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MATHEMATICS 100 Introduction to Calculus

Detailed Course Outline 2nd Sem AY 2015-2016

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19-Jan T Orientation
1 20-Jan W Functions and Operations
21-Jan Th Discussion
2 22-Jan F Types of Functions and Their Graphs
26-Jan T Discussion
3 27-Jan W The Limit of a Function, Limit Theorems
28-Jan Th Discussion
4 29-Jan F One-sided Limits
2-Feb T Discussion
5 3-Feb W Infinite Limits, Limits at Infinity
4-Feb Th Discussion
6 5-Feb F Continuity
9-Feb T Discussion
7 10-Feb W Sketching Graphs of Functions Using Limits
11-Feb Th Discussion
8 12-Feb F Equations of Lines; Derivative of a Function (Limit Definition)
16-Feb T Discussion
9 17-Feb W Rules for Differentiation, The Chain Rule
18-Feb Th Discussion
10 19-Feb F Higher Order Derivatives, Implicit Differentiation
23-Feb T Discussion
24-Feb W Review
25-Feb Th Holiday (EDSA Revolution Anniversary)
11 26-Feb F Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions
1-Mar T Discussion
12 2-Mar W Derivatives of Logarithmic Functions, Logarithmic Differentiation
3-Mar Th Discussion
13 4-Mar F Derivatives of Exponential Functions
Derivative as Slope of Tangent Lines
8-Mar T Discussion
14 9-Mar W Derivative as Instantaneous Rate of Change, Rectilinear Motion
10-Mar Th Discussion
15 11-Mar F Marginals, Related Rates
15-Mar T Discussion
16 16-Mar W Increasing and Decreasing Functions
First and Second Derivative Tests
Curve Sketching
17-Mar Th Discussion
17 18-Mar F Optimization
29-Mar T Discussion
18 30-Mar W Indeterminate Forms and L'Hpital's Rule
31-Mar Th Discussion
1-Apr F Review
5-Apr T Discussion
19 6-Apr W Antiderivatives, Basic and General Power Rules of Integration
7-Apr Th Discussion
20 8-Apr F Definite Integral
12-Apr T Discussion
21 13-Apr W Integrals involving Trigonometric Functions
14-Apr Th Discussion
22 15-Apr F Integrals Yielding the Natural Logarithmic Function
Integrals of Exponential Functions
19-Apr T Discussion
23 20-Apr W Area of Bounded Regions
21-Apr Th Discussion
24 22-Apr F Differential Equations - General and Particular Solutions
26-Apr T Discussion
25 27-Apr W Applications of Differential Equations
28-Apr Th Discussion
29-Apr F Review
3-May T Discussion
26 4-May W Integration by Parts
5-May Th Discussion
27 6-May F Integration by Partial Fractions
10-May T Discussion
28 11-May W Exponential Growth and Decay
Logistic Growth
12-May Th Discussion
29 13-May F Improper Integrals
17-May T Discussion
18-May W Review

Math 100 Lecture Notes
Introduction to Calculus by Felina Mapa, Rene Felix, et al
Calculus for Business, Economics, Life Science and Social Science by Barnett, Ziegler and Byleen
The Calculus 7 by Louis Leithold

Course Requirements: Grading Scale:

4 Long Exams 60% [93, 100] 1.00 [80, 84) 2.00 [60, 65) 3.00
Quizzes, etc 10% [90, 93) 1.25 [75, 80) 2.25 [55, 60) 4.00
Final Examination 30% [87, 90) 1.50 [70, 75) 2.50 [0, 55) 5.00
[84, 87) 1.75 [65, 70) 2.75
Class Policies:
1. Use of cellphones and other electronic gadgets in class is not allowed. Please make sure to keep
them in silent mode especially during exams.
2. There will be no make up exams. If excused, the grade in 1 missed exam will be the same as that
of the final exam. If the reason is not valid, the grade in that exam is 0. A second missed exam will
merit a grade of 0.
3. Any form of cheating in examinations or any act of dishonesty in relation to studies, such as
plagiarism, shall be subject to disciplinary action.
4. Attendance will be checked. Only 12 combined absences are allowed. Students who will exceed
this number shall be required to drop the course or merit a grade of 5.00, whichever applies.

Lecturer: Discussion Teacher:

Consultation Hours: Consultation Hours:

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