (should) take / that they took the boat that
69. If they hadnt discovered the hidden gun, the police wouldnt be after me.
70. You will have to have your tooth filled (by the dentist).
71. Try AS (hard as) he may / Hard AS he may try, he cant withhold the
72. Had you boiled the water first, you wouldnt have got sick.
73. He wondered why they always stole the decorations.
74. But for (=If it hadnt been for) the high snow, they could have advanced
75. He has been looking for sponsors SINCE he got the authorisation.
76. She cant / couldnt have been trying to get it on microfilm.
77. I dont feel like doing the washing-up just now.
78. She asked me where my brother usually bought his shoes.
79. Should he hear anything new, he must announce the police.
80. He has had his terrace widened (by the carpenters).
81. If the strong walls hadnt resisted, they could have taken the city.
82. You shouldnt lend him more money.
83. She has been calling her friends FOR an hour.
84. Hardly had they reached the main road, when the car broke down.
85. You cant / cannot / can not eat the meat UNLESS you cook it first.

86. DESPITE her long suffering, she remained cheerful.
87. As / So long AS he doesnt have a permanent job, he cant marry her.
88. She accused him of having spent / that he had spent the previous weekend
with his secretary.
89. That was the first time I had EVER ridden on a horse.
90. He is not in the MOOD for repairing that umbrella.
91. But for (=If it werent for) the weeds, the garden would look nice(r).
92. He prefers / would prefer ACTING on stage to playing in films.
93. Nobody has ever found the hidden treasure.
94. I have NEVER eaten seafood before. / NEVER before have I eaten
95. Run as (fast as) he MIGHT, he couldnt catch up with the others.
96. The more questions you answer, the higher your mark will be.
97. Had the rope not broken, I could have climbed over the wall.
98. They were thought to have been using the old tunnel.
99. She reminded me to water the flowers the next / following day.
100. They must have been watching his every movement.
101. Only when he got home could he wash out the stains.
102. Two years have PASSED since they started repairing this road.
103. They will not reply UNLESS you address them respectfully.
104. She wanted to know why they always lit those fires at night.
105. In vain did he squeeze hard, he couldnt turn the handle.
106. The bridge was so narrow THAT the lorry couldnt cross it.
107. Where is HE being treated (by them)?
108. By the TIME I announce the police they will have sold the car.
109. The higher they climbed, the MORE difficult it became to breathe.
110. Nobody has seen a platypus here for twenty years.
111. You shouldnt turn your back on a friend.
112. Were you to buy the tickets now, we would have good seats.



Adamson, D.: Practice Your Tenses

Alexander, L.G.: Practice and Progress (Pre-Intermediate)
Banta, A.: Limba englez n liste i tabele
Budai, L.: Gramatica englez (Teorie i exerciii)
Chioran, D./ Panovf, I./ Poenaru, I.: English Grammar Exercises
Corder, S.P.: An Intermediate English Practice Book
English Grammar Exercises (Macmillan)
Fowler, W.S.: Nelson English Language Tests (Intermediate and Advanced)
Gleanu-Frnoag, G.: Exerciii de gramatic englez
Gleanu-Frnoag, G.: Sinteze de gramatic englez
Hewings, M.: Advanced Grammar in Use
Hulban, H.: Competen i performan. Exerciii i teste de limba englez
Iacu, T.: Curs practic de limba englez
Iacu, T.: A Short Grammar for Upper-Intermediate/ Advanced
Iacu, T./ tefanovici, A.: The Verb: Book of Exercises
Ilovici, E./ Chioran, M./ Coifu, M.: A Practical Guide to E. Gr. (Ex. de gram.)
Magyarics, P./ Medgyes, P.: Teste de englez pentru nivel mediu i avansat
Murphy, R.: English Grammar in Use (intermediate)
Murphy, R.: Essential Grammar in Use (elementary)
OConnell, S.: Focus on Advanced English
Paidos, C.: English Grammar (Theory and Practice) (el-int)
Pawlowska, B./ Kempinski, Z.: Teste de limba englez (el-int)
Popp, M.: Gramatica limbii engleze prin exerciii
Stanciu, V./ Ilea, D.: Exerciii de limba englez pt. bacalaureat i admitere
Stannard, A.: Living English Structure (el-int-adv)

tefanovici, A. /Iacu, T.: Grammar Exercises
Thomson, A. J./ Martinet, A. V.: A Practical English Grammar Exercises (1-2)
Timr, E.: Limba englez n teste i exerciii
Vianu, L.: Engleza cu cheie
Vince, M.: First Certificate Language Practice
Walker, E./ Elsworth, S.: Grammar Practice for Upper Intermediate Students


Gramatica limbii engleze (Vol. 1-2)

Bdescu, A.: Gramatica limbii engleze
Cobb, T./ Gardiner, R.: Todays English Grammar
Cobuild Students Grammar
Iacu, T.: A Short Gr. for Upper-Intermediate and Advanced Students
Levichi, L.: Gramatica limbii engleze
Levichi, L./ Preda, I.: Gramatica limbii engleze
Trofin, A.: Gramatica limbii engleze


Alexander, L.G.: Longman Advanced Grammar (Preference and Practice)

Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English
Cambridge Proficiency Examination Practice (adv)
Chilrescu, M./ Paidos, C.: Proficiency in English
Evans, V.: CPE Use of English (int-adv)
Galea, I./ Stanciu, V.: English with Tears (adv)

Graver, B.D.: Advanced English Practice (adv)
Gude, K./ Duckworth, M.: Proficiency Masterclass Workbook
Haines, S./ Stewart, B.: New First Certificate Masterclass Workbook
Harrison, M.: Proficiency Testbuilder (adv)
Harrison, M./ Kerr, R.: First Certificate Practice Tests (adv)
Henderson, J./ Reid, S.: First Certificate Practice Tests with Guidance (adv)
May, P.: The Complete Proficiency Practice Tests (adv)
ONeill, R./ Duckworth, M./ Gude, K.: Success at First Certificate
ONeill, R./ Arthur, L./ Menn N.: Success at First Certificate (adv)
Paran, A.: First Certificate Gold Practice Exams (adv)
Vince, M.: Advanced Language Practice


Burton, S.H.: ABC of Common Errors

Broughton, G.: The Penguin English Grammar A-Z for Advanced Students
Butler, E./ Hickman, M.A./ Overby, L.: Correct Writing
Collins-Cobuild English Usage
Fitikides, T. J.: Common Mistakes in English
Heaton, T. J.: Longman Dictionary of Common Errors
Leech, G.: An A-Z of English Grammar and Usage
Payne, J.: Spelling
Swan, M.: Practical English Usage


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