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- Patriarchy is a division of social roles based on natural biological

gender differences.
- Patriarchy literally means rule by fathers and is a system where men
effectively are in control of property and decision- making.
- Males and females have very obvious self-evident biological
differences. Eg: women can have babies but men cannot.
- Womens bodies are designed for nurturing, with wombs, breasts, and
hormonal cycles. During pregnancy, women are unable to physically
exert themselves. Mens bodies are designed for physical exertion, and
as a whole, physically stronger.
- Imagine you are part of small tribe in a survival situation. How would u
divide social roles?
- Jack Donavan : Because your group is struggling to survive, every
choice matters. If you give the wrong person the wrong job, that
person could die, you could die, another person could die, or you could
all die. Because of the differences between the sexes, the best person
for jobs that involve exploring, hunting, fighting, building, or defending
is usually going to be male. This is not some arbitrary cultural
prejudice; it is the kind of vital strategic determination you need to
keep your group alive.
- In patriarchy, men sacrifice their energy, their time and sometimes
even their life for the betterment of women and children while women
give themselves to nurturing children and families.
- Feminist defined patriarchy as a system of dominance, In which men
oppress women.( redefines mens sacrifices as an act of control, rather
than love)
- It is an act of love that men willingly give up their freedom in order to
provide for women, and their young. (can have sex happily without
giving protection to the woman or resulting children)
- The reason men worked hard is to provide for their families

- In general men are physically stronger than women.

- There would still be many women stronger than the majority of men,
but the strongest man would always be stronger than the strongest

- For all the species, the Females are to bear the reproduction part,
rather it be laying eggs or giving birth as in case of mammals; Males
are to bear the load of food-arrangement, house-arrangement etc.
In short, Females - Reproduction; Males- Labor work.
This can be supported using the examples of Ant Colonies, Bee
colonies etc.
The one who has to reproduce, bear child in womb (or lay eggs) and
take care; the caring and loving responsibility of that gender is higher.
So the left out work i.e. arrangement of food and home or bettersay
labor work goes to the other gender. This has been adopted by the
nature and so the FEMALES are more generous, emotional, caring while
MALES are more logical, hard-working, strong.

There are some exceptions where FEMALES do hunting for food. Eg.
- If you mean physically strong then boys are encouraged to exercise
early in life they play foot ball etc in the play ground and are
encouraged to play physically with each other. Girls are encouraged to
play nicely and chat and discuss their feeling etc.

Society tends to teach women that they cannot achieve physical

activity without a man, single women are encouraged to use men for
My husband is physically strong, though so am I. He has good upper
body strength but I have good leg strength. In a "play fight" we are
pretty equal though he has the edge on me. Though there is no doubt
to me that I am as strong as some men.

If a women lived a physically active life from a young age then I see
no reason that she could not be as strong or stronger than a man.

Genetics do play a part though and women are genital softer and
rounder and carry more fat than men for.the purpose of carrying
children. So if it is a question that talks purely about physical strength
then generally speaking men would be physically stronger than

But the definition of strong can mean many things, women have a
higher pain threshold then men. Much like men being genetically
physically stronger this is a matter of nature. Women go through more
pain in their lives naturally from anow early age so they are use to
experiencing pain, that makes them stronger than men.
Now to emotional strength, women are encouraged to self reflect a lot.
It is a skill that men are not encouraged to learn. Self Reflection gives
you a lot of understanding and inner stength. Men seem to spend life
times building their strengths using a women's inner strength.

So physical yes, pain wise no, emotionally it's debatable.

- In a world that is full of unique beings, and many kinds of life forms, it
is inevitable that hierarchy exists, and that is what we see in all of
nature. There are hierarchies among animals, and within species, and
this includes the physical superiority of human males over females.

Part of this probably stems from the different roles males and females
have. Traditionally women had many children, and spent their adult
lives at or near the home, doing repetitive tasks that require more
endurance than strength, which requires more slow twitch muscle.

Women also do things that require more small motor coordination, and
also need to be able to attend to multiple tasks at once, since
whatever they are doing they usually need to be aware of the welfare
of multiple children at the same time.

Women therefore excel at small motor coordination, multitasking, and

have a more patient and nurturing personality needed for child care.
Also, women are almost never afflicted with color blindness because
they typically harvest fruits and vegetables and need to be able to
discern colors, whereas colorblindness is not infrequent among men.

By contrast to women, men traditionally have not spent much time

caring for children, but were more often outside the home, doing heavy
work that required a lot of strength. This included hunting, farming,
construction, herding of large animals, and many other such tasks.

All this requires fast twitch muscle, which is better for short bursts of
intense strength, as opposed to the kind of muscle that women have,
which is better for endurance at low level tasks.

Men were also burdened with protection of the home, village and their
country, and often had to participate in war. Therefore men needed a
larger frame, more physical strength, and a more dominant, aggressive
type of personality than women.
This shows how God created men and women to have different,
specialized roles, and to be more suited to the tasks they performed,
but I think there is more to it than that. God could have created the
human race to be hermaphrodite, and although that would have been
less efficient than predetermined, complementary roles, He could still
have chosen that, and didnt. Why?
- Men in general are more independent than women. They even prefer
to solve their problems alone without talking about them. Women on
the other hand become distressed if they didn't share their problems
with their friends even if their friends weren't able to provide solutions.
This is a famous point of conflict where a woman tells her man about a
problem with the intention of sharing it with him then becomes
surprised by the man's single line answer (which is intended to provide
a solution to the problem). This is also the reason why women go to
bathroom in groups, they just like to share the experience of the day
together in a place where no man can watch them
- Women are biologically wired to avoid conflict unless some other
psychological factor comes into play and affects their original nature
(such as hating their identity,see Masculine protest). Men on the
other hand are much more aggressive in general. Researches have
shown that men are better than women in recognizing angry faces and
this enables them to quickly notice their opponents. A typical woman
would try to avoid conflict and maintain peace while a typical man will
hardly back off if someone threatened or challenged him.
- Men in general can take decisions without being emotionally affected
that much while women in general take into consideration other factors
that are related to emotions that most men overlook.
- Male dominance is universal, and most women want their men to be
more dominant, not less. According to the psychologist Karl
Menninger, for every woman who complains to her shrink that her man
is a brute there are a dozen who complain that he is a wimp
incapable of acting like a father who takes charge, accepts
responsibility and gets things done. Surveys have shown that most
college women prefer dominant and aggressive men. Oh, for the days
when men were men and women were glad of it!
- Mental
- Mens qualities are positive, overt, and easier to define. Man is essentially
active; woman essentially passive. Womens qualities are more subtle and
intangible, but equally important. The feminine mystique is a compendium of
characteristics not nearly so undesirable as claimed by Betty Friedan XE
"Friedan" . Edythe Cudlipp admits that men are the logical sex and women are
the emotional sex. Writer Dennis Prager said The emotionality of the women
jurors in the Menendez brothers trials is exemplary: all six women jurors in the
Erik Menendez trial voted to acquit him of the murder of his father (all six
males voted guilty of murder). A virtually identical breakdown by sex took place
in brother Lyle Menendez trial for the murder of their mother. The women all
had compassion for the brothers despite their confessions to the shotgun
murders of their parents. Prager continues, Virtually every car I ever have
seen display the bumper sticker War is not the answer was driven by a
woman. That sentiment embodies leftist feminine emotionality. Ann Coulter
a brilliant political analyst said, This is what happens when you allow women
to think about public policy.

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