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Class Diagram for ATM Machine

Use Case Diagram ATM Machine

Activity Diagram for ATM Machine 1
Activity Diagram for ATM Machine 2
Activity Diagram for Overall ATM Machine:-
Activity Diagram Verify Password ATM Machine:-
Sequence Diagram for ATM Machine :-
Sequence Diagram for Invalid Pin ATM Machine:-
Sequence Diagram ATM withdrawal:-
Collaboration Diagram For ATM machine:-
Collaboration Diagram for ATM withdrawal :-

State Diagram for One Transaction ATM machine:-

State Diagram one Session ATM Machine:-
Component Diagram ATM Machine:-
Deployment Diagram ATM Machine :-
UML Diagrams Library Management System
CASE STUDY: Library Management System.

Use Case Diagram:- Library Management System

Activity Diagram for Issue Book in Library :-
Activity Diagram for Return Book in Library:-
Class Diagram for Library System:-
State diagram for Book:
State diagram for Librarian:

Collaboration diagram for issuing Book:

Collaboration diagram for returning Book:
Sequence diagram for issuing book:

Sequence diagram for returning book:

Component diagram for Library Management System:
Deployment Diagram for Library management system:-
Posted by MALIK UZAIR at 02:31

Friday, 30 November 2012 Uml Case Studies
UML Diagrams Library Management System
CASE STUDY: Library Management System.

Use Case Diagram:- Library Management System

UML Diagrams for Stock Maintenance
CASE STUDY: Stock Maintenance.

Now a days people should purchase things in stores. It is the System used to maintain
the product details and stock.
So in this stock maintenance have the details about the product, purchase, sales
and stock what are the stocks we had. The product details contain product code, Product
name, Opening Stock and Prices. These details are maintained in database. In the
purchasing function we must have the details about the store, quantity and also price.
The Sales Details contain Date, Customer name, Product code, Quantity and Prices. The
Stock Details contain product id, opening stock, purchase stock, current stock, and sales.
The stock details are maintaining the database and view the stock between two dates

USE Case Diagram Stock Maintenance :-

Class Diagram :-
Activity Diagram Stock Maintenance :-
State Chart Diagram Stock Maintenance :-
Sequence Diagram Stock Maintenance:-
Collaboration Diagram Stock Maintenance :-
Component Diagram Stock Maintenance :-

Deployment Diagram Stock Maintenance :-

Posted by MALIK UZAIR at 02:25

Friday, 30 November 2012 Uml Case Studies
UML Diagrams for Stock Maintenance
CASE STUDY: Stock Maintenance.

Now a days people should purchase things in stores. It is the System used to maintain
the product details and stock.
So in this stock maintenance have the details about the product, purchase, sales
and stock what are the stocks we had. The product details contain product code, Product
name, Opening Stock and Prices. These details are maintained in database. In the
purchasing function we must have the details about the store, quantity and also price.
The Sales Details contain Date, Customer name, Product code, Quantity and Prices. The
Stock Details contain product id, opening stock, purchase stock, current stock, and sales.
The stock details are maintaining the database and view the stock between two dates

USE Case Diagram Stock Maintenance :-

UML Diagrams College-School-Course administration
Construct the design element for a course ware management system that can be
used to manage courses and classes for an organisation that specialize in providing
The organisation offers a variety of courses in a avariety of areas such as learning
management techniques and understanding different software languages and
Each course is made up of set of topics.
Tutors in the organisation are assigned courses to teach according to the area that
is specialized in and their availability.
The organisation publish and maintain a calendar of different courses and assign
tutors every year.
There is a group of Course Administrator in the organisation to manage the
courses including course content, assign courses to tutor and define the course schedule.
The training organisation aim to use the Course-ware Management System to get
a better control and visibility to the management of courses as also to streamline the
process of generating and managing the schedule of the different courses.

Use Case Diagram:-

Activity Diagram
Class Diagram:-
Posted by MALIK UZAIR at 02:09

Friday, 30 November 2012 Uml Case Studies
UML Diagrams College-School-Course administration
Construct the design element for a course ware management system that can be
used to manage courses and classes for an organisation that specialize in providing
The organisation offers a variety of courses in a avariety of areas such as learning
management techniques and understanding different software languages and
Each course is made up of set of topics.
Tutors in the organisation are assigned courses to teach according to the area that
is specialized in and their availability.
The organisation publish and maintain a calendar of different courses and assign
tutors every year.
There is a group of Course Administrator in the organisation to manage the
courses including course content, assign courses to tutor and define the course schedule.
The training organisation aim to use the Course-ware Management System to get
a better control and visibility to the management of courses as also to streamline the
process of generating and managing the schedule of the different courses.

Use Case Diagram:-

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