Nanosatellites and Micro Systems Technology - Capabilities, Limitations and Applications

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Acta Asrronoutica, Vol. 39, No. 9-12, pp.

799-808, 1996
01997 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd
Printed in Great Britain
0149-1970/96 $17.00+0.00


Sven Miincheberg, Manfred Krischke, Norbert Lemke

Kayser-Threde GmbH, Wolfratshauser StraBe 48, 8 1379 Munich, Germany

Phone +49 (89) 724950, Fax +49 (89) 72495-29 1

In recent years Micro Systems Technology (MST) was introduced to manufacture
miniaturized components for satellite subsystems, like small sensors, valves, micromo-
tars, antennas and many more. These components can be used to build a new class of
satellites weighing considerably less than 10 kg, with the capabilities comparable to
present microsatellites. With the possibility of cheap mass production of such nanosat-
ellites new applications become possible. However, the construction of very small sat-
ellites is connected with problems concerning launch, orbit control and, deorbiting.
Furthermore the reduction of size creates certain limits for power consumption, data
rates and optical resolutions which have to be carefully considered.
01997 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
ogy (MST) has made great advances in
1 INTRODUCTION recent years and will be used exten-
In recent years a new way of thinking in sively for future nanosatellite manufac-
terms of satellite design has emerged. turing.
Instead of large, complex and also ex- This paper summarizes the findings
pensive space systems there is a ten- of an ESA study on unconventional
dency towards smaller, simpler units. satellite design conducted by Kayser-
Microsatellites are increasingly intro- Threde in 1995 [ 11.
duced for civil and commercial satellite
systems. The purpose of miniaturization
is the reduction of cost: satellite cost as
well as launch cost. Therefore a further MST uses well-known processes from
miniaturization beyond the microsatel- microelectronics like material deposi-
lite scale is expected to happen and will tion, photo lithography and etching to
lead to the construction of nanosatel- fabricate structures in the micrometre
lites. By definition, those are satellites range. These techniques permit a very
lighter than 10 kg and with a size of less high quality of reproduction, the
than 15 cm. miniaturization of components and the
To reduce the size of subsystems to a extreme reduction of cost per part.
fraction of todays values it is necessary The use of MST in sensor applica-
to introduce new methods of manufac- tions is quite advanced and microtech-
turing. The production of very small nology components are already com-
structures with micro systems technol- mercially available. MST is already
800 Small Satellites for Earth Observation

used for the mass production of sensors components cannot be given here; col-
in the automotive industry. They in- lections can be found in [2], [3] and [4].
clude acceleration sensors for airbag
release as well as temperature and pres- 3 PHYSICAL LIMITATIONS
sure sensors for engine monitoring and The downscaling of satellites is limited
control. by fundamental physical laws which
Components for space applications, cannot be bypassed. These limits are
which are available or in development affecting the power generation, thermal
right now, are acceleration sensors, rate control, communications and optical
gyros, magnetometers, sun sensors and systems of a nanosatellite.
star sensors. GPS receivers are also
available as small chip sets. With these 3.1 Power Generation
sensors it seems possible in the near It seems unlikely, that other power
future to integrate a complete attitude sources than photovoltaic solar genera-
and orbit determination system on a tors will be used on nanosatellites. Their
single board (Fig. 1). This standardized design shall be simple, so deployable
unit could be used for different types of solar arrays, which require complicated
satellites since it can be adapted to mis- mechanisms for pointing will not be
sion requirements through the addition used.
of external sensors connected through For a body-mounted solar array the
standard interfaces. amount of power that can be produced
Other MST components that are cur- is limited by the surface area of the
rently in development or already in pro- satellite. A very small satellite thus will
duction include valves, micromotors, work on a very small power level.
antennas, waveguides, microoptical Therefore the development of solar cells
systems, heat pipes and microinstru- with higher efficiencies has a high pri-
ments. However, these systems have not ority for the realization of future nano-
entered the stage of commercial mass satellite projects. For the next years ef-
production yet. A complete list of MST ficiencies as high as 40 % were pre-

Conventional Design MST Design

Fig. 1: Integrated Navigation System using MST

Small Satellites for Earth Observation 801

Fig. 2: Average available Power as a Function of Cell Efficiency and Satellite Size

dieted. This shall be achievable through and emitted power remains constant,
the use of Multi Bandgap Solar Cells which means that the maximum and
(MBSC) with concentrator optics in- minimum equilibrium temperatures are
stead of the cover glass [5]. identical for different sizes.
Fig. 2 shows the average available Fig. 3 shows the temperatures that
power for different cell efficiencies and were calculated in a single-node-
satellite sizes. The calculation assumes simulation. For a multi-node simulation
a cube-shaped satellite and considered it must be noted that the distances be-
design losses, degradation losses and a tween the heat sources and the radiating
40 % eclipse time in LEO. The figure surfaces are small, which enhances the
indicates that the upper limit for a nano- heat transport. Therefore the tempera-
satellite can be set at 6 W. tures should not be a threat to any sub-
systems and passive measures like
3.2 Thermal Control coatings or insulation should be suffi-
The question must be answered if a cient for the thermal control of the sat-
nanosatellite with a very small surface ellite.
is able to get rid of excess thermal en-
ergy. With the downscaling of compo- 3.3 Communications
nents usually the power density in- To choose a frequency band for the
creases, which can create problems for communication with nanosatellites sev-
thermal control. eral factors have to be considered.
However, for a nanosatellite the gen- 1. Antenna size is usually a function
erated (and then dissipated) power from of the used frequency and the desired
the solar arrays and the absorbed solar antenna gain. A satellite size of 15 cm
energy is directly proportional to the does not prohibit any frequencies unless
surface area and therefore decreases very narrow spot beams are necessary.
with size at the same rate as the radiator 2. Link budget calculations were
area. Thus the ratio between absorbed done for different frequencies from 150
802 Small Satellites for Earth Observation

Heat Capacity: 880

J/kgK (Alummum)

:Power DIsslpatlon:
,5 cm. 0.7 W
7.5 cm: 1.6 W
~ lOcm:2.8W

Time [min]

Fig. 3: Temperatures of a Nanosatellite during one complete Orbit

MHz to 30 GHz. They showed that the is very difficult.

data rates that can be transmitted are Regarding these factors, it seems that
roughly equal for all bands. Fig. 4 lower frequencies like the 2-m and 70-
shows an example calculation of data cm bands are best suited for the use on
rates for a 400 MHz satellite downlink nanosatellites. For mobile applications-
for a mobile application. data rates up to 40 kbps can be achieved
3. Additional factors that must be from a 400-km-LEO with error correc-
taken into account are Doppler-shift, tion coding, which results in an effec-
atmospheric attenuation and amplifier tive data rate of 20 kbps. With a large
efficiency, which all get worse for ground station antenna (0 5 m) data
higher frequencies. Running an Ka- rates up to 1.6 Mbps (800 kbps effec-
Band amplifier at very low power levels tive) are possible.

o,s,anceSateMe to ~~2000-~
km for 400 km hetght. 3000 km for 800 km

R?qu,red Eb/No (BPSK. BER 10-s):

w,th Error CC: 4.5 dB. w/o Error CC 10 dB

Radiated Power [WI

--- ___- _._ ______~ ~
-a-with Error Conecbon Ccdlng 400 km -t-w/o Error Conecbon Cc&g 400 km
L_ ~___Q w,th Error Conactlon Cc&n1800 km
__.-.___-- e W/O Error Conect~on Cc&g 800 km

Fig. 4: Data Rates with Cross-Dipoles as Satellite and Ground Station Antennas
Small Satellites for Earth Observation 803

3.4 ODtical Svstems Doppler measurements like the TRAN-

The resolution of optical instruments is SIT system of the U.S. Navy could be
limited by diffraction, the focal length implemented on a nanosatellite basis.
and the size of the aperture. The limits The disadvantages of the TRANSIT
imposed by diffraction are the least se- system (10 minutes needed for position
vere and allow resolutions down to a location, only one fix in two hours,
few metres. The limit set by the maxi- lower accuracy for moving receivers;
mum focal length is higher, approxi- [6] [7]) could be overcome with a large
mately 30 m when the maximum focal fleet of satellites in LEO. 210 satellites
length is 20 cm for a folded telescope. with an orbit height of 1000 km would
The limit imposed by aperture size is be required to provide three visible
roughly the same for apertures of 10 cm satellites at any given time with an ele-
and less. Fig. 5 shows the resolution as vation of at least 15. The data rate and
a function of the orbit height. the technical complexity could be low.
TRANSIT satellites built more than 20
4 APPLICATIONS years ago weighed around 50 kg and
transmitted only 50 bits/second.
It was tried to identify promising nano-
Due to the introduction of enhanced
satellite missions which could either
models of the Earths gravitational field
replace existing systems or lead to
and the simultaneous observation of
complete new applications not possible
multiple satellites, the accuracy of the
before. These missions should not only
position determination should be better
be compatible with the limitations men-
than with TRANSIT. TRANSIT already
tioned above, they should also exploit
achieved an accuracy of 15-25 m (RMS)
the unique features of nanosatellites, i.e.
with a dual frequency receiver and 80-
fast and cheap mass production.
100 m with a single frequency receiver
4.1 Position Location which is equal or better than todays
GPS with selective availability.
A position location system based on

/FocalLenglhof to-25 cm 1
lPixel Sire of the CC0 20 pm
___ .i x

Fig. 5: Optical Resolution as a Function of Altitude and Focal Length

804 Small Satellites for Earth Observation

4.2 Earth Observation large fleet of nanosatellites temperature

If Earth observation is done with a measurements could be taken at the
nanosatellite it is necessary to reduce same time for a huge area or even the
the amount of data that has to be entire atmosphere.
transmitted because the data rates are
limited as mentioned above. The satel- 4.4 Data Collection from Automatic
lite must possess the ability for on- Stations
board-processing of the image informa- The satellite queries autonomous sensor
tion to allow the detection of certain packages (e.g. on buoys) carrying in-
events. Today the interpretation of sat- struments, which collect environmental
ellite images still requires the presence data, like temperature, wind speed and
of a human operator, but the develop- direction, wavelength and waveheight,
ment of expert systems with artificial current speed and direction. MST would
intelligence maybe can remove that be used extensively for a large number
need. Possible applications are: Detec- of sensor packages and less for the
tion of forest fires (IR), rocket launches space segment. To collect the data sev-
(IR), pollution (visible, UV, IR) and the eral micro or mini satellites would be
determination of ice-water boundaries sufficient, which can handle higher data
(near IR). rates.
A high revisiting frequency essential
for early warning could be achieved 4.5 &ace Science
through the launch of a large fleet of Large clusters of nanosatellites could be
nanosatellites. A simulation showed, used to measure radiation, space debris,
that an Earth observation system in a magnetic fields and the concentration of
600-km polar orbit providing a revisit- atomic oxygen in space. Such clusters
ing frequency of 90 minutes and a would allow the simultaneous data re-
ground resolution of 75 m would re- cording over large areas. Also nano-
quire 192 satellites. satellites could operate in areas which
are dangerous for satellites like the Van-
4.3 Atmosnheric Sounding Allen-Belts, assuming these satellites
Atmospheric research could be done in can be replaced fast and cheap.
two different ways. In situ, with satel- Research satellites could be used
lites in very low orbits or through at- near the Earth or in interplanetary space,
mospheric limb-sounding. In situ meas- although the last option would be tech-
urements could be taken with low- nically demanding due to low transmit-
orbiting satellites with only a short life- ting power. A larger relay satellite
time. If production and launch cost are which collects data from the nanosatel-
sufficiently low such satellites could be lite fleet and transmits it to Earth could
launched in short intervals. be a solution. Here measurements of the
Atmospheric limb-sounding is also solar wind, cosmic radiation or the suns
possible through the observation of ris- magnetic field could be taken.
ing and setting GPS satellites [8] [9].
Through Doppler-shift measurements of 4.6 Insnector Snacecraft / Black Box
the radio signals, which are bent by the A nanosatellite could be attached to a
variable refractivity of the air in differ- larger spacecraft in GE0 or LEO. The
ent heights, it is possible to calculate the nanosatellite would be independent and
temperature of the atmosphere. With a would collect telemetry data of the host
Small Satellites for Earth Observation 805

spacecraft. In case of an emergency, e.g. 5 LARGE NETWORKS

the loss of contact with the host satel- It was already mentioned that besides its
lite, this ,,Black Box could send the
small size the unique feature of a nano-
collected telemetry, e.g. the last 10
satellite shall be the fast and cheap mass
minutes before failure, to the ground
production. Together with an inexpen-
helping the operators with fault detec- sive launcher this allows the installation
tion. of large satellite networks with several
An advanced version of the Black
hundred satellites. Therefore problems
Box would be the Inspector [2]. After concerning control and end-of-life dis-
the transmission of the collected teleme-
posal must be addressed.
try the Inspector would separate and
begin an inspection of the host space- 5.1 Network Control
craft with a camera. The picture trans-
Two different operation modes are pos-
mission would be slow (low data rate
sible for large nanosatellite networks.
problem) unless the nanosatellite could
The traditional approach requires the
use a neighbouring satellite as a relay
ability of the satellite to control its orbit
(only in GEO). Perhaps a Black Box
and to compensate for perturbations.
could become a standard (like in aero-
This leads to an adapted system with a
planes) and a demand by insurance
minimum number of satellites which
hold their positions respective to each
4.7 Entertainment (PS - the Personal
Another possibility is to launch a
very large number of satellites without
If the manufacturing and launch cost of
any kind of orbit control. The required
nanosatellites are low enough, every
coverage is achieved by the oversizing
private person or company could buy
of the system. When the performance is
and operate one for personal communi-
degrading, new satellites are injected
cations or for hobby and entertainment.
into the network. This would require the
Such a satellite could be used for store-
availability of a cheap launcher, perhaps
and-forward communications by private
with unconventional technology like
persons or companies to reach travelling
rail-guns. Such an uncontrolled system
employees. There is a substantial de-
could work in very low altitudes to
mand for personal mobile communica-
achieve high optical resolution or high
tions as the boom for hand-held tele-
data rates.
phones proves.
The user could buy any number of 5.2 Deorbiting
satellites depending on the number of
Before the Iaunch of such large net-
daily contacts he needs. Radio amateurs
works, a concept must be developed for
could communicate through intersatel-
the end-of-life disposal to prevent the
lite links. Pictures of the Earth and
large amount of space debris created
space could be taken with CCD cam-
otherwise. If a nanosatellite network
eras. There sure is a market potential for
operates in very low orbits, as men-
this application if the price would be
tioned above, then the atmospheric drag
low enough. However, the resulting
will cause a fast re-entry.
space debris or scarce radio spectrum
For higher orbits some kind of
could prohibit this application.
deorbiting mechanism is required. If the
deorbiting shall be done with cold gas
806 Small Satellites for Earth Observation

or hydrazine thrusters then the needed communications. For missions with

propellant mass would become very higher complexities additional modules
large. Electric propulsion could be a are necessary. Those are:
solution but still has to deal with techni-
Navigation: determines the position
cal problems. Furthermore, the low
and attitude of the satellite, consists
thrust levels would cause a very long
of a GPS receiver and different sen-
time for re-entry.
An alternative would be to develop a
Attitude Control: contains reaction
system which reduces the delta v for
wheels and magnetic torquers for
deorbiting, e.g. an inflatable balloon. At
the pointing of the satellite
the end of the satellites lifetime it
Payload: can include a telescope for
would use a gas cartridge to inflate a
optical observations, scientific in-
folded balloon, which requires only a
struments for data collection or ad-
small mass of gas in the vacuum of
ditional electronics to support the
space. The balloon would decrease the
core module in communication or
satellites ballistic factor by a large
navigation missions
amount and accelerate the decay of the
Propulsion: holds tanks and
satellite. Simulations showed, that with
thrusters for orbit control
a l-m-balloon the decay time can be
reduced by a factor of 30. The subsystem modules are shown in
Figure 6. However, the sizes of compo-
6 DESIGN nents are only estimates. The tank pro-
vides the capacity for a 20 m/s delta v
6.1 General for a 3 kg-satellite using a catalytic hy-
A modular design is desirable to sim- drazine thruster. The batteries are
plify production, assembly and testing. nickel-hydrogen batteries with a capac-
To create such a modular system eight ity of 5.3 Wh for eclipse power supply.
autonomous subsystem modules were Also no mechanism for the separation
designed, which can be combined freely from the launcher is included.
to build satellites with different com-
plexity and to adapt them to the mission 6.2 Design of the Modules
requirements. However, this is just a All modules are box-shaped with an
first draft and no finished design by identical basal surface. The core, HF
Kayser-Threde. and navigation modules consist of a
circuit board holding the electronics
. Core Module: responsible for data
which is attached to a rectangular metal
handling, processing and storage,
frame (e.g. aluminium). The other
housekeeping and communications
modules use an open metal box in
. HF Module: holds the modulators,
which the circuit boards and other parts
filters, amplifiers and antennas
can be installed. The frames and boxes
. Power Modules (2): consists of the
serve different functions such as a
solar arrays, batteries and electron-
mounting area for components, protec-
ics for power control and condition-
tion from micrometeors and space de-
bris, radiation shielding and heat trans-
These three modules are part of every fer.
satellite. A satellite which consists only
of these modules can be used for simple
missions e.g. for store-and-forward
Small Satellites for Earth Observation 807

t Y

< x

Fig. 6: Nanosatellite with all eight Subsystem Modules

cost of subsystems. The high density

6.3 Assemblv of integration could lead to the pro-
The assembly of the satellite is very duction of a new kind of satellites.
easy. The modules are stacked on top of These nanosatellites would weigh
each other, centred with straight pins less than 10 kg.
and held together by four countersunk = In the beginning the subsystems
screws. The electrical connections of the attitude and orbit determination and
modules are established with plugs. scientific instruments will profit
These plugs are attached to the circuit most of MST introduction since the
boards of every module and are con- sensor technology is the most ad-
nected with the plugs above and below vanced of all MST applications.
automatically when the modules are MST sensors could be tested in the
stacked. To compensate for thermal near term on large satellites, before
expansion the plugs must be flexible. the introduction of nanosatellites. In
After the built-up of the main body the addition to reductions in mass, vol-
six solar arrays are fastened to the sides ume and power consumption im-
of the satellite. provements in performance com-
pared to present systems can be
7 CONCLUSION achieved.
n The use of MST for space applica- n Due to different limitations nano-
tions has a high potential to reduce satellites will probably be used for
size, mass, power consumption and applications that require low power,
808 Small Satellites for Earth Observation

low data rates and low optical reso- role nanosatellites will play in future
lutions. space systems.
Instead of replacing existing satellite With all the enthusiasm for new ad-
systems, new applications will vances in the downscaling of compo-
emerge which exploit the unique nents and subsystems it should not be
features of nanosatellites such as forgotten that the performance of certain
cheap and fast mass production and satellite functions is controlled by fun-
launch. damental physical laws which can not
The average available power for a be bypassed. It will not be possible to
nanosatellite will be less than 6 W. shrink a large communication or Earth
Thermal control of nanosatellites observation satellite to nanosatellite
seems to be no problem and can be size.
handled with passive measures. But despite of all limitations, disad-
The size of a nanosatellite basically vantages and uncertainties of nanosat-
allows the use of all frequency ellites their future construction seems to
bands but several factors could be be very promising. A new class of ap-
decisive for the use of lower fre- plications will emerge which will com-
quencies like the 2-m and the 70- plement existing systems and, in some
cm-bands. cases, even replace them.
Data rates are in the range of 20
kbps for mobile applications and 8 REFERENCES
800 kbps with large ground stations. I. Unconventional Satellite Design KA898-e-
Optical systems on nanosatellites 001-01, Kayser-Threde GmbH, Munich
allow ground resolutions of 30 m ( 1995)
and more. 2. RAMSES, Final Report, RAMSES-DOR-
FR-001 (1995)
For large nanosatellite networks
3. H. Helvajian and E. Y. Robinson (cd.): Mi-
new ways of highly automated op- cro- and Nanotechnologies for Space Sys-
eration have to be developed and tems: An Initial Evaluation, The Aerospace
could result in uncontrolled clusters. Corporation Report No. ATK-93 (8349)-l
Nanosatellite networks must be re- (I 993)
moved from orbit at the end of their 4. MicroiNanotechnologies for Space, Round
Table ESTEC, ESA WPP-091 (I 995)
lifetime to prevent a large amount of
5. Itnpuct of Advances in Technology on Fu-
space debris. A high priority should ture Spacecraft Design, IAT-FSD-DOR-FR-
be the study of alternatives to 00 I ( 1993)
chemical or electrical propulsion 6. Wilson (ed.): Junes Space Directory /994-
like a braking balloon system. 95, Janes Information Group Limited
The design of nanosatellites should (1994)
use a modular system to create sat- G. Seeber, Scttellitengeodiisie, p. 178-2 I I,
Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, New York (1989)
ellites for different missions from R. Kursinski, Monitoring the Earths Atmos-
standardized units. This allows a phcre with GPS, Cf.5 World, March 1994
cheap mass production and simpli- W.G. Melbourne, E.R. Kursinski, E.S. Davis
fies the assembly. (JPL): The Application of Space-Borne GPS
to Atmospheric Limb Sounding and Global
Undoubted is the high potential of MST Change Monitoring, International Workshop
for space applications to achieve reduc- on Global Positioning System in Geo-
tions in mass, size, power consumption sciences. Technical University of Crctc,
and cost. What remains uncertain is the Chania, Greece, 8-10 June I992

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