Psychological Assessment

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Source of Referral Atty. Limberge Corpus

Reason for Referral To determine the existence of personality

disorder/s in either the petitioner or the
respondent which rendered either of them
psychologically incapacitated to comply with
their basic marital obligations

Date of Assessment August, 10 1994


NAME Tyrone C. Diego


SEX Male

DATE OF BIRTH May 22, 1960

PLACE OF BIRTH Laoag City Ilocos Norte


ADDRESS Brgy. Caunayan, Batac, Ilocos Norte


NAME Malyn de Lara Diego


SEX Female

DATE OF BIRTH June 1, 1960

PLACE OF BIRTH Batac City Ilocos Norte

OCCUPATION Businesswoman

ADDRESS Brgy. Caunayan, Batac, Ilocos Norte


Tyrone Diego arrives on time accompanied by corroborating witnesses

Trinidad Kalaw and his con Mickey. He is about 55 in height, medium built,
and has fair complexion. He is wearing a white polo shirt and a wearing a
pair of jeans. There is no abnormality of posture or deportment observed by
the way he conducts himself. He presents a pleasant, cooperative and happy
faade and his mood suggests a euthymic one. His affect is appropriate
which suggests that that his emotional tone is consistent with the contents of
his speech, thought and ideas.

Tyrone presents a well-balanced orientation for person, time and place and
maintains eye contact during the pre-test and post-test clinical interviews.
His vocabulary and grammar skills are suggestive of intellectual functioning
along the average range.

During the pre-test and post-test clinical interviews, Tyrone is alert and
spontaneous his responses are consistent and spontaneous. During the
administration of the different paper and pencil test, Tyrone seems to exert
enough effort that he follows the instructions to the letter. Given that there
are no indications of delusions or hallucinations and using as basis the
previous behavioural observations and additional test indicators, the
undersigned believes that the assessment is an accurate assessment of his
current level of functioning.


Tyrone and Malyn met in 1973. They maintained a relationship and

eventually married in Hong Kong on November 4, 1976. They had four
children, Rio, Ria, Mickey and Jay.

Their marriage was not perfect, shortly after the birth of their youngest son
Tyrone had an extramarital affair with Jocelyn, who gave birth to a son. In
May 1985, Malyn left the conjugal home and her four children.
However, Tyrones version provides a different picture of their marriage. He
alleged that his actions were due to the behaviour of Malyn as shown by the
following acts during their cohabitation. She would leave the children without
proper care and attention as she played mah-jong all day long and all night.
She would leave them to party with male friends and returned in the early
hours of the following day. She also committed adultery on June 9, 1985,
which act was discovered in flagrante delicto. During that time he and his
brother in law proceeded to Hyatt Hotel and in one of the rooms of the hotel
he saw Benjie Guevarra and Malyn. He saw Benjie was wearing only a towel
around his waist while Malyn was lying in bed in her underwear.

After the incident, he agreed that he would not charge Malyn provided that
she agrees to relinquish all marital and parental rights which was embodied
in a written agreement executed before Atty. Palarca

Assessment Procedures Utilized

1. Clinical Interviews behavioural observations on Tyrone Diego

2. Self-Assessment Questionnaire
3. Battery of psychological test administered to Tyrone Diego
a. Ravens Progressive Test
b. Basic Personality Inventory
c. 16 Personality Factors Test
d. The Enneagram Questionnaire
e. Emotions Profile Index Test
f. Marital Satisfaction Inventory

Findings and Recommendations

From the results of the clinical interview and behavioural observations

conducted on Tyrone, together with the result of the psychometric
assessment, it could be inferred that the narcissistic behaviour of Malyn
caused the collapse of the marriage. Despite the presence of some
behavioural tendencies of Tyrone to deviate from the norm, these
behavioural tendencies lack in severity that could have satisfied any
diagnostic criteria listed in the in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for
Mental Disorder.

Malyns behaviour that i.e her sexual infidelity, habitual playing of mah-jong
and her frequent night outs with friends reflect a narcissistic personality
The hallmarks of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) are grandiosity, a
lack of empathy for other people, and a need for admiration. It is also
present when a person is obsessed to meet her wants and needs in utter
disregard of her significant other.

People with this condition are frequently described as arrogant, self-centered,

manipulative, and demanding. They may also concentrate on grandiose
fantasies (e.g. their own success, beauty, brilliance) and may be convinced
that they deserve special treatment.

Malyns personality disorder is evident prior to her marriage because it is

rooted in her family history and upbringing wherein she was materially
deprived of a proper maternal role model. As stated by Tyrone, Trinidad
Kalaw(sister in law of Tyrone) and one of his sons Mickey.

The hallmarks of NPD are grandiosity, a lack of empathy for other people,
and a need for admiration. This circumstances where apparent when she
assumed the role as the breadwinner of the family. This role inflated her ego
to the point that her needs became priority and the needs of their children
and kids became only secondary. Malyn became so self-absorbed that she is
incapable of prioritizing her family needs.

Personality is the combination of thoughts, emotions and behaviors that

make everyone unique. It is the way people view, understand and realate to
the outside world, as well as how they see themselves. Formed during
childhood and shaped through an interaction of both genetics and
environment, it is believed then that some people may have genes that
make them vulnerable to such personality disorder and life situations may
trigger its development. Hence it can be inferred that the psychological
incapacity of Malyn caused by her narcissistic personality disorder is
characterized by juridical antecedence as it is already existed long before
their marriage.

Her personality disorder which started early in life, it became deeply

ingrained within her system and became an integral part of her life as shown
by the fact that she is always playing mah-jong, having an affair and going
out with friends and going home only the next day, despite the fact that she
already has a family rendering it as grave, permanent and incurable. As such
she cannot perform the normal and ordinary duties of wife which is required
of her.
Since the above mentioned personality disorder incapacitated Malyn to
perform his essential marital obligations to Tyrone, reconciliation is no longer
possible it will only cause them more suffering pain to each other.

Thus, it is recommended that the petition filed be granted.

Evaluated by;

Dr. Cristina Gates

Description of Assessment Procedure

1. Ravens Progressive Matrice

It measures general mental ability and offers mental information

about someones capacity for analysing and solving problems, abstract
reasoning, and ability tom learn.

2. Basic Personality Inventory

The Basic Personality BPI is an innovative and multiphasic

personality assessment intended for use with clinical and normal
populations to identify sources of maladjustment and personal strengths.
The BPI can be used with both adolescents and adults, and is completed
in half the time of other measures.

3. 16 Personality Test factor

The test is composed of forced choice questions in which the

respondent must choose one of the different alternatives. Personality
traits are then represented by arrange and the individuals score falls
somewhere on the continuum between the highest and lowest
extremes. It also measures core personality traits influencing

4. Ennegaram
The Ennegram is a nine sided figure used in a particular system
of analysis to represent the spectrum of possible personality types.

5. Emotions Profile Index

It is a personality test designed to yield information about certain

basic personality traits and conflicts in a persons life.

6. Marital Satisfactory Inventory

The MSI assess the nature and extent of conflict within a

marriage or relationship. It is a multi-dimensional self-repost measure
that separately identifies the nature and extent of marital distress for
each spouse along several key dimensions in their relationship.

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